HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 05/19/2011
5/19/11 Meeting Minutes
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City of Kent
Parks and Human Services Committee
Meeting Minutes of May 19, 2011
Council Present: Chair Debbie Ranniger and Dennis Higgins.
Council Absent: Elizabeth Albertson
Call to Order: Debbie Ranniger called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
1. Minutes of April 21, 2011 - Approve
Dennis Higgins moved to approve the minutes of April 21, 2011. Debbie
Ranniger seconded. The motion passed 3-0 with concurrence with from
Councilmember Albertson.
2. 4Culture Grant Agreement - Authorize
Ronda Billerbeck informed the committee that 4Culture has awarded the Kent
Arts Commission $17,000 in Sustained Support funding through a competitive
grant process. The funding will support 2011 programs, including Spotlight
Series performances, Kent Kids’ Arts Day and Kent Summer Concert Series.
Debbie Ranniger referenced the tenuous funding situation with 4Culture
funding. Ronda said that 4Culture funding is set to expire in 2012, but one
more Senate Bill is being considered that has a funding package.
Dennis Higgins asked what happens to staffing and performances if 4Culture
funding goes away. Ronda and Jeff responded that staff would have to find
creative ways to find sponsors to fill the holes and offer as many events as we
can. Ronda added that this is not the only funding we receive from 4Culture,
we typically get $25,000 - 35,000 for other site specific performances or public
art projects each year.
Dennis Higgins moved to recommend accepting the grant from
4Culture Sustained Support in the amount of $17,000, approving
the expenditure of the funds, amending the 2011 Kent Arts
Commission Budget in accordance with the grant agreement, and
authorizing the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Debbie
Ranniger seconded. The motion passed 3-0 with concurrence from
Councilmember Albertson.
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3. Consultant Services Agreement with Cascade Land Conservancy -
Jeff stated that staff is always looking for ways to leverage our internal
resources with external resources. This contract covers the scope of work to be
performed by Cascade Land Conservancy for year two of the Green Kent
Initiative. It’s covered through a $50,000 grant that we received from the King
Conservation District. The core of the CLC work will provide: collecting and
tracking of field work done by volunteer stewards, annual steward work plans,
technical input, recruitment outreach, and leadership, as needed.
Dennis Higgins asked what we are doing with the balance of funds left over
from the $50,000 grant. Jeff thinks it supports some volunteer work, but get
back to Council.
Dennis Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the
agreement with Cascade Land Conservancy in the amount of
$38,549.00 for implementation of the Green Kent Partnership. Debbie
Ranniger seconded. The motion passed 3-0 with concurrence from
Councilmember Albertson.
Debbie Ranniger attended a fund raising seminar on deferred gifts and
charitable contributions. She asked what the direct costs are to produce our
events. Seattle Sympathy is recruiting donors with naming rights for their
performances. She felt that we could explore this for some of the concert series
and stewardship programs. Jeff said this could be built upon within the Kent
Park Foundation, using our current Gifting Program.
4. Limited Use Permit with Puget Sound Energy - Authorize
Jeff reported that the City of Kent Parks Department would like to sign a
Limited Use Permit with Puget Sound Energy for Uplands Playfields, Uplands
Extension, the Rotary Basketball Court, and the Lions Skate Park. This is an
extension of a past agreement that requires the City to pay $2,000 for 10 years
of use, which began on February 28, 2010. This represents an increase from
$100 per year to $200 per year.
Dennis Higgins appreciates PSE letting the City use the land and asked if it
would more cost efficient over time to own the land outright rather than pay for
a limited use permit. Jeff will explore the idea and get back to Council.
Dennis Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign
Puget Sound Energy’s permit for limited use of operating property for
Uplands Playfield, Uplands Extension, the Rotary Basketball Court, and
the Lions Skatepark, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable
to the City Attorney. Debbie Ranniger seconded. The motion passed 3-0
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with concurrence from Councilmember Albertson.
5. Addendum No. Two with Kent School District for Joint Use of the
Community Center - Authorize
Jeff informed the Committee that Addendum Number One to the Interlocal
Agreement with the Kent School District, initiated in 2007, allowed us to
manage and operate the former Sequoia Middle School campus as a
Community Center. Addendum Number Two to the agreement takes the
identified fitness room at the Community Center and adds that space to the
agreement. We are working with the Kent Boxing Club to finalize a Facilities
Use Agreement to start a boxing program at the Community Center, utilizing
the fitness room. This Addendum is scheduled to be presented to the Kent
School District Board on May 25. A number of meetings have taken place with
Leslie Hamada and Kent School District staff to begin framing some of the
detailed discussion of on-sight, day-to-day coordination. The program is set to
begin in the Fall with possible open houses scheduled this Summer.
