HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/16/2005 i Planning & Economic Development Committee Agenda KEN T Councilmembers:Ron Harmon.Bruce White.Tim Clark,Chair W A MINOTO• May 16,2005 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Sneaker Time Page 1. Approval of the Minutes of 4118/05 YES 5 min 1 2. Manufactured Housing#ZCA-2004-1 YES Charlene Anderson 20 min 3 3. King County Commercial NO Charlene Anderson 5 min 0 Land Use Code Consistency Unless otherwise noted,the Planning and Economic Development Committee meets the 3 d Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m.in Council Chambers East,Kent City Hall,220 4th Avenue South,Kent,98032-5895. For information on the above items,the City of Kent's Website can be accessed at • hiti)://www.ci.kent.wa.us/CityCouncil/commiuecs/planning.asi)or contact Pamela Mottram or the respective project planner in Planning Services at(253)856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253)856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. i This page intentionally';left blank. 1 PLANNING&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 18,2005 Committee Members: Chair Tim Clark,Ron Harmon,Bruce White The meeting was called to order by Chair Clark at 4:00 P.M. Approval of Minutes Member Harmon MOVED and Member White SECONDED to approve the minutes of April 4, 2005. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Countywide Planning Policies Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that two of the countywide planning policy amendments approved by the Growth Management Planning Council in King County affect Kent. Ms. Anderson stated that one amendment includes a mapping error that erroneously included in Tukwila's Potential Annexation Area an area within Kent's Potential Annexation Area located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Orillia Road and S. 204`h Street. Ms. Anderson stated that staff is requesting that the motion for this amendment include a proviso that the King County Council and the GMPC will correct the mapping error and that the map be adjusted to follow S. 204c' Street. Ms. Anderson stated that the second amendment affecting Kent relates to changes to the potential annexation area's housing and employment targets which were initially brought before the Committee in October 2004. She stated that the County has decreased the household targets and increased the job capacity from previous miscalculations. Member White MOVED and Member Harmon SECONDED a Motion to recommend ratification of amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies approved under the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) Motion Nos. 04.1 through 04.5 with the understanding that the King County Council and the GMPC will correct the mapping error on the potential annexation area map to exclude the area within the City of Kent's Potential Annexation Area(PAA) and to adjust Kent's PAA to align with South 204 Street, and to forward to the Full City Council for final action. Motion PASSED 3-0. Cascade Land Conservancy Presentation Mr. Jim Greenfield, Chair of the King County Board of Trustees for the Cascade Land Conservancy and a member of the Board introduced Mr. Derrick Bernie, Community Outreach Program Manager who used a power point presentation to show the Cascade Land Conservancy's(CLC)Agenda. Mr. Greenfield stated that the CLC is a nonprofit organization with a 20 person Board of Directors, encompassing King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kittitas Counties. He stated that each county has their own affiliated group of trustees who implement local conservation. He stated that since 1988 the CLC has protected over 110,000 acres through fee acquisition or conservation easements and invested over 26 million dollars in conservation. He cited many of the projects the CLC has been involved with, including the 100,000 acre Snoqualmie Forest conservation project. Mr. Greenfield stated that the CLC would like to partner with Kent on their conservation efforts, citing Clark Lake as one of their preservation efforts. He stated that the purpose of the CLC is to work with the community in developing strategies for the next 100 years out, to preserve the natural heritage of those communities, sustain a strong regional economy, promote livable • communities and ensure healthy ecosystems. Mr. Derrick Bernie stated that the CLC conducted an intensive review of the best available data and mapping to evaluate how land use would look over a 100 year span, at the same time 2 incorporating input from diany constituencies through the Cascade dialogues project. He stated that at the end of the pubIlic outreach process, the CLC formed an ambitious set of goals and strategies based on conserving over one million acres of land; to include private working forests, farms, working landscapes, an additional 265 thousand acres of park lands, natural areas and shorelines; and addressing';property rights and development issues. He stated that the CLC will provide staff with a copy of their in-depth report prior to its release at their annual conservation awards breakfast scheduled for May 19 in Seattle. Mr. Bernie extended an invitation to the Committee and Council to join the CLC at this event. Mr. Bemie described the approaches that need to be taken over the next 100 years to achieve the CLC's conservation goals for the region. He addressed questions from the Committee with respect to density, redevelopment and transfer of development rights. City Attorney Tom Brubaker stated that Kent City Council has not implemented a program for the purchase or transfer of development rights as it is cost prohibitive. Zoning& Subdivision Codes & Shoreline Master Program Amendments#ZCA-2005-2 Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that this proposed amendment is presented for informational purposes. She stated that Council approved amendments to KCC 12.01 in 2001, a regulatory reform code section addressing where appeals go once a decision is made by the Hearing Examiner, Council or staff. This amendment intends to incorporate that same language throughout the Kent City Code for consistency. Ms. Anderson stated thatthis amendment is being heard before the Land Use and Planning Board on April 25, asking for the Committee's concurrence to take this directly to City Council upon the Board's recommelndation. The Committee concurred. Green River Corridor Spacial Interest District#ZCA-2005-1 Senior Planner Kurt Hanson stated that this amendment is for informational purposes only. He stated that this proposal applies a 35 foot height limitation to only river-front lots within the Green River Corridor Special Interest District. Mr. Hanson stated staff is striking revisions to language initially proposed for the definitions Section 15.02 of the Kent City Code, as staff subsequently realized that existing language is adequate. Mr. Hanson stated that thi$ amendment is being heard before the Land Use and Planning Board on April 25, asking for the Committee's concurrence to take this directly to City Council upon the Board's recommendati6n. The Committee concurred. Added Item-Interlocal On behalf of the Committee, Chair Clark asked that staff take an assertive stance and approach King County to see that their land use and planning policies within Kent's Potential Annexation Area conforms to Kent's codes specifically with respect to permitting of businesses. He stated that if the county is trying!to encourage us to annex that area, they need to enforece compatible land use permitting and not expect Kent to inherit uses which we find inappropriate. Chair Clark asked that staff bring this item back to the next Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting clarifying that his specific concern was that current King County code allows unconventional land uses such as gambling establishments within the PAA and these uses would have negative impacts on Kent. He stated that he is primarily targeting the licensing and permitting process for commercial uses. Adiournment Chair