HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 09/16/2010City of Kent Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes of September 16, 2010 Council Committee Present: Chair Debbie Ranniger, Elizabeth Albertson, Dennis Higgins Debbie Ranniger called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. 1. Minutes of July 15, 2010 - Approve Elizabeth Albertson moved to approve the minutes of July 15, 2010. Dennis Higgins seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0. 2. Safe Havens Update - Informational Katherin Johnson and Jeff Watling provided an update regarding Safe Havens and the recent work of the Friends of Safe Havens group. Work continues on the 2010 year-end budget and to seek solutions for the forecasted deficit in the 2011 operating budget. Debbie Ranniger suggested contacting the Veteran’s Administration because funding to rehabilitate veterans could benefit a portion of this population that may be utilizing the Center. 3. 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant - Accept The $6,190.00 from the Washington Alliance for Better Schools is reimbursement for program services provided at Mill Creek Middle School and Millennium Elementary in Kent as part of the agreed partnership of the Federal grant titled “21st Century Community Learning Center.” This grant is for five (5) years, subject to annual renewal and covers program expenses including staffing and supplies. Debbie Ranniger asked if there was a Plan B if funds dry up. Jeff responded that this is a small portion to assist in our expenses. Dennis Higgins moved to recommend accepting the grant from the Washington Alliance for Better Schools in the amount of $6,190.00, for Mill Creek All Stars and Millennium Elementary After School programs, amend the budget, authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant agreement, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Elizabeth Albertson seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0. 4. Community Putting Prevention to work Grant - Accept The City of Kent has been awarded $180,000.00 from the Seattle/King County Health Department under the Community Putting Prevention to Work Page 1 (CPPW) grant. This economic stimulus grant is administered nationally through the Centers for Disease Control and is aimed at reducing obesity and tobacco use. Grant funds will used to complete bicycle pedestrian planning, analyze options to increase access to healthy food for at-risk and school aged populations, and implement nutritional standards within City facilities. This is a county-wide goal and strategy. Community Development is taking the lead on this program because it is actually a land use based program. Based on the location of fast food and the socioeconomic indicators, the data will be compared spatially with the location of restaurants. The community will be educated to make healthier choices. Zoning changes could potentially be implemented so that healthy food choices are available to a broader base of the population. Nutritional standards in our facilities and programs will be reviewed and potentially impacted as well. Phase one of the program will be an inventory of all city programs that have a food component. The program will be staffed by existing staff, plus one contracted transportation position to manage the trails component. Part of Lydia Moorehead’s salary will be funded for her participation. Elizabeth Albertson moved to recommend accepting the grant from the Seattle/King County Health Department under the Community Putting Prevention to Work Program in the amount of $180,000.00, amend the budget, authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant agreement, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. Dennis Higgins seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0. 5. Adaptive Recreation Position Adjustment - Authorize In light of the recent consolidation of the Resource Center to the Kent Commons and the recent retirement of Janet Hasselblad as the Recreation Manager for Adaptive Recreation, an opportunity was created to review the position and consider re-classifying this position prior to filling it. Staff reviewed the core duties of the position. Now that the consolidation to the Kent Commons is complete, it appears that the staffing level/classification most appropriate for this position is a full-time Recreation Coordinator. There would be no budget impact to this re-classification. The 2010 budget (salary and benefits) for the .80 Manager was $84,661.00. An entry level (34A) Recreation Coordinator at full-time would be around $80,000.00. Within the Recreation Division, this position will report to Julie Stangle, Recreation Manager. A proposal was presented to Mayor Cooke and John Hodgson and approved. The request is to recommend approval of the additional .20 full-time employee (FTE) that is netted by this adjustment from a Manager to a Coordinator and there is no budget impact. Page 2 Dennis Higgins moved to recommend authorizing a .20 full-time employee increase within the Recreation Division to accommodate re-structuring within the Adaptive Recreation Program. Elizabeth Albertson seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0. 