HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 07/23/2012 I Public Works Committee Agenda 400 Councilmembers: Dana Ralph+Dennis Higgins+Elizabeth Albertson, Chair • BEN T July 23, 2012 4:00 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING Item Description Action Speaker Time Pace 1. Approval of Minutes Dated July 16, 2012 YES None 03 03 2. Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with YES Bill Thomas 05 05 King County to Perform Line Striping 3. Goods &Services Agreement/HD Fowler - YES Sean Bauer 05 09 2391h Street Water Infrastructure Parts Replacement 4. Consultant Service Agreement/RH2 YES Dave Brock 05 13 Engineering Inc. - Design of Electrical Improvements for East Hill Well Water Source 5. Green River Levee Improvements - YES Mark Howlett 05 23 Condemnation Ordinance 6. Consultant Services Agreement/AECOM - YES Mark Madfai 05 35 Construction Support Services, Boeing Levee 7. Consultant Services Agreement/GeoEngineers YES Mark Madfai 05 43 - Construction Support Services, Horseshoe Bend Levee 8. Consultant Services Agreement/AECOM - YES Mark Madfai 05 47 Construction Support Services, Horseshoe Bend Levee 9. Consultant Services Agreement/Murray & YES Mark Madfai 05 55 Associates - Appraisal Preparation for SE 2561h Street Improvements Project 10. Information Only/Promote August Business NO Gina 05 63 Recycling Event Hungerford 11. Information Only/Local Improvement District NO Tom Brubaker/ 10 65 (LID) 363 Process Wayne Tanaka Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the 1"& 3rd Mondays of each month. Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. z This page intentionally left blank. 3 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday, July 16, 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Committee members Dana Ralph and Dennis Higgins were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. Item 1 — Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated June 18, 2012: Higgins MOVED to approve the minutes of June 18, 2012. The motion was SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 2 — 2011 Water System Plan: Brad Lake, Operations Manager presented a PowerPoint presentation of the 2011 Water System Plan, he touched on the following: • Water System Plan Overview - Demand - Supply - Resources - Operations and Maintenance - Capital Projects - Source Protection • Water System Plan - History - Updates Ralph MOVED to recommend Council approve the 2011 Water System Plan. The motion was SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0. Item 3 — Acceptance of Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant — Traffic Signal Control System: Transportation Engineering Manager, Steve Mullen noted that he will be presenting items three and four together with separate motions. Mullen stated that 40 Cities submitted for grants from the Washington State Department of Transportation. City staff submitted two grants and was successful in receiving $400,000 to replace the Master Traffic Signal Control system and replace approximately 29 traffic signal controllers at individual intersections. Mullen stated that the current system was purchased in 1993 and is outdated. This project is the first phase of the phased replacement of the traffic signal control system and intersection controllers. Design of the system will be done this year, once the State approves the plan, work could start in 2013. Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation to accept a grant in the amount of $400,000 for the Citywide Traffic Control Signal System Upgrade. The motion was SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0. 4 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday, July 16, 2012 Item 4 — Acceptance of Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant for SR 515 (108th Avenue Southeast) and Southeast 208th Street Intersection Improvements• Steve Mullen noted that this grant funded project will add a second left turn lane for southbound to eastbound traffic at the intersection of 108th Avenue SE and SE 208th Street. Mullen stated that this project is expected to improve safety at this congested intersection by reducing overall vehicles delay, reducing vehicle queues, and improving accessibility from driveways near the intersection. Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation to accept a grant in the amount of $700,000 for Intersection Improvements at SR 515 (108th Avenue SE) and SE 208th Street. The motion was SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0. Item 5 — Contract Amendment/GEI Consultants, Inc. for Analysis & Certification of the Desimone and Briscoe Levees: Design Engineering Supervisor, Ken Langholz noted that this project is known as the Briscoe/Desimone Levee. Staff is requesting authorization to amend the current contract. Langholz stated that back in February 2012, Council authorized GEI's contract for $284,883 to complete a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) for the levee section on the right bank (easterly side) of the Green River between S. 200th Street and S. 180th Street. . Higgins MOVED to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Contract Amendment with GEI Consultants, Inc. to perform additional analysis and consultation for the Desimone and Briscoe Levees in an amount not to exceed $59,628 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 6 — Information Only/Survey: Tim LaPorte introduced Steve Merryman, City Surveyor and Eric Knowles, Land Survey Supervisor. In turn they introduced the rest of the work group; Stephen Shafer, Toby Mollett, Terry Johnson, Jason Robertson, Danil Iov and Toby Mollett. Merryman, Knowles, Robertson, Shafer and Mollett presented a brief PowerPoint presentation outlining what services the Survey Section provides to internal clients and the general public. Information Only/No Motion Required The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m. Cheryl Viseth Council Committee Recorder 5 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 13, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Bill Thomas, Street Superintendent Through: Tim LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with King County to Perform Line Striping Item - 2 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign an Amendment to the City's Interlocal Agreement with King County to perform line striping on City roads in an amount not to exceed $110,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: This work will keep the City in compliance with MUTCD recommendations for lane dividers, centerlines and fog lines. King County crews have the equipment and expertise to perform this type of maintenance work efficiently and cost effectively. The City has an Interlocal Agreement with King County that allows the County to perform work at the City's request, based on County availability. This agreement was executed in 2005 to take advantage of King County's maintenance and operations resources. By entering into an Amended Interlocal Agreement with King County, we are able to meet or exceed the standards set forth in the MUTCD recommendation for line striping on traveled streets. The cost to use King County crews for this work is not to exceed $110,000. Budget Impact: Funds for this project have been budgeted through the Transportation Project Fund. Similar work has been performed annually since 2007. 6 This page intentionally left blank. 7 Interlocal Agreement between King County and The City of Kent for the Provision of Services by the King County Road Services Division Scope of Work 2012 Citywide Annual Line Striping Program King County will provide services to the City of Kent under this Scope of Work pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement between King County and the City of Kent for the Provision of Services by the King County Road Services Division, executed June 1st, 2005. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project consists of line striping city arterial, arterial collector and residential collector roads. The purpose of this work is to enhance faded or worn line striping on these City roads as recommended by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). TASKS City of Kent has developed a line striping inventory for this project which identifies all roads to have painted lane lines, center lines,fog lines and"c"curbs. SCHEDULE Work is anticipated to start as early as August 27, 2012. All line striping shall be completed no later than September 30, 2012. Hours of striping operations will be from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday—Friday, work will not compete with commute traffic. ESTIMATED COST The project work is currently estimated to not exceed $110,000, which includes some contingency to account for unexpected costs or additional work that may be added during the maintenance activity. The County will provide the City all invoices and costs incurred for construction costs. If any change order is needed,the County will immediately inform the City in writing of the proposed changes and the change order work shall not proceed until the City has approved. The amount of any change orders shall not cause the total costs for the project work to exceed the above estimate. Authorized by City of Kent: Name: Suzette Cooke, Mayor Date 8 This page intentionally left blank. 9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 17, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Dave Brock P.E., Utilities Engineer Through: Tim LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Goods &Services Agreement/HD Fowler - 239th Street Water Infrastructure Parts Replacement Item - 3 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Goods & Services Agreement with H.D. Fowler Company for the purchase of miscellaneous water materials in an amount not to exceed $26,416.12 (including sales tax), subject to the final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The Water Utility spends approximately $150,000.00 per year on miscellaneous parts and fittings to fix and replace infrastructure. The infrastructure (a water main pipe and related appurtenances) on South 239th Place is in need of replacement. Written bids were obtained from three suppliers, and H.D. Fowler Company was the low bidder, the amounts listed below do not include sales tax. H.D. Fowler $24,124.31 HD Supply Waterworks $24,199.64 Ferguson Waterworks $26,563.60 Budget Impact: There are no unbudgeted fiscal impacts. The Agreement will be paid through the Water Utility capital replacement fund. 10 This page intentionally left blank. Bid No:B20152 cage 1 of 2 H.D. WLER COMPANY Customer: BIDDING CONTRACTORS Did No: B201503 Estimator: MICHAELOWENS Bid Date: 7/10/2012 Job Name: 239TH WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT Location: (CENT Line Qty UoM Description Unit Price Extended Price 1 473.2 FT 8"CIE 52 DI PIPE T1,C151/A21.51,C104,C/L,18.25'NOM. LGTH,SBR GASKET 20.53 9,714.80 (28.9 LBS/FT) 2 18.2 FT 6"CIE 52 DI PIPE TJ,C151/A21.51,C104,C/L,18.25'NOM,LGTH,SBR GASKET 14.88. 