Clark adjourned the meeting at 4:55 pm Pamela Mottram, 40 Admin Secretary,Planning!Services S:iPermiffim Omming Committee120051Alinttes 041805min.doc P&EDC Meeting Minutes—4/18/05 Page 2 of 2 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP,Director PLANNING SERVICES KE N T Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager W A S M I N O T O N Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 May 9, 2005 To: Chair Tim Clark and Planning& Economic Development Committee Members From: Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Manager Through: Land Use &Planning Board Subject: Zoning Code Amendment #ZCA-2004-1 Manufactured Housing MOTION: I move to recommend/not recommend approval of#ZCA-2004-1, amending Chapter 15 of Kent City Code to allow designated manufactured homes in all residential zoning districts, as recommended by the Land Use&Planning Board. SUMMARY: At the October 18, 2004 meeting, the Planning & Economic Development Committee postponed action on the proposed Manufactured Housing code amendment and requested that staff bring the issue back to the May 16, 2005 meeting. You may recall that on March 31, 2004, Governor Locke signed Senate Bill 6593 which prohibits discrimination against consumers' choices in housing. In effect, the Bill prohibits the City from enacting any statute or ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against manufactured homes in such a manner that is not equally applicable to all homes. The new regulations take effect July 1, 2005. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: Existing Kent City Code permits mobile homes and manufactured homes only in mobile home parks; they are not permitted in any other zoning district nor are they allowed on individually platted residential lots. In light of Senate Bill 6593, the Land Use & Planning Board recommends approval of the following amendment to allow manufactured homes in a manner similar to other single family dwellings. Design review can be required for manufactured homes only when the standards also are applicable to other homes. The Land Use &Planning Board recommends approval of the following code amendment: Mixed Zoning Option: 1. Retain the existing mobile home park requirement for manufactured/mobile homes constructed prior to June 15, 1976 or for used manufactured homes, or used designated manufactured homes, and require the following for"designated manufactured homes" in order to locate within other residential zoning districts: a) A designated manufactured home must be a new manufactured home; b) The designated manufactured home shall be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and the space from the bottom of the home to the ground shall be enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product that can be either load bearing or decorative; c) The designated manufactured home shall comply with all local design . standards applicable to all other homes; d) The designated manufactured home shall be thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and 4 e) The deslignated manufactured home shall meet all other requirements for a designatled manufactured home as defined in RCW 35.63.160. 2. Add to Kent City QDde under Title 15 the following definitions from the Bill: Designated manufactured home means a manufactured home constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements for manufactured homes, which: a. Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than twelve feet wide by thirty-six feet long; b. Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal,or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and C. Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site-built uniform building code single-family residences. New manufactured home means any manufactured home required to be titled under Title 46 RCW,which has not been previously titled to a retail purchaser, and is not a"used mobile home" as defined in RCW 82.45.032(2). 3. The new regulations would become effective July 1, 2005, concurrent with the effective date of the state legislation. A representative of the Washington Manufactured Housing Association will be present at the May Milt meeting along with staff to further discuss the proposed amendment. CA\pm S:\Permit\Plan\ZONECODEAMEND\2004\2041 1 59-2004-1pc051605.doc Enc: Minutes of 10/18/04 and 7/19/04 P&EDC;7/14/04 and 10/11/04 Staff memos to P&EDC;Minutes of 4/26/04 and 6/14/04 LU&PB meetings;6/7/04 staff mein t0 LU&PB;Senate Bill 6593 cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,AICP,�D Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, tanning Services Manager Parties of Record(Attached) Project File Planning&Economic Developmelru Committee Meeting 5/16/05 Manufactured Housing#ZCA-2004-1 Page 2 of 2 5 how development will affect the land. The applicant then would be required to comply with sensitive area regulations for slope or wetland,roadway issues and detention areas. Ms. Anderson responded to.Chair Clark that this proposal is an area-wide zoning change as part of the comprehensive plan, and encompasses commercial, multifamily and some publicly owned space per the recent comprehensive plan update. Ms. Wessen clarified the zoning proposals with respect to Study Area 1 and Study Area 5 in response to questions from Member Harmon. Member Harmon MOVED to approve #CPZ-2004-1 Supporting Regulations to 2004 Comprehensive Plan as recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board and move this on to Council. Member White SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Urban Density Study Ms. Wessen stated that in June 2004 Council passed a resolution directing Planning staff to study Urban Densities related to the Comprehensive Plan. She stated that a land use policy states that staff would look at urban density based on the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board rulings for the Puget Sound Region per their definition of Urban Density at 4 units per acre. Ms. Wessen defined the areas affected as part of the urban density study. She stated that staff has scheduled three community outreach workshops at three elementary schools on East Hill to inform the public of these rulings. Ms.Wessen invited the committee members to attend the scheduled workshops. Assistant City Attorney Kim Adams Pratt updated the Committee on court cases since Council's passage of the resolution directing staff to look at urban densities. She stated that the City has been sued by 1000 Friends on an appeal to the Growth Management Hearings Board and we are involved in that process now under the Growth Board's jurisdiction. • Ms. Pratt stated that a recent case decided at the end of September against the City of Bonney Lake had issues similar to those our Council will be looking at. Bonney Lake completed its comp plan update, lowering some densities of 2 to 4 units per acre. The Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) found that these densities were too low for an urban area. The GMHB found Bonney Lake's comprehensive plan update invalid and directed Bonney Lake to complete a study, change the densities,and return to the GMHB for review of Bonney Lake's corrective actions. Ms. Pratt stated that once a city is involved in an appeal process with the GMHB,the City is under its scrutiny and must comply with its timeframes and directives. Bruce White questioned if the Urban Density study is being pursued as a result of the current case under appeal with Kent and the GMHB. Ms. Pratt stated that she believes that the urban density study will allow the City to receive an extension from the GMHB, thereby deferring a decision in this case until after Council has had opportunity to review urban densities. Ms. Pratt stated that 1000 Friends and Kent Legal staff believe that the GMHB will grant an extension to the current case schedule so that Kent will have the opportunity to carry out its urban density study before a hearing on the merits of the case. In response to Member Harmon Ms. Wessen stated that after completing their research, 1000 Friends sent a letter to