HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning-Board of Adjustment - 06/06/1988 • CITY OF ��� i AGENDA maw C7A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JUNE 6, 1988 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEMBERS: Robert Jarvis, Chairman Beth Carroll Jack Cosby Tracy Faust Walter Flue CITY STAFF MEMBERS: James P. Harris, Planning Director Kathy McClung, Senior Planner This is to inform you that the scheduled meeting of the Kent Board of Adjustment will take place on Monday, June 6, 1988 at • 7: 30 PM in the Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers. Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of May 2, 1988 Board of Adjustment minutes 4. Added items to agenda 5. Administration of Oath 6. APPLEWOOD ASSOCIATES, INC (KM) Application 4V-88-4 Request for a variance to allow the elimination of the ten- foot side yard landscaping and ten-foot rear yard landscaping requirements of the Zoning Code, Section 15. 07 . 060 E3 . "211120 110'� 2204th AVE.SO.,/ KENT,WASHING TON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300 i. KENT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES June 6, 1988 The scheduled meeting of the Kent Board of Adjustment was called to order by Chairman Jarvis on the evening of Monday, June 6, 1988 at 7: 30 PM in the Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Jarvis, Chairman Beth Carroll Jack Cosby Tracy Faust Walter Flue CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Kathy McClung, Senior Planner Charlene Anderson, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MAY 2 , 1988 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Jack Cosby MOVED and Tracy Faust SECONDED the motion to approve the minutes as printed. Motion carried. Chairman Jarvis administered the oath to all who intended to speak. APPLEWOOD ASSOCIATES #V-88-4 Kathy McClung presented the application for variance to eliminate the 10 foot side yard and rear yard landscaping requirements of the Kent Zoning Code, Section 15. 07 . 060 E3 . The proposal is for a 30-unit, townhouse-style apartment complex. The development has a large detention area in the southwest corner of the lot, which area serves also as a passive recreation area in the drier months. The development will share an access easement with the future development to the north. The property is approximately 1. 68 acres in size and is located on S. Fifth Avenue, where Waterman Avenue would be extended. The property is zoned MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential. Ms. McClung showed view foils depicting the location of the site, zoning of the property and surrounding properties, and the layout of the complex. The City-wide Comprehensive Plan and Valley Floor Plan designate the property as multifamily. This project meets the three criteria for granting a variance: i1) This project was originally submitted to the City in July, 1986. Additional information was required for the SEPA process and since i i Kent Board of Adjustme t Minutes of Meeting of �une 6, 1988 I I I then, new multifamily development standards became effective. Other multifamily; developments in the area have not had to comply with the new sidle and year yard landscaping requirements. The rear yard of this complex abuts the railroad; landscape screening is not necessary. The north side yard has a shared access easement and the pity likes to encourage shared access to minimize road entryways. IThe south property line will have a solid wood fence and there 4pears to be room for some landscaping. The City requests that toe developer put in some form of landscaping wherever possible} i 2) The property has a large drainage retention requirement (10, 000 sq. ft) . In add tion, the Fire Department requires a turnaround in the develop�ent. Because of these requirements, this development does not have the rights and privileges of other multifamily proje�ts. 3) As long as the ; developer makes every attempt to screen the development froml adjacent land uses and provides landscaping wherever possible, granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other properties in the area. Staff is recommending ! approval of this variance with two conditions (listed on page 8 of tie staff report) : 1) Foundation landscaping and landscaping along the south property line will be accorhmodated wherever possible. 2) This variance shad be granted in conjunction with the site plan submitted with t�is application, specifically for 30 units, a shared access easlement along the north property line and a solid wood fence along the south property line. These plans can be adjusted to meet bother zoning code requirements and condition No. 1. In response to Ms. Fa st, Ms. McClung stated the shared access would occur on the vacated right of way. The single family will probably not use that access; it is primarily for future development to the north. Jeffrey deRoulet, Project Designer, 2231 - llth Avenue West, Apt. 11 Seattle thanked staff for the excellent staff report and concurrence with the request for Variance. The project will consist of 22 two- bedroom townhouse units at approximately 1, 090 sq. ft. , with lofts reached by ladder, and18 three-bedroom units at approximately 1, 350 sq. ft. with lofts. The project has fewer larger units and is more child oriented. There is a Docket park to the north. Approximately 50.5 of the site will remain in green open space. Anticipated project I I 2 I I i 1 Kent Board of Adjustment Minutes of Meeting of June 6, 1988 population is 90 people. The future shared access will be for the property behind the existing dwelling on Fifth Avenue (referring to view foils) . With the Waterman Street vacation, the developer is trying to provide a comfortable and easily-identified access for approximately 70-80 apartment units (including future development to the north) and sufficient auto and pedestrian access which is reasonably scaled, safe and attractive. The developer is interested in screening the railroad tracks from the apartment units. Along the railroad tracks is rockery retaining the pond water; this will be heavily planted with evergreens. Mr. deRoulet identified the areas of landscaping; he believes the development meets the spirit of the rule. In response to Ms. Carroll, Mr. deRoulet stated there is a multifamily project to the south of the development. They are single story apartments with well-developed landscaping. Their chain link fence and the proposed wood fence along the south property line would be back to back. Adjacent property owners to the south would look at a 6 ft. high wood fence through the chain link fence on their side. The Applewood Associates development would have 3 - 20 feet of landscaping along the wood fence. Mr. deRoulet described the fence. Ms. Faust MOVED and Mr. Cosby SECONDED the motion to adjourn to executive session. Motion carried. Upon returning from executive session, Chairman Jarvis stated the Board had voted unanimously to approve the request for variance with the following conditions: 1) That the foundation landscaping and landscaping along the south property line will be accommodated where possible, and 2) That this variance shall be granted in conjunction with the site plan submitted with this application and specifically for 30 units, a shared access easement along the north property line and a solid wood fence along the south property line. These plans can be adjusted to meet the other zoning requirements and Condition 1. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cosby MOVED and Ms. Carroll SECONDED the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 10 PM. Respectfully submitted, JJ m s P. Harris, Secretary 3