HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 05/21/2012 I
Public Works Committee Agenda
Councilmembers:Dana Ralph-Dennis Higgins.Elizabeth Albertson, Chair
KENT May 21, 2012
1AII,i IGT 11
4:00 p.m.
Item Description Action Speaker Time Pace
1. Approval of Minutes Dated May 7, 2012 YES None 03 03
2. Warning Sign Installation Agreement with YES Steve Mullen 05 07
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)
3. Consultant Agreement/Linda Heights YES Ken Langholz 05 13
4. Draft 2013-2018 Six Year Transportation YES Cathy Mooney 20 29
Improvement Plan (TIP)
5. Information Only/Special Residential NO Gina Hungerford 05 87
Recycling Event June 2, 2012
6. Information Only/Regional Water Supply NO Mike Mactutis/ 20 91
System (RWSS) Water Storage and Green Brad Lake
River Temperatures
Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the 1"& 3rd Mondays of each
month. Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895.
For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at
(253) 856-5725 in advance.
For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388.
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Minutes of Monday, May 7, 2012
Committee Chair, Elizabeth Albertson, and Committee members, Dana Ralph and
Dennis Higgins, were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m.
Item 1 — Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated April 2, 2012:
Ralph MOVED to approve the minutes of April 2, 2012. The motion was
SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0.
Item 2 - Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated April 16, 2012:
Ralph MOVED to approve the minutes of April 16, 2012. The motion was
SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0.
Item 3 — Sales Agreement w/Smith & Loveless, Inc. — Frager Road Pump
Station Improvements:
Design Engineering Manager, Mark Howlett, presented several photographs of pumps
and the pump station sites. He noted that the City has been using Smith & Loveless
pumps and motors within its pump stations since the late 1950's and have proven to
be long lasting and reliable with a life span of 15 to 20 years.
The size of the pump and motors, within the Frager Road pump station, need to be
increased to accommodate additional sewer flows; as a result of the elimination, in the
coming months, of the Kentview pump station.
Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Sales
Agreement with Smith & Loveless, Inc. to purchase new pumps and motors
for the Frager Road sanitary sewer pump station in an amount not to exceed
$ 26,488.00 plus applicable taxes, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was
SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
Item 4 — Consultant Services Agreement/Strickland Heischman & Hoss, Inc. —
S. 2281h St. Union Pacific Grade Separation Proiect:
Design Engineering Supervisor, Mark Madfai showed a location map and photographs
of typical backups and the project area. Madfai explained that in order to construct
the overpass at the S. 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Crossing the City must
mitigate for the loss of driveways associated with raising the roadway. He noted that
this appraisal is being performed in order to purchase property that will be used to
mitigate for impacts at the two businesses.
Councilmembers were given assurance by staff that this item would be handled within
the 6 month time period that an appraisal is typically valid for and not be brought back
to Committee at a later date.
Minutes of Monday, May 7, 2012
Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the
Consultant Services Agreement with Strickland Heischman & Hoss, Inc. to
complete appraisals at Cobble Hill LLC and Denver Wholesale Florists in an
amount not to exceed $30,000, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was
SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0.
Item 5 —Information Only/International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Pacific
Northwest Education Award:
City Engineer, Chad Bieren introduced Vegetation Maintenance Field Supervisor, Scott
Schroeder and Parks Director Jeff Watling and congratulated them on receiving the
International Society of Arboriculture Pacific Northwest Education Award. Watling
noted that staff provides public education for elementary school children in class
presentations for 20 minutes about trees and then the classroom has the opportunity
to pot a tree, bring it home for a year and then replant it. Victoria Andrews, Parks
Special Programs Manager arranges the schedule with the schools, Matt Knox,
Environmental Ecologist, orders the trees and Storm Vegetation Supervisor, Scott
Schroeder, along with other staff assists the students in planting the trees.
It was noted that 2,500 trees and shrubs were planted in 2011; 22,000 in the past 12
years. Councilmembers shared their appreciation of the program and that each of
their children had planted trees over the years. Watling noted it is a great partnership
that has worked very well for Public Works and Parks.
No Motion Required/Information Only
Item 6 —Information Only/Green River Natural Resources Area — Update:
Environmental Ecologist, Matt Knox gave an informative PowerPoint presentation on
the progress to date of the Green River Natural Resources Area (GRNRA), a 304 acre
facility which provides flood control, stormwater treatment, passive recreation and
wildlife habitat near the Green River. He noted that the site was a former sewage
lagoon and was purchased by the City in 1994.
Specific information was presented on the following:
• The critical flood abatement and water quality functions provided by the facility;
• 2012 volunteer efforts to help staff meet requirements and improve habitat;
• The Landscape and Habitat Master Plans and Resource Monitoring Plan;
• Progress to date on meeting landscaping, water quality and habitat requirements;
• Plans for a future watershed discovery center.
No Motion Required/Information Only
Minutes of Monday, May 7, 2012
Item 7 - Information Only/Freight Mobility - Update:
City Engineer, Chad Bieren stated that at a meeting on April 17, the Freight Mobility
Investment Board's (FMSIB) Executive Director, Karen Schmidt, asked the Mayor and
Public Works staff if we are moving forward with the railroad grade separation
projects. This meeting was a follow-up to a February 13, 2012 letter from FMSIB
asking about the City's intention to complete these projects. The letter also asked for
a funding plan and schedule if the City planned on moving ahead with construction.
After discussing the City's current financial position, it was determined that FMSIB
could continue to program funding for all five projects based on the following
construction schedule:
Project Construct During State Biennium
S. 228th Street/Union Pacific Construct 2013 - 2015
S. 212th Street/Burlington Northern Construct 2015 - 2017
S.212th Street/Union Pacific Construct 2017 - 2019
Willis Street/Burlington Northern Deferred List
Willis Street/Union Pacific Deferred List
This construction schedule would be dependent on the City's ability to secure grant
funding to complete the S. 228th and S. 212th Street projects. If funds cannot be
secured in time, these projects would be added to the FMSIB Deferred Projects list.
Projects can be moved back to "active" status from the deferred list if they have a
complete funding package.
No Motion Required/Information Only
Added Items:
Committee member Dennis Higgins - Ad hoc Committee Meeting
Higgins stated that last week at the Council Workshop they heard from both the
Transportation Advisory Committee and the Parks Citizens Committees. Several
recommendations were made that Council now needs to consider. The Ad hoc
Committee will be lead by Dennis Higgins, as the Council President, Dana Ralph as a
member of the Parks Committee and Elizabeth Albertson as the Chair of the Public
Works Committee.
The first series of the Combined Advisory Committees will be on May 14, 2012
tentatively set for 3:00 p.m., 4th floor conference room 402 to discuss infrastructure
needs and funding options. Members from both the Transportation and Parks Advisory
Committees are invited to participate. A public notice will be sent out advising of the
special meeting. Subsequent meetings will be schedule at the May 14 meeting.
Minutes of Monday, May 7, 2012
LID 363 Update - City Engineer, Chad Bieren noted that the Final Assessment
Hearing for Local Improvement District 363 has been postponed due to appraisals of
property that are in need of further work. A notice will be sent out to the property
owners affected by the LID. Once a new date has been set another notice will be sent
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth
Council Committee Recorder
Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500
WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: April 2, 2012
To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: May 21, 2012
From: Steve Mullen, P.E., Transportation Engineering Manager
Through: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer
Subject: Warning Sign Installation Agreement with Burlington Northern
Santa Fe (BNSF)
Item — 2
Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to execute a Warning
Sign Installation Agreement with BNSF Railway, for the installation and
maintenance of LED-enhanced "DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS" signs,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and
Public Works Director.
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Company has conducted an
assessment of rail crossings in Kent. These assessments evaluated the effect of
street back-ups due to nearby signals. BNSF determined that cars backing up onto
tracks are a potential problem and they have offered to partner with the City to
install "Do Not Stop on Tracks" signs. BNSF would provide solar-powered, LED signs
that the City would install and maintain. Sign replacement would become the City's
long-term responsibility, including related costs. This enhancement would remind
drivers that it is illegal to stop on railroad tracks. These signs would be installed at
each of the eight crossings.
Budget Impact:
The cost of installing and maintaining these signs would come out of the Street
Maintenance budget. The City's estimated cost to install the signs is $5,000-6,000.
The estimated annual maintenance costs are roughly $1,000.
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effective as of 2012, by and between CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON ('AGENCY"), and BNSF
RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation(RAILROAD").
WHEREAS, in the interest of aiding vehicular travel and public safety, the AGENCY is to install warning signs
displaying the message "Do Not Stop on Tracks", which include solar-powered LED enhancements (`Signs") as specified in
Exhibit B, such Signs to be located at the U.S. DOT Crossings listed on Exhibit A, and
WHEREAS, the RAILROAD will pay for the acquisition of the Signs and all related equipment and AGENCY will
perform and pay all costs associated with the installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the Signs at the AGENCY's
sole cost and expense.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the parties agree as follows:
1. The RAILROAD will, at its sole cost and expense, acquire the Signs and all related equipment for the locations set
forth on Exhibit A.
2. Upon acquisition of the Signs and all related equipment, the RAILROAD will, at its sole cost and expense, deliver
such materials to the AGENCY at the location mutually agreed upon by the RAILROAD and the AGENCY.
1. The AGENCY will, at its sole cost and expense, furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment for the installation
and operation of the Signs and all related equipment at the locations as set forth on Exhibit A. The work will be performed by
the AGENCY in accordance with MUTCD and the typical placement as shown on Exhibit B. All work contemplated in this
Agreement must be performed in a good and workmanlike manner.
2. All installation,maintenance and repair work performed by the AGENCY pursuant to this Agreement will be pursuant
to a contract or contracts to be let by the AGENCY,
3. The AGENCY agrees, and will require its contractor, to perform all installation, maintenance and repair work under
this Agreement in a manner that will not endanger or interfere with the safe and timely operations of the RAILROAD and its
facilities(e.g. not less than 25 feet from the track).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.
By: By:
Printed Name: Printed Name:
Title: Title:
Exhibit A
AGENCY: The City of Kent, WA
DOT NO. Crossing Street,Mile Post,Line Segment
085625H S 212'St,MP 14.19,LS 51
085642Y S 259'St,MP 17.09,LS 51
085629K James St,MP 15.94,LS 51
085633A Smith St,MP 16.18,LS 51
085636V Meeker St,MP 16.29,LS 51
085637C Gowe St,MP 16.34,LS 51
085639R Titus St,MP 16.42,LS 51
085640K Willis St,MP 16.56,LS 51
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Timothy J LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500
WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: May 9, 2012
To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: May 21, 2012
From: Mark Howlett, P.E., Design Engineering Manager
Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director
Subject: Contract/RH2 Engineering, Inc. — Linda Heights Sanitary Sewer
Pump Station Replacement
Item - 3
Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant
Services Agreement with RH2 Engineering, Inc. to provide engineering
design services for the Linda Heights Sanitary Sewer Pump Station
replacement, in an amount not to exceed $138,600, subject to final terms
and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
The City's Linda Heights Sanitary Sewer Pump Station is located in Linda Heights
Park on the west hill, at S. 248th Street, just east of I-5. RH2 Engineering, Inc. was
selected to provide mechanical, structural, hydraulic and electrical engineering
services to support the City's in-house civil engineering team.
RH2 will design the pump station and related components while the City will
redesign the area around the pump station.
The station serves a developed residential area located between Military Road and I-
5 and between S. 241't and S. 252nJ Streets. The station was initially constructed in
1957, upgraded in 1976 and now needs to be replaced. It is currently under-sized.
