HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/07/2002 • KENT WASH I N G T O H SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Map 7, 2002 Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP J Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP Manager The City Council Planning Committee will hold a Special Meeting in Council MaiiingAddress Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4t" Avenue South, at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, May 220 Fourth Ave. S. 792002. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Location Address: 400 West Gowe Kent,WA 98032 Committee Members: Leona Orr, Chair Judy Woods Bruce White Phone:253-856.5454 Fax:253-856-6454 Action Speaker Time 1. Agricultural Zoning and Land Use NO Gloria Gould-Wessen 60 min Plan Recommendations The Planning Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month at 3:00 PM in Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4' Ave. South, unless otherwise noted. For agenda information please contact Jackie Bicknell at (253) 856-5712. ANY PERSON REQUIRING A DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT(253)856-5725 IN ADVANCE. FOR TDD RELAY SERVICE CALL THE WASHINGTON TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE AT 1-800-833-6388. LDS,- • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager Phone:253-856-5454 0 Fax: 253-856-6454 KENT WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 April 30, 2002 TO: CHAIR LEONA ORR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM: GLORIA GOULD-WESSEN, GIS COORDINATOR/PLANNER RE: AGRICULTURAL ZONING AND LAND USE PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS (#CPA-2000-3) (KIVA#2004535) After a public hearing on March 25Lh, the Land Use and Planning Board sent a recommendation to Mayor Jim White, Council President Tim Clark and Members of the City Council concerning Agricultural Lands Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Code Amendments. On April 16, 2002, Kent City Council referred the matter to the Planning Committee. The following information is • included in the committee's packet: • Exhibit A — Table that outlines the Land Use and Planning Board and staff recommendations, including Option B maps; • Exhibit B —Details of M-1 zoning regulations recommended for AG zoning district and complete Chapter 15.04 District Regulations; • Exhibit C — Purchase and Transfer of Development Rights Preservation Program (PDR/TDR); • Exhibit D — Draft Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance based on the Board's recommendation; • Exhibit E — Copy of July 9, 2001 Land Used & Planning Board Workshop paper examining (PDR/TDR) Preservation Programs throughout the Country; • Exhibit F—GMA definition of Agricultural Resource Lands; and • Maps—Maps of all other options. Staff will be available at the May 7th committee meeting to answer questions or provide further information. CA\GW\pm S:\Permit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\2001\2004535-cpa2000-3CouncilWkShp050602.doc • cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,AICP,Community Development Director Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Director Gloria Gould-Wessen,GIs Coordinator/Planner File 1 of 1 EXHIBIT A LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS •Comprehensive Plan-Land Use Designation: Comprehensive Plan-Land Use Designation: Add the Land Use Designation Agricultural = Same as Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) Support with the definition as follows: The recommendation. Agricultural Support designation is reserved for agriculturally related industrial and retail uses near areas designated for long-term agricultural use. Change the Land Use Designation from Same as Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) Agricultural to Agricultural Resource Land with a - recommendation. change in the definition as follows: The Agricultural Resource Land designation is for land reserved for agricultural use. Single-family residential uses may be allowed, but at very low densities. Zoning Designation: Zoning Designation: No Change in zoning district A-1 Agricultural Change zoning district from A-1 Agricultural with a residential density 1 dwelling unit/acre. to A-10 Agricultural with a residential density of 1 dwelling unit/10 acres. Agricultural Preservation Program: Agricultural Preservation Program: Establish a Transfer of Development Rights Establish a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) and a Purchase of Development Rights (TDR) Preservation Program. •(PDR) Preservation Program. City Code-Development Regulations: City Code-Development Regulations: Kent City Code (KCC) 15.03.010-Establishment Kent City Code (KCC) 15.03.010- & Designation of Districts: Establishment& Designation of Districts: AG —Agricultural General District = AG —Agricultural General District: "The purpose of the AG zone is to provide Same as Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) appropriate locations for agriculturally related recommendation. industrial and retail uses in or near areas designated for long-term agricultural use. Such areas may contain prime farmland soils which may be currently or potentially used for agricultural production." A-1 —Agricultural A-10—Agricultural No change in definition = Change A-1 Agricultural District to A-10 Agricultural District and no change in definition. KCC 15.04.020-Residential Land Uses: Remove the "C" (i.e. Conditional Uses) in the KCC 15.04.020-Residential Land Uses: land use category "Drive-in churches; welfare Same as Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) facilities: Drive-in churches, retirement homes, - recommendation with the exception of A-10 convalescent homes and other welfare facilities Agricultural District rather than A-1 whether privately or publicly operated, facilities Agricultural District. for rehabilitation or correction, etc." under A-1 Agricultural District. 1 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS City Code-Development Regulations (cont): City Code-Development Regulations (cont): •KCC 15.04.040-Manufacturing Land Uses: KCC 15.04.040-Manufacturing Land Uses: Add a "P" (i.e. Principally Permitted Uses) in the = Same as Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) "Manufacturing, processing, blending and recommendation. packaging of dairy products and byproducts" under AG —Agricultural General District. Add a "C" in "Warehousing and distribution Not recommended for approval. facilities" under AG— Agricultural General District with a note that states: Reuse or replacement of existing structures for non-agricultural uses, where it is shown that the existing structures are obsolete for agricultural use and unless they can be put to non-agricultural use will have no viable economic use. Any replacement structures must maintain or enhance the agricultural appearance of the property. Signs shall be limited to not more than one-hundred (100) square feet in area per business, and of that amount, freestanding signs shall not exceed forty(40) square feet in area. No increase in the area of existing impervious surface shall be allowed in connection with a non-agricultural use. •KCC 15.04.060-Transportation, Public and KCC 15.04.060-Transportation, Public and Utilities Land Uses: Utilities Land Uses: Remove the "C" in the land use category = Same as Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) "Transportation and transit facilities" under AG recommendation with the exception of A-10 Agricultural General and A-1 Agricultural District. Agricultural rather than A-1 Agricultural District. KCC 15.04.070-Wholesale & Retail Land Uses: KCC 15.04.070-Wholesale & Retail Land Uses: Add land use category "Agriculturally related Add land use category "Agriculturally related retail" for AG district and add a "C" with a note retail" for AG district and add a "C" with a note that states: "Retail use must be for sale of that states: "Retail use must be for sale of agricultural or horticultural products, at least agricultural or horticultural products, with at 25% of the gross sales value of which are grown least 25% of the gross sales value in products within Washington State. Up to 50% of the grown within King County. Up to 25% of the gross sales value may be for seed, gardening gross sales area may be for seed, gardening equipment and products, private label foods, equipment and products, NW regionally and locally hand-made products. Any structures labeled foods, and locally hand-made must be designed to maintain or enhance the products. Any structures must be designed to agricultural appearance of the area" maintain or enhance the agricultural appearance of the area". • 2 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS City Code-Development Regulations (cont): City Code-Development Regulations (cont): .KCC 15.04.170-Agricultural & Residential Zone KCC 15.04.170-Agricultural & Residential Zone Development Standards: Development Standards: No change to the "Maximum density: dwelling Change the "Maximum density: dwelling units units per acre" underA-1 (1du/1acre). per acre" from A-1 to A-10 with a density of 1 du/10 acres. No change to the "Minimum lot area: square Change the "Minimum lot area: square feet or feet or acres, as noted" under A-1. acres, as noted" from A-1 to A-10 with 10 acres minimum lot area. KCC 15.04.190-Commercial and industrial zone KCC 15.04.190-Commercial and industrial development standards: zone development standards: Add AG with the following development = Same as Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) standards (see exhibit A for details). recommendation. Minimum lot area: 1 acre Maximum site coverage: 60% Front yard: see KCC 15.04.195 —(5) Side yard: see KCC 15.04.195 —(12) Side yard on flanking street of corner lot: see KCC 15.04.195— (17) Rear yard: see KCC 15.04.195—(20) Yards, transitional conditions: see KCC 15.04.195— (23) Additional setbacks: see KCC 15.04.195 —(29) 0 Height limitation: 2 stry/35 ft and see KCC 15.04.195— (35) Landscaping: see KCC 15.07 and see KCC 15.04.195— (52) Outdoor storage: see KCC 15.04.195—(43) Signs: see KCC 15.06 (regulations for M1) Loading areas: see KCC 15.04.195— (47) & (48) Off-street parking: see KCC 15.05 and see KCC 15.04.195— (58) Additional standards: see KCC 15.04.195 — (50), (53), (54), (55), and (56). KCC 15.04.170 Agricultural and residential zone KCC 15.04.170 Agricultural and residential development standards: zone development standards: Remove AG from Table. = Remove AG from Table. 3 LAND USE &PLANNING BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS Miscellaneous Additions: Miscellaneous Additions: •Disallow industrial uses, transportation and = All industrial uses (with the exception of transit terminals (trucking hub) and fuel farm agricultural processing), transportation and facilities in AG and A-1 zoning districts. transit terminals (trucking hub) and fuel farm facilities are presently disallowed in the AG Agricultural General District or as recommended for deletion in previous sections. Eliminate requirement for Planned Unit Use the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Development (PUD) in Transfer of Development process to manage development within the Rights (TDR) Receiving Area. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Receiving Area. Direct staff to broaden the proposed TDR TDR Preservation Program receiving area is Preservation Program to include additional located within the Northern Agricultural receiving areas and a variety of transferable Study Area and a small portion of land development standards. located to the west of the Northern Study Area. Not specified in LUPB recommendation but Include in public notice requirements of included in March 18`h staff memo to Board for Kent City Code the GMA requirement to March 25`h Public Hearing. notify applicants and property owners located within 500' feet of designated Agricultural Resource Lands of the presence of agricultural activities. • Not specified in LUPB recommendation but Remove from Option B the inclusion of included in staff memo to Board for March 251h Comprehensive Plan annual amendment Public Hearing. requests in the TDR program. S:lpermitlPlanlCompPlanAmdments1200112004535-CPA2000-3CouncilMShpTable 1.doc • 4 Chan a to A-10 Staff Recommendation Option B Change to SR-1 with Discussion: TDR Receiving Overlay A-10/Agricultural Resource Land: Designate as Agricultural Resource Land because of"prime fanniand" Class 11 soils, existing land use,historical zoning and land use designation.Change zoning to Agricultural-1 o. M+ AGIAgriculturall Support: Create a land use designation called Agricultural Support for AG zoning district which is Chan a to A-10 — defined as supporting'agricultural production by allowing agriculturally related industrial uses in or near areas Chan a to A-I designated for long term agricultural use. SR-1/Single Family 1 UnWAcre:Change to Single Family 1 UnWAcre with a TDR Receiving Area Overlay TDR Receiving Overlay (see below)because 1)no longer"prime farmland"soils " due to human intervention or large un-drained wetlands + that have little regulatory possibiity for reciaimation; j 2)lack of water rights for irrigation;and 3)conflicts with adjacent existing and proposed land-uses. e S 3 SR-1/Urban Separator: Change to SR-1/Urban Change to SR-1/ Separator because 1)environmental,visual, recreational Urban Separator and wildlife benefits;2)no longer"prime farmland"soil due undrained wetlands that have tittle regulatory possibility for reciaimation;3)existing land uses are Chan a to A-10 storm water detention and golf course;and 4)need minimize impacts of increased usage on Frager Road at is designated'scenic&recreational"and adjacent to the Greer River. sR 1 Change to SR-1/ SR-3/Single Family 3 Units/Acre: Designate land adjacent Urban Separator to A 10 as a TDR Receiving Area Overlay to increase agricultural preservation programs capactiy to absorb "market value"of Agricultural Resource Land. SR I DR Receiving Area Overlay. Density based on carrying capacity of existing infrastructure, market value of eligible resource land, and market viability of proposed density.Townhouses and clustering are recommended. Change to A-10 TDR overlayrequires a PUD. City Limits Study Area Zoning Districts King County PDR Program n Urban Soil Classification l •: TDR Receiving Area Overlay 6 - Proposed Land Use Designations Agricultural Resource Land Chan a t0 AGYY R Agricultural Support Single Family 1 Unit/Acre G Urban Separator E)dsting Single Family 3 UnIWAcre T N jtf '�-r KEN 9t / N' sr,un ee Planning Services Scale Febmry 2W2 +0 Land Use & Planning Hoard Retain A-1 Eff Recommendation Option B Change to SR-1 with Discussion: TDR Receiving Overlay I A-1/Agricultural Resource Land: Designate land use as Agricultural Resource Land because of"prime farmland" Class II soils,existing land use,historical zoning and Retain A-1 land use designation.Maintain A-1district. M, AGIAgricultural Support Create a land use designation called Agricultural Support for AG zoning district which is defined as supporting"agricultural production by allowing agriculturally related industrial uses in or new areas Retain A-1 designated for long term agricultural use'. SR-1/Single Family 1 Unit/Acre:Change to Single Family 1 UnWAcre with a TDR Receiving Area Overlay w, TDR Receivin Overly (see below)because 1)no longer"prime farmiand"soils t� due to human intervention or large un-drained wetlands that have Ilttle regulatory possibility for reclaimation; 2)lack of water rights for irrigation;and 3)conflicts with adjacent existing and proposed land-uses. 3 SR-1/Urban Separators: Change to SR-1/Urban Change to SR-1/ Separators because 1)environmental,visual,recreational Urban Separator nd wildlife benefits;2)no"or"prime farmland"soil due undreined wetlands that have tittle regulatory possibility for redaimation;3)existing land uses are Retain A-1 storm water detention and golf course;and 4)need to minimize impacts of increased usage on Frager Road that is designated"scenic S recreational"and adjacent to the Green River. SR 1 Change to SR-1/ SR-3/Single Family 3 Units/Acre: Designate land adjacent Urban Separator to A-1 as a TDR Receiving Area Overlay to increase agricultural preservation program's capactiy to absorb "market value"of Agricultural Resource Land. DR Receiving Area Overlay: Density based on carrying capacity of existing Infrastructure, market value of eligible resource land,and market viability of proposed density. Townhouses and clustering are recommended. Chan a to A 1 n Cltdy Limits �] Study Area Zoning Districts King County PDR Program n Urban Soil Classitication TDR Receiving Area Overlay 6 Proposed Land use Designations F Agricultural Resource Land Cha a to AG Agricultural Support Single Family 7 UnWAcre • m Urban Separator Existing Single Family 3 UnHWAcm l44r i " .�;.. ter''''►* `✓ KENT n e.. x."-.