HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/17/2012 (3) • KEN T WASH NOTON Operations Committee Agenda Councilmembers: Dennis Higgins * Jamie Perry * Les Thomas, Chair April 17, 2012 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Approval of Minutes YES 1 Dated April 3, 2012 2. Approval of the Check Summary YES Bob Nachlinger Report dated March 16 - 31, 2012 3. Recreation and Conservation Office YES Jeff Watling 5 Min 5 Grant Application Resolution - Adopt 4. Amend KCC 1.03, "Initiative and YES Tom Brubaker 10 Min 11 Referendum" - Adopt 5. Budget Adjustment Ordinance YES Bob Nachlinger 10 Min 47 - Approve 6. Summary Financial Report as of NO Bob Nachlinger 10 Min 55 February 29, 2012 (INFORMATION ONLY) Unless otherwise noted, the Operations Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. Dates and times are subject to change. For information please contact Pam Clark at (253) 856-5723. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. This page intentionally left blank 1 KENT WASHINGTON OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 3, 2012 Committee Members Present: Dennis Higgins (acting chair), Jamie Perry, Dana Ralph (for Les Thomas) The meeting was called to order by D Higgins at 4:03 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED MARCH 20, 2012. J. Perry moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated March 20, 2012. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. APPROVAL OF CHECK SUMMARY REPORTS DATED MARCH 1 THROUGH MARCH 15, 2012 D. Ralph moved to recommend Council approve the Check Summary Reports dated March 1- 15, 2012. J. Perry seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 3. MOVE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE 2012 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE'S SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER, NOT TO EXCEED $21,102. A brief description of the program was provided by J. Hall, Economic Development Specialist. Green River Community College's Small Business Assistance Center shall offer to Kent residents and to individuals seeking to open a business in Kent one-on-one counseling, classes and workshops at no or low cost to the client. Changes were made to the reporting requirements to get a better idea of what businesses are being assisted and the scope of service was expanded to include the West Hill. The contract amount is the same as last year. Council requested Josh email the most recent report that Kirk provides and liked the suggestion of sharing quarterly success at a council meeting. J. Perry moved to recommend approval of the 2012 Consultant Services Agreement with Green River Community College's Small Business Assistance Center, not to exceed $21,102. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 4. MOVE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY ATTRIBUTES INTERNATIONAL TO PROVIDE THE SHOWARE CENTER'S ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS, NOT TO EXCEED $36,400. B. Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director, presented information regarding the impact analysis at the March 20, 2012 Operations Committee Meeting. He is bringing it back to the Committee for approval to move to City Council. D. Higgins would like Council to have input regarding the questions that will be asked as part of the analysis. D. Ralph has concerns that the results will be pre-determined/controlled response in favor of the Center and wants to have both negative and positive feedback. There was discussion about an additional future analysis that would be directed at marketing. Funding for the analysis will be provided from various departments. The Agreement will move to April 17 Council Meeting under Other Business. J. Perry moved to recommend approval of the Consultant Services Agreement with Community Attributes International to provide the ShoWare Center's Economic Impact Analysis, not to exceed $36,400. D. Higgins seconded the motion and D. Ralph was a nay. The motion passed 2-1. 2 Operations Committee Minutes April 3, 2012 Page: 2 S. MOVE TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE ORDERS AND ASSOCIATED CONTRACTS FOR SYSTEMS WITH ANNUAL MAINTENANCE COSTS OVER $25,000 PER YEAR The annual contracts include 10-12 systems that require annual maintenance, which are described in an attached document. The dollar amounts have not changed since the last review. J. Perry asked why the City does not use Open Source Solutions. M. Carrington responded that they have been used in the past for small to medium systems; however, the service is not reliable for our larger systems, which is critical for staff. D. Ralph moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Information Technology Department purchase orders and associated contracts for systems with annual maintenance costs over $25,000 per year. J. Perry seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 6. Streets and Parks Infrastructure Project Update (INFORMATION ONLY) J. Hodgson explained that our Parks and Public Works Departments maintain a great deal of infrastructure. As requested by City Council from their retreat, both departments have compiled projects and possible funding sources to repair our infrastructure. The citizen committees for both Parks and Public Works were given goals and have been reviewing information for the past few weeks. They are here to present a mid-term status report on what they've done to date. J. Watling presented on behalf of Parks and T. LaPorte and S. Smith presented on behalf of Public Works. The Parks and Public Works Citizen Committees will report their final assessment at a council workshop on May 1. J. Hodgson distributed a tentative timeline to the Operations Committee that works from now to December, with a possible vote on funding options going to the public in November. He briefly provided examples of possible funding options that the citizen committees are discussing. J. Perry recommended both citizen committees have a notebook with all the projects and revenue sources listed. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. by D. Higgins. Pamela Clark Operations Committee Secretary 3 Parks and Public Works/Streets Infrastructure Improvements Tentative Timeline December: adopt 2013/14 budget with potential funding sources November: possible citizen vote on funding options August 7, 2012: deadline to King County for putting item(s) on November ballot July 17, 2012: last regular council meeting for council decision on placing item(s) on November ballot � I June: decision on funding model for infrastructure improvements May: citizen committees consolidated to review parks and public works projects and funding options May 1: council workshop to hear reports of parks and public works citizen committees April: funding options presented to parks and public works citizen committees April 3: parks and public works citizen committees provide status report to Operations Committee 4 This page intentionally left blank 5 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Jeff Watling, Director Phone: 253-856-5100 Fax: 253 856 6050 KENT Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. WASHINGTON Kent, WA. 98032-5895 April 17, 2012 TO: Kent City Council Operations Committee FROM: Brian Levenhagen, Park Planner THROUGH: Jeff Watling, Director Parks, Recreation and Community Services SUBJECT: Recreation and Conservation Office Grant Application Resolution - Adopt MOTION: Move to recommend Council adopt the resolution authorizing a grant application to the Recreation and Conservation Office to fund the acquisition of the Huse Property. SUMMARY: Each year staff pursues funding for park development and/or acquisition of property through the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). Staff is requesting authorization to submit the grant applications to the RCO Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program to fund the acquisition of the Huse Property in Panther Lake. EXHIBITS: Staff Report, Resolution to RCO BUDGET IMPACT: None 6 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Jeff Watling, Director Phone: 253-856-5100 Fax: 253 856 6050 KENT Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. WASHINGTON Kent, WA. 98032-5895 April 17, 2012 TO: Kent City Council Operations Committee FROM: Brian Levenhagen, Park Planner THROUGH: Jeff Watling, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services SUBJECT: 2012 RCO Grant Applications - Staff Report The following information details the acquisitions project staff will apply to RCO for funding. Huse Farm Property Acquisition — WWRP — Local Parks The City of Kent is requesting funding to be applied towards the acquisition of two parcels of land totaling 33.7 acres next to Soos Creek in the newly annexed Panther Lake Area. The property has already been acquired by the City of Kent, but we are allowed to apply due to a waiver of retroactivity obtained before purchase. This property will be used by the City of Kent to satisfy a number of park and environmental needs in the Panther Lake Annexation Area. This property is adjacent to King County's 7.62 mile Soos Creek Trail and will serve as the main Northern Kent trail head for our residents that use this trail. This will connect the Panther Lake area to the very popular Lake Meridian Park in the South, with the idea that residents could easily jog, bike, or walk between the two parks. Adding this connectivity will have economic, health, and recreational value to the surrounding residents. This property will provide neighborhood park elements to the citizens in the surrounding neighborhood service area that are currently underserved, including a playground, picnic shelter, 1 mile loop trail, parking, a restroom, and a large playfield. The site also boasts a tremendous view of Mt. Rainer and the Soos Creek Valley. The site was identified by King Co. as a high priority for acquisition due to its wildlife habitat, salmon, water quality, and flood storage value to the Soos Creek Ecosystem. 7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing applications to the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for state funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program ("WWRP") as provided in Chapter 79A.15 RCW, Acquisition of Habitat Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Lands. RECITALS A. The City of Kent has approved a comprehensive plan that includes the properties within the Panther Lake area. B. Under the provisions of the WWRP, state funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the acquisition of property in the Panther Lake area. C. The City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to complete the acquisitions of properties within the Panther Lake area. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Recreation and Conservation Office Grant Application 8 RESOLUTION SECTION 1, — Application. The city's Parks, Recreation, and Community Services director is authorized to make formal application to RCO for funding assistance. SECTION 2, — Use of Funds. Any funding assistance received will be used for the implementation of the project referenced above, which is the acquisition of properties within the Panther Lake area. SECTION 3, — Non-Cash Commitments. The City of Kent acknowledges that it is responsible for supporting all non-cash commitments to the sponsor share should they not materialize. SECTION 4, — Use Retained in Perpetuity. The City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with Recreation and Conservation Funding Board (RCFB) financial aid must be placed in use for the funded purpose as an outdoor recreation facility and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by the City of Kent and RCFB. SECTION 5, —Resolution — Part of Application. This resolution may become part of a formal application to RCO. SECTION 6, — Public Comment. The City of Kent provided appropriate opportunity for public comment heard on April 17, 2012. SECTION 7, — Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or 2 Recreation and Conservation Office Grant Application 9 invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTIONS. — Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 9, — Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 10. — Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this day of 12012. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this day of April, 2012. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR 3 Recreation and Conservation Office Grant Application 10 ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of April, 2012. BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P:\Civil\Reuel ution\Recreation ndQ nservationOfficeGra nWppl is don.docx 4 Recreation and Conservation Office Grant Application 11 LAW DEPARTMENT 440 Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Phone: 253-856-5782 N.147KEN T Fax: 253-856-6770 WASHING-ON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 April 17, 2012 To: Operations Committee From: Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Regarding: Amend KCC 1.03 — Initiative and Referendum - Ordinance-Adopt MOTION: Recommend adoption of an Ordinance amending Chapter 1.03 of the Kent City Code entitled "Initiative and referendum," to be consistent with state law. SUMMARY: The city adopted initiative and referendum powers on June 6, 1989, by Ordinance No. 2848. The city recently received a proposed initiative petition, which caused staff to review the city's existing code provisions relating to the exercise of initiative and referendum rights by citizens. However, state law regarding initiative and referendum powers has changed since the city's adoption of those powers. Staff recommends simplifying and amending this chapter to be consistent with state law. As amended, the city's provisions will, in most cases, remain consistent with state law, including future amendments to state law. BUDGET IMPACT: None EXIBITS: Amended Ordinance, Initiative and Referendum Memorandum 1 12 LAW DEPARTMENT Tom Brubaker, City Attorney 40 ZPhone: 253-856-5782 .40�� Fax: 253-856-6770 KENT Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. WASHINGTON Kent, WA. 98032-5895 April 12, 2012 TO: Kent City Council Suzette Cooke, Mayor John Hodgson, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Arthur "Pat" Fitzpatrick, Deputy City Attorney THROUGH: Tom Brubaker, City Attorney SUBJECT: Amendments to Kent's Initiative and Referendum Process Summary On March 28, 2012, an initiative petition was filed with the City Clerk related to the enforcement of marijuana laws in the city of Kent. Twelve years have passed since the last initiative was filed with the City, and during that time, there have been significant changes to the Revised Code of Washington relating to initiative petitions and elections. The Law Department has reviewed the Revised Code of Washington, as well as the initiative petition process set forth in the Kent City Code, and has determined that it would be appropriate to amend the City's code to make it consistent with the Revised Code of Washington. These amendments will be advantageous to those who file initiatives with the City, will clarify the role of various city officials in the process, and will reduce the petitioner's and the City's risk of being drawn into litigation over our initiative petition process. For ease of reference, the City's current code relating to the initiative and referendum process (Chapter 1.03 KCC) is attached, as well as the sections of the Revised Code of Washington relating to initiatives in cities. Differences Between the Initiative Process in Kent and the Process Set Forth in State Law The City adopted the powers of initiative and referendum in 1989. The process is codified in Chapter 1.03 of the Kent City Code. Chapter 1.03 KCC sets forth a process that differs from the process set forth in state law in three main areas which are described below. 13 Initiative and Referendum Memorandum April 17, 2012 Page 2 of 3 Under state law (RCW 35A.11.100), a person proposing an initiative ("petitioner") must obtain signatures on the petition equal to 15% of the total number of registered voters at the last city general election. Only then is the petitioner required to file the petition with the City Clerk. In comparison, Kent City Code 1.03.040 requires that prior to taking any steps to gather signatures on an initiative petition, the petitioner must first file a proposal with the City Clerk who must then distribute the proposal to the City Council and the City Attorney. Thereafter, and within 14 days, the City Attorney is required to formulate an initiative statement in the form of a yes or no question which is to be used by the petitioner in gathering signatures. Thus, only after receiving the initiative statement from the City Attorney may the petitioner begin gathering signatures. This provision in our code causes unnecessary delay to petitioners. In addition, one could argue that the City has no business meddling with initiative language that a petitioner would like to forward to the City Council or voters for consideration. Next, under state law, a petitioner has no deadline to meet in gathering signatures. In comparison, the Kent City Code (KCC 1.03.060) allows the petitioner only 90 days to gather the necessary signatures in support of the initiative petition. If the petitioner fails to meet this 90 day deadline, city code provides that the petition shall have no validity. A petitioner today would need close to 7,500 valid signatures to move an initiative to the City Council and then the voters, a task that may not easily be accomplished in 90 days. Finally, under state law (RCW 35.17.260), if the petitioner is able to gather the required signatures, the clerk is responsible for causing the signatures to be certified as those of validly registered voters, and not duplicative. If that occurs, then the City Council has two options: 1. Pass the proposed ordinance within 20 days; or 2. Certify the ordinance for a vote at either: a. The next general election if it occurs in 90 days; or b. The next special election date as specified in state law (RCW 29A.04.330) Kent's provisions regarding an election for initiatives differ from state laws regulating special elections, and could put the City in a bind. KCC 1.03.170 provides that once the signatures are certified, the Council must either pass the ordinance within 20 days, or certify the ordinance for a vote at either: 1. The next general election if it occurs within 90 days; or 2. A special election not less than 30, but not more than 60, days 14 Initiative and Referendum Memorandum April 17, 2012 Page 3 of 3 The difference in the special elections requirements could prove costly for the City. This is best explained by example. Assume that signatures on a petition were certified on February 8, 2012. Under state law, unless the Council adopted the ordinance within 20 days, the City would be required to have the measure before the voters at the next special election set forth in RCW 29A.04.330. In our example, the election would occur on the fourth Tuesday in April, or April 24, 2012. In contrast, under the Kent City Code which requires that the election occur between 30 and 60 days following the certification of the signatures, Kent would have to have an election no later than April 9, 2012, more than two weeks short of any scheduled special election.' Clearly, Kent's code does not provide the latitude necessary to take advantage of the special election dates set forth in state law. While state law regarding special elections would most likely trump our city code requiring our election to be held on April 24, 2012, the City and petitioners could be drawn into litigation as one could argue that an initiative in Kent is not valid if an election is not held within 60 days as required by Kent's code. Amending the city code to adopt the process set forth in state law will be advantageous to the City and to petitioners. The process will be uniform and more streamlined, election dates, if necessary, will be certain, and there will be no need for the City to draft language on behalf of the petitioners. ' The 60' day following February 8 would be Sunday, April 8. Since the 601h day lands on a Sunday, the election would occur on the next business day, which is Monday, April 9, 2012. Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 1 of 1015 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Sections: 1.03.010 Intent, 1.03.020 Ordinances not subject to initiative and referendum. 1.03.030 Initiative petitions. 1.03.040 Initiative procedure by city clerk and city attorney. 1.03.050 Initiative statement. 1.03.060 Time for filing initiative petition. 1.03.070 Initiative petition requirements. 1.03.080 Form of petitions for ordinances referred to the voters. 1.03.090 Process of determining sufficiency. 1.03.100 Withdrawal of signature. 1.03,110 Valid signatures. 1.03.120 Variations of signatures. 1.03.130 Stricken signatures. 1.03.140 Stale signatures. 1,03.150 Restriction on or abandonment of powers. 1.03.160 Initiative— Checking petition by clerk. 1.03.170 Same— City council action. 1.03.180 Same—Appeal to court. 1.03.190 Same— Conduct of election. 1.03.200 Same — Notice of election. 1,03.210 Same — Ballots. 1.03,220 Same— Ballot title. 1.03.230 Effective date— Record. 1.03.240 Same— Ordinance repeal or amendment. 1.03.250 Same— Ordinance repeal or amendment method. 1.03.260 Same— Ordinance repeal or amendment— Record. 1,03.270 Referendum— Petitions. 1.03.280 Same— Petition statement. 1.03.290 Same— Filing petition suspends ordinance. 1,03.300 Same— Initiative provisions applied to referendum process. 1.03,310 Same— Effective date, record. *State law reference(s) —Initiative and referendum, RCW 35A.11.080 et seq.; to be exercised pursuant to RCW 35.17.240 et seq., RCW 35A.11.100. 1.03.010 Intent. It is the intent of the city council to adopt, pursuant to RCW Title 35A, the powers of initiative and referendum for the qualified electors of the city. If an initiative measure is properly presented to the city council, the city council hereby declares its intention to reserve the authority to also submit a different measure dealing with the same subject as the initiative to the qualified electors for approval or rejection at the same election. http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/Kent01/Kent0103.html 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 2 of 10 16 (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.010), 6-6-89) 1.03.020 Ordinances not subject to initiative and referendum. Any and all ordinances hereafter passed and adopted by the city shall not go into effect prior to thirty (30) days from the time of final passage and shall be subject to referendum during the interim except the following ordinances: 1. Ordinances initiated by petition; 2. Ordinances necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health, and safety or for the support of city government and its existing public institutions which contain a statement of urgency and are passed by unanimous vote of the city council; 3. Ordinances providing for local improvement districts; 4. Ordinances appropriating money; 5. Ordinances providing for or approving collective bargaining; 6. Ordinances providing for the compensation of or working conditions of a city employee; 7. Ordinances authorizing or repealing the levy of taxes; 8. Any ordinance exempted now or hereafter by state law from initiative and referendum processes. All such excepted ordinances shall go into effect as provided by the general law or applicable sections of RCW Title 35A as now or hereafter amended. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.020), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provisions, RCW 35A.11.090. 1.03.030 Initiative petitions. Ordinances may be initiated by petitions of electors of the city. If any individual or group of individuals desire to petition the city council to enact a proposed measure, the individual or group shall file in the office of the city clerk five (5) printed or typewritten copies of the measure proposed, accompanied by the name, post office and residence address of the proposer. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.030), 6-6-89) 1.03.040 Initiative procedure by city clerk and city attorney. Upon filing of the proposed initiative measure, the city clerk shall assign a number to each such initiative petition and transmit one (1) copy of the measure proposed, bearing such number, to the city council, the mayor, and the city attorney. Within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of an initiative measure, the city attorney shall formulate therefor and transmit to the city clerk, the city council, the mayor and the individual or group http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/Kent01/Kent0103.html 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 3 of 1017 proposing such a measure, an initiative statement in the form of a question containing the essential features of the measure. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.040), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Prepa"ration by city attorney, RCW 29,27.060. 1.03.050 Initiative statement. An initiative statement shall be phrased in language so that a "yes" vote will clearly be a vote in favor of the action or condition that would result from the approval of the measure, and a "no" vote will clearly be a vote in opposition to such action or condition. The statement may be distinct from the petitioner's title of the measure and shall express and give a true and impartial statement of the purpose of the measure. It shall not be intentionally an argument, nor likely to create prejudice, either for or against the measure. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.050), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Requirements, RCW 29.27,06. 1.03.060 Time for filing initiative petition. Initiative petitions containing the required signatures of the registered voters of the city as provided in RCW 35A.11,100, now or as hereinafter amended, must be filed with the city clerk within ninety (90) days from the date of issuance of the initiative statement by the city attorney. If the petitioner fails to file such petition within the prescribed time limit, it shall have no validity and the petition will not be considered by the city council as an initiative petition. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.060), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) —Time for filing petition, RCW 35A.29.170. 1.03.070 Initiative petition requirements. Every signer to a petition submitting a proposed ordinance to the city council shall add to his signature, the signer's printed name and place of residence giving street and number. The signatures need not all be appended to one (1) paper, but one (1) of the signers on each paper must attach thereto an affidavit stating the number of signatures thereon, that each signature thereon is a genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be and that the statements therein made are true as he believes. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.070), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provision, RCW 35.17.260, 1.03.080 Form of petitions for ordinances referred to the voters. The form and sufficiency of the petition shall be as follows: 1. A petition may include any page or group of pages containing a statement prepared by the city attorney along with the initiative number and shall contain the following essential elements when applicable: http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/Kent01/Kent0103.html 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 4 of 10 18 j a. The text or prayer of the petition shall be a concise statement of the action or relief sought by petitioners. b. A copy of the ordinance to be referred to the electorate. c. Numbered lines for signatures with space provided beside each signature for the printed name of the signor, the address of the signor, and the date of signing. d. The warning statement prescribed in subsection (2) of this section. 2. Petitions shall be printed or typed on single sheets of white paper of good quality and each sheet of petition paper having a space thereon for signatures shall contain the text or prayer of the petition and the following warning: WARNING Any person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 3. Each signature shall be executed in ink or indelible pencil and shall be followed by the printed name of the signor, the date of the signing, and the address of the signor as follows: Petitioner's Petitioner's Residence Printed Signature Name Address 4. The term "signor" means any person who signs his own name to the petition. 5. To be sufficient a petition must contain valid signatures of qualified electors in number equal to not less than fifteen (15) percent of the names of persons listed as registered voters within the city on the day of the last preceding city general election or the number that may be otherwise provided by state law. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.080), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Number, RCW 29.79.020, 35.17.340; procedure, RCW http://www.codepubiishinq.com/WA/Kent/htmI/KentO1/KentO103.htm1 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 5 of 1019 i 35,17.280, 35A.01_,040. 1.03.090 Process of determining sufficiency. Within three (3) working days after the filing of a petition, the city clerk shall begin the process of making a determination of sufficiency with reasonable promptness and shall file a certificate stating the date upon which such determination was begun, which date shall be referred to as the terminal date. Additional pages of one (1) or more signatures. may be added to the petition by filing the additional pages with the city clerk prior to such terminal date. No signatures shall be accepted or withdrawn after such terminal date. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.090), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provisions, RCW 35..17.280. 1.03.100 Withdrawal of signature. Any signor of a filed petition may withdraw his signature by a written request for withdrawal filed with the city clerk prior to such terminal date. Such written request shall so sufficiently describe the petition as to make identification of the person and the petition certain. The name of any person seeking to withdraw shall be signed exactly the same as contained on the petition and, after the filing of such request for withdrawal, prior to the terminal date, the signature of any person seeking such withdrawal shall be deemed withdrawn. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.100), 6-6-89) 1.03.110 Valid signatures. Petitions containing the required number of signatures shall be accepted as prima facie valid until their invalidity has been proved. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.110), 6-6-89) 1.03.120 Variations of signatures. Variations on petitions between the signatures on the petition and that on the voter's permanent registration caused by the substitution of initials instead of first or middle names, or both, shall not invalidate the signature on the petition if the surname and handwriting are the same. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.120), 6-6-89) 1.03.130 Stricken signatures. Signatures, including the original, of any person who has signed a petition two (2) or i more times shall be stricken. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.130), 6-6-89) 1.03.140 Stale signatures. Signatures followed by a date of signing which is more than six (6) months prior to the date of filing of the petition or prior to the publication date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives shall be stricken. http://www,codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/Kent01/Kent0103.htmi 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 6 of 10 20 (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.140), 6-6-89) 1.03.150 Restriction on or abandonment of powers. A. The exercise of such initiative and referendum powers may be restricted or abandoned upon passage of a resolution by the city council or by the filing of a sufficient petition with the city clerk signed by qualified electors in number equal to not less than ten (10) percent of the votes cast at the last general municipal election or as otherwise provided by state law. The sufficiency of the petition for restriction or abandonment shall be determined by the city clerk and certified as to sufficiency. B. The proposal for restriction of the initiative and/or referendum powers and/or the proposal for abandonment of such powers shall be voted upon at the next general municipal election if one is to be held within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of filing of the petition, or at a special election to be called for that purpose not less than ninety (90) days nor more than one hundred eighty(180) days after the passage of the resolution or the certification of sufficiency of the petition. The ballot title and statement of proposition shall be prepared by the city attorney as provided for initiative ballots in this chapter. C. If a majority of votes cast at the election favor restriction or abandonment, such powers of initiative or referendum shall be deemed so restricted or abandoned. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.310, 1.14.320), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Procedure required for abandonment, RCW 35A.06.030 et seq., 35A.11.080. 1.03.160 Initiative— Checking petition by clerk. Within ten (10) days from the terminal date of filing of a petition submitting a proposed ordinance, the city clerk shall ascertain or cause to be ascertained and append to the petition a certificate stating whether or not it is signed by a sufficient number of registered voters, using the registration records and returns of the preceding municipal election for sources of information. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.150), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provisions, RCW 35_17 280. 1.03.170 Same— City council action. If the petition accompanying the proposed ordinance is signed by the registered voters in the city as required by state law, and if it contains a request that, unless passed by the city council, the ordinance be submitted to a vote of the people, the city council shall either: 1. Pass the proposed ordinance without alteration within twenty (20) days after the city clerk's certificate that the number of signatures on the petition are sufficient; or 2. After the city clerk's certificate of sufficiency is attached to the petition, cause to be called a special election to be held not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/KentOl/KentOlO3.htm] 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 7 of 1021 (60) days thereafter, for submission of the proposed ordinance without alteration, to a vote of the people unless a general election will occur within ninety (90) days, in which event submission must be made at that general election. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.160), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provisions, RCW 35.17.260. 1.03.180 Same—Appeal to court. If a court finds the petition insufficient or if the city council refuses either to pass an initiative ordinance or order an election thereon, any taxpayer within the city may commence an action in the superior court against the city for the purpose of requiring an election to be held in the city for purposes of voting upon the proposed ordinance if the court finds the petition to be sufficient. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.170), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provision, RCW 35.17.290. 1.03.190 Same—Conduct of election. Publication of notice, the election, the canvass of the returns and declaration of the results, shall be conducted in all respects as are other city elections. Any number of proposed ordinances may be voted on at the same election, but there shall not be more than one (1) special election for that purpose during any six (6) month period. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.180), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provision, RCW 35.17.300. 1.03.200 Same— Notice of election. The city clerk shall cause any ordinance or proposition required to be submitted to the voters at an election to be published once in each of the daily newspapers in the city, not less than five (5) nor more than twenty (20) days before the election. This publication shall be in addition to the notice required in Chapter 29.27 RCW. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.190), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provision, RCW 3517,310. 