Pump station design is highly specialized work that includes electrical, mechanical,
structural and hydraulic disciplines. Individual pump station replacements occur
about every 30-50 years, as required due to life-cycle needs. In fact, the last pump
station built by the City was over 10 years ago at the plat of Lindental. Therefore,
City staff members do not maintain license requirements to perform this work.
Budget Impact:
Funds for the project will be programmed into the 2013-2015 sewer utility budget.
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Scope of Work
City of Kent
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station
Professional Engineering Services
March 2012
The Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station was constructed in 1957 and upgraded in
1973. The original pumps, motors, piping, valves, motor control center, and emergency
power generator from the 1973 upgrade are still in operation. The City has programmed the
replacement of the pump station to improve reliability and safety. The pump station serves
the domestic sewer needs for a single-family-residential service basin with 292 homes. The
facility pumps raw wastewater from its location in Linda Heights Park through a 750-foot-
long, 6-inch-diameter ductile iron force main. The existing pump equipment consists of two
(2) 15-horsepower, end-suction centrifugal pumps in a cast in-place wetwell/drywell station
that was equipped for 330 gallons per minute (gpm) at 74 feet total dynamic head (TDH).
Long pump run times and dual pump operation frequently occur during rain events,
demonstrating that the station is under capacity. The existing pump station's electrical,
instrumentation, access, emergency power generation, and telemetry systems will require
upgrades to meet current codes and match the City's other pump stations. The primary
purpose of the Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station project is to design a new station
that can be constructed to the north of the existing station, at or within 50 feet of the
location shown in the conceptual drawings of the new pump station provided by the City.
Project Description
The project includes the following improvements and activities. This list is based on a
preliminary review of the existing pump station and a scoping meeting with the City:
Sizing and Location of Station in Linda Heights Park. Pump station historical flow data
from SCALA will be reviewed to select the pumps and grinder and to size the wetwells for
the triplex pump, dual wetwell and single drywell station. RH2 will prepare a draft
mechanical layout for the City to review. Wetwells will be 8 feet in diameter (minimum) and
will operate with one in standby mode. The standby wetwell will serve as emergency storage.
The last manhole preceding the wetwells will house a grinder and a valved flow-splitter. The
City will select the location of the pump station and prepare the site plan based on the draft
structural and mechanical components determined by RH2.
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Heighk Peck SSW Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
Construction Sequencing and Bypass Plan. A sequencing plan will be required to
transition wastewater flow from the existing pump station to the replacement station. This
plan may include temporary pumping and force main equipment to allow continuous reliable
service while the new station is being constructed.
Pumps, Piping, Valves, Ventilation, and Structural Improvements. The existing
wetwell/drywell station with a new triplex pump station with end-suction centrifugal pumps
in compliance with the City's standards (Smith and Loveless). The pump station will be
equipped with a grinder on the influent piping and a magnetic flow meter on the effluent
piping. The new pump station will be built with dual pre-cast round wetwells and a cast-in-
place concrete drywell. Build a permanent canopy (similar to a carport) will be built over the
EG-set Wetwells and drywell will be equipped with permanent ventilation systems that meet
modern fire code.
Electrical, Telemetry, and Control System Improvements. Existing electrical power
supply system, standby power equipment and pump control systems will be replaced. A
security camera with DVR, intrusion detection, and smoke, fire, and gas detection equipment
will be provided. Existing telemetry equipment and programming will be upgraded by
collaborating with the City's telemetry integrator (Systems Interface of Bothell,Washington).
Site Work and Miscellaneous Improvements: A road access plan that allows a Vactor
Model 2100 wastewater maintenance vehicle to access the wetwell will be created. Fencing
will be provided as needed.
This Scope of Work describes work associated with the design of the pump station and for
assisting the City in obtaining a City of Kent building permit. RH2 will provide construction
plans and technical specifications for the project The City will integrate the plans and
specifications provided by RH2 into the City's standard bid documents for a complete
bidding package. Bidding phase and construction phase engineering will be provided by the
Task I — Basin Analysis and Sizing
Objective: Determine wastewater flows to be pumped by the new triplex pump station.
1.1 Obtain SCADA records for the past three (3) years showing the minutes pumped by
each pump in the existing station on at least a half-hourly basis. Create statistical
compilation of flows that have historically been pumped by the station. Select pumps
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Heighk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
with the individual capacity to pump peak flow as determined by SCADA record
1.2 Perform calculations to determine wetwell diameter and vertical operating range that
minimize wastewater septicity while providing the pumps with a reasonable number
of cycles per hour. Perform analysis for wet and dry weather conditions.
1.3 Determine emergency storage volume needed to provide City maintenance personnel
with the City's desired response time. The emergency storage volume will be created
by oversizing conveyance piping between the existing pump station and the new
and/or by increasing the diameter of the wetwell. Currently, should all pumps fail
simultaneously, it appears that wastewater will overflow from a manhole lid in the
park based on the City's and RH2's current observations. The exact location of the
overflow will be determined during this subtask. Site manhole elevations will be
evaluated together with basement elevations of nearby homes served by gravity. The
objective of this task is to create an adequate storage volume to allow City crews to
restart pumps or install bypass pumps before wastewater can overflow into the park
or a customer's home following a failure of all three pumps.
Assumptions:For pump and wetwell suing puooses, it is assumed that the boundaries and customer
character of the service basin tributary to the existingpuwp station will not change. It is also assumed that
the City will make inpromments to keo flows caused by infiltration and inflow (1&1) at current levels.
RH2 will rely on the completeness and accuracy of data, information, or documentation pronded by the City.
Provided by City
• SCADA data from 2009 2011 on the shortest time increment available (5-minute
averages would be preferable). Data should include wetwell level, pump runtime, and
time & date stamps for each pump-on and pump-off call.
• Record drawings for the complete pump station force main alignment.
• Static and operating pressures of each pump in the existing pump station and timed
pump-down testing to determine flowrates delivered by the existing station.
• Length of response time desired before the station overflows after the high-alarm
float has been tripped during a specified flow regime (e.g., peak day, average day, or
• Review of predesign memo and email and telephone responses to sizing questions.
RH2 Deliverables
The following information will be presented in the predesign memo delivered via email in
PDF format:
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Heighk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
• Statistical Analysis of Historical Flows. Cumulative frequency graph showing the
probability of each flowrate that the pump station will receive assuming the basin
does not change in size, nor in number or character of customers. This further
assumes that I&I will be mitigated by future improvements to the extraneous flows
at the current levels. Recommendation for design peak flow rate will be made.
Selection of the average peak flow used (peak hour, peak half-hour, peak 15-minute,
etc.) will be made in conjunction with the amount of emergency storage volume
determined in subtask 1.3.
• Pump Hydraulic Analysis. System head curve for station and recommended duty
points and pump model for replacement pumps based upon assumed final pipe and
valve sizing.
• Grinder Design. Wastewater grinder selection including make and model and
conceptual mounting plan that includes flow-splitting downstream of the grinder.
The splitter will have manual flow control that shunts the wastewater to one or the
other Wetwell. It is the intent that the flow control mechanisms (valves or other) be
• Wetwell Sizing. Proposed dual Wetwell size (diameter and depth) and operating
profile complete with alarm and pump on/off levels. It is the intent that one Wetwell
will be active while the other is in standby. The two wetwells will have a piped
connection above the normal operating level and the volume of the standby Wetwell
will be used as emergency storage (volume determined in subtask 1.3).
Task 2 — Preliminary Pump Station Site, Mechanical, and Structural
Objective: Determine pump station site layout using the sizing analysis of Task 1. Final site,
mechanical, and structural plans will be developed based on the preliminary drawings
generated during Task 2.
2.1 Create preliminary site plan and profile drawings of the above- and below-grade
structures. Specifically, these are:
• Drywell and control building including proposed doors and hatches;
• Equipment removal apparatus;
• Dual precast circular wetwells;
• Manhole housing wastewater grinder,
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDamAKEN\a40A2012 Linda Heighk Pack W W Pump StationAKent Linda Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
• Engine-generator set with canopy, and
• Fencing plan.
2.2 Create site plan with access road for Vactor truck and maintenance vehicles. It is
assumed with the access road for the pump station will be a loop road through the
park that one (1) entrance and one (1) exit point onto South 248`h Street. Show plan
and profile of proposed gravity sewer and force main necessary to transfer service to
the new pump station from the old. It is assumed that the net amount of impervious
surface added by the improvements will not require stormwater detention.
2.3 Following preparation of the draft plans for structures, mechanical items, and site,
transmit a draft set of plans via email or the RH2 file sharing website for the City to
review. RH2's design team will attend one (1) meeting with the City's utility
engineering and maintenance staff within two (2) weeks following receipt of the
electronic plans to receive all comments and desired changes.
2.4 Incorporate comments given at the review meeting into drawings and will resubmit
edited drawings to the City via email in PDF format
Assumptions: It is assumed that the City will make impromments to keep flows caused by I&I at
current levels. RH2 will rely on the completeness and accuracy of data, information, or documentation
provided by the City.
Items Provided by City
• Underground utility locating and marking of utilities prior to topographic survey.
• Topographic survey of site with at least 2-foot contours generally, and 1-foot
contours in the vicinity of the existing pump station and the proposed pump station.
Survey will show property lines, ground character, surface features, underground
utility markings, and all trees 6-inches or greater in diameter. Survey will include
force main discharge elevation.
• Presentation of conceptual plans to the City Parks Department for feedback and
design edits.
• Review of draft, review of mechanical and structural plans, and participation in one
(1) meeting approximately within two (2) weeks of receipt of the plans to present
review comments and desired changes to RH2.
RH2 Deliverables
• Preparation of scale conceptual drawings showing plan and profile of proposed
structural, mechanical, and site drawings to be submitted electronically to the
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Heighk Peck SSW Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
• Participation in one (1) meeting to discuss drawings and receive all comments.
• Edited conceptual drawings incorporating the City's review comments in PDF
Task 3 — Site Design Assistance
Objective: Assist the City of Kent in creating site design construction plans.
3.1 Provide the City with AutoCAD files used to create conceptual site plan developed
in Task 2 and meet with the City to coordinate specific design responsibilities to
prevent duplication of effort
3.2 Review plans after the City has prepared a 50 percent draft of site design (see
assumed design responsibilities in the Assumptions section for this Task, below). Meet
with City to discuss edits to both RH2's mechanical, structural, and electrical plans,
and the City's site plans to maintain consistency between the plans prepared by each
entity. Incorporate edits to RH2-prepared plans.
3.3 Repeat subtask 3.2 at the 90 percent design level.
3.4 Collaborate with City to create construction sequencing plan to allow continuous,
reliable service from the existing pump station while the new station is constructed.
The plan will allow the contractor the flexibility to modify the approach to the
proposed transfer of service. The transfer of service plan will provide a basis for
bidding that outlines minimum expectations during construction. It is assumed that
the plan will be outlined on the City's site plan and in the specifications.
Assumptions: This Scope of Fork does not include punp station site alternatives selection process.
Limited changes to the proposed location are assumed following presentation of the draft design to the City'
Parks Defiartment.
A written drainage report is not included in this Scope of IVork.
It is also assumed that the City will proare the following:
• Construction plan sbowing the existing site with survey control, construction limits, construction
access, and staging area.
• Teuporavy erosion and sedimentation controlplan in accordance with City of Kent standards.
• Construction plan sbowing proposed grading, and location and beigbt of retaining walls (structural
details will be provided by RH2).
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Helghk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
• Site design sheet including access roadgeometvy,parking, subgrade prefparation,paving, utility trench
de gn, drainage conveyance, and landscaping plan.