270.82 (20.6 LBS/FT) 3 1 EA 8"DUCTILE IRON MJ X EEG GATE VALVE AWWA C515 RESILIENTSEAT,LESS 757.63 757.63 ACCESORIES(180 LBS) 4 2 EA 10"DUCTILE IRON MJ X FL GATE VALVE AWWA C515 RESILIENT SEAT,LESS 1,204.14 2,408.28 MJ ACCESSORIES(316 LBS) 5 2 EA 6"DUCTILE IRON MJ X FLG GATE VALVE AWWA C515 RESILIENT SEAT,LESS 484.85 969.70 ACCESORIES(111 LBS) 6 1 EA 2"COMBINATION AIR VALVE AIR RELEASE&AIR VACUUM VALMATIC 473.73 473.73 #202C2,SS TRIM 7 1 EA 2"S E GATE VALVE AWWA C509 RESILIENT SEAT NRS THREADED END 231.87 231.87 CONNECTIONS 8 1 EA 5-1/4" M&H 929 FIRE HYDRANT 6" MJ BASE,5'6"BURY LESS MJ ACCESS(568 1,816.24 1,816,24 LBS) 9 1 EA 4.5"NST PUMPER NOZZLE PART#23 M&H 929&129 Included 10 1 EA 6"X 5'0"DIP SPOOL,FLX PE,CEMENT LINED,ASPHALTIC COATING OUTSIDE 190.40 190.40 11 2 EA 10"MJ SLEEVE LNG PATTERN DI,AWWA C153 LESS ACCESSORIES(68 LBS) 99.17 198.34 12 1 EA 8"MJ SLEEVE LONG PATTERN DI,AWWA C153 LESS ACCESSORIES(53 LBS) 82.73 82.73 13 1 EA 10"X 8"FL TEE DI,AW WA C110,C/L(254 LBS) 324.12 324.12i 14 1 EA 8"MJ X 6"FL TEE DI,AW WA C153,C/L,LESS ACCESS(86 LBS) 113.41 113.41 15 1 EA 6"FL TEE DI,AW WA C110,C/L(112 LBS) 148.35 148.35 16 1 EA 6"MJ X FL TEE DI,AW WA C153,C/L,LESS ACCESS(68 LBS) 93.69 93.69 17 1 EA 6"MJ X FL ADAPTER DI,AWWA C153,C/L LESS ACC(36 LBS) 44.93 44.93 18 1 EA 6"X 2"TAPT BLIND FLG,DI,AW WA C110,NORMALLY BARE FINISH (28 LBS) 59.34 59.34 19 2 EA 8"X 2"TAPT BLIND FLG,DI,AW WA C110,NORMALLY BARE FISISH(43 LBS) 90.13 180.26 20 6 EA 18"VALVE BOX TOP,940B 27.99 167,94 21 6 EA 24"VALVE BOX BASE 24.35 146.10 22 6 EA WATER LID FOR 940 VALVE BOX, DEEP SKIRT 10.38 62.28 23 1 EA CAST IRON METER BOX WITH LID OFCO SM30 11-3/4"X 23-3/4"X 16"(for 1- 427.23 427.23 1/2"and 2"meters) 24 12 EA 12 X 12 X 4 CONCRETE HYDRANT BLOCK 6.67 80.04 25 1 EA 2 1/2"MNST X 2"MIPT BRASS HOSE ADAPTER 27.27 27.27 26 1 EA 2-1/2"BRASS FNST HOSE CAP WITH CHAIN 16.48 16.48 27 3 EA 10"BLACK BOLT&NUT KIT 12 PER 7/8"X 3 3/4"A 307,GRADE A,IMPOR 1 19.07 57.21 28 3 EA 8"BLACK BOLT&NUT KIT 8 PER 3/4"X 3 1/2",A 307,GRADE A,IMPORT 8.13 24.39 Bid No:B2015i ige 2 of 2 Line Qty UoM Description Unit Price Extended Price 29 3 EA 6" BLACK BOLT 8,NUT KIT 8 PER 3/4"X 3 1/4",A 307,GRADE A,IMPORT 8.00 24.00 30 3 EA 10" 1/8" RING GASKET RED RUBBER,150# 2.27 6.81 31 3 EA 8" 1/8"RING GASKET RED RUBBER, 150# 1.81 5.43 '.. 32 3 EA 6" 1/8"RING GASKET RED RUBBER, 1504 1.28 3.84 33 6 EA 10"WEDGE ACTION MJ RETAINER GLAND FOR DIP 45.02 270.12 34 5 EA 8"WEDGE ACTION MJ RETAINER GLAND FOR DIP 30.47 152.35 35 6 EA 6"WEDGE ACTION MJ RETAINER GLAND FOR DIP 20,06 120.36 36 6 EA 10" GASKET AND T-BOLT KIT FOR C153 MJ FITTINGS 16.72 100.32 !i 37 5 EA 8"GASKET AND T-BOLT KIT FOR C153 MJ FITTINGS 12.74 63.70 38 6 EA 6"GASKET AND T-BOLT SET FOR C153 MJ FITTINGS 11.71 70.26 39 15 EA 9.80 X 1"IP SADDLE ROMAC 202 BODY ONLY 18.96 284.40 40 30 EA 9.80" ROMAC U-BOLT WITH NUTS AND WASHERS,ZINC PLATED 11.95 358.50 ',..... 41 15 EA FORD F500-41"IP X IP CORP STOP 26.80 402.00 42 15 EA FORD C16-441"RIP X IPS PJ ADAPTER 15,82 237.30 43 15 EA FORD C86-343/4" MIP X 1"IPS PJ ADAPTER 20.59 308,85 44 15 EA 5/8"X 3/4" FORD VH72-15W-11-33 METER SETTER, KEY VALVE INLET,15" 90.89 1,363.35 HIGH,CHECK VALVE OUTLET,DP IN&OUT 45 30 EA 1" IPS STIFFENER FORD#72,ALSO CAN BE USED AS 1-1/4"FORD CTS 1.51 45.30 STIFFNER#53 46 300 FT 1"SIDR 7 200 PSI POLY PIPE,PE 3408,ASTM D2239,IPS SIZE.300FT.COIL OA7 141.00 47 100 FT 1"SIDR 7 200 PSI POLY PIPE,PE3408,ASTM D2239,IPS SIZE, 100FT.COIL 0.47 47.00 48 15 EA 13 X 20 METER BOX BASE ONLY 12" DEEP BLACK 1220 CARSON.PLASTIC 32.00 480.00 49 15 EA BLACK WATER LID FOR 1320 BOX WITH READER CARSON PLASTIC 14.29 214.35 50 2 EA 2"90 ELL,BRASS DOMESTIC 30.77 61.54 51 1 EA 2" BRASS BLOWOFF STRAINER 44.96 44.96 52 1 EA 2"FORD FB500-71P X IP BALL CORP STOP 125.85 125.85 53 1 EA 2"X 6"NIPPLE,BRASS,SCH 40 19.11 19.11 54 1 RL 14 GA BLUE WIRE 500'ROLL 35.23 35.23 55 1 EA 2"GALV PLUG,IMPORT 3.36 3.36 56 1 EA 2"GALV TEE,SCH 40,IMPORT 8.79 8.79 57 3 EA 2"X 6"GALV NIPPLE,STD WT,A53 ERW 3.95 11.85 58 1 EA 2"X CLOSE GALV NIPPLE,STD WT,A53 ERW 1.65 1.65 59 2 EA 2"GALV UNION,IMPORT 12.58 25.16 Approximate Total 24,124.31 13 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: June 13, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Dave Brock P.E., Utilities Engineer Through: Tim LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Consultant Services Agreement/RH2 Engineering Inc. — Design of Electrical Improvements for East Hill Well Water Source Item - 4 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with RH2 Engineering, Inc. for the design of electrical improvements to the East Hill Well water source in an amount not to exceed $31,412, subject to the final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The East Hill Well water source is a primary source for the Water Utility producing in excess of two million gallons per day to meet the water demands of the East Hill community. Electrical improvements included with this project include the installation of a generator to maintain operations during periods of Puget Sound Energy power outages and replacement of electrical infrastructure that has become obsolete, thereby making the location and acquisition of replacement components increasingly difficult. Budget Impact: There are no unbudgeted fiscal impacts. This work has been planned and budgeted. The contract will be paid through the Water Utility. 14 This page intentionally left blank. 15 EXHIBIT A Scope of Work City of Kent East Hill Well Motor Control Center and Generator Upgrades May 2012 Background The City of Ke3rt(City)has aging motor control equipment at its East 1-im Well facility that is in need of replacement. The East Hill Well is one of the City's most productive well facilities. The existing submersible well pump is equipped with a 250 horsepower (HP) motor and is operated with a reduced voltage autotransformet starter. The City plans to install a second well pump at the site that has been peeliminafily sized to bave a 125 HP motor. The City currently does not have back-up power available at the site. Due to the importance of this facility,die City has decided to replace the existing motor control equipment and install a back-up generator in order to allow for more reliable operation of the well facility. The City has requested the services of RH2 Engineering, Inc, (RH2) for the electrical design of the replacement of the existing motor control center and the installation of a new standby engine generator system. i The major design and project elements include the following: ® Removal of the existing motor control center (MCC) and replacement with a new MCC. The new MCC will either be manufactured by Siemens or Eaton in order to maintain the footprint of the existing MCC. o Installation of a soft starter in the new MCC to operate the existing submersible well motor. ® Provision of space and electrical distribution design for a future 125 HP soft starter to operate a future on-site well. e Installation of a new complete standby engine generator system with a service entrance automatic transfer switch that will be able to power the complete site along with a future 125 HP well pump. ® Design provisions that address the goal of minimizing the downtime of operation of the existing well and the adjacent corrosion control facility. ® Replacement of the existing well conductors and underground conduit from the existing MCC to the well vault wire make-up to provide a water-tight connection. ® Installation of spare power, control, and signal conduits from the location of the future 125 14P well pump soft starter section within the new MCC to the northeast exterior of the existing well bidding for future use. 1 5/30/2012947:06 d01fo\D.,I\% N\s10\2012E;tH01 W,11Nkt-C-1.1 Cmme and C)1--l1J111&z\Fs1il1i1A 053012-EoIt In]W1 Nnmc C-n jCema-dGsmumo 1211 d11-Seep_ofWo�Ldeos 16 City of Kent Exhibit A East Hill Well Motor Control Center and Generator Upgrades Scope of Work Assumptions: The City sball provide RH2 avith a completed svnvey and base-map to be used as a basis for the j electrical site plait design. RH2 may red#on the accuracy and completeness of data, information andlor dra:virrgr proaided by the Gi r. Refer to the attached fee estimate(Exhibit B)for au estimate of time required for all tasks Task 1—Project Management/Administration Objective:RH2 will manage and coordinate electrical engineering services required for project design. Approach 1.1 Project Management,Progress Reporting, Cost and Schedule Control, and Team Management Identify and designate a single point of contact who will act as the RH2 project manager during the design phase of the project. Manage the RH2 project team to track time and budget, work elements accomplished,work items planned for the next period,labor, scope changes, time, and budget needed to complete. the tasks listed in this Scope of Work. Notify the City of scope changes and obtain authorization to proceed from the City's project manager prior to performing the work. Prepare monthly project progress reports that identify what was accomplished for the month, what is anticipated for the next month, and current or potential problerns or changes. The progress report will contain a summary of task costs to date (in invoice format). RH2 Deliverables ® Monthly progress reports, to include the elements described in subtask 1.1 for the duration of the project. Task 2 —Electrical Design Objective: prepare bid-ready design plans and specifications for the proposed electrical work at the existing East Hill Well facility. Approach 2.1 Site Visit II' Visit the East Hill well site to collect information as needed for the electrical design related to the existing power distribution system,generator sizing, existing equipment dimensions, conduit routing, comparison to the as-built drawings for the existing power distribution system and site layout,and space evaluation for the ptoposed improvements, 2.2 Generator Sizing and Calculations Perform generator load and sizing calculations based on existing electrical load and future electrical load at the well facility in order to determine the appropriate generator size for the facility. Confirm generator sizing calculations with manufacturer sizing software. Coordinate , 2 5/3d/11241{ply;\➢uw\KLN\sA0\1012&stl3di Nell TlomcCwmd Ce�tecendGnemtot Opgedes\1Nlilbi[d0.i.