1.03.210 Same— Ballots. The ballots used for voting upon a proposed ordinance shall be similar to those used at a general municipal election and shall contain the words "for the ordinance" (stating the nature of the proposed ordinance) and "against the ordinance' (stating the nature of the proposed ordinance). (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.200), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provision, RCW 35:17320. 1.03.220 Same— Ballot title. When any initiative petition is found to be sufficient by the city clerk and the proposal or I http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/htmI/KentO1/KentO103.htm1 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 8 of 10 22 question is to be submitted to the voters the question or proposal shall be advertised as provided for nominees for office for code cities, and in such cases there shall also be printed on the ballot a concise statement not exceeding one hundred (100) words containing the essential features thereof expressed in such a manner as to clearly identify the proposition to be voted upon, which statement shall be prepared by the city attorney. In addition to such a statement, the city attorney preparing the statement shall also prepare a caption, not to exceed ten (10)words in length, to permit the voters readily to identify the proposition and distinguish it from other propositions on the ballot. This caption shall be placed on the ballot immediately before the statement, and shall be printed in heavy black type in such a manner as to be readable at a glance. The caption and statement together shall constitute the ballot title. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.210), 6-6-89) 1.03.230 Effective date— Record. If a majority of the number of votes cast thereon favor the proposed ordinance, it shall become effective immediately and shall be made a part of the record of ordinances of the city. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.220), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provision, RCW 35.17.330. 1.03.240 Same — Ordinance repeal or amendment. Upon the adoption of an ordinance initiated by petition, the city clerk shall write in the margin of the record thereof"ordinance by petition No. ," or"ordinance by vote of the people," and it cannot be repealed or amended except by a vote of the people. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.230), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provision, RCW 35.17.340. 1.03.260 Same —Ordinance repeal or amendment method. A. The city council may by means of an ordinance submit a proposition for the repeal or amendment of an ordinance initiated by petition, by submitting it to a vote of the people at any general election and if a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition favor it, the ordinance shall be repealed or amended accordingly. B. A proposition of repeal or amendment must be published before the election thereon as is an ordinance initiated by petition when submitted to election. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.240), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provision, RCW 35.17.350. 1.03.260 Same —Ordinance repeal or amendment— Record. Upon the adoption of a proposition to repeal or amend an ordinance initiated by petition, the city clerk shall write upon the margin of the record of the ordinance "repealed (or amended) by ordinance No. ," or "repealed (or amended) by vote of the people." http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/Kent01/Kent0103.htmi 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 9 of 1023 (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.250), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provision, RCW 35.17.360. 1.03.270 Referendum — Petitions. A petition may be filed with the city clerk within thirty (30) days from the passage of a general ordinance by the city council, petitioning the city council to reconsider an ordinance which is subject to referendum or to submit same to a vote of the people. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.260), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provision, RCW 35.17,230. 1.03.280 Same— Petition statement. A referendum statement on a petition shall be phrased in the following language: "Should Kent City Ordinance No. relating to , enacted by the Kent City Council on be repealed in its entirety? Your signature on this petition indicates your vote in favor of repeal of the attached ordinance in its entirety." A copy of the ordinance to such referendum petition shall be attached to each referendum petition for the information of the parties requested to sign such petition. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.270), 6-6-89) 1.03.290 Same— Filing petition suspends ordinance. Upon the filing of a referendum petition, which must contain valid signatures of fifteen (15) percent of the total number of names of persons listed as registered voters within the city on the date of the last preceding city general election or as otherwise provided by state law, within thirty (30) days of the passage of an ordinance petitioning therein that such ordinance be submitted to the electorate, the city council shall reconsider an ordinance subject to referendum and upon reconsideration shall defeat it in its entirety or shall submit it to a vote of the people. The operation of an ordinance so protested against shall be suspended until the referendum petition is finally found insufficient or until the ordinance protested against has received a majority of the votes cast thereon at the election. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.280), 6-6-89) State law reference(s) — Similar provision, RCW 35.17 240.. 1.03.300 Same—Initiative provisions applied to referendum process. All provisions applicable to the form of the petition and sufficiency of signatures required for an initiative petition as set forth in this chapter, and to the submission to the vote of the people as set forth in this chapter, shall apply to a referendum petition and to the ordinances sought to be defeated thereby. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.290), 6-6-89) State law reference(s)— Similar provision, RCW 35.11.250. http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/Kent01/KentOI03.html 4/12/2012 Chapter 1.03 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM* Page 10 Of 10 24 1.03.310 Same— Effective date, record. If a majority of the number of votes cast thereon oppose the ordinance subject to the referendum, such ordinance shall be deemed repealed immediately. (Ord. No. 2848, § 1(1.14.300), 6-6-89) This page of the Kent Municipal Code is current through City Website: http://www.cl.kent.wa.us/ Ordinance 4031, passed March 6, 2012. City Telephone: (253) 856-5725 Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the Code Publishing Company Kent Municipal Code. Users should contact the City Clerk's Office elibrary for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kent/html/KentOl/KentOlO3.html 4/12/2012 RCW 35A.11.100: Initiative and referendum — Exercise of powers. Page 1 of 1 25 RCW 35A.11.100 - Initiative and referendum—Exercise of powers. Except as provided in RCW 35A.11.090,and except that the number of registered voters needed to sign a petition for initiative or referendum shall be fifteen percent of the total number of names of persons listed as registered voters within the city on the day of the last preceding city general election,the powers of initiative and referendum in noncharter code cities shall be exercised in the manner set forth for the commission form of government in RCW 35.17.240 through 35.17.360, as now or hereafter amended. [1973 1st ex.s.c 81 §3.] Notes: Sufficiency of petition in code city: RCW 35A.01.040. http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=35A.11.100 4/12/2012 26 35.17.240 Legislative — Referendum — Filing suspends ordinance. Upon the filing of a referendum petition praying therefor,the commission shall reconsider an ordinance subject to referendum and upon reconsideration shall defeat it in its entirety or shall submit it to a vote of the people.The operation of an ordinance so protested against shall be suspended until the referendum petition is finally found insufficient or until the ordinance protested against has received a majority of the votes cast thereon at the election. [1965 c 7§35,17.240.Prior:1911 c 116§22,part;RRS§9111.part.] M ::,.... . . .. , ,....... .............. ....:....,.... ...... ..,.._a,....... .. .. _.:.. ._..... 35.17.250 Legislative — Referendum — Petitions and conduct of elections. Ail provisions applicable to the character,farm, and number of signatures required for an initiative petition,to the examination and certification thereof, and to the submission to the vote of the people of the ordinance proposed thereby, shall apply to a referendum petition and to the ordinance sought to be defeated thereby. [1965 c 7§35.17.250.Prior:1911 c 116§22,part;RRS§9111,part.] 35.17.260 Legislative - Ordinances by initiative petition. Ordinances may be initiated by petition of registered voters of the city filed with the commission. If the petition - accompanying the proposed ordinance is signed by the registered voters in the city equal in number to twenty-five percent of the votes cast for all candidates for mayor at the last preceding city election, and if it contains a request that, unless passed by the commission,the ordinance be submitted to a vote of the registered voters of the city,the commission shall either: (1)Pass the proposed ordinance without alteration within twenty days after the county auditor's certificate of sufficiency has been received by the commission;or (2) Immediately after the county auditor's certificate of sufficiency for the petition is received, cause to be called a special election to be held on the next election date,as provided in*RCW 29.13.020,that occurs not less than forty-five days thereafter,for submission of the proposed ordinance without alteration,to'a vote of the people unless a general election will occur within ninety days, In which event submission must be made on the general election ballot. [1996 c 286§4; 1965 c 7§35.17.260.Prior:1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 29.13.020 was recodified as RCW 29A.04.330 pursuant to 2003 c 111 § 2401, effective July 1,2004. 35.17.270 Legislative — Initiative petition — Submission procedures. The petitioner preparing an initiative petiton for submission to the commission shall follow the procedures established in. RCW 35.21.005. [1906 c 286§5; 1965 c 7§35.17.270. Prior:(1)1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.(ii)1911 c 116§20,part;RRS§9109,part.(iii)1911 c 116§24;RRS§91l3j 27 35.17.280 Legislative — Initiative petition — Checking by clerk. Within ten days from the filing of a petition submitting a proposed ordinance the city clerk shall ascertain and append to the petition his or her certificate stating whether or not it is signed by a sufficient number of registered voters, using the registration records and returns of the preceding municipal election for his or her sources of information,and the commission shall allow him or her extra help for that purpose, if necessary. If the signatures are found by the clerk to be insufficient the petition may be amended in that respect within ten days from the date of the certificate.Within ten days after submission of the amended petition the clerk shall make an examination thereof and append his or her certificate thereto in the same manner as before. If the second certificate shall also show the number of signatures to be insufficient,the petition shall be returned to the person filing it. [2009 c 549§2018;1965 c 7§35.17,280.Prior:(!)1911 c 116§20,part;RRS§9109,part.(ii)1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] 35.17.290 Legislative — Initiative petition —Appeal to court. If the clerk finds the petition insufficient or if the commission refuses either to pass an initiative ordinance or order an election thereon,any taxpayer may commence an action in the superior court against the city and procure a decree ordering an election to be held in the city for the purpose of voting upon the proposed ordinance if the court finds.the petition to be sufficient. - [1965 c 7§35,17.290.Prior:(i)1911 c 116§20,part;RRS§9109,part. ti)1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] 35.17 300 Legislative — Initiative — Conduct of election. Publication of notice, the election,the canvass of the returns and declaration of the results,shall be conducted in all respects as are other city elections.Any number of proposed ordinances may be voted on at the same election, but there shall not be more than one special election for that purpose during any one six-month period. [1965 c 7§35,17.300.Prior:(i)1911 c 116§20,part;RRS§9109,part.(11)1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] 35.17.310 Legislative — Initiative — Notice of election. The city clerk shall cause any ordinance or proposition required to be submitted to the voters at an election to be published once in each of the daily newspapers in the city not less than five nor more than twenty days before the election,or if no daily newspaper is published in the city, publication shall be made in each of the weekly newspapers published therein.This publication shall be in addition to the notice required in*chapter 29_27 RCW. [1965 c 7§35.17.310.Prior:1911 c 116§21.part;RRS§9110,part.] Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 29,27.0665,containing ballot title notice requirements, has been recodified as RCW 29A.36.080 pursuant to 2003 c 111 §2401,effective July 1,2004. 28 35.17.330 .Legislative — Initiative — Effective date — Record. If the number of votes cast thereon favor the proposed ordinance,it shall become effective immediately and shall be made a part of the record of ordinances of the city. [1965 c 7§35.17,330.Prior. 1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] 35.17 340 Legislative — Initiative — Repeal or amendment. Upon the adoption of an ordinance initiated by petition,the city clerk shall write on the margin of the record thereof "ordinance by petition No. . . . .,"or"ordinance by vote of the people,"and it cannot be repealed or amended except by a vote of the people. [1965 c 7§35.17.340.Prior:1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] 17.350 Legislative — Initiative — Repeal or amendment— Method. The commission may by means of an ordinance submit a proposition for the repeal or amendment of an ordinance, initiated by petition, by submitting it to a vote of the people at any general election and if a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition favor it,the ordinance shall be repealed or amended accordingly. A proposition of repeal or amendment must be published before the election thereon as is an ordinance initiated by petition when submitted to election. [1965 c 7§35.17.350.Prior:1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] 7 360 Legislative — Initiative — Repeal or amendment— Record. Upon the adoption of a proposition to repeal or amend an ordinance initiated by petition,the city clerk shall write upon the margin of the record of the ordinance"repealed (or amended)by ordinance No. . . . .;.or"repealed (or amended)by vote of the people" [1965 c 7§35.17.360.Prior: 1911 c 116§21,part;RRS§9110,part.] RCW 29A.04.330: City, town, and district general and special electio... Page 1 of 4 29 RCW 29A.04.330 City,town,and district general and special elections—Exceptions(as amended by 2009 c 144). (Effective until January 1, 2012.) (1)All city,town,and district general elections shall be held throughout the state of Washington on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November in the odd-numbered years. This section shall not apply to: (a)Elections for the recall of any elective public officer; (b) Public utility districts,conservation districts,or district elections at which the ownership of property within those districts is a prerequisite to voting,all of which elections shall be held at the times prescribed in the laws specifically applicable thereto; (c)Consolidation proposals as provided for in RCW 28A.315.235 and nonhigh capital fund aid proposals as provided for in chapter 28A.540 RCW, _(d)Special flood control districts consisting of three or more counties. (2)The county auditor, as ex officio supervisor of elections, upon request in the form of a resolution of the governing body of a city,town,or district,presented to the auditor prior to the proposed election date, may call a special election in such city, town,or district,and for the purpose of such special election he or she may combine, unite, or divide precincts. Except as provided in subsection (((s)))(4)of this section, such a special election shall be held on one of the following dates as decided by the governing body: (a)The first Tuesday after the first Monday in February; (b)The second Tuesday in March; (c)The fourth Tuesday in April; (d)The third Tuesday in May; (a)The day of the primary election as specified by RCW 29A.04.311;or (f)The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. (3)A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(a)through (d)of this section must be presented to the county auditor at least fifty-two days prior to the election date.A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(e)or(f)of this section must be presented to the county auditor at least eighty-four days prior to the election date. (4) In a presidential election year, if a presidential preference primary is conducted in February, March,April,or May under chapter 29A.56 RCW,the date on which a special election may be called under subsection (2)of this section during the month of that primary is the date of the presidential primary. (5) In addition to subsection (2)(a)through(f)of this section,a special election to validate an excess levy or bond issue may be called at any time to meet the needs resulting from fire,flood,earthquake,or other act of God,except that no special election may be held between the first day for candidates to file for public office and the last day to certify the returns of the general election other than as provided in subsection (2)(e)and (f)of this section. Such special election shall be conducted and notice thereof given in the manner provided by law. (6)This section shall supersede the provisions