• Profile drawing ofproposed access road and Iwo (2) additional site cross-section drawings.
• Site fencing plan with features to inhibit climbing over the fence.
• Site utility plan sbowing extension of gravity sewer and force main to new punp station and
extension of water supply.
• Special construction specification items pertaining to site work to be inc000rated into the bidding
All design work performed by the City will be on separate construction plan sheets and stamped by the
professional engineers tbat prepared them. It is anticipated that these plan sheets will be incorporated into the
overall bid package assembled by RH2. The Go's work product will be delivered in PDF format for
integration into the bid package.
RH2 Deliverables
• Design plans for temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC), grading, access
road and parking, retaining locations, drainage, surface restoration, and transfer of
service plan.
Task 4 — Structural Design
Objective: Prepare detailed structural design for the pump station structures based on
current International Building Code (IBC) standards, geotechnical report recommendations,
and City preferences.
4.1 Create architectural elevations, structural foundation and floor plans, sections, and
details for the pump station. It is assumed that the drywell will be constructed of
cast-in-place concrete and will be partially buried. Electrical and telemetry panels will
be located in the drywell with the pumps. The design will include a pump removal
strategy (such as a traveling crane and/or lifting eye). At this time, it is envisioned
that the pump station can be constructed without shoring and with dewatering
provided by positive-displacement pumps located in excavations. It is assumed that a
shoring and dewatering design will not be required as part of this project. It is also
assumed that the concrete drywell's exposed surfaces will be textured using concrete-
form liners. Special design features of this structure will include exterior stairs from
the upper level to the lower level and inclusion of a wash sink.
4.2 Create plan, profile, and details of canopy structure to cover emergency power
generation equipment. The structure will be framed with galvanized structural steel
and will have a pitched roof clad with steel roofing material.
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Helghk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
4.3 Create plan, sections, and details of cast-in-place concrete retaining walls. It is
assumed that the retaining walls will be less than 6 feet tall and that there will be no
site limitations on the configuration of the base slab toe and heel.
4.4 Prepare structural calculations for pump station, canopy structure, and retaining walls
for submittal with the building permit application. Calculations will include gravity
analysis, seismic and wind analysis, buoyancy calculations (if necessary), and soil
lateral load.
4.5 As part of the structural design investigate a cast-in-place jacketing system (such as
PVC, fiberglass, or HDPE) for the interior of the wetwell. Coatings for interior and
exterior surfaces will be developed and presented in a finish schedule and described
fully in the Technical Specifications.
Assumptions:It is assumed that a sboring and dewatering design will not be required as fart of this
project. It is also assumed that the concrete dvywelPs eVosed surfaces will be textured using concrete form
loners. It is assumed that the retaining walls will be less than 6 feet tall and that there will be no site
limitations on the configuration of the base slab toe and heel. It is also assumed that the City will make
imPromments to keep flows caused by I&I at current levels. RH2 will rely on the completeness and accuracy
of data, information, or documentation pronded by the City.
Items Provided by City
• Geotechnical engineering report describing at least one (1) boring to characterize the
soils where the proposed wetwell and drywell structures will be constructed. The
report will also give estimated active and passive soil pressures to aid in the design of
retaining walls. This report will also include recommendations for engineered slopes
anticipated to be part of the project
• Interface with the City Parks Department to confirm design requirements are being
• Interface with the neighborhood surrounding the pump station regarding the
upcoming construction and changes to the park.
RH2 Deliverables
• Construction plans showing structural plans, elevations, sections, isometrics,
reinforcement and other structural details. Specifications for structural construction
and coatings.
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Helghk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
Task 5 — Mechanical Design
Objective: Create construction plans for pump,piping, grinder, hatches, and ventilation.
5.1 Prepare construction plans detailing pump installation, pump station piping and
valving; thrust restraint; supply and exhaust ventilation for wetwells; exhaust
ventilation for drywell; washwater system for wetwell; drywell sump pump system;
instrumentation for wetwell including floats, level-sensing transducer, and space for
bubbler system; and necessary mechanical appurtenances. Update pump hydraulic
calculations based on final piping layout selected.
5.2 Create schedule for access hatches in project defining dimensions, features, and
construction materials.
5.3 Prepare mounting and construction details for wastewater grinder in a dedicated
5.4 Perform airflow sizing calculations and create schedule for supply and exhaust
ventilation louvers and fans defining dimensions, capacity, features, and materials of
5.5 Select drywell pump lifting system and create plan and profile drawings of system. It
is anticipated that a traveling crane able to travel above and lift pump motors
connected to impellers will be used. This system will also be able to travel over and
lift check-valves and discharge piping.
5.6 Design flanged piping that will allow the connection of a trailer-mounted pump to
the station so that the wetwell and grinder can be bypassed for maintenance.
Assumptions: It is assumed that special equoment for odor and grease control measures will not be
needed at this pumb station other than a srashsrater system.
Items Provided by City
• Preferred fitting for emergency bypass connection to be used to connect to trailer-
mounted bypass pump.
RH2 Deliverables
• Construction plans showing required mechanical construction listed above.
Task 6 — Electrical Power Supply Instrumentation and Control Design
Objective: Prepare construction plans for the pump station power supply, emergency power
generating equipment, electrical panel design, instrumentation, and telemetry interface with
the City's existing telemetry system.
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Heighk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
6.1 Coordinate with Puget Sound Energy to learn the requirements for power service to
the site and to complete a power application.
6.2 Create electrical plans for the pump station including one-line diagram, power
distribution and signal plan, lighting and receptacle plan, motor control center
details, motor control logic diagrams, legend, and electrical detail sheets.
6.3 Prepare plans for the diesel engine generator (EG) and fuel tank installation. It is
assumed that the fuel tank for the EG set will be incorporated into the base of the
set and that the EG will be installed underneath a canopy with a sound-attenuated
6.4 In collaboration with a telemetry subconsultant, prepare telemetry system design
plans, Division 17 specifications, and select instrumentation. In addition to preparing
plans, the telemetry subconsultant will prepare a radio communications path study
and attend up to two (2) meetings with RH2 and the City.
6.5 Present security camera options to the City and prepare plans and details for the
implementation of a camera/DVR security system.
Items Provided by City
• Participation in two (2) meetings with SCADA specialists, the subconsultant, and
pump station maintenance specialists to determine SCADA needs, available
communications equipment and integration of the new equipment.
RH2 Deliverables
• Construction plans of the electrical power supply, telemetry/control system, and
video security system.
• Preparation and submittal of the Puget Sound Energy power application.
Task 7 — Design Review & Quality Control of Plans
Objective: Submit plans to the City at 50 percent and 90 percent completion stages to check
that the design incorporates City preferences. Review plans internally for completeness and
7.1 Plans will be at a 30 percent completion level at the conclusion of Task 1. RH2 will
provide PDF files of plan sets of the 50 percent and 90 percent complete design
plans to the City for review. Plans will be provided in PDF and DWF formats at the
100 percent completion phase.
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Heighk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
7.2 Meet with members of the City's Maintenance and Engineering staff to receive
comments and edits following the 50 and 90 percent reviews.
7.3 Review the 90 percent plans in-house using senior designers.
Items Provided by City
• Design review meetings at 50 percent and 90 percent design levels. RH2 will provide
PDF files of the plan sets at these completion levels one (1) to two (2) weeks prior to
the design review meeting. During this week, the City will circulate the proposed
plans to the Maintenance, Engineering, and Parks departments for review and
written comment
RH2 Deliverables
• Draft plan sets at 50 percent and 90 percent completion stages.
• Incorporation of desired revisions into the originally selected pump station design.
• 100 percent complete plans in PDF and DWF formats.
Task 8 — Bid Schedule and Technical Specifications
Objective: Prepare Technical Specifications,bid schedule, and bid item pay descriptions for
incorporation into bidding documents by the City.
8.1 Complete an 18-part Technical Specifications for the project The City will provide
and prepare the Advertisement to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Construction
Contract, Bid Forms, General Conditions, and other documents necessary to
publicly bid the project.
8.2 Prepare construction cost estimate.
8.3 Create the project bid schedule and provide an MS Word file defining the work paid
under each bid item. This approach assumes that the City will incorporate RH2's
Technical Specifications, bid schedule, and pay descriptions into the City's
boilerplate documents to create a complete bid package.
Assumptions:City will perform all reprograpbics of plans and specifications.
Items Provided by City
• Copy of City's standard bid documents (Advertisement to Bidders, Instructions to
Bidders, Construction Contract, Bid Forms and General Conditions) for the purpose
of maintaining consistency with Technical Specifications and Pay Descriptions.
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Helghk Peck W W Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent Exhibit A
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station Scope of Work
RH2 Deliverables
• Technical Specifications, bid schedule, and pay descriptions described above,
delivered in MS Word and PDF formats with the plans at the 90 percent and 100
percent completion levels.
Task 9 — Permitting
Objective: Assist the City in obtaining a City of Kent building permit
9.1 Prepare a submittal package for the City of Kent building permit including
completion of the submittal form, two (2) sets of structural calculations, and five (5)
sets of half sizedplans.
9.2 Provide structural and energy calculations.
Assumptions:City will complete and circulate SEPA cbecklist, assemble and submit building permit
application, and pay ay allpermit fees.It is not anticipated that storm drainage calculations or landscaping
plans created by a licensed landscape architect will be required.
RH2 Deliverables
• Assistance with construction plans, and structural and energy calculations for a
building permit submittal package to City of Kent.
Task 10 — Project Management
Objective: Coordinate project and document development as needed. Perform quality
control for document development.
10.1 Prepare monthly project status and progress reports summarizing work accomplished,
projected completion of project milestones, and a summary of work expenditures.
10.2 Prepare and update project schedule. Coordinate and schedule project activities.
10.3 Prepare for and attend up to two (2) project management meetings with City staff.
10.4 Establish a project tracking system and budget tracking system for the project. Update
project tracking and budget tracking systems on a monthly basis. Prepare budget and
expenditure summaries.
10.5 Prepare, review, and approve monthly invoices.
10.6 Maintain project records.
3/30/201211:45 AM 2.ABoO,1pDemAKEN\s40A2012 Linde Helghk Peck SSW Pump StationAKent Linde Heights W WPS SOW.doc
City of Kent
Linda Heights Wastewater Pump Station
Professional Engineering Services
Estimate of Time and Expense
Description Toll Hours Total Labor Subconsultant Tota I Expense Total CostTask Basin Analysis and Sizing
11 -Perform statistical compilation of fl..
