HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/20/2002 • 40 4 KENT 0000 wAs"'"GTO" PLANNING COMMITTEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT August 20, ZOOZ Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP Manager The City Council Planning Committee will meet in Council Chambers East, Kent Mailing Address: City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, August 20, 2002. 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Location Address 400 West Gowe Kent,WA 98032 Committee Members: Leona Orr, Chair Tim Clark Bruce White Phone:253-856-5454 Fax:253-856-6454 Action Speaker Time 1. Approval of the Minutes of July 9, YES 2002 and July 16, 2002 2. King County Countywide Planning YES Charlene Anderson 30 min Policy Amendments The Planning Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month at 3:00 PM in Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 41h Ave. South, unless otherwise noted. For agenda information please contact Jackie Bicknell at (253) 856-5712. ANY PERSON REQUIRING A DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT(253)856-5725 IN ADVANCE. FOR TDD RELAY SERVICE CALL THE WASHINGTON TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE AT 1-800-833-6388. • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES K E N T Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager WASNINGTON Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 August 13, 2002 TO: CHAIR LEONA ORR AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON, AICP, PLANNING MANAGER RE: KING COUNTY COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICY AMENDMENTS FOR PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 2002 BACKGROUND • On June 17, 2002, the King County Council approved and ratified amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs), as developed by the Growth Management Planning Council, on behalf of unincorporated King County. The adoption of countywide planning policies is required under the State Growth Management Act (GMA), pursuant to RC W 36.70A.210. The Countywide Planning Policies provide a framework for Kent and other cities in King County to conduct planning under the requirements of GMA. This framework ensures that city and county comprehensive plans are consistent. The City of Kent ratified the original CPPs on September 15, 1992, with Resolution No. 1326 and ratified Phase 11 amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies on November 16, 1994. Amendments King County Ordinances No. 2002-0131, 2002-0132, and 2002-0133 (see attached) ratified three motions as proposed by the Growth Management Planning Council: • Substitute Motion 00-3: recommends amending the Urban Growth Boundary map to reflect land use map amendments adopted during the 2000 King County Comprehensive Plan Update. None of the map amendments affect areas within the City of Kent or its Potential Annexation Area. • Motion 01-3: recommends amending the CPPs and the Urban Growth Area to reflect the • resolution of the City of Snoqualmie's joint planning area in support of the Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative. As Planning Committee Meeting 8120/02 Page 2 Of 2 • Substitute Motion 00-1: recommends adding maps of existing Urban Separators to the Countywide Planning Policies. The maps reflect the Urban Separator designations approved by the City in March, 2001. Staff first presented the County's proposal for a map at the July 2, 2001 Planning Committee meeting. Approval process The Countywide Planning Policies become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution of at least 30 percent of the city and county governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County according to the established Interlocal Agreement. A city will be deemed to have ratified the amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies unless the city takes legislative action to disapprove the amendments within 90 days of adoption by King County. Based upon the King County Council approval date of June 17, 2002, the 90-day deadline for action will be September 16, 2002. (Note: This date falls before the Council meeting of September 17th. Therefore, staff anticipates this item will be on the full Council agenda for the September 3rd meeting.) Staff Recommendation Based upon the review of the provided documents, staff recommends ratification of the amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies. If you have any questions about the amendments or approval process prior to the August 20th meeting, please contact me at (253) 856-5431. C A:S:1Permit\PlaniC ompPlanAmdmen ts12002 kpp-pc.doc Enc: Letter to City of Kent and King County Ordinances No.2002-0131,0132&0133 • 1 ' RECEI':'ED King County June 28, 2002 The Honorable Jim White Mayor, City of Kent 220—4th Avenue South Kent, WA 99032 Dear Mayor White: We are pleased to forward for your consideration and ratification the enclosed amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). The Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) approved the following Motions: • Substitute Motion 00-3 recommending amendments to the Urban Growth Boundary map to reflect land use map amendments adopted during the 2000 King County Comprehensive Plan update. • Motion 01-3 recommending amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies and the Urban Growth Area to reflect the resolution of the City of Snoqualmie's joint planning area in support of the Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative. • Substitute Motion 00-1 recommending maps of existing Urban Separators be added to the Countywide Planning Policies. On June 17, 2002, the King County Council approved and also ratified these amendments on behalf of unincorporated King County. Copies of King County Ordinances 2002-0131, 2002-0132 and 2002-0133 are enclosed to assist you in your review of these amendments, along with Council Staff Reports. • The Honorable Jim White June 28, 2002 Page 2 In accordance with the Countywide Planning Policies, FW-1 Step 9, amendments become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least 30 percent of the city and county governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County according to the Interlocal agreement. A city will be deemed to have ratified the amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies unless,within 90 days of adoption by King County,the city takes legislative action to disapprove the amendments. Please note that the 90-day deadline for these proposed amendments is September 16, 2002. If you have questions about the amendments or the ratification process, please contact Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Regional Policy and Planning, at(206) 205-0701, or Cynthia Moffitt, Policy Analyst, Office of Regional Policy and Planning at(206) 205-0709 or Lauren Smith, Legislative Analyst, King County Council, at(206)296-0352. If you adopt any legislation relative to this action, please submit by close of business, September 16, 2002, one copy of the legislation to Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, King County Office of Regional Policy and Planning, 516 Third Avenue, Room 402, Seattle, WA 98104. If your city chooses to take no action, please submit a letter to the above address stating that your jurisidiction took no action on the amendments. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, ( q Cynthia Sullivan, Chair Ron Sims King County Council King County Executive Enclosures: King County Ordinances 2002-0131, 2002-0132 and 2002-0133 with attachments cc: Lauren Smith, Legislative Analyst, King County Council Stephanie Warden, Director, Office of Regional Policy and Planning Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Regional Policy and Planning Cynthia Moffitt, Policy Analyst, Office of Regional Policy and Planning • Metropolitan King County Council Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee Staff Report Agenda Item No.: 2 Name: Lauren Smith Proposed Ordinance: 2002-0131 Date: April 16, 2002 Attending: Paul Reitenbach, Office of Regional Policy and Planning Kevin Wright, Prosecuting Attorney's Office SUBJECT: An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies amending the Urban Growth Area of King County to reflect site specific land use map amendments adopted during the 2000 King County Comprehensive Plan update. BACKGROUND: On September 27, 2000 the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) adopted the following motion recommending amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs): GMPC Substitute Motion o0-3 Amending theaJrban Growth Area of King County: GMPC Recommendation: Amend the Urban Growth Area map In the.Countywide Planning policies as • recommended by King County in the King County Comprehensive Plan 200o: Issaquah'Highlands (Kmg County Map Amendment#1) Maple Valley Lbrary (King County Map Amendment.#3)` Jenkins Creek Park(Covington) (King County Map Amendment 94) ✓ Mahler Park(Enumclaw) : (King County Map Amendment#6) Split Parcels(Enumclaw) (King County Map Amendment#7) Carnation Urban Growth Area:, (King County Map Amendment#8) Maple Valley Urban Growth Area (King County Map Amendment#11) Discussion: In 1999, prior to adoption of the 2000 King County Comprehensive Plan (KCCP 2000) and as required by Countywide Planning Policy(CPP) FW-1, Step 8, the King County Executive submitted the above land use amendments affecting the Urban Growth Area (UGA)to the GMPC for their consideration. The GMPC recommended their adoption to the King County Council via GMPC Motion 00-3 (see Attachment 1 to Proposed Ordinance 2002-0131). The amendments were incorporated into the KCCP 2000 by the King County Council in February, 2001. Pursuant to the Growth Management Act, the KCCP must be consistent with the CPPs. Proposed Ordinance 2002-0131 would accomplish that, with respect to these land use amendments. SUMMARY: Proposed Ordinance 2002-0131 would amend the Countywide Planning Policies by: • Amending the urban growth area boundary as adopted by the King County Council on February 12, 2001 (King County Comprehensive Plan 2000) and as shown on Attachment 1 to Proposed Ordinance 2002-0131, and • Amending the Potential Annexation Areas map by including additional unincorporated urban land • created by these UGA amendments in the Potential Annexation Area of the appropriate city. C.ITEMP1200 2-0 1 3 1 (CPPAmendment-Site Specific land use map amendments).doc 06/25/02 2.59 PM Additionally,Proposed Ordinance 2002-0131 would ratify the changes on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County, as required by Countywide Planning Policy FW-1, Step 9 (with the exception of the Issaquah Highlands amendment,which is not subject to ratification). Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least 30% of the city and county governments representing 70%of the population of King County according to the Interlocal agreement. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the countywide planning policy unless, within 90 days of adoption by King County, they city by legislative action disapproves the countywide planning policy. ANALYSIS: This action is consistent with the land use map in the King County Comprehensive Plan (the King County Council adopted the land use amendments as part of the 2000 Amendment to the King County Comprehensive Plan in February, 2001). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2002-0131,with attachments 2. Policy Direction: Countywide Planning Policies, King County Comprehensive Plan 4 C.JEMP12002-0 1 3 1 (05.07-02).doc D6125102 9.17 AM KING COUNTY 1200 King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Beattie,WA 98104 Signature Report June 24, 2002 Ordinance 14390 Proposed No. 2002-0131.1 Sponsors Hague 1 AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to the 2 Countywide Planning Policies amending the urban growth 3 area of King County to reflect site specific land use map 4 amendments adopted during the 2000 comprehensive plan 5 update; ratifying the amended Countywide Planning 6 Policies for unincorporated King County; and amending 7 Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 8 20.10.030 and Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as amended, 9 and K.C.C. 20.10.040. 10 11 12 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 13 SECTION 1. Findings. The council makes the following findings. 14 A. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Growth 15 Management Planning Council recommended King County 2012 —Countywide Planning 16 Policies (Phase 1) in July 1992, under Ordinance 10450. 1 Ordinance14390 17 B. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Phase II 18 amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies on August 15, 1994, under Ordinance 19 11446. 20 C. The Growth Management Planning Council met on September 27, 2000, and 21 vole_d_to recommend amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 22 Policies[5/25/94], amending the urban growth area boundary to reflect site specific land 23 use map amendments initiated by King County during the 2000 King County 24 comprehensive plan update. 25 SECTION 2. Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.030 are 26 each hereby amended to read as follows: 27 Phase 11. A. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide 28 Planning Policies attached to Ordinance 11446 are hereby approved and adopted. 029 B. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 30 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment l to Ordinance 12027. 31 C. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 32 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421. 33 D. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 34 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260. 35 E. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 36 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I through 4 to Ordinance 13415. 37 F. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 38 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordinance 13858. 2 Ordinance 14390 39 G. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012—Countywide Planning 40 Policies are amended as shown by Attachment i to this ordinance. 41 SECTION 3. Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040 are 42 each hereby amended to read as follows: --- 43— Ratification for unincorporated King County. A. Countywide Planning 44 Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purposes specified are hereby ratified on 45 behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 46 B. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 47 10840 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 48 C. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 49 11061 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 50 D. The Phase 11 amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 951 Policies adopted by Ordinance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of 52 unincorporated King County. 53 E. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 54 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027 are hereby ratified on behalf of the 55 population of unincorporated King County. 56 F. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 57 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 58 population of unincorporated King County. 59 G. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 60 shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 61 population of unincorporated King County. 3 Ordinance 14390 62 11. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 63 shown by Attachment 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415, are hereby ratified on behalf of 64 the population of unincorporated King County. 65 I. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 66 shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalf of 67 the population of unincorporated King County. 68 J. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies as • 4 Ordinance 14390 69 shown by Attachment 1 to this ordinance are hereby ratified on behalf of the population 70 of unincorporated King County. 71 Ordinance 14390 was introduced on 3/18/2002 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 6/17/2002,by the following vote: Yes: 11 -Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson No: 0 Excused: 2 -Mr. Phillips and Mr. Pelz KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: APPROVED this day of Attachments 1.GMPC Substitute Motion No. 003 • 5 • POLICY DIRECTION: Countywide Planning Policies FWA, Step 8a The citizens and jurisdictions of King County are committed to maintaining a permanent Rural Area. The Growth Management Planning Council or its successor shall review all Urban Growth Areas ten years after the adoption and ratification of Phase II Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies. The review shall be conducted utilizing monitoring reports and benchmark evaluation. As a result of this review the Growth Management Planning Council or its successor may recommend to the Metropolitan King County Council amendments to the Urban Growth Area. Alternatively, King County may initiate consideration of Urban Growth Area amendments. Amendments shall be based on an evaluation of the following factors: • The criteria in LU-26 and LU-27; • The sufficiency of vacant, developable land and redevelopable land to meet projected needs; • The actual and projected rate of development and land consumption by category of land use including both development on vacant land and redevelopment projects; • The capacity of appropriate jurisdictions to provide infrastructure and service to the Urban Growth Areas; • The actual and projected progress of jurisdictions in meeting their adopted 20-year goals and targets of numbers of households and employees per acre; • The actual and projected rate of population and employment growth compared to adopted 20-year goals and target ranges, and compared to revised projections from the Washington State Office of Financial Management; • The actual and projected trend of economic development and affordable housing • indicators, as reported annually through the adopted monitoring and benchmarks program; • Indicators of environmental conditions, such as air quality, water quality, wildlife habitat, and others. FWA (Step 9) Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies may be developed by the Growth Management Planning Council or its successor, or by the Metropolitan King County Council, as provided in this policy. Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies, not including amendments to the Urban Growth Area pursuant to Step 7 and 8 b and c above, shall be subject to ratification by at least 30 percent of the city and County governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County. Adoption and ratification of this policy shall constitute an amendment to the May 27, 1992 interlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and the suburban cities and towns in King County for the Growth Management Planning Council of King County. King County Comprehensive Plan RP-304 The Four-Year Cycle shall consider proposed amendments that could be considered in the Annual Cycle and also those outside the scope of the Annual Cycle, proposed amendments relating to substantive changes to Comprehensive Plan policies and development regulations, and proposals to alter the Urban Growth Area Boundary in accordance with applicable provisions of Countywide Planning Policy FW-1. CATEMP',2002-0131 (05-07-02).doc 06/24/02 3:53 PM • 09/27/00 2002 131 Sponsored By: Executive Committee /bc 1 Substitute MOTION NO. 00-3 2 A MOTION to amend the Urban Growth Area of King 3 County. 4 5 6 WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act,RCW 36.70A.I 10 requires 7 counties to designate an urban growth area or areas within which urban growth shall be 8 encouraged and outside of which growth can occur only if it is not urban in nature;and 9 10 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policy FW-1 Step 8 recognizes that King County may I 1 initiate amendments to the Urban Growth Area; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the King County Executive and the Metropolitan King County Council 14 requests the Growth Management Planning Council consider the attached amendments to • 15 the Urban Growth Area for eventual adoption by the Metropolitan King County Council 16 and ratification by the cities; and 17 18 WHEREAS,Countywide Planning Policies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 19 designation of Potential Annexation Areas and the eventual annexation of these areas by 20 cities. The attached amendments are supported by the affected city. 21 22 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL 23 OF KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 24 25 1. Amend the Urban Growth Area as designated by the Urban Growth Areas Map in the 26 Countywide Planning Policies as described by the following attachments: 27 28 Attachment A: Issaquah Highlands/]ssaquah (KCCP 2000 Map Amendment 1) 29 Attachment B: Maple Valley LibraryiMaple Valley UGA (KCCP 2000 Map 30 Amendment 3) 31 Attachment C: Jenkins Creek Park/Covington UGA (KCCP 2000 Map Amendment 4) 32 Attachment D: Mahler Park/Enumclaw UGA (KCCP 2000 Amendment 6) 33 Attachment E: Split Parcels/Enumclaw UGA (KCCP 2000 Map Amendment 7) 34 Attachment F: Carnation UGA(KCCP 2000 Map Amendment 8) 35 Attachment G: Maple Valley (KCCP 2000 Map Amendmcn( 1 1) i li 1 2 2. Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by including any additional 3 unincorporated urban land created by these UGA amendments in the Potential 4 Annexation Area of the adjoining city. 5 6 3. Per the Countywide Planning Policy FW-1,Attachment A: Issaquah 7 Highlands/Issaquah(KCCP 2000 Map Amendment 1)is not subject to ratification. 8 Attachments B,C, D,E,F and G are recommended to the Metropolitan King County 9 Council and the Cities of King County for adoption and ratification. 