HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning-Board of Adjustment - 12/13/1988 CITY OF MHT AGENDA � j BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 13, 1988 9N CTA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEMBERS: Robert Jarvis, Chairman Beth Carroll Jack Cosby Tracy Faust Walter Flue CITY STAFF MEMBERS: James P. Harris, Planning Director Libby Hudson, Planner This is to inform you that the scheduled meeting of the Board of Adjustment will take place on Tuesday, December 13, 1988 at 7:30 PM in the Kent Library Conference Room, 232 South Fourth Avenue. 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call 3 . Approval of June 6, 1988 Board of Adjustment minutes 4 . Added items to agenda 5. Administration of Oath 6. Variance: Oberto Sausage Landscaping - #V-88-5 Request for variance from required landscaping along the eastern property line and all but the westerly 20 feet of the south property line as required by Sections 15. 07. 040 "O", Section 15. 07. 050 "B" and "C", and Section 15.07. 60 "Q" of the Kent Zoning Code. 7. Elections for Chair and Vice Chair. Jum 2204th AVE. SO.,/ KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206) 859-3300 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES December 13, 1988 The scheduled meting of the Kent Board of Adjustment was called to order by Chairman Jarvis on the evening of Monday, December 13, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEMBERS: Robert Jarvis, Chairman Beth Carroll Jack Cosby Tracy Faust Walter Flue CITY STAFF MEMBERS; James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Libby Hudson, Planner Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF JUNE 61 1988 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES • Tracy Faust MOVED and Walter Flue SECONDED the motion to approve the minutes as printed. Motion carried. Chairman Jarvis administered the oath to all who intended to speak. OBERTO SAUSAGE COMPANY #V-88-5 Libby Hudson presented the request of Oberto Sausage Company for a variance from the required landscaping along the entire eastern property line, which would serve as screening between the Valley Freeway and the development, and all but the west 20 feet of the southern property line, which would provide a buffer between the development and adjacent future development to the south. Oberto Sausage Company is allowed in this zoning district through a conditional use permit. The facilities are located at 7060 South 238th Street. The site is 16.25 acres in size and is zoned M3, General Industrial. Ms. Hudson showed view foils depicting the location of the site, zoning of the property and surrounding properties, and the layout of the proposed landscaping. Videos of the area were also shown. The City-wide Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as I. Industrial; the Valley Floor Plan Map designates the property as IBP, Industrial Business Park. When Oberto Sausage Company obtained a conditional use permit to construct an additional building on the property, they indicated that the site would be brought up to current code standards, which includes the required front and side yard landscaping. This permit was approved based I I Kent Board of Adjustment Minutes December 13, 1988 I i on the installation of landscaping in accordance with the Kent Zoning Code standards. The Planning Department feels that granting this variance would constitute a grant of special privileges because it would be inconsistent with the requirement of other properties in the area. Although adjacent parcels to the south and west are undeveloped, landscaping will be required when these properties are developed. No special circumstances relating to the size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of this property were found. The zoning code requires landscaping along the property lines which abut the freeway. At first the trees will not be visible from the freeway; however, the trees will grow and provide a vegetativ screen not only for the freeway, but for the bank which elevate the freeway. The Planning Department feels that granting this request would be materially detrimental to the public welfare. he site is highly visible from the Valley Freeway. Landscaping enhances the appearance of industrial developments. Granting this variance would set a precedent in the area and zoning dis rict. Chairman Jarvis opehed the public hearing. Jerry Oppliger, Vie President of Oberto Sausage Company, stated that the landscap ng they wished to have deleted from their requirements was n t visible from any area around the property. He did not feel t7at landscaping would increase the value of neighboring properties or enhance the view of the city since the landscaping was notjvisible. Also, he did not feel their company should be required to expend the sums necessary to install landscaping that could not be seen by the general public. He agreed that landscaping along the cul de sac would be visible to the public and should be installed; however, the area on the east property line, the area along the freeway and the southern area which is owned by a ompany related to Oberto Sausage Company would not be visible and should not be required. He showed slides of the surrounding area, including slides from the freeway. Laura Oberto, representing Double L.S.J. , Inc. , the landowners and Oberto Sausage, explained that both companies are family-owned companies. Even though they are separate tax lots, the property is leased by Oberto Sausage Company. She felt that the landscaping would not enhance any of the properties, but felt it would be more useful to paint the building or place extra landscaping in the front area which co ld be seen easily. Since the freeway is very high at that point, she felt the landscaping would not be needed, and that this request would not be a grant of special privilege. She felt that the special circumstances were the placement of the lot and the lack o public visibility. She stated that they had been in such a hurry to start construction that little thought had been given to landscaping at that time. Regarding the same use, I 2 I i I Kent Board of Adjustment Minutes December 13, 1988 rights and privileges as the surrounding area, all the property to the south of the site is owned by one of the family-owned companies, and this company was not concerned about the landscaping. The freeway to the east would not be enhanced. Oberto Sausage has installed appropriate landscaping on the north and west. Mr. Opplinger added that the neighboring property has no landscaping on its eastern boundary. Ms. Hudson responded that the eastern property line was the rear property line of the neighboring property. In an industrial area, landscaping is not required along the rear of the site. The north line is a rear property line and does not require any landscaping. They have already placed landscaping on the north and the west side of the property. Discussion followed regarding the front, side and rear property lines of the adjacent properties. Discussion followed regarding the three criteria involved in order to approve a variance. Ms. Faust MOVED to close the public hearing and to move to executive session. Mr. Flue SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Upon returning from executive session, Chairman Jarvis stated that there was a four-to-one vote in favor of denying the variance. Findings of fact will be sent within four weeks. Ms. Oberto requested that they be provided some alternative that could show how to spend the landscaping funds more wisely. Mr. Cosby responded that the landscaping plan should be discussed with Ms. Hudson, and the Board members would give their ideas to her. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Ms. Faust MOVED and Mr. Cosby SECONDED a motion that Mr. Jarvis continue as president for 1989. Motion carried. Ms. Carroll MOVED and Mr. Cosby SECONDED a motion that Tracy Faust be Vice Chairman for 1989. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Jarvis MOVED and Mr. Cosby SECONDED a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. respectfully submitted, J es P. Harris, Secretary 3