HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/28/2005 Planning & Economic Development Committee Agenda KENT Councilmembers: Ron Harmon.Bruce White.Tim Clark,Chair SPECIAL MEETING& PUBLIC HEARING—February 28,2005 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Sneaker Time Page 1. Approval of the Minutes of 1/19/05 YES I 2. Public Hearing-Proposed Critical Areas Ordinance. YES Kim Marousek 5 Testimony and comments will be limited to proposed changes to the wetland regulations. (#ZCA-2002-4) 4. Planning Services 2005 Work Program NO Charlene Anderson 7 Unless otherwise noted,the Planning and Economic Development Committee meets the 3"d Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers East,Kent City Hall,220 4th Avenue South,Kent,98032-5895. For information on the above items,the City of Kent's Website can be accessed at httn'//www ci kent wa us/CiNCouncil/committees/nlannin.,.asn or contact Pamela Mottram or the respective project planner in Planning Services at(253)856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253)856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. h Y This page intentionally left blank. • PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 199 2005 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair Tim Clark, Ron Harmon, Bruce White The special meeting was called to order by Chair Clark at 4:15 P.M. Approval of November 29, 2004 Minutes Member White MOVED and Member Harmon SECONDED to adopt the minutes as amended with the following corrections 1) Changing the Critical Areas Ordinance motion to indicate that Member Harmon made the initial motion rather than Chair Clark and 2) changing the statement made by Member White to say "Member White suggested that an environmentally sensitive development company such as Polygon Development would be a good place for a study to demonstrate an environmentally sensitive project." Motion Passed 3-0. Approval of December 6,2004 Minutes Member White MOVED and Member Harmon SECONDED a motion to adopt the minutes as amended with the following correction 1) Changing a motion with regards to the Muth Amendment to indicate that Member White SECONDED that motion rather than Member Clark. Motion passed 3-0. Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) ZCA-2002-4 Ms. Marousek reiterated the history of the CAO presenting two options to the Committee. CD Director Fred Satterstrom presented a third option proposed by the State Department of Ecology, suggesting this issue be tabled until the Planning and Economic Development Committee's February meeting, to give the State enough time to work with the development community and city staff in reaching a mutual consensus, and holding a new hearing for consideration of this third option. Chair Clark submitted the following correspondence for the record: 1) One letter from Mr. Huffman with Master Builder's Association of King & Snohomish Counties dated 1/19/05 established as Exhibit Number 29; 2) Two letters from John Mauro with the Livable Communities Coalition established as Exhibit Numbers 22 &23; 3) One letter from Don Shaffer, Kent C.A.R.E.S. established as Exhibit Number 28; 4) One letter from Council Member Les Thomas established as Exhibit #27, describing the rationale for his support of Option 2 suggesting a textual change concerning Best Available Science. Ron Harmon MOVED and Bruce White SECONDED a motion to accept the documents into the record. Motion passed 3-0. Garrett Huffman, Master Builders Association submitted a letter for the record established as Exhibit Number 29 in support of Option 2 and Joe Schuler, 277t' St. SE voiced concerns with flooding issues connected with his property located along Mill Creek on 277t'. John Mauro Director of Livable Communities Coalition spoke about why the CAO does not follow Best Available Science or the Growth Management Act mandates. He indicated that neither option would adequately protect critical areas and questioned the long term impacts to the city; including the potential for an eroding quality of life. He stated that the coalition supports buffer averaging not buffer reductions; mitigation must achieve no-net-loss so the replacement ratios are far below what is recommended by the State; penalties for violations need to be increased. Rita Bailie 20607 101" Ave SE, Kent, WA, spoke about tax issues related to public cost if critical areas are not protected and stated that she would possibly consider Option 3. Robert O'Brien. 