1.2 Determine wetwell diameter and vertical operating range 1,574
1.3 Determine emergency storage volume needed i $ 81 1 $ 1,029
3,881 Ir $ 319 1 $ 4,200
L $ 1,455
Subtotal 30 11
Task 2 Preliminary Site,Mechanical,and Structural Plans
21 Create plan,profile ofabove-and below-grade structures i'm $ $ _253
22 Design access road forVactortruck,maintenance velfirless 10 $ 1,520 $ $ 218
2,3 Trantom it pla ns to City�meet with City to review plans 17 $ 2,704 $ ------$ 277
2.4 Incorporate City comments 14 $ - ZM -$ 388
Subtotal 56 J $ 8,574 $ $ 1,136
Task,3 Site Design
3A Meet with City to coordinate design responsibilities
3.2 Review 75%,siteplaris and incorporate,edits $ Oil z�zfi
3.3 Review 95%site plans and incorporate edits 17 27051 s $ 293 $ 2,998
3.4 Create construction sequencing plan with City 91 $ 1,230
Subtotal 44 1 $ 6,944 1 $ $ 756 $ 7,700
Task 4 Structural Design - -$- $ 1,332 $ 11:522
4.1 Create structural plans and details for lift station 67 $ 10,190
4.2 Create plan,profile,detail drawings of canopy 30 $ $ $ 589 $ 5,241
Create plan sections and details for retaining walls 19 -3,027 $ 356 $---------I'383
4A Prepare structural calculations for lift station,E G canopy,retaining walls 16 $ zsilo -$ -$ 289 $ 2,829
------- ----
4.5 Investigate jacketing systems and design retaining walls 13 $ 1,967 $ 279 $ 2,246
$ 2,8441 $ 25,220
Task 5 Mechanical Design
Prepare mechanical plans,sections and isometrics,create
5.1 instrumentation details&,update hydraulic calculations 62 $ 9,464 $ $ 1,179 10,643
52 Create schedule for access hatches 6 $- ---908 In S 1,041
5.3 Prepare mounting and construction details for grinder 9 $ 1,352 $ S 204 $ 1,556
5.4 Perform sinew sizing calculations,schedule -$-- ----43 -$ -6-75-
5.5 Select dryweii pump lifimg system;create pampriolile it $ 1,648 $ $ 239 $ 1,867
5.6 Design bypass piping for trailer-mounted pump _7 V- 1,056 t $ 142 $ 1,198
Subtotal 99 $ 15,060 $ $ 1,940 $ 17,000
Tasks Electrical Power Supply Instrumentation and Control Design
61 Coo,dimate with PSE 16 $ -1,4944 $ S
62 Crisateelectincal plans 92 $ 13,348 $ $ 1,704 15,052
--------------- ......
63 Prepare engine generator installation Made 16 $ 2,316 $ - $ 294 $ 2,610
----- ------- ---- -------
6.4 Pre pa re telemetry system design plans and radio communications study 32-- $ 5,376 $ 11,300 $ 226 $ 16,902
6.5 Security camera design for City 12 $ -T,76-6 -$ - -- 1 22-6 -$ -- 1,994
-Subtotal 162 1 $ 24,302 1 $ 11,300 1 $ 2,528 1 $ 38,130 1
Task 7 Design Review and Quality Control of Plans
Ti Provide PDFs of plans to City at 75s,and,901/r completion
7.2 Meet with City Maintenance Engineenng l2 times) 4��A767 Z0
73 Perform internal 90%review of plans 7 1 $ 3,140 1 $ 3As47 Subtotal l 49 1 $ 8,399 1 $ $ 1,201 1 $ 9,600
Task 8 Bid Schedule and Technical Specifications ...........
81 Complete 18-part technical specifications 1 $ 11,55
6,2 Piodaie Well o5finwou. If_ $ 1,751--s 99 1 $ 1,850
8.3 Create project bid schedule L $ 4984 $ $ M2 I-il----- 5,356
Subtotal 114 1 $ 17,147 1 $ 1 $ 1,353 1 $ 7185900
Task 9 Perinniffing
9.1 Prepare)(Ing County Building Permit package Oil-$
9.2 Provide structural and energy calculations L $ -t.iei $ 1-420
Subtotal l 18 1 $ 2,594 1 $ 1 $ 786 1 $ 3,380 1
Task 10 Project Management -
10.1 Prepare monthly,project status andprogress reports 1,616 $ -i'm
10.2 Prepare and update project schedule ........... 764 $ $ 20 $ 784
-iifd- $ $ 74 -IM
10.3 Prepare for and attend up to 2 project management meetings lj
10.4 Establish project tracking,accounting system -466-S $ U 478
10,5 Prepare,review,and approve monthly invoices 672 18 $ (366
log Maintain project records 864 $
4,928 $
4 11 I1W 2111 L1111,i I, 11 rnn,ri,1,11n Il",11.iIil F-Il""". 41111 11"',
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Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500
WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: May 16, 2012
To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: May 21, 2012
From: Cathy Mooney, Senior Transportation Planner/Supervisor
Through: Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Subject: Draft 2013-2018 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program
Item - 4
Move to recommend that the Public Works Committee forward the Draft
2013-2018 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to the full
Council and recommend that Council set a date for a Public Hearing.
The Draft 2013-2018 Six Year TIP represents the City's proposed transportation
improvement work program for the next six years. It includes planning studies,
street, bicycle, pedestrian, traffic signal, and transit improvements as well as
street maintenance and preservation projects.
Including these projects in the Six Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for
funding partners and apply for grants. This year, all State Grant Agencies have
required that every submitted project must be included in a city's adopted
6-Year Transportation Improvement Program. This Six Year TIP reflects the
eight projects for which the City has already applied for grants and includes
projects for which the City plans to apply for grants later this year.
State law requires that each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated
annually (RCW 35.77.010).
Budget Impact:
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2013 - 2018
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Mayor Suzette Cooke
Timothy J. LaPorte, PE,
Director of Public Works
2013 - 2018
Table of Contents:
1. Resolution adopting the 2013 —2018 Six Year TIP
2. Introduction
3. Listing of the Projects
4. Project Descriptions
5. Map of the Projects
6. Contact Information
On the cover: Typical traffic backup at a Railroad Crossing in Kent
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for Resolution
This page intentionally left blank
for Resolution
What is the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)?
The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning
document that is updated annually based on needs and policies identified in the City's
adopted Comprehensive Plan and the 2008 Transportation Master Plan. It represents
Kent's current list of needed projects that may begin work in the next six years. The
document also identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the
projects for which funding is currently known. The TIP serves as a draft work plan for the
development of the local transportation network. Once adopted, the TIP helps to guide
funding and implementation priorities during the development of the transportation
portion of the 6-Year Capital Investment Program (CIP). The CIP can be considered a
subset of the TIP. The CIP shows the City-funded portion of projects and is constrained
by current budget forecasts, whereas the TIP shows the complete project list with the
variety of funding sources and partners involved.
Mandated by State Law
State law requires that each city develop a local TIP, that it be updated annually
(RCW 35.77.010), and that it be submitted to the State Department of Transportation not
more than thirty days after its adoption. It represents an important planning component
under the state's Growth Management Act. For cities to compete for transportation
funding grants from Federal and State sources, most granting agencies require that
projects be included in the TIP. The Transportation Improvement Program may be
revised at any time during the year, after a Public Hearing, by a majority of the Council.
How is the 2013-2018 TIP different from previous years?
Most grants now require that a project be included in the currently adopted TIP.
Therefore the 2013-2018 TIP includes the eight projects the City has submitted to
granting agencies so far this year. In response to a multi-year economic downturn which
has reduced local revenues available for transportation improvements and the realization
that fewer Federal and State grants will become available for local transportation projects
in the near six-year timeframe, the current TIP includes only those projects for which the
City already has some funding committed, those projects it hopes to start within six years
or those for which the City anticipates seeking grants in the coming year. Other identified
needs of the transportation network will be deferred until a dedicated funding source for
transportation improvements can be identified.
Project Project Name
Number Project Location and Extent
1. Southeast 256th Street Widening, Phase II
SR 516 (Kent Kangley) to 116th Avenue Southeast
2. Kent Kangley Pedestrian Safety Improvements
104`h Avenue SE to 124`h Avenue SE
3. South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation
Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad
4. 72°d Avenue South Extension
South 200`h Street to South 196h Street
5. Safe Routes to Schools Improvements - Horizon
Horizon Elementary School, 27641 144`h Avenue SE
6. Safe Routes to Schools Improvements— Meridian
Meridian Elementary School, 25621 140`h Avenue SE
7. Safe Routes to Schools Improvements— Meadow Ridge
Meadow Ridge Elementary School, 277101Oe Avenue SE
8. Kent Regional Trails Connector Multi-Use Trail
Green River Trail to Interurban Trail at S 21 e St
9. James Street Bicycle Lanes
Interurban Trail to Washington Avenue
10. South 224th Street Extension
84`h Avenue South to 104`h Avenue Southeast(Benson Road) (SR 515)
11. Central Avenue South Improvement Project
Green River Bridge to East Willis Street(SR 516)
12. SE 208th Street& 108th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements
Intersection Operations Enhancements
13. Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements
Intersection Operations Enhancements
14. 108th Avenue Southeast Extension
Southeast Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to Southeast 256`h Street
15. Military Road South at Reith Road
Intersection Improvement
16. Smith Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
17. S 212a' Street and 72°d Avenue South Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
18. SE 240a' Street and 104a' Avenue SE (SR 515 Benson Highway) Intersection
Intersection Operations Enhancement
19. Military Road South Widening
South 277 h Street to Kent-DesMoines Road(SR 516)
20. 132Id Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase I
KentKangleyRoad(SR 516) to Southeast 248h Street
21. 132°d Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase II
Southeast 24e Street to Southeast 240`h Street
22. Kent Kangley Road and 132°d Avenue SE Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
23. South 260a' Street and Pacific Highway South(SR 99) Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
24. SE 256a' Street and 104a' Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection
Intersection Operations Enhancement
25. Kent Kangley Road and 108a' Avenue SE Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
26. South 212a' Street and 84a' Avenue South Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
27. Meeker Street and Washington Avenue(SR 181) Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
28. South 272Id Street and Military Road Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancement
29. Street Preservation Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
30. Residential Traffic Calming Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
31. Traffic Signal Management Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
32. Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements
Ongoing Citywide Program
33. Comprehensive Plan Update
Ongoing Citywide Program
34. Channelization Improvement Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
35. Bicycle System Improvements
Ongoing Citywide Program
36. Sidewalks, Sidewalk Repair and the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
Ongoing Citywide Program
37. Guardrail and Safety Improvements
Ongoing Citywide Program
38. Community Based Circulating Shuttles
Ongoing Citywide Program
39. Transit Now Service Partnership Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
40. Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center
Ongoing Citywide Program
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 41: Southeast 256u' Street Widening, Phase II
SR 516(Kent Kangley Road) to 116 h Avenue Southeast
DESCRIPTION: Construct a three lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116t'
Avenue SE. This project includes bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. The
project will include construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and
sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities; and
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$1,000,000
Right of Way Acquisition............$1,500,000
Construction ............$4,500,000
TOTAL ............$7,000,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S):City of Kent, Local Improvement District, TIB
JUSTIFICATION: Southeast 256t' Street is a two-lane roadway with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks
and a limited street light system. Despite the lack of suitable pedestrian facilities
and extremely harsh weather in January 2012, over 650 pedestrians per day
walked along this segment of roadway. During peak hours, the roadway cannot
accommodate the traffic volumes due to the large number of vehicles blocking
the roadway while waiting to turn left into driveways. The widening of
Southeast 256t' Street also alleviates traffic on SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) as
the two roads serve east/west travel demand. The project will increase the
capacity of this roadway by adding a center two-way left turn lane. This project
provides a multi-modal connection between improvements west and east of this
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 42: Kent Kangley Pedestrian Safety Improvements
104`h Avenue SE to 124`h Avenue SE
DESCRIPTION: Add new mid-block pedestrian crossings of Kent Kangley Road with median
refuge islands and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons. Restripe crosswalks and
stop bars, upgrade pedestrian crossings to countdown message modules and
Americans with Disability Accessible (ADA) standard pedestrian push buttons.