�a•e. Planning Services Scale AWWM +:erase . EXHIBIT B Recommended Kent City Code Zoning Code Regulations and Standards For Agricultural General (AG) District within District Regulations Chapter 15.04 Sign Regulations Chapter 15.06 Landscaping Regulations Chapter 15.07 Chapter 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 15.04.195 Commercial and industrial land use development standard conditions Front Yard: 5. The minimum front yard setback shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet. b. Properties fronting on local access streets shall have a minimum setback of twenty (20)feet. • Side Yard: 12. The side yards shall have an aggregate width of ten (10) percent of the lot width, but the aggregate width need not be more than forty (40) feet. There shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet on each side. Side Yard on Flanking Street of Corner Lot: 17. The minimum side yard on the flanking street of a corner lot shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of forty (40) feet. b. Properties fronting on local access streets shall have a minimum setback of thirty (30)feet. Rear Yard: 20. No rear yard is required, except as may be required by other setback provisions of this section. Yards. Transitional Conditions: 23. Transitional conditions shall exist when an industrial park M1 or M1-C district and AG district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two (2) dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes intervening use such as a river, freeway, railroad main line, major topographic differential or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When 1 transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than fifty (50)feet • shall be provided. Additional Setbacks: 29. Development in the M1 or M1-C district and AG district abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or Frager Road where such roads follow the riverbank, shall be set back from the ordinary high-water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred (200)feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with the state Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be no more restrictive than, but as restrictive as, the Shoreline Management Act. Height Limitation: 35. Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four(4) stories or sixty (60) feet, there shall be added one (1) additional foot of yard for each one (1)foot of additional building height. The planning direster manager shall be authorized to approve one (1) additional story, provided such height does not detract from the continuity of the industrial area, and may impose such conditions as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibility with surrounding uses. Any additional height increase may be granted by the plaMiRg GGMFF1iS6i9R land use and planning board. Landscaping: 52. Where building walls face adjacent streets and are un-fenestrated for more than forty (40) feet at any point along the fagade, additional landscaping shall be required to reduce visual impacts. In such circumstances, type II landscaping, as defined in KCC 15.07.050, shall be required; provided, that evergreen trees shall be at least ten (10)feet in height and deciduous trees shall be a minimum of two (2) inch caliper at the time of planting. Outdoor Storage: 43. Outside storage or operations yards in the M1 or M1-C zeae district and AG district shall be permitted only as accessory uses. Such uses are incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the property or structure. Outside storage or operations yards shall be confined to the area to the rear of the principal building or the rear two-thirds (2/3) of the property and reasonably screened from view from any property line by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds or landscaping. Outside storage exceeding a height of fifteen (15)feet shall be so placed on the property as to not detract from the reasonably accepted appearance of the district. Loading Areas: 47. Loading areas must be located in such a manner that no loading, unloading or maneuvering of trucks associated therewith takes place on public rights-of-way. 48. Earth berms and landscaping shall be provided along street frontages as necessary to screen dock-high loading areas from public rights-of-way. Berms shall be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches and a maximum of forty-two (42) inches in height. Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to type III landscaping as described in KCC 15.07.050. Off Street Parking: 58.Those areas not required to be landscaped may be used for off-street parking. Additional Standards: 50. Development plan approval is required as provided in KCC 15.09.010. • 2 53. Predominant activities and operations shall be completely enclosed within buildings or structures, except for customary appurtenances such as loading and unloading areas, or where special conditions exist as a result of a conditional use public hearing. The planning dir-esteF manager shall be authorized to determine the reasonable application of this provision in cases of operational hardship or other showing of uncommon circumstances. 54. Multi-tenant buildings shall be permitted. 55. All required yards, parking areas, storage areas, operations yards and other open uses on the site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner appropriate for the district at all times. The planning d+restG manager shall be authorized to reasonably pursue the enforcement of this subsection where a use is in violation, and to notify the owner or operator of the use in writing of such noncompliance. The property owner or operator of the use shall be given a reasonable length of time to correct the condition. 56. The performance standards as provided in KCC 15.08.050 shall apply. Chapter 15.06 SIGN REGULATIONS 15.06.050 Regulations for specific districts. In all districts the planning manager shall have the option to waive sign type requirements in unique and special cases where due to building design or other special circumstance the development is unable to conform to stated standards. • E. Signs permitted in industrial districts. 1. Aggregate sign area. The aggregate sign area for lots in the MA and M1 and AG districts shall not exceed one-half(1/2) square foot for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for lots in the M2 district shall not exceed three-fourths (3/4) square foot for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for lots in the M3 district shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of street frontage. In no case shall the aggregate sign area exceed one-half(1/2) square foot for each foot of street frontage on a corner lot. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. a. Identification signs for buildings. One (1) identification sign shall be permitted for each lot on each street frontage, which may be a freestanding sign or a wall sign. The maximum sign area permitted for a freestanding sign is two hundred (200) square feet for the total of all faces. No one (1)face shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet. If the sign is a wall sign, its size shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the building facade. A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of twenty (20)feet. The sign may be illuminated. b. Identification signs for occupancies. One (1) identification sign shall be permitted for each occupancy on each street frontage and shall be a wall sign. The maximum size of the sign shall be ten (10) percent of the building facade. This sign may be illuminated. If the identification sign permitted under subsection (E)(1)(a) of this section is a wall sign, an additional wall sign may be permitted on a building facade not facing a street frontage. • 3 2. Farm product identification signs. No permit is required, but the sign may not be located in the public right-of-way. Chapter 15.07 LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS 15.07.010 Purpose. A. The provisions of this chapter are to provide minimum standards for landscaping in order to maintain and protect property values and enhance the general appearance of the city. B. The planning d+feGto manager shall have the authority to waive specific requirements or impose additional requirements in unique or special circumstances to ensure the fulfillment of the stated purpose of this chapter and to allow for flexibility and innovation of design. Special circumstances or unique conditions shall be reviewed with the planning d+feetO manager prior to submittal of a landscape plan. Examples of special conditions might include: 1. Preservation of unique wildlife habitat. 2. Preservation of natural or native areas. 3. Compliance with special easements. 4. Renovation of existing landscaping. 5. Unique site uses. 15.07.050 Types of landscaping. Type I - Solid Screen Type I landscaping is intended to provide a solid sight barrier to totally separate incompatible uses. Type II -Visual Screen Type II landscaping is intended to create a visual separation that is not necessarily one hundred (100) percent sight-obscuring between incompatible uses. Type III -Visual Buffer Type III landscaping is intended to provided visual separation of uses from streets and main arterials and between compatible uses so as to soften the appearance of streets, parking lots and building facades. Type IV - Low Cover Type IV landscaping is intended to provide visual relief where clear sight is desired or as a complement to larger, more predominant planting materials. Type V- Open Area Type V landscaping is primarily intended to visually interrupt large open spaces of parking areas. 15.07.060 Regulations for specific districts. I. Industrial agricultural, MA (industrial uses) and Agricultural general district. AG Industrial park district, M1. 1. Front yard. The front twenty (20)feet shall be improved with appropriate permanently maintained landscaping. 2. Side yard. At least fifteen (15) feet of the side yard shall be landscaped as provided in subsection (1)(1) of this section. S:WermitlPlanlCompPlanAmdments1200I12004535-CPA2000-3CouncilWkShpExhibit8.doc 4 15.03.050 Kent City Code 15.03.050 Minimum requirements. Chapter 15.04 . their interpretation and application,the provi- of this title shall be held to be minimum DISTRICT REGULATIONS reqVirements. Where this title imposes a greater restriction than is imposed or required by other Sections: rules or regulations or ordinances,the provisions of 15.04.010 Interpretation of land use tables. this title shall control. 15.04.020 Residential land uses. 15.04.030 Residential land use development conditions. 15.04.040 Manufacturing land uses. 15.04.050 Manufacturing land use development conditions. 15.04.060 Transportation,public and utilities land uses. 15.04.065 Transportation,public and utilities land use development conditions. 15.04.070 Wholesale and retail land uses. 15.04.080 Wholesale and retail land use development conditions. 15.04.090 Service land uses. 15.04.100 Service land use development conditions. 15.04.110 Cultural,entertainment and recreation land uses. 15.04.120 Cultural,entertainment and recreation land use development conditions. 15.04.130 Resource land uses. 15.04.140 Resource land use development conditions. 15.04.150 Special use combining district,SU. 15.04.160 Development standards. 15.04.170 Agricultural and residential zone development standards. 15.04.180 Agricultural and residential land use development standard conditions. 15.04.190 Commercial and industrial zone development standards. 15.04.195 Commercial and industrial land use development standard conditions. 15.04.200 Mixed use overlay development standards. 15.04.205 Mired use land use development standard conditions. 15.04.010 Interpretation of land use tables. A. Land use tables.The land use tables in KCC 15.04.020 through 15.04.140 determine whether a specific use is allowed in a zoning district. The zoning districts are located in the vertical columns 15-30 Kent City Code 15.04.010 and the land uses are located on the horizontal rows conditions indicated in the development condition f these tables. A purpose statement for each zon- with the corresponding number immediately fol- ng district is included in Ch. 15.03 KCC. lowing the table. B. Principally permitted uses. If the letter "]?" H. Overlay zones. Overlay districts provide appears in the box at the intersection of the column policies and regulations in addition to those in the and the row,the use is permitted in that zoning dis- underlying zoning district. Overlay zones include trict subject to the review procedures specified in the Mixed Use Overlay and the Green River Corri- Ch. 15.09 KCC, the development conditions fol- dor Special Interest District. lowing the land use table, and any requirements of I. Applicable requirements. All applicable an overlay zone and the general requirements of requirements shall govern a use whether or not the code. they are cross-referenced in a section. C. Special uses. If the letter"S" appears in the J. Interpretation of other uses. Any other box at the intersection of the column and the row, unnamed use shall be permitted if it is determined the use is permitted in that zoning district subject to by the planning director to be of the same general the review procedures specified in Ch. 15.09 KCC, character as the principally permitted uses and in the development conditions following the land use accordance with the stated purpose of the district, table, the development standards stated in KCC per KCC 15.09.065. i 15.08.020, any requirements of an overlay zone (Ord.No. 3439, § 2, 2-2-99) and the general requirements of the code. D. Conditional uses. If the letter"C"appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row,the use is permitted in that zoning district sub- ject to the review procedures specified in Ch. 15.09 KCC, the development conditions following the �land use table, the review criteria stated in KCC 5.09.030, any requirements of an overlay zone and the general requirements of the code. E. Accessory uses. If the letter "A" appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row,the use is permitted in that zoning district sub- ject to the review procedures specified in Ch. 15.09 KCC, the development conditions following the land use table and any requirements of an overlay zone and the general requirements of the code. F. Development conditions. If a number appears next to the land use or in the box at the intersection of the column and the row,the use may be allowed subject to the appropriate review pro- cess indicated above, the general requirements of the code, and the specific conditions indicated in the development condition with the corresponding number in subsection immediately following each land use table. G. Multiple development conditions. If more than one (1) letter-number combination appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is allowed in that zone subject to dif- ferent sets of limitations or conditions depending On the review process indicated by the letter, the general requirements of the code and the specific 15-31 (Revised 4101) f I 15.04.020 Kent City Code 15.04.020 Residential land uses. Zoning Districts J .Y C s O _ Key o a m m P=Principally m m Permitted Uses i5 I m m s m c E Ot5 c S=Special Uses ti Fi t .T) o r s ro m m p E C=Conditional Uses u c " E- 5 c c o m N 0 y N " 3 3 a in m U g c N O A=Accessory Uses m 0 O D m H r° Ti 19 Tn 'Pi P m m '� m m :3 a 'm „ E �, o c m u) c 'c b E nci @ cc .o c c m `c c E E o m O 10 T�i "-' p E Y c m M N N N N N N 4 x ) c E E m 5 m m p1 Z tz ,Ti N m m m m E m m 2� 5 @ o °) m E c c '� p m C �. m K 2 m 2 D_ U E E E m m m = = A E in m C a �. E >. �. t >. �. o A m i; o E o 2 E O E a 0 0 m S N E o U o U m m E .'�. Q. N N E E E E 'E E a t7 U `or m U m m m LL m m 2 a m c m o £ �,. .� f' o 6 0. m y �+ u_ tL x a o m E c s _3 .o m m 7P i 6 a o 3 O o O m c E E E � & "' c c 'tq c c o 30 3+ o rn E c Eo p m O N w S to crn w C N y Vi N 0. U U O W U N O U � 0 U Q 4 N cr a ro m r 4 < W a) N to y InIf 2 2 2 2 U C3 o U U VU' O 2 M 2 2 2 a One single-family dwelling P P P P P I P I P 'P I P P P I P I P I p p A A A A per lot I I I I I I I I 1(1) (1) (1) (1) One duplex per lot ':P _ One modular home per lot p I P P P P P P I IP p P P P P Duplexes P P P P Multifamily townhouse P P P P p P C P P P P units (19) (19) (5) (2) (2) (15) (20) (20) P P P P P P P p C Aultifamily dwellings (2) (4) (2) (2) (15) (5) tultifamily dwellings for P P P P P senior citizens (2) (2) (2) obile homes and manu- factured homes obile home parks P P P P P P (i ) (13) (13) (13)(13)(13) roue homes class 1-A P P P P P P P P!!. P P P P P P P P P P C C C P mup homes class i-B P P P P P P P P P P C C C P oup homes class I-C C! C C C P P P P P P C C C P nup homes class it-A C I C C C C C C C C C C C C C oup homes class II-B - C: C C C C C C C C C C C C C oup homes class II-C C; C C C C C C C C C C C C C wp homes class III C C C C C C C C buildlaccessory uses P P p P P P P P P P P P p P P )r existing dwellings (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) nsitionai housing P P sstcottages and q A A A 2uses (8) (B) (B) (8) ming and boarding of A A AqAA :A A A A A )t more than three(3)Mons nworkeracwmmoda- A A A A ns (17) (9) (17) (9) :ssory uses and build- A A A A A A IA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A } s customarily appur- (18 ) ant to a permitted use I I i I vised 4/01) 15-32 Kent City Code 15.04.030 • Zoning Districts r, V 'C y N y o 0 Key N a n m P=Principally c N N 'o o 16 'u N Permitted Uses 16a o m S=Special Uses u u 16 16 E 23=C=Conditional Uses u N Nc O A=Accessory Uses u � _u c u m m 2. c c M w 'c 'cc E .00 = > m ; m u O a z v v m v v v a A m �j `g [m] a o 5 1t0f N b m N $- " 1LL c m G m > > m •aU=.. m N c K K �. Of K m of K 'N 2 am. V E E E .. N 10 E in m ¢ >. �. E T >. >. T �, m y m 'Q o E E O m o O O m E E m E E n E E 'w O a E 2S U V 's '� E =rn m a m m LL m m m m e c o £ E E o u ¢ v mLL LL LL LL = �. Lam.. 0 E x O •C m m U 5 1 m C C dr m rn b m 3 m a E E m c c in c c f E a o .c 0: in to n in inO w m x Z o 0 U m c v E m r7 g m m o 17 � c. . . Q. ct G of XW a r, F 5 5 y c� ct ¢ a ai v1 y N y f f f f z U a o 0 0 0 O � 2 2 f M a Accessory dwelling units A A A I A A A A A A A A A A A A (10) (10)(10)(10)(10)(10)(10)(10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (to) (to)(10) Accessory Irving quarters A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14)(14) Home occupations A A A A A A A A A A A A A p1) (n>(n)(11) (11)(n)(tt) (tq (n pt (n)(11)(n) Service buildings A Storage buildings and stor- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A age of recreational vehi- (16) (16)(16)(16)(16)(16)(16)(16) (16) (16) (16)(16)(16) cles Drive-in churches:welfare C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C c C C C C C C C c c C facilities:Drive-in (12) • churches,retirement homes,convalescent ) homes and other welfare facilities whether pd- vately or publicly oper- ated,facilities for j rehabilitation or correc- tion,etc. f (Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99; Ord.No.3440, § 4,2-16-99; Ord.No. 3470, § 3, 8-17-99;Ord.No. 3543, § 2,2- 20-01) i 15.04.030 Residential land use development 6. Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired conditions. and otherwise changed for human occupancy. 1. Dwelling units, limited to not more than one Accessory uses for existing dwellings may be con- (1) per establishment, for security or maintenance structed. Such uses are garages, carports, storage personnel and their families, when located on the sheds and fences. i premises where they are employed in such capac- 7. Transitional housing facilities, limited to a ity.No other residential use shall be permitted. maximum of twenty (20) residents at any one (1) 2. Multifamily residential use shall be permit- time and four(4)resident staff. ted only in the mixed use overlay when included 8. Guesthouses not rented or otherwise con- within a mixed use development. ducted as a business. 3. [Reserved]. 9. Farm dwellings appurtenant to a principal 4. Multifamily residential uses, when estab- agricultural use for the housing of farm owners, lished in buildings with commercial or office uses, operators or employees, but not accommodations and not located on the ground floor. for transient labor. is5. Multifamily residential uses,when not com- 10. Accessory dwelling units shall not be bined with commercial or office uses. included in calculating the maximum density. 15-33 (Revised 4/01) 15.04.030 Kent City Code Accessory dwelling units are allowed subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.350. 11. Customary incidental home occupations 1 subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08,d,,40. 12. Except for transitional housing w#h a max- imum of twenty(20)residents and four(#) staff. 13. Subject to the combining district require- ments of the mobile home park code, dh. 12.05 KCC. 14. Accessory living quarters are allowed per the provisions of KCC 15.08.359. 15. Multifamily residential use shall b$permit- ted as a conditional use only when included in a mixed use development. 16. Recreational vehicle storage is penuitted as an accessory use in accordance with KCC 15.08.080. 17. Accommodations for farm operators and employees, but not accommodations for t#ansient labor. 18. Other accessory uses and buildings custom- arily appurtenant to a permitted use, excjept for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facil- ities,which are not permitted in residential ones. 19. The following zoning is required t be in existence on the entire property to be rezoned at the time of application for a rezone to an MR-T zone: SR-8, MR-D, MR-G, MR-M, MR-H, O, 0-MU, } NCC,CC,GC,DC,or DCE. f 20. All multifamily townhouse developments in the MR-T zone shall be condominiumjs and recorded pursuant to Chapter 64.32 RCW prior to approval of a development permit by the city- (Ord.No.3439,§2,2-2-99;Ord.No. 3440,§ 5,2- 16-99;Ord.3470,§4, 8-17-99) } i I 1 I t evised 4101) 15-34 j Kent City Code 15.04.040 15.04.040 Manufacturing land uses. Zoning Districts U U Key 5 $ N N P=Principally Permitted Uses ro N ❑_ c ❑ S=Special Uses V U S ` U ❑ L; o 'o ;o � b E ❑ u L C rn m N C=Conditional Uses c c c IDo EoLa A=Accessory Uses y o o ❑ o o E F t° m —' m c m m N o 2 0Y - tY c m � c rn rn m 'b ' ❑ !° c m �ID 7E H m m �. a s c N w c .� •S w j N E 0 m .S m m m C C '.,`_. E m ❑ O y N N m O v v m e ,v_ v a m U > u W :� m ❑ O E •� A V W U m m tY m 0 = .LY C m E m 7 6 f0 EO N CI N j O m C C ❑ N '� CL C > K g •N a U E E E m m y U ❑ E N N Q �. �. '� �. �. >. >, c v E E g g m o '� is 'o o 0 rs m m o 0 o U m W E `r Y t0 b o m E E E E E E N ❑ N E o O N C lL IL LL M N m 0 C C O L U c 'U '` E Ol M d N O U m m LL LL x a m E m = ` ca o c 3 `m N U Q Om 0 m c c tc—n c c c 2 o m rn n rn E E 3 E E m ❑ y _d (° m ❑ N m 01 -aE ro Q 6 N M t0 w ❑ 7 F7 U 2 = a Z U ❑ ❑ N U E c c c c U lY K tY lY lY C _ _ (Y tr K = U U U U U O Q U N Q ¢ N y u1 to y Co g Z U O ❑ U U U O 2 M 2 g t9 T—an-UracTuring,processing, blending and packaging P P P P P P P of food and beverage (27)(27) (27)(27)(27)(27) (2) products (') (27) 1 Manufacturing,processing, blending and packaging P P P P P P P of drugs,phannaceuti- C (2) Gals,toiletries and cos- (1) metics Manufacturing,processing, P P P P P P P lending and packaging f dairy products and C (2) YProducts (1) Industrial laundry and dye- p p P P P P ing(including linen supply and diaper services) (2) Printing,publishing and P P P C P P P P P allied industries (25) C (2) Chemicals and related (�) products mfg. C C C C (4) (4) (4) (1) '.. Contractor shops and stor. P P C p p age C (5) (1) Custom arts and crafts HT p p p p p products mfg. C (2) Computers,office machines (1) P and equipment mfg. p (P 3) (3) (2) Manufacturing and assem- P P P P P P P bly of electrical equip- ment;appliances, (3) (3) C (2) lighting,radio,TV com- munications,equipment and components Fabricated metal products P P P P P P P mfg.;custom sheet metal mfg.,containers,hand C (2) tools;heating equipment, (1) screw Products,extru- sion;coating;and plating I 15-35 (Revised 4101) 15.04.040 Kent City Code Zoning Districts U U Key r _c N N P=Principally ! H '� _❑ '� `o • N N N U Permitted Uses S=Special Uses y > > m C=Conditional Uses ❑ L L C y c H E m ` A=Accessory Uses c N ❑ N N t0 3 3 y y o, v -� o 'o H o o o o F o m m c N N c ❑`�N° U``m E > m oLI '' e % a m m NQ OS • E - wEa ❑ 2 i N CD U m Ym U m m a: C W c ' r � o 00 m� W x E E Q >. >, a U U O Z o y E m iii -a Em E E m E E omm LLm aimEc ❑ cE c m LL LL X — m E S U dm m C a. 7 U 0 m e c �n c c C 3 m rn a rn 9 c E E W y a r — ; QCa i7 V) u) to ca ❑ to = o m c 3 0 o m` o N M y m Q .- N cn m a0 ❑ H H C9 = 11 Z U ❑ ❑ .- N m U v E m C7 m v) rn rn rn rnCX < U U U U o Q _` _� U anu ac unng an assem- Z C..) ❑ ❑ U U C7 O f f ably of electronic and elec- trical devices;and (3) ) P P P P P automotive,aerospace, (29)(29)(29)(29) (2) missile,airframe and s: ilar products - iazardous substance land q A uses (�) ! A A A A A A A A A A A A A (8) (8) (9) (9) (9) (9) (11)(1) (C) (9) C C C C C Jffices incidental and nec- (12)(12)(12) (6) (16)(16)(16)(19) essary to the conduct of a A A A A A principap P Py permitted use P P p p Varehousing and distribu- P j lion facilities (26) P P P P P P (20)(20) (28) C ail-truck transfer uses (1) C C C P P umoor storage(including (77) (21)(21)(22)(14) truck,heavy equipment and contractor storage P P A A A A g p Yards as allowed by development standards, <CC 15.04.190& 15.04.195) niwarehouses self-stor- ige C P P C ;nufacturing of soaps, (23) P letergents,and other ask;cleaning and C p leansing preparations C nufacturing of plastics (1) nd synthetic resins C P C iufacturing of synthetic (1) id natural fiber and cloth C P iufacturin9 Of Plywood, C imposition wallboard (1) , id similar structural C P cod products C ufacturing of nonmetal- (1) mineral products such abrasives,asbestos, C p alk,pumice and putty C I (1) i vised 4/01) j 15-36 i i Kent City Code 15.04.050 Zoning Districts U U O U y Key = _ 'o 0 P=Principally m o c Permitted Uses `-' ro ko ❑ c 5 y S=Special Uses " 'o 'o '� m c w E CDy C=Conditional Uses _� _H 'c ❑ c c m v O o p p w A=AccessoryUses N N N ❑ m V O O O W T y C U V E' N ❑ 'j C O m N C O C m y W c c = 'C V t E m ❑ ❑ J N m t5 ❑ m ro m m io m E 2 E ° m m ° E c O a p m a y a v ;� U > � 10 E ;M w ❑ •� m m >. E w i u m m m m 'E m 0 Z' 3 ea ° m m E 'c 'c U o m m !Y 2. !r of W X H 0 U E E to m _w W E f h m Q 2 2 .E 2 w 2 2 2, m 2 m o o E ° E E E c'� W E E m E E E .E ,r, ❑ kn E o U ° U A m E � a .y y ° Co m LL ko ka `o c c o t U c 'E o of ko J J U 3 m 4 4 x � a m E 2 O c 3 m m U c a R � m m rn m m m ❑ ? o m a 3 ° E E w w w S o rn n 2 M 3 ro rn a E ° c E E C° O q C C (A C C J O O C 3 O O m kn N 9 m m rn CD tr) Co W to N ❑ `D -1 2 _ Z o o D U U m kmi v E ro (7 Q Q a C9 C W k 0 C U K Y C & K X K C Of U Q s W o N n 2 M 2 M 2 2 z NJ co U U ❑ ❑ c� U c� o M M 2 M 2 5 Manufacturing of heat- resisting or structural clay C P products(brick,tile,or C pipe)or porcelain prod- (1) ucts Manufacturing of machinery and heavy machine tool C P equipment for general C industry and mining,agri- cultural.construction or service industries Manufacturing,processing, P P P P P assembling,and packag ing of articles,products, (32)(32) C (2) or merchandise made (�) from previously prepared natural or synthetic mate- rials Manufacturing,processing, treating,assembling and P P P P packaging of articles, (C) products,or merchandise from previously prepared (�) ferrous,nonferrous or alloyed metals Complexes which include a combination of uses, P P including a mixture of office,storage,and light manufacturing uses Accessory uses and build- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ings customarily appurte- (3t) (10){70)(13)(t3)(10)(10)(10) rant to a permitted use (6) (Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99;Ord. 3470, § 5, 8-17-99; Ord.No. 3543, § 3,2-20-01) 15.04.050 Manufacturing land use industrial and liquid petroleum, gases, cellophane, development conditions. coal tar products, dyes and dye products, impreg- 1. The following uses require a conditional use nated products, tanning compounds, and glue and permit: gelatin. a. Manufacture of such types of basic materi- (2) Hydraulic cement, concrete, gypsum, als as follows: lime, carbon, carbon black, graphite, coke, glass (1) Gum and wood chemicals and fertiliz- and similar products. ` Whemicals rs, and basic industrial organic and inorganic or products such as alkalis and chlorine, 15-37 (Revised 4/01) 15.04.050 Kent City Code b. Manufacture of products such a� the fol- h. Storage of the following kinds of goods: lowing: (1) Bulk storage of oil, gas, petroleum, (1) Ammunition, explosives, fireworks, butane, propane, liquid petroleum gas and similar matches, photographic film, missile prppellants products,and bulk stations and plants. and similar combustibles. (2) Used building materials, mover's (2) Rubber from natural, synthetic or equipment, relocated buildings, impounded vehi- reclaimed materials. cles and similar materials. (3) Paving and roofing materials or other (3) Explosives or fireworks, except where products from petroleum derivatives. incidental to a principally permitted use. c. Refining of materials such as petroleum (4) Fertilizer or manure. and petroleum products, metals and metal ores, 2. Small scale,light industrial or manufacturing sugar,and fats and oils. operations where the building, structure or total d. Distilling of materials such as bone, coal, operation does not encompass more than ten thou- coal tar, coke,wood and other similar distillates, sand(10,000)square feet of area.The ten thousand e. Heavy metal processes, such as ore reduc- (10,000) square feet total shall include all indoor tion or smelting, including blast furnacos, and and outdoor storage areas associated with the man- including drop forging, drop hammering,, boiler ufacturing operation. Only one (1) of these uses plate works and similar heavy metal operations: shall be allowed per lot. (1) Asphalt hatching plants. 3. Small scale light manufacturing operations (2) Concrete mixing and batching plants, as follows: stamping, brazing, testing, electronic including ready-mix concrete facilities. assembly and kindred operations where the build- (3) Rock crushing plants and aggregate ing, structure or total operation does not encom- dryers. pass more than ten thousand(10,000)square feet of (4) Sandblasting plants. area. The ten thousand (10,000) square foot total f. Animal and food processing, including the shall include all indoor and outdoor storage areas (' following and similar operations: associated with the manufacturing operation. Only `- (1) Tanning, dressing and finishing of one(1)ten thousand(10,000)square foot manufac- hides,skins and furs. turing operation shall be permitted per lot. (2) Meat and seafood products,curing can- 4. Conditional use for manufacturing of paint, ning,rendering and slaughtering. but manufacturing of paint is permitted outright in (3) Nitrating of cotton and other materials. the M-3 zone. (4) Rendering of animal grease or t4low, 5. Contractor shops where most of the work is ish oil and similar materials. done on call, and which do not rely on walk-in (5) Slaughtering, stockyard, feedlot, dairy trade, but where some incidental storage or semi- nd similar operations. manufacturing work is done on the premises,such (6) Pickling and brine curing processed. (7) Wholesale produce markets. g. Salvage, wrecking and disposal activities, icluding the following and similar operation: (1) Automobile and building wrecking4and dvage. (2) Salvage of industrial waste materials ich as metal,paper, glass,rags and similar mjate- als. (3) Sewage disposal and treatment plans. (4) Dump and sump operations for such es as rubbish,garbage,trash and other liquid and lid wastes. i vised 4101) 15-38 Kent City Code 15.04.050 as carpentry, heating, electrical or glass shops, 12. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous printing, publishing, or lithographic shops, furni- substance land uses which are not subject to ture, upholstery,dry cleaning and exterminators. cleanup requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC and which 6. Accessory uses shall include vehicular drive- accumulate more than ten thousand (10,000) through, drive-in and service bay facilities. pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any 7. For permitted uses,hazardous substance land combination thereof at any one (1)time on the site uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or which handle more than twenty thousand or storage facilities, which are not subject to (20,000) pounds of hazardous substances and cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC wastes on the site in any thirty (30) day period of and do not accumulate more than twenty thousand time, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, (20,000)pounds of hazardous substances or wastes except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage ` or any combination thereof at any one (1) time on facilities,which are not permitted in this district. the site, subject to the provisions of KCC 13. Includes incidental storage facilities, which 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treat- must be enclosed,and loading/unloading areas. ment or storage facilities, which are not permitted 14. Including transportation and transit termi- in this district. nals with repair and storage facilities, and rail- 8. For permitted uses,accessory hazardous sub- truck stations, except classification yards in the stance land uses which are not subject to cleanup category of"hump yards". permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC and which 15. For permitted uses, hazardous substance accumulate more than twenty thousand (20,000) land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treat- pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any ment or storage facilities, which are not subject to combination thereof at any one(1)time on the site, cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050,except and which do not accumulate more than twenty offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facili- thousand(20,000)pounds of hazardous substances ties, which are not permitted in this district. or wastes or any combination thereof at any one(1) 9. For permitted uses,hazardous substance land time on the site, subject to the provisions of KCC uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment 15.08.050. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or or storage facilities, which are not subject to storage facilities are not permitted in this district, cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC except through a special use combining district. and which do not accumulate more than five thou- 16. