HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/08/2010 (3) ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES February 8, 2010 Committee Members Chair Jamie Perry, Elizabeth Albertson, Deborah Ranniger Les Thomas attended in Ranniger’s absence. Chair Perry called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Thomas MOVED and Albertson SECONDED to approve the Minutes of January 11, 2010. Motion PASSED 3-0. 2. SCA-2009-1 SUBDIVISION CODE AMENDMENT – TRACT DEFINITIONS Planner Matt Gilbert stated that ‘tracts’ as currently defined are not developable. Tracts are areas within residential subdivisions created for many purposes other than for building purposes; such as roadways, streams, wetlands, storm ponds or future development. Gilbert stated that the amendment adds language to clarify the purpose of Future Development Tracts. He stated that if an application is submitted to the city on a future development tract which shows that roads and utilities are provided and that the application meets the City’s development standards, that future development tracts may become a buildable site. Assistant City Attorney Kim Adams Pratt addressed the Committee’s concerns with respect to the protection of recreational, open space and sensitive areas tracts from future development. This amendment makes it clear that the amended language in the definition specifically applies to only future development tracts. Albertson MOVED to approve the definition of tract as recommended by the LUPB. Thomas SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED 3-0. 3. TRANSPORTATION 2040 – PUGET SOUND REGIONAL COUNCIL (PSRC) PSRC staff Robin Mayhew stated that Transportation 2040 is a four-county Regional Plan with a 30 year focus to 2040. She presented information regarding the key drivers for the Plan with regard to regional growth, environmental constraints, and funding strategies. She spoke about the Planning Strategies with respect to congestion and mobility, the environment and the financial picture. Mayhew spoke about the Plan performance, South King County projects and programs. She stated that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is located on the PSRC’s website and that a final EIS report is scheduled to be published on March 19th. The plan is currently open for comments. The intended date for adoption of the plan is late May when the General Assembly meets. This report was for informational purposes only. 4. COTTAGE HOUSING DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS AND DENSITY Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that two projects we re proposed before the Cottage Housing Committee. One of the proposals relies on an amendment to the Cottage Housing Demonstration Ordinance regarding maximum allowable number of dwelling units. The Land Use and Planning Board will hold a public hearing on February 22nd to address the maximum number of dwelling units; proposing options to drop the maximum unit requirement, retain maximum of 24 units, but offering flexibility in that regard if the proposal includes superior design elements. ECDC Minutes February 8, 2010 Page 2 of 3 Anderson stated that one of the projects proposes to keep two duplexes in the proposed development. Staff believes the duplexes can be kept, provided that the applicant brings those duplexes architecturally into consistency with the cottage housing. Language could be amended to provide more clarity in this regard. This amended language could be presented before the Land Use and Planning Board at the February 22 nd Hearing. Anderson questioned if the Cottage Housing Committee opts to move only one proposal forward, would this Council Committee wish to accept another round of proposal submittals. The Committee debated this issue concluding that they would not desire another round of submittals and would not be receptive to considering amending the ordinance other than to allow an increase in the number of units. This report was for informational purposes only. 5. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT Economic & Community Development Director Ben Wolters along with Economic & Community Development Manager Kurt Hanson reported on the status of development projects. Wolters stated that approximately 15 to 18 acres of the Kent Highlands Land Fill located on the West Hill near Hwy 516 and I-5 will be available for development in the near future. Wolters stated that a new Asian Buffet restaurant will be built on the East Hill that will help to anchor the Kent Event Center currently under development. He stated that in the downtown area, Valley Cities applied to expand their facility into the empty portion of the Ben Franklin along Meeker Street. Wolters stated that the City anticipates some positive activity for the Springboard property, as an appraisal by the lien-holders for that site is underway on the garage. Wolters stated the General Service Administration (GSA), landlord an d developer for the Federal Government has issued a request for 500,000 square feet of office space that would serve as the new regional consolidated headquarters for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The GSA has identified five or six South King County communities where they would like to locate this facility, with Kent being a contender. Wolters stated that Economic and Community Development is working hard to position Kent for this competition. Initial submittals for proposed sites are due March 1st. This would mean an increase of 2000 employees. Hanson stated that the City and Green River Small Business Development Center assisted an East Hill owner and proprietor with marketing his restaurant business through Facebook and Twitter resulting in a substantial increase in revenue. This report was for informational purposes only. 6. PANTHER LAKE ANNEXATION ZONING HEARINGS Planning Director Fred Satterstrom asked the Committee to consider a Motion endorsing the notion that the Economic and Community Development Committee (ECDC) hold the annexation comprehensive plan and zoning hearings on behalf of the Council . He stated that it is a less formal venue, and could be less intimidating for those participants desiring to follow this through to the Council. At the conclusion of the hearings, the ECDC recommendations would move forward to Full Council . The ECDC concurred with this request. Thomas MOVED that due to the complexity of the issues, the large size of the annexation area, and the relatively short deadline for adoption, the City Council delegate to the ECDC the responsibility of holding the public hearings regarding the comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the Panther Lake annexation area. Albertson SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED 3-0. ECDC Minutes February 8, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Satterstrom stated that the Motion to keep the hearings before the ECDC will go to City Council on the consent calendar on the February 16th City Council Agenda. 7. PANTHER LAKE ANNEXATION LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING MAP ALTERNATIVES Satterstrom stated that the Land Use and Planning Board at their January 25th hearing recommended land use planning and zoning map designations as indicated by the Alternative 2 Maps. Satterstrom stated that he was presenting the Committee with the Alternative 2 maps for their information in preparation for the first hearing scheduled to be held before the ECDC on March 8th, with a second hearing to be held April 12th. This report was for informational purposes only. Adjournment Perry Adjourned the Meeting at 6:20 p.m. ________________________________________________ Pamela Mottram Economic & Community Development Committee Secretary P:\Planning\ECDC\2010\Minutes\01-11-10_Min.doc