Debbie Ranniger said this is a great way of doing business in collaboration with
the Kent School District and non-profits. It creates an opportunity to offer
services that we don’t have the budget to support.
Dennis congratulated and thanked staff, the Kent School District and PAL
Boxing for their coordinated work efforts. He expressed many thanks to Leslie
Hamada for her work in putting this together. He found in his research of PAL
that they are well respected and run a very successful program in attracting
kids and young adults that aren’t well served by a lot of school districts and city
Dennis Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign
Addendum Number Two with the Kent School District for Joint Use of
the Community Center at Phoenix Academy, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. Debbie Ranniger seconded.
The motion passed 3-0 with concurrence from Councilmember
6. First Quarter Department Reports/First Quarter Contributions Report -
Jeff wanted to highlight the Strategic Plan. That it can be seen within our
ongoing work and not just in the target initiatives. One example is, Connecting
People and Places. There is a lot of talk about trail connections and physical
connections, but a lot of it relates to social connections. For example, the Teen
Job Fair during the first quarter of the year had 29 vendors participating, and
300 kids attending. Related to teen jobs, 50 students worked as sports officials
and track staff. We not only provide programs and services to families and the
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youth, but we are an important job center that teaches important leadership
Debbie Ranniger referred to a robust discussion about measurement tools at
the April Parks Committee. She asked that impacts be integrated into the
quarterly reports. For example, list how many people attended an
event/program and show the impact it had as well. Debbie also asked if we can
show how many teens were hired directly because of the Job Fair. Jeff
referenced previous conversations on this topic and reiterated that yes, it is our
goal to provide data on outcomes. Debbie asked Stacy Judd, the Police Public
Education Specialist in the audience, for the same outcome data from the
Police Youth Board.
Jeff shared that there were 1,400 visits to the Senior Center fitness center.
And, in connecting vulnerable people, the Kent Cold Weather Shelter was
opened eight times during the first quarter. This is a great relationship with the
Kent Lutheran Church. Approximately 150 unduplicated people were assisted.
This is a good example of how do we meet and serve the people where they
are as opposed to having them come to us.
Contributions Report
Over $12,000 was received in donations and in-kind gifts for the first quarter of
2011. Every donation is very meaningful. It leverages our existing resources to
serve more and reach more of our residents. We are very grateful for the
support of the community.
7. Director’s Report
Be The Spark
The City purchased 60+ tickets for local teens to attend the “Be the Spark”
event with Desmond Tutu at the Tacoma Dome. The tickets were distributed to
a number of youth-based groups in the community.
Stacy Judd Public Education Officer for Kent Police attended the meeting and
wanted to thank the Parks Department for the opportunity to go to the event.
Three Youth Board Members attended the event and were very grateful for the
opportunity. Stacey read two statements from two youth board members that
couldn’t attend the meeting. Zena, who’s been a member of the Youth Board
since the 8th grade and is now a senior, said that “Be the Spark” was a once in
a lifetime opportunity. She felt lucky to be there and was amazed to be in the
Tacoma Dome with an audience of 15,000 teens. She was amazed by the
energy of the crowd and the positive attitude of the speakers. She said
Desmond Tutu’s speech was so inspirational, it gave her a push to her
leadership skills, which will help her take action in the community.
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Carley, a junior on the Youth Board, said the experience taught her that it
doesn’t’ matter how old you are or where you live, there are ways to get
involved in your community. She said that the best thing you can do is light the
spark in others and get them to do the same. That you have to find something
you are passionate about and then figure out how you can help do it.
Shania, an 8th grader at Mill Creek said it was very interesting to see how many
teens were interested in going to the event and that the speakers really
grabbed their attention. After getting hyped up from performers, she said it
was very motivating to hear from Desmond Tutu that anyone can make a
change in their community, and it doesn’t matter who you are. She feels that
the Youth Board can do a project to teach other kids that they can make a
change in their community too.
Jeff thanked Stacy for participating and announced that a meeting has been
scheduled on May 26, at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. They will discuss
the event and have a dialogue on how we can bring this spark to Kent - either
collectively or individually through each agency.
Debbie Ranniger was very excited to know that she was the spark that inspired
the purchase of the tickets. She hopes it spreads and that the meeting results
in some great projects. Dennis Higgins thanked them for coming to the
meeting and sharing their stories.