There are a total of 8 intersections that will be improved by this project and
proper signage will be updated along the entire project length. This project also
includes education and enforcement elements.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$74,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$342,000
TOTAL ...............$416,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S):Washington State Department of Transportation
JUSTIFICATION: Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) is one of the most densely populated corridors in
the City. The section from 104t' Ave SE to 124t' Ave SE is a congested, mixed
land use, Principal Arterial that is a designated truck route currently operating at
a Level of Service (LOS) E during the PM Peak. The majority of housing along
this portion of SR 516 is high density multifamily housing that generates a
substantial amount of pedestrian traffic. This section of Kent Kangley is a high
boarding area for transit and is also a popular destination for senior citizens due
to the high concentration of shopping facilities, banks, medical offices and senior
housing. The project area includes two of the highest collision incident locations
in the City (104� Avenue SE at 256� Street and 116� Avenue SE at Kent
Kangley Road). The majority of collisions reported in the project area from
2006-2008 occurred during the daylight hours with pedestrians over the age of
18. This project will improve safety through the construction of these
engineering improvements combined with education and enforcement.
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 43: South 228a' Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation
Grade Separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad
DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at South 228t'
Street. The project will include the construction of a bridge; four-lane vehicle crossing;
full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; utilities and
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$1,500,000
Right of Way Acquisition............$2,500,000
Construction ..........$21,000,000
TOTAL ..........$25,000,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Port of Seattle, FAST, FMSIB, LID, Union Pacific Railroad
JUSTIFICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their
primary destinations. This project will support freight moving through Kent to the Ports
of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system. Grade separating this
arterial will increase roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety and
improve freight mobility in this corridor and throughout the region. This project will
provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and the 40 million
square feet of warehouse/industrial space in the valley.
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 44: 72nd Avenue South Extension
South 20dh Street to South 196 h Street
DESCRIPTION: This project completes a missing link by constructing a new three-lane roadway
from South 200 Street to South 196d' Street. The project will include the
crossing of Mill Creek and construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs,
gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$250,000
Right of Way Acquisition.................$75,000
Construction ............$2,075,000
TOTAL ............$2,400,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, Regional Fire Authority, City of Kent
JUSTIFICATION: Continued development in the northern Kent industrial area, and high levels of
congestion along West Valley Highway between the South 180d' Street and
South 196d' Street corridors, mandate additional north-south arterial capacity.
This project provides some relief for South 180d' Street, South 196d' Street, and
South 212d' Street intersections along West Valley Highway. It also provides
improved access to the South 196d' Street corridor from industrial development
along 72°d Avenue South by constructing the missing link between South 200d'
Street and South 196d' Street. This roadway connection provides a direct link
from the existing Fire Station on 72°d Avenue South to the 190 Street corridor,
grade-separated over both the BNSF and UPRR mainline railroad tracks,
dramatically improving emergency response times to a large area of the Kent
Manufacturing/Industrial Center and warehouse land uses.
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 45: Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Horizon Elementary School
27641 144`h Avenue SE
DESCRIPTION: Install a paved pathway on the east side of 144t' Avenue SE from SE 278t' Street
to SE 276t' Place. Install a new midblock school crosswalk across 144t' Avenue
SE on the south side of the school driveway. Install Rectangular Rapid Flashing
Beacons at the new crosswalk and install advance school crossing signs. This
project also includes education and enforcement elements including the purchase
of an additional Lidar Radar Unit for police enforcement.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$91,500
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$214,060
TOTAL ...............$305,560
JUSTIFICATION: The purpose of the Safe Routes to Schools Program is to encourage more
students to walk and bicycle to and from school rather than being driven by their
parents. Through a combination of engineering enhancements to the built
environment plus education efforts aimed at the students and their parents, it is
hoped that families will increase the number of walking and biking trips they
make to their local school.
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 46: Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary School
25621 14dh Avenue SE
DESCRIPTION: Install a traffic signal at the intersection of SE 256t' Street and 140t' Avenue SE
and construct an asphalt pavement walkway with an extruded curb along SE 256t'
Street from approximately 134t' Avenue SE to 140t' Avenue SE. The traffic
signal includes a traffic surveillance camera and interconnect cable to connect this
signal to the rest of the City's traffic control system. This project also includes
education and enforcement elements including the purchase of an additional Lidar
Radar Unit for the police enforcement.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$208,340
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$625,000
TOTAL ...............W3,340
JUSTIFICATION: Meridian Elementary School is located near the intersection of SE 256t' Street
and 140t' Avenue SE. The school provides adult crossing guards to help students
cross SE 256t' Street. The level of development in the area has increased to the
point that local traffic in the neighborhood and in the communities to the east of
the school has become especially heavy at the afternoon bell times. A full traffic
signal would assist the crossing guards, the school children, the parents and
teachers arriving/leaving the school and all the local motorists to maneuver in an
orderly way during times of heavy conflict. Currently students must walk or
bike along a wide shoulder on SE 256t' Street. This project would provide an
asphalt walking path which would be separated from the roadway by a raised
curb providing clearly delineated locations for pedestrians, bicyclists and
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 47: Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meadow Ridge Elementary School
277101Oe Avenue SE
DESCRIPTION: Install a 6 foot concrete sidewalk with curb and gutter along the west side of 108t'
Avenue SE from SE 273`d Street to SE 272°d Street. Install a 6 foot concrete
sidewalk with curb and gutter along the south side of SE 272°d Street from 108ffi
Avenue SE to 105t' Avenue SE. This project will install a new crosswalk
crossing 108t' Avenue SE with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and
appropriate signage on the north side of the onramp to the westbound 277t' Street
Corridor. This project also includes education and enforcement elements
including the purchase of an additional Lidar Radar Unit for police enforcement.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$175,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$436,120
TOTAL ...............$611,120
JUSTIFICATION: Few students currently walk or bicycle to Meadow Ridge Elementary School.
The Kent School District provides bus transportation for all students living west
of 108t' Avenue South and for students living north of the school. This project
will make the pedestrian environment much more friendly for all users and make
it an inviting alternative for parents and students to choose. The City of Kent has
a number of programs that encourage people of all ages to live a more active
lifestyle and makes it a City priority to provide attractive walking and bicycling
facilities. Once these additional sidewalk facilities are built and the new
crosswalk across 108t' Avenue SE with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons is
installed, it is anticipated that many more families will be encouraged to walk
their children to Meadow Ridge rather than drive them to school.
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 48: Kent Regional Trails Connector
Puget Power Trail at 64`h Avenue South to Interurban Trail at 72"d Avenue South
DESCRIPTION: Construct 4,400 foot multi-use trail connecting the Green River and Interurban
Regional Trails at a point approximately mid-way between the South 212d' Street
and South 228d' Street Corridors at about South 218d' Street in the heart of the
Kent Valley. This 12-foot wide multi-use trail for non-motorized users will
include trail lighting to enhance visibility and encourage year round usage.
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and marked crosswalks will be installed
where the new trail crosses midblock at 64d' Avenue South and 72°d Avenue
South. A traffic signal for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing mid-block will be
installed on 68d' Avenue South (aka West Valley Highway/SR 181). The signal
will include a camera for performance monitoring. The project will install a steel
pedestrian/bicycle bridge over the Mill Creek between 72°d Avenue South and the
Interurban Trail.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$265,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$860,000
TOTAL ............$1,125,000
JUSTIFICATION: One of the highest priority projects in the City's Non-Motorized Plan and
Transportation Master Plan, this new trail would fill a missing east/west link in
the City's and the region's bicycle network. It would connect two of the most
heavily used regional trails to each other and provide access for tens of
thousands of people to a concentrated employment center. It would provide
alternative mode access to The Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center's 1,800
employers, to recreational activities along the Green River and the Green River
Natural Resources Area and provide additional safety for all users crossing three
major arterial streets in an area with a heavy mix of truck traffic.
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 49: James Street Bicycle Lanes
Interurban Trail to Washington Avenue (SR 181) and 800 feet east of the Green
River Trail
DESCRIPTION: Install bike lanes along James Street from the Interurban Trail to Washington
Avenue South (SR 181). This project will also eliminate the gap of
approximately 800 feet at the west end of James Street where James Street
intersects with the Green River Trail.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$150,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ............$1,225,000
TOTAL ............$1,375,000
JUSTIFICATION: The proposed bicycle lanes would complete a missing bicycle link between the
Green River Trail and the Kent Regional Growth Center. This project would
provide the first dedicated bicycle lanes to penetrate what had here-to-for been a
barrier to east/west bicycle travel, State Route 167. Bike lanes currently extend
easterly from this point providing connections to the King County Regional
Justice Center, Kent Station (an 18-acre shopping and entertainment complex),
and the Kent Transit Center. Nearby land uses include historic downtown Kent,
City Hall and the Kent City Center project scheduled to add 164 urban-style
apartments to the downtown core starting in 2013. Filling in the missing links of
this bicycle corridor is expected to encourage more people to utilize bicycling for
more of their trips. The anticipated mode shift from single-occupant vehicle to
bicycle will allow Kent to meet growth management goals while continuing to
comply with its adopted level of service standards and federal clean air
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 410: South 224u' Street Extension
84`h Avenue South to 104`h Avenue Southeast(Benson Rd) (SR 515)
DESCRIPTION: Construct a three-lane road from 84t' Avenue South to 104t' Avenue Southeast
(Benson Road) (SR 515), including new bridges over SR 167 and Garrison Creek.
The project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs,
gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$3,000,000
Right of Way Acquisition............$4,000,000
Construction ..........$22,000,000
TOTAL ..........$29,000,000
JUSTIFICATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-
west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor.
In order to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth
Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections
along South 208ffi/212ffi Street and James/Southeast 240ffi Streets are also at or
over capacity. It is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 240t' Street and
South 208ffi/212ffi Street `corridors' enough to accommodate forecast traffic
volumes without additional east-west capacity because of existing development
and topographic constraints.
YEAR: 2013
PROJECT 411: Central Avenue South Improvements
Green River Bridge to East Willis Street(SR 516)
DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the
roadway, between the Green River Bridge and East Willis Street (SR 516). This
project will include the removal and replacement of failing pavement sections and
a full-width asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway. Also included in this
project is the replacement of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street trees, as well as
minor storm drainage improvements.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$500,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ............$4,000,000
TOTAL ............$4,500,000
JUSTIFICATION: The existing pavement along this section of Central Avenue South is exhibiting
signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alligatoring", longitudinal cracking, and
cracking of the curbs and gutters. The service life of this roadway has been
reached, necessitating reconstruction of the roadway. The sidewalk system is
sub-standard in many locations and in need of replacement.
YEAR: 2014
PROJECT 412: SE 208th Street and 108th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add dual southbound left storage lane on 108t' Avenue SE, widen the receiving
lane on SE 208t' St, and modify the signal phasing.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$60,000
Right of Way Acquisition.................$75,000
Construction ...............$575,000
TOTAL ...............$710,000
JUSTIFICATION: State Route 515, also known as The Benson Highway or 108t' Avenue SE, is the
primary north south route on the East Hill and serves as a major transit route.
With four to five lanes in its current configuration, this roadway has been
widened to its practical limits. Improvements to intersections along the corridor
can have positive effects on corridor congestion and improve efficiency. This
project would add queuing capacity for the southbound left turn movement while
continuing to provide two lanes of through travel. It could reduce the
intersection delay in the afternoon peak period by more than 600 vehicles per
YEAR: 2014
PROJECT 413: Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements
DESCRIPTION: Improve the intersection of Willis Street and Central Avenue to provide a right turn lane
from southbound on Central Avenue to westbound Willis Street. Project includes
sidewalk, curb and gutter replacement and improvements to traffic signal system.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$40,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$150,000
Construction ...............$260,000
TOTAL ...............$450,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Developer Mitigation
JUSTIFICATION: This project is a traffic mitigation requirement for additional trips generated by the Kent
Station Development. The City of Kent will be implementing this project that is required
of the developer.