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous sand (5,000) pounds of hazardous substances or substance land uses which are not subject to wastes or any combination thereof at any one (1) cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC time on the site, subject to the provisions of KCC and which accumulate more than twenty thousand 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treat- (20,000)pounds of hazardous substances or wastes ment or storage facilities, which are not permitted or any combination thereof at any one (1)time on in this district. the site, subject to the provisions of KCC 10. Includes incidental storage facilities and 15.08.050. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or loading/unloading areas. storage facilities are not permitted in this district, 11. For permitted uses, hazardous substance except through a special use combining district. land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treat- 17. Conditional use permit required for truck- ment or storage facilities, which are not subject to ing terminals and rail-truck transfer uses. cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC 18. For permitted uses, hazardous substance and which do not accumulate more than ten thou- land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treat- sand (10,000) pounds of hazardous substances or ment or storage facilities, which are not subject to wastes or any combination thereof at any one (1) cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC time on the site, subject to the provisions of KCC and which do not accumulate more than twenty 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treat- thousand(20,000)pounds of hazardous substances ment or storage facilities, which are not permitted or wastes or any combination thereof at any one(1) •in this district. time on the site, subject to the provisions of KCC I 15-39 15.04.050 Kent City Code i 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous Waste treat- c. Site coverage. Site coverage shall be in ment or storage facilities, which requ6 a condi- accordance with the underlying zoning district tional use permit in this district. j requirements. 19. For permitted uses, accessory ,hazardous d. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be as follows: substance land uses which are not 'subject to (1) Front yard:Twenty(20)feet. cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 111.02 KCC (2) Side yard:Ten(10)feet. and which accumulate more than twenty thousand (3) Rear yard:Ten(10)feet. (20,000)pounds of hazardous substances or wastes e. Height limitation. The height limitation is or any combination thereof at any one (1) time on one(1)story. the site, subject to the provisions jof KCC f. Outdoor storage. No outdoor storage is 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treat- permitted. ment or storage facilities, which requird a condi- g. Signs. The sign requirements of Ch. 15.06 tional use permit in this district. KCC shall apply. a. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or stor- h. Off-street parking. age facilities,'subject to the provisions of KCC (1) The off-street parking requirements of 15.08.050. Ch. 15.05 KCC shall apply. b. Any hazardous substance land uie that is (2) Off-street parking may be located in not an accessory use to a principally permuted use. required yards,except in areas required to be land- 20. Warehousing and distribution facilities and scaped. the storage of goods or products, except for those i. Development plan review. Development goods or products specifically described a permit- plan approval is required as provided in KCC ted to be stored only as conditional uses ir the M3 15.09,010. district. j. Landscaping. Landscaping requirements 21. Conditional use for car loading and distri- are as follows: bution facilities, and rail-truck transfer st4ons. (1) Front yard: Twenty (20) feet, type III /'- 22. Warehousing and distribution facilities and (earth berms). l the storage of goods or products, including rail- (2) Side yard:Ten(10)feet,type II abutting truck transfer facilities. commercial uses or districts; type I abutting resi- 23. Mini-warehouses; provided, that the fol- dential uses or districts. lowing development standards shall apply for (3) Rear yard: Ten (10) feet, type II abut- mini-warehouses, superseding those set out in ting commercial uses or districts; type I abutting KCC 15.04.190 and 15.04.200: residential uses or districts. a. Frontage use. The first one hundred fifty For maintenance purposes, underground irriga- (150)feet of lot depth,measured from the property tion systems shall be provided for all landscaped line or right-of-way inward from the streetl.front- areas. age, shall be reserved for principally permitted k. Onsite manager. A resident manager shall uses for this district, defined by the provisions of be required on the site and shall be responsible for KCC 15.04.100(A)(1), or for the office or 6nsite maintaining the operation of the facility in con- manager's unit, signage, parking and access. A formance with the conditions of the approval.The maximum of twenty-five(25)percent of the front- planning department shall establish requirements age may be used for access to the storage unitJarea; for parking and loading areas sufficient to accom- provided, that in no case shall the access; area modate the needs of the resident manager and the exceed seventy-five (75)feet in width. No storage customers of the facility. units or structures shall be permitted within this 1. Drive aisles. Drive aisle width and parking one hundred fifty (150) feet of commercial font- requirements are as follows: ige depth. (1) Fifteen(15)foot drive aisle and ten(10) b. Lot size. Minimum lot size is one (1)acre; foot parking aisle. naximum lot size is four(4)acres. (2) Parking for manager's quarters and vis- itor parking. I I 15-40 Kent City Code 15.04.050 in. Building lengths. The horizontal dimen- goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, 10ion of any structure facing the perimeter of the site antique shops and book shops; shall be offset at intervals not to exceed one hun- b. Personal services,including but not limited dred (100) feet. The offset shall be no less than to,barber shops,beauty salons and dry cleaning; twenty (20) feet in the horizontal dimension, with c. Repair services, including but not limited a minimum depth of five(5)feet. to, television, radio, computer, jewelry and shoe n. Building materials. If abutting a residential repair; use or zone, residential design elements such as d. Food-related shops, including but not lim- brick veneer,wood siding,pitched roofs with shin- ited to,restaurants(including outdoor seating areas gles, landscaping and fencing shall be used. No and excluding drive-in restaurants)and taverns; uncomplimentary building colors should be used e. Copy establishments; when abutting a residential use or zone. f. Professional services, including but not o. Prohibited uses. Use is restricted to dead limited to,law offices and consulting services;and storage only. The following are specifically pro- g. Any other use that is determined by the hibited: planning director to be of the same general charac- (1) Auctions (other than tenant lien sales), ter as the above permitted uses and in accordance commercial, wholesale or retail sales, or garage with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to sales. KCC 15.09.065,Interpretation of uses. (2) The servicing, repair or fabrication of 26. Permitted uses are limited to storage,ware- motor vehicles,boats,trailers,lawn mowers,appli- housing,processing and conversion of agricultural, ances or other similar equipment. dairy,and horticultural products,but not including f (3) The operation of power tools, spray slaughtering or meat packing. painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compres- 27. Excluding slaughtering, rendering, curing, sors, welding equipment, kilns or other similar or canning of meat or seafood products. equipment. 28. Except for those goods or products specifi- (4) The establishment of a transfer and stor- cally described as permitted to be stored as condi- age business. tional uses. (5) Any use that is noxious or offensive 29. Excluding explosive fuels and propellants. because of odor,dust,noise, fumes or vibration. 30. Excluding predominantly drop forge and (6) Storage of hazardous or toxic materials drop hammer operations. and chemicals or explosive substances. 31. Other accessory uses and buildings custom- p. Fencing.No razor wire is allowed on top of arily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for fences. onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facil- 24. Prohibited are those manufacturing activi- ities,which are not permitted in residential zones. ties having potentially deleterious operational 32. Excluding paint boiling processes. characteristics, such as initial processing of raw (Ord. No. 3439, § 2, 2-2-99) materials (forging, smeltering, refining, and form- ing). 25. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district(as shown in KCC 15.04.080)must be retail or pedestrian-oriented. Pedestrian-oriented devel- opment shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk; and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not W mited to, convenience goods, department and ariety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper 15-41 (Revised 4/01) 15.04A60 Kent City Code 15.04.060 Transportation,public ant utilities land uses. t Zoning Districts U V p V N Key c c P=Principally l V o o y Permitted Uses m m a c ❑ y U S=Special Uses f, a 3 f6 v 0 'E o ❑ 5 c C=Conditional �, c 9 m n O o c a o m ts A=Accessory Uses g ❑ ❑ 6 ❑ m n c cmi c c c 43 10 w o m ro m m E > 'c c _N w - = m C C m C mN G C r .may.. : E m O ❑ +O+ H N m U ❑ - ❑ T 0 'O A (� Y U .ts V, w w ❑ ❑ E y 'V O N N N — N N �? �' 'E C m m 7 7 w `0 7i O N 8 •� m •c � K >. K E K K ° `° U E m E m m 'E 3 y U ❑ ❑ E c w N tl E E E m o Y m m _¢ a —' .m —' —' Z m m o m E ° E u m 's 'S o o o LL m w 0 c ❑ m o U U c u o .5 ¢ A d ° D U c IL u. m L. uy x m E x ° c 3 m m U •yc rl m r v m m a m m > > p o O m a 3 S E E m m N 3 u N c c N c c o m m a, E s c3 E E n O n v v m w O N t0 J x ° E O O O C m 7 0 C C un N .- 2 Z 0 o ❑ V V m 0 L V E m ❑ Q Q N m eT co Gof ❑ 1 F (9 M 2 tl U V ❑ W N (9 F_ c c U :7 (9 U ''•' (9 R. C' Ix w �` Q' 0.' 4' K fY x Q V U U 2 0 0 0 , N to 3 4 Q W u1 CO rn U) Co 12 7 2 2 M TE 2 Z O ❑ a u V I, O M 2 2 2 M (9 commercial parking lots or C G structures - Transportation and transit C C C c C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P C facilities (1) 2aihvay and bus depots. .. C C C C taxi stands ltility and transportation _ C c C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C facilities:Electrical sub- stations,pumping or reg- ulating devices for the transmission of water, gas,steam,petroleum, etc. ublic facilities:Fire- C C C C C C C C ,C C C C C C C C C P C C C C C C C C C C houses,police stations, libraries and administra. tive offices of govem- manta,agencies,primary snd secondary schools, , rocational schools and ;olleges cessory uses and build- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A igs customarily appurte- (2) ant to a permitted use y )rd.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99;Ord.No.3470, § 6, 8-17-99; Ord.No. 3543, §4,2-20-01) 5.04.065 Transportation,public and utilities land use development condition. 1. Transportation and transit terminal, includ- repair and storage facilities and rail-trucklsta- ,ns,except classification yards in the categor�of urnp yards". 2. Accessory uses shall include vehicular dr#ve- ough, drive-in,or service bay facilities. rd.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99) i 1 i ised 4t01) 15-42 i Kent City Code 15.04.070 15.04.070 Wholesale and retail land uses. Zoning Districts U U U N 5 N Key m N o 'P=Principally c om Permitted Uses u m a E U E S=Special Uses u c u ❑ m E m N N m m O N C=Conditional Uses y ' m c c •v_ o nn a 'o N iA ❑ 'Co' N ;a 3 3 N N C U ` C N ❑ A=Accessory Uses y a a m o a m I°- 1 —' ) 'c — i c c c 6 s m y U ❑ N l4 C« a a •vm_ v6 •vm_ vm ° UOE mC ❑ ❑N t7vJ m .- `- MA a0mmmyE ° m ° 0 _ Oa '0 a T ❑ Em «U ❑m J91m UR j NmTm Nmm m LLN. LLN x :N�.. :N: 7 "Z❑' CO m z 7m m mo E AC Um mE m m O E m 3 E Ov>N ❑vy>° UE K CK W E E E E T a, OE O E O N Q • • � O 0 E E E E = E N E o EE c o jcc u o 15 Q (L; C UCLL tL LL ro O T ❑ E E A m 2 5 rn E 75 rn 'O m E m i y= am Rm mm in y to y ❑ '� _ z o o 0 U U m cm) v v -S E m 0 Q Q N c� co m ❑ F F- L) = a U U p W I N t7 tE E S U J 0 U Q' R' x K C !r S U U U U 2 U 0 Q N M 0 ai N a) (n M g 2 2 z U O ❑ 0 0 0 O 2 U Bakeries and confectioner- - P P- P P ies (2) Wholesale bakery P- P Bulk retail P P P P P (11 (1) Recycling centers C P Retail sales of lumber,tools P P P • and other building sem-- als,including preassem- bled products Hardware,paint,file and P P P P P P wallpaper(retail) (11) (2) Farm equipment P P General merchandise:Dry P P P P P P goods,variety and depart- (71) (2) ment stores(retail) Food and convenience P P P P P P S P S P stores(retail) (11) (12) (4) (12) (2) Automobile,aircraft,motor- P P P cycle,boat and recre- ational vehicles sales (retail) Automotive,aircraft,motor- P P P P P P P cycle and marine accesso- (13)(13) (5) (2) ries(retail) (13) Gasoline service stations S S S S S S S S C (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) Apparel and accessories P P P P P A P (retail) (11) (6) (2) Furniture,home furnishing P P P P P P (retail) (11) (2) Eating and drinking estab- P P P P P P P A P P P P lishments(no drive- (11) 15) (5) (2) through) Eating and drinking estab- S C P S P P Ithhmentrough) (with drive- (6) (7) (6) (2) Eating facilities for employ- A A A A • ees Planned development retail C sales (14) 15-43 (Revised 4101) 15.04.080 Kent City Code Zoning Districts _ U U S `- O Key N N y o N o v P=Principally p p o m Permitted Uses .m m o P H N 7 7 m l0 m 0 U ` _ S=Special Uses 0 t t r 9 "_ E15 % u C=Conditional Uses , N 'y o 3 r -a Cz v o o H i5 i5 y A=Accessory Uses y p p R p o m mN c L) u m N o g ,E C N in u C = U •2 t_n E m p — = 5 f] "-' V @ u m m m •E m m 3 r o m m m m E < < U O O m m IY K K m IY m 2 a C7 E E m m w E m E E ti E E E N 0 c c V U 'a .� E rn m a H U > > m li IJLL m ii a m E m S o � c 3 m ro U c a o- r c c m . v d m rn m a m .' p g 0 m a c� 32 E E m R — c�i c'r c c M c c! D o m a o a� E c 3 0 o m O H N -0 m m` m 4 0, fY in fn Lo to tn� O N (o -r _ Z o 0 0 t) U m u v v E iD C7 Q r N M 1 (O GI' F F 9 = d U U U 0 N t7 tE C C V ...I t� U fY tY lY tY 0: CL = U C.) U U 2 U 0 4 r 'L N M rn m (n m w o) 2 2 2 g 2 z U o In U U a 0 2 M M 2 2 0 Miscellaneous retail:Drugs, P P P P P P A A P antiques,books,sporting (tt) (15) (8) (2) goods,jewelry florist, photo supplies,video rental,computer supplies, etc, iquor store P P P P P P P P (11) (2) arm supplies,hay,grain, P P P feed,Tending,etc.(retail) urseries,greenhouses, P P P garden supplies,tools,etc. n9'op$(retail and groom- P P P (2) mputers and electronics P P P P P retail) (2) els and motels 'i P P P P P P (11) nplexes which include �mbinatlons of uses, P P cluding a mixture of Lice,light manufacturing, orage and commercial es oor storage(including ck,heavy equipment P P A A A A A P d contractor storage •ds as allowed by devel- nent standards,KCC 04.190&15.04.195) ssory uses and build- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3 customarily appurte- (g) (f8)(1fi)(17)(1n(18)(167(16) (18) t to a permitted use rd.No. 3439,§ 2,2-2-99;Ord. No. 3470, § 72 8-17-99;Ord.No. 3543, § 5,2-20-01) 04.080 Wholesale and retail land use development conditions. Bulk retail uses which provide goods fi r onal retail and wholesale markets; providt'd each use occupy no less than forty-three thod- 1 five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet of f s floor area. All sales, storage and display occur withi>rt )sed buildings. ed 4101) j 15-44 i Kent City Code 15.04.080 3. Provided that any restaurant with drive-in or b. Personal services,including but not limited rive-through facilities shall be located a minimum to,barber shops,beauty salons and dry cleaning; f one thousand(1,000)feet from any other drive- c. Repair services, including but not limited in restaurant use. to, television, radio, computer, jewelry and shoe 4. Convenience and deli marts are limited to a repair; maximum gross floor area of three thousand d. Food-related shops, including but not lim- (3,000)square feet. ited to,restaurants(including outdoor seating areas 5. Uses shall be limited to twenty-five(25)per- and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; cent of the gross floor area of any single-or multi- e. Copy establishments; building development. Retail and service uses f. Professional services, including but not which exceed the twenty-five(25)percent limit on limited to,law offices and consulting services;and an individual or cumulative basis shall be subject g. Any other use that is determined by the to review individually through the conditional use planning director to be of the same general charac- permit process. A conditional use permit shall be ter as the above permitted uses and in accordance required on an individual tenant or business basis with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to and shall be granted only when it is demonstrated KCC 15.09.065,Interpretation of uses. that the operating characteristics of the use will not 12. Retail convenience grocery sales are. adversely impact onsite or offsite conditions on allowed in conjunction with a gasoline service sta- either an individual or cumulative basis. tion as a special permit use subject to the develop- 6. Special uses must conform to the develop- ment standards listed in KCC 15.08.020. ment standards listed in KCC 15.08.020. 