HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/14/2004 Planning 8t Economic Development Committee Agenda KENT WAS HINGTGN Councilmembers: Ron Harmon•Bruce White•Tim Clark, Chair June 14, 2004 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Sneaker Time Pale 1. Approval of Minutes dated May 17, 2004 YES 3 2. 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update YES Gloria Gould-Wessen 30 min 5 #CPA-2002-1/KIVA#2021037 • Please note that the Planning Committee is meeting this month on the 2"d Monday of June at the regularly scheduled time of 4:00 p.m.in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall,220 4th Avenue South,Kent,98032-5895. For information please contact Planning Services at(253) 856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253)856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. 2 This page intentionally left blank. 3 PLANNING& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES May 17,2004 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair Tim Clark,Ron Harmon,Bruce White The meeting was called to order by Chair Clark at 4:00 P.M. Approval of Minutes of April 19,2004 Committee Member White moved and Committee Member Hannon seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the April 19,2004 meeting. The Motion carried 3-0. 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update(#CPA-2002-1) Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen explained the process by which Kent's Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) had been updated. She summarized the update and focused on concerns identified in Council Study Sessions. Ms. Gould-Wessen and Community Development Director Fred Satterstrom addressed the Committee's concerns with the proposed language in Policy TR-6.6 for cul-de-sac streets and the history on connectivity. After discussion,the Committee agreed to return the original word "Limit"and remove the word"Prohibit". Ms. Gould-Wessen explained the need for the Policy LU-9.1 on urban density and responded to the Committee's concerns. After discussion, the Committee agreed to keep the word Encourage" from an earlier edited version of the policy and remove the word "Consider", so as to read "Encourage increasing residential densities to four(4)units per net acre,...". Council President Julie Peterson expressed concerns with either wording for Policy LU-9.1. Assistant City Attorney Kim Adams Pratt responded to the Committee's questions concerning changing the language further without holding a public hearing, and reaffirmed the aforementioned changes could be made with no additional public hearings. Ms. Gould-Wessen identified three (3) options for moving forward on Policy LU-9.1. The Committee unanimously favored adding to Planning Services' 2004 Work Program the item to analyze all SF-1 and SF-3 land use designations based on case law from the Growth Management Hearings Board on urban density. This matter would be brought forward in the following "Supporting Regulations (#CPA-2004-1)". Ron Harmon moved and Bruce White seconded a motion to recommend approval of#CPA-2002-1 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update as recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board and forward to the full City Council for adoption with amendments. Motion Carried 3-0. 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update -Supporting Regulations(#CPZ-2004-1) Ms. Gould-Wessen outlined completed regulatory actions that support the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update (the Plan) and State GMA legislation, as well as regulatory actions presently in progress. Ms. Gould-Wessen identified existing and future strategic or operating plans that support the Plan. She announced that Public Works is generating a Comprehensive Transportation Plan and that Planning Services is in the process of updating the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. Ms. Gould-Wessen explained that Titles 11, 12 and 15 of the City Code will be reviewed to assess compliance with updates in the Plan and GMA legislation. She described how staff proposes to take a