1131 Seattle SE, Kent, WA voiced his opposition to this ordinance and would like to see more science applied. He stated that housing costs will rise if buffers are increased. 2 • John Welch 11405 SE 196`h, Kent, WA stated that he owns ten acres on Panther Lake. He stated that increasing buffer widths would create adverse economic impacts for the city. He spoke to GMA infill mandates. He stated that he would evaluate Option 3 after provisions have been made for primary stakeholders, citizens and property owners to be involved in the review process. Richard Robohm Department of Ecology Northwest Regional Office 3190 1601h Ave. SE, Bellevue recapped points from his November 29 testimony before the PEDC. He stated that the ordinance is based on best available science which has been thoroughly reviewed. He spoke about the benefit of wetland buffers for water quality and wildlife habitat purporting that increasing buffers by 25 feet would provide minimal protection for some functions. Seeing no further speakers, Chair Clark declared the public hearing closed. After deliberations, Member Harmon MOVED and Member White SECONDED a motion to hold a new public hearing in consideration of Option 3, at the February meeting of the P&EDC; meanwhile allowing the State Department of Ecology and Community Trade and Economic Development time to meet with interested parties and with staff in an effort to reach consensus on the proposed wetland regulations. Any revised alternatives will be made available to the public for review in advance of the February meeting. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Downtown Strategic Action Plan (DSAP) Planner William Osborne submitted two faxed documents for the record from Don Shaffer, Kent C.A.R.E.S. received on January 18`h and January 19th 2005; with the first concerning the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process and the second concerning the DSAP update and the Kent Urban Center. Member Harmon MOVED and Member White SECONDED a Motion to accept these documents into the record. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Lotto/Topyano Amendment CPA-20044(C)/CPZ-2004-5 Planner William Osborne stated that City Council at their January 4'h meeting requested that staff consider reducing the proposed NCC zoning for the subject site from 4 to 3 acres, provisions for a buffer of an indeterminate distance (up to fifty feet) between the expanded commercial zone and the single family residential zone, and use of design review. Osborne presented proposed amendments to the original Lotto/Toppano amendment. Chair Clark submitted two letters from Barghausen Consulting Engineers for the record established as Exhibit Numbers 4& 5. Chair Clark declared the Public Hearing Open. Chris Ferko Barghausen Engineers 18215 72ad Ave. S, Kent, WA as the applicant proposed a condition for approval of a 25-foot buffer along the north and east property lines to include Type 1 vegetative screening landscaping located between the future commercial development and the future Kent Highlands PUD. He indicated the willingness to discuss all architectural design options for the project as a condition. Mr. Ferko spoke about the awkward split zoning on the site needing correcting, the provision made for a pedestrian connection between the proposed PUD and the subject site were it developed with a commercial component and the prohibition they have proposed against development of a gas station on site even though zoning would this use. He stated that the single access point on 116'h hinders development of this site as infill and is a unique consideration in regards to comp plan policies which encourage infill of existing commercial sites. Planning&Economic Development Committee Meeting 01/19/05 Page 2 of 3 3 Gary Young, 11624 SE 5`I Suite 200, Bellevue, WA voiced support of this amendment as the applicant has worked to reach a compromise with the neighbors and to meet the city's requirements. He stated that he supports development of the four acre site. Seeing no further speakers, Member Harmon MOVED and Member White SECONDED a Motion to close the public hearing. Motion Carried. Mr. Osborne addressed the details of the Lotto/Toppano proposal with