13. Retail sales are limited to tires,batteries and 7. Drive-through restaurants, only if located in accessories for industrial vehicle and equipment. a building having at least two (2)stories. 14. Retail sales are permitted as part of a 8. Accessory uses are only allowed in cases planned development where at least fifty(50)per- where development plans demonstrate a relation- cent of the total development is for office use. hip between these uses and the principal uses of Drive-in restaurants, service stations, drive-in the property. cleaning establishments and other similar retail 9. Other accessory uses and buildings custom- establishments are not permitted. arily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for 15. Incidental sales and services, such as res- onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facil- taurants,pharmacies and retail sales,to serve occu- ities,which are not permitted in residential zones. pants and patrons of permitted uses when 10. Retail uses operated in conjunction with conducted within the same building, provided and incidental to permitted uses, provided such there is no exterior display or advertising. uses are housed as a part of the building comprising 16. Includes incidental storage facilities and j the basic operations. loading/unloading areas. I 11. The ground level or street level portion of 17. Includes incidental storage facilities, which all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC must be enclosed,and loading/unloading areas. district, set forth in the map below, must be retail 18. Accessory uses shall include vehicular or pedestrian-oriented. Pedestrian-oriented devel- drive-through, drive-in and service bay facilities. opment shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk; and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to, convenience goods, department and variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper •goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops and book shops; 15-45 15.04.080 Kent City Code Ground Floor Retail/Service Area `` { e.xanac:mt. I na u n um DcW. 3 ' inu ar 19131312 Ground Floor RetaiUService Use Requireo i (Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99) f� l I y i 15-46 Kent City Code 15.04.090 15.04.090 Service land uses. Zoning Districts 5 U Key N N '� ❑ ❑ P=Principally o o y o A .S Permitted Uses umi ❑ m ts m O S=Special Uses 'o o N c u, E C=Conditional Uses S 5 = 5 a C c D x v o c o b •y 0 N ❑ N N •- 3 3 N N Ol U U m. � N ❑ A=Accessory Uses N o o 'o 'o m m —' m C m a 6 , S ❑ m l7 C m t0 m N T E >. C N N lL C C .` G C C m G c .E E O C 6 ❑_ m U U _N N m U V ❑ D v v N v v a c m m V .� m ° ,kro m ❑ 0 E .c m J N N m Vi N T N N m u m m K m m 'E m m Z S m o m m E ° c r`q = U 0 ❑ M c � IY �. K K K M H 2 CL U E E E m o Y m '° E m m Q a, . >. a. a >. >. �, m m o o E ° - E ° .'a b E E o U E i1 N 0 ❑ O a m m LL m M f m c ❑ c o d U c u U c m m = N 75 j m LL LL. m LL LL x a m E O _ ° c p m `m ° ° Q a c c c m m m rn m m m 5 ❑ m L o E E R H .r m — 3 75 N rn or c rn rn 2 2 3 m m a mr E c 3 E E m 0 N m pf car R' U U � [N kN ❑ N t0 J _ M Z O O ❑ �"� U m U 'O C 'O m Q Q r N k7 � f0 r0 ❑ I-� I'.1 rG = n- U (� ❑ W !E C & = U U U U i i U O Q N M Q Q U y rn rn N f M M M 2 M Z U ❑ ❑ U U a O M 2 M 2 f O Finance,insurance,real P P P P P P P P P P estate services (1) (2) (3) (12) Personal services:Laundry; P P P P P P C P P P P dry cleaning;barber, salons;shoe repair,laun— derettes (t0) Mortuaries P P P C P (12) 1 (3) ome day care P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ay-care center C C C C C C C C P P P P P P P P PIP P P P P P P . P . P P p P Business services,duplicat- ing and blue printing, (12) (2) (3) travel agencies and employment agencies Building maintenance and P P P P P P pest control (2) Outdoor storage(including P P A A A A A P truck,heavy equipment and contractor storage yards as allowed by development standards. KCC 15.04.190& 15.04.195) Rental and leasing services for cars,trucks,trailers, P P P P P P furniture and tools I (2) Auto repair and washing services(including body C P P P P C work) (5) Repair services:Watch,TV; electrical;electronic; P P P P P P P P P upholstery (12) (2) (3) Professional services:Mad- P P P P P P P P ikal;clinks and other health pre-related ser- (2) (3) vices Heavy equipment and truck P P P C P repair Contract construction ser- vice offices:Building con- P P P P P P P P P AILsWction;plum bing; (16)(16) (17)(17) (2) (3) ) paving and landscaping (17) j+ 1 15-47_ (Revised 4101) 15.04.100 Kent City Code Zoning Districts - U U / 3 V N U N Key y h '� y o 1; P=Principally CI Permitted Uses 0 � m m `m p S=Special Uses LI t = - v, m N E N N A C=Conditional Uses u w N N Vl N ° C C ° m O ° n U O H E y p Q Q C16 A=Accessory Uses ) t° m ? m C m V m O m N N A @ R A ?` 0 m 0 0 W C C •� vy=i m l t6 C c C C m C C _ m tY v o @ c (j m m m 'c7 0 @ O U E C_ c - R J N N m N , T N 'N �+ ` C m r'' 7 7 �p fy U p N H `m K W. ,m E K o W U E m E m uSi U O U Nc is a E E E 2 2 m o m 0 E m 4 - ' E � �. a, cm y m ° o E o E m Y 3 U o C9 R E 'E m E 5 'E 'E p N E o U o v R m E o = N o m m u ra rm m e c o -E U c .` i0 c LL LL m v; r m E m x ` c 3 m m U c Q a m v c w x a p g c 3 $ is S S 3 a m m m m m > > ? m o o E E H m N 3 > > N rn rn E a n 3 m a rn E c 3 E E m r n 7'u m c c U) c N to g = o '@ E 3 o U V Z o o s m o v o E m . Q Q N f�l 7 r0 0 l.- F _ (L V 0 [� W 1 N (D Ik C � U J (7 V Q 4 y y uI N u Z U d O D Educational services: oca p p p p P P P P lional;trade;art;music (2) (3) dancing;barber and beauty Churches S S S s S S S S S S S S S s s S S s s (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4).(4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) Administrative and profes- P P P C P P P P P P P sionaloffices—general { (12) (2) (3) Municipal uses and build- P P P P P P P P P P P P P ings (13)(13) (13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13) (2) (13)(13) Research,development P P P P P P P and testing (2) (14) Planned development retail C sales (6) Accessary uses and build- A A A A A A A A A A JA A A A A A A A JA A A A A A - ings customarily appurte- (7) (18)(18)(19)(19)(18)(18)(18) (15) nant to a permitted use Boarding kennels and C C C breeding establishments Veterinary clinics and voter- C P P P P C P inary hospitals ` (8) (9) (9) (8) (11) Administrative or executive P P P P P offices which are part of a predominant industrial operation Offices Incidental and neo• ,` A essary to the conduct of a principally permitted use (Ord.No. 3439, §2,2-2-99; Ord.No. 3470, §I8, 8-17-99;Ord.No. 3543, § b, 2-20-01) l 15.04.100 Service land use development to review individually through the conditional use conditions. permit process. A conditional use permit shall be 1. Banks and financial institutions (excluding required on an individual tenant or business basis :rive-through). and shall be granted only when it is demonstrated 2. Uses shall be limited to twenty-five(25)fter- that the operating characteristics of the use will not •ent of the gross floor area of any single-or multi- adversely impact onsite or offsite conditions on milding development. Retail and service ses either an individual or cumulative basis. S vhich exceed the twenty-five(25)percent limi on n individual or cumulative basis shall be sub ect t evised 4101) 15-48 Kent City Code 15.04.100 3. All sales, storage and display occur within goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, nclosed buildings. antique shops and book shops; 4. Special uses must conform to the develop- b. Personal services,including but not limited ment standards listed in KCC 15.08.020. to,barber shops,beauty salons and dry cleaning; 5. Excluding auto body repair. c. Repair services, including but not limited 6. Retail sales are permitted as part of a planned to, television, radio, computer, jewelry and shoe development where at least fifty(50)percent of the repair; total development is for office use.Drive-in restau- d. Food-related shops, including but not lim- rants, service stations, drive-in cleaning establish- ited to,restaurants(including outdoor seating areas ments and other similar retail establishments are and excluding drive-in restaurants)and taverns; not permitted. e. Copy establishments; 7. Other accessory uses and buildings custom- f. Professional services, including but not i arily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for limited to,law offices and consulting services;and onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facil- g. Any other use that is determined by the ities,which are not permitted in residential zones. planning director to be of the same general charac- 8. Veterinary clinics when located no closer ter as the above permitted uses and in accordance than one hundred fifty (150)feet to any residential with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to use,providing the animals are housed indoors,with KCC 15.09.065,Interpretation of uses. no outside runs, and the building is soundproofed. 13. Except for such uses and buildings subject Soundproofing must be designed by competent to KCC 15.04.150. acoustical engineers. 14. Conducted in conjunction with a principally 9. Veterinary clinics and animal hospital ser- permitted use. vices when located no closer than one hundred fifty 15. Accessory uses shall include vehicular (150)feet to any residential use,providing the ani- drive-through, drive-in or service bay uses. Wals are housed indoors,with no outside runs, and 16. Contract construction services office use e building is soundproofed. Soundproofing must does not include contractor storage yards,which is be designed by competent acoustical engineers. a separate use listed in KCC 15.04.040. i 10. Personal services uses limited to linen sup- 17. Outside storage or operations yards are per- ply and industrial laundry services,diaper services, mitted only as accessory uses. Such uses are inci- rug cleaning and repair services,photographic ser- dental and subordinate to the principal use of the vices,beauty and barber services and fur repair and property or structure. storage services. 18. Includes incidental storage facilities and 11. Veterinary clinics and animal hospital ser- loading/unloading areas. vices when located no less than one hundred fifty 19. Includes incidental storage facilities,which (150) feet from any residential use, provided the must be enclosed,and loading/unloading areas. animals are housed indoors and the building is soundproofed. 12. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district, set forth in the map below,must be pedes- trian-oriented. Pedestrian-oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located j adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the side- walk;and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to, convenience goods, department and .variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops,toy shops, cards and paper 15-49 15.04.100 Kent City Code i Ground Floor Retail/Service Area . t V.swn&sr: il.HARnISOR. ST aaeu auuaunun� p 3 !A f DC- _ FIFI- 1wislixt Ground Floor Retail/Service Use Required, (Ord.No.3439, § 2,2-2-99) I i I 15-50 15.04.110 Kent City Code 15.04.110 Cultural, entertainment and recreation land uses. E Zoning Districts U U U V N U N N N ts "Asse a ts ses c N N m m m Ct �-�' s E m 5 s ` o t r m m m p E -" o p N « « N +- C C m T m O1 m U N 0 t) I Uses .a N N o � O o o a c u m ses o o A o o m F x Y 5 n y c c c 25 N u m m a m �. m T E m Ct uJ m I y m d v m m Y aci m E m o m 16 m u "mom E m Y •v_ •v_ m v a T v •v_ m 2 ._ O c S m > > �o �° �' O 0 E N N N N ." ? � O m m E C C •V Y 5 U O W o m m x m m m m m E m m x A S c Y Y > tY tr ,Ep Y 'N 2 a V E E E m u -q c O '� T T .j ?` ?` m N E O U O U w i0 E •CD W d 7 o U E E E E E E N o c m U c o T, Q a m v v T 2` c 3 m m U •c •� c 5 m R -L° C LL u m u LL x p 2 p m a E ; S E E n m R N 3 Y y m m m rn m m m n S v c L ' 9 c E E 0 c M m m > > rn M E rn a o- 2 2 3 m rn a M E c 3 m N N o m m c � ,p J `� x 2 0 o pm U U ro cmi v .0 E m O •o, •o, IY m m in in O a V U O W r N C7 S S U n (9 U Q Q N co q <o ao IY K 2 0 0 0 U U O Q , N M Q Q N y y in NV) Z 0 0 0 U U (7 O O T(P3) P P P PP e orminga aura a (fJ uses,such as art galler- les/studios Historic and monument P P sites Public assembly(indoor): P P P P P P[(2) P Sports facifibes;arenas; (2) (2) (C auditoriums and exhibi- (gJ lion halls,bowling alleys, dart-playing facilities, skating rinks,community clubs:athletic clubs:rec- reation centers;theaters (excluding school facili- ties) Public assembly(outdoor): P P Fairgrounds and amuse- ment parks;tennis courts; athletic fields:miniature golf.go-cart tracks; drive-In theaters:etc. Open space use:Cemeter- C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P P C P P C C C C C C C j ( ies, C (C (C C( parks,playgrounds, golf courses and other C C C C recreation facilities, including bindings or structures associated therewith A A A A Employee recreation areas Private clubs,fraternal CMAAAAAAAAAAAA C C C C C C C C C C C C C C (5) C C C C C C (5) lodges,etc. C C Recreational vehicle parks C P Accessory uses and build- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (4) ings customanry appune. rant to a permitted use Recreational buildings in A MHP (Ord.No. 3435, §11 1-5-99; Ord. No. 3439, § 2, 2-2-99; Ord.No. 3470, § 9, 8-17-99; Ord.No. 3543, § 7, 2- 20-01) 15-51 (Revised 4/01) i 15.04.120 Kent City Code 15.04.120 Cultural,entertainment ant] 8. Public assembly facilities such as amphithe- recreation land use development aters, arenas, auditoriums and exhibition halls conditions. allowed as a conditional use. 1. All sales, storage and display occur within (Ord.No. 3439, § 2)2-2-99) enclosed buildings. 2. Principally permitted uses are hipited to indoor paintball,health and fitness clubs and facil- ities, gymnastic schools and other sim ar uses deemed compatible with the general char�cter and stated purpose of the district. 3. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the bC dis- trict(as shown in KCC 15.04.080)must be detail or pedestrian-oriented. Pedestrian-oriented develop- ment shall have the main ground Hook entry located adjacent to a public street and be ph*sically and visually accessible by pedestrians fr m the sidewalk;and may include the following u9,es: a. Retail establishments, including ut not limited to, convenience goods, departure t and variety stores, specialty shops such as appatel and accessories,gift shops, toy shops, cards anc paper goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops and book shops; b. Personal services,including but not limited to,barber shops,beauty salons and dry cleading; �. c. Repair services, including but not limited to, television, radio, computer, jewelry and shoe repair; d. Food-related shops, including but not lim- ited to,restaurants(including outdoor seating jareas and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; e. Copy establishments; f. Professional services, including bui not united to,law offices and consulting services and g. Any other use that is determined by the tanning director to be of the same general chitrac- er as the above permitted uses and in accordance vith the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to :CC 15.09.065,Interpretation of uses. 4. Accessory uses shall include vehicular dtive- irough,drive-in or service bay facilities. 5. Business, civic, social and fraternal assolcia- 5ns and service offices are principally permitted es. 6. Principally permitted uses are limited! to rks and playgrounds. 7. Principally permitted uses are limited to golf ving ranges. vised 4101) 15-52 ! • Kent City Code 15.04.150 15.04.130 Resource land uses. Zoning Districts 5 U b C Key Q m N � m u P=Principally u m m U c Permitted Uses o S=Special Uses p t r c w m _' E y N N C=Conditional Uses = w H pmp us+ o o NmU u E A=Acoesso ryUses Np p p p F I m uNcc cU m O U r7N r0 0m A 0 .� W7 r O m mmmm N m o m E y g Il m75 y b � E y UmE L mEEr m E •c V 2 M m S o � Ao ECM E O E .2 q � N 02, .2:, 2' Cm m O E o C7 m E E 10 E E E E m 0 H E o U U E 8) a s O o U m m m 4 m m m ;a m E m = L c 3 `m `m U c Q d m c m y .