all cities in the King County area referencing that community's zoning and or land use designations in preparation for their own passage of the comprehensive plan. City Attorney Tom Brubaker clarified Kim Adams Pratt statement by saying that based on the GMHB decisions the City can comp areas at less than 4 units per acre if they can demonstrate that parcels contain large, complex sensitive areas and the City's existing Critical Areas Regulations do not adequately address concerns associated with impacts to those sensitive areas. #ZCA-2004-1 Manufactured Housine Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that this issue was brought forward to the Committee last July as the result of a Senate Bill signed by Governor Locke allowing designated manufactured housing in all residential zoning districts and prohibiting discrimination in consumer housing choices. Ms. Anderson stated that this issue was heard before the Land Use and Planning Board who recommended a change to Kent's Zoning Code to allow designated manufactured homes in residential areas. She stated that this issue was brought to the Committee in July and the Committee asked staff to bring it back for Planning&Economic Development Committee Meeting October 18,2004 Page 2 of 3 i 6 consideration in October. Ms. Anderson stated that current statewide legislation does not go into effect until July 1,2005. Ms. Anderson stated that in the meantime it has been rumored that the State Legislature might reconsider their previous legislative decision. She stated that staff proposes that the Committee consider two options: 1) Approve the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendations; then, if the State Legislature withdraws this law, the City could repeal that ordinance or 2) defer a decision until after this year's 2005 legislative session to determine if anything changes with that law. Ms. Anderson stated that, theoretically, staff would have time before mid July 2005 to move forward with an amendment to the Kent City Code. Tom Sharp,PO Box 918,Maple Valley,WA 98038 stated that he spoke before the Committee in July. He stated that Kent regulations re4 uire $4000 for a building permit and would like to see that the rules and regulations that pertain to a stick built home are applied to factory housing citing for example zoning regulations,mitigation fees,structural analysis and storm drainage. Harmon asked if staff detentimed whether foundation standards differ for stick-built homes versus manufactured homes. Ms. Anderson stated that State Legislation refers to the manufacturer's specifications and allows the city to add exterior siding materials commonly used on conventional site built Uniform Building Code single family residences. She cited the portion of the Senate Bill which states that this Federal regulation is equivalent to the State's Uniform Building CWe,which indicates that the federal regulation does comply with the Uniform Building Code. Ms. Anderson fitated that any siting would have to comply with setback standards and other codes and ordinances set for any single family residences,except the structure itself. Ms. Anderson addressed furthe>t concerns of Member Harmon by stating that staff has incorporated all of the caveats that are allowed in the State Code. After deliberations by the Committee, Member Harmon MOVED to send this issue back to Committee in May 2005. Member White SE(40NDED. Motion CARRIED 3 to 0. Countywide Planning Polices-0,mendment to Table LU-1 Household & Employment Tar ets Ms. Anderson stated that the King County Council will be reviewing changes to previously established household and employment targets which affect the city of Kent's potential annexation area. She stated that the housing target would decrease from 619 to 546 because of a King County error in allocating previous targets. Ms. Anderson stated that the increase in the employment target within the potential annexation area from 44 to 287 meshes with the!capacity that is actually in our potential annexation area. Ms. Anderson stated that this io a countywide planning policy amendment that already passed the Growth Management Planning Committee and once approved by King County Council (potentially in December), it would be sent to all cities. She stated that if this amendment is ratified, it is incorporated into the Countywide Planning Policies.; Ms. Anderson stated that this amendment will return to the Committee possibly in December or January once it becomes official. Adjournment Chair Clark adjourned the meeting at 5:05 pm Pamela Mottram, Admin Secretary,Planning Seri ices S.-TermillPlanlPlanning Committee120041Arinutes1101804pc-min_edited.doc 411 Planning&Economic Committee Meciing October 18,2004 Page 3 of 3 7 • PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES July 19, 2004 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair Tim Clark, Ron Harmon, Bruce White The meeting was called to order by Chair Clark at 4:00 P.M with Chair Clark acknowledging Member White's absence. Approval of Minutes Committee Member Harmon MOVED and Committee Member Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2004 meeting. Chair Clark stated that the Committee would await Member White's concurrence on the MOT10N upon his arrival. #ZCA-2004-1 MANUFACTURED HOUSING Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that this issue is the result of new State legislation to allow manufactured housing in any single family or residential zoning district. She stated that the Land Use and Planning Board recommended approval of this zoning amendment at a hearing held in June. Ms. Anderson described the requirements for siting manufactured homes. Ms. Anderson stated that the Board and Staff recommends an option allowing specific types of designated manufactured homes in all residential zoning districts with other mobile or manufactured homes to be allowed only in mobile home parks per current code. Members Clark and Harmon expressed their concerns with regard to foundations and roof specifications. Member Harmon opined that as this legislation is not effective until July 1, 2005 • staff should evaluate this issue further. Ms. Anderson deferred to Building Official Bob Hutchinson who addressed the Committee's concerns regarding structural issues, design standards and the administration and enforcement of Federal Standards. In response to Committee inquiry, Ms. Anderson stated that neighboring cities such as Auburn, Renton and Federal Way are complying with the new State legislation by allowing manufactured homes in residential areas. Tom Sharp, PO Box 918, Maple Valley, WA expressed his consternation that manufactured homes would be incompatible in existing single family neighborhoods due to differing construction standards. Mr. Sharp stated that the City would benefit by forming a task force to study this issue prior to making a final decision. Paul Morford, P.O. Box 6345, Kent, WA voiced his concern with construction standards as they apply to modular factory built housing. He explained that although modular housing is considered more affordable, it costs less to construct a stick built home in Kent even though it takes longer to construct a stick-built home than to site a modular home. Mr. Morford stated that modular homes are not aesthetically pleasing when placed next to existing houses. Mr. Morford suggested that if the City streamlined their permitting process so that single family building permits could be issued in a reasonable time, no one in Kent would want to purchase modular homes. Bob Hutchinson addressed Mr. Sharp's concerns as defined by Member Clark with respect to third party inspections, design standards and what the State's responsibility is with regard to enforcing quality construction. Ms. Anderson addressed questions raised by Member Clark concerning roof pitches and Bob Hutchinson addressed questions raised by Member Harmon concerning provisions for accessible doorways for the disabled. Chair Clark advised staff to review this issue further and bring it back to the Committee in October. 