}p12-gust HW\4ell\tome ConVolCmterundGmenfor Hpgondes-Swpz of\Porkdo�r 17 City of Kent Exhibit A East Hill Well Motor Control Center and Generator Upgrades Scope of Work with the City's preferred generator manufacturers Cummins and CAT to determine the physical size of the generator and automatic transfer switch and to obtain equipment pricing information. 2.3 Motor Control Center Sizing and Coordination with Manufacturer i Coordinate with the City's preferred MCC manufacturers—Siemens and Eaton—to determine the size of the new MCC, new soft starter equipment, and future soft starter equipment. Evaluate the proposed equipment layout and confirm whether the proposed equipment will fit in the footprint of the existing MCC. Obtain equipment pricing information from the manufacturer. 2.4 Electrical Design Plans and Specifications ® Develop electrical plans for the MCC replacement and installation of a new outdoor generator. Electrical plans will include a one-line diagram showing equipment layout, a power distribution and signal plan showing conduit routing and equipment locations, MCC installation details,generator installation details,electrical schedules,and electrical details. o Prepare control logic diagrams for control of the well pump motor. ® Prepare an electrical site plan identifying the location of the new generator and generator structure, site conduit routing, 100-foot well sanitary radius to show compliance with Washington State Department of IIealth (DOl-1) standards, and site improvements that are required for the installation of the generator ® Prepare generator and fuel tank installation details.The fuel tank system will be designed as a triple walled sub-base fuel tank with leak alarming and required venting. The fuel tank will have a designed fuel capacity for a three-day run period at rated load. The generator design will include conduit and wiring to a generator battery charger, generator block heater, and a 20-amp receptacle. G Prepare telemetry system diagrams for interfacing proposed equipment with the existing telemetry system, The proposed motor control equipment will conununicate w th the existing telemetry system via a Pmfibus communication network. The telemetry system diagrams will show the proposed telemetry system input and output signals and Profibus interface requirements. Discrete inputs to the telemetry system will include, at a minimum, Generator Run, Generator Fail, and Generator Trouble. The generator start signal will be designed to connect to the automatic transfer switch. ® Incorporate die City's standard generator cover into the plans. The City will provide standardized plans for a full cover over the entire generator that will allow for full coverage of maintenance personnel. Prepare lighting plan for generator structure. I 5/30/129:k]dAIJ:\UucsV�EN\aJ0\2012 Lzuse£[Al Nell rfomrCe nml Centee mL Genes✓or Upgrodzs\3ilublt A 053013-Eret PWIM1,11\furor Gntml Cemer wd Gznzmfoc Upy eda Smpe o(Nodrdocz 18 I, City of Kent Exhibit A East Hill Well Motor Control Center and Generator Upgrades Scope of Work i • Prepare specifications using RH2 technical specifications tailored for this project. Coordinate with the City to attach the technical specifications to the City's front-end bidding documents. • Prepare an electrical construction cost estimate for City review purposes at the 60 and 100 percent reviews. 2.5 City Design Reviews • Provide the City with plans at the 60 and 90 percent design levels and specifications at the 90 and 100 percent design levels for City review. • Project manager will meet up to two (2) times with City stiff for 60 and 90 percent design meetings to discuss and review the plans and specifications. i • Edit plans and specifications at the 60 and 90 percent review levels based on City review comments. 2.6 Quality As surance/QualityControl Provide quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) services as part of this Scope of Work. Services will include a formal internal QA/QC process, which provides qualified professional oversight and review of the completeness, accuracy, and constructabilky of the project design " and final deliverables. Track project management,budget, and physical constraints of the City in achieving objectives and incorporate appropriate design ineasures and materials. Provided by City • Description of approximate desired location of the generator. • As-built drawings of best available information of the existing site and the existing telemetry system layout. • Survey and base map in AutoCAD format. • Standardized generator specifications. • Standardized plans for generator cover. • City front-end bidding documents. RI-I2 Deliverables • 60 and 90 percent, and bid-ready design documents (drawings and spcditcations) in electronic PDF format. • 60 and 100 percent construction cost estimates. • One electronic copy of the final plans in AutoCAD (dwg) format on a CD, • One electronic copy of the final plans in PDF format on a CD. • One electronic copy of the final specifications in PDF and Word format on a CD. I 4 5/30/129.17A➢If\DadK V40\2012 Fi5[Hll Well Tome Centro[Cw,,and Cg--Iue❑ygmdos\Esnbit A 053012-E,.,H11\Pe11\[otm Control center and Gmeotoe Lpgr.,deg.&,e of Woddo:o 19 City of Kent Exhibit A East Hill Well Motor Control Center and Generator Upgrades Scope of Work e Pull-size hard copy of final plans. Project Schedule RH2 will commence with design work after receiving a fully executed original Agreement. The City has indicated that it would like design completed within 60 days of execution of the Agreement. Construction will commence after die peak demand season in September or October. i I L 5 5/5Dj'U 9X A)U\Dua%KM,\ \W12 F—t Hill Well Motor Control Centerrmd Grncr,,rUpg,de;%EIdbitA 053012-Ees[Hill Well)[omr Comml Cenmrand Genenm.Oppr�dos-Soap¢n(Rodcdeev I 20 Y ry E IF a p o� - a� , 1 p 4 E � c a'o a` � o 75 a I 21 .CLASSIC[CATIGN .rk sFmaip'R�ATL- �C �SSI¢CnT701Vz I '. Professional IX $199.00 'Technician IV _ $12700 -_, �.Professional VIIC $19900 Technician IiI $11900 ' ': Professional 191.00 ' 1 Professional V< -_.._. $ or 17700 I[. Teolmich $8300 Professional V $16800 Administrative V $118.00 - - >°Prafaesiannl 1V $15800 Adminietrndve IV � Administrative ]II Professional Ill _$149.00 Administrative II $6800 t Professional II $13700 Administrative -I $57 W '-�` I Pmfessional I $125_00 L. I s In-house copies(each) '8,51,X 11 $0 09 CAD Plots i arRe $25 00 , "I'M lit-house copies(each) 8 5 X 14 $0.14 CAD Plots Tull Size $10 00 ':>n-house copies(each) I V X17 $020 CAD Plots Half Size 2 In-house copies(color)(each) 8 5 X I V _ $0.90 CAD System Per our $27 50 R s 8� II in-house copies(color)(each) 8 5 X 14' _ 120 G1S System _Pu Honr $27 50 t ' —`In-house copies color each 11X17 $2.00 Technology Charge 25/ofDirecl Libor Mileage Current IRS Rate __.._ ._--- d� i OR`I'.a�ID�SPsI2FiG1eS' 1 -bolsida-d�recl cnst4furen 4r�rsj'�€1S�r�'m-@G�s AaJa Yepro pro—i�lhees yosly$e�Pn nog;n�teage�Yel+)tcdtraa expeliaeslh'+s�3r��sary tr �,u' � _ � �forlh e eaut�pn of�iio preleot and fl�e41vt 5�p�li��Igy�d�,nii0e�el�herB ni acphnact u(1Lb��vmcrsl nl�.pst ,= r ,ans tkc� in.1IIa�Lss[yica;are hdled aLvo�Pl'us 15� � �' ""'�— ie r - � ' 17 —s + RAtaglisjgdhare QYop U �7a 1y'Tli utnrent schedule nPmtes antlrohh ibvff lhhg porpo ty sesYemeru £ at :'rgcom�,pl stwllsbasEd4nt19i9u0ytgtcaend'exyepsesar4afEec7u ha �olb{Ihng eS' 2fhr§�NhrtAt 1-11."All v 1.Ip FN.Y1N1 Wl'f,l tt cvrtv arcudcrnvtga TF9di945]01 £IINTAI..�.n. ....mrcnwM1gpYRrELei_ax ICI zz This page intentionally left blank. 23 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: June 25, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Mark Howlett, P.E., Design Engineering Manager Through: Tim LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Green River Levee Improvements — Condemnation Ordinance Item - 5 Motion: Recommend City Council adopt a Condemnation Ordinance for obtaining property rights along the Green River to complete levee improvements, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The City of Kent was successful in obtaining grants from the Washington State Legislature for reconstruction of the Horseshoe Bend and Hawley Road Levees. A condition of these grants is that the levee projects must be ready for bid advertisement prior to July 1, 2013. This project requires acquisition of property rights from two properties, LA Fitness and Holmes Electric. Good-faith negotiations for these rights commenced approximately 10 months ago and the city was successful in obtaining the necessary rights to the LA Fitness property. However, resolution with Holmes Electric has stalled to a point where the construction schedule is impacted. At Horseshoe Bend, property rights are required at the EFCO property. Property negotiations began in April and have come to a standstill. In order to meet the deadline of the grant we need to move ahead with condemnation. While the City always tries to avoid, as much as possible, utilizing the condemnation process, this ordinance will provide the City the mechanism to proceed, if necessary, to condemnation on this property should negotiations continue to stall. Budget Impact: None 24 This page intentionally left blank. 25 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, providing for the acquisition of certain property and/or property rights in order to construct, extend, widen, improve, alter, maintain, and reconstruct portions of the Green River levee system; providing for the condemnation, appropriation, taking, and damaging of such property rights as are necessary for that purpose; providing for the payment thereof out of the drainage fund; directing the city attorney to prosecute the appropriate legal proceedings, together with the authority to enter into settlements, stipulations, or other agreements; and acknowledging that all of the affected real property is located within the corporate limits of the city of Kent in King County, Washington. RECITALS A. The Green River Levee Improvement Project ("Project") is necessary to provide flood protection to the City of Kent. B. Property and property rights along the alignment of the Project must be acquired in order to complete the Project. C. Efforts are now ongoing to acquire the properties necessary for this public use by negotiation and settlement agreements. 