HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 03/14/2011
MARCH 14, 2011
Committee Members Committee Chair Jamie Perry, Elizabeth Albertson, Deborah
Ranniger. Councilmember Higgins stood in for Ranniger in her absence. Chair Perry
called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes
Councilmember Albertson Moved and Councilmember Higgins Seconded a
Motion to approve the January 24, 2011 Minutes as amended, deleting the
sentence “Councilmember Perry stated that she recommends rejecting the
TIF with Council members Albertson and Ranniger concurring.” Motion
2. PUBLIC HEARING Hebert Property 26046-116th Avenue SE
Senior Planner Erin George stated that this issue regards an access restriction placed
on the property via a 2006 comprehensive plan amendment and rezone. The
property owner indicated that marketing the property has been problematic with the
access restriction in place and has approached staff about other access options.
George stated that 116th Avenue SE has been widened to 5 lanes and a 2007 lot line
adjustment moved the northern lot line 100 feet to the north. George stated that
Development Engineering staff believe that safe access onto 116th is possible with a
site specific safety analysis and application of the City’s Construction Standards. Staff
requests authorization to not apply the access restriction to the property.
Councilmember Perry opened the Public Hearing.
Daniel Balmelli, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 72nd Ave S, Kent, WA spoke about the
initial restrictions placed on the subject property. He stated that the completion of
the 116th Street improvements will allow safe left turn movements to and from the
site. Balmelli stated that Roger Hebert took some photos that showed only 3 cars
stacked up during peak hour traffic. He appealed to the Committee for their support.
Roger Hebert, 2020 A St. SE, Auburn, WA property developer submitted 17 photos of
the subject site and the 116th Avenue SE intersection that showed traffic movement
during the peak hour of 4:45 p.m. on Thursday, March 10.
Councilmember Higgins Moved and Councilmember Albertson Seconded a
Motion to accept the photos for the record. Motion PASSED 3-0.
George Basmajian, 3703 21st St SE, Puyallup, WA stated that he is an owner of a real
estate company that markets the subject property. He stated that inhibited access
has discouraged development.
Seeing no further speakers, Councilmember Albertson Moved and
Councilmember Higgins Seconded a Motion to close the Public Hearing.
Motion PASSED 3-0.
Councilmember Albertson Moved to authorize staff not to apply the right-
in/right-out access restriction imposed on the property located at 26046
116th Avenue Southeast in favor of a site-specific safety analysis acceptable
to the City Engineer. Councilmember Higgins Seconded the Motion. Motion
ECDC Minutes
March 14, 2011
Page 2 of 2
3. Misty Meadows Neighborhood Council Recognition and Resolution
Neighborhood Program Coordinator Toni Azzola introduced Misty Meadows
Community members Teresa Gregory and Lynette Hansen. She stated that Misty
Meadows consists of 162 households. The neighborhood is located to the west of
132nd Avenue SE, to the north of SE 232nd Place, along the east and west of 128th
Place SE, and to the north and south of SE 228th Place. Misty Meadows came into the
City as part of the Panther Lake annexation area. Azzola stated that 52 people
attended the first neighborhood meeting.
Councilmember Higgins moved to recommend Council adopt the proposed
resolution which recognizes the Misty Meadows Neighborhood Council,
supports its community building efforts, and confers all opportunities
offered by the City’s Neighborhood Program. Councilmember Albertson
seconded the Motion. Motion PASSED 3-0.
4. Contract for Consulting Services: Economic Development Strategic Plan
Economic Development Manager Kurt Hanson introduced the consultants with
Community Attributes International; the President and Project Manager Chris
Mefford, and the Deputy Project Manager Lisa Corrado, both of whom will provide
their services in the development of the Economic Development Strategic Plan for the
City of Kent. Hanson defined four (4) tasks that the Scope of Work consists of,
stating that this project is targeted for completion within 4-6 months, at which time
the final product will be presented to the Council Committee then moved on to the
Full Council.
Councilmember Albertson moved to recommend approval of the 2011
Consultant Services Agreement with Community Attributes International, to
provide consultant services for the Economic Development Strategic Plan for
the City of Kent. Councilmember Higgins seconded the Motion. Motion
5. Economic Development Report
Economic Development Manager Kurt Hanson acknowledged that Pacific Grating (a
supplier who built ShoWare’s catwalk structure) has moved their business from
Seattle to Kent.
Hanson stated that Kent published and sent out a Request for Proposal to the three
finalist teams on the Downtown Garage. The submittals are due back to the City by
April 28th. Hanson announced that anyone is welcome to attend a pre-submittal
meeting on Friday, March 18th at 1 p.m. in City Council Chambers East.
Hanson said that planning sessions have ceased with the Federal Aviation
Administration in their search for a site to locate a new facility, stating that this
project has probably been shelved by the GSA. Staff will bring an update back to the
Committee within a month.
For Information Only
Councilmember Perry Adjourned the Meeting at 6:20 p.m.
Pamela Mottram, Economic & Community Development
Committee Secretary