Community Development Block Grant
The Federal Government came up with their fiscal year budget and it reflects a
16% reduction that impacts us. Jeff met with Mayor Cooke and John Hodgson
to put together a list of recommendations of how to deal with this impact. Our
CDBG funds affect some Capital programs. The allocation of funds we contract
out is 15%. The reduction is minimal to the agencies we fund. The biggest
impact is in planning and administration costs. To absorb this impact, staff
made the decision to consolidate two office positions; the vacant .75 office
position in Facilities and the CDBG funded position in Human Services. This will
provide 3 days of support in Facilities and 2 days of support in Human Services.
Jeff will keep Council updated.
Earthworks/Mill Creek Park
Jeff reported that there is lots of work on variety of levels at Mill Creek. We are
coordinating multiple efforts at Mill Creek with a long-term vision in three
categories: Park Operations and maintenance, the renovation using PIP grant
funds, and the Master Plan.
There are some complex issues we need to resolve. Working with Park
Operations we are endeavoring some work this summer. Specifically,
resolution of drainage issues and cleaning the channels. We will continue to
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identify and work on volunteer projects throughout the Canyon and into
Earthworks. Coupled with the Operations work and some of the design
solutions and cost estimates we are receiving, we want to focus that renovation
funding on drainage issues. We are being strategic to make sure the near term
needs and the long term perspectives are met.
A Request for Proposals for the Master Plan was advertised and an interview
panel was chosen. The panel heard presentations from local firms and
recommended JA Brennan to complete the plan because they presented a
multi-disciplinary perspective, which addresses the City’s goal. Jeff added that
it‘s not just a park project, it’s a civil infrastructure master plan. We also have
internal work involving the master plan that we are doing with Public Works
Environmental, Planning, and Community Development. Interactions and site
analysis will continue through the Summer. Any kick off for the Master Plan will
be late 2011/early 2012. That gives us the time and attention to complete the
initial site work and internal work to make sure the Master Plan is done right
and done well, with a lot of community feedback and interaction.
Dennis Higgins asked when the Master Plan will be presented to Council for
approval. Jeff responded that the plan should be ready around late
Summer/early Fall.
Resource Center Request for Proposal
Jeff stated that the RFP for the Resource Center was re-released earlier this
week with clarification in the language. Two tours were conducted at the
Resource Center. There has been a lot of interest and many agencies are
working on partnered proposals. Jeff worked with Mayor Cooke and John
Hodgson on the makeup of the review panel. It will consist of seven to eight
members with representation from professional and community groups - profit
and non-profits sector, plus three staff members. The deadline for proposals is
June 10, at 5:00 p.m.
Lake Meridian Playground Equipment
The Playground Expansion Project is under construction at Lake Meridian. We
are looking at mid-late June for completion date. The grand opening will not be
a formal dedication, but a meet and greet with Council and the Mayor during
the Fourth of July Splash event.
Jeff announced that since March 11, we’ve had 24 rainout days. That equals
31% and represents 475 games that we’ve had to re-schedule. Rainouts impact
a variety of user groups including the school district, little league, and City
programs. Many thanks go to the Maintenance crew for their hard work in
getting the fields ready and to the Athletic staff for their hard work in
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Jeff said that something to note is the value of synthetic turf. In previous
conversations he referenced the new approach of partnering with the school
districts and other agencies to incorporate more synthetic turf in existing fields.
The value of synthetic turf not only benefits multiple use like soccer, baseball,
and La Cross, but there are no rainouts.
Dennis Higgins commented on the revenue hits we have with rainouts and that
we don’t get paid when games are rained out.
Debbie Ranniger asked about the lifecycle of synthetic turf. Jeff said that first
generation of turf is typically 10-15 years and we probably have another 3
years at Wilson with proper maintenance. Jeff added that we are, in essence,
replacing the carpet, not duplicating the initial Capital cost. This August
maintenance work is planned for Wilson Playfield’s synthetic turf.
Jeff expressed his excitement about conversations with the School Districts and
a cooperative effort to .
We have opportunities at our existing baseball-only complexes. Kent Memorial
Park and Service Club Ballfields are currently six month-use complexes. With
the investment of synthetic turf, they could be year-round complexes with the
benefit of no rainouts. Another advantage and cost savings to renovating
existing fields is not having to build new parking lots or restrooms.
Dennis Higgins thanked Jeff for a good report.
Debbie Ranniger adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Teri Petrole
Council Committee Recorder