1 Green River Levee Improvement Condemnation Ordinance 26 D. In the event that negotiated acquisition is not fully successful it is essential that the city be prepared to initiate condemnation proceedings so that the Project can be timely constructed. E. The City has provided notice in the manner provided for in RCW 8.12.005 and 8.25.290. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1, After receiving the report of city staff and after reviewing the planned improvements for the Project, the city council finds and declares that the public convenience, use, health, safety and necessity demand that the city of Kent condemn, appropriate, take, and damage portions of certain real properties located within the corporate limits of Kent in King County, Washington, in order to acquire the necessary property and/or property rights for the construction of the Project, including all necessary appurtenances. The properties to be acquired are approximately depicted in Exhibit "A," and legally described in Exhibit "B," both of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Properties"). The purposes for which this condemnation is authorized shall include, without limitation, all acts necessary to complete the construction, extension, improvement, widening, alteration, maintenance, and reconstruction of the Project, including improvements for drainage, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, bicycle paths, landscaping, illumination, signal improvements, electrical facilities, utilities, utility adjustments, and relocations, and any other levee, street, or municipal purposes that may become necessary from time to time on the Properties. 2 Green River Levee Improvement Condemnation Ordinance 27 SECTION 2, The city authorizes the acquisition by condemnation of all or a portion of the Properties for the construction, extension, improvement, widening, alteration, maintenance, and reconstruction of the Project, including acquisition of property and/or property rights, together with all necessary appurtenances and related work to make a complete improvement according to city standards. SECTION 3, The city shall condemn the Properties only upon completion of all steps and procedures required by applicable federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations and only after just compensation has first been made or paid into court for the owner or owners in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 4. The city shall pay for the entire cost of the acquisition by condemnation provided for in this ordinance through the city's drainage fund or from any of the city's general funds, if necessary, as may be provided by law. SECTION 5, The city authorizes and directs the city attorney to commence those proceedings provided by law that are necessary to condemn the Properties. In commencing this condemnation procedure, the city council authorizes the city attorney to enter into settlements, stipulations, or agreements in order to minimize damages, which settlements, stipulations, or agreements may include but not be limited to the amount of just compensation to be paid, the size and dimensions of the property condemned, and the acquisition of temporary construction easements and other property interests. 3 Green River Levee Improvement Condemnation Ordinance 2s SECTION 6, — Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7, — Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTIONS. — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 4 Green River Levee Improvement Condemnation Ordinance 29 APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of 12012. APPROVED: day of 12012. PUBLISHED: day of 12012. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the city of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P:\Civil\Ordinance\Condemnation Green River Levee.docx 5 Green River Levee Improvement Condemnation Ordinance 30 EXHIBIT A (Page 1 of 3) ..._. �.. _._ter....._ ..m.__... _ _.__...___, _...._ Y ,u ca } � SO �r e^ l✓f ce" ..,.,ar -� r � rff > ! z C7"a C'4 f„j�/ j N _ 00Ch dF. ...., C? YY / Y s µ 31 EXHIBIT A (Page 2 of 3) r �^1 tlM 5 je yI w A pA t y� pp Y vIIn 00 �2 Cl I UI 7 I f Y'i rr:'. err II Ian u a LI J d Ik 32 EXHIBIT A (Page 3 of 3) ......... 77 sf �rjll CO a IWO go Olt z ameruaa,✓��,uu��e�uu f, e ���� I�' f qrY' W� /// J 'i r CA / ///i rr rl rl/ /�(Iry '�/ LI Z pj �rff//i//// / / rii / /% // l/��'% w/ ri/� z, U 4Ik� Y9AI jWOR ARIN RAIL gA� ail / �.._ �/ 33 EXHIBIT B Paae 1 of 2 Tax ID Number 242204-9004 located at 600 Washington Avenue S. Lot B, as shown on City of Kent Lot Line Adjustment No. LL-2007-15 and as recorded in King County, Washington, on April 14, 2008, under King County Recording No. 20080414002363, in King County, State of Washington, Except the westerly 8 feet conveyed to City of Kent by deed recorded June 15, 2009, under Recording No. 20090615001086. 34 EXHIBIT B Paae 2 of 2 Transform LTD — Tax I.D. Number 000660-0109 located at 1004 3rd Avenue S. Kent 98032 Lot 1, City of Kent Short Plat Number SPC-77-30 recorded under Recording Number 7802070643. Said short plat being portion of S.W. Russell Donation Claim Number 41, in King County, Washington. 35 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 13, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Alex Murillo, P.E., Environmental Engineering Supervisor Through: Tim LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM- Construction Support Services on the Boeing Levee Item - 6 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM for structural engineering services during construction of the flood wall for the Boeing Levee Project in an amount not to exceed $9,198.17, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: Consultants hired to certify the Boeing Levee found deficiencies in the north end of the levee segment at Three Friends Fishing Hole Park. Proposed improvements include a secondary levee and floodwall, which will address these deficiencies. Structural design of this project was completed by AECOM and the contract was awarded by Council on July 17. Construction will begin in August. This contract will provide City Staff support, as needed, during construction to answer questions related to the structural design of the wall. The Boeing Levee is approximately one river mile in length and is located between S. 200th St. and S. 212th St. on the right bank of the Green River. This levee reach, in combination with the other levee segments along the Green River, protect the Kent Valley businesses and residential areas from flood risks. Budget Impact: The City received a $2.07-million grant from the State legislature for work on the Boeing Levee. This grant is administered by the Washington State Department of Ecology with reimbursement to Kent via an Interlocal Agreement with the King County Flood Control District. 36 This page intentionally left blank. City of Kent �UICCW Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK for Retaining Wall at Boeing Levee - Design Services During Construction The scope work is to provide Design Services During Construction (DSDC) for approximately 640 feet of retaining wall located on the Boeing Levee, behind the Pacific Gateway Business Park in Kent, WA. The scope includes, Submittal Review, Response to Requests for Information (RFIs), Site Visits, and Meetings for the retaining wall. Scope also includes coordination with City of Kent and other consultants working on this project. DSDC The services listed below represent the Consultant's understanding of the work to be completed in order to assist the City during the construction phase of the Project. This scope of services is based on direction from the City. The Consultant shall actively coordinate Retaining Wall aspects of the work for the assignment, identify and resolve issues in a timely manner, and communicate effectively. The Consultant shall be responsible for the performance of scoped services, and shall furnish materials and information to accomplish the work tasks described herein. The Consultant will actively coordinate with other consultants performing work on this project. The Consultant and the City agree that the City may use City forces to perform tasks listed in this Scope and that some tasks may not be required and the contract dollar amount will be adjusted accordingly. I. PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND DESCRIPTION The objectives of the Boeing Levee Project, hereinafter referred to as the Project, are to: 1. Provide flood protection to the City of Kent, in the area of the Green River known as the Boeing Levee. 2. The project will include new berms and a retaining wall. 3. Minimize construction impacts to the public. The Work consists of providing "on-call' engineering and design services to the CITY during construction of the project. The types of assistance that the CONSULTANT will provide to the CITY during construction of the project include: • Review of submittals • Respond to requests for information • Review contractor proposals • Provide on-site technical support • Evaluation of Change Proposals draft COK Boeing Wall DSDC Scope 20120621 v0.doc Page 1 of 5 City of Kent �U' Ccw Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT II. DESIGN CRITERIA Refer to previous design contract and construction documents for design criteria. III. PROJECT SCHEDULE The anticipated project schedule is as shown below: Milestone Date Consultant Notice to Proceed 30 June 2012 Begin Construction 1 August 2012 Construction Complete 31 December 2012 Contract End Date 27 February 2013 The project schedule may be subject to adjustment at mutual agreement, whether initiated by the City or Consultant. IV. DATA AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED TO THE CONSULTANT BY THE CITY The City will provide the following items and services to the Consultant that will facilitate the Consultants work effort. The Consultant is entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of these items: 1. Contractor Submittals, RFI's, and Shop Drawings V. INTELECTUAL PROPERTY The documents listed as "Deliverables" in the Detailed Task Description, Section VII of this scope of work, and other exhibits or presentations for the work covered by this AGREEMENT and associated supplements will be furnished by the Consultant to the City upon completion of the various tasks of work. Whether the documents are submitted in electronic media or in tangible format, any use of the materials on another project or on extensions of this project beyond the use for which they were intended, or any modification of the materials or conversion of the materials to an alternate system or format will be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. The City will assume all risks associated with such use, modifications, or conversions. The Consultant may remove from the electronic materials delivered to the City, all references to the Consultant involvement and will retain a tangible copy of the materials delivered to the City which will govern the interpretation of the materials and the information recorded. Electronic files are considered working files only, the Consultant is not required to maintain electronic files beyond 90 days after the project final billing, and makes no warranty as to the viability of electronic files beyond 90 days from date of transmittal. VI. ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are referred to throughout this scope of work: draft COK Boeing Wall DSDC Scope 20120621 v0.doc Page 2 of 5 City of Kent �U' Ccw Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BA Biological Assessment BDM WSDOT Bridge Design Manual BRAC Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee DAHP Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology ECS Environmental Classification Summary ESA Endangered Species Act FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration H&LP Highways and Local Programs HPA Hydraulic Project Approval JARPA Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application -RFD Load Resistance Factor Design NEPA National Environmental Projection Act NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places PS&E Plans, specifications, and estimates SEPA State Environmental Protection Act TS&L Type, Size and Location WDFW Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service VII.DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTION General Assumptions: 1. The level of effort for each phase and task of work is limited to the amount of labor and expenses indicated in Exhibit `B". These costs are itemized in Exhibit `B" to aid in project tracking purposes only. The budget may be transferred between tasks, provided the total contracted amount is not exceeded. Additional services beyond these limits will be considered Extra Work. 2. Substantial completion of the project is anticipated to be six months, however the contract will expire February 27, 2013. The Consultant is responsible for meeting deadlines for their tasks only, Consultant has no control over those portions of the schedule related to the tasks performed by the City or any third party. 3. The City has the authority to approve proposed work scope and schedule changes. 4. The Cl TY will the lead construction management and inspection. draft COK Boeing Wall DSDC Scope 20120621 v0.doc Page 3 of 5 City of Kent �UICGIN Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 5. The CITY will be responsible for document control. 6. Addenda will be prepared by the CITY and issued to the Bidders. DESIGN SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION Task 1. — Management and Coordination: In this task are described those services necessary to plan, perform, and control the various elements of the project so that the needs and expectations of the City will be met. a. Project Management. Provide direction to the design team. Conduct project coordination meetings as required with appropriate task leaders. Monitor the planned versus actual rate of expenditure for each task and take corrective actions if necessary. Collect from each task leader, the percent complete as measured by how much work is left to be accomplished on a task by task basis. Maintain a high exposure to the project team of the issues to be resolved and their potential impacts to the measures of success for the project. b. Communicate Progress. Conduct ongoing, proactive, responsive communications with the City staff involved in the direction and execution of the project. Attend project coordination meeting at the completion of the Design Memo. Coordinate the schedule of the reviews to be performed by the City. Prepare and submit monthly invoices with a brief progress report that will include identification of work performed in the previous month's schedule. c. Quality Assurance/Quality Control. The project manager will implement and conduct AECOM quality control/quality assurance program throughout the project. Assumptions: 1. The Consultant's project manager and/or project engineer will meet with the City's project manager/engineer on as needed basis throughout the project. 2. Internal project team coordination meetings will be held on an as-needed basis during project duration. These meetings will be in addition to the coordination meetings held with the City, but budgeted as part of the specific work tasks. 3. Project meetings may involve other consultants, contractor, FEMA and USACE and will require some preparation of meeting materials. The budgeted number of meetings is shown on the attached cost estimate. Deliverables: 1. Monthly Invoices and Progress Report (1 copy) 2. Written Change Authorizations 3. Meeting preparation and attendance Task 2. — Site Visit: The Consultant will perform the following: The Consultant will conduct site visits as needed for construction support. The maximum number of site visits is indicated on the attached Exhibit B. Assumptions: 1. All locations are accessible by foot. draft COK Boeing Wall DSDC Scope 20120621 v0.doc Page 4 of 5 City of Kent ACM Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 2. Two people for the site visit Deliverables: 1. Field notes and photographs. Task 3. — RFl Response, Submittal and Shop Drawing Reviews: Consultant will review contractor submittals including shop drawings, and provide the City a recommended response to contractor's request for information. Assumptions: 1. The contractor will build the wall per the design plans. 2. The estimated effort does not include effort associated with review of contractor proposed changes to the design Deliverables: 1. RFI responses, shop drawing review comments, and other construction submittal review comments. Task 4. — Evaluation of Change Requests: The Consultant will review contractor proposals and make recommendations to the City. Assumptions: 1. Total number of contractor change requests is equal to one. Deliverables: 1. Written recommendations to the City. draft COK Boeing Wall DSDC Scope 20120621 v0.doc Page 5 of 5 42 City of Kent DRAFT AE-COM Boeing Levee Retaining Wall Boeing Levee Sheet Pile Wall No of He rat EiT Pr o) Eri CADDF� Pal Structural Wall length Sheets Sheet r ng Des Tech Aduren, QA/QO Total Totalcosi $78.00 $69.71 $51.00 626,00 $36,00 $50.00 No.of TA$k'l Mts 'Management and Coordination z Project Management 4 4 8 $48,100 I IMei 2 4 6 $36000 meeting divatch with travel time(hr.) 2 ---— Total Management and Coordination 6 1 0 4 0 4 0 14 $82400 III fI air 2 Slle Visit with(ravel time he site visit) 0 4 4j $204 M Total Site UsAs1 0 10 4 0 0 0 4 IF_$204.00 Tasks AW I Submittal and Shop drawn RFIRhapo at Reviews RFI Response 2 a 10 $564.00 Submittal Reviews 2 8 0 10 —$564.00 Shop Drawing Reviews 2 a 0 — 10 $564.00 Total RFI Response,Soon ral and Shop Craving Reviews 6 0 1 24 0 0 0 30—] are Tai Evaluation of Change Proposals Evaluate Chan Pap...Is 0 1 4 $360.00 $0,00 Total Evaluaton of Change Proposals 2 _T 14T 1 36 0 1 4 �0 � �TtalStr,,turMl OUTSIDE FRIMBURSABLES AECOM Direct Salary $3,08000 Per gem $0.00 AECOM Overhead 163.14% $6.02471 Lodging $0.00 AECOM Subtotal $3.104.71 biltaigai Vehicle(SD 561i il100.00 Meals $0.00 AECOM Fee @ 30% $92400 Supplies Photos $0.00 Outside Relineursables V70.00 Reproduction $25.00 Suix.raultants iligoo PostagelDelvery $20.00 TOTAL r; $9,198.71 One, $25,00 Management Reserve Fund 0% $0,00 M.rkopf.,Raimb ff 0% $0.00 0 MIND TOTAL $919871 Trial $170.00 Notes 1) this estimate is based on the contractor building per the design plans(i.e.roCRIP) 2) this estimate assumes that the City will provide construction management 3) me estimate assumes one site visit 4)Structural Construction Estimate about$1.6m EFCO=$1 1 m and 259th=$1 2m total=$2,3m File.P:WcWbck Public Watt CcmmAaaa!012)7-251 2 Speriarder,c-Died COK Boeing Wall Dead Estimate THallock.Aex sheet.soeln9 Well Page 1 of 1 43 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 16, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Tim LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Consultant Services Agreement/GeoEngineers Construction Support Services - Horseshoe Bend Levee Item - 7 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers for construction support services during construction of the Horseshoe Bend Levee Project in an amount not to exceed $28,775, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: As part of the certification of the Horseshoe Bend Levee, the City must construct a secondary levee along a portion of the east and west ends of Horseshoe Bend. The City constructed Phase I of the secondary levees last year and this project, Phase II, will complete needed for certification of the Horseshoe Bend Levee. In most areas the levee consists of an earthen berm or a raised roadway embankment. However, in areas where there is limited space, a levee wall will be constructed. These walls will be constructed along the south side of S. 259th St. east of Central Ave and on the west side of the Horseshoe Bend along the north side of the City's 3rd Ave. detention pond. GeoEngineers performed the levee certification for the Horseshoe Bend Levee in 2010 FEMA provided the City with preliminary approval of the levee accreditation, via a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) on June 22, 2012. This consultant will provide geotechnical construction support services to ensure the new earthen levee sections and sheet pile walls are being constructed to FEMA certification standards. Budget Impact: The cost of this will be billed toward the $10-million state grant, the City received for Horseshoe Bend in 2009. 44 This page intentionally left blank. 