YEAR: 2015
PROJECT 414: 108u'Avenue Southeast Extension
Southeast Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to Southeast 256h Street
DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)
to Southeast 256t' Street including rebuilding the traffic signals at the intersection
of Southeast Kent Kangley Road and 108t' Avenue Southeast and installing a new
traffic signal at the intersection of Southeast 256t' Street and 109t' Avenue
Southeast. The project includes right turn lanes northbound on 109t' at Southeast
256t' Street and Southbound on 109t' at Kent Kangley Road. The project will
also include construction of full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and
sidewalks; Sharrows; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and
appurtenances. As part of this project, the eastbound left-turn lane from Kent
Kangley Road to Southeast 256t' Street will be eliminated.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$200,000
Right of Way Acquisition............$2,000,000
Construction ............$1,750,000
TOTAL ............$3,950,000
JUSTIFICATION: This project will relieve congestion at the Y intersection of 104t' Avenue
Southeast (Benson Highway) (SR 515)/Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)/Southeast
256t' Street by improving the traffic flow along SR 516. It will eliminate the left
turn pocket from SR 516 to Southeast 256t' Street and redirect that traffic along
SR 516 to 108t' Avenue Southeast. There will be a new left turn pocket
constructed for motorists wishing to travel north on 108t' Avenue Southeast to
Southeast 256t' Street. By moving these left turning movements further to the
east, away from the congested Y intersection, all directions of traffic will be able
to flow more efficiently.
YEAR: 2015
PROJECT 415: Military Road South at Reith Road
Intersection Improvement
DESCRIPTION: Widen all approaches of Military Road South at Reith Road intersection to
provide exclusive left turn lanes for each approach, and exclusive right turn lanes
for northbound and southbound traffic on Military Road South and westbound
traffic on Reith Road. Replace the existing traffic signal. The project will include
the construction of full width paving, paved shoulders, street lighting, storm
drainage, utilities and appurtenances. The intersection will accommodate the
future bicycle lanes which are planned for both Military Road South and Reith
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$180,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$200,000
Construction ............$1,800,000
TOTAL ............$2,180,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S):TIB, City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds
JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill coupled with the growth in the
Puget Sound area and the regularly occurring congestion along both Pacific
Highway South and Interstate 5 results in significant congestion at this
intersection in the morning and evening peak hours.
YEAR: 2017
PROJECT 416: Smith Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Revise southbound and northbound turn lane assignment.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$100,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$400,000
Construction ...............$900,000
TOTAL ............$1,400,000
JUSTIFICATION: The southbound vehicle movement is heaviest in the afternoon peak period. The
predominant vehicle flow in the peak period is southbound on Central Avenue
and then left on Smith Street to proceed eastbound up the hill. This revision in
lane configuration, queue capacity, and turning capacity reduces congestion.
This project could reduce the intersection delay in the afternoon peak period
from 167 seconds per vehicle to 111 seconds per vehicle.
YEAR: 2017
PROJECT 417: S 212u' Street and 72Id Avenue South Intersection Improvementlntersection
Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add southbound dual left turn lanes and restripe northbound lane configuration.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$60,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$125,000
Construction ...............$505,000
TOTAL ...............$690,000
JUSTIFICATION: Kent is an important freight distribution center in the Puget Sound Region. The
efficient movement of freight, through and within the City is critical to Kent's
economic health. With the completion of the final road segment of 72°d Avenue
South between South 196t' Street and South 200t' Street, 72°d Avenue South
becomes a key freight corridor and this intersection of two important freight
corridors (72° Ave S and S 212t' Street) takes on a highly significant role in
relieving the congestion often found on West Valley Highway at peak periods.
This improvement reduces future southbound vehicle queuing and congestion
and has the potential to improve intersection delay from 193 seconds per vehicle
to 63 seconds per vehicle.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 418: SE 240a' Street and 104a' Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add dual northbound and southbound left turn lanes. Add northbound and
southbound right turn pockets. Modify signal phasing.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$120,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$275,000
Construction ............$1,205,000
TOTAL ............$1,600,000
JUSTIFICATION: 104th Avenue SE (SR 515, also known as The Benson Highway), is the primary
north south route on the East Hill and serves as a major transit route. With four
to five lanes in its current configuration, this roadway has been widened to its
practical limits. Improvements to intersections along the corridor can have
positive effects on corridor congestion and improve efficiency. This project
would add queuing capacity for both the northbound and southbound left turn
movements while continuing to provide two lanes of through travel. It could
reduce the intersection delay in the afternoon peak period from an average 110
seconds per vehicle to about 56 seconds per vehicle.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 419: Military Road South Widening
South 272"d Street to Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516)
DESCRIPTION: This project will widen Military Road from South 272°d Street to Kent-Des
Moines Road adding a center left-turn lane, bicycle lanes, curb, gutter and
sidewalk. Also included is the construction of storm drainage improvement and
illumination system improvements. (Note: The Reith Road intersection is a
separate project and is not included in this project.)
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$2,000,000
Right of Way Acquisition............$1,000,000
Construction ..........$15,500,000
TOTAL ..........$18,500,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S):City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds, TIB
JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Military Road South has reached
a point where a separate center two-way left turn lane is required. During peak
traffic flow hours, the roadway cannot accommodate the traffic volumes due to
the large number of vehicles blocking the roadway waiting to make left turns.
Most sections of Military Road are lacking sidewalks and an adequate storm
drainage system.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 420: 132Id Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase I
KentKangleyRoad(SR 516) to Southeast 248h Street
DESCRIPTION: Widen 132°d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four
general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a facility for bicycle
travel; modifying the existing traffic signal systems at the intersections of Kent
Kangley Road and Southeast 256d' Street. The project will include the
construction of full-width paving; bicycle lanes; concrete curbs, gutters and
sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; utilities; and appurtenances.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$3,800,000
Right of Way Acquisition............$3,100,000
Construction ..........$18,200,000
TOTAL ..........$25,100,000
JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132°d Avenue has already reached
the point whereby a consistent five land roadway section is needed to provide
efficient left-turn access into adjoining properties and accommodate forecast
traffic volumes. Existing traffic volumes that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the
intersection of 132°d Avenue southeast and Kent Kangley Road) necessitate a
five lane section. Sidewalks and bicycle facilities will provide multimodal
access to adjacent land uses.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 421: 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase II
Southeast 24e Street to Southeast 240`h Street
DESCRIPTION: Widen 132°d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four
general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a bicycle facility;
modifying the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of Southeast 240d'
Street. The project will include the construction of full-width paving; bicycle
lanes; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage;
utilities and appurtenances.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$750,000
Right of Way Acquisition............$1,500,000
Construction ............$4,750,000
TOTAL ............$7,000,000
JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132°d Avenue has already reached
the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway section is needed to provide
efficient left-turn access to adjoining properties and accommodate forecast traffic
volumes. Sidewalks and bicycle facilities will provide multimodal access to
adjacent land uses.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 422: Kent Kangley Road and 132nd Avenue SE Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add northbound and southbound dual left turn lanes.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$85,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$175,000
Construction ...............$940,000
TOTAL ............$1,200,000
JUSTIFICATION: Kent Kangley Road is a Principal Arterial with over 32,000 daily vehicle trips.
132°d Avenue SE is a Minor Arterial with over 14,000 daily vehicle trips. The
demand on both roads is anticipated to grow in the next decade as growth in
households and jobs on Kent's East Hill continues to develop. Over the next 20
years the growth of traffic on 132°d Avenue is projected to grow at an average
rate of 0.8% per year. This means the demand on the roadway would be 20%
higher by 2030. The intersection of these two key roadways becomes a
chokepoint for both local and regional commuters. This improvement reduces
existing and future southbound congestion. It has the potential to reduce the
intersection delay from 109 seconds per vehicle to 44 seconds per vehicle.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 423: South 260u' Street and Pacific Highway South(SR 99) Intersection
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add westbound dual left turn lanes. Add eastbound right turn pocket. Modify
signal phasing.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$100,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$250,000
Construction ...............$900,000
TOTAL ............$1,250,000
JUSTIFICATION: S 260t' Street provides one of the few direct connections between the Pacific
Highway corridor and the downtown City Core. South 260th is a multimodal
corridor which accommodates vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and bus traffic.
As the Midway area redevelops into a more commercial/residential mixed-use
zone, the traffic connections to the Military Road neighborhood and connections
to the valley retail and civic center need to be updated to highest efficiency. This
intersection improvement reduces future westbound vehicle queuing and
congestion of over 500 vehicles per hour and improves the intersection delay
from 180 seconds per vehicle (3 minutes) to approximately 87 seconds per
vehicle in the PM Peak Period.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 424: SE 256a' Street and 104a' Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add northbound right turn lane. Modify signal phasing.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$80,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$150,000
Construction ...............$220,000
TOTAL ...............$450,000
JUSTIFICATION: At the confluence of two state highways (SR 516 and SR 515) this intersection
experiences congestion during most times of the day. Approximately 33,000
daily vehicle trips are traveling east/west on SR 516 (Kent Kangley) where it
meets SE 256t' Street and 104 Avenue SE at what is commonly known as the
Kent Kangley "Y" To help facilitate the northbound movement at this
intersection, this project will provide a dedicated right turn lane for traffic
flowing eastbound. This project also provides some signal improvements
(upgrades) to allow changes to the signal timing and phasing at this intersection.
The combined improvements are estimated to reduce delay on the northbound
segment from 156 seconds per vehicle to 86 seconds per vehicle in the peak
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 425: Kent Kangley Road and 10e Avenue SE Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add eastbound and westbound dual left turn lanes. Add eastbound right turn
pocket. Change northbound right turn phasing. Complete traffic signal
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$80,000
Right of Way Acquisition.................$75,000
Construction ............$1,045,000
TOTAL ............$1,200,000
JUSTIFICATION: This project is needed to support the capital improvement project adding a new
108t' Street or 109t' Street connection between Kent Kangley Road and SE 256t'
Street. Another study looked at various alternatives to this intersection and road
addition. If the 108 /109" project goes forward, it would then set up the need
for further adjustments to the operations on Kent Kangley Road. This project
addresses those impacts. This project would keep the delay at this intersection at
92 seconds per vehicle or less which is within the City's adopted Level of
Service Standard, LOS E.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 426: South 212u' Street and 84th Avenue South Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Extend eastbound left turn lane and add northbound and southbound dual left turn
lanes. Modify signal phasing.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$130,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$420,000
Construction ............$1,250,000
TOTAL ............$1,800,000
JUSTIFICATION: This intersection experiences congestion during most times of the day. Both
roads are Principal Arterials and each carries over 25,000 vehicle trips per day.
The demand on both of these roads is expected to grow in the next decade as
growth in both freight movement and residential development in Kent's valley
continues to develop. This project also provides some signal improvements
(upgrades)to allow changes to the signal timing and phasing of this intersection.
The improvements would reduce congestion because of heavy demand for left
turn movements. It is anticipated that these improvements could reduce the
intersection delay to as little as 47 seconds per vehicle.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 427: Meeker Street and Washington Avenue Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add eastbound and westbound right turn pockets. Extend left turn storage
pockets. Modify signal phasing.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$60,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$150,000
Construction ...............$550,000
TOTAL ...............$760,000
JUSTIFICATION: This is one of the busiest intersections in the City. Washington Avenue (SR 181)
is a Principal Arterial and Meeker Street is a Minor Arterial. They each carry
about 25,000 vehicle trips per day at this location. Much of the vehicle volume
on Washington Avenue is truck trips headed for the regional highways and the
Ports of Seattle and Tacoma. At the same time, internal automobile, bicycle, and
pedestrian traffic between the west side of Kent and the Downtown City Center
needs to maneuver through this busy intersection. These improvements will
have the greatest effect on improving the efficiency of that east/west movement.