`.. LL LL m LL LL ... O 7 O m L c ; «O E E N S A C 3 'O m m rA m m > > :� L L O p c m -0 W m uyr rn 5 c rn m a 2 M 3 m 0 .0 0 E c 3 E E `m rn a 0 m M m c c in c c 0 0 M = o m E 3 0 0 o c m > > c ' c 6 Q 1X N 80 � m m 0 M Z o o O V U m o v 9 E m O h F C� f = a. U U p W .' CL IT K 4' W of R' = U U U U U O Q N t7 Q Q V) fn G7 rn fn h '2 M Z U a o 0 0 0 O 2 2 2 2 M 0 -AUn-c-uffFra-ru-s-e-sTiiidluding p p p P wholesale nurseries and greenhouses) Crop and tree fanning P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Storage.rwa 4g. .e P processing and conver- sion of agricultural prod- ucts(not including slaughtering or meat Am packing) accessory uses and build- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ings customarily appurte- (1) nant to a permitted use Roadside stands A A A A (3) (2) (3) (2) (Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99; Ord.No. 3470, § 10, 8-17-99; Ord.No. 3543, § 8,2-20-01) 15.04.140 Resource land use development clearly fit into other districts,which may be due to conditions. technological and social changes,or which are of 1. Other accessory uses and buildings custom- such unique character as to warrant special atten- arily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for tion in the interest of the city's optimum develop- onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facil- ment and the preservation and enhancement of its ities,which are not permitted in residential zones. environmental quality. A special use combining 2. Roadside stand not exceeding four hundred district is imposed on an existing zoning district, (400) square feet in floor area exclusively for agri- permitting the special use as well as uses permitted cultural products grown on the premises. by the underlying zone. The combining district 3. Roadside stands not exceeding four hundred becomes void if substantial construction has not (400)square feet in floor area,and not over twenty begun within a one(1)year period,and the district (20) lineal feet on any side, primarily for sale of reverts to its original zoning designation. It is the agricultural products on the premises. intent of the special use combining regulations to (Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99) provide the city with adequate procedures for con- trolling and reviewing such uses and to discourage 15,14,111 Special use combining district, SU. application for speculative rezoning. • It is the purpose of the SU district to provide for A. Uses subject to special use combining dis- special controls for certain uses which do not trict regulations. The following list is illustrative of 15-53 (Revised 4/01) a 15.04A50 Kent City Code the types of uses subject to special use]combining to the vicinity, and to adequately convey the district regulations and is not intended to be exclu- required information. sive: 2. A map or drawing of the site drawn to a 1. Uses which occupy or would occcupy large scale acceptable to the planning department,gener- areas of land. ally one hundred(100)feet to the inch.The map or 2. Uses which would involve the construction drawing shall show the following information: of buildings or other structures ofunusuNl height or a. Dimensions and names of streets bound- mass. ing or touching the site. 3. Uses which house, employ or serve large b. Such existing or proposed features as numbers of people. streams or other bodies of water, rights-of-way, 4. Uses which generate heavy traffic. easements and other physical or legal features 5. Uses which have unusual impact on envi- which may affect or be affected by the proposed ronmental quality of the area. development. 6. Any-use which does not lend itself to an c. Existing and proposed topography at interpretation of substantial similarity to other uses contour intervals of not more than five (5) feet in identified or described in this title. areas having slopes exceeding three (3) percent, 7. Uses which, in the judgment of a plan- and not more than two (2) feet in areas having ning director,warrant review by the planning com- slopes of less than three(3)percent. mission and the city council. d. Accurate legal description of the prop- 8. Examples of uses subject to review as erty. described in this subsection would include but are e. Existing and proposed structures or not limited to the following: buildings,including the identification of types and a. Commercial uses: sports stadiums, proposed use of the structures. All uses must be rodeos,fairgrounds,exhibition or conventipn halls, compatible with the major use. ,merchandise marts and drive-in theaters. i £ Off-street parking and loading facilities. b. Special environmental problems posed g. Dimensions of the site, distances from by:refineries,nuclear power generating pl ts,air- property lines and space between structures. ports,heliports,sanitary landfills,extractiv�indus- h. Tentative routing of domestic water tries, solid waste incinerators or energy/resource lines,storm drains,sanitary sewers and other utili- recovery facilities. ties,including an identification of planned disposal c. Hazardous wastes: offsite hatardous or runoff. waste treatment or storage facilities in M1 And M2 i. Elevations, perspective renderings or districts only, subject to the provisions or KCC such other graphic material or evidence to illustrate 15.08.050. effect on the view enjoyed by and from other prop- B. Application procedures. The application erties in the vicinity, if required by the planning procedure for a special use combining district shall department. be the same as for an amendment to this titles pro- j. Architectural renderings of buildings. vided in KCC 15.09.050, except that development k. A written statement providing the fol- plan approval is concurrent with the combining dis- lowing information: trict. (1) Program for development, including C. Documentation required. Required !docu- staging or timing. mentation is as follows: (2) Proposed ownership pattern upon 1. A vicinity map drawn to a scale not smaller completion of development. than one thousand(1,000)feet to the inch showing (3) Basic content of restrictive cove- the site in relation to its surrounding area,including nants,if any. streets,roads, streams or other bodies of water,the (4) Provisions to ensure permanence and development characteristics and zoning pattom of maintenance of open space through means accept- .he area,and a scale and North arrow.The vicinity able to the city. nap may be in sketch form but shall be drawn]with ufficient accuracy to reasonably orient the ruder - f" t 15-54 2evised4rol) j `• 15.04.160 Kent City Code (5) Statement or tabulation of number of adjustments are those which may affect the precise ersons to be employed, served or housed in the dimensions or siting of buildings approved in the roposed development. final plan, or the density of the development or (6) Statement describing the relationship open space provided. of the proposed development to the city compre- 2. Major adjustments are those which, as hensive plan. determined by the planning director, substantially (7) Statement indicating availability of change the basic design, density, open space uses existing or proposed sanitary sewers. or other similar requirements or provisions.Autho- 3. Such other data or information as the plan- rization for major adjustments shall be made by the ning department may require. city council. D. Development standards. In reviewing and 3. The provisions of this subsection pertain- approving proposed developments falling under ing to minor and major adjustments shall apply to the purview of this section, the hearing examiner various parts of a staged development. and city council shall make the following findings: (Ord.No.3439, §2,2-2-99) 1. That the location for the proposed use is 15.04.160 Development standards. reasonable. 2. That existing or proposed trafficways are Development standards are listed down the left adequate to serve new development. side of the tables,and the zoning districts are listed 3. That setback, height and bulk of buildings at the top. The matrix cells contain the minimum are acceptable for the proposed use and for the dimensional requirements of the zone. The paren- vicinity in which it is located. thetical numbers in the matrix identify specific 4. That landscaping and other site improve- requirements applicable either to a specific use or ments are comparable to the highest standards set the entire zone.A blank box indicates that there are forth for other developments as set out in this title. no specific requirements.If more than one(1)stan- 5. That the performance standards pertaining dard appears in a cell,each standard will be subject 10to air and water pollution, noise levels, etc., are to any applicable parenthetical footnote following comparable to the highest standards specified for the standard. other uses as set out in this title. (Ord.No. 3439, §2,2-2-99) 6. That the proposed development is in the public interest and serves a need of community- wide or regional importance. In reviewing and approving special uses, the hearing examiner and the city council may impose such conditions as they deem necessary in the interest of the welfare of the city and the protection of the environment. E. Period of validity. Any special use combin- ing district shall remain effective only for one (1) year unless the use is begun within that time or con- struction has commenced.If not in use or construc- tion has not commenced within one(1)year of the granting of the special use combining district, the combining district shall become invalid, and the original zoning designation of the land shall apply. F. Minor and major adjustments. 1. If minor adjustments are made following the adoption of the final development plan and approval of the combining district, such adjust- ments shall be approved by the planning director prior to the issuance of a building permit. Minor 15-55 (Revised 4/01) s 15.04.170 Kent City Code laulslo 6ululgwoa MJsd awoHAMOW dHW � ASS an loulsla Ie4uepls98 dllwe}RInW Allsuaoy,y611-1 H-NW O C LL O N �C oC g O m O loulslo Ie9uaP!saN�I!wel!IInW Apueo wnlpaW W NW >= == W 9 C � louls!a Iel4uaP!sa21 AI!wel!IInW f4!suaa Mol J 2iW H e ==' o w m %r N pC Y1 O Ny O 9 C C �.�.-.. C C.... C ,lou4slo asnoywnol lal4uaplsea AlpepjlnW 941-NIN $ m m" N o m 0 q!Asla asnoyumol lequeplseN AilWe191nW 441-8W 1 4ou4sla ler♦ueplsaN AllwelRlnyy xeldnol,o NW Cp c _N p O O N M Ot0E Na+f O E N J loulsla lepuaplsou Allwed-ei6u1519-21S m 3 = m o e mgsla Ie1waPlsaN AIlwed-sl6ulS 9-bS m $ $= o m o lou4sla let usplsoN AllWed-el6ulS Sit-Ns loulsla legueplsea Allwe.4-916ulS�-NS S 8 e m m m S louls!0 Ie9uaP!seN AI1Wed-e16ul -NS .r o C C 2E s G C louls!a Ieanllnou6y leguaplsaN l-NS lou4s!o lejauaE>leinlinou6y.oV 8 c c ec louls.a leimnou6y IL-v a 3 0 R m R R m o rn w It a c m m m m � m m m w 3 Hv m a r > o T O U m C = o inm 3 m v c mf0 om o rqm m = o m _w T ? ° o .o m y V 7 0 7 T T W m E m E F c E m c m (D i 0) to x ,d 4101) 15-56 Kent City Code 15.04.170 �ougsia 6uiu!gwop Wed awoH a!!goW dHW O 0 1 �2 N g N N aau;slp iequaplsaa IS!!we�glnW klsuap 46!H H-WiLq o � 0 m y� LL M v loM!p lequeppea AllwepllnW Apsuap wnlpeW W-aW o v v N 3= o z o Q N p 0 Q A tp N N t Louasip lequap!sea Fpwe}ginyy (L!suap roof J aW a N � = v o0 1 LL Ilf�LL. N W q p t 1 1 p 4 1I n p, a !. J.LI W 9L1-aW � 3_ '�" " cj G m g ou sl asno umo a ua rsa .(iwe i n r ^ „ x z , a-i N N y- N 01 O X -e m O 0 M1 O S Otn N ;ol.qsip esn04Um L lequeplsaa Apweyp V4 ZL1-aW 3 g " tL �qq V • LL N C' x Ol N 2N 06 00 n U m w O x F v1 p a l jnl w ! p a aw M1 o Loins! leguap!sa (!we, n xadn z A N 3 M1 v p 6 Ilau)slp iequaplsaa Allwed-eI6wS 9-aS r 9 am p N pin D a L l S9aS Laws! e,ue !sa (iwe a 6u! Ci 3 v � h joulslp iequaplsaa Al!wed-al6ulS 9'1,-aS g 00 N N rl 3opislp iequaplsaa Alpej-el6u!S£aS n _ Vt N (0l 3ourism lequep!saa Anwe j-a!6uIS Z-aS = g N (I� 33u3slp leinL1nou6V lequap!sea L aS K e o ;ouasip lejaueo lemalnou6V OV m R v z i= s _ Louls!p leinlinou6V L-V N N e Q$`ei _ 1 0 a o C C N N D U m m t @ C N M m o y m .0 m CD N N. - N .j ti N m C p 7 CO m m ... C ON m O m W m 'L .� m a M N _ la 0.2 c = T y M om m E ' Em ° ro 3 E "E zz _ t m E g y m 2 w m$ m cx m rn = g N m 0 A 2 2 ¢ O 15-57 (Revised 4101) 15.04.180 Kent City Code I 15.04.180 Agricultural and residential land 12. Structures for feeding, housing and care of use development standard animals, except household pets, shall be set back conditions. fifty(50)feet from any property line. 1. Minimum lot area is eight thousand rive hun- 13. Additional setbacks for the agriculture gen- dred(8,500) square feet for the first two(` )dwell- eral(AG)zoning district. ing units, and two thousand five hundred (2,500) a. Structures for feeding,housing and care of square feet for each additional dwelling u> it. animals shall be set back fifty (50) feet from any 2. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hun- property line. f dred(8,500)square feet for the first two(�)dwell- b. Transitional conditions shall exist when an ing units, and one thousand six hundred (1,600) AG district adjoins a residential district containing square feet for each additional dwelling unit. a density of two(2)dwelling units or more per acre 3. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hun- or a proposed residential area indicated on the city dred(8,500)square feet for the first two(2)dwell- comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions ing units, and nine hundred (900) square feet for shall not exist where the separation includes an each additional dwelling unit. intervening use such as a river, railroad main line, 4. To determine minimum lot width for**Tegu- major topographic differential or other similar con- lar lots, a circle of applicable diameter(the mini- ditions,or where the industrial properties face on a mum lot width permitted)shall be scaled wi4tin the limited access surface street on which the housing .proposed boundaries of the lot; provided, that an does not face. When transitional conditions exist, access easement to another lot is not inOuded as defined in this subsection,a yard of not less than within the circle. fifty(50)feet shall be provided. 5. Interior yards shall not be computed 4s part c. Setbacks, Green River. Industrial develop- of the site coverage. ment in the AG district abutting the Green River,or b. Porches and private shared courtyard fea- Russell Road or Frager Road where such roads fol- tures may be built within the front building s4tback low the river bank, shall be set back from the ordi- line. nary high-water mark of the river a minimum of 7. For properties abutting on West Valley$sigh- two hundred(200)feet.Such setbacks are in accor- way,the frontage on West Valley Highway shall be dance with the city comprehensive plan and in considered the front yard. accordance with the high quality of site develop- 8. Proposed front yards less than twenty (20) ment typically required for the industrial park areas feet in depth are subject to approval by the lan- of the city and in accordance with the state Shore- ning director, based on review and recomm nda- line Management Act of 1971, and shall be no tion from the public works department relati a to more restrictive than, but as restrictive as, the he existing and future traffic volumes and righ-of- Shoreline Management Act. way requirements as specified in the city co4re- 14. An inner court providing-access to a dou- iensive transportation plan and city construction ble-row building shall be a minimum of twenty tandards. (20)feet. 9. At least twenty (20) linear feet of drive ray 15. The distance between principal buildings hall be provided between any garage, carport or shall be at least one-half(1/2)the sum of the height ther primary parking area and the street property of both buildings; provided, however, that in no ne with the exception of an alley property line. case shall the distance be less than twelve(12)feet. 10. An aggregate side yard of thirty (30) leet This requirement shall also apply to portions of the iail be provided.A minimum of ten(10)feet shall same building separated from each other by a court provided for each side yard.On a comer lot,}he or other open space. ie yard setback shall be a minimum of twenty 16. The height limitations shall not apply to 0)feet from the property line. hams and silos;provided,that they are not located 11. Each side yard shall be a minimum of*n within fifty(50)feet of any lot line. )) percent of the lot width; however, regardldss 17. Beyond this height, to a height not greater lot width,the yard width need not be more thon than either four (4) stories or sixty (60)feet, there rty(30) feet. { rised 4/01) 15-58 15.04.180 Kent City Code shall be added one (1) additional foot of yard for within one hundred (100) feet of a single-family �ach additional foot of building height. district or within one hundred(100)feet of a public 18. The planning director shall be authorized to street right-of-way. approve a height greater than four (4) stories or 26. The requirements of KCC 15.09.045 for sixty (60) feet; provided, such height does not multifamily design review shall apply to any mul- detract from the continuity of the area. When a tifamily dwelling of three (3) or more units. request is made to exceed the building height limit, 27. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five the planning director may impose such conditions, hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two (2) within a reasonable amount of time,as may be nec- dwelling units, and three thousand five hundred essary to reduce any incompatibilities with sur- (3,500) square feet for each additional dwelling rounding uses. unit. 19. Except for lots used for agricultural prac- 28. The following zoning is required to be in tices, the maximum impervious surface area existence on the entire property to be rezoned at the allowed shall be ten thousand(10,000) square feet time of application of a rezone to an MR-T zone: when the lot is greater than one(1)acre. SR-8, MR-D, MR-G, MR-M, MR-H, O, O-MU, 20. The following uses are prohibited: NCC,CC, GC,DC or DCE. a. The removal of topsoil for any purpose. 