45 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF KENT CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION SERVICES HORSESHOE BEND EAST AND WEST SECONDARY LEVEES 2012 KENT, WASHINGTON FILE NO. 0410-172-05 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT UNDERSTANDING This phase of the levee construction will consist of continuing the construction of secondary levees at the east and west river bends on the Horseshoe Bend Levee system. Earth berm secondary levees were partially constructed during 2011. This phase of the project will complete these earth berm levees and construct sheet pile floodwalls as part of a complete levee system. The east portion of the project is located between the Horseshoe Acres Pump Station and South 2591h Street. The west portion of the project is located South of South 2591h Street and west of 801h Avenue South. SCOPE OF SERVICE The purpose of our services is to provide construction observation and documentation, on-site construction consultation, and preparation of documents to certify the construction of the levee for the National Flood Insurance Program. We have assumed 20 working days of full-time on site construction monitoring and 10 days of part-time construction monitoring. Our specific scope is as follows: 1. Attend a preconstruction meeting and weekly construction meetings as required and requested. 2. Observe stripping,subgrade preparation and the excavation of the inspection trench. We will record soil conditions and provide recommendations for the overexcavation and removal of unsuitable material as required. 3. Provide our opinion to the suitability of on-site soil for use as levee fill. 4. Observe fill placement and compaction. We will complete nuclear moisture/density tests of the fill as required. 5. Complete laboratory testing of fill materials. We anticipate that our laboratory program will consist of maximum density determinations, particle size analyses and percent fines determinations. 6. Observe and document the installation of below grade sheet piles. 7. Record our on-site observations and recommendations in daily field reports. 8. Prepare a letter at the completion of the project summarizing our observations and providing our opinion of the suitability of the levee to function as designed. 9. Provide additional documentation and on-site consultation as requested. t.JS:GWFI:cn Attachment: Exhibit B Fee Estimate Disclaimer:Any doctl'onic form,fac0imile or hand copy of the original document(ornall,text,table, aridior figure}, If provided, and any attaclirnent`J ale only a copy of the original docnmiont. The original document IS stored by Geoi::'riginoors,Inc.and Will`Serve a0 the official document of record, Gopyriffit(D 2012 by GcoEnfinoors,Inc. All rifbt0 roserved. 1"I1,lun.04901I2-o10 July:16 209.'7 46 EXHIBIT FEE ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION SERVICES HORSESHOE BEND EAST AND WEST SECONDARY LEVEES 2012 KENT,WASHINGTON Classification Hours x Rate = Cost Principal (Gary Henderson) 4 x $160.00 = $640.00 Project Engineer (Lyle Stone) 30 x $150.00 = $4,500.00 Staff Engineer 2 (Various) 30 x $115.00 = $3,450.00 Technician 200 x $80.00 = $16,000.00 Support 20 x $65.00 = $1,300.00 Subtotal Personnel $25,890.00 Other Expenses Vehicle Usage $1,200.00 Laboratory and Testing (4 Maximum Density Determinations, 5 Sieves, 10 Percent Fines) $1,685.00 Subtotal Expenses $2,885.00 Total Estimated Costs $28,775.00 File No.0410-172-05 July 16,2012 E(.)ENGINEERS /,�/7 -1111 47 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 16, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Tim LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Consultant Services Agreement/AECOM- Construction Support Services on the Horseshoe Bend Levee Item - 8 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM for construction support services during construction of the flood walls, on the Horseshoe Bend Levee Project in an amount not to exceed $20,338.03, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: As part of the certification of the Horseshoe Bend Levee, the City must construct a secondary levee along a portion of the east and west ends of Horseshoe Bend. In most areas the levee consists of an earthen berm or a raised roadway embankment. However, in areas where there is limited space, a levee retaining wall will be constructed. Walls are being installed along the south side of S. 259th Street east of Central Ave. and on the west side of Horseshoe Bend along the north side of the City's 3rd Ave storm pond, north of S. 259th Street. AECOM performed the structural engineering design for the levee retaining walls and with this contract will provide construction support for the fabrication and installation of the sheet pile walls. Budget Impact: The cost of this will be billed toward the $10-million state grant, the City received for Horseshoe Bend in 2009. 48 This page intentionally left blank. City of Kent A=CGM Scope of Work-Exhibit A EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK for Retaining Walls at the Horseshoe Bend Levee - Design Services During Construction The scope work is to provide Design Services During Construction (DSDC) for, approximately 1450 feet of retaining wall (located on the east and west ends of the Horseshoe Bend Levee in Kent, WA.), fabrication of stop logs, and the construction of a stop log storage building on the west side of the Horseshoe Bend levee. The scope includes; Submittal Review, Response to Requests for Information (RFIs), Site Visits, and Meetings for the retaining wall. Scope also includes coordination with City of Kent and other consultants working on this project. DSDC The services listed below represent the Consultant's understanding of the work to be completed in order to assist the City during the construction phase of the Project. This scope of services is based on direction from the City. The Consultant shall actively coordinate Retaining Wall aspects of the work for the assignment, identify and resolve issues in a timely manner, and communicate effectively. The Consultant shall be responsible for the performance of scoped services, and shall furnish materials and information to accomplish the work tasks described herein. The Consultant will actively coordinate with other consultants performing work on this project. The Consultant and the City agree that the City may use City forces to perform tasks listed in this Scope and that some tasks may not be required and the contract dollar amount will be adjusted accordingly. I. PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND DESCRIPTION The objectives of the Horseshoe Bend Levee Project, hereinafter referred to as the Project, are to: 1. Provide flood protection to the City of Kent, in the area of the Green River known as the Horseshoe Bend Levee. 2. The project will include new berms and retaining walls. 3. Minimize construction impacts to the public. The Work consists of providing "on-call' engineering and design services to the CITY during construction of the project. The types of assistance that the CONSULTANT will provide to the CITY during construction of the project include: • Review of submittals • Respond to requests for information • Review contractor proposals • Provide on-site technical support • Evaluation of Change Proposals Item 8b-AECOM Scope of Work Horseshoe Bend HSB Wall DSDC MMadfai.docx Page 1 of 5 City of Kent AZCCM Scope of Work-Exhibit A II. DESIGN CRITERIA Refer to previous design contract and construction documents for design criteria. III. PROJECT SCHEDULE The anticipated project schedule is as shown below: Milestone Date Consultant Notice to Proceed 13 August 2012 Begin Construction 31 August 2012 Construction Complete 31 March 2013 Contract End Date 31 May 2013 The project schedule may be subject to adjustment at mutual agreement, whether initiated by the City or Consultant. IV. DATA AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED TO THE CONSULTANT BY THE CITY The City will provide the following items and services to the Consultant that will facilitate the Consultants work effort. The Consultant is entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of these items: 1. Contractor Submittals, RFI's, and Shop Drawings V. INTELECTUAL PROPERTY The documents listed as "Deliverables" in the Detailed Task Description, Section VII of this scope of work, and other exhibits or presentations for the work covered by this AGREEMENT and associated supplements will be furnished by the Consultant to the City upon completion of the various tasks of work. Whether the documents are submitted in electronic media or in tangible format, any use of the materials on another project or on extensions of this project beyond the use for which they were intended, or any modification of the materials or conversion of the materials to an alternate system or format will be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. The City will assume all risks associated with such use, modifications, or conversions. The Consultant may remove from the electronic materials delivered to the City, all references to the Consultant involvement and will retain a tangible copy of the materials delivered to the City which will govern the interpretation of the materials and the information recorded. Electronic files are considered working files only, the Consultant is not required to maintain electronic files beyond 90 days after the project final billing, and makes no warranty as to the viability of electronic files beyond 90 days from date of transmittal. VI. ABBREVIATIONS Item 8b-AECOM Scope of Work Horseshoe Bend HSB Wall DSDC MMadfai.docx Page 2 of 5 City of Kent AZCM Scope of Work-Exhibit A The following abbreviations are referred to throughout this scope of work: AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BA Biological Assessment BDM WSDOT Bridge Design Manual BRAC Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee DAHP Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology ECS Environmental Classification Summary ESA Endangered Species Act FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration H&LP Highways and Local Programs HPA Hydraulic Project Approval JARPA Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application -RFD Load Resistance Factor Design NEPA National Environmental Projection Act NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places PS&E Plans, specifications, and estimates SEPA State Environmental Protection Act TS&L Type, Size and Location WDFW Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service VII.DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTION General Assumptions: 1. The level of effort for each phase and task of work is limited to the amount of labor and expenses indicated in Exhibit `B". These costs are itemized in Exhibit `B" to aid in project tracking purposes only. The budget may be transferred between tasks, provided the total contracted amount is not exceeded. Additional services beyond these limits will be considered Extra Work. 2. Substantial completion of the project is anticipated to be seven months, however the contract will expire May 31, 2013. The Consultant is responsible for meeting deadlines for their tasks only, Consultant has no control over those portions of the schedule related to the tasks performed by the City or any third party. 