It is anticipated that these improvements could reduce the intersection delay to as
little as 57 seconds per vehicle.
YEAR: 2018
PROJECT 428: South 272Id Street and Military Road Intersection Improvement
Intersection Operations Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add a southbound through lane at the intersection. Modify signal phasing.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$20,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$240,000
TOTAL ...............$260,000
JUSTIFICATION: The increased development on the Kent West Hill combined with the lack of
alternative north/south arterials places significant local congestion on Military
Road. On those occasions when the State Highway System (I-5 and/or State
Route 99, aka Pacific Highway South) breaks down, Military Road becomes the
alternative of choice for regional diversion traffic. This project reduces existing
and future southbound congestion.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 429: Street Preservation Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Projects that maintain the existing transportation system by overlaying, rehabilitating, and
reconstructing the existing asphalt and concrete streets throughout the City.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$1,500,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ..........$23,700,000
TOTAL ..........$25,200,000
JUSTIFICATION: The City assessed the condition of its street network in 2008. It was found that many of
the streets exhibit deficiencies that reflect they are beyond their expected performance
life and in need of a maintenance or rehabilitation overlay, or some amount of
reconstruction. Moreover, historically, the amount of pavement resurfacing,
rehabilitation, and reconstruction monies the City has budgeted each year has been
insufficient to address the deficiencies of its street network. Insufficient budgets to
perform this necessary work results in more expensive maintenance and rehabilitation
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 430: Residential Traffic Calming Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: This project will develop and implement residential traffic calming throughout the City
on a priority basis as funding allows.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$750,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ............$1,050,000
TOTAL ............$1,800,000
JUSTIFICATION: The program was originally established in 1999 to address traffic concerns on residential
streets. The City Council recently adopted a revised Traffic Calming Program in order
to make informed, systematic decisions about actions to correct those concerns. There
has been a substantial increase in requests to the City for installation of physical devices
within the last couple of years that resulted in a significant increase in the number of
speed and volume studies and required numerous public meetings. This program will
allow for adequate traffic studies to keep up with the increased demand, support staff
resources to perform the studies and work with residents toward resolving traffic
concerns, and fund the purchase, installation and construction of physical devices for
residential traffic calming.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 431: Traffic Signal Management Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: This program will analyze intersections for potential installation of traffic signals or other
traffic control to insure safe and efficient use of the existing and planned transportation
network. Analysis of turn movements and collision history will be used to prioritize new
traffic signal installations.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$600,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ............$3,600,000
TOTAL ............$4,200,000
JUSTIFICATION: Historically,the City justifies the need for two new traffic signals per year to meet safety
and mobility needs. This program budgets for projects needed to meet the increasing
demand for signalized intersection control and the constant need for traffic counts to
monitor vehicle volumes and behavior. It also supports the replacement of old, outdated
traffic signal equipment at currently signalized intersections. The priorities for traffic
signals will be set by transportation system signal warrant studies which include studies
of volumes, collision history, pedestrian mobility needs, and roadway geometry. This
program also helps the City maintain level of service standards necessary to maintain
concurrency as required by the Growth Management Act.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 432: Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Improve miscellaneous intersections within the City to accommodate future traffic
volumes. Provides for improvements to the operational efficiency of the roadway system
including rechannelization, signing, signal coordination programs, transit signal priority,
Intelligent Transportation Systems, signal upgrades such as protective/permissive phasing
and LED signal indications upgrades.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$45,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$255,000
TOTAL ...............$300,000
JUSTIFICATION: The Transportation Master Plan identified several intersections that will need to be
improved to accommodate future traffic volumes. These intersections are spread
throughout the City and are not included as separate projects within this 6-Year TIP.
Increasing the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system through
operational improvements is a very cost effective element of the transportation program.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 433: Comprehensive Plan Update
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: This project consists of an update of the Transportation Element of the City's
Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation Master Plan including near-term and long
range planning of the City's transportation system needs. Project costs include consultant
contracts for transportation planning, concurrency management, public involvement,
travel demand and traffic operations modeling and analysis of potential financing
strategies to construct, operate and maintain the City's transportation network. The
project includes staff resources, hardware and software to analyze, manage and monitor
the transportation network.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$450,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ..........................$0
TOTAL ...............$450,000
JUSTIFICATION: The City's 2008 Transportation Master Plan identified the City's transportation system
needs out to the year 2030 but was based on the City's 2004 Comprehensive Plan. This
project will support the City's 2014 Comprehensive Plan Update by incorporating the
City's updated household and jobs forecasts into future transportation demand model
forecast scenarios and develop possible transportation alternatives to accommodate the
new growth projections. The City must be in compliance with all state, county and
regional policies in order to be eligible to apply for competitive grants. The City
endeavors to maximize transportation efficiency, investigate methods of measuring
concurrency that incorporate all modes of travel, better reflects the ways our community
is changing, engages the community in discussions about future transportation
investments, and investigates various ways of funding our future transportation needs.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 434: Channelization (Street Markings) Improvement Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Provide street marking projects throughout the City to separate and regulate conflicting
movements, define paths of travel, and facilitate safe and orderly movement on City
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$40,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$494,000
TOTAL ...............$534,000
JUSTIFICATION: This ongoing program maintains and updates the channelization throughout the City.
The City has 1,648,863 linear feet (LF) of channelization striping, 445,300 raised
pavement markings, 22,012 LF of C curb and 7,179 LF of painted C curb.
Channelization helps to limit conflict points and directs motorists through areas of
complexity. These markings are also used to delineate left turn storage queue areas and
deceleration areas for right turning vehicles. This project preserves the capacity and
efficiency of the existing roadway system.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 435: Bicycle System Improvements
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous improvements to the city's bicycle routes as identified in the
Nonmotorized Chapter (Chapter 6) of the adopted Transportation Master Plan (TMP).
Bicycle lanes are part of individual street improvement projects and each of those
projects would be itemized individually. The costs of those bike lanes added to TMP
Street projects are estimated at approximately $40,000,000 and are not reflected here.
This project is for shared lane striping and signing, and for the extension of the shared-
use path network.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$108,500
Right of Way Acquisition.................$72,500
Construction ...............$723,500
TOTAL ...............$904,500
JUSTIFICATION: The 2008 Transportation Master Plan Nonmotorized System Study proposed a network
of shared lane routes on transportation corridors throughout the city to help connect the
bicycle system. Lane markings and sign postings can inform motorists and cyclists of
those corridors best suited for significant bike use. These shared-lane facilities can
provide critical linkages to major cycling activity centers and connections to the shared
use path systems. This project can help achieve the City's goals for improving mobility,
reducing vehicle trips, increasing physical exercise, and improving transportation
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 436: Sidewalks, Sidewalk Repair and the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Systematically construct new sidewalks as identified in the Transportation Master Plan as
the Highest/High Priorities throughout the City. Reconstruct and repair existing
sidewalks and curb ramps and install new truncated domes and hard-surfaced sidewalks
to implement the requirements of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
consistent with the findings of the Nonmotorized Chapter (Chapter 6) of the 2008
Transportation Master Plan.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...............$500,000
Right of Way Acquisition...............$250,000
Construction ............$2,250,000
TOTAL ............$3,000,000
JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title II
requires that a public entity must evaluate its services, programs, policies, and practices
to determine whether they are in compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of
the ADA. The ADA requires that an ADA Transition Plan be prepared to describe any
structural or physical changes required to make programs accessible. The City has
conducted a self-evaluation and prepared a Transition Plan including a prioritized list of
projects to bring itself into compliance with the Federal ADA regulations. This program
begins working on that list of projects to construct and repair the City's sidewalk and
street/sidewalk transition zones for accessibility for all users and begins to address the
pedestrian improvements identified in the Transportation Master Plan. This project can
help achieve the City's goals for improving mobility, reducing vehicle trips, increasing
physical activity, and improving transportation connectedness.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 437: Guardrail and Safety Improvements
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety.
Candidate projects include Frager Road, SE 240a'/148a' Avenue Southeast hillside, Lake
Fenwick Road north or S 272°d Street, and 100a' Avenue Southeast. Upgrade existing
guardrail end-treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................$20,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$175,000
TOTAL ...............$195,000
JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulations and the
requirement to eliminate potentially hazardous roadway conditions.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 438: Community Based Circulating Shuttles
Ongoing Citywide Programs
DESCRIPTION: Continue to provide enhanced transit service to meet the needs of the community through
the use of fixed-route shuttle service, with demand-responsive routing capabilities.
Routes 914/916 serve the Kent Transit Center, Regional Justice Center, Kent City Hall,
Green River Community College's Kent campus, and local shopping and medical
facilities. The Route 918 shuttle connects the City's manufacturing/industrial center with
the regional bus and commuter train services at the Kent Transit Center.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ..........................$0
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ...............$252,000
TOTAL ...............$252,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, CMAQ, King County, ITS
JUSTIFICATION: Routes 914/916 provide mobility and independence to many of the city's seniors and
reduce the need for expensive ACCESS service for many wheelchair-lift service trips.
Community circulating shuttles encourage the participation of all ages, all economic
groups, all physical abilities, and virtually all of our community in everyday civic life
without the isolation and pollution of the automobile for every trip. Commuter shuttles
enhance the regional transit/train service by providing the vital link from home or work
to the Transit Center, encouraging people to travel without their personal vehicles —thus
avoiding the cold-start impacts to air quality and reducing congestion on local streets.
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 439: Transit Now Service Partnership Program
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Transit Now is a voter-approved King County Metro Transit program which provides
incentives for local jurisdictions to improve local transit operations by entering into a
direct financial partnership with Metro for providing additional service. Metro will
match a partner's contribution on a 2:1 basis. Transit Now requires a minimum
contribution from the partner of$100,000 per year for five (5) years to add a new route.
Kent has entered into partnership with Metro to provide new service to The Lakes and
Riverview neighborhoods and to provide the missing link between the Kent Transit
Center and major worksites in the valley industrial area
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$1,000,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ..........................$0
TOTAL ............$1,000,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S):City of Kent, King County, Commute Trip Reduction Program
(CTR) Employers
JUSTIFICATION: Transit service (bus and train) between Kent and downtown Seattle is generally
competitive with automobile driving during the commute hours. Transit service within
Kent and between Kent and its neighboring jurisdictions has serious deficiencies. Due
to low frequency, transit is simply not a viable option for travelers who need to make a
trip during the midday, commuters working non-traditional shifts, and peak hour
commuters who are concerned that there is no safety net service should they need to
travel during the midday. These partnership proposals allow us to buy our way into
providing additional service to our community that we would not otherwise be able to
YEAR: 2013 -2018
PROJECT 440: Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center
Ongoing Citywide Program
DESCRIPTION: Establishment of a railroad quiet zone for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
(BNSF) tracks and the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks through the City of Kent.
The grade crossings to be included in the quiet zone on the BNSF railroad mainline are: S
259t' Street, Willis Street, Titus Street, Gowe Street, Meeker Street, Smith Street, James
Street, and S 212t' Street. The grade crossings included in the quiet zone for the UPRR
mainline tracks are: Willis Street (SR 516), W Smith Street, W Meeker Street, W James
Street, S 228t' Street, and S 212t' Street.
PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............$3,500,000
Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0
Construction ..........................$0
TOTAL ............$3,500,000
FUNDING SOURCE(S):City of Kent, Federal Rail Administration, FHWA
JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engineers begin sounding the train-mounted horn approximately '/4 mile from
the intersection of a highway/railroad crossing. This warning device is an effective
deterrent to accidents at grade crossings but exposes the local community to significant
levels of noise that often deprecates the quality of life for those living closest to the
railroad facilities.
2013 — 2018
000 KENT
For more information or additional copies of this document contact:
Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager
City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering
220 Fourth Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032-5895
(253) 856-5585
1 2013 Southeast 256th Street Widening, Phase II $7,000,000
2 2013 Kent Kangley Pedestrian Safety Improvements $416,000
3 2013 South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation $25,000,000
4 2013 72nd Avenue South Extension $2,400,000
5 2013 Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Horizon Elementary School $305,560
6 2013 Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary School $833,340
7 2013 Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meadow Ridge Elementary $611,120
8 2013 Kent Regional Trails Connector $1,125,000
9 2013 James Street Bicycle Lanes $1,375,000
10 2013 South 224th Street Extension $29,000,000
11 2013 Central Avenue South Improvement(Green River Bridge to Willis $4,500,000
12 2014 SE 208th Street& 108th Avenue Intersection Improvement $710,000
13 2014 Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements $450,000
14 2015 108th Ave Southeast Extension $3,950,000
15 2015 Military Road South at Reith Road $2,180,000
16 2017 Smith and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement $1,400,000
17 2017 S 212th Street and 72nd Avenue South Intersection Improvement $690,000
18 2018 SE 240th St and 104th Ave SE Intersection Improvement $1,600,000
19 2018 Military Road South Widening $18,500,000
20 2018 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening, Phase I (Kent Kangley to SE 248th $25,100,000
21 2018 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening, Phase II (SE 248th St to SE 240th $7,000,000
22 2018 Kent Kangley Road &132nd Avenue SE Intersection Improvements $1,200,000
23 2018 South 260th Street& Pacific Highway South Intersection $1,250,000
24 2018 SE 256th Street& 104th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements $450,000
25 2018 Kent Kangley Road &108th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements $1,200,000
26 2018 South 212th Street/84th Avenue S Intersection Improvements $1,800,000
27 2018 Meeker Street and Washington Avenue Intersection Improvements $760,000
28 2018 South 272nd Street and Military Road South Intersection $260,000
29 2013- Street Preservation $25,200,000
30 2013- Residential Traffic Calming Program $1,800,000
31 2013- Traffic Signal Management Program $4,200,000
32 2013- Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements $300,000
33 2013- Comprehensive Plan Update $450,000
34 2013- Channelization $534,000
35 2013- Bicycle System Improvements $904,500
36 2013- Sidewalks, Sidewalk Repair and Americans with Disabilities Act $3,000,000
2018 Compliance Program
37 2013- Guardrail and Safety Improvements $195,000
38 2013- Community Based Circulating Shuttles $252,000
39 2013- Transit Now Service Partnership Agreements $1,000,000
40 2013- Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center $3,500,000
Total: $182,401,520
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Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500
WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: May 12, 2012
To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: May 21, 2012
From: Gina Hungerford, Conservation Specialist
Through: Kelly Peterson, Environmental Conservation Supervisor
Subject: Information Only/Special Recycling Event for Residents on
June 2, 2012
Item - 5
Information Only/No Motion Required
The City of Kent will host a Special Recycling Event for Residents on June 2nd
at the Phoenix Academy Parking lot at 11000 SE 264th from 9:00 until 3:00.
Residents can bring items not easily recycled at the curb, including
appliances, bulky yard debris, concrete, rock and brick-as well as sand from
sandbags, up to three file boxes of material to shred, and limited electronics.
We will also be accepting mattresses at no charge — one time only. A flyer
with a complete list of items accepted at the event will be in the mail mid-
May. Kent residents may also purchase a Composter or Rainbarrel at this
event, while supplies last. For more information, visit KentRecycles.com.
This event is paid for by grants from King County's Solid Waste Division and
Local Hazardous Waste Management Program, and Washington State Dept. of
Ecology grants.
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Saturday,June 2,2012®9 a.m.-until the items run out(limited supply,first come first served)
@ Kent Phoenix Academy:11000 SE 264th St. Kent,WA 98030(Take I I Ith Ave.SE,S.off Kent mingley)
Coil ii ii 11:10St lthl,(Cash only) IRahn itairrels(Cash only)
Start backyard composting to save resources and Collect rainwater from your roof
money.Composting is a natural process that turns yard downspouts to use for
waste into rich soil. watering gardens.
"f lr�a IlIarthi Michillie" "Ratill swmr"
Bin size r2"X r i"x 34" Size: r4'H X 26'W
place of I OUN,recycled Capacity:55,181101 is
post-consumer Plastic. Color:Greer i
$25($80value) place of!()"�a mate
�i"" $35 c120velyre) IV
Composters and rainbarrels are available only on this date and for Kent residents only. Must show proof of residency.
C "�`I'll,
ecial fy ofKerf I S 0s FACE
Environmental Program PAID
OW79ECYC NG pg 2204LhAve S M NT,VVA�e T ci Rsr r i�o 137
even Kerf,W198032
C tf�l
June 2,2012.9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Kent Phoenix Academy
For more information,alternative Formats,or
dire IA lity accom modations on request
ca 11(253)8565549 or grorztermidC�ntts!A�gov
T rY Relay:711.Monday-Friday until 4:30 pro. ECRWSS
Can't make it to the event?VisitWhat co I co Residential Customer
with...I'st www.kinc ounty.go/ lidwaste/
wdidw/for organizations that accept items for reuse,
recycling or proper disposa 1.
•This program is only for household materials from
lung County resicle nts.Funded by:City of Kent Public
Works Dep,rtment,lung County Solid Waste Division,
the Local nazarcous waste Management Program in
lung County,and Washington State Department
of Ecology,
41 s�,2 1
1, en u e Phoenix Aca nt 2012 . 9 a.m.-3 P.M.
emy K
I 1000 SE 264th Sd t., Kent
1111, ���
m .�i6)ili� '•. . u` m I Il�lu li r "' n " I I ��I'0 N N a ii .0 w ^ urn a
��I I� I �11� ,III III�� I �i lil llllll II III II�Illli L
Appliances&Scrap Metal Washers,dryers,microwaves,ovens,stoves, NO metals that are insulated, $5 for each water heater.Cash only.
water heaters,engines,microwaves,BBQs, rubber coated,oily,previously or Please drain all liquids from materials.
lawn in owers,in etal lawn chairs,swing sets, currently contain chemicals,paint,
cast iron sinks and tubs,auto parts,iron,steel, or hazardous materials.
aluminum(cans included),brass,copper& NO light fixture ballasts.
other ferrous and non-ferrous metals. NO sealed drums.
Refrigerators,Freezers&Air Refrigerates,freezed,and portable NO industrial fridges and freezers. $'25 for each.
Conditioners household air conditioners. Cash only.
Toilets&Sinks Toilet seat,base,and wax ring most be $10 each item.
removed Cash only.
Electronics Coll phomm,printed,keyboards,mice,fax NO computer monitors,laptop Take computers,laptops&tv'stothe
madnnm,scamters,VCIN,CD/DVD players and computed,Ws. Kent Goodwill Store,
stereos. 25Il14102nd PL SF any day at 110
diarge.More info at)1, .IlB6.1490
Cardboard Please flatten. NO wax-coated cardboard.
Alkaline Batteries AAAA,AAA,AA,A,B,C,and D cell batteries No rechargeable batteries/No
only. NI cads
Lead Acid Batteries Car,truck,marine,and motorcycle batteries
Propanelfanks Residential tanks only,$'5 each. Small Cash only,
canisters up to 1 o5 as,$'1 each.
Bulky Yard Debris Logs and large branches greater than four NO brush,sod,grass clippings, Place on tarp for easy removal.
inches in diameter blackberry bushes,leaves,small
branches,rocks or stum ps.
Scrap Wood Clean wood and pallets. NO painted,stained,treated or Place on tarp for easy removal.
laminated wood or particle hoard. No need to remove nails.
Reusable Household Goods Clothing and miscellaneous household items NO broken,torn,stained,damaged All items must be clean and in good
in good condition. or wet items.Nommiture. enough condition for resale by
charitable organization.
Document Shredding Limit of file-size boxes per vehicle-no Service donated by Shred It,located in
exceptions. Kent.
Concrete,Asphalt,Rock&Brick Place on tarp for easy removal. No bags,just the sand inside Remove plastic,metal and wood.
Sand from Sandbags Rocks and smaller materials including sand Residential material only.
must be in boxes or buckets.
Mattresses Mattresses,box springs,and futons,any size. No commercial loads.Nowethoted FREE ONE TIME ONLY
NO flatbeds or dump trucks allowed.Vendors reserve the right to refuse
oversized,commercial,contaminated,excessive or unacceptable loads.
•NOConsta¢tion/demolltiondebris •NOpalntofanyklnd •NOpesticides/herbiddes
•NO motor oil,filters,antifreeze,or petroleum based products •NOsolvems and thinners •NOhmiseholdchemicals
•NOstyrofoam •NO cleaning products •NOfluorescentlights
•NO plastics Contact the household hazards line at 206-296-4692 or
•NO grass,leaves,or small yard debris 1-888-TOXIC-E D('1-888-0A9-4233),Monday thrDugh Friday
•NO garbage between gam and 4:30pm except holidays,or visit:
•NO window glass/mirrors www.LHWMP.ORG for information about disposal of
•NO latex paint(see note below) hazardous wastes.Segregate motor oil(crankcase oil)from all
•NO plastic pools,toys,hoses,etc. other liquids Including brake fluid,hyraullc fluid,transmission
•NO painted/treated wood fluid,etc.Household hazardous waste can be disposed of at
•NO carpeting Wastemobile sites.
Latex paint,iflessthanaquarterean-full,may be dried out by RegularWastemabile service is now available at the Aubum
leaving the lid off,and placed in the garbage once dry.Share larger Superklall(near the loading docks and Sports Authounty)every
amounts with friends,donate to a local theater Stoops or dry by Sat.&Son.ofthe month,'10am-5pm except the weekend
addingequalammmtsof cat Iitteror paint hardener..Donate full ICa[IS afterThanksgivinga lid theweekend before ChristmasDay.
to Habitat for Hum anity:206.292.5240
printed on recycled paper
Timothy J LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500
WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: April 25, 2012
To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: May 21, 2012
From: Mike Mactutis, P.E., Environmental Engineering Manager
Brad Lake, Operations Manager
Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director
Subject: Information Only/ Regional Water Supply System (RWSS)
Water Storage and Green River Temperatures
Item - 6
Information Only/No Motion Required
Partners in the Tacoma Regional Water Supply System (RWSS) have been asked
annually to contribute a portion of their stored water behind the Howard Hansen
Dam to the environmental resource agencies for the Green River. This contribution is
part of a good faith agreement to allow the continued use of storage behind the dam
until the downstream fish passage facilities are constructed by the Corps of
Engineers, a requirement of the Tacoma RWSS water storage project.
As a portion of the water stored for Kent in the Tacoma Regional Water Supply
System is for future growth needs and Kent has other reliable water sources, there
is no impact on the reliability of the water supply for Kent customers.
Higher water flows help to cool the Green River, making it more habitable for
salmon. The combination of higher summer flows in the river with additional
vegetation along the riverbanks and more side channel areas where the salmonids
can live before they move out to Elliott Bay and the Pacific Ocean will make a
positive difference in how well they survive.
Budget Impact:
No impact