29. All multifamily townhouse developments b. Grade and fill operations; provided, that in the MR-T zone shall be condominiums only. A limited grade and fill may be approved as needed condominium plat shall be filed and recorded pur- to construct permitted buildings or structures. suant to Chapter 64.32 RCW prior to approval of a c. All subsurface activities,including excava- development permit by the city. tion for underground utilities, pipelines or other 30. As an option to the five (5) foot side yard underground installations, that cause permanent requirement for single-family development in all disruption of the surface of the land. Temporarily multifamily zoning districts as set forth in KCC disrupted soil surfaces shall be restored in a man-. 1 f44.170, a side utilized under the following cohdie ner consistent with agricultural uses. (3) Y d. Dumping or storage of nonagricultural tions: solid or liquid waste,or of trash,rubbish or noxious a. Fire hydrants for the development, as materials. required by the fire code set forth in KCC Title 13, e. Activities that violate sound agricultural will be placed a maximum of three hundred (300) soil and water conservation management practices. feet in separation; 21. Outdoor storage for industrial uses shall be b. The required fire hydrants shall have a located at the rear of a principally permitted struc- minimum fire flow of one thousand five hundred ture and shall be completely fenced. (1,500) gallons per minute; and 22. Mobile home park combining district, c. Emergency vehicle access roads shall be MHP. The standards and procedures of the city provided to the development, which includes an mobile home park code shall apply. General 'unproved road accessible within one hundred fifty requirements and standards for mobile home park (150) feet of all portions of the exterior first floor design, KCC 12.04.055; mobile home parks, Ch. of the structure.This otion is subject to the approval of the 12.05 KCC. 23. Except for lots used for agricultural prac- Washington State Building Council. Application tices, the maximum impervious surface area of this option shall be effective upon receipt by the allowed shall be ten thousand(10,000)square feet. city of Kent of such approval. 24. Minimum lot width,building setbacks, and 31. Where lands are located wholly or partially minimum lot size regulations may be modified within the urban separator, as designated on the consistent with provisions for zero lot line and City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, clustering housing development. dwelling units shall be required to be clustered, 25. The requirements of KCC 15.08.215 shall subject to the provisions of Ch. 12.04 KCC, enti- • apply in any multifamily transition area, which tled"Subdivisions".The density in a cluster subdi- includes any portion of a multifamily district vision shall be no greater than the density that 15-59 (Revised 4/01) r ]5.04,]80 Kent City Code would be allowed on the parcel as a whole,includ- The minimum lot size of individual lots within a ing all critical areas (creeks, wetlands, geological clustered subdivision is two thousand five hundred hazard areas)and buffers,using the maximum den- (2,500) square feet, and the minimum lot width is sity provisions of the zoning district in which it is thirty (30) feet. In the event that common open located. space prohibits development of one single-family The common open space in a cluster subdivision residence on the parcel, the common open space shall be a minimum of fifty(50)percent t f the non- will be reduced by the amount necessary to meet constrained area of the parcel. The nonconstrained the minimum two thousand five hundred (2,500) area of the parcel includes all areas of the parcel, square foot lot size.New lots created by any subdi- minus critical areas, as defined ih RCW vision action shall be clustered in groups not 36.70A.030(5) as currently and litreinafter exceeding eight(8)units.There may be more than amended, and buffers. The remainder of,the non- one (1) cluster per project. Separation between constrained area of the parcel shall be the buildable cluster groups shall be a minimum of one hundred area of the parcel. The common open space tracts twenty (120) feet. Sight-obscuring fences are not created by clustering shall be located and config- permitted along cluster lot lines adjacent to the ured in the manner that best connects and increases open space area. protective buffers for environmentally jensitive (Ord.No. 3439, §2, 2-2-99; Ord. No. 3470, § 12, areas, connects and protects area wildlife�habitat, 8-17-99; Ord. No. 3523, § 2, 9-19-00; Ord. No. creates connectivity between the open sp*ce pro- 3551, § 13,3-20-01) vided by the clustering and other adjacent open spaces as well as existing or planned public parks and trails, and maintains scenic vistas. (Critical ' areas and buffers shall not be used in deteimining lot size and common open space requirements in a cluster subdivision. All natural features (iuch as streams and their buffers, significant strands of `- trees and rock outcropping), as well as sensitive areas(such as steep slopes and wetlands and their buffers)shall be preserved,as open space in clus- ter subdivision. Future development of the common open{space shall be prohibited. Except as specifidd on recorded documents creating the common)open space, all common open space resulting from lot clustering shall not be altered or disturbed in a manner that degrades adjacent environmeltally sensitive areas, rural areas, agricultural areas, or resource lands; impairs scenic vistas and theicon- nectivity between the open space provided by the clustered development and adjacent open spaces; iegrades wildlife habitat; and impairs the rtcre- itional benefits enjoyed by the residents of the ievelopment. Such common open spaces may be etained under ownership by the owner or subdi- ider, conveyed to residents of the development, onveyed to a homeowners association for the$en- fit of the residents of the development, conv ed the city with the city's consent and approvor another party upon approval of the city of Kent. I i i ti seised 4101) 15-60 t t i Kent City Code 15.04.190 15.04.190 Commercial and industrial zone development standards. Zoning Districts U Vl b 0 0 N_ s G N n 6) W 13 C N_ L. 0 C C U Y 'U m W c O N p 7 y N m U c m 0 ii u o p E c m 0 m m 7 7 m 0 m O m o m E c c Y y U O E U E E E M m c E E ro 0 S S U o U m 0 E m n.IM U w U c i o ; ¢ a -av' v o o 3 c m m U c 3 t m o o c E E a ,c M .v -m m 00` E c 3 E E m t] w m v m is Z m O O 0 'O N C C U o U U U U O < N to Z U U O U U U U O U Minimum lot area:square feet or 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1 acre 1 acre 10,000 20,000 15.000 10,000 acres,as noted sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq R sq ft sq ft sq ft (1) Maximum site coverage:percent 40% 40% 100% 100% 50% 60% 40% 30% 50% 60% 60% 65% 75% 40% of site Minimum yard requirements:feet i Front yard 15,11 5 ft 15 R (2) (3) 15 ft 15 ft 20 ft 25 ft 30 ft (5) (5) (6) (7) 15 ft (4) (8) (9) (2) (3) (10) (10) (10) (10) (11) (12) (12) (13) (14) 5ft Side yard (15) (16) 0 Side yard on flanking street of (17) (17) (17) (18) 15 ft comer lot Rear yard 20 ft 20 ft (2) (3) (19) (19) (19) (19) (20) (20) (21) (21) 5 ft (2) (22) Yards,transitional conditions (23) (23) (24) (25) (26) (29) (29) Additional setbacks (27) (28) 2 stryl 3 stryl 4 stry/ (32) 2 stry/ 2 stry/ 2 stry/ 3 stry/ 2 stry/ 2 stryl 2 stry/ 2 stry/ 2 stryl 3 stry/ Height limitation:in stories/not to 35 ft 40 ft 60 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 40 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 40 ft exceed in feet (30) (31) (30) (30) (30) (33) (35) (35) (35) (37) (38) (34) Landscaping The landscaping requirements of Ch.15.07 KCC shall apply. (52) (52) Outdoor storage (39) (39) (40) 1 (40) 1 (40) (42) 1 (43) (43) (44) (45) (59) (41) (41) 1 ( ) Signs The sign regulations of Ch.15.06 KCC shall apply. (60) Vehicle drive-through,drive-in (46) and service bays l47) (47) (47) (47) Loading areas (48) (48) (49) (51) Off-street parking The off-street parking requirements of Ch.15.05 KCC shalt apply. (57) (57) (57) (57) (58) (58) (58) (57) (50) (36) (31) (31) (50) (50) (36) (36) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (56) (53) (53) (54) (54) Additional standards (54) (54) (55) (55) (55) (55) (56) (56) (56) (56) 0'(Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99; Ord.No. 3543, § 9,2-20-01) 1 15-61 (Revised_4/01) I 15.04.195 Kent City Code 15.04.195 Commercial and industriall land use side yard setback shall be a minimum of twenty development standard con#itions. (20)feet from the property line. { 1. Minimum lot of record or five ;thousand 12. The side yards shall have an aggregate (5,000) square feet,whichever is less. width of ten (10) percent of the lot width, but the 2. None, except as required by landscaping, or aggregate width need not be more than forty (40) if off-street parking is provided on sited See the feet. There shall be a minimum of fifteen(15)feet downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC on each side. i 15,09.046. 13. The side yards shall have an aggregate 3. No minimum setback is required. �f a rear width of ten (10) percent of the lot width, but the and/or side yard abuts a residential district, a aggregate width need not be more than thirty (30) twenty(20)foot rear and/or side yard setback may feet.There shall be a minimum of ten(10) feet on be required. See the downtown design review cri- each side. teria outlined in KCC 15.09.046. 14. The side yards shall have an aggregate 4. For properties abutting on West Vall�y High- width of ten (10) percent of the lot width, but the way,the frontage on West Valley Highway]shall be aggregate width need not be more than twenty-five considered the front yard. (25)feet.There shall be a minimum of ten(10)feet 5. The minimum front yard setback $ball be on each side. related to the classification of the adjacent street. 15. A side yard of at least five (5)feet in depth This classification shall be determined by the city shall be provided along the side property lines, transportation engineer. The setbacks are I as fol- except no side yard shall be required between adja- lows: cent properties where a common, shared driveway a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector with a perpetual cross-access easement is provided streets shall have a minimum setback of'twenty to serve the adjoining properties. (20)feet. 16. Where a side yard abuts a residential dis- b. Properties fronting on local access{streets trict,a side yard of at least twenty(20)feet shall be shall have a minimum setback of twenty(20)feet. provided. 6. The minimum front yard setback shall be re- 17. The minimum side yard on the flanking lated to the classification of the adjacent street.This street of a comer lot shall be related to the classifi- classification shall be determined by the city}trans- cation of the adjacent street. This classification portation engineer.The setbacks are as follows: shall be determined by the city transportation engi- a. Properties fronting on arterials and Collec- neer.The setbacks are as follows: tor streets shall have a minimum setback of forty a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector (40)feet. streets shall have a minimum setback of forty(40) b. Properties fronting on local access streets feet. shall have a minimum setback of thirty(30)feet. b. Properties fronting on local access streets 7. The front yard shall be ten(10)percent{of the shall have a minimum setback of thirty(30)feet. lot depth. Regardless of lot size, the yard �depth 18. The side yard on the flanking street of a cor- need not be more than thirty-five(35) feet. ' ner lot shall be at least ten (10) percent of the lot 8. No side yard is required, except wheni,abut- width, unless the ten (10) percent figure would ting a district other than NCC, and then th$ side result in a side yard of greater than twenty(20)feet, yard shall be not less than twenty(20)feet in v idth. in which case the side yard need not be more than 9. No side yard is required, except when' but- twenty(20)feet. ting a more restrictive district, and then the; side 19. No rear yard is required, except abutting a yard shall be not less than twenty(20)feet in v�'idth. residential district, and then the rear yard shall be 10. No side yard is required, except abutting a twenty(20)feet minimum. residential district, and then the side yard shall be 20. No rear yard is required, except as may be twenty(20)feet minimum. required by other setback provisions of this sec- 11. An aggregate side yard of thirty (30)i feet tion. ;hall be provided.A minimum of ten(10)feet hhall 21. No rear yard is required, except as may be je provided for each side yard. On a comer lot the required by transitional conditions. Revised 4101) 15-62 Kent City Code 15.04.195 22. A rear yard of at least five (5) feet in depth • shall be provided,except when a rear yard abuts a residential district, and then a rear yard of at least twenty (20) feet in depth shall be provided. 23. Transitional conditions shall exist when an industrial park M1 or MI-C district adjoins a resi- dential district containing a density of two (2) dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed resi- dential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes intervening use such as a river,freeway,railroad main line,major topo- graphic differential or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited - access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection,a yard of not less than fifty(50) feet shall be provided. 24. Transitional conditions shall exist when an M2 district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two(2)dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, freeway, railway main line, major topographic differential or other similar conditions, or where the industrial proper- ties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional con- ditions exist as defined in this subsection,a yard of not less than fifty(50)feet shall be provided. 25. Transitional conditions shall exist when an M3 district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two(2)dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river,railroad main line, major topographic differential or other similar con- ditions,or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face.When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than fifty(50)feet shall be provided. 26. Structures for feeding, housing and care of animals shall be set back fifty (50) feet from any property line. 27. Transitional conditions shall exist when an MA district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two(2)dwelling units or more per acre 15-62.1 (Revised 4/01) Kent City Code 15.04.195 or a proposed residential area indicated on the city 34. The planning director shall be authorized to •comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions approve a height greater than four (4) stories or shall not exist where the separation includes an sixty (60) feet, provided such height does not intervening use such as a river,railroad main line, detract from the continuity of the area. When a major topographic differential or other similar con- request is made to exceed the building height limit, ditions,or where the industrial properties face on a the planning director may impose such conditions, limited access surface street on which the housing within a reasonable amount of time,as may be nec- does not face.When transitional conditions exist as essary to reduce any incompatibilities with sur- defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than rounding uses. fifty (50)feet shall be provided. 