3. The City has the authority to approve proposed work scope and schedule changes. Item 8b-AECOM Scope of Work Horseshoe Bend HSB Wall DSDC MMadfai.docx Page 3 of 5 City of Kent AZCM Scope of Work-Exhibit A 4. The CITY will the lead construction management and inspection. 5. The CITY will be responsible for document control. 6. Addenda will be prepared by the CITY and issued to the Bidders. DESIGN SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION Task 1. — Management and Coordination: In this task are described those services necessary to plan, perform, and control the various elements of the project so that the needs and expectations of the City will be met. a. Project Management. Provide direction to the design team. Conduct project coordination meetings as required with appropriate task leaders. Monitor the planned versus actual rate of expenditure for each task and take corrective actions if necessary. Collect from each task leader, the percent complete as measured by how much work is left to be accomplished on a task by task basis. Maintain a high exposure to the project team of the issues to be resolved and their potential impacts to the measures of success for the project. b. Communicate Progress. Conduct ongoing, proactive, responsive communications with the City staff involved in the direction and execution of the project. Attend project coordination meeting at the completion of the Design Memo. Coordinate the schedule of the reviews to be performed by the City. Prepare and submit monthly invoices with a brief progress report that will include identification of work performed in the previous month's schedule. c. Quality Assurance/Quality Control. The project manager will implement and conduct AECOM quality control/quality assurance program throughout the project. Assumptions: 1. The Consultant's project manager and/or project engineer will meet with the City's project manager/engineer on as needed basis throughout the project. 2. Internal project team coordination meetings will be held on an as-needed basis during project duration. These meetings will be in addition to the coordination meetings held with the City, but budgeted as part of the specific work tasks. 3. Project meetings may involve other consultants, contractor, FEMA and USACE and will require some preparation of meeting materials. The budgeted number of meetings is shown on the attached cost estimate. Deliverables: 1. Monthly Invoices and Progress Report (1 copy) 2. Written Change Authorizations 3. Meeting preparation and attendance Task 2. — Site Visit: The Consultant will perform the following: The Consultant will conduct site visits as needed for construction support. The maximum number of site visits is indicated on the attached Exhibit B. Item 8b-AECOM Scope of Work Horseshoe Bend HSB Wall DSDC MMadfai.docx Page 4 of 5 City of Kent AZCaU Scope of Work-Exhibit A Assumptions: 1. All locations are accessible by foot. 2. Two people for the site visit Deliverables: 1. Field notes and photographs. Task 3. — RFl Response, Submittal and Shop Drawing Reviews: Consultant will review contractor submittals including shop drawings, and provide the City a recommended response to contractor's request for information. Assumptions: 1. The contractor will build the wall per the design plans. 2. The estimated effort does not include effort associated with review of contractor proposed changes to the design Deliverables: 1. RFI responses, shop drawing review comments, and other construction submittal review comments. Task 4. — Evaluation of Change Requests: The Consultant will review contractor proposals and make recommendations to the City. Assumptions: 1. Total number of contractor change requests is equal to one. Deliverables: 1. Written recommendations to the City. Item 8b-AECOM Scope of Work Horseshoe Bend HSB Wall DSDC MMadfai.docx Page 5 of 5 54 City of Kent tiCOM HISS Levee Retaining Wall Horseshoe Bend Levee Sheet Pile Wall Structural No.of Hours/ Structural Pro' Eng/ CADD/ Pro' Walllength Sh"6 She`[ Manager Eng Des Tech Admin SA/SC Total Hours Total Cost(PUT) $7e 00 $70 00 $51 00 $26 00 $38 00 $59 00 NO of , Took 1! Wads Management and Coord(ral Project Management 12 8 20 $1,24000 1 Meetings 4 1 8 1 1 12 $72000 eetlng duration wlbi travel time Trail 2 Total Management and Coordination 16 0 8 0 8 0 32 $19 0000 Took 1 Sitel4alts Ste Visit with tray el time(Me site visits) 0 12 12 $61200 Total Site Visits 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 $61200 Tasks 3 RFI Response,Submittal and Shop OraWing Reirews RFI Response 6 12 18 $1,080.00 Submittal Reviews 4 18 0 22 $1,230.00 Shop Drawing Reviews 4 18 0 22 $1,230.00 Total RFC Response,Submittal and Shop Drawing Reviews 14 0 48 0 0 0 62 $3,540.00 Took Evaluation of Change Proposals Evaluate Change Proposals 2 0 12 14 $768 00 $000 Total Evaluation of Change Proposals 2 0 12 0 0 0 14 $]68 00 Total Structural 32 0 80 0 8 0 120 $6,880.00 OUTSIDE REIMBURSABLES AECOM Direct Salary $6,880.00 Per Diem $000 AECOM Overhead 16314% $11,22403 Lodging $000 AECOM Subtotal $18104.03 Mileage/pars.Vehicle($0 55/mile) $100.00 Meals $000 AECOM Fee @ 30% $2,064.00 Supplies,Photos $000 Outside Reimbursables $170.00 Reproduction $2500 Subconsultants $000 Postage/Delivery $2000 TOTAL= $20,338.03 Other $2500 Management Reserve Fund= 0% $000 Markup for Reimb. 0 0% $000 GRAND TOTAL= $20,338.03 Total. $17000 Notes: 1) this estimate is based on the contractor building per the design plans(i e.no DRIP) 2) this estimate assumes that the City will provide construction management 3) this estimate assumes one site visit 4) Structural Construction Estimate about$1Run FOOD=$1.1 m and 259[h=$1 2m,total=$23m File C:AOocumen6 and Settings\wlsethALocal Settings\Tempo2ry Internet FllesVConten[OutlooSPFFLTR9Admft COK HSB Wall DS 0C Estimate 20120717 v0 era xls Sheet HSB Wall and Building Page 1 of 1 55 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 16, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Tim LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Consultant Services Agreement with Murray &Associates for Appraisals along the SE 256th Street Improvements Project Item - 9 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Murray & Associates to complete appraisals for portions of property along SE 256th Street in an amount not to exceed $22,786, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The City of Kent was successful in obtaining a $2 million grant from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the repair, widening and upgrading of SE 256th Street between Kent-Kangley Road and 116th Avenue SE. The project will construct a center, left-turn lane, bike lanes, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, storm drainage and undergrounding of overhead utilities In order to construct the improvements along SE 256th Street and widen the roadway, some strips of property will be required from adjacent properties, the cost of these property acquisitions need to be determined by a certified land appraiser. Budget Impact: Funding for this contract is included in the existing project budget. 56 This page intentionally left blank. 57 APPRAISAL SERVICES PROPOSAL Murray & Associates City of Kent— SE 2561' Street Improvement Project RFQ/RFP (6/27/2012) j GENERAL INFORMATION MICHAEL E. MURRAY, MAI, CCIM Real Estate Valuation and Advisory Services CONTACT INFORMATION 13 Tulalip Key I Bellevue,Washington 98006 (206)498-6274 michael.e.murray@comeast.net REAL ESTATE VALUATION AND ADVISORY SERVICES • Real Estate Appraisals and Consulting • Lease Negotiations and Consulting • Appraisal Reviews • Highest and Best Use Studies • Litigation I Arbitration I Mediation • Market Analysis • Eminent Domain Valuation and Consulting • Real Estate Tax Valuation • Acquisition/Disposition Consulting • investment Analysis e Demand Studies • Business Advisory Services PRIMARY MARKET AREA Puget Sound Region I Washington State PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS I LICENSES I EDUCATION • MAI,Designated Member of the Appraisal Institute • Certified General Real Estate Appraiser License(Washington State) • CCIM, Certified Commercial Investment Member of the CCIM Institute(a commercial real estate affiliate of the National Association of Realtors) • Licensed Real Estate Broker,Washington State(not currently practicing brokerage) • CPA,Certified Public Accountant, Washington State(not currently practicing public accounting) ® Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)Approved Appraiser and Review Appraiser Lists • Member of International Right of Way Association (IRWA), 2008 IRWA Project of the Year Award for my appraisal of Boeing Field for a potential transfer to the Port of Seattle • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration,Eastern Washington University • Two years of Graduate Tax Study, Golden Gate University RFQ/RFP Kent-SE 256°i Street Pagel of 5 58 APPRAISAL SERVICES PROPOSAL Murray & Associates PROPOSED APPROACH TO WORK i believe in an interactive appraisal process in which I am available to my clients at all times ensuring that they feel they can call on me when they have new information or questions. 