of any and all other statutes,whether general or special in nature, having different dates for such city,town, and district elections,the purpose of this section being to establish mandatory dates for holding elections. [2009 c 144§3;2006 c 344§3;2004 c 266§6;2003 c 111 §145;2002 c 43§2; 1994 c 142§2;1992 c 37§2;1990 c 33§562;1989 c 4§10 (Initiative Measure No.99);1986 c 167§6;1980 c 3§2;1975-76 2nd ex.s.c 111§2;1965 c 123§3;1965 e 9§29.13.020. Prior:1963 c 200§1; 1955 c 55§1;1951 c 101 §1;1949 c 161§1;1927 c 182§1;1923 c 53§2;1921 c 61 §2;Rem.Supp.1949§5144.Formerly RCW 29.13.020.] RCW 29A.04.330 City,town,and district general and special elections—Exceptions(as amended by 2009 c 413). (Effective until January 1, 2012.) (1)All city,town,and district general elections shall be held throughout the state of Washington on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November in the odd-numbered years. http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/defauIt.aspx?cite=29A.04.330 4/12/2012 RCW 29A.04.330: City, town, and district general and special electio... Page 2 of 4 30 This section shall not apply to: (a) Elections for the recall of any elective public officer; (b) Public utility districts, conservation districts,or district elections at which the ownership of property within those districts is a prerequisite to voting, all of which elections shall be held at the times prescribed in the laws specifically applicable thereto; (c)Consolidation proposals as provided for in RCW 28A.315.235 and nonhigh capital fund aid proposals as provided for in chapter 28A.540 RCW. (2)The county auditor, as ex officio supervisor of elections, upon request in the form of a resolution of the governing body of a city,town,or district, presented to the auditor prior to the proposed election date, may call a special election in such city, town,or district, and for the purpose of such special election he or she may combine, unite,or divide precincts. ((Exeept es )) Such a special election shall be held on one of the following dates as decided by the governing body: (a)The((first))second Tuesday((eftef4lte�ley)) in February; (b)((The seeand Tuesday in Mafeh; 1H))The fourth Tuesday in April; (( , —(e)))(c)The day of the primary election as specified by RCW 29A.04.311;or (((f)))(d)The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. (3)A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection(2)(a) and b)of this section must be presented to the county auditor at least(( Nq icve))forty-five days prior to the election date.A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(((e))) (G)c or(((t)))(d)of this section must be presented to the county auditor at least eighty-four days prior to the election date. (4)(( month of that primary is the date of the presidential primary. —(6))) In addition to subsection (2)(a)through Qft) (d)of this section,a special election to validate an excess levy or bond issue may be called at any time to meet the needs resulting from fire,flood,earthquake,or other act of God, except that no special election may be held between the first day for candidates to file for public office and the last day to certify the returns of the general election other than as provided in subsection (2)(((e)))(c)and (((f)))(d).of this section. Such special election shall be conducted and notice thereof given in the manner provided by law. (((6))) (5..This section shall supersede the provisions of any and all other statutes,whether general or special in nature, having different dates for such city,town,and district elections,the purpose of this section being to establish mandatory dates for holding elections. [2009 c 413§4;(2009 c 413§3 expired July 1,2011);2006 c 344§3;2004 c 266§6;2003 c 111 §145;2002 c 43§2;1994 c 142§2;1992 c 37§ 2;1990 c 33§562;19B9 c 4§10(Initiative Measure No.99);1986 c 167§6; 1980 c 3§2;1975-76 2nd ex.s.c 111 §2; 1965 c 123§3;1965 c 9§ 29.13.020.Prior.1963 c 200§1;1955 c 55§1; 1951 c 101 §1;1949 c 161§1; 1927 c 182§1;1923 c 53§2;1921 c 61 §2;Rem.Supp.1949§ 5144.Formerly RCW 29,13.020.) Notes: Reviser's note: RCW 29A.04.330 was amended three times during the 2009 legislative session, each without reference to the other. For rule of construction concerning sections amended more than once during the same legislative session, see RCW 1.12.025. Effective date --2009 c 413 §§2 and 4: See note following RCW 29A.04.321. Expiration date --2009 c 413 §§ 1 and 3: See note following RCW 29A.04.321. Effective date --2006 c 344§§ 1-16 and 18-40: See note following RCW 29A.04.311. Effective date --2004 c 266: See note following RCW 29A.04.575. http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=29A.04.330 4/12/2012 RCW 29A.04.330: City, town, and district general and special electio... Page 3 of 4 31 Intent --2002 c 43: "The legislature finds that there are conflicting interpretations as to the intent of the legislature in the enactment of chapter 305, Laws of 1999. The purpose of this act is to make statutory changes that further clarify this intent. It is the intent of the legislature that elections of conservation district supervisors continue to be conducted under procedures in the conservation district statutes, chapter 89.08 RCW, and that such elections not be conducted under the general election laws contained in Title 29 RCW. Further, it is the intent of the legislature that there be no change made with regard to applicability of the public disclosure act, *chapter 42.17 RCW, to conservation district supervisors from those that existed before the enactment of chapter 305, Laws of 1999." [2002 c 43 § 1.] *Reviser's note: Provisions in chapter 42.17 RCW relating to public disclosure are recodified in chapter 42.56 RCW by 2005 c 274. Effective date --2002 c 43: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 14, 2002]." [2002 c 43 §6.] Effective date --1994 c 142: "This act shall take effect January 1, 1995." [1994 c 142 § 3.] Purpose --Statutory references --Severability -- 1990 c 33: See RCW 28A.900.100 through 28A.900.102. Severability --1986 c 167: See note following RCW 29A.04.049. Severability --1975-76 2nd ex.s. c 111: "If any provision of this 1976 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [1975-76 2nd ex.s. c 111 § 3.] RCW 29A.04.330 City,town,and district general and special elections—Exceptions. (Effective January 1, 2012.) (1)All city,town,and district general elections shall be held throughout the state of Washington on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November in the odd-numbered years. This section shall not apply to: (a) Elections for the recall of any elective public officer; (b) Public utility districts, conservation districts,or district elections at which the ownership of property within those districts is a prerequisite to voting, all of which elections shall be held at the times prescribed in the laws specifically applicable thereto; (c)Consolidation proposals as provided for in RCW 28A.315.235 and nonhigh capital fund aid proposals as provided for in chapter 28A.540 RCW; and (d)Special flood control districts consisting of three or more counties. (2)The county auditor,as ex officio supervisor of elections, upon request in the form of a resolution of the governing body of a city, town,or district, presented to the auditor prior to the proposed election date, may call a special election in such city, town,or district, and for the purpose of such special election he or she may combine, unite,or divide precincts. Such a special election shall be held on one of the following dates as decided by the governing body: (a)The second Tuesday in February; (b)The third Tuesday in April until January 1,2013; (c)The fourth Tuesday in April on or after January 1, 2013; (d)The day of the primary election as specified by RCW 29A.04.311;or (a)The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. , http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/defauIt.aspx?cite=29A.04.330 4/12/2012 RCW 29A.04.330: City, town, and district general and special electio... Page 4 of 4 32 (3)A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(a)through (c)of this section must be presented to the county auditor at least forty-six days prior to the election date.A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(d)of this section must be presented to the county auditor no later than the Friday immediately before the first day of regular candidate filing.A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(e) of this section must be presented to the county auditor no later than the day of the primary. (4) In addition to subsection (2)(a)through (a)of this section, a special election to validate an excess levy or bond issue may be called at any time to meet the needs resulting from fire,flood, earthquake,or other act of God,except that no special election may be held between the first day for candidates to file for public office and the last day to certify the returns of the general election other than as provided in subsection(2)(d)and (e)of this section. Such special election shall be conducted and notice thereof given in the manner provided by law. (5)This section shall supersede the provisions of any and all other statutes,whether general or special in nature, having different dates for such city,town,and district elections,the purpose of this section being to establish mandatory dates for holding elections. [2011 c 349§4.Prior:2009 c 413§4;(2009 c 413§3 expired July 1,2011);2009 c 144§3;2006 c 344§3;2004 c 266§6;2003 c 111 §145;2002 c 43§2;1994 c 142§2;1992 c 37§2;1990 c 33§562;1989 c 4§10(Initiative Measure No.99);1986 c 167§6;1980 c 3§2; 1975-76 2nd ex.s.c 111 §2;1965c 123§3;1965c9§29.13.020;prior:1963 c200§1;1955c55§1;1951 c101 §1;1949c 161 §1;1927c 182§1;1923c53§2; 1921 c 61 §2;Rem.Supp. 1949§5144.Formerly RCW 29.13.020.] Notes: Effective date --2011 c 349: See note following RCW 29A.04.255. Effective date --2009 c 413§§2 and 4: See note following RCW 29A.04.321. Expiration date --2009 c 413§§ 1 and 3: See note following RCW 29A.04.321. Effective date --2006 c 344§§ 1-16 and 18-40: See note following RCW 29A.04.311. Effective date --2004 c 266: See note following RCW 29A.04.575. Intent --2002 c 43: "The legislature finds that there are conflicting interpretations as to the intent of the legislature in the enactment of chapter 305, Laws of 1999. The purpose of this act is to make statutory changes that further clarify this intent. It is the intent of the legislature that elections of conservation district supervisors continue to be conducted under procedures in the conservation district statutes, chapter 89.08 RCW, and that such elections not be conducted under the general election laws contained in Title 29 RCW. Further, it is the intent of the legislature that there be no change made with regard to applicability of the public disclosure act, *chapter 42.17 RCW, to conservation district supervisors from those that existed before the enactment of chapter 305, Laws of 1999." [2002 c 43§ 1.1 *Reviser's note: Provisions in chapter 42.17 RCW relating to public disclosure are recodified in chapter 42.56 RCW by 2005 c 274. Effective date --2002 c 43: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 14, 2002]." [2002 c 43 § 6.] Effective date --1994 c 142: "This act shall take effect January 1, 1995." [1994 c 142 § 3.] Purpose --Statutory references --Severability --1990 c 33: See RCW 28A.900.100 through 28A.900.102. Severability -- 1986 c 167: See note following RCW 29A.16.040. Severability -- 1975-76 2nd ex.s. c 111: "If any provision of this 1976 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [1975-76 2nd ex.s. c 111 §3.1 http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/defauIt.aspx?cite=29A.04.330 4/12/2012 33 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 1.03 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Initiative and Referendum," to be consistent with state law. RECITALS A. The city adopted initiative and referendum powers on June 6, 1989, by Ordinance No. 2848. B. State law regarding initiative and referendum powers has changed since the city's adoption of those powers. C. The city is amending the code to be consistent with state law. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Chapter 1.03 of the Kent City Code entitled "Initiative and Referendum," is amended as follows: 1 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 34 Sec.1.03.010 Intent. it Os the Ontent of the Eity EounEil to ad&pt� PUFSuant to RGW Title 35A, the peweFS of initiative and FefeFendung fE)F the the sane eleEtmen Initiative and referendum powers adopted. A. Pursuant to Title 35A RCW, the city council adopts the powers of initiative and referendum for the qualified electors of the city. B. The powers of initiative and referendum shall be exercised in the manner set forth in Title 35A RCW, including, without limitation, Chapters 35A.11 and 35A.29 RCW. _L_._ �_�J__� 1CtCRRQRiiT Any and a" OFdonanEes heFeafteF passed and adopted by the Eity shall not rdO , 2 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 35 All .- Eh e . ted eFdo..-...Ees shall g me e ffe Et a .ided by the g -.I by petitions of eleEtOFS of the Eity. if any individual OF gFOUP of individuals m ndividual OF gFOUP shall file On the effiEe of the Eity EleFlE five (5) ffinted OF afterney. Upen filing of the PFOpesed initiative ngeaSUFe, the Eity EleFlE shall assign a 3 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 36 question Eentaining the essential featUFes of the ngeaSUFe. CCp. 9 .03.050. T _ i 1Qi1 R. statement. An initiative statement shall be phFased on language so that a "yes" vote will EleaFly be a vote See. 1.03.060. Tirne fer filffig initiative petition. initiative be Ned w0th the Eity EleFlE within ninety (90) days fFeng the date 0 of the Onotmatove state.. ent by the Eity attO.ney if the etiti. neF fails te file suEh petitien within the PFeSEFibed tinge / it shall have ne validity and the petition will not be EensideFed by the Eity EounEil as an nitiative petition. StFeet and nungbeF. The signatffes need not a" be appended to one (1) 4 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 37 to — --- sn�-over The feFng and sufficiency ef the petitien shall be as fellews: b.—A cepy ef the eFdonance te be FefeFFed te the eleCteFate. the signeF, and the date ef signing. 1TfT� C Cf� v1T the fe"ewonFl 5 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 38 WARNING petitien seeking an eleEtien when he eF she is net a legal YeteF, eF signs a Any peFSen whe signs this petitien with any etheF than his eF heF tFue Signatff2 PHint2d Mess Neng-e to the petiti-n qualified eleEteFS on nungbeF equal te net less than fifteen (15) peFEent ef etheFWmse p.evided by state law. 6 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 39 ffen9ptness and shall file a EeFtifiEate stating the date upon whiEh suEh deteffiginatien was begun, whiEh date shall be FefeFFed to as the teffiginal t........:....I date- filed with the E+ty ElerlE PFiaFte suEh teffiginal date. SuEh •..Fitton Fequest _.._.. __ __..._._.._./ ____. .__ the petit._.. as to ...e.te .__.._...___._.. of the peFSen and the petition EeFtain. The nange of any peFSen seeking to See. 1.03.140. Valid signaturesv. ffinga fade valid unto' theiF invalidity has been PFOyed. VaFiatiens on petitions between the signatffes on the petition and that on the YeteF'S peffiganent FegiStFatien Eaused by the substitution of initial See. 4.03.430. . 7 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 40 See- 96-03-9640- Stale signatures. Signatffes followed by a date of signing whiEh is ngOFe than SOX (6) ngenths PFOOF tO the date of filing of by the filing of a suffident petition with the Eity EleFlE signed by qualified eleEtOFS on nungbeF equal to not less than ten (10) peFEent of the votes- shall be voted upon at the ne)Et geneFal ngunmEmpal eleEtien Of one is to be- he'd w0thon ene hundFed eighty (189) days fFeng the date ef filing ef the petition, OF at a speEmal eleEtien to be Ealled fOF that PUFpese not less than ninety (90) days nOF ngOFe than one hundFed eighty (180) days afteF the See. 1.03.160. Initiative Cheelting petition by elerle. Within ten (10) days fFeng the teffiginal date of filing of a petition submitting a 8 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 41 asEeFtained and append to the petition a EeFtifiEate stating whetheF OF not the Eity aS FeqUiFed by state law, and Of it Eentains a Fequest that, Unless passed by the Eity EounEil, the OFdonanEe be submitted to a vote of the PFOpesed OFdonanEe without alteFatien, to a vote of the people unless a geneFal eleEtien Will eEEUF within ninety (99) days, On whiEh event __._....__._.. ..._.__ be ..._._._ at that geneFa _.___._... petition uFFi.,ent OF iF the Eity Eil efuses eitheF tO pass an initiative the PFOpesed OFdonanEe of the EOUFt fonds the petition to be suffident. 9 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 42 See. 96-039690- Same—Genduet of eleetien. Pu"catmer�� ..till.. the ..leEtien the Eanvass of the etUF...- and .1...,1aFatien of the at -. eleEtmen to be published a Eh of the daily n the _._ _.. blab_._.. __ __ r__.._..__ _..__ ... _ball _. _.._ __ ./ .._..=���=._ ... _.._ Eity, not less than five (5) nOF ngOFe than twenty (20) days befeFe the _.._r__. __._. .ball . of the PFOpesed OFdonanEe). See. 1.03.220. Sm e Ballet title. When any initiative petitien s found to be suffident by the Eity EleFlE and the PFOpesal OF question is to be .-ubngotte 1 to the . eteFS the question -.I shall be -..IyeFtised _ _ ___....____ __ _.._ ___._ _.._ �____._.. _. r. _r___. shall __ __ . _. blab_ as _.._.. _.__ be r. ...___ on the ball__ _ __.._.__ state..._.._ not _._____...' one M��... Fed (100) . . Fds ., ntaining the essential feats Fes theF of a ed i.. .. ...... .. .._..._.. __ `___� .._. __ __..__......� _.._ baba.._._. .baba. __ _.._. __. ally. baba_ ... .-tale.. ent thy. ..it.. attO.ney the stat.... ent shall - lse _ _____..._. _/ _.._ _ _/ baba. .._/ r�_r�. .`�� _.._ _____..._.._ _.._.. blab pF=pa. _ _ 10 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 43 on the ba"et. This Eaptien shall be plaEed on the ballet ingngediately befE)Fe _. _.:.._...