10 11 12 13 14 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County the 15 274 4 SeA&wafot 20M and signed bythe chair of the GMPC in open session in 16 authentication of its adoption this o�0 ova 17 18 19 20 Ron Sims,thair,Growth Management Planning Council 21 22 23 .Attachments: September 19, 2000 Background Report describing each proposed UGA 24 change and its rationale 25 Map of each recommended UGA Change - 2 - • September 19,2000 Proposed UGA Cbanges Under Review by King County Background: As part of the first major update to the King County Comprehensive Plan(KCCP),a number of proposed UGA changes are under review by King County. In the Executive Recommended KCCP 2000 Plan(March 1,2000),there are 7 recommended changes proposed. Of these, five - - are requests made by the cities of Carnation, Covington,Enumclaw and Maple Valley. The other two include UGA adjustments to recognize the Grand Ridge Joint Agreement (Issaquah Highland)and to reconcile two properties that have been split by the UGA just outside of the City of Enumclaw. The proposed UGA amendments are noted on the attached Locator Map. The proposed amendments are currently under review by the King County Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee. The amendments are subject to change and may be amended by the Committee and by the full Council in September 2000. The purpose of presenting the proposed UGA changes to the GMPC is to highlight those that will require further action by the GMPC to amend the Countywide Urban Growth Area boundary. Below is a matrix that describes the property, the acreage affected and the rationale and policy basis for the proposed UGA change. Amendment # 1,Issaquah Highlands/Issaquah is consistent with FW-1 and does not require ratification by GMPC as stated in the policy. The remaining amendments are being presented to the GMPC for consideration and approval as amendments to the Countywide Urban Growth Boundary. The rationale statements includes an analysis of the Prnposed t JGA amendments with the C ounlywide Planning Pnlicies MAP LOCATOR APPROXIMATE NUMBER/PROPERTY ACRES RATIONALE REDESIGNATED TO 17RE3AN N 1 Issaquah Highlands/ 40 The parcel is a Waal island surrounded by the Issaquah UGA. Approximately 33 acres of the parcel are identified in the Grand Ridge Joint Agreement as an expansion area for the Issaquah Highlands development. The remaining 7 acres will be protected as an urban separator. The proposed amendment complies with CPP policy FW-1 step 8(b) which recognized the Issaquah Joint Planning Agreement process. This is an information item only and no further action is needed by GMPC on this amendment per CPP FW-1. It3 Maple Valley 0.5 This is a technical adjustment to reconcile the Library/Maple Valley UGA line with the corporate city boundary. UGA The entire property has been annexed by the City of Maple Valley, although a portion of the properly falls within the designated Rural Area. 1'•gmpclnwuons'mnunn00-3-alt�rhmcnit Anc —_— • rarr I • MAP LOCATOR APPROXIMATE NUMBER/PROPERTY ACRES RATIONALE REDESIGNATED TO URBAN #4 Jenkins Creek Park/ 65 The City of Covington has requested amending Covington UGA the UGA in order to provide urban services to Jenkins Creek park (20.34 acres) after it is transferred to the city. The proposed UGA change includes redesignating the properties directly north(6.48 acres)and south(38.18 acres)of the park land as Urban. Redesignation of these properties to Urban would eliminate the creation of Rural islands after the transfer of the park. The City has also expressed an interest in annexing the Urban island south of the City boundary(SR 516)but is prevented from doing so because these lands are not connected to the UGA. The proposed UGA change for this portion of the UGA will respond to the request by the City and will better connect an existing urban island with The UGA. The proposed UGA amendments in this subarea comply with CPPs LU-26(d)and LU-32. • #6 Mahler Park/ 28 The State of Washington has transferred Enumclaw UGA ownership of Mahler Park to the City of Enumclaw. The City has requested an amendment to the UGA in order to provide urban services,such as police and maintenance, to the park. This amendment complies with CPP LU-32. Split Parcels/ 7.9 This amendment resolves En Iwo parcels currently Enumclaw UGA split by the UGA line. A middle school campus is being constricted nearby and sewer lines can be made available to the subject properties. The urban portion of the Iwo properties are in the City of Enumclaw's Potential Annexation Area. This amendment complies with CPPs LU-26(a) and (d) and LU-38 (d) and (g). • 11rn�'clnunnnslmubon(q-3 allacli""I l doc Parr 2 a MAP LOCATOR APPROXIMATE ACRES RATIONALE NUMBER/PROPERTY REDESIGNATED TO URBAN #8 Carnation UGA 2.5 This is a technical adjustment to the UGA requested by the City of Carnation to recognize the 1993 annexaliun of the subject parcel by the City. State law allows cities to annex city owned land that is contiguous to the city's boundary. #11 Maple Valley 26.5 The County is negotiating with the City of Maple Valley to sell a parcel of County owned land,adjacent to the city for use as a park (19.8 acres). The City has requested amending the UGA boundary in order to provide urban services to the park. The UGA boundary is also proposed 10 be changed for the privately owned parcel (6.7 acres)north of the park land. This property is split by the current UGA boundary and with the sale of the land to the south to Maple Valley, this property would be entirely surrounded by the City of Maple Valley. It is proposed to be redesignated Urban to climate creation of a • rural island. The proposed UGA boundary amendment in this subarea complies with CPP LLI-32. I,F�M''�nulionxMolion[p-J-atlachm l I d(.e pare a Recommended 2V-" UGA Changes Locator Map 42002 `� 1 • King County 1 issaaahgoiandsltssagldl 7 Spil Palrels/EmndaaruGA DDFS » m.�e� tib map h s+enue0 tr PW "pwpoaea"W4 3 Maple Valet'LlLray I Made Valley UGA 8 Canuli GA m U e aal saanneeU b a a aw meaauemeras. 5 0 5 Mites / k+Jdrs Creek Pali I Coinplm EGA 11 Mapk VaPey N Mahb Para/Emndar UCvt qzgV I i ris r l"r l • 1 r' R "3 I J ♦ i , ♦ I ♦ I , I 111 , r Y441 � y •g 1 t r � \ - Vq�'S 4 K:3S..2m.f" 14 3 gyp' f6a1 `f'�iR iq'Sr yT_ -�. 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'E��M t�j IIyII' �1 '� sl�•w ��t, v y W`�YF¢'k'Y r� + / ,� 4 vl �OJ�M1 I l �ttf'Y •M �4 ^�Xya j !'� S r. dCr� t w Ip:.•'` d.�.d�.�L^."`_s ii..L..t.1�d1.=L��. d .�^• _ _ � : A3 r�:i r 1. ♦ M vA.� �.�A':..y s,��Yr �; r:k� '� wig`, '�•, / l '. !! ��. t fir � i t cf/Y� 1.+Y.O .�.,�,*t. i� s ��� Nv'�d -•.,. f J'1 � iv Fi,r� s J r�}L..ry p 7 _• 1 �� a � ! � • ;� c;'t�/.i _ fFb zaY � •' __ 1 Eli �� O Metropolitan King County Council Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee Staff Report Agenda Item No.: 3 Name: Lauren Smith Proposed Ordinance: 2002-0132 Date: April 16, 2002 Attending: Paul Reitenbach, Office of Regional Policy and Planning Kevin Wright, Prosecuting Attorney's Office SUBJECT: An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies in support of the Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative. BACKGROUND: On October 24,2001 the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC)adopted the following motion recommending amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs): GMPC Substitute Motion 01-3:Amending the Countywide Planning Policies and the Urban Growth Area to reflect the resolution of the City of Snoqualmie's Joint Planning Area in support of the Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative. GMPC Recommendation: ✓ Delete Countywide Planning Policy FW-1 Step 8 to reflect the resolution of the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area ✓ Amend the Growth Management Planning Council Proposed Urban Growth Area Boundary Map to delete the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area, amend the Urban Growth Area by adding 209 acres north and west of the City of Snoqualmie, and by removing 214 acres south of the City of Snoqualmie. Discussion: The Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative (SPI/ Initiative)is a complex land use proposal that is intended to preserve critical forestlands, viewsheds and trail corridors in and around the City of Snoqualmie,while at the same time, finalizing planning for the City's future growth. When fully implemented, the Initiative will result in: • the permanent preservation of a site near Snoqualmie Falls known as Falls Crossing; • the addition of 268 dwelling units to the existing development at Snoqualmie Ridge; • resolution of the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area (JPA)and Urban Growth Area (UGA); • enhancements to the King County regional trail system; and • permanent conservation easements on 2,800 acres of forestland in the Raging River