6. EarthCorps Agreement - Authorize Staff applied for and received a $20,670.00 grant from the King Conservation District. This request is to contract with EarthCorps, which has the expertise to manage restoration efforts safely along steep slopes. Their crews will spend one week at Earthworks and two weeks at Lake Fenwick implementing a technique called “survival rings” to save approximately 150 trees. Jeff explained that survival rings is clearing the ivy around the base of the tree and cutting up to a certain height. Focus will be the steep sloped areas of both parks. The ivy will return and additional maintenance will be necessary. This is a first step and critical to creating a healthy understory to make maintenance easier in the future. Dennis asked if additional maintenance be necessary in the future. Jeff responded that this technique will create healthier foundation to discourage ivy and weeds from growing. Elizabeth Albertson moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to contract with EarthCorps in the amount of $20,670.00 to perform site restoration at Lake Fenwick and Earthworks Park. Dennis Higgins seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0. 7. Director’s Report - Informational Green Kent The Green Kent Draft Report has been finalized and represents a lot of hard work in Parks, Public works and the CLC. The premise of the plan is to look at all of our green spaces, creating sustainability within our urban green spaces is key. The implementation is multiple layers. The nine “treeage” criteria looks at our inventory, with information on what we can do with it. A portion of the criteria represents our the highest need in our low and high threat areas. Invasive management strategy will be part of the plan. The SEPA review is underway. Implementation of steward training will proceed. Volunteer steward training is scheduled for December 4, at the Senior Center & Earthworks Park. Dennis noted that the objectives call for significant increases to the Park Operation’s budget. Jeff responded that this is not a concurrency based plan. As the plan becomes final, the balance between staff and volunteers will be critical. There is no financial commitment as yet, but there is a short term Page 3 and long term financial need. An Endowment Fund will be set up to encourage support. The Cascade Land Conservation (CLC) will assist in presenting the final Green Kent Plan for adoption in the fall-winter of 2010. West Fenwick Skate Park • West Fenwick Skate Park has been a notorious site for vandalism and graffiti. This is a great example of our ongoing effort to proactively deter graffiti. The artwork for the bowl at West Fenwick SkatePark was created by Scott Madoulet, Mike Hattrup and Dea Drake. The painting was done in two days by city staff, skaters, and volunteers. To date, no new graffiti has showed up on the bowl. Community Service Day • Community Service Day was Saturday, September 11. The LDS Church brought 47 volunteers to Clark Lake Park, and 144 volunteers to Park Orchard, which is our potential gem located in the newly annexed area of Panther Lake. Summer Programs • Many thanks to Lori Hogan and staff for a great summer of successful programs and events. There were non-stop tournaments from April to September at Russell Road, Kent Memorial Park and Service Club, which brought in revenue to the City through local hotels and restaurants. The Summer Camp Program was full daily and Chestnut Ridge in the Panther Lake area was added to the program. Park Operations Re-Structuring • The Park Operations team has been organizationally structured by facilities i.e. there has been an Athletics Crew and a Grounds Crew. With annexation, size and scale of the operation it brought on a restructuring to a geographic orientation. It will add better flexibility and responsiveness, as well as create a more consistent level of service. The new re-organization will be begin in October. Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities National Public Lands Days • Turnkey Park on September 25, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ReLeaf • Clark Lake Park on October 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Make a Difference Day/Off Leash Dog Park Dedication • Morrill Meadows on October 23, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., finishing up the Off Leash Dog Park area and then the Off Leash Dog Park Dedication is at 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Page 4 Page 5 Contact: Victoria Andrews at 253-856-5113 for all volunteer activities. Wilson Playground Dedication • The southeast corner of Wilson Playfield has been renovated to include a playground area that maximizes our current park space. The dedication is scheduled for Saturday, October 2, 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Spotlight Series • Cowboy Junkies on October 2, 7:30 p.m. at Kentwood. • Richie Havens on October 8, 7:30 p.m. at Kentwood. • Tickets can be purchased on-line or calling Kent Commons at 253-856- 5000. Art Exhibit • Artist Danny Pierce is being celebrated in an exhibit from September 10 - October 29, 2010 in the Centennial Building. Gallery hours are Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm. The meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Teri Petrole