___ of the _:_, . Upen the adeptien of an OFdonanEe initiated by petition, the Eity EleFlE shall Fepealed OF angended e)EEept by a vote of the people. H1CM" l-. petition, by submitting it to a vote of the people at any geneFal eleEtien befOFe the eleEtien theFeen as is an OFdonanEe initiated by petition when 11 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 44 See- 96-03-260. Same Ordinanee repeal arm amendment- // with the Eity EleFlE within thiFty (30) days fFeng the passage of a geneFal the people. See. 1.03.280. Stele - MR. statengent on a petition shall be phFased on the fellewing language: to enaEted -- — — — by the Kent Gity GeunEil on be Fepealed on its entiFety? You sign suEh petition. listed aS FegisteFed YeteFS within the Eity on the date of the last pFeEeding (30) days of the passage of an OFdonanEe petitioning theFein that sUEh 12 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 45 an eFdinanEe se pFetested against shall be suspended unto' the FefeFendung See. 1.03.30 8— - Initiative previsions avv'iied--+e n this EhapteF, and to the submission to the vote of the people as set fOFth sought to be defeated theFebY- See. 1.03.3316• Se- e ELL a _ date, if a nqaj0FitY of the nungbeF of votes East theFeen oppose the 0FdinanEe subjeet to the FefeFendung, suE.. =. _..._..-- shall.. be ---...__ :-=p__.__ nqnqediatelY SECTION 2. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall maintain its full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. 13 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 46 SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of 2012. APPROVED: day of 2012. PUBLISHED: day of 2012. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P:\Civil\Ordinance\Initiative&Merendum Amend 1.03.docx 14 Initiative and Referendum Powers Adopted Amend KCC 1.03 47 FINANCE R. J. Nachlinger, Director Phone:253-856-5260 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6255 W A s H I N G 1 o N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA. 98032-5895 DATE: April 3, 2012 TO: Kent City Council Operations Committee FROM: R. J. Nachlinger, Finance Director THROUGH: John Hodgson, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments Between July 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011 MOTION: I move to recommend Council approve the consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between July 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011 reflecting an overall budget increase of$9,968,168. SUMMARY: Authorization is requested to approve the technical gross budget adjustment ordinance reflecting an overall budget reduction of$9,968,168 for budget adjustments made between July 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. Please note that an overall increase of$10,456,493 was previously approved by Council, including the Final Assessment Roll for LID 362 totaling $2,422,936, WATPA Grant for $1,600,000 and establishing a budget for flood control reimbursement with King County for $2,518,123. BUDGETIMPACT: BACKGROUND: The remaining amount not yet approved by Council is an overall decrease of $488,325. This reduction is largely due to the reversal of unfunded technology, parks and facility projects coupled with an increase of$2,800,000 to cover debt service on ShoWare Center. Kent Council Operations Committee Consolidating Budget Adjustment 48 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the 2011 budget for adjustments made between July 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Budget Adjustments. The 2011 budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments for the year up to December 31't, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and that remaining portion shall maintain its full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the 1 2011 Budget Adjustment Second Half 49 correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4, — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of 2012. APPROVED: day of 2012. PUBLISHED: day of 2012. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P:\Civil\Ordinance\BudgetAdjustment Second Half 2011.docx 2 2011 Budget Adjustment Second Half 50 City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjustments July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Exhibit A Previously Approval Total Adjustment Fund Title Approved Requested Ordinance 001 General Fund 22,379 22,379 110 Street Fund 221,375 221,375 150 Capital Improvement Fund 1,369,000 1,369,000 160 Criminal Justice Fund 1,758,716 1,758,716 170 Environmental Fund 90,939 90,939 180 Housing & Community Development Fund (111,942) (111,942) 190 Other Projects Fund (544,312) 6,410 (537,902) 310 Street Capital Projects Fund 4,634,134 4,634,134 320 Parks Capital Projects Fund 716,557 (309,735) 406,822 340 Technology Capital Projects (1,334,000) (1,334,000) 350 Facilities Capital Projects (2,826) (2,826) 440 Sewerage Operating 3,131,607 3,131,607 480 Golf Operating 87,196 87,196 510 Fleet Services Fund 214,422 214,422 540 Facilities Management Fund 238,248 (220,000) 18,248 10,456,493 (488,325) 9,968,168 Budget Adjustment Details for Budget Changes 51 July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Approval Date or Expense Fund and Project Explanation Previous Fund Amount 1 General Fund Previously Approved by Council 1000 4Culture Sustained Support Grant 06072011 17,000 1000 NRPA Grant - Take Me Fishing Grant 09062011 999 1000 WA St Arts Comm Ong Sup Grant 11022010 4,380 Total General Fund 22,379 110 Street Fund Previously Approved by Council 1120 Tran Funds from TIF to 256 11012011 215,358 R00061 Redistribute Project Funds Fund 310 6,017 Total Street Fund 221,375 150 Capital Improvement Fund Not previously approved by Council 1500 Budget ShoWare Debt Svc 2,800,000 1500 Reverse Unfunded Projects (1,431,000) Total Capital Improvement Fund 1,369,000 160 Criminal Justice Fund Previously Approved by Council N00024 Ed Byrne Mem Grant-JAG 2011 09202011 66,460 N00025 DOJ-BJA (SCAAP) 11152011 9,975 N00064 SAMHSA Drug-Free Community Sup Prog 09202011 33,593 N00082 Lake Meridian Police OT 09202011 18,856 N00094 DOJ Ballistic Vest 11152011 4,832 N00810 AP-WTSC Target Zero Grant 08162011 2,500 N00812 WTSC School Zone Flasher 07192011 22,500 N00906 2011 WATPA Grant 08162011 1,600,000 Total Criminal Justice Fund 1,758,716 170 Environmental Fund Previously Approved by Council M17103 CPG Grant 02162010 54,941 M17103 Haz Waste Mgmt Prog Grnt 02152011 24,103 M17103 Waste Reduct & Recycle Gmt 02152011 11,895 Total Environmental Fund 90,939 180 Housing &Comm Dev Fund Previously Approved by Council B00028 CDBG Action Plan allocation 11022010 (111,942) Total Housing &Comm Dev Fund (111,942) Budget Adjustment Details for Budget Changes 52 July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Approval Date or Expense Fund and Project Explanation Previous Fund Amount 190 Other Operating Projects Fund Previously Approved by Council H00014 Safe Havens Fees for Svc 10022007 5,688 V00011 Reallocate Project Funds 01012010 (550,000) Not previously approved by Council H00080 Utili Assist Fund Donation - 2010 3,480 H00080 Utili Assist Fund Donation - 2011 2,930 Total Operating Projects Fund (537,902) 310 Street Capital Projects Fund Previously Approved by Council R20036 SEPA Ordinance #2494 10011984 440,877 R20037 Knt Kngly Pedestrian Imp Gt 09202011 413,200 R20109 Reallocate Project Funds 01012010 550,000 R90056 LID 362 Final Assmnt Roll 09072010 2,422,936 R90058 Smith & Lincoln Sidewalk 03152011 597,780 R90088 Tran Funds from TIF to 256 11012011 215,358 R90097 Reallocate Project Funds Fund 110 (6,017) Total Street Capital Projects Fund 4,634,134 320 Parks Capital Projects Fund Previously Approved by Council P20007 Reg Trails KC Levy Budget 05012007 190,520 P20008 Lk Meridian Boat Launch Fee 08052008 7,950 P20049 KC Consery Futures Grnt Ag 07052011 778,827 P20049 Reallocate Project Funds Fund 320 (607,239) P20072 Rev from Cell Tower Leases 10012002 20,528 P20072 Rev from Cell Tower Leases 08022005 19,420 P20072 Rev from Cell Tower Leases 02072006 22,738 P20072 Rev from Cell Tower Leases 06062006 21,604 P20090 Prtners in Preservation Gnt 04052011 70,000 P21003 KC Youth Sports Facility Gt 02012011 75,000 P21009 DNR Grnt-Grn Knt Initiative 08032011 9,984 P21009 King Conservation Dist Grnt 05032011 50,000 P21011 4th Qtr Fee-In-Lieu Funds 02012011 57,225 Not previously approved by Council P20022 Record Donations/Contrib 2,283 P20059 Record Donations/Contrib 7,444 P20083 Record Donations/Contrib 2,588 P20310 Reverse Unfunded Projects (25,000) P20510 Reverse Unfunded Projects (102,000) P21009 Record Donations/Contrib 4,950 P21010 Reverse Unfunded Projects (100,000) P21011 Reverse Unfunded Projects (100,000) Total Parks Capital Projects Fund 406,822 Budget Adjustment Details for Budget Changes 53 July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Approval Date or Expense Fund and Project Explanation Previous Fund Amount 340 Technology Capital Projects Not previously approved by Council T20009 Reverse Unfunded Projects (500,000) T20104 Reverse Unfunded Projects (639,000) T20134 Reverse Unfunded Projects (195,000) Total Technology Capital Projects Fund (1,334,000) 350 Facilities Capital Projects Previously Approved by Council F20065 Reallocate Project Funds Fund 540 (2,826) Total Facilities Capital Projects Fund (2,826) 440 Sewerage Operating Previously Approved by Council D00010 Dept of Ecol Stormwater Gnt 09212010 367,065 D00054 Interlocal w/KC for HH Dam 09152009 2,518,123 D20074 King Conservation Dist Grnt 11152011 46,419 D20075 M Crk/Gr River Rest Proj Gt 04052011 200,000 Total Sewerage Operating Fund 3,131,607 480 Golf Operating Previously Approved by Council 4800 Admissions tax 06152010 67,062 4800 Rev from Cell Tower Leases 06152010 20,134 Total Golf Operating Fund 87,196 510 Fleet Services Fund Previously Approved by Council 5100 Reallocate Project Funds 01012011 214,422 Total Fleet Services Fund 214,422 540 Facilities Management Fund Previously Approved by Council 5400 Rev from Cell Tower Leases 01162001 21,000 F00108 Reallocate Project Funds Fund 350 2,876 F00308 Reallocate Project Funds Fund 350 (50) F00710 Reallocate Project Funds 01012011 214,422 Not previously approved by Council F00811 Reverse Unfunded Projects (220,000) Total Facilities Management Fund 18,248 Grand Total 9,968,168 54 This page intentionally left blank 55 City of Kent, Washington Summary Financial Report 4^0 KEN T WASH IN G T O N As of February 29, 2012 56 City of Kent MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND GRAPHIC ANALYSIS Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 General Fund Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 General Fund Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PropertyTax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SalesTax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 UtilityTax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Building Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Plan Check Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Recreation Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fines And Forfeitures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Water Operating Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sewer&Drainage Operating Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Golf Operating Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 CURRENT BUDGET ANALYSIS General Fund Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Annexation Budget Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Street Operating Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Lodging Tax Operating Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Youth/Teen Programs Operating Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Capital Improvement Operating Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Criminal Justice Operating Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Golf Operating Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROFIT AND LOSS Fleet Services Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Central Services Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Information Technology Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Facilities Operating Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Unemployment Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Workers Compensation Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Health and Employee Wellness Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 LEOFF 1 Retirees Benefits Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Liability Insurance Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Property Insurance Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 REVENUE AND EXPENSE SUMMARIES Monthly Comparison 2008,2009,2010 and 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 System Reports General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Special Revenue Operating Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Debt Service Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Water Utility Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Sewerage Utility Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Golf Course Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Internal Services-excluding Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Insurance Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Street Capital Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Parks Capital Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Other Capital Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Technology Capital Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Facilities Capital Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Water Capital Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sewerage Capital Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 57 City Of Kent Monthly Financial Summary for February 2012 General Fund Summary Based on information available through February, ending fund balance is projected to be $1,760,547 or 3.1% of the expenditure budget. Throughout 2012, it will be important to closely monitor all revenue sources, as well as related expenditures. Close monitoring will allow the City to react in a timely manner to any adverse trends that may arise. Revenues Most revenue sources, including sales tax, utility tax and permitting fees revenues are showing a slight improvement over past years. Overall revenues are estimated to end the year very near budget. Highlights include: • Tax revenues, including Sales Tax and Utility Tax, are expected to come in very near budget. • Building Permits and Plan Check Fees combined thru February are up 62.6% from the same time last year. Even though two months does not make a trend, it is a positive sign. Exoenditures Current projections end the year at about $418,000 or 0.7% below the budget. A continued lag in hiring is expected to contribute towards expenditures coming in below budget. Fund Balance Ending fund balance is estimated to be $1,760,547, which equates to 3.1% of the expenditure budget. 58 General Fund Revenues (excluding Annexation) 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 o ° 6,000,000 4,000,000 r;%r„ ll° 2,000,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual 11 Act 112Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 3,289,156 3,214,732 4,791,631 9,749,613 3,973,008 4,571,406 3,174,325 2,683,261 4,065,667 9,139,978 3,703,200 4,150,377 12 Bud 3,216,683 3,020,904 4,466,303 11,104,686 5,097,029 4,213,632 2,954,538 2,559,372 4,064,231 10,502,190 3,961,210 4,813,837 12 Pct 3,110,563 3,667,409 +/- (106,120) 646,505 Put+/- -3.3% 21.4% General Fund Revenues (excluding Annexation) 70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 0 , Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual °'""11AG .12Ac[ ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 3,289,156 6,503,888 11,295,520 21,045,133 25,018,141 29,589,547 32,763,872 35,447,133 39,512,801 48,652,779 52,355,979 56,506,356 12 Bud 3,216,683 6,237,587 10,703,889 21,808,576 26,905,604 31,119,236 34,073,774 36,633,146 40,69,376 51,199,566 55,160,776 59,974,613 12 Pct 3,110,563 6,777,971 +/- (106,120) 540,385 Put+/- -3.3% 8.7% 59 General Fund Expenditures (excluding Annexation) 6,000,000 5,000,000 ,�J//� y/ry „N J0,I m 4,000,000 NEI 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 p Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual 11 Act 112Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 4,004,555 4,278,233 4,703,037 4,008,910 4,394,052 4,164,634 5,111,082 3,976,956 4,404,857 4,523,901 4,650,263 4,193,905 12 Bud 4,882,039 4,751,371 5,196,933 4,900,692 5,280,454 4,613,560 5,226,247 4,008,707 4,864,048 4,582,611 5,054,543 4,165,247 12 Pct 3,920,818 4,780,445 +/- (961,221) 29,074 Put+/- -19J% 0.6% General Fund Expenditures (excluding Annexation) 70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 era„ 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual """11AG .12Ac[ ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 4,004,555 8,282,789 12,985,826 16,994,736 21,388,789 25,553,423 30,664,505 34,641,461 39,046,318 43,570,220 48,220,483 52,414,388 12 Bud 4,882,039 9,633,410 14,830,343 19,731,036 25,011,489 29,625,049 34,851,296 38,860,003 43,724,051 48,306,663 53,361,206 57,526,453 12 Pct 3,920,818 8,701,263 +/- (961,221) (932,147) Put+/- -19J% -9J% 60 Property Tax (excluding Annexation) 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 /. %B 4,000,0003,000,000 k 6 by 2,000,000 i t 1,000,000 11 BA ,i vvvv l Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual uf 11 Act �12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 0 180,243 523,653 6,751,005 1,184,844 40,525 4,748 87,368 337,694 6,203,844 1,162,259 113,146 12 Bud 0 139,100 449,571 6,738,625 1,405,042 47,966 33,479 78,856 310,128 6,329,055 1,284,910 140,584 12 Pct (3,392) 119,956 +/- (3,392) (19,144) Put+/- 0.0% -13.8% Property Tax (excluding Annexation) 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,0008,000,000 6,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 �i i 4,000,0002,000,000 i 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual 11 Alt t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 0 180,243 703,896 7,454,901 8,639,745 8,680,270 8,685,018 8,772,386 9,110,080 15,313,924 16,476,183 16,589,329 12 Bud 0 139,100 588,671 7,327,297 8,732,339 8,780,305 8,813,783 8,892,640 9,202,767 15,531,822 16,816,732 16,957,316 12 Pct (3,392) 116,564 +/- (3,392) (22,536) Put+/- 0.0% 0.0% 61 Sales Tax (excluding Annexation) 2,500,000 z,000,000 �i r, �ir ��,- �r AV 1,500,000 y` ,, p.... ,� 1,000,000uldi ,,, yn„,,,... 