Watershed.' On March 12, 2001, the King County Council adopted Motion 11128, endorsing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between King County, the City of Snoqualmie, the Cascade Land Conservancy (CLC)and the Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company(WRECO). The MOU outlined the components of the SPI, and stated the Council's intent to complete review and approval of ordinances implementing the Initiative. • Separate negotiations with the Fruit Growers Association may result in similar conservation easements on an additional 6,200 acres within the same watershed. C:JENIP'2002-0132(OT Amendment-Snoqualmie Presenation Initiamet doc 06.125,'02 3:00 PM • Implementation Actions Accomplished to Date: 1. Amending the existing Snoqualmie Ridge development agreement to allow up to 268 additional dwelling units in place of approved business park uses (Snoqualmie City Council, 4123101); 2. Amending Snoqualmie's UGA to include 521 acres of WRECO ownership within the JPA(King County Council, 6104101); 3. Amending Snoqualmie's UGA to include the 209-acre Northwest Properties, and remove the 214-acre Rattlesnake Ridge planning area (Growth Management Planning Council, 10124101); Remaining Implementation Actions: 1. Amending the King County Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Growth Management Planning Council's decision (King County Council, no later than 12131102); 2. Completion of a development agreement between Snoqualmie and WRECO for the 521-acre JPA (Snoqualmie City Council, no later than 6115103);and 3. Completion of a development agreement between Snoqualmie and WRECO for the 209-acre Northwest Properties (Snoqualmie City Council, no later than 6115104). The actions of the GMPC on 10/24101 satisfied the first phase of an important implementation action required by the Initiative; the second phase will be satisfied upon adoption of Proposed Ordinance 2002- 0132. SUMMARY: Proposed Ordinance 2002-0132 would amend the Countywide Planning Policies by: 0 Deleting Countywide Planning Policy FW-1 Step 8 to reflect the resolution of the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area. 0 Amend the Growth Management Planning Council Proposed Urban Growth Area Boundary Map to delete the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area, amend the Urban Growth Area by adding 209 acres north and west of the City of Snoqualmie, and by removing 214 acres south of the City of Snoqualmie. . The ordinance would also ratify the changes to the Countywide Planning Policies on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County, as required by CPP FW-1, Step 9. (Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least 30% of the city and county governments representing 70% of the population of King County according to the Interlocal agreement. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the countywide planning policy unless,within 90 days of adoption by King County, they city by legislative action disapproves the countywide planning policy.) ANALYSIS: This action is consistent with the Snoqualmie Urban Growth Area Subarea Plan (adopted 6/4/01),which is an element of the King County Comprehensive Plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2002-0132, with attachments 2. Policy Direction: Countywide Planning Policies, King County Comprehensive Plan Q:\COMMITTEE GNI 2002�staff reports`2002-0132(CPP Anxndment-Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative).doc 06/24/02 430 PM KING COUNTY 1.100 King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Seattle WA 98104 Signature Report June 24, 2002 Ordinance 14391 Proposed No. 2002-0132.1 Sponsors Hague and Phillips 1 AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to the 2 Countywide Planning Policies in support of the Snoqualmie 3 Preservation Initiative; ratifying the amended Countywide 4 Planning Policies for unincorporated King County; and 5 amending Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and 6 K.C.C. 20.10.030 and Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as 107 amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040. 8 9 10 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: I 1 SECTION 1. Findings. The council makes the following findings. 12 A. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Growth 13 Management Planning Council recommended King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 14 Policies(Phase I) in July 1992, under Ordinance 10450. 15 B. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Phase II 16 amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies on August 15, 1994, under Ordinance 017 11446. 1 Ordinance 14391 18 C. The Growth Management Planning Council met on October 24, 2001, and 1019 voted to recommend amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 20 Policies [5/25/94], to reflect the resolution of the City of Snoqualmie's joint planning 21 area and amending the urban growth area boundary accordingly. 22 SECTION 2. Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.030 are 23 each hereby amended to read as follows: 24 Phase II. A. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide 25 Planning Policies attached to Ordinance 11446 are hereby approved and adopted. 26 B. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 27 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027. 28 C. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 29 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421. 1030 D. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 31 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260. 32 E. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 33 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415. 34 F. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 35 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858. 36 G. The Phase 11 Amendments to the King County 2012 — Countywide Planning 37 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to this ordinance. 38 SECTION 3. Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040 are 39 each hereby amended to read as follows: 2 Ordinance14391 •40 Ratification for unincorporated King County. A. Countywide Planning 41 Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purposes specified are hereby ratified on 42 behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 43 B. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 44 10840 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 45 C. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 46 11061 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 47 D. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 48 Policies adopted by Ordinance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of 49 unincorporated King County. 50 E. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 51 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027 are hereby ratified on behalf of the • 52 population of unincorporated King County. 53 F. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 54 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 55 population of unincorporated King County. 56 G. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 57 shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 58 population of unincorporated King County. 59 H. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 60 shown by Attachment 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415, are hereby ratified on behalf of 61 the population of unincorporated King County. • 3 • Ordinance14391 62 I. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 63 shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordinance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalf of 64 the population of unincorporated King County. 