HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/11/2010 (3) ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES January 11, 2010 Committee Members Chair Jamie Perry, Les Thomas, Deborah Ranniger In Perry’s absence, Elizabeth Albertson attended, and Thomas presided over the meeting, calling the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ranniger MOVED and Albertson SECONDED to approve the Minutes of November 9, 2009. Motion PASSED 3-0. 2. TUDOR SQUARE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL RECOGNITION-RESOLUTION Neighborhood Program Coordinator Toni Azzola introduced Marilyn Nelson and Joe Kemp, who co-chair the newly formed Tudor Square Neighborhood Council. Azzola stated that Tudor Square neighborhood is located southeast of Home Depot and consists of 162 homes and the boundaries are north by Southeast 267 th Place, to the east by 114th Avenue Southeast, to the south by Southeast 270 th Street and South 270th Court, and to the west by 110th Avenue Southeast. Azzola stated that with the inclusion of Tudor Square, the City will have recognized 18 Neighborhood Councils thus-far. Albertson MOVED to recommend Council adopt the proposed resolution which recognizes the Tudor Square Neighborhood Council, supports its community building efforts, and confers all opportunities offered by the City’s Neighborhood Program. Rannig er SECONDED the Motion which PASSED 3-0. 3. BUILDING & LAND DEV PERMIT EXPIRATION EXTENSIONS [SCA-2009-2] Principal Planner Matt Gilbert stated that in 2008 and 2009 the Council passed two ordinances in an attempt to alleviate issues associated with the n ational economy, the banking crisis and issues with credit availability, and to assist in stimulating the development industry. The two ordinances related to extending both Short -Plat and Building Permit validity periods. Gilbert explained that the conti nuing slump in the national economy continues to plague builders and developments in Kent, necessitating consideration of extending the amount of time to keep permits and short plats valid, and to consider more options for keeping development viable. Gilbert stated that City Council passed an ordinance in 2008 extending short-plat validity periods an extra two years for recording. He stated that 102 separate short plats with over 1200 lots are represented in that pipeline. Based on the prior extension, most of those short plats will not expire until late 2011. In 2009 the Council granted extensions for issued building permits, and permit applications submitted to the City for review. Issued permits were to remain valid until Dec ember 31, 2010 and Applications were to remain valid until June 30, 2010. Gilbert stated that the City has about 24 permits ready to be issued but have not been picked up because these projects have either stalled or been pulled back by the banks. They ECDC Minutes January 11, 2010 Page 2 of 2 are not being expired because of this ordinance. Gilbert stated that staff feels it would be simple to extend the permit application validity period out one additional year. Gilbert spoke about the importance of Short Plat Approval referred to as Entitlement and stated that staff is looking into deferring the collection of impact fees for traffic impacts, schools, parks, and utility connections closer to the time a house sells to eliminate credit issues for builders. These fees are estimated at between $12,000 and $18,000 per home. Gilbert explained that a builder does not recoup his money until a house is sold, which could be an indefinite amount of time based on today’s market. Garrett Huffman, Master Builder’s Association, spoke in support of further extensions that the City can provide on behalf of builders and supports the proposal to defer the collection of fees, further stating that the Association is lobbying in Olympia to propose a deferment bill state-wide. Ranniger spoke in favor of working with the development commu nity by deferring impact fees suggesting that staff develop an ordinance that could serve as a model for traffic impact fees as well. After the Committee deliberated, Albertson MOVED to direct staff to begin to draft an ordinance regarding deferring impact and development fees such as Parks and Traffic impact fees. Ranniger SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED 3-0. Staff stated that they would return to committee with an update on considerations to amend the existing ordinance pertaining to short plat extension periods. Director of Economic & Community Development Department Ben Wolters requested clarification from the Committee if it was their desire that staff explore recommendations pertaining to the extension of the building permits, and that staff should bring this item back before the Committee for further discussion. The Committee concurred. This report was for informational purposes only. 4. COTTAGE HOUSING UPDATE Planning Manager Charlene Anderson reported that the Cottage Housing Committee meets on Wednesday, January 13 at 1:00 p.m. to review two cottage housing proposals. Staff has not received a recommendation on whether or not to move forward with either one of the applications. Anderson stated while reviewing these projects, an issue arose in that one of the proposals requests 30 units on a site 4.09 acres in size. The Demonstration Ordinance staff currently allows a maximum of 24 units. Anderson stated that unless the current ordinance is amended, staff cannot move forward with the one proposal as it would not comply with the ordinance. The second proposal requests 8 units and the site contains two existing duplexes on 1.3 acres. This report was for informational purposes only. Adjournment Acting Chair Thomas adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. ________________________________________________ Pamela Mottram Economic & Community Development Committee Secretary P:\Planning\ECDC\2010\Minutes\01-11-10_Min.doc