500,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual -"Aa t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 880,130 1,258,493 2,090,512 788,947 1,008,194 2,291,698 966,265 1,017,202 2,146,124 942,125 1,022,236 2,176,465 12 Bud 862,666 1,200,527 2,059,348 827,708 1,035,860 2,212,480 891,739 997,704 2,175,858 940,256 1,030,527 2,268,108 12 Pct 907,756 1,198,096 +/- 45,089 (2,431) Put+/- 5.2% -0.2% Sales Tax (excluding Annexation) 18,000,000 16,000,000 +n, 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 ov 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual 11 Act t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 880,130 2,138,623 4,229,135 5,018,082 6,026,276 8,317,974 9,284,239 10,301,441 12,447,565 13,389,690 14,411,926 16,588,391 12 Bud 862,666 2,063,193 4,122,541 4,950,249 5,986,109 8,198,589 9,090,327 10,088,031 12,263,889 13,204,146 14,234,673 16,502,781 12 Pct 907,756 2,105,852 +/- 45,089 42,658 Put+/- 5.2% 2.1% 62 Utility Tax (excluding Annexation) 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 r0 1,200,000 o, io%.'//%/�,�„mini 1,000,000 „... ,q 11"ar"", ,llli, 800,000 yp� 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual it 11 Act .12Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 1,477,066 1,079,613 1,190,380 1,272,756 979,284 1,103,687 1,222,489 763,421 677,848 1,097,386 872,585 937,859 12 Bud 1,720,720 1,291,641 1,318,059 1,527,083 1,200,384 1,234,212 1,419,607 1,035,936 1,017,397 1,364,774 1,100,522 1,054,900 12 Pct 1,619,454 1,288,955 +/- (101,267) (2,685) Put+/- -5.9% -0.2% Utility Tax (excluding Annexation) 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 oYj�r 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 ,,. 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud ✓...11 Alt Cumulative Budget vs Actual 12Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 1,477,066 2,556,679 3,747,059 5,019,815 5,999,099 7,102,786 8,325,276 9,088,696 9,766,544 10,863,930 11,736,516 12,674,375 12 Bud 1,720,720 3,012,361 4,330,420 5,857,503 7,057,887 8,292,099 9,711,706 10,747,642 11,765,039 13,129,814 14,230,335 15,285,235 12 Pct 1,619,454 2,908,409 +/- (101,267) (103,952) Put+/- -5.9% -3.5% 63 Building Permits (excluding Annexation) 250,000 200,000 �, 150,000 ,, i��� i, M �a �Ilu ,� �lI" ids+,.., 100,000 50,000 Bs 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual ,11 Alt t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 58,256 69,498 143,089 194,314 96,717 165,124 112,325 152,484 126,708 114,693 125,660 139,655 12 Bud 41,614 85,293 145,074 161,756 188,720 204,250 190,921 164,584 130,526 114,024 102,443 94,802 12 Pct 25,055 172,710 +/- (16,559) 87,416 Put+/- -39.8% 102.5% Building Permits (excluding Annexation) 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 u.Z 1,000,000 � � d 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 ^'°" 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual 11 Act t 12AR ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 58,256 127,754 270,843 465,157 561,874 726,998 839,323 991,807 1,118,515 1,233,209 1,358,869 1,498,524 12 Bud 41,614 126,908 271,981 433,737 622,457 826,707 1,017,627 1,182,211 1,312,737 1,426,761 1,529,204 1,624,006 12 Pct 25,055 197,765 +/- (16,559) 70,857 Put+/- -39.8% 55.8% 64 Plan Check Fees (excluding Annexation) 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 ��.� ! 100,000 ,m� 80,000 BAN �� ol 60,00040,000 �c 20,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual ..Aa t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 52,177 69,976 90,348 114,538 99,915 156,022 78,574 114,226 86,540 65,284 111,525 73,676 12 Bud 81,074 129,943 142,766 159,183 162,336 171,478 154,661 142,284 128,450 112,211 112,001 101,788 12 Pct 66,766 141,814 +/- (14,309) 11,872 Put+/- -17.6% 9.1% Plan Check Fees (excluding Annexation) 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 ,- 800,000 c� 600,000 400,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual 11 Act t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 52,177 122,153 212,501 327,039 426,954 582,976 661,550 775,777 862,317 927,601 1,039,127 1,112,803 12 Bud 81,074 211,017 353,783 512,967 675,303 846,781 1,001,442 1,143,726 1,272,176 1,384,387 1,496,388 1,598,176 12 Pct 66,766 208,580 +/- (14,309) (2,437) Put+/- -17.6% -1.2% Recreation Fees 65 (excluding Annexation) 180,000 160,000 140,000 Oii„...........d0 J, 120,000 100,00080,000 G/TI r� 60,000 8 40,000 20,000 .... I f1°v 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual ..Aa t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 130,420 130,299 40,706 12,396 130,494 157,371 87,204 103,175 147,392 42,461 43,398 106,335 12 Bud 136,088 128,465 37,363 18,180 136,806 142,721 96,957 108,780 130,205 43,753 30,699 99,311 12 Pct 106,827 39,771 +/- (29,261) (88,695) Put+/- -21.5% -69.0% Recreation Fees (excluding Annexation) 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 i 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual 11 Act t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 130,420 260,719 301,425 313,821 444,315 601,686 688,890 792,065 939,456 981,917 1,025,316 1,131,651 12 Bud 136,088 264,553 301,916 320,096 456,902 599,624 696,580 805,360 935,565 979,318 1,010,017 1,109,328 12 Pct 106,827 146,598 +/- (29,261) (117,955) Pct+/- -21.5A -44.6% 66 Fines & Forfeitures (excluding Annexation) 180,000 160,000 r/pd 140,000 A. °'� %P r,,,,,..,,,,,, 120,000 Giro,'- �l�i Jll, ..,Pai.. %2i ��Oa/w �,� 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 p Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual -."Act t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 120,297 138,193 159,857 132,864 126,771 124,272 125,723 149,747 124,193 121,304 118,703 118,480 12 Bud 118,990 139,141 154,404 135,034 118,505 132,628 117,475 138,632 119,428 112,842 104,943 106,939 12 Pct 88,688 128,588 +/- (30,302) (10,553) Put+/- -25.5% -7.6% Fines & Forfeitures (excluding Annexation) 1,800,000 1,600,000 p, 1,400,000 1,200,000 --/ 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 vc%!„ 400,000 200,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud 11 Act Cumulative Budget vs Actual t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 120,297 258,489 418,346 551,210 677,981 802,253 927,976 1,077,722 1,201,915 1,323,220 1,441,923 1,560,403 12 Bud 118,990 258,131 412,535 547,569 666,074 798,702 916,177 1,054,809 1,174,236 1,287,078 1,392,021 1,498,960 12 Pct 88,688 217,276 +/- (30,302) (40,855) Put+/- -25.5% -15.8% 67 Water Operating Revenues (excluding Annexation) 2,500,000 2,000,000 Ja, 41 1,500,000 o„ d�,, 1,000,000 d�m, , . �,/�. 500,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual -."Act t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 1,287,443 992,936 1,079,243 1,033,639 1,260,273 1,314,426 1,710,389 1,564,575 1,982,268 1,399,436 996,767 1,279,511 12 Bud 1,343,585 1,018,263 1,058,448 1,065,913 1,318,440 1,377,146 1,661,218 1,718,031 2,050,797 1,294,373 1,079,918 1,270,261 12 Pct 1,327,353 1,012,681 +/- (16,231) (5,582) Put+/- -1.2% -0.5% Water Operating Revenues (excluding Annexation) 18,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 p` 2,000,000 " 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud 11 Act Cumulative Budget vs Actual t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 1,287,443 2,280,379 3,359,622 4,393,261 5,653,534 6,967,960 8,678,349 10,242,924 12,225,192 13,624,628 14,621,396 15,900,906 12 Bud 1,343,585 2,361,848 3,420,296 4,486,209 5,804,649 7,181,795 8,843,013 10,561,044 12,611,840 13,906,214 14,986,131 16,256,392 12 Pct 1,327,353 2,340,035 +/- (16,231) (21,814) Put+/- -1.2% -0.9% 68 Sewer and Drainage Operating Revenues (excluding Annexation) 4,000,000 3,500,000 �� �111�� ✓ 3,000,000 �,�� �G o .. . 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 p Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual 9 11 Act 112Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 3,439,530 2,901,019 3,181,459 3,290,332 3,121,048 3,022,877 3,674,916 3,031,060 3,512,992 3,088,626 2,689,774 3,415,509 12 Bud 3,299,376 2,772,650 2,994,070 3,114,719 3,013,243 2,939,628 3,394,588 2,962,163 3,257,839 3,001,131 2,785,909 3,343,292 12 Pct 3,473,066 2,988,938 +/- 173,690 216,288 Put+/- 5.3% 7.8% Sewer and Drainage Operation Revenues (excluding Annexation) 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud 11 Alt Cumulative Budget vs Actual t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 3,439,530 6,340,550 9,522,009 12,812,341 15,933,389 18,956,266 22,631,182 25,662,242 29,175,234 32,263,860 34,953,634 38,369,143 12 Bud 3,299,376 6,072,027 9,066,097 12,180,816 15,194,059 18,133,687 21,528,275 24,490,437 27,748,277 30,]49,40] 33,535,316 36,878,608 12 Pct 3,473,066 6,462,004 +/- 173,690 389,977 Put+/- 5.3% 6.4% 69 Golf Operating Revenues (excluding Annexation) 600,000 5 00,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 p Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Monthly Budget vs Adjusted Actual ......a1Act 112Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 63,971 102,256 142,969 225,930 233,397 317,321 368,596 367,101 238,734 166,476 78,990 143,288 12 Bud 102,819 137,258 186,137 274,712 304,421 408,348 488,967 476,903 298,682 209,635 108,776 157,685 12 Pct 66,561 93,636 +/- (36,259) (43,622) Put+/- -35.3% -31.8% Golf Operating Revenues (excluding Annexation) 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 v„ 1,000,000 500,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 Bud Cumulative Budget vs Actual 11 Act t 12 Act ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11 Pct 63,971 166,227 309,196 535,126 768,523 1,085,844 1,454,440 1,821,541 2,060,275 2,226,751 2,305,741 2,449,029 12 Bud 102,819 240,078 426,215 700,927 1,005,348 1,413,696 1,902,663 2,379,566 2,678,247 2,887,883 2,996,659 3,154,344 12 Pct 66,561 160,197 +/- (36,259) (79,881) Pct+/- -35.3A -33.3% 70 GENERALFUND (without Annexation) As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance 2,182,698 2,199,554 1,298,783 1,298,783 Revenues Taxes: Property 16,589,329 16,957,316 116,564 16,978,565 Sales Tax 16,588,391 16,502,781 2,105,852 16,459,221 Utility 12,674,375 15,285,235 2,908,409 15,243,359 Other 794,095 786,518 12,262 796,326 Licenses and Permits 2,237,590 2,479,461 571,384 2,495,033 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,440,895 1,280,706 127,396 1,267,350 Charges for Services 3,411,504 3,996,731 554,652 3,969,554 Fines and Forfeitures 1,543,311 1,498,960 199,556 1,528,404 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,209,774 1,186,905 199,616 1,233,396 Transfers In 1,001,277 975,000 975,000 TOTAL REVENUES 57,490,541 60,949,613 6,795,691 60,946,208 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 41,058,578 43,144,850 6,934,340 42,803,293 Supplies 1,699,727 2,174,335 256,803 2,112,203 Services & Charges 19,962,057 22,867,129 3,089,526 22,701,186 Capital Outlay 20,416 55,000 55,000 Cost Allocations (10,326,390) (10,714,861) (1,579,406) (10,563,216) Transfers Out 5,960,068 3,375,978 3,375,978 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 58,374,456 60,902,431 8,701,263 60,484,444 Net Revenues less Expenditures (883,915) 47,182 (1,905,572) 461,764 Ending Fund Balance 1,298,783 2,246,736 1,760,547 Target for Contingency 5,241,439 5,752,645 5,710,847 Difference (3,942,656) (3,505,909) (3,950,300) 2.5% 3.9% 3.1% 71 ANNEXATION As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance (1,356,589) (988,677) (655,268) (655,268) Revenues Taxes: Property 2,778,301 2,824,923 31,843 2,835,646 Sales Tax 4,199,570 4,212,630 786,617 4,244,935 Utility 2,869,930 2,582,602 473,273 2,603,781 Other 336,295 385,400 1,062 352,362 Licenses and Permits 11,431 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,089,069 929,407 143,902 939,048 Charges for Services 6,176 695 TOTAL REVENUES 11,290,772 10,934,962 1,437,392 10,975,772 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 5,797,107 5,249,993 802,856 5,145,371 Supplies 461,091 763,215 29,485 736,934 Services & Charges 4,336,902 4,823,770 673,971 4,766,343 Capital Outlay 112,156 Cost Allocations (117,805) (335) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,589,451 10,836,978 1,505,977 10,648,648 Net Revenues less Expenditures 701,321 97,984 (68,585) 327,124 Ending Fund Balance (655,268) (890,693) (328,144) 72 STREET OPERATING FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance (1,402,940) 142,184 355,417 355,417 Revenues Fuel Tax - Unrestricted 1,809,260 1,934,060 295,453 1,934,060 Water Utility Tax 158,630 165,694 23,112 165,694 Sewer Utility Tax 225,584 228,153 35,724 228,153 Drainage Utility Tax 157,496 167,553 28,671 167,553 Electric Utility Tax 1,110,606 1,081,102 214,424 1,086,508 Gas Utility Tax 385,646 377,313 103,856 379,200 Garbage Utility Tax 215,379 204,536 38,002 206,581 Telephone Utility Tax 685,771 676,428 116,801 676,428 Miscellaneous Revenues 1 1 Transfers In 2,105,000 Total Revenues 6,853,374 4,834,839 856,044 4,844,177 Total Resources 5,450,434 4,977,023 1,211,462 5,199,594 Expenditures&Transfers Debt Service PW Trust Fund Loan 800,835 797,201 797,201 LTGO Bonds 2000 202,899 203,679 203,679 LTGO Bonds 2002 647,206 650,056 650,056 GO Refund (96) 2004 151,806 136,393 136,393 GO Refund 2005 (93,95,00,96TF) 38,016 37,789 37,789 LTGO Bonds 2008 449,880 487,066 487,066 LTGO Bonds 2009 207,797 207,213 207,213 Total Debt Service 2,498,438 2,519,397 2,519,397 Operating Costs Street Utility Operations 2,062,248 1,742,774 284,233 1,742,774 Street Tree Maintenance Program 240,239 249,834 37,121 249,834 Engineering Services Allocation 259,359 264,546 44,091 259,359 Total Operating Costs 2,561,846 2,257,154 365,445 2,251,967 Arterials 84th Avenue Rehabilitation 137,733 4th Avenue Improvement 999,127 212th UPRR/BN Grade Separation 95,813 BNSF Grade Separation 459,525 Closed and other Arterial Projects (1,689,479) Total Arterials 2,719 Intersection Improvements Traffic Signal Control Cabinets (6,845) Signal Battery Backup 961 Closed and Other Intersection Imps (100,000) Total Intersection Improvements (105,884) Other Improvements Transportation Master Plan 6,017 Mero Transit Services 35,000 155,000 155,000 Russell Road Maint Facility 67,108 2nd Avenue Pedestrian Imp 29,772 Total Other Improvements 137,898 155,000 155,000 Total Effective Transportation System 2,596,579 2,412,154 365,445 2,406,967 Total Expense &Transportation 5,095,017 4,931,551 365,445 4,926,364 Change In Fund Balance 1,758,357 (96,712) 490,599 (82,187) Ending Fund Balance 355,417 45,472 846,016 273,230 73 LODGING TAX OPERATING FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance 48,624 66,302 86,810 86,810 Revenues Lodging Tax 182,840 181,160 23,380 182,066 Miscellaneous Income 33 300 3 36 Total Revenues 182,873 181,460 23,384 182,102 Total Resources 231,498 247,762 110,194 268,912 Expenditures Seattle Southside Visitor Services 120,000 120,000 20,000 120,000 Tourism Unallocated 5,000 20,000 20,000 Tourism Chamber 18,500 18,500 4,625 18,500 Total Expenditures 143,500 158,500 24,625 158,500 Transfers Out - ShoWare Marquee Project 1,188 Total Expenditures and Transfers 144,688 158,500 24,625 158,500 Change in Fund Balance 38,186 22,960 (1,241) 23,602 Ending Fund Balance 86,810 89,262 85,569 110,412 74 YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAMS OPERATING FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (57,001) 22,436 20,579 20,579 REVENUES Utility Taxes: Water 47,589 52,279 6,934 51,338 Sewer 67,675 68,437 10,717 67,205 Drainage 47,249 50,476 8,601 49,567 Electric 333,182 338,293 64,327 332,204 Gas 115,694 115,261 31,157 113,186 Garbage 64,614 61,481 11,401 60,374 Telephone 205,731 202,928 35,040 199,275 Miscellaneous Revenues 223 474 1 7 TOTAL REVENUES 881,957 889,629 168,178 873,157 TOTAL RESOURCES 824,956 912,065 188,757 893,736 EXPENDITURES Valued Government Services Transfer Out - General Fund Teen Programs 762,377 775,000 775,000 Teen Golf Program 42,000 42,000 42,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (TRANSFERS) 804,377 817,000 817,000 Change In Fund Balance 77,580 72,629 168,178 56,157 ENDING FUND BALANCE 20,579 95,065 188,757 76,736 75 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT OPERATING FUND Including Both Portions of Estate Excise Taxes As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actuals Budget YTD Est Actual Total Beginning Fund Balance (8,209,839) (12,015,713) (12,052,614) (12,052,614) Revenues & Other Fin Sources Sales Tax 3,784,084 4,855,698 683,314 4,831,420 Real Estate Excise Tax 1,050,162 925,272 273,460 925,272 Real Estate Excise Tax-2nd Qtr 1,050,162 925,272 273,460 925,272 Real Estate Excise Tax-St Percent 134,852 Miscellaneous Revenues 3,381 3,518 489 3,518 Transfer In - Facilities 260,000 260,000 Sale of Property 6,000,000 6,000,000 Long-Term Leases 100,000 Transfer In - GF 450,000 2,090,929 2,090,929 Total Rev/Other Fin Sources 6,572,640 15,060,689 1,230,723 15,036,411 Total Resources (1,637,199) 3,044,976 (10,821,891) 2,983,796 Expenditures (Transfers) Debt Service Non-Voted Debt Service 7,533 940 940 LTGO Bonds 2000 539,945 542,021 542,021 Valley Communications 157,790 250,030 250,030 LTGO Bonds 2002 508,244 510,393 510,393 LTGO / Taxable Bonds 2003 666,259 667,275 667,275 GO Refund (96) 2004 1,611,435 1,447,830 1,447,830 GO Refund 2005 (93,95,00,96TF) 63,492 63,112 63,112 LTGO Bonds 2006 782,000 770,000 770,000 Golf Debt Service LTGO Bonds 2008 1,418,970 1,412,334 1,412,334 GO Refund 2009 (Part 1999) 723,670 721,641 721,641 ShoWare Debt Service 2,793,077 2,500,000 2,500,000 Subtotal Debt Service 9,272,415 8,884,636 940 8,885,576 Facilities Floor Coverings (51) HVAC Lifecycle Replacements 205,000 75,000 75,000 Kent Meridian Pool Repairs/Mtc 78,288 25,000 25,000 Parks Maintenance Shop Renovation 35,000 35,000 Public Building Major Maintenance 2,876 50,000 50,000 Sealcoat Parking Lots 35,000 35,000 Security Camera Software Upgrade 40,000 40,000 Closed and Other Facilities Projects (181,114) Subtotal Facilities 105,000 260,000 0 260,000 Information Technology Hardware Lifecycle Replacmnts 120,000 120,000 Technology Projects 1,007,500 1,007,500 Closed & Other Info Tech Projects Subtotal Information Technology 0 1,127,500 0 1,127,500 76 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT OPERATING FUND Including Both Portions of Estate Excise Taxes As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actuals Budget YTD Est Actual Parks Adopt-a-Park Program 38,516 Eagle Scout Projects 26,873 Earthworks Stairs 75,000 Kent Parks Foundation 23,127 Lake Meridian Play Equipment 41,283 Lifecycle Parks System 18,434 400,000 400,000 Park Land Acquisition 707,401 Park Master Plans 6,526 Rental Houses Demolition 25,000 Town Square Park 19,270 Turnkey Neighborhood Park 42,179 Urban Forestry 5,000 15,000 15,000 Closed and Other Parks Projects (315,608) (450,000) (450,000) Subtotal Parks 713,000 (35,000) 0 (35,000) Public Safety Closed & Other Public Safety Projects Subtotal Public Safety 0 0 0 0 Other Event Center Lifecycle 300,000 300,000 300,000 Neighborhood Matching Grants 25,000 Street Projects 1,007,500 1,007,500 Subtotal Other 325,000 1,307,500 0 1,307,500 Total Expenditures (Transfers) 10,415,415 11,544,636 940 11,545,576 Change in Fund Balance (3,842,776) 3,516,053 1,229,783 3,490,835 Total Ending Fund Balance (12,052,614) (8,499,660) (10,822,831) (8,561,779) 77 CRIMINAL JUSTICE OPERATING FUND February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance (737,912) 345,281 327,985 327,985 Revenues Sales Tax - Local Option (1) 1,847,825 1,792,028 335,565 1,792,028 MVET - Basic Crime 140,978 185,500 46,310 185,500 MVET - High Crime 88,583 92,080 23,854 92,080 MVET - Special Programs 70,949 74,453 19,014 74,453 Miscellaneous Revenues 865 1 865 Transfers In 980,000 Total Revenues 3,128,335 2,144,926 424,744 2,144,926 Total Resources 2,390,422 2,490,207 752,729 2,472,911 Expenditures Law Salaries & Benefits 605,802 634,513 91,289 634,513 Supplies 20,265 30,194 2,286 30,194 Services & Charges 11,745 22,684 1,559 22,684 Domestic Violence Salaries & Benefits 247,605 186,473 47,017 156,473 Services & Charges 8,861 8,037 1,236 8,037 KYFS - Youth Violence Prevention Services & Charges 25,000 25,000 25,000 Police Salaries & Benefits 1,058,299 1,126,892 160,494 1,126,892 Supplies 31,837 49,298 3,817 49,298 Services & Charges 36,524 87,691 5,596 87,691 Total Expenditures 2,045,938 2,170,782 313,293 2,140,782 Transfers Out 16,500 16,500 16,500 Total Expenditures and Transfers 2,062,438 2,187,282 313,293 2,157,282 Increase (Decrease) In Fund Balance 1,065,897 (42,356) 111,451 (12,356) Ending Fund Balance 327,985 302,925 439,436 315,629 (1) Council resolution allocated 11% of Criminal Justice sales tax to Domestic Violence. 