HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 04/09/2012 KENT W.=r i ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES April 9, 2012 Committee Members Committee Chair Jamie Perry, Deborah Ranniger, Bill Boyce. Perry called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1. Code Enforcement Update Economic and Community Director Ben Wolters introduced Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) Brian Swanberg. He stated that the city processed and successfully closed over 600 cases through December 2011 with two code enforcement officers. Wolters stated that the code violation process begins by receiving complaints (whereby many times the code enforcement officer is able to resolve complaints by phone), if a determination of violation is made, fines are levied and the alleged violator may appeal to the Hearing Examiner (HE). Wolters stated that only a couple cases have been taken to Superior Court within the last decade and it is pretty egregious when that happens. He stated that he along with Building Office Bob Hutchinson and Brian detected a gap between what Kent is able to do under the law versus what people expect Kent to do. Swanberg stated that code enforcement evaluates complaints by phone or through site visits to determine if a violation exists and warrants further action. Code Enforcement will ask for a description of the potential violation and for an address of where the violation exists. Code violations are assigned a case number through the KIVA tracking system, and information is entered into the system as the case progresses. Swanberg stated that research for property ownership is completed to ensure the applicable property owners or those with a vested interest in the property (such as tenants) will be contacted. Cases are closed when violations are corrected. If violations are not corrected an admonishment or notice of compliance letter is mailed to the applicable parties. Extensions are issued to allow time to correct violations under mitigating circumstances. If violations continue unresolved, a correction notice is sent out defining the consequences of noncompliance and includes the issuance of a $500 fine. The violation will be reviewed by the City law department, and will be heard before the HE who has the authority to reduce the fine to $100. A Notice of Violation does not predicate a HE meeting. Wolters stated that Kent is constrained by State law in how far code enforcement can go in pursuing correction. Code enforcement has streamlined their procedures over the years, are trying to incorporate and get citizens involved by calling the city to report when violations have been cleared up which saves the city time and money. City Council and citizens want the City to get more aggressive in terms of pursuing correction of violations. Pursuing violations through Superior Court requires resources that the City does not have available. It would benefit the city to have specific funds set aside to pursue solutions. Wolters questioned if the committee wishes to examine community standards although that would create the question about Washington's property rights law. Councilmember Perry asked staff to evaluate other cities codes, review Kent's code to evaluate where it could be strengthened and where gaps exist. City Council's perception is that the codes are too lenient. Perry stated that she would like the code to address handling of abandoned buildings. Wolters noted that Swanberg is attempting to get hold of the owner of an abandoned house on Meeker Street near Naden being used an encampment for the homeless. Wolters stated that the City does not have the money to pursue placing a lien on the property citing that having an estimated $25,000 available would allow Swanberg a little latitude to pursue legal action. City Attorney Tom Brubaker stated that Tammy Purdue is prepared on all the cases that have to go to court. Swanberg stated that staff is prioritizing cases so that violations that pose life safety risks are addressed first. ECDC Minutes April 9,2012 Page 1 of 2. Approval of Minutes Councilmember Ranniger Moved and Councilmember Boyce Seconded a Motion to approve the March 12, 2012 Minutes. Motion PASSED 3-0. 3. Second Public Hearing: ZCA-2011-3 Amendments to KCC 12.04.221 Planner Katie Graves stated that this hearing addresses amendments to Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 12.04.221 that regulates extensions and expirations of preliminary plats. Graves stated that these updates are part of an overall effort to keep codes current, respond to changes to State law, and provide clarity. Planning Director Fred Satterstrom stated that the City must conform to State law. He stated that State law recently changed the period of validity from 5 to 7 years. A Bill signed by the Governor extends that time period to 9 years effective June 2012 for preliminary plats approved prior to Dec 31, 2007. 