the committee. City Attorney Tom Brubaker discussed the legal implications of applying conditions to a rezone. He stated that the law provides for conditional rezones where there is a good solid basis for it. Chris Ferko submitted a letter for the record established as Exhibit #7, outlining 3 proposed conditions for consideration by staff as part of their application. Member Harmon MOVED and Member White SECONDED a Motion to accept and approve the Lotto Property rezone application with the following conditions as therein amended in the letter of January 19, 2005; 1) gasoline service stations are prohibited; 2) the future development of the property shall include a 25-foot wide buffer with Type 1 landscaping provided adjacent to the north and east property lines with a contingency made for pedestrian connections between the commercial and residential development; 3) and development of the property shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies LU-14.5 and LU-14.8, for the portions of the building facing the north and east sides of the property and shall include architectural design variation, such as fenestration, accents, overhangs, modulation, colors, and/or materials to avoid long,monotonous uninterrupted walls or roof planes. Motion PASSED 3-0. • Member White MOVED and Member Harmon SECONDED a Motion to forward the Downtown Strategic Action Plan Update Amendment and the 2004 Annual Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments which includes the Lotto/Toppano amendment proposal as approved by the P&EDC to the next Full City Council meeting of February 1, 2005. Motion PASSED. Adiournment Chair Clark adjourned the meeting at 5:50 pm Pamela Mottram, Admin Secretary,Planning Services S.TermitlPlanOanning Committeel20051MinutesIO11905min.doc Planning&Economic Development Committee Meeting 01/19/05 Page 3 of 3 4 This page intentionally left blank. • 5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP,Director PLANNING SERVICES KE N T Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager w.s H I a O T o H Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 February 22,2005 TO: CHAIR TIM CLARK AND PLANNING& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: KIM MAROUSEK, AICP,PRINCIPAL PLANNER SUBJECT: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT #ZCA-2002-4 CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE UPDATE At the January 19, 2005 meeting, the Planning and Economic Development Committee (P&EDC) directed staff to establish a group, inclusive of interested parties and representatives from the state, to further discuss the proposed wetland regulations. This group would meet and ascertain if there was a consensus that could be derived. If a consensus was reached, this new option or alternative would be brought to the P&EDC at the February 28, 2005 meeting. This meeting was scheduled as a public hearing with the anticipation that a new consensus option might be presented to the committee. To date, the "focus group" has met three times and has formed a subcommittee to propose new language based on the discussions from these meetings. The focus group is scheduled to meet as a whole on March 2, 2005 in an effort to reach consensus on the subcommittee draft language. Staff is requesting that the P&EDC grant an extension of this item to March 21, 2005 thereby allowing the focus group additional time to see if consensus can be reached. Staff expects the focus group will have resolution on this issue by the next P&EDC meeting. Testimony at the February 28, 2005 public hearing from members of the focus group is not anticipated. Staff will be available to answer any questions regarding this process. KM/pm S:IPermiAPlan2ONECODEAMEND110021CAO12-28-05PC.doc cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,A ICP,CD Director Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Services Manager Larry Blanchard,PW Director Gary Gill,City Engineer Kim Adams-Pratt,Assistant City Attorney Bill Wolinski,Environmental Engineering Manager Kelly Peterson,Environmental Engineering. Project File 6 • This page intentionally left blank. 