78 GOLF OPERATING FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actuals Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital (1,780,721) (1,973,862) (2,216,716) (2,216,716) Revenues 18 Hole Course Green Fees 1,022,112 1,438,000 54,962 1,186,037 Cart & Club Rentals 141,477 204,000 6,440 165,839 Restaurant Lease 50,724 60,000 3,500 56,975 Par 3 Course Green Fees 222,051 285,000 9,126 242,960 Cart & Club Rentals 12,082 14,000 336 12,801 Food & Beverage Sales 11,065 20,000 481 15,111 Driving Range Driving Range Fees 449,488 415,000 38,519 465,085 Mini Putt Fees 23,909 60,000 715 40,759 Lesson Fees 86,947 120,000 7,336 102,100 Cart & Club Rentals 756 22 22 Food & Beverage Sales 29,464 35,000 1,920 35,624 Merchandising Merchandise Sales 449,538 563,344 40,338 494,492 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 1,498 606 606 Driving Range Cell Tower Lease 20,100 3,421 20,529 Total Revenues 2,521,209 3,214,344 167,721 2,838,939 Total Resources 740,487 1,240,482 (2,048,996) 622,222 Expenditures (Transfers) 18 Hole Course 1,777,339 1,683,062 215,595 1,683,062 Par 3 Course 313,189 325,284 42,937 325,284 Driving Range 414,742 452,223 43,689 452,223 Merchandising 448,641 549,161 36,654 499,161 Other Expenses 3,293 799 799 Total Expenditures (Transfers) 2,957,204 3,009,730 339,674 2,960,529 Net Change in Working Capital (435,995) 204,614 (171,953) (121,591) Total Working Capital (2,216,716) (1,769,248) (2,388,670) (2,338,307) 79 FLEET SERVICES FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital 2,483,059 1,767,036 2,614,510 2,614,510 Operating Revenue Fleet Operations 3,058,613 2,805,692 487,190 2,805,692 Fleet Replacement 367,422 372,616 62,479 372,616 Miscellaneous Revenues 3,590 13,835 367 13,835 Total Operating Revenue 3,429,625 3,192,143 550,036 3,192,143 Total Resources 5,912,684 4,959,179 3,164,546 5,806,653 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 775,032 808,986 132,257 808,986 Supplies 1,365,507 1,413,345 249,315 1,413,345 Services 704,829 754,789 112,434 754,789 Capital Outlay 238,385 1,385,511 213,915 1,385,511 Total Expenditures 3,083,752 4,362,631 707,921 4,362,631 Transfers Out 214,422 Total Expenses and Transfers 3,298,174 4,362,631 707,921 4,362,631 Net Change In Working Capital 131,451 (1,170,488) (157,885) (1,170,488) Total Working Capital 2,614,510 596,548 2,456,625 1,444,022 80 CENTRAL SERVICES FUND As of February 29, 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital (66,659) (94,255) (122,352) (122,352) REVENUE Central Stores 132,922 236,376 7,703 236,376 Postage 200,572 355,264 22,911 355,264 Total Revenue 333,495 591,640 30,614 591,640 Total Resources 266,836 497,385 (91,737) 469,288 EXPENSE Central Stores 130,063 203,386 5,773 175,289 Postage 240,201 273,096 45,586 273,096 Central Services 18,923 19,301 3,217 19,301 Total Expense 389,187 495,783 54,577 467,686 Net Operating Income (55,693) 95,857 (23,963) 123,954 Ending Working Capital (122,352) 1,602 (146,314) 1,602 81 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital (203) 117,646 260,350 260,350 Revenues Contributions & Other 4,139,517 4,670,110 752,743 4,670,110 Intergovernmental - RFA 445,964 410,839 37,383 410,839 Technology Fees 240,000 62,636 240,000 Total Revenue 4,585,481 5,320,949 852,762 5,320,949 Total Resources 4,585,278 5,438,595 1,113,112 5,581,299 Expenditures Computer Systems & Tech Svcs Salaries & Benefits 1,706,393 2,232,566 367,044 2,232,566 Supplies 95,662 41,923 11,660 41,923 Services & Charges 1,116,749 1,214,957 376,829 1,214,957 Subtotal 2,918,804 3,489,446 755,533 3,489,446 Telecommunications Salaries & Benefits 148,719 149,266 24,425 149,266 Supplies 19,643 14,496 857 14,496 Services & Charges 311,469 396,600 62,361 396,600 Subtotal 479,831 560,362 87,643 560,362 Printing/Graphics/Cable TV Salaries & Benefits 584,930 561,238 94,468 561,238 Supplies 38,785 74,389 5,144 74,389 Services & Charges 302,578 318,994 43,146 318,994 Subtotal 926,292 954,621 142,758 954,621 Total Operating Expense 4,324,928 5,004,429 985,934 5,004,429 Transfers Out-LT Lifecycle 240,000 62,636 240,000 Total Exp & Transfers 4,324,928 5,244,429 1,048,570 5,244,429 Net Income 260,554 76,520 (195,808) 76,520 Ending Working Capital 260,350 194,166 64,542 336,870 82 FACILITIES OPERATING FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital 1,526 157,253 312,198 312,198 Operating Revenue Intergovernmental -RFA 677,689 852,227 852,227 Rental Fees - Internal 3,869,088 4,240,371 706,728 4,240,371 Leases 156,692 139,139 139,139 Miscellaneous Revenue 12,429 77,378 2,116 12,000 Total Revenue 4,715,898 5,169,976 847,984 5,243,737 Total Resources 4,717,424 5,327,229 1,160,181 5,555,934 Operating Expense Salaries and benefits 2,265,271 2,435,914 356,349 2,435,914 Supplies 291,157 371,171 32,358 371,171 Services and charges 4,209,918 1,983,085 282,390 1,983,085 Cost allocation (2,514,022) Total Operating Expense 4,252,324 4,790,170 671,097 4,790,170 Other Financial Uses Transfers Out - Projects 260,000 260,000 Transfers Out - Debt 152,903 152,903 - 152,903 Total Non Operating Rev (Exp) 152,903 412,903 - 412,903 Total Expenses and Uses 4,405,227 5,203,073 671,097 5,203,073 Net Change In Working Capital 310,671 (33,097) 176,887 40,664 Ending Working Capital 312,198 124,156 489,084 352,861 83 UNEMPLOYMENT FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital 42,250 110,134 201,791 201,791 Revenues Contributions 401,758 402,324 65,939 395,633 Miscellaneous Revenue 197 100 6 36 Total Revenues 401,956 402,424 65,945 395,668 Total Resources 444,205 512,558 267,735 597,459 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 25,966 24,706 4,037 24,225 Supplies 250 4,095 2,048 Claims Paid 1st Quarter 43,309 100,000 77,395 100,000 2nd Quarter 59,289 100,000 100,000 3rd Quarter 37,379 100,000 100,000 4th Quarter 73,425 100,000 100,000 Other Services & Charges 2,796 4,987 699 4,194 Total Expenditures 242,414 433,788 82,132 430,466 Net Income 159,541 (31,364) (16,187) (34,798) Ending Working Capital 201,791 78,770 185,604 166,993 84 WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital (128,109) (264,781) (509,195) (509,195) Revenues Contributions 1,405,995 1,816,362 251,549 1,809,293 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,744 5,000 312 1,873 Total Revenue 1,408,740 1,821,362 251,861 1,811,167 Transfers In Total Resources 1,280,631 1,556,581 (257,334) 1,301,972 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 105,315 109,148 16,150 96,899 Judgements & Damages 820,745 992,168 87,044 992,168 Ultimate Loss Adjustment 563,979 Liability Insurance 60,636 76,700 43,329 76,700 Intergovernmental Services 137,804 204,000 31,651 189,905 Administrative Expenses 59,153 52,723 17,264 52,723 Debt & Financial services 9,916 Other Expenses 18,650 16,302 16,302 Safety Program 23,544 88,492 725 4,353 Total Expenditures 1,789,826 1,549,449 196,164 1,429,049 Net Income (381,086) 271,913 55,698 382,117 Ending Working Capital (509,195) 7,132 (453,497) (127,078) Claims Reserve* Reserve Amount 2,433,563 2,433,563 2,433,563 2,433,563 Actuary Recommended 2,293,198 2,293,198 2,293,198 2,293,198 'Claims reserve is not included in ending working capital. It is adjusted annually on December 31 st. The variance between reserve amount booked and actuary recommended amount is due to a timing difference between when the actual entries must be made versus receipt of the actuary report. 85 HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE WELLNESS FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital 3,219,631 2,331,601 4,634,833 4,634,833 Revenues Contributions Blue Cross 9,019,416 9,149,130 1,550,291 9,301,747 Group Health 411,121 471,704 65,207 391,239 Employee Share Blue Cross 915,841 993,399 154,571 927,426 Group Health 53,183 61,640 8,358 50,148 RFA Contributions 3,732,861 3,789,581 489,769 2,938,614 COBRA 123,219 82,173 28,215 84,646 Miscellaneous 179,176 141,017 34,734 208,403 Total Revenue 14,434,817 14,688,644 2,331,145 13,902,223 Total Resources 17,654,448 17,020,245 6,965,978 18,537,056 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 317,259 350,273 55,211 350,273 Blue Cross Claims 10,547,107 10,467,322 1,372,881 10,467,322 Blue Cross Admin Fees 657,522 570,188 95,128 570,188 Blue Cross Audit Fees 58,169 58,169 Delta Dental Claims 978,315 1,010,993 92,473 1,010,993 Delta Dental Admin Fees 53,133 49,858 10,628 49,858 Vision Service Plan Claims 125,750 144,947 15,876 144,947 Vision Service Plan Admin Fees 27,195 22,277 5,377 22,277 Stop Loss Fees 397,437 469,598 79,284 469,598 Stop Loss Reimbursements (410,512) (349,793) (349,793) Group Health Premiums 464,304 461,973 73,565 461,973 IBNR Adjustment (173,300) 113,700 113,700 Wellness 12,100 57,172 1,504 57,172 Other Professional Services 23,305 52,254 3,414 52,254 Total Expenditures 13,019,615 13,478,931 1,805,341 13,478,931 Change in Working Capital 1,415,202 1,209,713 525,804 423,292 Ending Working Capital 4,634,833 3,541,314 5,160,637 5,058,125 IBNR 1,036,700 863,400 863,400 Target Fund Bal @ 2 X IBNR 2,073,400 1,726,800 1,726,800 Ending Working Capital Less IBNR 2,561,433 1,814,514 5,160,637 3,331,325 86 LEOFF 1 RETIREES BENEFITS FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital 647,099 517,801 527,368 527,368 Revenues Contributions 732,123 879,367 113,524 879,367 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,042 2,500 105 2,500 Total Revenues 733,165 881,867 113,629 881,867 Operating Transfers In 250,000 250,000 250,000 Total Resources 1,630,264 1,649,668 640,997 1,659,235 Expenditures Blue Cross Claims 810,202 714,122 87,523 714,122 Blue Cross Admin Fees 57,803 60,600 9,737 60,600 Delta Dental Claims 44,601 45,880 2,181 45,880 Delta Dental Admin Fees 4,415 4,680 876 4,680 Vision Service Plan Claims 7,066 5,512 5,512 Vision Service Plan Admin Fees 1,718 1,768 287 1,768 Stop Loss Reimbursements (25,000) (20,830) Stop Loss Fees 34,450 50,425 6,947 50,425 IBNR Adjustment 19,500 8,000 8,000 Medical Reimbursements 119,207 197,327 12,601 192,327 Other Professional Services 3,934 15,863 15,863 Total Expenditures 1,102,897 1,079,177 120,152 1,078,347 Change in Fund Balance (119,732) 52,690 (6,523) 53,520 Ending Working Capital 527,368 570,491 520,845 580,888 IBNR 47,600 67,100 67,100 Target Fund Bal @ 2 X IBNR 95,200 134,200 134,200 Ending Working Capital Less IBNR 432,168 436,291 520,845 446,688 87 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital 163,462 494,362 831,667 831,667 Revenues Contributions 2,295,112 2,341,016 390,050 2,340,300 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,061 4,000 420 2,520 Total Revenues 2,299,173 2,345,016 390,470 2,342,820 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 103,864 98,806 16,150 96,898 Claims & Judgements 568,796 1,466,936 15,078 1,016,936 Insurance Premiums 830,422 685,476 657,145 685,476 Other Expenses 127,886 196,900 15,303 129,098 Total Expenditures 1,630,968 2,448,118 703,675 1,928,408 Net Income 668,205 (103,102) (313,205) 414,412 Ending Working Capital 831,667 391,260 518,462 1,246,079 Claims Reserve* Reserve Amount 2,171,321 2,171 ,321 2,171,321 2,171,321 Actuary Recommended 1,964,167 1 ,964,167 1 ,964,167 1 ,964,167 'Claims reserve is not included in ending working capital. It is adjusted annually on December 31 st. The variance between reserve amount booked and actuary recommended amount is due to a timing difference between when the actual entries must be made versus receipt of the actuary report. 88 PROPERTY INSURANCE FUND As of February 29, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Working Capital 70,267 85,107 104,731 104,731 Revenues Contributions 444,697 453,593 75,599 453,593 Miscellaneous Revenue 20 100 2 14 Total Revenues 444,717 453,693 75,601 453,608 Total Resources 514,984 538,800 180,333 558,339 Expenditures Insurance Premiums 384,285 386,131 116,093 386,131 Property Claims/Deductibles 24,684 24,684 Other Expenses 25,967 24,706 4,038 24,706 Total Expenditures 410,253 435,521 120,131 435,521 Net Income 34,464 18,172 (44,529) 18,087 Working Capital 104,731 103,279 60,202 122,818 ., \ \ \ \ \ I ) \ m \ ( \ ) } m ® ® ^ ( \ \ ( } L3 / � mI mm } / } \ } \ } ! : ; \ / -m \ ' ( \ } \ \ \ m \ \ \ m - - - E \ / m ; \ „ „ „ ; , , „ ; § ! , » » ; . \ ) \ \ � \ \ \ mI \ m . ) \ � . . mI 7 \ / / mm I I ' / / \ \ / } / \ ( \ \ ( \ / § _\ \ \ \ }\ \ ow \ ; { ) \\ \ \\i \\ ulI \ ( „ r \ \ \ { ` \ \ { \ \ \ � � \ \ � \ } \ { \ \ ) \ m m ( \ ( \ \ \ \ � ) � ) \ \ \ \ ] ] , , ) [ } [ ) } / \ \ mm . ; \ „ � , ; y , , , e ; , ; , m : r „ � : , I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IIImIm m \ \ \ \ ) \ \ � m { } \ ) ( \ \ \ \ \ } \ \ \ \ le ! ) \ \ \ ) \ \ } } } ) } } } \ } } ) \ \ \ } ` � ) ! / ) | ( » § ( \ \ { / / $ \ - ' ) I \ \ ) ! ) ) / / ,! , , } , } 2 \ { } § ! j § ~ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ) � mI I.. \ \ \ ( } { ( \ ) ( m ® \ { \ \ \ ` \ R \ ll \II ! � , : „ } , , , „ » r \ k \ } \ \ m \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ { \ } \ \ \ } � \ r \ c( \ j \ \ { � \ m I \ \ ( \ \ \ � � \ \ \ ) § \ \ c \ c\ r\ ki §o \ ^ * ) c \c 2 I } ° oncec ~ ; 5 ° 5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ u o / \ \ \ \ \ f } \ \ } \ { { \ \ „ \ \ \ ( \ ( ( \ § \ \ \ \ ) § \ \ ( ( ] § \ - ---- \ \ \ \ ! \ \ ; § R } \ / RR ; ! / } , , , ; „ � , y > , , , » 9 k ) \ ( \ � \ � \ � ( \ \ ( � mm mm ! ! \ / R ( ! ! } j \ \ ) m \ II mI \ \ \ I \ \ k \ \ \ � \ I \ \ � \ \ � \ \ \ m \ \ } \ ( \ \ \ ( ( ( § - --- ) ) ^ * \ / ` 3 ` 5 m3 ` § ` ° k ° cw @ mw ) I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O 1 93 a � d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v o 0 (2 O N M N N r O N N (D V N A r V c O a O N N N M COT O V (D M (D O O N I� N M V A N O ' Ia` e N IO ry N A M N V O T O M I� T A r (D N N T N V V O M T N O N V M N Cl! 