30 of 34 plats inventoried by staff will be subject to the new law. Brubaker noted that the RCW will revert to a 5-year period of validity in 2015. Councilmember Boyce MOVED and Councilmember Perry SECONDED a Motion to Open the Public Hearing. Motion Passed 3-0. Jack Kastien, 20609 941h Ave S, Kent, WA, 98031 spoke in support of Option B to not allow preliminary plat expiration extensions beyond the RCW time limitation (7 years, no extensions). He submitted his testimony (established as Exhibit 1) for the record. Garrett Huffman, Master Blders Association of King & Snohomish Counties spoke in support of Option B with the addition of a 1 year 'date-certain' extension. Councilmember Boyce MOVED and Councilmember Perry SECONDED a Motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion Passed 3-0. After deliberating, Councilmember Boyce MOVED and Councilmember Perry SECONDED a Motion to recommend to the City Council approval of a new Option D for the RCWs 9 year period of validity plus the addition of a 1 year automatic extension bright line rule. Motion Passed 2-1 with Councilmember Ranniger Opposed. 4. Economic Development Plan (EDP) - Phase II Contract Wolters introduced Chris Mefford, Principal of Community Attributes International (CAI). He stated that CAI is the economic consultant firm retained to develop the new Economic Development Strategy (EDS) for the city of Kent of which Phase I has been completed. Wolters introduced a proposal to the Committee to consider acceptance of a contract for $49,000 to proceed with Phase II to develop the action plan for the EDS in keeping with what the Council granted as part of the 2012 budget. Wolters stated that monies was shifted from the budget identified for the Midway Subarea Plan (MSP) to backfill the reduced amount originally identified for Phase II as staff determined that Phase II took priority at this time and that the City had time for the MSP to mature. Staff envisions tackling the MSP beginning next year. Mefford stated in Phase I staff gathered information on how to bring people together with a common understanding of the local economy and identified several goals for Kent and the Region that would be a focus for Phase II. Those goals includes considering where opportunities exist to link neighborhoods, Downtown, Kent Station, ShoWare Center, and Industrial areas for ease of strategy. Phase II is an engagement process whereby cluster strategies will be refined and opportunities for diversification will be looked at. A detailed action strategy includes engaging stakeholders and businesses through holding a series of subcommittee meetings and community wide forums. Mefford stated he envisions concrete tangible action steps being implemented by stakeholders through a variety of formats. Wolters stated that Phase I of the EDS developed a consensus of what the city's priorities should be in terms of economic development in the community and provided staff and policy makers with a reference point to guide what things the City would pursue. That plan played into the ECDC Minutes April 9,2012 Page 2 of previous strategic goals of the City Council. Wolters stated that staff reviewed the previous plan to discover that about 3/4 of what was contained in the plan had been accomplished and considered the relevancy of those things not yet accomplished. Wolters and Mefford stated they would remain engaged with the Economic Community Development Committee (ECDC) and City Council with the desire to hold a business forum that would include Council participation. Wolters stated that resolution and adoption of the plan would be part of the ECDC's delivery process. Councilmember Boyce MOVED and Councilmember Perry SECONDED a Motion to authorize the contract with Community Attributes International for Phase II of the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Motion PASSED 3-0. S. Economic Development Report & Permit Process Update Wolters reported that the pace is continuing with the Goodman project; Town Square Center and Town Square Apartments. One staff review meeting has been completed and a second meeting scheduled. There is a question of whether or not they will save the existing foundation slab. This has a financial consequence for Kent under the terms of agreement Kent had for the lease to own. If the slab is saved, the cost of demolishing will not be deducted from the initial payment which occurs at time of sale resulting in a bigger payment to Kent at that point. If the slab is demolished, the cost would be deducted from the initial payment then added to what we would collect over time in the payment process phase after it opens. This is a unique deal that matches Kent's needs with their needs. In response to Perry, Wolters stated Goodman is preparing for a review by the Downtown Design Review Committee to include review of design and materials for the fascia of the building. He stated that preliminary work is in keeping with what City Council desires. Wolters stated that a formal process as identified in code is being followed noting that he would speak with Economic Development Manager Kurt Hanson about holding a briefing with the Citizens Advisory Committee. Informational Only Adiournment Committee Chair Perry adjourned the meeting at 6:46 p.m. Pamela Mottram, Secretary Economic & Community Development Committee PIAPlanningAECDQ2012VMIInute A0409 12_DaftMln.doc ECDC Minutes April 9,2012 Page 3 of