8 This page intentionally left blank. 9 • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP,Director PLANNING SERVICES KENT Charlene Anderson,A]CP,Manager WASHINGTON Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 JULY 14,2004 TO: CHAIR TIM CLARK AND PLANNING &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON,AICP,PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT #ZCA-2004-1 MANUFACTURED HOUSING MOTION: I move to recommend/not recommend approval of#ZCA-2004-1, amending Chapter 15 of Kent City Code to allow designated manufactured homes in all residential zoning districts, as recommended by the Land Use&Planning Board. SUMMARY: On March 31, 2004, Governor Locke signed Senate Bill 6593 which prohibits discrimination against consumers' choices in housing. In effect, the Bill prohibits the City from enacting any statute or ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating • against manufactured homes in such a manner that is not equally applicable to all homes. The new regulations take effect July 1,2005. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: Existing Kent City Code permits mobile homes and manufactured homes only in mobile home parks; they are not pennitted in any other zoning district nor are they allowed on individually platted residential lots. In light of Senate Bill 6593, the Land Use & Planning Board recommends approval of the following amendment to allow manufactured homes in a manner similar to other single family dwellings. Design review can be required for manufactured homes only when the standards also are applicable to other homes. Mixed Zoning Option: 1. Retain the existing mobile home park requirement for manufactured/mobile homes constructed prior to June 15, 1976 or for used manufactured homes, or used designated manufactured homes, and require the following for"designated manufactured homes"in order to locate within other residential zoning districts: a) A designated manufactured home must be a new manufactured home; b) The designated manufactured home shall be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and the space from the bottom of the home to the ground shall be enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product that can be either load bearing or decorative; c) The designated manufactured home shall comply with all local design standards applicable to all other homes; d) The designated manufactured home shall be thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and e) The designated manufactured home shall meet all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW 35.63.160. 10 2. Add to Kent City Code(under Title 15 the following definitions from the Bill: Designated manufactured dome means a manufactured home constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements for manufactured homes, which: a. Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than twelve feet wide by thirty-six feet long; b. Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and C. Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site-built uniform building code single-family residences. New manufactured home means any manufactured home required to be titled under Title 46 RCW, which has not been,previously titled to a retail purchaser, and is not a"used mobile home" as defined in RCW 82.45.032(2). 3. The new regulations would become effective July 1, 2005, concurrent with the effective date of the state legislation. CA\pm S:\Pennit\Plan\ZONECODEAIEND\2004\2041159-2004-Ipd171904.doc Enc: Minutes of 4/26/04 and 6/14/04 LU&PB meetings;6/7/04 staff memo to LU&PB;Senate Bill 6593 cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,AICP,(D Director Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Services Manager Project File Parties of Record: Planning&Economic Development Committee Meeting 7/19/04 Manufactured Housing#ZCA42004-1 Page 2 of 2 11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP,Director PLANNING SERVICES KE N T Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager w.s H i u o*o h Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 OCTOBER 11, 2004 TO: CHAIR TIM CLARK AND PLANNING&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON,AICP, PLANNING MANAGER THROUGH: LAND USE &PLANNING BOARD SUBJECT: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT #ZCA-2004-1 MANUFACTURED HOUSING MOTION: I move to recommend/not recommend approval of#ZCA-2004-1,amending Chapter 15 of Kent City Code to allow designated manufactured homes in all residential zoning districts, as recommended by the Land Use &Planning Board. SUMMARY: At the July 19,2004 meeting, the Planning &Economic Development Committee requested that staff further review the manufactured housing issue and bring it back to the committee in October. You may recall that on March 31, 2004, Governor Locke signed Senate • Bill 6593 which prohibits discrimination against consumers' choices in housing. In effect, the Bill prohibits the City from enacting any statute or ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against manufactured homes in such a manner that is not equally applicable to all homes. The new regulations take effect July 1,2005. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: Existing Kent City Code permits mobile homes and manufactured homes only in mobile home parks; they are not permitted in any other zoning district nor are they allowed on individually platted residential lots. In light of Senate Bill 6593, the Land Use & Planning Board recommends approval of the following amendment to allow manufactured homes in a manner similar to other single family dwellings. Design review can be required for manufactured homes only when the standards also are applicable to other homes. Mixed Zoning Option: 1. Retain the existing mobile home park requirement for manufactured/mobile homes constructed prior to June 15, 1976 or for used manufactured homes, or used designated manufactured homes, and require the following for"designated manufactured homes" in order to locate within other residential zoning districts: a) A designated manufactured home must be a new manufactured home; b) The designated manufactured home shall be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and the space from the bottom of the home to the ground shall be enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product that can be either load bearing or decorative; c) The designated manufactured home shall comply with all local design standards applicable to all other homes; • d) The designated manufactured home shall be thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and e) The designated manufactured home shall meet all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW 35.63.160. 12 2. Add to Kent City Code under Title 15 the following definitions from the Bill: Designated manufactured home means a manufactured home constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements for manufactured homes, which: a. Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than twelve feet wide by thirty-six feet long; b. Was: originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and C. Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site-built uniform building code single-family residences. New manufactured home means any manufactured home required to be titled under Title 46 RCW,which has not been previously titled to a retail purchaser, and is not a"used mobile home" as defined in RCW 82.45.032(2). 