HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 11/20/20101 City of Kent Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2010 Council Present: Chair Debbie Ranniger, Dennis Higgins, Elizabeth Albertson Call to Order: Debbie Ranniger called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. 1. Minutes of October 21, 2010 - Approve Dennis Higgins moved to approve the minutes of October 21, 2010. Elizabeth Albertson seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0. 2. 2011 Parks and Human Services Agenda Topics - Informational Jeff asked the Council Committee what key informational topics they want to discuss at Parks and Human Services Committee meetings in 2011. Jeff recommended Mill Creek Greenway Master Plan and Wilson Playfield Lighting for future agenda topics for discussion. Human Services. Debbie Ranniger suggested a broad-brush overview of the Human Services Division. Specifically, what are the services we provide, what are the impacts from the State and County budget cuts in South King County, what we are doing to respond and do we need to change the way we do things. Elizabeth Albertson wants to stay ahead of human services issues. She wants to be prepared for next year’s budget, to be proactive, and keep Council informed. As a new Council member, Dennis Higgins would appreciate knowing the history of Human Services, what are the main programs and how do we fund them. Fields. Dennis wants information on the history of current fields and facilities, and Master Plans for new fields - along with a timeframe, given current financial realities. He’s also interested in re-visiting replacement of the Common’s Playfield. Kent Parks Foundation. Debbie Ranniger wants to invite members of the Kent Parks Foundation to share their vision, review the current project list, and identify how they could potentially support the city in other areas. Senior Lunch Program. Elizabeth Albertson is interested in an update on the financial status of the Senior Lunch Program and subsidizing lunches for seniors. Debbie Ranniger requested a conversation on marketing plans, fund raisers, and finding creative revenue sources for the program. Youth/Teen Programs. Dennis suggested an overview on the Youth/Teen Program - highlighting the history of services, how the utility tax fund works, and discussion on potential opportunities for making changes or enhancements. Page 1 2 Riverbend Golf Complex. The Committee asked for a more complete analysis of the expenditures and revenues at Riverbend Golf Complex. See Director’s Report for further detail. Attendees from the Audience: Attending the meeting, was Pat Colgan, a volunteer who lives at 2451 So. 249th Place, Kent and Linda Maser from 4755 35 Ave SW, in Seattle, who works with homeless families for Solid Ground in South King County. Ms. Colgan is concerned with the increase in homelessness in Kent. She and other volunteers feed the homeless lunches in Kaibara Park every other Friday. Debbie Ranniger asked about homeless numbers. Ms. Colgan stated that the number has doubled in the past two years and they now provide lunches for 40 homeless. In conversations with the homeless, Ms. Colgan has noted their desire for a drop-in center, with a library, food, showers and a place to wash clothes -- where membership to a church isn’t required as in use of the mobile showers. Ms. Maser added that data can be provided from a recent study conducted by the Multi Service Center. Calls and requests were recorded and/or tracked, with the exception of the homeless who live out of their cars, or go from friend to friend to stay. They are referred to as “hidden homeless.” They don’t want to be registered anywhere, usually for fear of losing their children. Ms. Maser shared that Human Service workers are feeling overwhelmed with the needs of the homeless. The Council Committee thanked both of them for their commitment to this cause. Comprehensive data on the homeless in Kent will be provided at a future meeting by city staff. 3. 2010 Third Quarter Reports - Informational Jeff presented a summary of programs and services from the Third Quarter 2010, starting off with statistics from the Cultural and Athletic Programs. Cultural Services • Summer Concerts: 8,200 people attended • Summer Nights Outdoor Movies: 700 people attended • Corn Days Fun Run: 575 participants/finishers Youth/Teen Programs • Summer Playground Program: 5,600 participants • Big Blue Mobile Recreation: 257 Stops/3,300 participants • Youth Work Training Program: Very successful mural project Athletics/Aquatics • Lake Meridian Beach: 70,000 Visitors • Fall Youth Sports Jamborees: 100 Teams/1,520 participants • Softball: 177 teams • Kickball: 15 teams Page 2 3 Human Services • Resource and Referral: Experiencing a substantial increase in calls and requests for services. • Contracts to Funded Agencies: 100% of outcomes have been met. • Home Repair: 57% increase in calls, primarily from the new annexation area. This HUD funding is a way for us to complete minor home repairs for City residents. Park Operations • Town Square Plaza Fountain. Jeff and Garin shared details of the complexities of the computerized portion of the water features. Switches and filters function collectively to keep the 6 1/2 ton sphere afloat, control water quality and maintain normal water pressure. To keep the system working efficiently, it is taken down weekly for cleaning, as well as throughout the week, as the filtration system gets clogged. The dedicated maintenance position was not filled in 2010 and so the responsibilities have been absorbed by staff. Jeff spoke to the time and expense involved in keeping the fountains running. Debbie Ranniger suggested contacting the Rotary Clubs who assisted in the purchase of the floating sphere. They could create an operational endowment that could sustain the specialized maintenance position for Town Square Plaza, or some other sustainable source to pay for the maintenance of the fountains. • Heavy Park Use. Many families continue to enjoy our park system. • Tournament Support. Our fields are fully booked from May through September. Parks Planning and Development • Property Acquisition. We’ve had success in two key acquisitions in the Panther Lake Annexation area. • Wilson Playfield Addition opened on October 2. The play area gives kids a place to play after the game. The NEOS Interactive Play Structure and the Web are very popular additions to the park. • Volunteer Support: Donating 1,441 hours of time is proof that this community loves it’s parks and they are allies in stewarding the park system. 4. Director’s Report - Informational Off Leash Dog Park Grand Opening Over 100 Dogs Attended the Grand Opening on October 23. The committee met to celebrate the opening and to discuss new amenities and next steps. Green Kent “Green Kent” is our partnership with Cascade Land Conservancy - a Seattle based non-profit group that works to conserve acres of forests, farms, shorelines, park and natural areas throughout western Washington. The 20- Year Plan is currently going through SEPA and will be presented for Council’s Page 3 4 Page 4 recommendation to approve at the Parks Committee Meeting in January. Recruitment for the Stewardship Program has begun. Stewards will help to restore 1,100 acres of public land over the next 20 years. The program involves volunteers who will basically steward an acre of property in Kent and keep invasives out. Nine stewards have signed up so far. A Business Outreach has also begun. This program gives business owners an opportunity to partner with in-kind support or cash. Dennis said CLC and City staff and volunteers helped not only to participate in creating a healthier environment, but were a big part in Kent receiving the King Conservations District 2010 Local Government of the Year Award for the Best City Combating Invasive Species. Riverbend Golf Course Jeff advised the Committee that the Riverbend Golf Complex budget may be overextended in 2010. One reason is a budgeting/staffing situation in 2010, when a key mechanic position was taken out of the Enterprise budget. Another impact is the unexpected expense to purchase water for irrigation, as water in the well continues to dry up. It looks like the budget could be extended by approximately $50,000 - $100,000. Jeff is looking at a partnership with Public Works to work out a water service solution for both enterprises. Dennis Higgins asked about an Enterprise Fund Reserve. Jeff responded that because it’s the last year of debt service there will be a partial back fill but there are still loan payments to make. Debbie Ranniger suggested adding Riverbend Golf Complex to the 2011 Agenda List. She asks that staff provide a historical overview of the golf course operation, future goals, and an analysis of the revenues and expenditures. Contributions Report The contributions for the fourth quarter is over $34,000. Elizabeth Albertson commented that the Contributions Report is a great reminder of the generosity of volunteers and local businesses. Debbie Ranniger adjourned the meeting at 6:07 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Teri Petrole Council Committee Recorder