HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/15/2004 Planning & Economic Development • Committee Agenda KENO WASHINGTON Councilmembers: Ron Harmon•Bruce White•Tim Clark/ Chair March 15, 2004 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Approval of Minutes dated October 21. 2003 YES 3 2. Building Codes Update NO Bob Hutchinson 20 min 5 V3. Urban Center/Downtown Analysis (2114-Z6`,O)NO Charlene Anderson 20 min 7 DCE Area East of Burlington Northern Tracks 4. Planning Services Work Program-2004 NO Charlene Anderson 20 min 17 • Unless otherwise noted,the Planning Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the 3`d Monday of each month. • Council Chambers East,Kent City Hall,220 4th Avenue South,Kent,98032-5895. For information please contact Planning Services at(253)856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES October 21,2003 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair Leona Orr, Tim Clark, Bruce White The meeting was called to order by Chair Leona Orr at 3:00 P.M. Approval of Minutes of September 16,2003 Committee Member Bruce White moved and Committee Member Tim Clark seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2003 meeting. The motion carried 3-0. Growth Management Act Update Grant Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the City of Kent has been awarded a forty-five thousand dollar ($45,000) to be used in the revision of Kent's Comprehensive Plan and development regulations specifically relating to the Transportation Element. Tim Clark moved and Bruce White seconded a motion to accept the $45,000 Growth Management Act Update Grant, authorizing the Mayor to sign the corresponding contract, according to the draft scope of work outlined in the application. The motion carried 3-0. Downtown Zoning Study DCE Area East of Burlington Northern Tracks Community Development Director Fred Satterstrom stated that this proposal was first brought to the Planning Committee at their September 16`" meeting. He discussed the scoping of this study including the public participation process and timeline involved to research, analyze and complete this project. Mr. Satterstrom in deference to Chair Orr stated that he anticipates City Council will declare an emergency concerning this study in order to move this forward outside of the annual amendment process. Committee member Clark requested that mass transit impacts be considered during the evaluation process. The meeting adjourned at 3:25 P.M. Pamela Mottram, Admin Secretary, Planning Services S:IPermit!PlanTlanning Cmnmittee12003Winutes1102103pc-min.dac . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director BUILDING SERVICES KENT Robert D. Hutchinson, Manager WASHINGTON Phone:253-856-5401 Fax: 253-856-6421 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 DATE: MARCH 8, 2004 TO: CHAIR TIM CLARK AND PLANNING &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: BOB HUTCHINSON, BUILDING OFFICIAL SUBJECT: BUILDING CODES UPDATE MOTION: None at this time. For information only. SUMMARY: On July 1, 2004 the 2003 edition of the International Building, Residential, Fire and Mechanical Codes and the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code, with statewide amendments, will replace the • 1997 Uniform Building, Fire and Mechanical Codes and the 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code, all in accordance with the State Building Code Act and the amendments to the Washington Administrative Code promulgated by the State Building Code Council. Cities are required by the State Building Code Act to administer and enforce these codes, but have limited authority to enact local amendments,provided that the amendments do not diminish the statewide minimum performance standards. Staff is working on a proposed ordinance and resolution to bring to this Committee in April, to adopt the new codes and provide minimal local amendments to integrate these codes into Kent's organizational structure, update fees for inflation, and make minor housekeeping changes. BUDGET IMPACT: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: Over the past ten years, the three major national model building code organizations have been working to develop common code formats and to reduce unnecessary differences between codes. These efforts culminated with the creation of the 2000 editions of the International "family "of codes and the merger of the model code organizations into the International Code Council. With this merger, older codes such as the Uniform Building Code are no longer being updated and are slowly becoming obsolete(the 1997 Uniform Building Code was the last edition published). In 2003, the Washington State Legislature amended the State Building Code Act to replace the 1997 Uniform Building, Mechanical and Fire Codes with the 2003 International Codes, while retaining the Uniform Plumbing Code, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. Following the Legislature's action, the State Building Code Council promulgated the statewide amendments expressed in Chapters 51-50, 51-52, 51-57, and 51-51 of the Washington Administrative Code,to be effective July 1, 2004. . RDH\pm:S:\Permit\Plan\Planning