strategic approach in the development of regulations, using tools provided by state and regional agencies involved in GMA. Chair Clark voiced his concerns over County land use actions in Kent's PAA that conflict with the City's land use policy on casinos and wanted to know how to protect the City's interests within the PAA. Planning Manager Charlene Anderson addressed Chair Clark's issues, stating that the GMA directs the City to coordinate efforts with adjacent cities as well as the County Bruce White moved and Ron Harmon seconded a motion to recommend approval of the process for review of implementing regulations for the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update via a resolution to be considered by the City Council on June 15,2004. Motion Carried 3-0. Chair Clark adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m. Pamela Mottram, Admin Secretary,Planning Services S:IPermit)PlanOanning Committeel20041Minutes1051704pc-min2.doc 4 • This page intentionally left blank. • • 5 • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES KENT Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager WASHINUT.O N_ -- - — Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 JUNE 7, 2004 TO: CHAIR TIM CLARK AND PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: GLORIA GOULD-WESSEN, AICP, GIS COORDINATOR/PLANNER THROUGH: MAYOR JIM WHITE REGARDING: 2004 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE (#CPA-2002-1) MOTION: Approve/Disapprove/Modify Kent's 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update as presented by staff. SUMMARY: On June 1, 2004, the Kent City Council moved to remand Policies TR-5.6 and LU-9.1 of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to staff for re-review, clarification and subsequent forwarding to the Planning & Economic Development Committee in anticipation of full Council reconsideration of the complete document on July 6, 2004. The City of Kent is updating its Plan in an effort to comply with the State Growth Management Act (GMA). The update does not substantially change the direction, theme, goals, or policies of the Plan adopted in 1995. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: Policy TR-5.6 is included in the Transportation Element under Facility Design Goals & Policies, specifically under Goal TR-5 "Design transportation facilities to preserve and to be consistent with the built environments." The policy as currently proposed is "Limit tYthE the development of new cul-de-sac streets except where there are geographic or environmental constraints that make connections to other streets infeasible. to nit.a tien,. ...1.efe .. ,.ti„n..tion of the ad at n e♦i.no in the f,t„vo . unlikely." The intent of the policy is to promote multimodal connectivity in neighborhoods -- from subdivision to subdivision, from residences to schools, commercial areas, parks, and so forth. The intent also is to recognize that there are situations when such connectivity is not feasible, either because of geographic or environmental constraints, because of safety concerns, or because connecting all streets is not practical or desirable. In light of the intent and to allow flexibility in satisfying the policy, staff proposes the following language for Policy TR-5.6: Foster connectivity of new development with the surrounding neighborhood. Policy LU-9.1 is included in the Land Use Element under Housing Goals &Policies, specifically under Goal LU-9 "Provide adequate land and densities to accommodate the adopted twenty (20) • year housing target of 4,284 new dwelling units within the existing city limits, and through an interlocal agreement with King County, adopt the housing target of 619 new dwelling units 6 1 within Kent's Potential Annexation Area." The policy as currently proposed is "Average E..,.,.