1 understand that the assignment scope may change,especially with right-of--way projects as construction plans sometimes change. And while it is important that I maintain my independence and render an unbiased opinion, I recognize that I am a member of a team that is trying to solve problems and complete projects in a timely manner. I also think it is important to keep the client informed of significant information that is discovered during the appraisal process, especially information that could alter the client's plans for the property being appraised. The client for this assignment will be the City of Kent. The City of Kent requires that, in addition to compliance with Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), appraisal development and reporting must also meet the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) standards as set forth in the WSDOT&W Manual, chapter 4; WSDOT Appraisal Report Guide; Federal Regulations as defined in section 49,part 24 of the code of federal regulations (CFR); and Washington Local Agency Guidelines Manual(LAG). In the event of conflict or dispute in determining correct appraisal procedures that are not addressed in the standards noted above,the Uniform Appraisal Standards,for Federal Land Acquisitions (the j "Yellow Book")will be the determining authority. Under 49 CFR, WSDOT is required to take an active role in developing the scope of work. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the appraiser to develop a complete scope of work and produce a credible assignment result and appraisal report. The WSDOT report formats and reporting sequence will be utilized for this assignment. In those circumstances allowing a strip appraisal, an abbreviated appraisal report(WSDOT RES213 or RES216) can be provided rather than a full narrative appraisal report(WSDOT RES208). STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS I have been involved in commercial real estate for over thirty years, with ten years in financial management and accounting,ten years in property management and brokerage, and the past twelve years as a commercial real estate appraiser. Many of my assignments over the last several years involved right-of-way projects similar to the SE 256th Street improvement project. Following is a list of recent projects that I have completed for public agencies. RFQ/RFP Kent-SE 256`h Street Page 2 of 5 59 APPRAISAL SERVICES PROPOSAL Murray & Associates Recent Public Agency Projects Completed • City of Kent Kentview Sewer extension project(2012).Appraisal assignment to value the impact of partial acquisitions for permanent utility easements and temporary construction casements for a sewer line extension through a residential neighborhood. The client contact is Ingrid Willms-Dixon, City of Kent, (253) 856-5519. • King County, Washington—Cedar Hills Regional Landfill appraisal(2011-2012). Six-month t appraisal and consulting assignment to value Cedar Hills Regional Landfill for the King County Solid Waste Division. The client contact is Kathryn Killinger,King County, Washington, (206) 296-4459. • City of Bellevue—East Link appraisal-consulting services (2011). Six-month appraisal- consulting assignment to value the impacts of expected takings from City of Bellevue parcels and various privately-owned parcels for the proposed East Link light rail project. The client contact is Max Jacobs, City of Bellevue, (425) 452-4182. • King County, Washington—appraisal of 106-acre Boeing leasehold on King County International Airport (KCiA) and 152 acres of general aviation leaseholds on KCIA(2007- 2012). Included in this appraisal were unimproved land, improved apron, and improved building sites (hangar, office,and industrial buildings). Specific services included market rent appraisals and tenant arbitrations; individual parcel appraisals;valuation of King County's leased fee interest in the airport property for a possible exchange with the Port of Seattle; demand studies; redevelopment feasibility analysis; lease consulting; and presentations to King County Council, tenant groups, and other oversight groups. The client contact is Tom Paine, KC1A, (206) 296-0628. • City of Bellevue various projects (2007-2012). Projects include numerous commercial and residential appraisal reviews and appraisals involving downtown and suburban Bellevue properties for eminent domain and general acquisition purposes. The client contact is Patti Ebert, City of Bellevue, (425) 452-5203. • King County, Washington—South Park Bridge appraisal (2010).New South Park Bridge right-of-way acquisitions from multiple commercial parcels. The client contact is Debbie Ayers, King County, (206)205-5635. A complete detailed history of relevant project experience can be made available upon. request. RFQ/RFP Kent-SE 256`h Street Page 3 of 5 60 APPRAISAL, SERVICES PROPOSAL Murray & Associates i, I PROJECT STAFFING I do my own research, analysis, and reporting as I believe that this is the best way to get a feel for the market and the property being appraised. I consult with a network of appraisers and other professionals when I need input on a particular project as well as utilizing report editing and research assistants, when necessary. 1 am a member of the Appraisal institute, International Right of Way Association, and CCIM Institute. Also, 1 subscribe to various data services, such as CoStar and Site to Do Business, and have a network of real estate professionals that I often rely on for market data and input regarding market conditions. 1 will consult with experts if a particular assignment requires an expert opinion on some aspect of the appraisal. For example, if I am appraising a hotel for eminent domain purposes, and there are potential building damages, I would most likely recommend hiring a hotel expert to provide market insight and income approach data as well as to be available for a potential litigation process. Another example would be residential subdivision land that involves significant critical areas, such as slopes, streams, or wetlands. These critical areas, along with buffers, need to be delineated to determine the usable area and development potential for the site. Also, given current stagnant market conditions, residual valuation techniques using current market data are more prominent in concluding credible appraisal assignment results. In some of i these cases, development density and development cost estimates may best be provided by an architectural/engineer specialist. FEE SCHEDULE All billings for work performed under this agreement will list actual time (days or hours) and dates during which the work was accomplished and billed according to the underlying service contract. Current hourly rates are as follows: Mike Murray,MAI,CCIM $185 per hour Research Assistant $85 per hour Report writing and editing $60 per hour Sub-consultant costs—outside expert fees,travel costs,or similar project expenses that are outside the scope of the project proposal will be billed at cost based on an agreement,with the client. I have attached a detailed,fee estimate,for this proposal (SF 256th Street Improvement project, RFP date 6-27-2012). The proposed fee is $22.786. RFQ/RFP Kent-SE 256" Street Page 4 of 5 61 APPRAISAL SERVICES PROPOSAL Murray & Associates INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS I have reviewed the insurance requirements of the subject RFP, and I currently have the required insurance coverage. PROJECT TIMING My intent would be to start work, upon authorization to proceed,by completing the necessary research and conducting joint site inspections with the property owner representatives and completing the required reports. The appraisal reports will be delivered as completed with all parcels completed and delivered within five weeks from your authorization to proceed. Murray&Associates all Dated: 6-25-2012 RFQ/RFP Kent-SE 256`h Street Page 5 of 5 62 a 0000000000 m m in m m �n LL m m m m m m m m m m m 0 ry m ry N ry n 4Y N v}VF V}Vf 4F t?tR VF N' rl m rl rl rl N N V41/t VT i/? N LS +/n N O h h h h h h h h h h Ifi 6 O N U) 'O O p I 20 ai Q R V V C V V V Q C F (U n N� �D �O F N '� O O g 0 0 0 O O rl O O N V t0 m c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o W a o M m p`, " o ri ai ai ri ri o'i ri ri ri ri �o ui � vi �+i of �a m o N p -O -- - - v, - - - a@i m � - m � � °•' o O 0 o 0 0 0 0 o @ ix Q ti rl N n N O O O rl O n O N N N N N N N N N N 4l h O h h N O O O O O O O M C F O fD lO lO M n 1D x � O ri •i ei 9 � u V C W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W o o �n rn o rn �n O O O O O O O O O O inincrnmwov°1w � � � � o, _> a c'n C j '� OJ M M M M V C'J M M N O O V � O m O W U � � O. Y N ✓+ �` � O N O O O O W O Lq N N N @ U Q E o E A W O D R M O N M r 0 tp r r N 0 M n R r O Q � o• y � � K K F- 2 (� U O U LL a aaaaaaaaam � � � v � � 'S W � � N LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL d m n n $ n n Y I O r O W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W p N yp E I- T Lo o N N@ N u N O N > > > N W > > C w p 'a �> �> > 'S 'S �> 'S 'S �> @ @ @ @ > @ m m w y o m w m@ w@ d d@ t t t t v E t c a�i Zi d a a n a a a a a a n Z Z Z Z a Z Z c LL K Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ¢ Q m N N N N N N N N N@ N @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ C C < C > n ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Q ¢ Q Q O o 0 o Q a o q n a n n n n n n n n m y I E rn c @ N N N C @ � • x ♦ Y r w > 5 d m v v 02 u o ' m m@ m o a C9m � o m m mx nim U2U V CCU C1 # 63 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 3, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members Special PW Committee Meeting Date: July 23, 2012 From: Gina Hungerford, Conservation Coordinator Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, Mike Mactutis, Kelly Peterson Subject: Information Only/Business Recycling Event - August 9, 2012 Item - 10 Motion: Information Only/No Motion Required Summary: On Thursday, August 9, 2012, the city of Kent will host the annual Business Recycling Event. The event will take place at Russell Road Park located at 24400 Russell Road, from11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Businesses are invited to bring cardboard, electronics (including computers and components), up to 5, file-size boxes of confidential material to shred, plastics, scrap metal, wood pallets and more. A small fee is charged for some items. A flyer with a complete list of items accepted at the event will be mailed out in late July. This event is paid for by King County's Solid Waste Division and Washington State Dept. of Ecology grants. Budget Impact: No Budget Impact 64 This page intentionally left blank. 65 ITEM - 11 INFORMATION ONLY Local Improvement District (LID) 363 Process Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Wayne Tanaka, Attorney