Committee\2004\StaffReports\I-Codes March PLan Comm.doc cc: Fred Satterstrom,AICP, Community Development Director Project File • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager W A 5 H I N G T O N Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 DATE: MARCH 8, 2004 TO: CHAIR TIM CLARK AND PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON,AICP,PLANNING MANAGER THROUGH: MAYOR JIM WHITE SUBJECT: URBAN CENTER/DOWNTOWN ANALYSIS MOTION: None at this time. For information only. SUMMARY: At their October 21, 2003 meeting, the Planning Committee reviewed the draft action agenda staff had prepared for a downtown zoning study. Enclosed is a draft timeline which anticipates Council review of the proposal in late 2004. • BUDGET IMPACT: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: Study of the downtown area initially was considered by the Planning Committee subsequent to a letter submitted by Mr. Ted Nixon regarding the zoning of certain properties currently zoned DCE (Downtown Commercial Enterprise) lying on the east side of the BN Railroad tracks. Just prior to Mr. Nixon's letter and during their review of the Stewart code amendment application on July 28, 2003, the Land Use & Planning Board also had asked staff to forward to the Planning Committee a request to consider areas zoned Downtown Commercial, specifically regarding the purpose of that zoning district and the impacts of the district's regulations. Staff additionally has received inquiries about potential changes to land use designations north of James Street in light of the imminent Kent Station development. Further necessitating the downtown planning efforts is an Urban Center plan checklist from Puget Sound Regional Council intending to ensure consistency with VISION 2020 and Destination 2030, and thus compliance with the Growth Management Act and Countywide Planning Policies. The area that was included in Mr. Nixon's letter was rezoned in 1992 from GC (General Commercial) to DCE. GC zoning is associated with a more vehicular oriented area while DCE zoning promotes a more pedestrian orientation. In 1992, and again in 2001 with the rezoning of properties zoned DLM (Downtown Limited Manufacturing), DCE zoning was applied to most of the downtown area in order to advance a more walkable, pedestrian-friendly environment. The DCE rezoning and other amendments to land use and zoning maps and regulations for downtown have occurred over several years as the City continues to implement the goals and policies of its downtown planning documents and visioning surveys. The study will consider the validity of those planning documents and vision. CA: SAPermit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\2004\urbancenter-dsap-pc.doc Enc: Timeline;Downtown Zoning Study—Draft Action Agenda;Figure V-1 from Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan;Minutes of 10/21/03 Planning Committee meeting • Urban Center/Downtown Analysis • March 15, 2004 Review scope and timeline — Planning & Economic Development Committee • April & May, 2004 Research & Analysis • May 17, 2004 Public open house to outline issues, brainstorm ideas • June 14, 2004 2nd Public open house —<' present scenarios/options • July 12, 2004 Workshop —"Land Use & Planning Board • August 9, 2004 SEPA analysis completed • August 23, 2004 Public Hearing — Land Use & Planning • Board • September 20, 2004 Worksp on annual Comp Plan Amendments — Land Use & Planning Board • October 25, 2004 Public Hearing on annual Comp Plan Amendments — Land Use & Planning Board • Nov&der 2, 2004 All amendments to City Council —workshop • November 16, 2004 City Council decision on amendments • December 14, 2004 City Council adoption — Ordinance S:\Pemit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\2004\UTbanCenter.doe 3/2/2004 • . Downtown Zoning Study Action Agenda - Draft • Scope: • Expand study to include entire Urban Center? All DSAP areas? • Establish timeline for project • Research: • Review existing land use studies/plans,goals&policies: Comp Plan, DSAP, Commuter Rail Station Area Study, Urban Center designation/requirements • Review purpose statements&uses for DC, DCE, GC,MU • Verify existing land uses&code conformances • Review International Zoning Code; Performance-based zoning; Urban Center designation/benefits/requirements; other cities downtown zoning requirements and patterns • Review process for changing Urban Center designation for Kent. • Analysis: • Evaluate code amendment options • Consider downtown design guidelines, commercial design guidelines • Consider road designs in downtown—existing,proposed, other cities • Environmental Review: • EIS,Addendum?Traffic impacts of scenarios? • • Public Participation: • Visioning Exercise? • Public Notices: Newspaper articles; notice to property owners, previous participants in downtown plans,radius? • Open Houses—more than one? 1) Outline issues/define project;brainstorm ideas • Expand existing uses; performance-based zoning; change comp plan/zoning designations; require design review; require mixed uses; how address nonconforming uses/sites; sign code? 2) Discuss scenarios • Public Process: • City Council: 1) Declare emergency or make part of annual comp plan amendments? 