65 J. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 66 shown by Attachment 1 to this ordinance, are hereby ratified on behalf of the population 67 of unincorporated King County. 68 Ordinance 14391 was introduced on 3/18/2002 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 6/17/2002, by the following vote: Yes: 12 -Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine,Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson No: 0 Excused: 1 - Mr. Pelz • KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: APPROVED this day of 4 Ordinance 14391 • Attachments 1.GMPC Motion No.01-3 • 5 i POLICY DIRECTION: Countywide Planning Policies FW-1 (Step 8b)By 1998, all of the joint planning areas identified in the 1994 CPPs have be resolved, except for the City of Snoqualmie. Joint planning for any potential additional annexation of land to the City of Snoqualmie shall be conducted consistent with the terms of the 1990 Interlocal Agreement between King County and the City of Snoqualmie. Future Countywide Planning Policy amendments regarding the Snoqualmie joint planning area consistent with the 1990 Interlocal Agreement are not subject to ratification. FW-1 (Step 9) Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies may be developed by the Growth Management Planning Council or its successor, or by the Metropolitan King County Council, as provided in this policy. Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies, not including amendments to the Urban Growth Area pursuant to Step 7 and 8 b and c above, shall be subject to ratification by at least 30 percent of the city and County governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County. Adoption and ratification of this policy shall constitute an amendment to the May 27, 1992 interlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and the suburban cities and towns in King County for the Growth Management Planning Council of King County. • C:\TEMP`2002-0132(CPP Amendment-Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative)doc 06/24/02 3:48 PM 2002 132 10/24/01 Sponsored By: GMPC lg I MOTION NO. 01-3 2 A MOTION by the Growth Management Planning Council 3 of King County amending the Countywide Planning Policies 4 and the Urban Growth Area to reflect the resolution of the 5 City of Snoqualmie's Joint Planning Area in support of the 6 Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative. 7 8 WHEREAS,the Washington State Growth Management Act,RCW 36.70A.I 10 requires 9 counties to designate an urban growth area or areas within which urban growth shall be 10 encouraged and outside of which growth can occur only if it is not urban in nature; and 11 12 WHEREAS,Countywide Planning Policy FW-I, Step 8b, adopted in 1994 and amended in 13 1999,recognizes the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area as the last outstanding Joint Planning 14 Area in King County,and directs King County and the City of Snoqualmie to conduct a 15 joint planning process consistent with the 1990 Interlocal Agreement between King County 16 and the City of Snoqualmie to determine the Urban Growth Area for the City of 17 Snoqualmie; and 18 19 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policy FW-1, Step 8b further states that within the Joint 20 Planning Area, the agreed upon Urban Growth Area is not subject to ratification by the 21 Growth Management Planning Council;and 22 23 WHEREAS, King County and the City of Snoqualmie completed a joint planning process 24 in May,2001, and the resulting Snoqualmie Urban Growth Area Subarea Plan recommends 25 additions to the City of Snoqualmie's Urban Urowth Area within the designated Joint 26 Planning Area,refinements to the City of Snoqualmie's existing Urban Growth Area,and 27 policies to guide annexation within the areas recommended to be added to the City of 28 Snoqualmie's Urban Growth Area;and 29 30 WHEREAS,consistent with Countywide Planning Policy FW-1, Step 8b and the 31 recommendations of the Snoqualmie Urban Growth Area Subarea Plan,King County 32 adopted Ordinance 14117 on June 4, 2001,adding 525 acres to the City of Snoqualmie's 33 1 Jrhan Growth Area within the designated mint Planning Area; and 34 I i�mprlmniinnsmdllLi dor - 1 - • I WHEREAS,the King County Executive,the Metropolitan King County Council,the 2 Mayor of Snoqualmie and the Snoqualmie City Council requests that the Growth 3 Management Planning Council consider additional refinements to the City of Snoqualmie's 4 Urban Growth Area as recommended by the City of Snoqualmie Urban Growth Area 5 Subarea Plan,resulting in a net reduction in the Urban Growth Area of 5 acres, for 6 eventual adoption by the Metropolitan King County Council and ratification by the cities. 7 8 9 THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY 10 HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 11 12 1) Delete Countywide Planning Policy FW-1 Step 810 reflect the resolution of the 13 Snuqualmie Joint Planning Area. 14 15 16 except f8F lhO City ef Snequalmie. joint plapx�ng fe-F an.,petential additiefial 17 20 8AVq(+a1r»ie jetrtt Plaru, Hg. i5teH; . ."h the l non rleeid Agree+t@nl,UL RD 21 atiTteabiom 22 23 2) Amend the Growth Management Planning Council Proposed Urban Growth 24 Boundary Map in the Countywide Planning Policies as shown on Attachment I to: 25 26 a. Delete the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area; 27 28 b. Amend the Urban Growth Area by adding 209 acres north and west of the City 29 of Snoqualmie; and 30 31 c. Amend the Urban Growth Area by removing 214 acres south of the City of 32 Snoqualmie. Vgngahnrnona/nxaDl J.dcc 2 _ I ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County the 24th day of 2 October,2 00 1. 3 4 5 Ron tms,Q64,Growth Management Planning Council 6 7 8 9 Attachments: Urban Growth Boundary Map with boundary changes and Joint Planning 10 Area eliminated 11 1/gmpclmoUnnc/mot01 J Joc 3 - i � \ I +�4`�-• ��'�. l ° i ': 1 it '. � .r J Fl.r I -p ,P .t 11 � •� � r,(, � � y• }'S�� t4 y l �I'�! �J 44 i f r_. r 4 �TP ,y.I y4 sj'-1 ' .� �,•.- 11�3 i ,_. l I tt(1 I, rf ti APPW- i t �r x f•. `i P Y F � 3 •4 y _ 1 fa ♦ �I Metropolitan King County Council Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee Staff Report Agenda Item No.: 4 Name: Lauren Smith Proposed Ordinance: 2002-0133 Date: April 16,2002 Attending: Paul Reitenbach, Office of Regional Policy and Planning Kevin Wright, Prosecuting Attorney's Office SUBJECT: An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies, adding maps of existing urban separators. BACKGROUND: On December 11, 2001 the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC)adopted the following motion recommending amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs): GMPC Substitute Motion 00-1:Amending the Countywide Planning Policies by adding maps of existing urban separators to the Countywide Planning Policies. GMPC Recommendation: • ✓ Add a map of existing Urban Separators to the Countywide Planning Policies document. ✓ These maps also identify certain potential Urban Separator areas within Aubum and Renton s Potential Annexation Areas that are in need of further analysis and refinement. The Interjurisdictlonal Staff Team (IJT)shall convene a subcommittee comprised of all affected jurisdictions, and shall report back to the GMPC no later than September 30, 2002 with a recommendation to resolve these potential Urban Separators. If no consensus is reached,a majority and minority or alternative recommendation will be made to the GMPC by September 30, 2002. ✓ On an ongoing basis, the IJT shall also review proposed additional Urban Separator designations identified by cities or the County, and present them for GMPC consideration. As part of this review process, the IJT may also consider refinements to adopted Urban Separator policy to facilitate,' designations, provided the new policies are substantively consistent with CPP LU-27 and County Comprehensive Plan policies P-118 through P-120. SUMMARY: Proposed Ordinance 2002-0133 would amend the Countywide Planning Policies by: 0 Adopting a map of existing urban separators, as shown on Attachment 1 to this ordinance. The ordinance would also ratify the changes to the Countywide Planning Policies on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County, as required by CPP FW-1, Step 9. (Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least 30%of the city and county governments representing 70%of the population of King County according to the Interlocal agreement. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the countywide planning policy unless, within 90 days of adoption by King County, they city by legislative action disapproves the countywide planning policy.) r C'TFMP`200'--0133 WIT Amendment-Urban Separators LdoC 1)6.'2>'02 4 00I'M a • ANALYSIS: This action is consistent with King County Comprehensive Plan Policies P-118 through P-120(see Attachment 2). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2002-0133,with attachments 2. Policy Direction: Countywide Planning Policies, King County Comprehensive Plan Q:\COMMITTEE GM 20021staff reports\.1002-0133(CPP Amendment-Urban Separators)doc 06/24,'02 4:31 PM f POLICY DIRECTION: Countywide Planning Policies FW-1 (Step 9) Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies may be developed by the Growth Management Planning Council or its successor, or by the Metropolitan King County Council, as provided in this policy. Amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies, not including amendments to the Urban Growth Area pursuant to Step 7 and 8 b and c above, shall be subject to ratification by at least 30 percent of the city and County governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County. Adoption and ratification of this policy shall constitute an amendment to the May 27, 1992 interlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and the suburban cities and towns in King County for the Growth Management Planning Council of King County. LU-27 Urban separators are low-density areas or areas of little development within the Urban Growth Area. Urban separators shall be defined as permanent low-density lands which protect adjacent resource lands, Rural Areas, and environmentally sensitive areas and create open space corridors within and between Urban Areas which provide environmental,visual, recreational and wildlife benefits. Designated urban separators shall not be redesignated in the future (in the 20-year planning cycle)to other urban uses or higher densities. The maintenance of these urban separators is a regional as well as a local concern. Therefore, no modifications should be made to the development regulations governing these areas without King County review and concurrence. King County Comprehensive Plan P-118 Urban Separators are corridors of land that define community or municipal identities and boundaries, provide visual breaks in the urban landscape, and link parks and open space within and outside the Urban Growth Area. These urban corridors should include and link parks and other lands that contain significant environmentally sensitive features, provide wildlife habitat or critical resource protection, contain defining physical features, or contain historic resources. The residential density for land so designated should be maintained at one unit per acre, provided that lands that are sending sites under the Transfer of Density Program may transfer density at a rate of at least four units per acre. P-119 King County should actively pursue designating Urban Separators in the unincorporated area and work with the cities to establish permanent, Urban Separators within the incorporated area that link with and enhance King County's Urban Separator corridors. P-120 Designated Urban Separators should be preserved through park, trail and open space acquisitions, incentive programs such as the Transfer of Development Credit program, the Public Benefit Rating System program and regulatory measures. C:ITEMP'Q002-0I33(CPP Amendment-Urban Separators)doe 06-24;02 3 44 PM t KING COUNTY 12DO King County Courthouse 516 Third Avcnue a � Seattle.WA 991(N Signature Report 41 June 24, 2002 Ordinance 14392 Proposed No. 2002-0133.1 Sponsors Hague 1 AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to the 2 Countywide Planning Policies, adding maps of existing 3 urban separators; ratifying the amended Countywide 4 Planning Policies for unincorporated King County; and 5 amending Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and 6 K.C.C. 20.10.030 and Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as 7 amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040. 8 9 10 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 11 SECTION 1. Findings. The council makes the following findings. 12 A. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Growth 13 Management Planning Council recommended King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 14 Policies (Phase 1) in July 1992, under Ordinance 10450. 15 B. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Phase 11 16 amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies on August 15, 1994, under Ordinance 017 11446. 1 t Ordinance 14392 18 C. The Growth Management Planning Council met on December 11, 2001, and 19 voted to recommend amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 20 Policies [5/25/941, adding maps of existing urban separators. 21 SECTION 2. Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.030 are 22 each hereby amended to read as follows: 23 Phase II. A. The Phase 11 Amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide 24 Planning Policies attached to Ordinance 11446 are hereby approved and adopted. 25 B. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning 26 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027. 27 C. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 28 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421. 029 D. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 30 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260. 31 E. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 32 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415. 33 F. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 34 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13 85 8. 35 G. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 —Countywide Planning 36 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to this ordinance. 37 SECTION 3. Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040 are 38 each hereby amended to read as follows: • 2 r Ordinance14392 39 Ratification for unincorporated King County. A. Countywide Planning 40 Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purposes specified are hereby ratified on 41 behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 42 B. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 43 10840 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 44 C. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 45 11061 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 46 D. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 47 Policies adopted by Ordinance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of 48 unincorporated King County. 49 E. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 50 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027 are hereby ratified on behalf of the 51 population of unincorporated King County. 