HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 07/09/2012 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director 40 • Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager � KENT Phone: 253-856-5454 wAs„ �.T.� Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 AGENDA LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD RETREAT JULY 09, 2012 7:00 P.M. LUPB MEMBERS: Alan Gray, Chair; Barbara Phillips, Vice-Chair; Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Jack Ottini, Randall Smith, and Jim Sturgul CITY STAFF: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager David Galazin, Assistant City Attorney This is to notify you that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold a Retreat. MONDAY, JULY 9, 2012 Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers East 220 Fourth Avenue S 7:00 p.m. No public testimony is taken at retreats, although the public is welcome to attend. The retreat agenda will include the following item(s): How to Conduct a Meetina Basic Roberts Rules of Order reference sheet Procedures for Handlina Motions Parliamentary Basics -presiding over a meeting (handout) Roberts Rules of Order Survival Tips and Common Mistakes (handout) Roll Play — Mock Meeting Practice is a good rule of thumb You may access the City's website for documents pertaining to the Land Use and Planning Board at: http://kentwa.igm2.com/citizens/Default.aslDx?DelDaltmentlD=1004. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388 or call the City of Kent Planning Division directly at (253) 856-5499 (TDD) or the main line at (253) 856-5454. This page intentionally left blank. Basic Roberts Rules Of Order For use for reference during meetings AG EIV®AS TYPICAL LANGUAGE USED BY HANDLING MOTIONS PERSON RUNNING MEETING .Atypical agenda includes Member says, "I move that....'. An- other member seconds the motion, Call To Order "I call this meeting to order" or chair asks, "is there a second?" Chair states motion and asks for dis- "Will the secretary please do roll cussion. Roll Call call?" Members enter into a debate. Make "We have a quorum.Will the of motion has first right of floor. secretary please read the min- Debate only on merits of motion. utes of the last meeting" Debate is closed when no members "Are there any corrections to seek further discussion. Reading & Approval the minutes?" Chair puts motion to vote. of Minutes "if there are no corrections,the Chair announces results of vote. minutes stand approved". "We'll now move to the officer's reports. Will the treasurer,Jane Doe please read/submit their WHAT MINUTES MUST INCLUDE Reports of Officers report. . The kind of meeting begin "Are there any questions con- held..regular, special,etc. cerning the treasurer's report? (if none)Will the Vice President The name of club now give their report? . Date,time and place of meeting "We'll now move onto unfin- . Names of person running meeting nfinished Business ished business, Atthe last Names of everyone in attendance. meeting.,." "The meeting is now open for • Approval of past meeting minutes new business" with any corrections. New Business "It has been moved and sec- • Summaries of reports from offi- onded that......is there any fur- cers. ther discussion?" • Exact final working of all motions "We will now vote on that mo- with names of movers and tion that...Al in favor say"Aye". • seconders. All opposed say "Nay". The mo- • Results of all votes. tion has passed. . Points of order raised an appeals "Are there any announce- made,with the chair's ruling on Announcements ments?" The next meeting will each. be held on......." • Announcements. Adjournment "May I please have a motion to • The time of adjournment. adjourn the meeting?" • The signature of the secretary or person who took minutes. This page intentionally left blank. VAP - Parliamentary Basics - Presiding Page 1 of t � �T1 kYJANS Guest Search NAP Store d Member Login NAP Home About NAP ParliamentaryBasics: Presiding Parliamentary Procedure Definition Two essential components of effectively presiding over a meeting are Usage preparing and following an agenda, and handling motions fairly and Parliamentary Basics 'Types.ofRules consistently. :Motions, '. :-Discussion Presiding Sample Meeting Agenda ":FundamentalRights ,teaming Moreore (Excerpted from the NAP publication, The Chair's Guide: Order of ._. "'Professional Services Business)r`NAP Online.Store Products&:Services e Call to Order Requests: e Opening Ceremonies (optional) NAP:Organization NAP Membership e Roll Call (if customary) News Events a Reading and Approval of Minutes National Parliamentarian ®, Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees Educational Foundation Docurnenta&Forms , Reports of Special Committees (announced only if such Member Services committees are prepared or instructed to report) Special Orders (announced only if there are special orders) Unfinished Business and General Orders e New Business e Announcements e Program (if a program or a speaker is planned for the meeting) e Adjourn Procedure for Handling a Main Motion Obtaining and Assigning the Floor 1. A member rises when no one else has the floor and addresses the chair: "Mr./Madam President," "Mr./Madam Chairman," or by other proper title. (In a large assembly, the member gives his name and identification.) i The member remains standing and awaits recognition by the chair. I 2. The chair recognizes the member by announcing his name or title, or, in a small assembly, by nodding to him. How the Motion is Brought Before the Assembly 1. The member makes the motion: "I move that (or 'to')..." and resumes his seat. 2. Another member, without rising, seconds the motion: "I second the motion," or "I second it" or even just "second." 3. The chair states the motion: "It is moved and seconded that .... Are you ready for the question?" itip:Hparliamentarians.org/basics-presiding.php 6/26/201 VAP - Parliamentary Basics - Presiding Page 2 of4 Consideration of the Motion 1. Members debate the motion. (See Parliamentary Basics - Discussion). 2. The chair puts the motion to a vote. The chair asks: "Are you ready for the question?" if no one rises to claim the floor, the chair proceeds to take the vote. The chair says: "The question is on the adoption of the motion that... As many as are in favor, say 'Aye". (Pause for response.) Those opposed, say 'No'. (Pause for response.) 3. The chair announces the result of the vote. "The ayes have it, the motion is adopted, and .... (indicating the effect of the vote)," or j "The noes have it, and the motion is lost." Terms & Conditions I Privacy I Browsers I Site Map I Contact NAP Copyright © 2012 National Association of Parliamentarians ittp://parliamentarians.org/basics-presiding.php 6/26/201 Survival Tips on Robert's Rules of Order - Six Steps to Each Motion Page 1 of 1 g SURVIVAL TIPS ON Robert s Rules of 0"Wder P 5W I Ab Six Steps to Every Motion! y caioe6 +et' n 4Pe. rh i 3' Every motion requires 6 steps (with some exceptions ). The shoulds and shouldn'ts are as 'follows: (RONR(10th ed.),p.31-54) °$ f ;STEP 1. A member stands up, is recognized, and makes rta > ..a� a motion; c 'Common Mistake: Members do not stand up, do not wait k r to be recognized, and typically start to discuss their motion ' before completing STEP 2, STEP 3, and STEP 4 below! STEP 2. Another member seconds the motion; 4 - 'Common Mistake: The person seconding the motion dives into the merits of the I-otion. t`3dG.( rn zb h- ti r a STEP 3. The presiding officer restates the motion to the assembly; p a :Common Mistake: Motion is restated differently from the wording of the maker.! Beware because the motion that is adopted is the one stated by the presiding officer, not the one stated by the maker of the original motion. TEP 4. The members debate the motion; ;Common Mistake: Debate gets out of control in temper, in duration, in relevance! Members talk at each other across the room rather than through the presiding officer. N STEP 5. Presiding officer asks for the affirmative votes & then the negative Otes; s x Common Mistake: The presiding officer states 'All in favor'and fails to tell the members what to do as a matter of voting (for example, 'say aye', `stand up', 'raise (your hand' etc.); or the negative vote is never requested or counted! a STEP 6. The presiding officer announces the result of the voting; instructs the x, corresponding officer to take action; and introduces the next item of business. t 3 iCommon Mistake: Presiding officer fails to pronounce the result of the voting! No ;one is instructed to take action. Commonly, dead silence follows because the ;'presiding officer is lost and stares at the assembly TOP I HOME r 3c parliamProberts-rules.com a member of National Association of Parliamentarians and American Institute of Parliamentarians r Created by Cuesta Web Designs;Sacramento,California Last updated 111161201014:38:11 4 1 . r E't ittp://roberts-rules.com/par109.htm 6/26/201',