HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 01/17/2012 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES January 17, 2012 Committee Members Present: Les Thomas (chair), Dennis Higgins, Jamie Perry The meeting was called to order by L Thomas at 4:00 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 6, 2011. J. Perry moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated December 6, 2011. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS DATED NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER 15 AND DECEMBER 30, 2011. D. Higgins moved to approve the vouchers dated November 30, December 15 and 30, 2011. J. Perry seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 3. MOVE TO RECOMMEND COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ALLIANCE ONE FOR A PAY STATION LOCATED AT THE KENT MUNICIPAL COURT, SUBJECT TO FINAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE PARKS DIRECTOR AND CITY ATTORNEY. Margaret Yetter, Court Administrator for Kent Municipal Court, provided information regarding the lease agreement with Alli ance One, collection agency. The Agreement is for an Alliance One representative to be present at the municipal court during operating business hours to collect court fines and related costs. The pay station is not restricted to Kent Court fines and will accept all Alliance account fees. J. Perry moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Lease Agreement with Alliance One for a pay station located at the Kent Municipal Court, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 4. RECOMMEND COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CERTIFICATION OF $3,452,428 FOR THE PANTHER LAKE ANNEXATION SALES TAX CREDIT FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2012 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013. B. Nachlinger made a correction to the motion summary that the certification to the State of Washington Department of Revenue needs to be before March 1, not March 31. If approved, the motion will go to council for recommendation on February 7. Compared to last year, it is $400k less and takes into account the issue of revenue that was expected in last year’s budget. D. Higgins moved council to approve the certification of $3,452,428 for the Panther Lake annexation sales tax credit for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. J. Perry seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes January 17, 2012 Page: 2 5. RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVE AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1851 REGARDING CODE FEES CLARIFYING THE ASSESSMENT OF BUSINESS LICENSE AND TECHNOLOGY FEES FOR THOSE LICENSES, AS WELL AS INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES. This item was brought back to Committee for clarification of certain areas. Under the business license fees for multi-family apartment and condominium businesses, the fee will be based on the number of swelling units, not by the number of employees at the complex. B. Nachlinger clarified the numbers are the same as were in the original ordinance. Under Subsection D of Section 2, contractors doing business in Kent whose physical location is outside the city of Kent shall be assessed a $100 fee. All applications that come in after July 1, 2012 will be prorated by Finance. Final clarification is to Exhibit A, and the cost per business Technology Fee. All review fees are subject to Technology fees. There was further discussion regarding the multi family dwelling. J. Perry proposed increasing the fees to be more in line with what businesses are paying based on the number of employees. Councilmember D. Higgins and L. Thomas agreed. P. Barry, Assistant Finance Director, provided a spreadsheet reflecting the proposed change. J. Perry recommend council amend Resolution No. 1851 regarding code fees clarifying the assessment of business license and technology fees for those licenses, as well as international fire code review fees. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. J. Perry moved to amend the motion to include the new business license fee structure for multi family dwelling units as shown in the handout. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. The rest of Council will be notified of the amendment at the meeting tonight and copies will be distributed to them as well as the Clerk. 6. ORDINANCE AMENDING KCC 2.53 INCREASING THE TERMS OF APPOINTMENT FOR HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION YOUTH REPRESENTATIVES (REMOVED). There is no urgency on this item, therefore, T. Brubaker, City Attorney re quested Item #6 be removed and sent through the Parks Committee, where it would normally be addressed. L. Thomas agreed. 7. MOVE TO RECOMMEND COUNCIL AMEND KCC 4.02 INCREASING THE NUMBER AND PROVIDING FOR VARIABLE TERMS FOR THE ARTS COMMISSION YOUTH REPRESENTATIVES. This will allow a student to serve on the commission for up to three years. Each member has one vote. This will be on the Consent calendar of the Council agenda at tonight’s meeting. J. Perry moved to recommend council amend KCC 4.02 increasing the number and providing for variable terms for the arts commission youth representatives. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes January 17, 2012 Page: 3 8. TWO-YEAR BUDGET (INFORMATION ONLY) The Administration and Council have discussed a two-year budget versus a one year budget in the past; however council never felt the change was necessary. After this past budget process, Council has started the discussion again. J. Hodgson, Chief Administrative Officer, stated the discussion from the Operations Committee will determine if it will be brought before the whole council for authorization. Handouts were distributed that list cities that do and don’t have two year budgets and the process involved. J. Hodgson, B. Nachlinger, Finance Director and T. Brubaker, Ci ty Attorney, explained the process in detail. J. Hodgson noted that if there is an interest, action would have to be taken by June, if not earlier, of this year. The L. Thomas feels it would be a benefit and huge cost savings. J. Perry agreed and noted most of the big cities have two year budgets. D. Higgins is overall in favor, however, would like public input before proceeding, which he would pursue. The topic would be an agenda item at the February council retreat and a decision from them to move forward would be determined at that time. 9. 2012 INSURANCE PROGRAMS UPDATE (INFORMATION ONLY) C. Hills, City Risk Manager, reviewed changes to the cities various insurance programs for the 2012 year. He provided updates on the Liability Insurance, Worker Compensation and Property Insurance. C. Hills commented on what amounts other local larger cities have for their Self-Insured Retention (SIR). J. Perry commented that she would not want to see Kent’s be any larger than the existing $250,000. The Property Insurance was discussed and noted that the ShoWare Center has their own carrier because our carrier doesn’t like them as a flood risk. The sand bags and levee concerns do not reflect favorably for the cities carrier but does not affect the carrier for the ShoWare’s coverage. 10. SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 2011(INFORMATION ONLY) B. Nachlinger, Finance Director, provided the highlights of the October financials. In summary, based on information available through November, General Fund revenues are estimated to end about $2,784,500 or 4.6% under budget, while expenditures are projected to end the year about $3,505,792 or 5.7% below the budget. This results in a projected ending fund balance of $2,305,578 or 4.5% of the expenditure budget. The final 2011 figures will be received in April. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. by L. Thomas. ___________________ Pamela Clark Operations Committee Secretary