7 • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager Wq$HINDTDN — Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 February 22,2005 To: Chair Tim Clark and Planning&Economic Development Committee Members From: Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager Through: Mayor Jim White Subject: Planning Services Work Program—2005 MOTION: None needed—For Information Only SUMMARY: Each year the Planning Manager presents to the Committee the anticipated work program for the year. This year's work program anticipates a continued high level of applications for permits, lists those projects that are mandated by the state, projects that were initiated or committed to in 2004, and projects that are part of continuing permit process improvements. We welcome comments from the Committee and appreciate the dialogue with the City Council regarding the work program. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: Planning Services is responsible for land use planning matters, such as formulation, amendment and implementation of the City's Comprehensive Plan, zoning, subdivision and various other environmental and regulatory codes. Included in the planning efforts are extensive coordination with other city departments and agencies, and presentation of documents and reports to the Land Use & Planning Board,Hearing Examiner,City Council,and Planning&Economic Development Committee. Enclosed in the agenda packet is the anticipated Planning Services work program for 2005. As a means of comparison,the 2004 work program also is included. Once again this year staff paid particular attention to the time involved in public service in terms of responses to requests for zoning interpretations and determinations, requests for general information, and follow-up from permit center calls. Staff will be available at the February 28th meeting to further discuss the work program. CA\pm: S:\Permit\Plan\Planning Committee\2005\Staff Reports\2005workprogram.doc Enc: 2004 and 2005 work programs cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,A ICP,C.D Director Charlene Anderson,Planning Manager • 8 • This page intentionally left blank. 9 I� 'V y O � w U � a C CL O N rM V ' rl r-I O v, kn ci � � c U kn " z • A kn s c W � o U to "' ' a kn 0 W sue, A a UJO of O O O ICI L. .-• 00 V 00 �a a y y N ,8 .� c � � 'wa' a ;~ Ou r' bb to N C F CS v Uv 2v3' � ti o u" s o rl ov z U c a to d s °o eo a ti . ❑ c°' a' c C OD bl) N C N N eC z .� d p .se .° I .0 v, :b y F c 0 od U r °T o o S w C Q m c pya z c O O UQ 'oc C o to o c b4 c >N W O dvy pv ❑ U i+ a u O moo O � U U � � U � me NN zCSP. � Q �d fA UO y 10 0 E an ou c vWi U U 0a o C a° 4d ca`i v c C d U o. to N to rti O N � O kn 0 a o � Q C y to z o U C U v A• I d "' � s W I o � ?� U 'n yo tn G ' CA 00 O Cl Cl O O ON 00 0°o O O �p PI T x m T p Cl O O� 00 N rl N Zy C. o U M"y �Ly ri ri m O vi � F o M � T FT, F F F vWi Q,G w y U W tOY N OC.w/• L' d/ 00 g rh Frj w bcd W V cer) 3 � yo00 o ° y ati no nu gg tE Y �O 00 U ra C T C z O cQ' z s x c `— .a a ayci N o 0 c 4 a '� in. o a o w 5 nnz C C �" .+ O c '� w 0. c > O c CO N O al o U -1 :d ,L O 't7 'w � (� cnc rUp,� 'rri cr ra W U ! 11 • C V W y O rz +. d G p d W U � a. a. U P. �1 O 7 O V ~ .w O 7 m O 12 CJ O N O � 3 d M ~ p p o 0 W i�r m 3 M N dg F-1 c W 8 z N c 3 W C7 w S .o a. Y ti N � y c [- z ❑ v o d b v to ¢ C7 d p =° o o U W o N as d U cCda z Z M.3 3 = b to .a o °'i a d G P4 U 12 w 0 C N id �e F oUq W C � V 60 0. U O 0 U c U a. 7 C N V O rl a o o N O y I" V O a o �con A o se O c O G G a/ N .-ti � •oo$ 0ON 0 N1 v u H o O 00 C O O O O 0 0 00 � th p ry O O CD O O alO N N O O O R 0 0 O 000^ � o rnr- r- oov Q_ N ttl O a°qi C F L C c V] R v v S ^ fJi W Z s n o cl Cu Qo U� [� � •� .o � p � aci a y a x y � � y y °> ..a CW7 A � >. � or 0m w � e w c 'p P. 0.. U w v v d F .5 o U o ya m ❑ _d q ra = c ry o Z o aci o aiEi o o ° W d U ewe, pN0w o q •o pcn ..1 ° '> 7b U F F Uri, x o rL &OL. CITY OF KENT OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Planning and Econ. Dev. Committee - Notices Sent Date: February22, 2005 TO: Brenda Jacober, City Clerk • FROM: Pamela Mottram SIGNATURE: Paatee4,4. WaOmm Copies of the 2/28/05 PLANNING & ECON. DEV. COMMITTEE Cancellation Notice was distributed as follows: City Council Members- Full Packet*(7) Deliver to City Clerk's Office—(7) Hard Pam Mottram Tim C,JulieP, BruceW, RonH, LesT,DeborahR,DebbieRaplee Copies) in Cncl Mmbers Mail Boxes TomB, RobertN, FredS CharleneA, KimM, Gloria GouldWessen, Email Note: Distribute Hard Copies to: Pam Mottram BrendaJacober, Bill Osborne, KimP, ReneeC Full Packet—(10) FS/CA/KP/RC/BJ >*(5)—hd copies) Web Page —Mary Simmons Agenda&Full Packet Email: Front Page Mary Simmons Bruce Rommel, King County Journal Full Packet Email Bruce rommelakinacountviournal.com Pam Mottram PO Box 130, Kent,WA 98035*Place Pkt in Box City Clerks Office FAX: 9-872-6611 >Agenda Kent Reporter- Agenda FAX: Michelle Gisi— 9-437-6026 Pam Mottram Marcelle Pechler,, Chamber of Commerce Full Packet Email: Mpechler(a)kentchamber.com Pam Mottram Garrett Huffman, SKCtylvlgr 425-451-792DExt236 Full Packet Email: ohuffman(a)mbaks.com Pam Mottram Master Blders Assoc, 335 116a'Ave SE, Bellevue,WA 98004 Don Shaffer,Kent CARES,2070North 78P St,Seatfie,WA98103 FidPacket US Mail (1) William T. Miller, 827 W.Valley Hwy#95, Kent 98032 Agenda US Mail (KBAB) Pam Mottram Michael D. Manderville, 11415 SE 196 , Renton 98055 Agenda US Mail (KBAB) Pam Mottram Dave Tervo,4319 S. 239 , Kent 98032 Agenda US Mail Pam Mottram Ryan Zulauf, 24502 98 Ave. S., Kent 98030 Agenda US Mail Pam Mottram JStorment„EdCrawford,DWickstrom,GGill, JHodgson, Email Pam Mottram B Lopez,RGivens,KSenecaut, KSprotbery, MayorWhite, MMartin, BColeman, BHutchinson, NTorgelson,TWhite, JSchneider, AGENDAS (37) MHubner, SMullen, LFlemm, BBilodeau, CHolden,JMorrow, • CBarry, SHeiserman, MGilbert, CHankins, KHanson, DHooper, RKristiansen LUPB Members: Jon Johnson, Greg Worthing, Kenneth Email Wendling, Steve Dowell, David Malik, Elizabeth Watson, Dana AGENDAS (7) Ralph Seattle Post Intelligencer(P.I.) Agenda Email: citvdesk(a)seattlepi.com Pam Mottram Kelly Snyder, Roth Hill Engineering Agenda Email: ksnyderarothhill.com Pam Mottram Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering Agenda Email: pcobley@rothhill.com Pam Mottram 14450 NE 291h PI, Suite 101, Bellevue,WA 98007 Shaunta Hyde, The Boeing Co., 206-655-3640 Agenda Email: shaunta.r.hyderfboeing.com Pam Mottram Local Gvnmt Relatns Mgr P.O. Box 3707 MC 14-49, Seattle, WA 98124, Ted Nixon, Campbell/Nixon Assoc. Agenda Email:ten@cn-architects.com Pam Mottram 10024 SE 2401h, Suite 102, Kent 98031 Doug Corbin, Puget Sound Energy, Agenda Email::douglas.corbinta;pse.com Pam Mottram 3130 S 38`"St.,TAC-ANX,Tacoma,WA 98409 PH: 1-800321-41231395-6867 Lobby of City Hall Agenda POST Pam Mottram KDP-Kent Downtown Partnership-Jacquie Alexander Agenda Email: kdp@kentdowntown.org Pam Mottram David Hoffman,25334 45 Ave S, Kent, 98032-4223 Agenda Email: David W Hoffman(o)Boeing.com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm: 253-852-4683 Wk: 253-773-2861 Melvin L. Roberts,9421 S. 241s St., Kent 98031 Agenda Email: Melvin.L.RobertS(a-)Boeing.com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm:253-854-0952 Wk:425-865-3695 Jacob W. Grob, 5408 S. 236 St., Kent 98032-3389 Agenda Email: Jacob W.Grob@Boeing.com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm: 253-813-3809 Wk:425-234-2664 Steven M. Nuss, 26220 42" Ave. S, Kent,98032 Agenda Email: SteveNuss(a?Redbotcofp.Com Pam Mottram (KBAB) Hm:253-854-7561 Thomas Hale, 23327 115 PI SE, Kent 98031-3426 Agenda E Mail: sthale2acom cast.net Pam Mottram (KBAB) I Hm:253-854-0734 13-Full Packets+2 for Mtg (7 Original Letterhead Agenda Covers for CC) 4 Hd copy.Agendas (Revised list—11122/04) S:%PermitlPlan%Planning Committee120051DistributionlPCdistribution-022805.doc Mottram, Pamela Mottram, Pamela #ont:mFriday, February 18, 2005 5:13 PM ; Nixon, Ted Campbell Nixon &Assoc; Garrett Huffman, SKC Mgr; Kent Downtown Partnership (Jacquie Alexander); Snyder, Kelly Roth Hill Engr; Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering; Puget Sound Energy; Seattle Post Intelligencer(P.I.);White, Tammy; Aaron T. Renner, KBAB; Pratt, Kim Adams; Anderson, Charlene; Barry, Cathy,Admin Sec., Planning Services; Bilodeau, Bernie Admin Secretary, Planning; Brubaker, Tom; Cameron, Renee; City Council; Coleman, Bonnie; Crawford, Ed; Flemm, Lori; Gilbert, Matt, Planning Services; Gill, Gary; Givens, Rosalie; Gould-Wessen, Gloria; Grob, Jacob W. KBAB; Hale,Thomas KBAB; Hankins, Chris, Planning Services; Hanson, Kurt, Planning Services; Heiserman, Steve Prod. Assist. Multimedia; Hodgson, John; Hoffman, David KBAB; Holden,Chris,Admin Secretary, Planning Services; Hooper, Damien, Planning Services; Hutchinson, Robert; Jacober, Brenda; Kristiansen, Ryan ; Blanchard, Larry; Lopez, Barbara; Marousek, Kim; Martin, Mike; Simmons, Mary; Michael Hubner, Suburban Cities