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E N � � I -, w a O 1 Q F 6 f w f w R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/2012LOS14:05 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Street Capital Projects Fund Page - 1 Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Beginning Fund Balance 87,009- 84,261.60- 84,261.60- 2,747.40- 96.84 Fund Balance Adjustments 2,747 2,747.00 Licenses&Permits 9,260- 9,260.00- 9,260.00- 100.00 Intergovernmental 46,677,971- 42,593,594.02- 42,593,594.02- 4,084,376.98- 91.25 Charges for Services 73,444- 93,787.10- 93,787.10- 20,343.10 127.70 Miscellaneous Revenues 25,406,181- 19,653,978.89- 11,723.78- 19,665,702.67- 5,740,478.33- 77.41 Non Revenues 16,703,117- 20,619,174.91- 20,619,174.91- 3,916,057.91 123.45 Other Financing Sources 31,822,352- 27,914,334.30- 27,914,334.30- 3,908,017.70- 87.72 Operating Transfers In 13,561,655- 13,113,653.88- 13,113,653.88- 448,001.12- 96.70 Total Available Resources 134,338,242- 124,082,044.70- 11,723.78- 124,093,768.48- 10,244,473.52- 92.37 Unallocated Street Projects 15,783 41,096.00 41,096.00 25,313.00- 260.38 Street Mitigation Receipts 438,923 438,923.00 Street Light Wiring Upgrade 120,000 49,955.74 49,955.74 70,044.26 41.63 Misc Intersection Signals 200,000 124,788.87 124,788.87 75,211.13 62.39 Pedestrian Walkways 339,418 415,929.48 415,929.48 76,511.48- 122.54 Kent-Kangley Pedestrian Improv 413,200 3,458.26 11,967.17 15,425.43 397,774.57 3.73 Traf Signal Control Cabinets 202,338 202,383.89 202,383.89 45.89- 100.02 Signal Battery Backup 380,737 380,736.69 380,736.69 .31 100.00 Railroad Quiet Zone 52,807 2,853.10 60.95 2,914.05 49,892.95 5.52 Asphalt Overlays 2009 1,493,099 753,434.83 1,839.60 755,274.43 737,824.57 50.58 Sidewalk Renovations2008 1,910,739 1,495,636.62 1,495,636.62 415,102.38 78.28 Kent Station 4,327,772 3,987,374.81 81.13 3,987,455.94 340,316.06 92.14 Downtown ITS Improvements 3,850,489 4,967,245.94 30.48 4,967,276.42 1,116,787.42- 129.00 84th Avenue Rehabilitation 7,379,096 6,994,436.79 994.04 6,995,430.83 383,665.17 94.80 Lincoln Ave/Smith St Improv 765,012 365,734.01 170,311.11 536,045.12 228,966.88 70.07 256th Street- 116th to 132nd 58,000 58,000.00 BNSF Grade Separation 23,759,544 19,243,746.19 8,954.18 19,252,700.37 4,506,843.63 81.03 Military/Reith Intersection 164,125 30,031.01 30,031.01 134,093.99 18.30 272nd Extension (KKto 256th) 7,142,941 6,659,105.73 492.14 6,659,597.87 483,343.13 93.23 2nd Avenue Pedestrian Imp 422,072 421,287.44 421,287.44 784.56 99.81 4th Ave Impr(James to Cloudy) 2,499,126 2,499,447.90 2,499,447.90 321.90- 100.01 Willis St UPRR/BNRR Grade Sepr 881,627 235,978.75 693.66 236,672.41 644,954.59 26.84 James Ave Impr (4th to UPRR) 2,869,097 2,884,087.32 612.28 2,884,699.60 15,602.60- 100.54 256thlmps(KentKangley-116th) 2,315,358 238,246.14 21,025.34 259,271.48 2,056,086.52 11.20 Aerial Flight 34,893 34,892.70 34,892.70 .30 100.00 212th UPRR/BN Grade Separation 116,972 16,983.92 16,983.92 99,988.08 14.52 LID 341-196th Corridor Mid 34,836,448 34,023,566.11 3,044.24 34,026,610.35 809,837.65 97.68 LID 353 224th-228th Corridor 30,911,440 32,032,203.25 17,728.50 32,049,931.75 1,138,491.75- 103.68 224th-228th Corridor East Leg 2,036,266 1,525,121.88 15,034.11 1,540,155.99 496,110.01 75.64 Russell Road Maint. Facility 313,462 313,897.96 313,897.96 435.96- 100.14 196th Street-East-Mitigation 468,626 530.78 530.78 468,095.22 .11 East Hill Operations Center 3,542,369 1,493,294.89 6,558.79 1,499,853.68 2,042,515.32 42.34 R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/2012LOFi14:05 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Street Capital Projects Fund Page - 2 Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Pacific Highway HOV 76,463 75,350.20 75,350.20 1,112.80 98.54 Total Expenditures 134,338,242 121,512,837.20 259,427.72 121,772,264.92 12,565,977.08 90.65 Ending Balance 2 56 2207.50- 24 7703.94 2 32 5503.56- R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/2012LO7/13:20 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Parks Capital Projects Fund Page - 1 Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Beginning Fund Balance 1,145,480- 1,149,387.38- 1,149,387.38- 3,907.38 100.34 Intergovernmental 5,885,775- 5,519,858.64- 37,912.99 5,481,945.65- 403,829.35- 93.14 Charges for Services 1,103- 1,102.94- 1,102.94- .06- 99.99 Miscellaneous Revenues 1,140,422- 1,216,457.19- 66,313.29- 1,282,770.48- 142,348.48 112.48 Other Financing Sources 300,359- 300,358.38- 300,358.38- .62- 100.00 Operating Transfers In 17,187,028- 16,771,200.78- 16,771,200.78- 415,827.22- 97.58 Total Available Resources 25,660,167- 24,958,365.31- 28,400.30- 24,986,765.61- 673,401.39- 97.38 ARRA-Comm Putting Prev.to Wk 180,000 80,649.40 22,151.55 102,800.95 77,199.05 57.11 Regional Trails/KC Levy 698,457 373,620.50 373,620.50 324,836.50 53.49 Boat Launch Fees 24,895 1,995.41 1,622.03 3,617.44 21,277.56 14.53 Lake Fenwick 106,614 111,860.69 111,860.69 5,246.69- 104.92 Paths and Trails 122,243 68,982.49 68,982.49 53,260.51 56.43 Adopt-a-Park Program 474,398 429,214.83 6,170.00 435,384.83 39,013.17 91.78 Clark Lake Mgmt Plan/Develop 251,954 259,553.39 259,553.39 7,599.39- 103.02 Turnkey Neighborhood Park 346,553 346,552.53 346,552.53 .47 100.00 Street Tree Replacements 102,703 97,255.77 97,255.77 5,447.23 94.70 Rental Houses Demolition 140,000 109,671.92 793.83 110,465.75 29,534.25 78.90 Park Land Acquisition 5,848,649 5,860,619.19 5,860,619.19 11,970.19- 100.20 Town Square Park 6,482,680 6,482,672.37 6,482,672.37 7.63 100.00 Big Blue Mobile Computer Lab 45,000 8,676.83 8,676.83 36,323.17 19.28 Kent Parks Foundation 104,127 104,127.41 104,127.41 .41- 100.00 132nd Street Park 176,446 176,446.11 176,446.11 .11- 100.00 Light Pole Replacement 626,115 444,581.46 444,581.46 181,533.54 71.01 Wilson Playfields Acq & Dev 505,556 505,555.79 505,555.79 .21 100.00 Aquatics Land Acquisition 6,284,840 6,284,840.05 6,284,840.05 .05- 100.00 Eagle Scout Projects 154,327 149,105.87 3,085.01 152,190.88 2,136.12 98.62 Multi-use Ballfields/KSD 20,000 22,946.46 22,946.46 2,946.46- 114.73 Earthworks Stairs 215,493 157,824.90 99.00 157,923.90 57,569.10 73.28 Local Off-Leash Parks 44,353 44,607.78 44,607.78 254.78- 100.57 Grant Matching Funds/Land Acq. 2,750 2,750.00 2,750.00 100.00 Parks Grant Matching 77,980 78,097.20 78,097.20 117.20- 100.15 Park Lifecycle Mtc 211,798 211,797.82 211,797.82 .18 100.00 Park Master Plans 66,776 66,775.48 66,775.48 .52 100.00 Park Lifecycle Program 686,681 184,380.45 17,725.80 202,106.25 484,574.75 29.43 Lake Meridian Play Equipment 423,450 423,449.84 423,449.84 .16 100.00 West Hill Park Development 24,272 24,272.39 24,272.39 .39- 100.00 Urban Forestry Plan 211,617 193,785.61 4,545.50 198,331.11 13,285.89 93.72 Community Parks Reinv. Program 57,225 57,225.00 Parks Land Acquisition 942,215 1,150,818.46 1,150,818.46 208,603.46- 122.14 Total Expenditures 25,660,167 24,457,488.40 56,192.72 24,513,681.12 1,146,485.88 95.53 Ending Balance 500 876.91- 2779242 473 084.49- R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/2012LOS12:42 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Other Capital Projects Fund Page - 1 Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Intergovernmental 78,600,000- 63,575,208.71- 63,575,208.71- 15,024,791.29- 80.88 Miscellaneous Revenues 131,929- 339,194.73- 6.13- 339,200.86- 207,271.86 257.11 Non Revenues 347,076- 343,641.11- 343,641.11- 3,434.89- 99.01 Other Financing Sources 35,264,500- 34,764,500.00- 34,764,500.00- 500,000.00- 98.58 Operating Transfers In 8,120,463- 7,658,155.52- 7,658,155.52- 462,307.48- 94.31 Total Available Resources 122,463,968- 106,680,700.07- 6.13- 106,680,706.20- 15,783,261.80- 87.11 ShoWare Center Marquee 225,000 213,308.48 213,308.48 11,691.52 94.80 Kent Station 1,300,000 1,300,000.00 Event Center 85,695,463 80,455,308.88 80,455,308.88 5,240,154.12 93.89 LTGO Bonds 2002 9,486,429 9,485,126.12 9,485,126.12 1,302.88 99.99 GO Refunding 2009 8,757,076 8,757,076.15 8,757,076.15 .15- 100.00 Kent City Center Garage 126,188.29 3,333.33 129,521.62 129,521.62- LTGO Bonds2008 17,000,000 16,109,050.81 16,109,050.81 890,949.19 94.76 Total Expenditures 122,463,968 115,146,058.73 3,333.33 115,149,392.06 7,314,575.94 94.03 Ending Balance 846535866 332720 846868586 R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/2012L0812:07 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Technology Capital Projects Page - 1 Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Miscellaneous Revenues 1,283.42- 1,283.42- 1,283.42 Operating Transfers In 6,956,445- 6,321,796.79- 62,635.87- 6,384,432.66- 572,012.34- 91.78 Total Available Resources 6,956,445- 6,323,080.21- 62,635.87- 6,385,716.08- 570,728.92- 91.80 Software Business Sys Replace 321,605 321,605.07 321,605.07 .07- 100.00 Hardware Lifecycle Replacemnts 1,987,690 1,712,165.18 102,508.89- 1,609,656.29 378,033.71 80.98 IT Administration 126,151 126,151.03 126,151.03 .03- 100.00 IT Systems 2,209,039 1,934,390.86 1,235.16 1,935,626.02 273,412.98 87.62 IT Tech Services 2,182,806 2,182,806.60 2,182,806.60 .60- 100.00 IT Multi Media 29,154 29,153.64 29,153.64 .36 100.00 Long Term Lifecycle Replacemts 100,000 100,000.00 Total Expenditures 6,956,445 6,306,272.38 101,273.73- 6,204,998.65 751,446.35 89.20 Ending Balance 16 807.83- 163 909.60- 180 717.43- R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/2012L 11D11:25 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Facilities Capital Projects Page - 1 Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Intergovernmental 1,167,658- 1,167,658.01- 1,167,658.01- .01 100.00 Operating Transfers In 7,952,579- 7,278,492.12- 7,278,492.12- 674,086.88- 91.52 Total Available Resources 9,120,237- 8,446,150.13- 8,446,150.13- 674,086.87- 92.61 East Hill Shops Artwork 50,000 23,035.26 23,035.26 26,964.74 46.07 CKCF Improvements 1,167,658 85,473.43 85,473.43 1,082,184.57 7.32 Kent Commons Upgrades 237,579 237,578.81 237,578.81 .19 100.00 Aukeen Court Expansion 7,590,000 7,145,717.19 47,879.60 7,193,596.79 396,403.21 94.78 Security Camera Software Upgrd 40,000 40,000.00 Parks Maintenance Renovation 35,000 35,000.00 Total Expenditures 9,120,237 7,491,804.69 47,879.60 7,539,684.29 1,580,552.71 82.67 Ending Balance 954 345.44- 4787960 906 465.84- R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/1 2/2 0 1 21 1-11 0:46 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Water Fund Page - 1 Projects Only Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Beginning Fund Balance 193,927- 193,926.30- 193,926.30- .70- 100.00 Intergovernmental 581,522- 591,020.75- 591,020.75- 9,498.75 101.63 Charges for Services 1,764- 4,238.36- 4,238.36- 2,474.36 240.27 Miscellaneous Revenues 771,649- 2,851,670.05- 3,932.03- 2,855,602.08- 2,083,953.44 370.07 Non Revenues 43,055,889- 43,055,888.33- 43,055,888.33- .20- 100.00 Other Financing Sources 1,000,000- 2,500,903.04- 2,500,903.04- 1,500,903.04 250.09 Operating Transfers In 39,733,766- 35,650,294.14- 35,650,294.14- 4,083,471.86- 89.72 Total Available Resources 85,338,516- 84,847,940.97- 3,932.03- 84,851,873.00- 486,643.17- 99.43 Seismic Vulnerability Assess 730,941 752,570.88 752,570.88 21,629.88- 102.96 Water Comp Plan Update 2007 693,311 679,120.79 693.38 679,814.17 13,496.83 98.05 2009 Revenue Bonds 74,605 97,591.78 97,591.78 22,986.78- 130.81 Water Conservation Plan 475,193 480,883.67 892.00 481,775.67 6,582.67- 101.39 Rock Creek Mitigation Projects 735,000 32,292.50 32,292.50 702,707.50 4.39 Guiberson Reservoir Repair 3,545,000 149,355.72 2,918.90 152,274.62 3,392,725.38 4.30 Tacoma Intertie 44,485,507 39,464,797.37 39,464,797.37 5,020,709.27 88.71 Clark Springs Tran Main Repair 500,000 1,327.25 1,327.25 498,672.75 .27 Clark Springs Well#2VFD Repl. 9,748 9,748.38 9,748.38 .38- 100.00 Seismic System Controls 200,000 200,000.00 Corrosion Control 3,464,470 2,477,457.68 22,110.25 2,499,567.93 964,902.07 72.15 Pump Station#3 Replacement 2,008,534 108,751.41 108,751.41 1,899,782.59 5.41 Kent Springs Source Upgrade 827,779 319,284.46 319,284.46 508,494.07 38.57 Kent Springs Trans Main Repair 750,000 8,601.49 8,601.49 741,398.51 1.15 Misc Water Improvements 4,442,940 2,966,012.66 1,103,120.72 4,069,133.38 373,806.62 91.59 Additional Water Source Dev 2,054,824 1,056,022.10 1,056,022.10 998,801.90 51.39 Well Head Protection 431,384 180,316.08 180,316.08 251,067.92 41.80 Security Improvement per VA 70,000 14,655.70 14,655.70 55,344.30 20.94 East Hill Pressure Zone 4,700,503 76,879.39 7,905.14 84,784.53 4,615,718.47 1.80 Impoundment Reservoir 2,226,286 2,126,325.63 2,126,325.63 99,960.37 95.51 SE 248th Watermain 357,871 365,417.08 365,417.08 7,546.08- 102.11 West Hill Reservoir 750,000 750,000.00 East Hill Reservoir 4,744,304 4,915,226.90 17,427.93- 4,897,798.97 153,494.97- 103.24 East Hill Well Generator 545,000 1,685.21 1,685.21 543,314.79 .31 Clark Springs Sourcelmprvmnts 587,000 5,126.20 5,126.20 581,873.80 .87 Landsburg Mine 200,000 241,400.94 3,265.02 244,665.96 44,665.96- 122.33 Clark Springs HCP 200,000 212,712.28 212,712.28 12,712.28- 106.36 Hydrant Replacement 2005 50,043 32,944.52 32,944.52 17,098.48 65.83 Large Meter/Vault Replace 2008 240,341 109,680.99 109,680.99 130,660.01 45.64 Kent Station -Water 109,198 109,197.68 109,197.68 .32 100.00 Downtown ITS Improvements 233,131 233,131.16 233,131.16 .16- 100.00 84th Avenue Rehabilitation 298,660 298,659.62 298,659.62 .38 100.00 Remote Telemetry Upgrade 448,368 466,528.54 2,545.87 469,074.41 20,706.41- 104.62 BNSF Grade Separation 1,205,000 777,124.00 777,124.00 427,876.00 64.49 R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/1 2/2 0 1 21 12 1 0:46 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Water Fund Page - 2 Projects Only Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % 272nd Extension (KKto 116th) 303,759 303,759.61 303,759.61 .61- 100.00 Scenic Hill -Water 340,000 413,324.31 413,324.31 73,324.31- 121.57 Aerial Flight 34,688 34,687.50 34,687.50 .50 100.00 LID 341-196th Corridor Mid 194,003 194,002.60 194,002.60 .40 100.00 LID 353 224th-228th Corridor 155,901 155,900.56 155,900.56 .44 100.00 East Hill Operations Center 1,465,225 1,466,200.87 227.07 1,466,427.94 1,202.94- 100.08 Lower East Hill Improvements 450,000 475,510.59 475,510.59 25,510.59- 105.67 Total Expenditures 85,338,516 61,814,216.10 1,126,250.42 62,940,466.52 22,398,049.65 73.75 Ending Balance 23 033 724.87- 1 122 318.39 21 911 406.48- R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/20121.1309:20 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Sewerage Fund Page - 1 Projects Only Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Beginning Fund Balance 488,467- 488,466.98- 488,466.98- .02- 100.00 Intergovernmental 17,499,076- 13,015,560.33- 13,015,560.33- 4,483,515.67- 74.38 Charges for Services 4,000- 295,558.60- 295,558.60- 291,558.60 ******** Miscellaneous Revenues 259,652- 1,040,657.39- 1,421.26- 1,042,078.65- 782,426.65 401.34 Non Revenues 12,786,845- 12,786,844.80- 12,786,844.80- .20- 100.00 Other Financing Sources 1,500,000- 1,500,000.00- 1,500,000.00- 100.00 Operating Transfers In 41,786,138- 33,472,657.25- 33,472,657.25- 8,313,480.75- 80.10 Total Available Resources 74,324,178- 62,599,745.35- 1,421.26- 62,601,166.61- 11,723,011.39- 84.23 NPDES Permit 3,347,335 2,504,490.18 1,033.72- 2,503,456.46 843,878.54 74.79 Drainage Master Plan 1,290,000 1,426,827.90 154.23 1,426,982.13 136,982.13- 110.62 2009 Revenue Bonds 86,845 97,592.43 97,592.43 10,747.43- 112.38 Green River Flood Protection 3,718,123 3,743,582.59 11,856.54 3,755,439.13 37,316.13- 101.00 Misc Environmental Projects 435,562 403,972.05 403,972.05 31,589.95 92.75 Meridian Valley Creek 450,000 124,129.97 1,143.72 125,273.69 324,726.31 27.84 Hawley Road Levee 330,000 378,749.16 28,562.90 407,312.06 77,312.06- 123.43 Citywide Stm Pipe/Culvert Mtc 4,000,000 3,233,629.18 17,089.52- 3,216,539.66 783,460.34 80.41 S. 228th Drainage Bypass 6,900,000 5,532,645.64 697,324.52- 4,835,321.12 2,064,678.88 70.08 Mill Ck/James St. Pump Station 2,700,000 1,074,306.39 258,908.80 1,333,215.19 1,366,784.81 49.38 Upper Mill Creek Dam 2,435,000 70,622.18 16,152.32 86,774.50 2,348,225.50 3.56 Outfall Treatment Facilities 240,000 240,000.00 Seven Oaks Pond Imps 10,000 2,934.60 2,934.60 7,065.40 29.35 Lower Garrison Creek 1,175,171 1,158,973.29 1,158,973.29 16,197.71 98.62 Johnson Creek 580,738.38 369.90 581,108.28 581,108.28- Earthworks Overlays 1,196,621 1,179,093.37 297.50 1,179,390.87 17,230.13 98.56 Lake Fenwick Restoration 2009 20,895 8,869.86 8,869.86 12,025.14 42.45 256th Flume 510,000 439,796.93 439,796.93 70,203.07 86.23 Lake Meridian Outlet 2,718,065 2,711,034.12 1,044.21 2,712,078.33 5,986.67 99.78 Upper Meridian Valley Creek 90,000 79,482.62 79,482.62 10,517.38 88.31 E Fork Soosette Crk/144th Clvt 110,000 97,525.60 97,525.60 12,474.40 88.66 Meridian Valley Crk Revegetate 800.00 800.00 800.00- Big Soos Creek/SE 256th Bridge 10,000 224.91 224.91 9,775.09 2.25 W Side Soosette Crk Revegetate 10,000 10,000.00 81stAv So Storm Drainage Impr 150,000 129,958.12 129,958.12 20,041.88 86.64 Surface Water Manual 100,000 87,954.67 87,954.67 12,045.33 87.95 Mill Creek@ James-Fld Protect 600,000 461,561.97 190.96 461,752.93 138,247.07 76.96 Riverview Park 2,990,000 2,048,287.01 3,053.33 2,051,340.34 938,659.66 68.61 Downey Farmstead 296,419 250,286.17 934.88 251,221.05 45,197.95 84.75 Bauer Property 310,000 108,531.24 6,775.82 115,307.06 194,692.94 37.20 Mill Crk @ 76th Av-Fld Protect 800,000 27,315.03 27,315.03 772,684.97 3.41 Horseshoe Bend Levee Impr. 10,629,417 7,378,064.46 138,372.47 7,516,436.93 3,112,980.07 70.71 Upper Russell Road Levee Impr. 2,100,000 815,575.83 28,397.41 843,973.24 1,256,026.76 40.19 Lower Russell Rd Levee-S231st 300,000 295,498.27 5,069.46 300,567.73 567.73- 100.19 R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/1 2/2 0 1 21 1409:20 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Sewerage Fund Page - 2 Projects Only Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Lowest Russell Rd-Van Dorens 290,000 176,239.85 3,941.25 180,181.10 109,818.90 62.13 Boeing Levee Improvements 420,000 529,036.21 48,058.48 577,094.69 157,094.69- 137.40 Briscoe Levee Improvements 290,000 259,409.68 17,693.91 277,103.59 12,896.41 95.55 Desimone Levee Improvements 300,000 246,661.28 17,098.96 263,760.24 36,239.76 87.92 Green River Sandbag Removal 3,000,000 3,000,000.00 Misc Drainage 2008 2,162,292 1,565,960.44 18,553.51 1,584,513.95 577,778.05 73.28 Drainage Imp. w/Rd Imp.Unalloc 524,577- 524,577.00- Drainage Infractructure Improv 473,379 463,248.62 463,248.62 10,130.38 97.86 Kent Station - Drainage 142,758 142,758.17 142,758.17 .17- 100.00 Downtown ITS Improvements 107,315 158,406.09 158,406.09 51,091.09- 147.61 84th Avenue Rehabilitation 19,644 19,644.39 19,644.39 .39- 100.00 Lincoln Ave/Smith St Improv 60,000 60,000.00 Remote Telemetry Upgrade 149,456 112,384.00 2,545.88 114,929.88 34,526.12 76.90 BNSF Grade Separation 993,000 434,964.00 434,964.00 558,036.00 43.80 272nd Extension (KK to 116th) 538,373 538,373.48 538,373.48 .48- 100.00 256thlmps(KentKangley-116th) 7,819.06 903.90 8,722.96 8,722.96- Aerial Flight 34,687 34,687.50 34,687.50 .50- 100.00 LID 341-196th Corridor Mid 1,165,295 1,167,076.54 1,167,076.54 1,781.54- 100.15 224th-228th Corridor 2,004,580 1,514,842.52 1,514,842.52 489,737.48 75.57 Russell Road Maint. Facility 313,901 313,898.68 313,898.68 2.32 100.00 East Hill Operations Center 1,465,385 1,465,385.07 1,465,385.07 .07- 100.00 Lower East Hill Improvements 50,000 33,400.54 33,400.54 16,599.46 66.80 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan 300,000 264,238.45 4,992.79 269,231.24 30,768.76 89.74 Unallocated Sewer Projects 111,110 111,247.11 111,247.11 137.11- 100.12 Kentview Sewer Interceptor 215,044 17,418.96 18,947.86 36,366.82 178,677.18 16.91 Skyline Sewer Interceptor 20,000 20,000.00 LID 360-SE 227th Sewer 216,000 304,656.40 304,656.40 88,656.40- 141.04 Linda Heights Pump Station 150,000 150,000.00 Misc Pump Station Replacements 100,000 100,000.00 Derbyshire 50,000 50,000.00 Misc Sewer 2007 5,676,645 5,604,283.48 30,306.18 5,634,589.66 42,055.34 99.26 Kent Station - Sewer 93,935 93,935.42 93,935.42 .42- 100.00 Downtown ITS Improvements 12,968 12,967.74 12,967.74 .26 100.00 84th Avenue Rehabilitation 233,740 233,740.40 233,740.40 .40- 100.00 Remote Telemetry Upgrade 149,456 121,101.40 2,545.88 123,647.28 25,808.72 82.73 272nd Extension (KK to 116th) 526,229 526,228.68 526,228.68 .32 100.00 Scenic Hill -Sewer 210,000 65,895.00 65,895.00 144,105.00 31.38 Aerial Flight 34,687 34,687.50 34,687.50 .50- 100.00 LID 341-196th Corridor Mid 8,738 8,737.87 8,737.87 .13 100.00 224th-228th Corridor 136,400 136,400.07 136,400.07 .07- 100.00 Russell Road Maint. Facility 313,899 313,898.00 313,898.00 1.00 100.00 East Hill Operations Center 1,465,386 1,465,385.00 1,465,385.00 1.00 100.00 Lower East Hill Improvements 785,000 1,116,583.30 1,116,583.30 331,583.30- 142.24 R55JCO21 City of Kent 4/12/20121.1S09:20 Fiscal Year: 12 Period: 2 Sewerage Fund Page - 3 Projects Only Budget Prior Years Fiscal YTD Prj to Date Variance % Total Expenditures 74,324,178 56,068,655.02 48,574.71- 56,020,080.31 18,304,097.69 75.37 Ending Balance 6 53 0090.33- 49 995.97- 6 58 0086.30-