3. The new regulations would become effective July 1, 2005, concurrent with the effective date of the state legislation. FURTHER DISCUSSIO&: There is speculation that this year's legislative agenda may include reconsideration of SB 6593. The existing state legislation and the proposed Kent City Code amendment are not effective until July 1, 2005. There are a couple of options the Committee may want to consider: 1) Approve the proposed zoning code amendment; if state legislation is changed prior to July 1, 2005, direct listaff to further amend the code. 2) Postpone a decisiom on this issue until after the 2005 legislative session; direct staff to bring this issue back to the Committee once the state legislative session ends. CA1pm S:1Permit\PlanIZONECODEAMEND12004\2041159-2004-1pe101804.doc Enc: Minutes of 7/19/04 P&EDC;V/14/04 Staff memo to P&EDC;Minutes of 4/26/04 and 6/14/04 LU&PB meetings;6/7/04 staff memo to LU&PB;Senate Bill 6593 cc: Fred N.Sanerstrom,AICP,CO Director Charlene Anderson,AICP,P14nning Services Manager Parries of Record(Attached) Project File Planning&Economic Development Committee Meeting 10/18/04 Manufactured Housing#ZCA-2004-1 Page 2 of 2 13 ' • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom,C.D.Director PLANNING SERVICES • Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager K E N T Phone:253-856-5454 WA.SMIMOTON Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5896 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES PUBLIC MEETING APRIL 26, 2044 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Jon Johnson at 7:00 p.m.on Monday, April 26, 2004 in Chambers West of Kent City Hall. LUPB MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson, Chair, Greg Worthing,Vice Chair, Steve Dowell, Theresa Ferguson, David Malik and Elizabeth Watson LUPB MEMBERS ABSENT: Nicole Fincher, Unexcused STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager and Pamela Mottram,Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES None ADDED ITEMS • None COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Worthing agreed to cover short plat meetings for the duration of 2004, in response to a request by Planning Manager Charlene Anderson. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the Land Use and Planning Board will discuss the following zoning code amendment issues at their May 10 workshop; Manufactured Housing, Hazardous Substance Land Use Facilities and Churches in M-1 zones. Ms. Anderson stated that City Council has held two workshops on the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan Update and intends to take the Draft Comprehensive Plan before the Planning and Economic Development Committee on May 171h LUPB BY-LAWS Planning Manager Charlene Anderson described the revisions to the Land Use and Planning Board By-Laws. After deliberation by the Board, David Malik MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to accept the changes to the By-laws as proposed by staff. Motion CARRIED. #ZCA-2004-1 MANUFACTURED HOUSING Planning Manager Charlene Anderson described the options and provisions of new legislation associated with manufactured housing. After discourse with the Board, Ms. Anderson stated that this amendment will be discussed at the May 10 Land Use and Planning Board workshop. ADJOURNMENT With no further items for discussion, Steve Dowell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, °rota clQ dAnAlim- • Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager Secretary, Land Use and Planning Board s%i%r NpyanLLUPBi2004mnuresW42W4min.doc 14 This page intentionally left blank. 15 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . Fred N.Satterstrom,C.D.Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager K E N T Phone:253-856-5454 W A.7 N 1 N O T O N Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 149 2004 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Jon Johnson at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,June 14,2004 in Chambers West of Kent City Hall. LUPB MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson, Chair, Steve Dowell,Theresa Ferguson and Elizabeth Watson LUPB MEMBERS ABSENT: Greg Worthing, Vice Chair, Excused; David Malik, Unexcused;Nicole Fincher,Unexcused STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager, Kim Adams Pratt Assist City Attorney and Pamela Mottram,Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Steve Dowell MOVED and Elizabeth Watson SECONDED a motion to approve the minutes of April 26,2004. Motion CARRIED. ADDED ITEMS None COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that ZCA-2004-3 Hazardous Substance Land Use Facilities Amendment and ZCA-2004-2 Churches in M-1 Zoning Districts amendment will move forward to the July 6 City Council Meeting and ZCA-2004-1 Manufactured Housing Amendment will move forward to the July 20 City Council Meeting, due to the State's 60 day notification period in affect until July 20`h. #ZCA-2004-1 MANUFACTURED HOUSING Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the State has enacted new legislation requiring that cities allow certain manufactured housing in all single family residential zoning districts. Ms. Anderson described 3 (three) zoning options considered by staff for locating manufactured/mobile homes in Kent. Ms. Anderson described Option A Mixed Zoning as recommended by staff. Ms. Ferguson discussed her concerns regarding property values if manufactured homes are allowed in every neighborhood. • Chair Johnson declared the public hearing open. Ron Harmon, 11403 SE 264`h Place, Kent,WA asked the Board to consider including Option B-Design Review as part of the Mixed Zoning Option A. 16 Ms. Watson stated that ilt is her understanding that this piece of legislation was designed to prevent housing discrimination within the community and therefore, the Board could not impose a design review,'without imposing it on all dwellings within the City of Kent. The Board members concurred. Steve Dowell MOVED ;and Elizabeth Watson SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion CARRIM. The Board members discussed options associated with design review parameters. Charlene Anderson addressed issues comparing manufactured homes with stick built homes. Elizabeth Watson MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED a motion to accept Option A Mixed Zoning as recommended by staff. Motion Carried 4-0. 4ZCA-2004-2 CHURCHES IN M-1 ZONES Ms. Anderson said this project was initiated by Mayor White as the result of a request for a church to locate in the Mal Industrial Park District. She stated that the code allows churches as special permit uses in most zoning districts. Ms. Anderson described the three (3) options analyzed by staff. Ms. Anderson stated that:staff recommends a modified Option C, adding churches as Special Permit Uses only in the CM-1,M1 and M1-3 zoning districts. Chair Johnson declared the public hearing open. Seeing no speakers, Steve Dowell MOVED and Elizabeth Watson SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion CARRIED. Theresa Ferguson MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED a motion to accept Staff's recommendation for a modified Option C, adding churches as Special Permit Uses only in the CM-1,M1 and M1-C zoning districts. Motion CARRIED 4-0. #ZCA-2004-3 HAZARDIOUS SUBSTANCE LAND USE FACILITIES Ms. Anderson stated that the City has adopted the International Fire Code which replaces the Uniform Fire Code. Ms. Anderson stated that Kent City Code Sections 15.08.050(D)(9)(g) and 15.08.050(D)(9)(k) 'reference the "Uniform Fire Code". She stated that staff is recommending replacing that language to reflect "adopted fire codes". Ms. Anderson stated that these new codes will be affective July 1, 2004 and will apply only to buildings that vest after the July 1st date. Chair Johnson declared the public hearing open. Seeing no speakers, Steve Dowell MOVED and Elizabeth Watson SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion CARRIED. Theresa Ferguson MOVED and Elizabeth Watson SECONDED a motion to accept staffs recommendation to replace the Uniform Fire Code language with language referencing "adopted Fire Codes". Motion CARRIED 4-0. ADJOURNMENT With no further items ! for discussion, Steve Dowell MOVED and Theresa Ferguson SECONDED a motion to;adjoum the meeting. Motion CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Manager Secretary, Land Use and Planning Board S.I Permit0anILUPB12004Winutes1001404min.doc Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 14,2004 Page 2 of 2 17 • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP,Director PLANNING SERVICES KE N T Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager WASHINGTON Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 JUNE 79 2004 TO: CHAIR JON JOHNSON AND LAND USE&PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON,AICP,PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT #ZCA-2004-1 MANUFACTURED HOUSING For Public Hearing of June 14, 2004 SUMMARY: On March 31, 2004, Governor Locke signed Senate Bill 6593 which prohibits discrimination against consumers' choices in housing. In effect, the Bill prohibits the City from enacting any statute or ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against manufactured homes in such a manner that is not equally applicable to all homes. The new regulations take effect July 1, 2005. • BACKGROUND: Existing Kent City Code permits mobile homes and manufactured homes only in mobile home parks; they are not permitted in any other zoning district. Although initially the existing regulations were intended to help protect property values in residential districts, new manufactured homes arguably are becoming more similar aesthetically and structurally to "stick- built" dwellings that are allowed in residential districts. In light of Senate Bill 6593, staff proposes to amend the code to allow manufactured homes in a manner similar to other single family dwellings. Design review can be required for manufactured homes only when the standards also are applicable to other homes. OPTIONS: A. Mixed Zoning Retain the existing mobile home park requirement for manufactured/mobile homes constructed prior to June 15, 1976 or for used manufactured homes, or used designated manufactured homes, and require the following for "designated manufactured homes"in order to locate within other residential zoning districts: a) A designated manufactured home must be a new manufactured home; b) The designated manufactured home shall be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and the space from the bottom of the home to the ground shall be enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product that can be either load bearing or decorative; c) The designated manufactured home shall comply with all local design standards applicable to all other homes; • d) The designated manufactured home shall be thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and e) The designated manufactured home shall meet all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW 35.63.160. 18 Add to Kent City Code under Title 15 the following definitions from the Bill: Designated imanufactured home means a manufactured home constructed after June 15, 076, in accordance with state and federal requirements for manufactured homes, which: a. Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than twelve feet wide by thirty-six feet long; b. Was: originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and C. Has;exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site-built uniform building code single-family residences. New manufactured home means any manufactured home required to be titled under Title 46 RCW, which has not been previously titled to a retail purchaser, and is not ai"used mobile home"as defined in RCW 82.45.032(2). B. Design Review Similar to Option A, but additionally require design review for all residential dwelling units. C. All Districts Allow manufactured homes outright in all residential zoning districts, regardless of age of home, new or used, or other development conditions listed under Options A and B. RECOMMENDATION:: Staff recommends Option A because it continues existing code regulations regarding manufactured homes and 41so incorporates the new state regulations for those homes constructed after June 15, 1976. Staff proposes any new regulations become effective July 1, 2005, concurrent with the effective date of the state legislation. Options B and C impose additional impacts on existing neighborhoods and further, with design review requirements would impose additional time, money, and workload constraints on residential developers and staff alike without contributing corresponding benefits. The SEPA Responsible Official has determined that no further SEPA actions are required as the proposed code amendments are categorically exempt from SEPA review. CA\pm S:\Permit\Plan\ZONECODEA}4END\2004\2041159-2004-1 lupbph061404.doc Enc: Senate Bill 6593 cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,AICP,iCD Director Charlene Anderson,A1CP,planning Services Manager Project File Parties of Record: 19 CBRTItIcmaK OY ENROLuaw SUM BILL 6393 58th Le islature 2004 Regular Sessica • Passed by the Sanate March 10, 2004 C'"=r1CA= Yw 41 man a I, Milton B. writ, Jr., sscret"T of the Senate of the state of Washington, do hereby President of the Renate certify that the attached is • SSWast DILL 9593 as passed by the Passed by the Bone* March 3, 2004 Senate - and the Moose of Yam as lays.}1 Representatives as the dates hereon ask forth. spesker of the Beans of nepresestativas Reetetaty Approved rites secretary of state state of Washington Governor of the state of Washington • r- _ _... _.. 20 SENATE BILL 6593 AS AMP.NDBD BY THE HOUSE Peased Legislature - 2004 Regular Session State of Washington 59th Legislature 2004 Regular session By Senators Prentice, Carlson, Keiser, T. Sheldon and Niamley Read first tine 01126/2004. Referred to Committee on Financial Services, Insurajnce i Housing. 1 AN ACT Relalting to prohibiting discrimination against consumers' 2 choices in bousling; amending RCN 35.63.160; adding a DOW section to 3 chapter 35.21 RCN; adding a new section to chapter 35A.21 RCYAI adding 4 a new section :to chapter 36.01 RCB; creating a new section; and 5 providing an effective date. 6 BE IT ENACTED 8* THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NAMIIXr=it 7 NEW SECTIOWL See. 1.. The legislature finds than Congress has 8 preempted the (regulation by the states of manufactured bousing 9 construction standards through adoption of construction standards for 10 manufactured housing (42 D.S.C. Sec. 5401-5403)t and this federal 11 regulation is equivalent to the state's uniform building code. The 12 legislature also finds that congress has declared tbats (1) 13 Manufactured housing plays a vital role in meeting the housing needs of 14 the nation] and (2) manufactured homes provide a significant resource 15 for affordable i homeownership and rental housing accessible to all 16 Atieriii" (42 JI.S.C. See. 5401-5403). The legislature intends to 17 protect the consumers' rights to choose among a number of housing 18 construction alternatives without restraint of trade or discrimination 19 by local govarnpients. P. I Ss 6593.PL 21 98 1 NE(i SSLRION Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 35.21 RCN 2 to read as follows$ 3 (1) A city or town way not enact any statute or ordinance that has 4 the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against 5 consumers' choices in the placement or use of a hone in such a manner 6 that is not equally applicable to all homes. Hanes built to 42 A.S.C. 7 Sec. 5401-5403 standards (as amended in 2000) must be regulated for the 8 purposes of siting in the same manner an site built homes, factory 9 built homes, or homes built to any other state construction or local 10 design standard. However, any city or town may require that (a) a 11 manufactured home be a new manufactured hose; (b) the manufactured hone 12 be Bet upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manpfacturer, 13 and that the space from the bottom of the home to the ground be 14 enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product which can be 15 either load bearing or decorative; (c) the manufactured home comply 16 with all local design standards applicable to sll other homes within 17 the neighborhood in which the manufactured home is to be 1'ocated, (d) 18 the horse is thermally equivalent to the state aaergy code, and (a) the 19 manufactured how otherwise meets all other requirements for a 20 designated manufactured home as defined in RCH 35.63.160. A city with • 21 a population of one hundred thirty-five thousand or more may choose to 22 designate its building official as the persons responsible for issuing 23 all pendta, including department of labor and industries permits 24 issued under chapter 43.22 RCM in accordance with an intarloeal 25 agreement under chapter 39.34 RCM, for alterations, remodeling, or 26 expansion of an housing located within the city limits under 27 this section. 