•,_age ayffggt ne increasing residential densities thr-eugheta the Deem...' ^....,.Rabe Area should be, at le-As. R-Fto four (4) units per net acre, as defined through decisions by the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board (the Board), in order to adequately support urban services." The intent of the policy is to align the City's policies with the Growth Management Act, as it has been defined through decisions by the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board. The Council may remember that both the State of Washington Department of Community, Trade & Economic Development, as well as 1000 Friends of Washington have expressed concerns about the City's land use designations of less than four units per acre. In light of the GMA direction, and in anticipation of the upcoming staff work program to analyze areas designated less than four units per acre, staff proposes the following language for Policy LU-9.1: Where appropriate, establish urban residential densities of at least four (4) units per net developable acre in order to adequately support urban services. GGWIpm:S:IPermitlPlanlCompPlanAandmentsl200212021037-cpa-2002-1-Planning&EconDevCommirtee_061404b.doc Planning and Economic Development Committee Meeting June 14,2004 Page 2 of r a� Planning 8z Economic Development • Committee Agenda KEW�SHINN TGTCN Councilmembers: Ron Harmon.Bruce White•Tim Clark, Chair City of Kent NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Economic Development Committee will hold a special meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 14, 2004, in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent. Agenda items are: 1. Approval of Minutes dated May 17, 2004 2. 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update #CPA-2002-1/KIVA #2021037 For information please contact Planning Services at (253) 856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. S:IPermitWlanTlanning Committee)20041Public Notices1061404NoticeOfSpecialMtg-PCdoc Message Page 1 of 1 Mottram, Pamela 04om: Mottram, Pamela S* Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:32 AM To: Ted Nixon, Campbell/Nixon Assoc.; Mary Ausburn (mausbu@puget.com); Jeffrey Barker, Seattle P.I.; Kelly Snyder, Roth Hill Engineering; Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering; Wickstrom, Don; 'Alexander, Jacquie, Kent Downtown Partnership'; Coleman, Bonnie; Crawford, Ed; Flemm, Lori; Gill, Gary; Givens, Rosalie; 'Grob, Jacob W. KBAB; 'Hale, Thomas KBAB; Heiserman, Steve; Hodgson, John; 'Hoffman, David KBAB; Hutchinson, Robert; Laurent, Dena; Lopez, Barbara; Martin, Mike; Hubner, Mike; Mullen, Steve; Nachlinger, Robert; 'Nuss, Steven M KBAB'; 'Roberts, Melvin L KBAB; Schneider, Jim; Senecaut, Kathleen; 'Shaunta Hyde, the Boeing Co.'; Sprotbery, Kevin; Storment, Jim; Torgelson, Nathan; White, Jim; White, Tammy; Marcelle Pechler(mpechler@KentChamber.com); White, Bruce; Anderson, Charlene; Brubaker, Tom; Cameron, Renee; Clark, Tim; Gould-Wessen, Gloria; Harmon, Ron; Jacober, Brenda; Marousek, Kim; Osborne, William; Peterson, Julie; Pratt, Kim Adams; Ranniger, Deborah; Raplee, Debbie; Satterstrom, Fred; Thomas, Les; Theresa Ferguson; Elizabeth Watson; Greg Worthing (gaworthing@yahoo.com); 'Steve Dowell (E-mail)'; 'David Malik(E-mail)'; 'Jon Johnson (E-mail)' Subject: NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING - Planning & Economic Development Committee Agenda As requested, I have generated and attached a "Notice of Special Meeting for the June 14, 2004 Planning&Economic Development Committee"-although I may have indicated in previous emails that the meeting was being held on June 14 in lieu of June 21. Thank you ! P6fvuel.0 .4. Mottram A,d Lvdstrative.seeretar� Pt2wvi,C A serV[Zes phov',e: 2s3-8s6-s4.54 fax: :�s3-gs�-e4s�+ e-vU�pvu ottra w�@e�.�ev�.twa.us 6/10/2004 Planning & Economic Development • Committee Agenda KENT WAS HINGTGN Councilmembers: Ron Harmon.Bruce White•Tim Clark, Chair City of Kent NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Economic Development Committee will hold a special meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 14, 2004, in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 41h Avenue South, Kent. Agenda items are: 1. Approval of Minutes dated May 17, 2004 2. 