52 F. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 53 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 54 population of unincorporated King County. 55 G. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 56 shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 57 population of unincorporated King County. 58 H. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 59 shown by Attachment 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415, are hereby ratified on behalf of 60 the population of unincorporated King County. 3 T Ordinance14392 61 I. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 062 shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalf of 63 the population of unincorporated King County. 64 J. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies as 65 shown by Attachment 1 to this ordinance, are hereby ratified on behalf of the population 66 of unincomorated King County. 67 Ordinance 14392 was introduced on 3/18/2002 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 6/17/2002, by the following vote: Yes: 13 -Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine,Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson No: 0 Excused: 0 KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: APPROVED this day of • 4 t a Ordinance14392 Attachments 1. GMPC Substitute Motion 01-1 5 i 2p02 1 November 15,2001 Spnn,nred Ry- Executive Committee /staff draft v2 1 SUBSTITUTE MOTION NO. 01-1 2 A MOTION to amend the Countywide Planning Policies by adding maps of 3 existing Urban Separators to the Countywide Planning Policies. 4 5 WHEREAS,The Growth Management Act states that each Urban Growth Area shall permit urban 6 densities and shall include greenbelt and open space areas; 7 8 WHEREAS, Policy LU-27 of the Countywide Planning Policies of King County states that Urban 9 Separators shall not be redesignated in the future, and that maintenance of Urban Separators is a 10 regional as well as local concern; 11 12 WHEREAS, Urban Separators are an adopted regional strategy serving multiple functions 13 and providing environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits to the citizens and 14 communitics of King County; 15 16 WHEREAS, Consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies, the King County Comprehensive 17 Plan recognizes that Urban Separators create open space corridors, provide a visual contrast to 18 continuous development,and reinforce the unique identities of communities; 19 20 WHEREAS, King County has designated Urban Separators on the Land Use 2000 map in the King 21 County Comprehensive Plan, and King County has provided advance copies of Urban Separator 22 maps to cities that have designated Urban Separators located within their Potential Annexation 23 Areas; 24 25 WHEREAS, affected jurisdictions agree with most of the county Urban Separator designations, 26 but disagree with some of the designations That require finiher analysis and discussion; 27 28 WHEREAS, King County residents have supported efforts to designate and preserve Urban 29 Separators,including preservation of Urban Separators that have been annexed by cities; 30 31 THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY HEREBY 32 MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 33 34 1. The attached maps of Urban Separators will be included within the Countywide 35 Planning Policies document. These maps show the locations of adopted Urban 36 Separators and graphically illustrate regional land use Strategy and will serve as an 37 implementation tool for the Countywide Planning Policies. i/GMPMODIGMN 'Niotiunol.I da t I 1 2 2. The attached maps of Urban Separators also identify certain potential Urban Separator 3 areas within Auburn and Renton's Potential Annexation Areas that do not reflect a 4 consensus of affected jurisdictions, and are in need of further analysis and possible 5 refinement. The Intedurisdictional Staff Team shall convene a subcommittee 6 comprised of representatives of all affected jurisdictions, and shall report back to the 7 GMPC no later than September 30, 2002 with a recommendation to resolve these 8 potential Urban Separator areas. The subcommittee shall consider refinements to 9 Urban Separator designations in the Potential Annexation Areas for Auburn and 10 Renton. Staff will attempt to generate a consensus recommendation for the areas 1 1 within Auburn and Renton's PAA. If no consensus is reached, a majority and minority 12 or alternative recommendation will be made to GMPC by September 30, 2002. 13 14 3. On an ongoing basis, the Intedurisdictional Staff Team shall also review proposed 15 additional Urban Separator designations identified by cities or the County, and present 16 these proposed Urban Separators for GMPC consideration. As part of this review 17 process, the Intedurisdictional Staff Team may also consider refinements to adopted 18 Urban Separator policy to facilitate designations, provided that the new policies are 19 substantively consistent with CPP LU-27 and County Comprehensive Plan policies P- 20 118through P-120. 21 22 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on 23 in open session. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ron Sims,Chair,Growth Management Planning Council UGMPCJ2001 GMMNtoimn0I-1 AW • �.-� Panther LBkif - A )nanis� I North S Lreek 1, 1. •_1 -. . _... • i it ' , g e ""r f Ott L �b'+w SnuthSoos Crank , 1 I th r n River bill", " 300 acre area for further I diacueNon M4N Ue ORY of Auburn - r� HAY t' i E . t t , 4 i 4 s, a ,.w • j .� Green River .. .__.- r. zx 40 t 3 O DDES Urban Separators: South Overview Ln.asornerw�muse n rw awa w cell mm"aae r eaaaa ranrren• wdam arareaaaaaralerx H UGA Boundary O Urban flaa /a damul{-120ue Urban PUn pa M Oevelopmam p Grnga. Mrb. Oae maW'Tsar Y npaa.mwwe r norm aorra r Tw.a,r OM Urban lieparatora Urban Reaidanfu Fenry l>12tlu/ac at u~..mm.mmN.re.r,omews,or ondolooa i un m y gononii. eo aM Gaav exe"°i r rr ® Urban SelHratera in Annexed aroaa Urban Reaidenual tdvlac 0 Minirl0 car a^Y P^aN. aMtlM. Mast, WIanW. or anrWn MWraaF!a na eTIW b.M[ ert olerd rr•Taeaere T.wnram� Anna for Further Diacuaaion O Ruul ReadMliM tduJ2.5-10ac O King Courtly-0wnad Pahe d e•e Yaannaesn nnwn.a an a•o Tr- rn aala al sr TwrMnneanaear rnra Mal�tr"rrR _� Ir¢orpomed Arabia Neighborhood Bueinaaa Derdar Other PadeMtitlarneaa 17-1 M aa,tr,onnneran d IOM launr. Rural Naiphborhood CommunrtV Wnma Scale 0neinch.D/a Mile Map Produced:N..,rMr 26.2D01 Mvc rma'�I `�..• ,. - S ',•:...South Spar If ek 77 a . � F lFY May Valley ,.. 1. � � __f -..—_ l I Ir' a�'.1' 4�o-• .x .._.- - _ 1 ! Me _ r 411, If Benson HX, ■■ R lti..f.e. � L Tabor Road _ • - \ •�,t 3 PanlhnLake "-r�tlMr` r Areo fplfurtNer diteuuion y tu.Ry,e• A4\ ', . mi the City of Rerdon ......` mom....... _. _ �.•,--{ North S reek - .. r d' _- ,ark South Soar Creek 1 1 •� ,r DI DES Urban Separators: North Overview p rrrr ea.ea.m.eer am. mrmmrgr N UGA Boun ary d O Urban Remtlontml 4-02dun ev e ® Urban Plan Delopnem I.dr Ch awee wmaa eanq. Rna Wm mal. m roraer 1 rmrnreW.amrranorrae.rm Urban SeWreron ® Urban Reakemul>12du/ac Fore,try dre.mah.mmremnu. Iaamen.r rMrm a qa r a.Nx-ene,rrwr_aa,Wee. rorra.P, re, ap w^arar, aoadr, mYar, e..war, r ® Urban Sepanlon in Annex"areas � Urban Residential Idulae � Mining °serr Amex rs rarrr r'� F Rl R11dW2.5-10 0 King Count -0wned Part, bar orrm rruW r em uaw mW� Areas for Further 0eecu.m. � uaia.W.nda ac nG Y r qe Mermiwr mr�gM r WarrW. aM Yre r _ qe arq rHemerbn rem mmardrmW eaoet _...: Incorporated Anaa NeiehbrhoW Busing„center Other PaAc/V/ildnness w..tmrYrmm.emr mp wne r Rural Naghbrhood Lommumry bwinwa Sea1a:one inch--1-Mile Mao Prad...d:November 25,2001