HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 02/13/2012 KENT ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 2012 Committee Members Committee Chair Jamie Perry, Deborah Ranniger, Bill Boyce. Perry called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes Councilmember Ranniger Moved and Councilmember Boyce Seconded a Motion to approve the January 9, 2012 Minutes. Motion PASSED 3-0. 2. 2035 Population & Employment Forecasts Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the Puget Sound Region is expected to grow by 1.7 million people and 1.2 million jobs between 2000 and 2040. She stated that Carol Naito, Principal Planner/Demographer with Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) would speak on the models for growth forecasts and set the stage for the next update of Kent's comprehensive plan (due to be completed by June 30, 2015). Anderson stated that Kent needs to accommodate its share of the regional growth forecasts and ensure that there is adequate capacity for that growth to occur. Anderson stated that Kent has both a regional growth center (urban center) and a manufacturing/industrial center and is classified as a Core City in the regional geography. For the period 2000-2040, core cities in the 4-county region are expected to accommodate 22% of the population and 29% of the job growth; King County's core cities alone are expected to accommodate about 1/3 (233,000) of the total core cities population growth and almost 40% of the total core cities employment growth. Translated to the period of2006-2031 for King County, this means core cities in King County are expected to accommodate over 75,000 new housing units and almost 170,000 new jobs. For Kent and any remaining Potential Annexation Area (PAA) the targets are about 9400 additional housing units and 13,500 additional jobs during that time period. Kent will consider two different growth forecast models in the updates of the City's comprehensive plan, master plans, subarea plans, and capital facilities financing plans. Anderson stated that the city coordinates its State Growth Management planning through the PSRC and King County Countywide Planning Policies (KCPP), as well as in coordination and cooperation with other agencies and jurisdictions. There are new topics that are up for consideration in the next update of Kent's comprehensive plan. There are seven (7) mandated elements in the Comprehensive Plan (Land Use, Housing, Capital Facilities, Utilities, Transportation, Economic Development, Park and Recreation) and Kent has added two optional elements (Community Design and Human Services). Various department master plans use the same growth forecasts and these plans are incorporated into and must be consistent with Kent's Comprehensive Plan. The City performs its activities and makes capital budget decisions in conformity with the comprehensive plan. Anderson explained how achieving the community's vision is a balancing act among all the elements considered. She spoke about how the City of Kent needs to measure and monitor its capacity for growth. Flexible codes, zoning, development standards and street standards affect the growth capacity. She stated that growth forecasts and targets are the basis for the City's planning activities and capital funding Naito stated that the Puget Sound Regional Council is a federally designated metropolitan planning organization that serves the Central Puget Sound 4-county region of King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. She defined Vision 2040 as a strategic planning document used to assist cities with growth management and future land use development. She spoke about Vision 2040's Regional Growth Strategy. ECDC Minutes February 13,2012 Page 1 of Naito reported that PSRC will release two new future land use datasets in May of 2012 known as (1) Land Use Forecast (UrbanSim), a new long-range, small area land use forecast developed using PSRC's UrbanSim model. This dataset represents where future development (to the year 2040) is likely to occur based on how the market responds to development capacities established by local jurisdictions' current comprehensive plans and implementing regulations, and (2) Local Targets Representation, a companion future land use dataset with the same population, household and population variables as the land use forecast, but aligned to match the local growth targets that have been or are being developed for 2030-2035. It represents where we want future development to occur based on the first wave of local growth targets developed under VISION 2040. Naito spoke about how the land use forecast and local targets relate to the GMA planning cycles. She described how the new datasets tie in with PSRC's plan review, with the upcoming major comprehensive plan updates, and other local planning projects. She explained that PSRC provides local planning jurisdictions with guidance and technical assistance. Informational Only 3. 2012 ECD Draft Work Program Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported on the 2012 work program consisting of categories related to; technology, permitting, economic development, community development, code enforcement and special projects. Satterstrom stated that part of the technology the city uses is the KIVA program, an automated tracking system for development applications. Staff anticipates that within the next 2-5 years, on-line permitting will be added to the system for simple (over-counter) permits which will continue to improve and streamline the permitting process. Satterstrom stated that regulatory ordinances will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by staff, and proposed amendments would be brought forward to the Committee as issues arise. Satterstrom stated that three actions have been funded through the budget process; an Economic Development Study, a Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) for Downtown, and a PAO for Midway. Completion of the Midway and Downtown PAO will likely depend on traffic modeling. He stated that staff may be reviewing priorities for re-allocation of funds and will bring this back to Committee. Satterstrom stated that staff is pursuing grants for development of landfills. He stated that staff will begin the process of updating Kent's 2015 Comprehensive Plan and as updates are drafted, this will be brought before the Committee. Satterstrom stated that with respect to Medical Marijuana, the Legislature is working on some proposed bills which could result in some answers within the next 30-60 days. Satterstrom reported that ECD Director Ben Wolters is working with the Code Enforcement/Building Services staff on developing a report of priority issues such as public safety. Staff is evaluating code enforcement regulations for possible amendments that would result in a more efficient and clearer administration of those regulations. Satterstrom stated that the Levee Certification and the Boeing land transaction are two special projects that staff is actively working on. The Committee and Satterstrom discussed customer satisfaction surveys staff conducted with respect to permitting that has lead to some procedural changes. The Committee voiced interest in reviewing the survey responses. Informational Only 4. Economic Development and Permit Update Economic Development Manager Kurt Hanson stated that the City invited consultant Roger Brooks to speak on ways to bring change to Kent. Economic Development Specialist Josh Hall put a booklet together titled "First Impressions", which serves as a walking tour of the city'. Kent Downtown Partnership (KDP) and City staff will discuss this program at their breakfast on Friday. ECDC Minutes February 13,2012 Page 2 of Hanson announced that the East Hill Community Forum will be held on Saturday, March 3 from 9-1 pm at East Hill Elementary School. He stated that an invitation was distributed to the community and that those wishing to attend need to RSVP by February 271h. He stated that lunch would be provided and translation services would be available. Hanson stated that "Sweet Themes Bakery" will be replacing a closed commercial business in downtown Kent on Meeker and is targeted to open approximately the end of March. The plan for the business includes catering, bakery, breakfast and lunch. Hanson stated that a predevelopment meeting is scheduled February 22"' for the Kent City Center project downtown. Hanson stated that The Starbucks/Tazo Tea Plant expansion is underway with an initial recruitment of 45 employees being brought to Kent and with additional expansion anticipated as business is ramped up internationally. Informational Only Adiournment Committee Chair Perry adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Pamela Mottram, Secretary Economic & Community Development Committee PIAPlanningAECDCA2012\MlnutesV02-13-12_Mln.doc ECDC Minutes February 13,2012 Page 3 of