Consultant, Planning Services; Morrow, Judy,Admin Sec., Planning Services; Mullen, Steve Transp Engr Mgr; Nachlinger, Robert; Nuss,Steven M KBAB; Osborne, William; Roberts, Melvin L KBAB; Satterstrom, Fred; Schneider, Jim; Senecaut, Kathleen; Shaunta Hyde, the Boeing Co.; Sprotbery, Kevin; Storment, Jim; Torgelson, Nathan;White, Jim; Kenneth Wendling; Dana Ralph (Theralphs4@msn.com); Elizabeth Watson; Greg Worthing (gaworthing@yahoo.com); Steve Dowell (E-mail); David Malik (E-mail); Jon Johnson (E-mail) Cc: Brooks, Perry; Peterson, Kelly; Mactutis, Mike; Wolinski, Bill; Immacolato,Jocelyn; Clamp, Sharon; Knox, Matthew; Valerie Smith; Alex Truchot; Bill Williamson; Bill Williamson, Williamson Law Office; Chad Armour; Charles W. Jackson; Donna Bunten, Critical AReas Coord, WSDOE; Gary Young, Polygon Homes; Gloria Ramirez, Dev. Assist, Polygon NW; Gordon White, Prg Mgr, Shorelands & Env Asst Prg, DOE; Hans Korve, DMP Inc; Holly Smith, Dev. Proj Mgr, Polygon NW; Jay Jones, Jones &Associates; Jennifer Kelly, Duncanson Co.; Joanne Welty, WSDOT; Joe Heutmaker; John Mauro; John Welch Sr.; John Welch Sr. Qwelchsr@comcast.net); Ken Shreve, yarrow Bay Development; Kim Hargesheimer, Oberto; • Richard Robohm, Env. Spoecialist; Robert O'Brien; Sam Pace, Seattle KC Assc of Realtors; Shupe Holmberg; Ted Nixon, Campbell Nixon &Assoc;Teresa Vanderburg, Adolfson & Assoc; Ty Peterson City of Maple Valley; Bill Applegate; Douglas Corbin, Puget Sound Energy; George Newman/Mona Davis-Triad Associates; Tom Sharp Subject: Agenda Packet for Planning Economic Development Committee Meeting/Hearing of February 28, 2005 I have attached the AGENDA PACKET for the Planning and Economic Dev. Committee Meeting scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2005. If you should have any questions, please contact the respective planners. E 022805-PC-Agenda Pkt.pdf(642 K... Thank you, pavvLeta A. MottvawL Acdvwi,wtstvattve.Secvetctvd FtpvwvZVLg sewtces phowe: 2s3-8s6-s4s4 fG1K: 2s3-8s6-64s4 e-wLq i t: 'P vu ottyn IM @GL.IZevtt.wa.us 1 2/18/2005 5:17 PM 5:17 PM Mottram, Pamela m: Mottram, Pamela t: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:23 PM To: 'dbun461 @ecy.wa.gov'; 'gwhi461 @ecy.wa.gov'; 'riro461 @ecy.wa.gov'; 'bhwilliamson@rwllaw.com'; 'petercclee@verizon.net' Subject: Agenda Packet for the Feb. 28, 2005 Planning & Economic Dev. Committee Meeting/Hearing Please find attached the AGENDA PACKET for the upcoming Planning & Economic Dev. Committee Meeting/Hearing scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2005 at 4:00 pm. The meeting will cover the CriticalAreas Ordinance and Planning Services Work Program-2005. Kn 022805-PC-Agenda Pkt.pdf(642 K... If you should have any questions, please contact the respective planners. Thank you, PP.vneLa A. Mott o-avu FFdvu Cv�,CstrcttLve sea�eta v� PLCM,Vdv�g sewCces pho ve: 253-250-54 54 fax: 2ss-�s�-o4.s4 �Gt%L:pv,�ottravu@c�.12ev�t.wP..us 1 2/22/2005 1:22 PM 1:22 PM eX � lC 4. K KENT WASHINGTON CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Economic Development Committee will hold a Special Meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 28, 2005, in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4"' Avenue South, Kent. Agenda items are: 1. Approval of Minutes of January 19, 2005 P & EDC meeting 2. Public Hearing - Proposed Critical Areas Ordinance (#ZCA-2002-4). Testimony and comments will be limited to proposed changes to the wetland regulations. 3. Planning Services 2005 Work Program Please note that the regularly scheduled Planning and Economic Development Committee Meeting for February 21, 2005 has been CANCELLED due to a City of Kent observed holiday. The public is invited to attend. For further information or a copy of the staff report or the text of the proposed amendment for the Critical Areas Ordinance, contact Kim Marousek, Planning Services office, (253) 856-5454. For further information concerning the Planning Services 2005 Work Program, contact Charlene Anderson, Planning Services office, (253) 856-5454. The City of Kent's Website can be accessed at http://www.ci.kent.wa.us/CityCouncil/Comittees/planning.asp. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253- 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at I- 800-833-6388. S:IPermit)PlanIPlanning Committe620051Public Notices'1022805Notice-of-SpecialMtg&Hrg-PC.doc