28 (2) This section does not override any legally recorded cove to 29 or deed restrictions of record. 30 (3) This section does not affect the authority granted under 31 chapter 43.22 RCM, 32 lnafi MUMMN_ sac. 3. A new section is added to chapter 35A.21 RCN 33 to read as followss 3 t -. _. (1)_A code.city may.not-enact.any statute•or.ovoinaeceL tbet has the 35 effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against consumera' 36 choices in the placement or use of a home in such a manner that is not 37 equally applicable to all homes. Romeo built to 42 A.B.C. Sec. 5401- SH 6593.PL • P• � • T 22 1 5403 standards (ps amended in 2000) must be regulated for the purposes 2 of siting in the',same manner as site built hones, factory built homes, 3 or hones built ' tq any other state construction or local design 4 standard. However, any code city may require that (a) a manufactured .S home be a new manufactured home: (b) the manufactured home be set upon 6 a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and that the 7 space from the bi6ttom of the home to the ground be enclosed by concrete e or an approved concrete product which can be either load bearing or 9 decorative; (c) i the manufactured home comply with all local design 10 standards applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in 11 which the manufattured home is to be locatedi (a) the home is thermally 12 equivalent to toe state energy code; and (e) the manufactured hose 13 otherwise meets 'all other requirements for a designated manufactured 14 home as defined to RCW 35.63.160. A code city with a population of one IS hundred thirty-five thousand or more may choose to designate its 16 building officiall as the person responsible for issuing .all permits, 17 including depai�ment of labor and industries permits issued under 18 chapter 43.22 RLV in accordance with an interlocal agreement under 19 chapter 39.34 RCM, for alterations, remodeling, or expansion of 20 manufactured housing located within the city'liadts under this @action. 21 (2) This section does not override any legally recorded covenants 22 or deed rastrictiions of record. 23 (3) This section does not affect the authority granted under 24 chapter 43.22 RCM. 2S NSM_ gc=10M i goo. 4. A new section is added to chapter 36.01 RCW 26. to read as follchM: 27 (2) A count} may not enact any statute or ordinance that has the 28 effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against consumers, 29 choices in the placement or use of a home in such &' manner that is not 30 equally applicable to all homes. Homes built to 42 V.S.C. Sec. 5401- 31 5403 standards dam amended in 2000) must be regulated for the purposes 32 of siting in tho same manner as site built homes, factory built homes, 33 or homes built, to any other state construction; or local design 34 standard. However, any county may require-that (a)- a.manufactured home 35 be a new manufactured home; (b) the manufactured hose be set upon a 36 permanent found*tion, as specified by the manufacturer, and that the 37 space from the bottom of the home to the ground be enclosed by concrete p. 3 S9 6593.PL 23 100 1 or an approved concrete product which can be either load bearing or 2 decordtive, (c) the manufactured home comply with all local degign 3 standards applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in 4 which the manufactured home is to be locatedi (d) the home is thermally 5, equivalent to the state energy code, and (a) the manufactured home 6 otherwise meets all other requirements for a designated manufactured 7 home as defined in RCN 36.63.160. 8 (2) This section does not override any legally recorded covenants 9 or deed restrictions of record. 10 (3) This section does not affect the authority granted under 11 chapter 43.22 RCN, 12 9ec, 5. RCW 35.63.160 and 1988 c 239 s 1 are each amended to read 13 as followa: 14 (1) ( 1S 16 bY the eiir-af the need atid demand for such !tomes. �_ e ft%400E she!! 17 r d by Decambem 18 fel PON •he - r r r 19based an }) 8 20 •designated manufactured home" is a manufactured home constructed after 21 June IS, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements for 22 manufactured homes, which; 23 (a) Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections 24 each of not less than twelve feet wide by thirty-six feet long; 25 (b) Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or 26 wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or sisdlar roof of ((se!—less 27 *ban)) 12mLWj 3s12 pitchl and 28 (c) Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials 29 commonly used on conventional site-built uniform building code single- 30 family residences. 31 _(2) ■flaw mUMfactured homey IDea7ID nV ufactured ►urea reguired t 32 be titled under vitle 46 gCW which has not n arevIgUnly titled to 33 a retail Mirchaser and is not a used mobile home" as defined in RCK 34 82.45.Q 19 f]1_ - . •_. . .. . .. . .__. .... 35 13) Nothing in this section precludes cities from allowing any 36 manufactured home .from being sited on individual lots through local 37 standards which differ from the designated manufactured hone o SB 6593.PL p, 4 24 1 manufactured_b± me as described in this section, except that the testa 2 "designated manufactured hare• and 'new manufactured home' shall not bs 3 used except asjdefined in subsections (11 and (2) of this section. 4 NaW 6=Io$. use. 6. This act takes effect July 1, 2005. P. g 88 6593.m CITY OF KENT 'SUBJECT: Planning and Econ. Dev. ComOmitteeE OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO: Brenda Jacober, City Clerk Public Notices Sent on 5/10/05. FROM: Pamela Mottram Copies of the 5/16/05 PLANNING & ECON. DEV. COMMITTEE Agenda Pac ets were distributed s follows: City Council Members- Full Packet*(7J Deliver to Tim C, JulieP, B City Clerk's Office—(7) Hard Pam Mottram ruceW, RonH, LesT,DeborahR,DebbieRaplee Copies)in Cncl Mmbers Mail Boxes Tomb, RobertN, FredS, CharleneA, KimM, Gloria GouldWessen, Email Note: Distribute Hard Copies to: Pam Mottram BrendaJacober, Bill Osborne, KimP, ReneeC Full Packet—(111J FS/CA/KP1RC/BJ>`(5)—Web Page —Mary Simmons Agenda 8 Full Packet Email: Front Pa g e hd copies) King County Journal Place in Box @-City Clerks- Full Packet FAX: 9-872-661 »1 Mary Simmons Kent Reporter- Agenda Pam Mottram Agenda FAX: Michelle Gisi— 9-437-6026 Pam Mottram Marcelle Pechler,, Chamber of Commerce Full Packet Email:Mi)echler(o)kentchamber com Pam Mottram Garrett Huffman, SKCtyMgr 425451-7920EA236 Full Packet Email: huffman mbaks.com Pam Mottram Master Blders Assoc,335 116''Ave SE, Bellevue,WA 98004 Don ShaBer,KPntCAR.E.S,207ONoM St,Seattle,WA 9810 l US Mail (1) William T. Miller, 827 W.Valley Hwy#95, Kent 98032 Agenda US Mail Michael D. Manderville, 11415 SE 196 , Renton 98055 Agenda US Mail (KBAB) Pam Mottram (KBAB) Pam Mottram Ryan Zulauf, 24502 98 Ave. S., Kent 98030 Agenda US Mail Jennifer Gorman/Warren Perkins A Pam Mottram Agenda US Mail E" e% GUQYYl.P Owest Communications,23315 661h am Mottram Ave S, Kent WA 98032 �� JStorment„EdCrawford,Larry Blanchard, Mike Gillespie, GGill, Email JHodgson, BLopez,RGivens,KSenecaut, KSprotbery, MayorWhite, Pam Mottram MMartin, BColeman, BHutchinson, NTorgelson,TWhite, JSchneider, MHubner,SMullen, LFlemm, BBilodeau,CHolden, AGENDAS(37) JMorrow, CBarry, SHeiserman, MGilbert, CHankins, KHanson, . DHooper,Jocelyn Immacolato, Lydia Moorehead LUPB Members:Jon Johnson, Greg Worthing, Kenneth Wendling, Email Steve Dowell, David Malik, Elizabeth Watson, Dana Ralph AGENDAS(7) Seattle Post Intelligencer(P.I.) Agenda Email:citydesk(@seaftlei)i.com Kelly Snyder, Roth Hill Engineering Pam Mottram Agenda Email: ksnvder(ct�rothhill com Pam Mottram Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering Agenda