2) Discuss possible project parameters/action items at workshop? 3) Review results of open houses? 4) Update during Board discussions, to include scenarios being brought forward? 5) After Board recommendation • Workshop &hearing before Land Use&Planning Board—more than one? • Planning Committee? • 60-day state notification • S:\Permit\Plan\ZONECODEAMEND\2003\downtownZoningStudy.doe 09/23/03 Kent Downtown Districts • lv ' l I Q - .D_.._ iApl�( 111� ii Q�E� I1rf71 J �i. j�' IIL �JI rl I a I I IIII I' r 7r� T p +j � I �Io ncR1 1 0'.0 lQp'lao•I�I i u10 North Frame'' I= ll�l m. r U�7 7 10 L1� qtl 1 t,e c 73 I is J, II �e O P . QI"G i , _.. Central ��•� I � n II i d Avenue a p 1po»° o' Imo_,`" ,C�;, h Corridor North Core � I n ( ml p1 a �Ir t { -- East i� West ) �G _ I L Frame vl Frame dl } _ I i� t n}1- J�� ode o I � f I� g f�H forrc l a o Co �fl aaafx__ f :o � 1'� Q All rJ . I i (=Za! a- n jFtn' o I L South Core;!fL�II br5 o �I� Q on-,i a i, ? dc� p o+ '' _•�S _JIBIiCI�i41 � Q;'1. Q_.� 4 (� `l Gua 1.7 ilil _; o0• �t , _Sa.. I er `tiL -I p �'J--; .ems � p :.h PnjjI�WL v� •c IIII G , ��_ilo�_P_ri�1,Vp-- �C� L � ooil ❑--1't� PF7 G�'(7 rq�. D POB�rD�06AQ�Ol pp 4.�'1 ...,[�p a� Ili•.... i.. 4 :n�.�� 4 '• Iv I . III 1 D D _ e i y 117•�'I 4 i_ �p'..;�a -'- �'`loah 1 ` o ,aa m• �w• ooe e aaal Ali I a t t �' ➢ o _ '�yp�AL c u I a { a �1 1 I - r P I y,�t 4_'1-'4 ❑ uy�r $} oh Its _.1_ `. ,.ill �i ': pal].�:��b '�' Le-,�i1 �.i%as �p-'.•�i JI ''4 ❑o. GI 6� �� ..i.. Figure V-1: The Kent downtown districts. Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan V-2 9633APTSDOC-4!7/98 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director • PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager WASHINGTON Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 DATE: MARCH 8, 2004 TO: CHAIR TIM CLARK AND PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON, AICP, PLANNING MANAGER THROUGH: MAYOR JIM WHITE SUBJECT: PLANNING SERVICES WORK PROGRAM—2004 MOTION: None needed—For Information Onlv SUMMARY: Each year the Planning Manager presents to the committee the anticipated work program for the year. This year's work program lists projects that are mandated by the state to complete the work on our comprehensive plan and development regulations, projects that were initiated or committed to in • 2003, or projects that are part of the permit process. We welcome comments and appreciate the dialogue with the City Council regarding the work program. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: Planning Services is responsible for land use planning matters, such as formulation, amendment and implementation of the City's Comprehensive Plan, zoning, subdivision and various other environmental and regulatory codes. Included in the planning efforts are extensive coordination with other city departments and agencies, and presentation of documents and reports to the Land Use & Planning Board, Hearing Examiner, City Council, and Planning&Economic Development Committee. Enclosed in the agenda packet is the anticipated Planning Services work program for 2004. As a means of comparison, the 2003 and 2002 work programs also are included. There are items on the 2002 work program that were not initiated and are not on the 2003 or 2004 work program either. These items generally are not part of the required state mandates or are activities that are intended to be postponed. Included in the list of postponed projects are fairly major updates to the zoning and subdivision codes, historic preservation and the Shoreline Management Program. One of the 2002 items that is proposed for consideration with the downtown analysis is an update of the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. Once again this year staff paid particular attention to the time involved in reviewing major development and applications for subdivisions and other land use matters. Also noted are considerable efforts on customer service in terms of responses to requests for zoning interpretations and determinations,requests for general information and follow-up from permit center calls. On the long range planning side,most of the efforts focus on completing the 5/7-year update of the comprehensive plan and associated development regulations, along with the downtown study. Staff will be available at the March 15"meeting to further discuss the work program. • CA\pm: S:\Permit\P1anTlanning Committee\2004\StaffReports\2004workprogram.doc Enc: 2002,2003 and 2004 work programs cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,AICP,C.D Director Charlene Anderson,Planning Manager � _ \ 4 7 � § § 3 / ( � k \_ 7 U Q 2 o I \� q w g § e \ / } » rq rn S @ en } _ ( + e4 ;s / f \ / j \ rl a 2 \ \ f 5 •. \ z = a ( j \ u » % s e / \ / e 0 3 [ % \ \ §) % "a § j\ / d (\ ( \ ® \ ] } \ 5 ƒ } ] 04 _ « � � • o c « r a O o CZ a •o H Y y o LI O N ti ,h O o F .a C 6 .5 Oi4 r U 'O A = ro � 0 00 c c G N � C H � O a ° Gi * O o0 I 1 O O C O O O 00 Obi fn p a ON NO � O lot b Ir M Cl ^ _ o W a U F ti @ w e o obn'� kn + � c d q o y Cam' C7 .= c a [y C7 o c Z U o o a 3 ou 3 £ J J F z o aH c o v y o v � R ❑ Z � x = Q¢Q > > Y "'� b ` + G ❑ cn P!i rn, p vA . 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