HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 06/02/2012 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD • MINUTES KENT JUNE 25, 2012 WA 1HI Tor. Land Use & Planning Board Members: Chair Alan Gray (absent/excused), Vice Chair Barbara Phillips, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Jack Ottini, Randall Smith, and Jim Sturgul. Vice Chair Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. City Staff: Charlene Anderson, Gloria Gould-Wessen, Kathy Hardy 3. Approval of Minutes Board member Ottini Moved and Board member Smith Seconded a Motion to approve the June 11, 2012 Minutes. Motion CARRIED 6-0. 4. Added Items - None S. Communications - None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings - None 7.1 Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 12.01 Amendments rZCA-2011-1(B)1 Planning Manager Charlene Anderson reported that the Land Use and Planning Board (LUPB) held a public hearing on March 26th where they considered amendments to Chapter 12.01 with the Board recommending approval as proposed by staff. Since that hearing, staff identified an additional amendment to 2.32.130 that would allow Hearing Examiner Decisions to be sent electronically, and considered options for timelines on resubmittals, ready-to-issue permits, and permit expirations. Anderson stated that staff recommends Option A to retain 90 day timelines for resubmittals, Option A of 365 days for expiration of certain applications and permits, Option A of 180 days for expiration of site plan review approvals, and Option B of 180 days for expiration of ready-to-issue permits that are not picked up. All options provide opportunities for extensions. Anderson stated that staff recommends approval of proposed amendments to Chapter 2.32.130 to allow electronic notification via email in addition to first class mail. Anderson submitted for the record an email from Garrett Huffman, South King & Seattle Manager with Master Builders Association (MBA) of King and Snohomish Counties in support of the longest extended timeline options and to add a requirement for advance notification of permit cancellations. Ottini Moved and Dowell Seconded a Motion to accept the email from Garrett Huffman with the MBA into the record. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Board member Ottini Moved and Board member Dowell Seconded a Motion to Open the Public Hearing. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Seeing no speakers, Board member Ottini and Board member Dowell Seconded a Motion to Close the Public Hearing. Motion CARRIED 6-0. After extensive deliberations, Board Member Sturgul Moved and Board Member Smith Seconded a Motion to recommend to City Council approval of Kent City Code (KCC) Sections as recommended by staff with the following modifications: • KCC 12.01.110.A Resubmittals; Option B to extend timelines for applicant resubmittals to 180 days and Option B to allow the Planning Director to extend the resubmittal period for up to an additional 180 days, • KCC 12.01.115.A Ready-to-Issue Permits; Option B to allow the applicant up to 180 calendar days to obtain the permit after notification and Option B to allow the planning director to extend the period for permit pick-up for up to an additional 180 days, • KCC Section 12.01.185.A Expiration of Permits; Option A to allow 365 calendar days before a certain permit application expires and Option A to allow the planning director to grant a 180-day extension, • KCC Section 12.01.185.E Expiration of Permits; Option A to allow 365 calendar days before a certain permit issuance or final decision will expire and Option A to allow the planning director to grant a 180-day extension, • KCC Section Expiration of Permits; Option A to allow 180 calendar days before site plan review approvals become null and void. • KCC Section 2.32.130 Hearing Examiner Decision and Recommendation allow electronic notification, as recommended by staff. Motion FAILED 3-3 with Ottini, Phillips, and Dowell OPPOSED to the longer time extensions. After further deliberations and guidance from Legal, Board Member Sturgul Moved and Board Member Smith Seconded a Motion to recommend to City Council approval of amendments to KCC 12.01 and 2.32.130 as modified to allow the longer extension period for resubmittals, ready-to-issue permits and expirations and to allow electronic notification. Motion PASSED 5-1 with Ottini Opposed. After a request from staff for clarification and following further deliberations Board Member Sturgul Moved and Board Member Ottini Seconded a Motion to amend KCC Section 12.01.185. Sections A. B and C to add a provision for a cancellation notification that provides a 30-day cancellation notice to the applicant on pending expirations and allows those notifications to be conveyed by either US Mail, electronic Email or both. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Adiournment Vice Chair Phillips adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Board Secretary WPB Minutes June 25,2012 Page 2 of