Email: coble 14450 NE 29"PI, Suite 101, Bellevue,WA 98007 pcobley@rothhill.com Pam Mottram Shaunta Hyde,The Boeing Co., 206-655-3640 Agenda Email: shaunta.r hvdeCg boeing com Pam Mottram Local Gvmt Relations Mgr. POB 3707 MC 14-49, Sea,WA 98124 Ted Nixon, Campbell/Nixon Assoc. Agenda Email: ten@cn-architects.com Pam Mottram 10024 SE 2401h, Suite 102, Kent 98031 Doug Corbin, Puget Sound Energy, Agenda Emall..:douolas.corbinC�ose com Pam Mottram 3130 S 38th St.,TAC-ANX,Tacoma,WA 98409 PH:1-800-327-4123/395f867 Lobby of City Hall Agenda POST Kent.Downtown Partnership PO Box 557, Agenda Pam Mottram Ker�WA98035.A Email: kdp(a�kentdowntown org Pam Mottram (Jacquie Alexander) Ph:253-813-6976 David Hoffman,25334 45 Ave S, Kent,98032-4223 Agenda Email: David.W.Hoffman@_Boeing.com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm:253-852-4683 Wk:253-773-2861 Melvin L. Roberts, 9421 S. 241' St., Kent 98031 Agenda Email: Melvin.L RObertsCEDBO6:inq com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm:253-854-0952 Wk:425-865-3695 Jacob W. Grob, 5408 S. 236 St., Kent 98032-3389 Agenda Email: Jacob.W.GrobaBoeing com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm:253-813-3809 Wk:425-234-2664 Steven M. Nuss,26220 42n Ave. S, Kent,98032 Agenda Email: SteveNuss aaRedDOtCorD com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm:253-854-7561 Thomas Hale,23327 115 PI SE, Kent 98031-3426 Agenda Email:sthale2acomcast net Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm:253-854-0734 Aaron Renner, (KBAB) Kent,WA 98032 Agenda Email: aaron rennet vahoo com Pam Mottram 13 Full Packets t 2 Tor Mtg (7 Original Letterhead Agenda Coven forCC(4 Hd copy Agdas (Revised 4/13105) S:1PermitlPlanlPlanning CommkteelPEDC•Masternistrlb ill ll S.IPermill Plan IPlanningCommillee l2005lDistribution IPC-distribution051608oc "Manufactured Housing#ZCA-2004-1" PARTIES OF RECORD: • Douglas (Doug) Levy 7210 NE 147"'PI Kenmore, WA 98028-4936 A Levy*msn.com _ ,L7mal-& Tom Sharp 24254 143 d Ave. SE Kent, WA 98042 j stsgcomcast.net Steve Dowell, LUPB Member Ron Harmon, City Council Member Mottram, Pamela distribution List Name: Planning & Economic Development Committee-AGENDA PACKETS Members: Adams Pratt, Kim;Asst City Attorney kpratt@ci.kent.wa.us Anderson, Charlene; Planning Manager canderson@ci.kent.wa.us Barry, Cathy, Admin Sec., Planning Services cbarry@ci.kent.wa.us Bilodeau, Bernie Admin Secretary, Planning bbilodeau@ci.kent.wa.us Brubaker, Tom, City Attorney Tbrubaker@ci.kent.wa.us Cameron, Renee; Civil Legal Assistant rcameron@ci.kent.wa.us City Council CityCouncil@ci.kent.wa.us Coleman, Bonnie BColeman@ci.kent.wa.us Corbin, Doug; Puget Sound Energy douglas.corbin@pse.com Crawford, Ed ECrawford@ci.kent.wa.us Dana Ralph (Theralphs4@msn.com) Theralphs4@msn.com David Malik (dpmalik@hotmail.com) dpmalik@hotmail.com Elizabeth Watson elizabeth_watson@comcast.net Flemm, Lori Lflemm@ci.kent.wa.us Garrett Huffman, SKC Mgr ghuffman@mbaks.com Gilbert, Matt, Planning Services mgilbert@ci.kent.wa.us Gill, Gary GGill@ci.kent.wa.us Gillespie, Mike, Development Mgr, PW mgillespie@ci.kent.wa.us qS Egaworthing@yahoo.com) RGivens@ci.kent.wa.us Gloria GGould-Wessen@ci.kent.wa.us orth gaworthing@yahoo.com Grob, Jacob W. KBAB Jacob.W.Grob@Boeing.com Hale, Thomas KBAB sthale2@comcast.net Hankins, Chris, Planning Services chankins@ci.kent.wa.us Hanson, Kurt, Planning Services khanson@ci.kent.wa.us Heiserman, Steve Prod.Assist. Multimedia sheiserman@ci.kent.wa.us Hodgson, John JHodgson@ci.kent.wa.us Hoffman, David KBAB David.W.Hoffman@Boeing.com Holden, Chris,Admin Secretary, Planning Services cholden@ci.kent.wa.us Hooper, Damien, Planning Services dhooper@ci.kent.wa.us Hubner, Mike MHubner@ci.kent.wa.us Hutchinson, Robert RHutchinson@ci.kent.wa.us Immacolato, Jocelyn Jlmmacolato@ci.kent.wa.us Jacober, Brenda; City Clerk bjacober@ci.kent.wa.us Jon Johnson Qonkjohnson@attbi.com) jonkjohnson@comcast.net Kenneth Wendling kwendling1@msn.com Kent Downtown Partnership (Jacquie Alexander) kdp@kentdowntown.org Larry Blanchard, PW Director Iblanchard@ci.kent.wa.us Lopez, Barbara BLopez@ci.kent.wa.us Marousek, Kim; Principal Planner kmarousek@ci.kent.wa.us Martin, Mike MHMartin@ci.kent.wa.us Mary Simmons, City Clerk's Office msimmons@ci.kent.wa.us Michael Hubner, Suburban Cities Consultant, Planning Services mhubner@ci.kent.wa.us orehead, Lydia LMoorehead@ci.kent.wa.us Morrow, Judy,Admin Sec., Planning Services jmorrow@ci.kent.wa.us 1 5/10/2005 12:14 PM 12:14 PM Mullen, Steve Transp Engr Mgr smullen@ci.kent.wa.us Nachlinger, Robert RNachlinger@ci.kent.wa.us Nuss, Steven M KBAB SteveNuss@RedDotCorp.com sborne, William; Planner wosborne@ci.kent.wa.us am Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering pcobley@rothhill.com Pechler, Marcelle - Kent Chamber of Commerce mpechler@KentChamber.com Peterson, Kelly KPeterson@ci.kent.wa.us Renner, Aaron T. , KBAB aaron_renner@yahoo.com Roberts, Melvin L KBAB Melvin.L.Roberts@Boeing.com Satterstrom, Fred; CD Director Fsatterstrom@ci.kent.wa.us Schneider, Jim JSchneider@ci.kent.wa.us Seattle Post Intelligencer(P.I.) citydesk@seattlepi.com Senecaut, Kathleen KSenecaut@ci.kent.wa.us Shaunta Hyde, the Boeing Co. shaunta.r.hyde@boeing.com Snyder, Kelly Roth Hill Engr ksnyder@rothhill.com Sprotbery, Kevin KSprotbery@ci.kent.wa.us Steve Dowell (doweII16@msn.com) dowell16@msn.com Storment, Jim JStorment@ci.kent.wa.us Ted Nixon (ten@cn-architects.com) ten@cn-architects.com Torgelson, Nathan NTorgelson@ci.kent.wa.us White, Jim JWhite@ci.kent.wa.us White, Tammy TLWhite@ci.kent.wa.us • Is 2 5/10/2005 12:14 PM 12:14 PM Mottram, Pamela From: Mottram, Pamela Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:20 PM To: Ted Nixon (ten @cn-architects.com); Corbin, Doug; Puget Sound Energy; Dana Ralph (Theralphs4@msn.com); David Malik(dpmalik@hotmail.com); Elizabeth Watson; Garrett Huffman, SKC Mgr; Greg Worthing (gaworthing@yahoo.com); Jon Johnson Qonkjohnson@attbi.com); Kenneth Wendling; Kent Downtown Partnership (Jacquie Alexander); Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering; Renner, Aaron T. , KBAB; Seattle Post Intelligencer(P.I.); Snyder, Kelly Roth Hill Engr; Steve Dowell (doweII16@msn.com); White, Tammy;Adams Pratt, Kim; Asst City Attorney; Anderson, Charlene; Planning Manager; Barry, Cathy,Admin Sec., Planning Services; Bilodeau, Bernie Admin Secretary, Planning; Brubaker, Tom, City Attorney; Cameron, Renee; Civil Legal Assistant; City Council; Coleman, Bonnie; Crawford, Ed; Flemm, Lori; Gilbert, Matt, Planning Services; Gill, Gary; Gillespie, Mike, Development Mgr, PW; Givens, Rosalie; Gould-Wessen, Gloria; Grob, Jacob W. KBAB; Hale, Thomas KBAB; Hankins, Chris, Planning Services; Hanson, Kurt, Planning Services; Heiserman, Steve Prod.Assist. Multimedia; Hodgson, John; Hoffman, David KBAB; Holden, Chris,Admin Secretary, Planning Services; Hooper, Damien, Planning Services; Hubner, Mike; Hutchinson, Robert; Immacolato, Jocelyn;Jacober, Brenda; City Clerk; Larry Blanchard, PW Director; Lopez, Barbara; Marousek, Kim; Principal Planner; Martin, Mike; Mary Simmons, City Clerk's Office; Michael Hubner, Suburban Cities Consultant, Planning Services; Moorehead, Lydia; Morrow, Judy,Admin Sec., Planning Services; Mullen, Steve Transp Engr Mgr; Nachlinger, Robert; Nuss, Steven M KBAB; Osborne, William; Planner; Pechler, Marcelle-Kent Chamber of Commerce; Peterson, Kelly; Roberts, Melvin L KBAB; Satterstrom, Fred; CD Director; Schneider,Jim; Senecaut, Kathleen; Shaunta Hyde, the Boeing Co.; Sprotbery, Kevin; Storment, Jim; Torgelson, Nathan; White, Jim Cc: Levy, Doug; Sharp, Tom Developer 49* 4 Subject: Agenda Packets - PEDC Meeting for Monday, May 16, 2005 0o All Concerned, Please find attached the AGENDA PACKET for the upcoming Planning Economic Development Committee Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 16, 2005. gn PEDC_Packet_051 605.pdf(1 MB) Please contact me if I can be of further assistance. Thank you, Pawt.ela A. Mottravu x olvt&n strntcie secretord PLannCA services P�owe: 2ss-856-ss fax: 2s3-8s6-C 454 e-wail:pvuottravi.�@ci.l2ewtwa.us 1 5/10/2005 12:20 PM 12:20 PM