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update #CPA-2002-1/KIVA #2021037 For information please contact Planning Services at (253) 856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. S:IPermitlPlanlPlanning Committee12004)Public Notices1061404NoticeOfSpecialMtg-PCdoc J_ • Mottram, Pamela m: Mottram, Pamela nt: Monday, June 14, 2004 12:48 PM To: Ted Nixon, Campbell/Nixon Assoc.; Jeffrey Barker, Seattle P.I.; Kelly Snyder, Roth Hill Engineering; Mary Ausburn (mausbu@puget.com); Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering; Wickstrom, Don; Alexander, Jacquie, Kent Downtown Partnership; Barry, Cathy, Admin Sec., Planning Services; Bilodeau, Bernie Admin Secretary, Planning; Coleman, Bonnie; Crawford, Ed; Flemm, Lori; Gilbert, Matt, Planning Services; Gill, Gary; Givens, Rosalie; Grob, Jacob W. KBAB; Hale, Thomas KBAB; Hankins, Chris, Planning Services; Hanson, Kurt, Planning Services; Heiserman, Steve Prod. Assist. Multimedia; Hodgson, John; Hoffman, David KBAB; Holden, Chris, Admin Secretary, Planning Services; Hooper, Damien, Planning Services; Hutchinson, Robert; Kristiansen, Ryan ; Laurent, Dena; Lopez, Barbara; Martin, Mike; Michael Hubner, Suburban Cities Consultant, Planning Services; Morrow, Judy, Admin Sec., Planning Services; Mullen, Steve Transp Engr Mgr; Nachlinger, Robert; Nuss, Steven M KBAB; Roberts, Melvin L KBAB; Schneider, Jim; Senecaut, Kathleen; Shaunta Hyde, the Boeing Co.; Sprotbery, Kevin; Storment, Jim; Torgelson, Nathan; White, Jim; White, Tammy; Marcelle Pechler (mpechler@KentChamber.com); White, Bruce; Anderson, Charlene; Brubaker, Tom; Cameron, Renee; Clark, Tim; Gould-Wessen, Gloria; Harmon, Ron; Huffman, Garrett SKC Mgr, Master Blders Association; Jacober, Brenda; Marousek, Kim; Osborne, William; Peterson, Julie; Pratt, Kim Adams; Ranniger, Deborah; Raplee, Debbie; Satterstrom, Fred; Simmons, Mary; Thomas, Les; Theresa Ferguson; Elizabeth Watson; Greg Worthing (gaworthing@yahoo.com); Steve Dowell (E-mail); David Malik (E-mail); Jon Johnson (E-mail) Subject: Cancellation Notice- Planning & Economic Dev Committee I have attached a "Cancellation Notice" for the regularly scheduled June 21, 2004 Planning &Economic Dev. Committee meeting. ®EI *104AgendaCan cel lation-PC.do... Thank you. Pnvv,eLa A. Mottravv A4 vA%w�stvatsve seevetciKt PL2v w o sevviees p k o we: 2153-8sro-54s4 fax: 25�-85o efs4 e-w�a%L: pvuettvanti@c�.l2ewt.Uda.us 6/14/2004 12:48 PM Mottram, Pamela PC. alo� m: Mottram, Pamela t: Monday, June 14, 2004 1:07 PM To: Ted Nixon, Campbell/Nixon Assoc.; Jeffrey Barker, Seattle P.I.; Kelly Snyder, Roth Hill Engineering; Mary Ausburn (mausbu@puget.com); Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering; Wickstrom, Don; 'Alexander, Jacquie, Kent Downtown Partnership; Barry, Cathleen; Bilodeau, Bernie; Coleman, Bonnie; Crawford, Ed; Flemm, Lori; Gilbert, Mathew; Gill, Gary; Givens, Rosalie; 'Grob, Jacob W. KBAB'; 'Hale, Thomas KBAB; Hankins, Chris; Hanson, Kurt; Heiserman, Steve; Hodgson, John; 'Hoffman, David KBAB'; Holden, Chris; Hooper, Damien; Hutchinson, Robert; Kristiansen, Ryan; Laurent, Dena; Lopez, Barbara; Martin, Mike; Hubner, Mike; Morrow, Judy; Mullen, Steve; Nachlinger, Robert; 'Nuss, Steven M KBAB'; 'Roberts, Melvin L KBAB'; Schneider, Jim; Senecaut, Kathleen; 'Shaunta Hyde, the Boeing Co.'; Sprotbery, Kevin; Storment, Jim; Torgelson, Nathan; White, Jim; White, Tammy; Marcelle Pechler(mpechler@KentChamber.com); White, Bruce; Anderson, Charlene; Brubaker, Tom; Cameron, Renee; Clark, Tim; Gould-Wessen, Gloria; Harmon, Ron; 'Huffman, Garrett SKC Mgr, Master Blders Association; Jacober, Brenda; Marousek, Kim; Osborne, William; Peterson, Julie; Pratt, Kim Adams; Ranniger, Deborah; Raplee, Debbie; Satterstrom, Fred; Simmons, Mary; Thomas, Les; Theresa Ferguson; Elizabeth Watson; Greg Worthing (gaworthing@yahoo.com); 'Steve Dowell (E-mail)'; 'David Malik (E-mail)'; 'Jon Johnson (E- mail)' Subject: Cancellation Notice - Planning & Economic Dev Committee I have attached a "Cancellation Notice" for the regularly scheduled June 21, 2004 Planning & Economic Dev. Committee meeting. Ea 062104AgendaCan nation-PC.do... Thank you. pa.vu.eLa A. McttYavv, r�d'N,.I,vvLstYat%ve SeCVetaYJ ?Invwb cV Serv/6Ces P h o vie: 253-856-Srr54 e-vvaLL:pw�ottvaw�@ci.l2ewt.sNa.us 6/14/2004 1:06 PM