35. Beyond this height, to a height not greater 28. Industrial development in the MA district than either four(4) stories or sixty (60)feet, there abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or shall be added one (1) additional foot of yard for Frager Road where such roads follow the river each one(1)foot of additional building height.The bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high- planning director shall be authorized to approve water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred one(1)additional story,provided such height does (200) feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with not detract from the continuity of the industrial the city comprehensive plan and are in accordance area, and may impose such conditions as may be with the high quality of site development required necessary to reduce any incompatibility with sur- t for the industrial parks area of the city, which MA rounding uses. Any additional height increase may areas are designated to become in the city compre- be granted by the planning commission. I hensive plan, and are in accordance with the state 36. Design review for mixed use development Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be is required as provided in KCC 15.09.045(E). no more restrictive than, but as restrictive as, the 37. The height limitation is two (2) stories or Shoreline Management Act. thirty-five(35)feet.Beyond this height,to a height 29. Development in the M1 or Ml-C district not greater than either four(4) stories or sixty (60) abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or feet,there shall be added one(1)additional foot of i Frager Road where such roads follow the river yard for each two (2) feet of additional building If bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high- height.The planning director shall be authorized to water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred approve one (1) additional story, provided such (200) feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with height does not detract from the continuity of the the state Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and industrial area,and may impose such conditions as shall be no more restrictive than,but as restrictive may be necessary to reduce any incompatibility as,the Shoreline Management Act. with surrounding uses. Any additional height 30. The planning director shall be authorized to increases may be granted by the planning commis- grant one (1) additional story in height, if during sion. development plan review it is found that this addi- 38. The height limitation is three (3) stories or tional story would not detract from the continuity forty. (40) feet. An additional story or building of the area.More than one(1)additional story may height may be added,up to a maximum of five(5) be granted by the planning commission. stories or sixty (60) feet, with one (1) additional 31. The downtown design review requirements foot of building setback for every additional foot of of KCC 15.09.046 shall apply. building height over forty (40)feet. 32. No maximum height limit is required. See 39. Outdoor storage areas are prohibited. the downtown design review criteria outlined in 40. Outdoor storage areas shall be fenced for KCC 15.09.046. security and public safety by a sight-obscuring 33. Beyond this height, to a height not greater fence unless it is determined through the develop- than either four(4) stories or sixty (60) feet, there ment plan review that a sight-obscuring fence is shall be added one (1) additional foot of yard for not necessary. • each additional foot of building height. 41. Any unfenced outdoor storage areas shall { be paved with asphaltic concrete, cement or equiv- alent material to be approved by the city engineer. 15-63 15.04.195 Kent City Code 42. Outdoor storage (for industrial #ses) shall height.Landscaping located on the berm shall con- be at the rear of a principally permitted structure form to type III landscaping described in KCC and shall be completely fenced. 15.07.050 pertaining to visual buffers. 43. Outside storage or operations yards in the 50. Development plan approval is required as MI or MI-C zone shall be permitted onl I y as acres- provided in KCC 15.09.010. sory uses.Such uses are incidental and s4bordinate 51. Earth berms and landscaping shall be pro- to the principal use of the property or structure. vided along street frontages as necessary to screen Outside storage or operations yards shall be con- dock-high loading areas from public rights-of-way. fined to the area to the rear of the principap building Berms shall be a minimum of twenty(20)inches in or the rear two-thirds(2/3)of the property+and rea- height.Landscaping located on the berm shall con- sonably screened from view from any property line form to type III landscaping described in KCC by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mpunds or 15.07.050 pertaining to visual buffers. landscaping.Outside storage exceeding alheigbt of 52. Where building walls face adjacent streets fifteen (15) feet shall be so placed on thejproperty and are unfenestrated for more than forty (40)feet as to not detract from the reasonably 'accepted at any point along the facade,additional landscap- appearance of the district. ing shall be required to reduce visual impacts. In 44. Outside storage or operations yard shall be such circumstances,type II landscaping,as defined confined to the area to the rear of a line which is an in KCC 15.07.050,shall be required;provided,that extension of the front wall of the principal build- evergreen trees shall be at least ten (10) feet in ing, and shall be reasonably screened fr6m view height and deciduous trees shall be a minimum of from any street by appropriate walls,fenci#g,earth two(2) inch caliper at the time of planting. mounds or landscaping. ; 53. Predominant activities and operations shall 45. Outside storage or operations areaslshall be be completely enclosed within buildings or struc- fenced for security and public safety at the property tures, except for customary appurtenances such as line. loading and unloading areas, or where special con- j 46. All vehicular drive-through,drive-i#or ser- ditions exist as a result of a conditional use public vice bays and similar facilities shall be designed so hearing. The planning director shall be authorized that such facilities, including vehicular staging or to determine the reasonable application of this pro- stacking areas, shall be oriented away from the vision in cases of operational hardship or other adjacent street. Additional landscaping or fencing showing of uncommon circumstances. may be required to ensure visual screening of these 54. Multitenant buildings shall be permitted. facilities from the adjacent street or properties. 55. All required yards, parking areas, storage 47. Loading areas must be located in !such a areas, operations yards and other open uses on the ,• manner that no loading,unloading or mane4vering site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly man- of trucks associated therewith takes place on�public ner appropriate for the district at all times. The rights-of-way. planning director shall be authorized to reasonably 49. Earth berms and landscaping shall He pro- pursue the enforcement of this subsection where a vided along street frontages as necessary to!screen use is in violation, and to notify the owner or oper- dock-high loading areas from public rights-of--way. ator of the use in writing of such noncompliance. Berms shall be a minimum of thirty-six(36) inches The property owner or operator of the use shall be and a maximum of forty-two(42)inches in height. given a reasonable length of time to correct the Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to condition. type III landscaping as described in !KCC 56. The performance standards as provided in 15.07.050. KCC 15.08.050 shall apply. 49. Earth berms and landscaping shall be pro- 57. Off-street parking may be located in vided along street frontages as necessary to Screen required yards except in areas required to be land- dock-high loading areas from public rights-of�way. scaped. Berms shall be a minimum of thirty (30)inches in 58. Those areas not required to be landscaped may be used for off-street parking. i i 15-64 i 15.04.205 Kent City Code 59. Outdoor storage is allowed only as an 60. Signage on commercial uses in the MI-C accessory use to small scale, light industrial or zone shall be as specified in KCC 15.06.050(B). *manufacturing operations where the building, Signage on industrial uses in the MI-C zone shall structure or total operation, including all indoor be as specified in KCC 15.06.050(E). and outdoor storage areas, does not encompass (Ord. No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99) ; more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of total area. 15.04.200 Mixed use overlay development standards. Overlay Districts GC-MU 0-MU CC-MU I Floor area ratio .40 for commercial uses. .40 for commercial uses. .40 for commercial uses. .50 for commercial uses combined with .50 for commercial uses combined with .50 for commercial uses combined with residential uses;provided that,com- residential uses;provided that,com- residential uses;provided that,com- mercial floor area may be increased by mercial floor area may be increased by mercial floor area may be increased by one(1)square foot for each square foot one(1)square foot for each square foot one(1)square foot for each square foot of residential floor area provided up to of residential floor area provided up to of residential floor area provided up m a maximum commercial FAR of.5. a maximum commercial FAR of 5. a maximum commercial FAR of S. 1.0 for residential uses;provided that, 1.0 for residential uses;provided that, 1.0 for residential uses.provided that, residential FAR may be increased by.5 residential FAR may be increased by.5 residential FAR may be increased by.5 if parking is provided below grade,up if parking is provided below grade,up if parking is provided below grade,up to a maximum of 1.5 to a maximum of 1.5. to a maximum of 1.5. Site COVetage Forty(40)percent for commercial Forty(40)percent for commercial Forty(40)percent for commercial uses. uses. uses. Sixty(60)percent for commercial uses Sixty(60)percent for commercial uses Sixty(60)percent for commercial uses with residential uses;provided that with residential uses;provided that with residential uses;provided that twenty-five(25)percent of the gross twenty-five(25)percent of the gross twenty-five(25)percent of the gross floor area is residential use. floor area is residential use. floor area is residential use. Height Twenty-five(25)feet;provided that Twenty-five(25)feet;provided that Twenty-five(25)feet;provided that basic heights may be increased up to basic heights may be increased up to basic heights may be increased up to the maximum height of forty(40)feet the maximum height of forty(40)feet the maximum height of forty(40)feet Front yard Zero(0)feet;provided that some set- Zero(0)feet;provided that some set- Zero(0)feet,provided that some set- back may be required in the front yard back may be required in the front yard back may be required in the front yard to accommodate a sidewalk which to accommodate a sidewalk which to accommodate a sidewalk which shall be at least ten(10)feet in width. shall be at least ten(10)feet in width. shall be at least ten(10)feet in width. Rear and side--yard Zero(0)feet;provided that setbacks of Zero(0)feet;provided that setbacks of Zero(0)feet;provided that setbacks of at least twenty(20)feet will be at least twenty(20)feet will be at least twenty(20)feet will be required in any rear or side yards that required in any rear or side yards that required in any rear or side yards that are adjacent to a residential zoning dis- are adjacent to a residential zoning dis- are adjacent to a residential zoning dis- trict trict. trict. Off-Street parking Retail/office uses:Four(4)spaces per Retailloffice uses:Four(4)spaces per Retailloffrce uses:Four(4)spaces per thousand(1,000)square feet of floor thousand(1,000)square feet of floor thousand(1,000)square feet of floor area (2) area.(2) area.(2) Residential uses (3) Residential uses(3) Residential uses(3) (Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99; Ord.No. 3440, § 6,2-16-99) 15.04.205 Mixed use land use development a. Five (5) foot increases for developments standard conditions. containing residential uses; provided that twenty- 1. The following height modifications shall five(25)percent of gross floor area is in residential apply: use. • 15-65 ti Z 6 1 o 0 ; no CD o ;acCDz � E D ma mCD = > > 3 to 0 D 3 w J o) (ornw p' co� O O A to N N N d N n 07 3 a oo r CD o D1 s 0099 0 o n N otrn acym N N O n a $ o w 0 0 _ to p O o05Aiv Cl o(OO p (ON COp ac Qy N (Op N n o n^ � o a fD 0 5 4 o No m m D t� m p .ca ( � o 000wo emm cvw oo m 00 o o � m � m n$ O y H W W rt( l 0000 xx —n 0) p N � c m S ((yy O (D z d U) 7 v U V p O O a c OOoa XQG) fDi m � � O O 0 0 (D ^ 't Q. O 00 v 0 N Q (p U1 N N 'A 0Q • Z N At0 my Q O v O O N� X _ R 3 Q O S N OO 20 (D 3 O O O ...O N d 0 A W 3 O C o 9 69 J Q a rn o D o 0000 x � — > W N O O O O O O C1 C IC a ? d w w AA 0 (Oj( a 000 A x �JN O.o7 O O. S a c C C d 0 n p O O 0 O D o ;o T O O A �. �0 � CD O C c p c m ;u(D C p ou OD C<l v O O O V A b p p r 0 0 COD O N <O 2 O p g O TJ O m .fin m Ol yy cwn �rnDR� � w a c0000 �x CD ao �0m 3 — � c x T m m 7C m .�(D a N m nm < j y^ CD N m_ O.fOY 0 X R .�0) j o (° S n EXHIBIT D CHAPTER TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Section: Purpose Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Sending Area Allocation of Transferable Development Rights Certification and Transfer of Transferable Development Rights Effect of Transfer of Development Rights Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)Receiving Area Reservation of Power,Damages Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to encourage the conservation of long- term commercially significant agricultural lands by allowing owners of such lands to realize the equity in the land's development potential without conversion to nonagricultural uses. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Sending Area. There is created a TDR Sending Area, which applies to real property with a Land Use designation of Agricultural • Resource Land. �The underlying zoning regulations for these districts continue to apply. Transferable development rights credited by the City to real property in this area can be transferred by landowners from the Agricultural Resource Land Distfiet for use in designated TDR receiving areas within the City_; J- pufeh -a 1,...heC-ity-, Allocation of Transferable Development Rights. Every parcel of land located in the TDR Sending Area shall have credited to it, upon certification by the City's Planning Services Office, transferable development rights in the amount set forth below. These transferable development rights allotted in accordance with this section may be used to obtain approval for established residential densities, mereialfl t' (FAR), Offlee (FAR)� on lands located within TDR Receiving Area(s), in accordance with the zoning in the TDR Receiving Areas. i. The number of transferable development rights credited to parcels located within the Agriculture Resource Land Distriet shall be calculated as follows: the gross number of acres plus one additional acre for any remainder more than 0.75 acres in size multiplied by four (4) equals the total number of transfer of development right units. enekl a� '"* ^`=et ~ " ene ( ) r z. One development right shall be subtracted for each residence ors -.._=housing " legal- een:Hnereia1 use as de fim in is located on a parcel in the TDR Sending Area,which exists as of the effective date of this provision. However, this reduction is shall not apply to the single-family residence permitted in the Agricultural Resource Land Draft Kent City Code—Transfer of Development Rights Chapter 2 Land Use and Planning Board—September 24,2001 —Revised for Planning Committee Meeting May 7.2002 r`st iS Provided that development rights shall not be subtracted for farm worker housing. 3. No fractional development rights shall be created. dividing,4. After a a J fights mailable for- er-edit onto a Sending Afea eiie to de4effnine !he number- of transfer-able development Sl 11 h er-e.l•+ d one additional + F able .le ele ..+right. 4_5-.—The use of a parcel from which development rights have been transferred remains subject to he density and other restrictions of the underlying zone. If 4-he, development rights remaining on a paf eel is less than that per-mitted by the tmder-154ng zone, the pFepefty May be d 1 .l t .+ the x4e.++ o f the remaining .le el,. n4 r ghts r J Certification and Transfer of Transferable Development Rights. 1. Application for Certification of Number of Transferable Development Rights. a. The City's Planning Services Office shall issue a certification of the number of transferable development rights on the Sending Area parcel and serially numbered individual certificates for each transferable development right credited to that parcel upon satisfactory application for Certification of Transferable Development • Rights (TDRs) by the Sending Area parcel owner. The issuance of TDR certificates shall be recorded in the chain of title for the subject property. b. An application shall contain such information as deemed necessary to verify parcel size and existing uses as a basis for certifying the number of development rights. This information shall include: i. A map of the proposed Sending Area parcel (based on a field survey) prepared by a registered land surveyor; ii. Legal description and parcel numbers of the Sending Area parcel; iii. A title report showing that the applicant is the owner of the subject Sending Area parcel; iv. Number of dwelling units as defined in Title 15 of Kent City Code existing on the subject Sending Area parcel; V. Property size of a single-family parcel must be greater than 5 acres unless it is continuous to another parcel owned by the same party, or vacant land of any size; and vl. Sanest verifying Class- 11 "Prime eland Soil" based on the U.S.S Draft Kent City Code—Transfer of Development Rights Chapter 3 • Land Use and Planning Board—September 24,2001—Revised for Planning Committee Meeting May 7,2002 vi. A review fee as may be prescribed by the City. 2. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Easement. In order to validly convey the transferable development rights certified on a Sending Area parcel, a TDR easement shall be signed by the owner of the Sending Area parcel and the City and recorded with the King County Assessor's Office. To valid45L-If the original owner seeks to retain the transferable development rights, which have been certified on a Sending Area parcel, when the at+-original owner sells such parcel, a TDR easement shall be signed by the purchaser of the subject parcel and the City and recorded with the King County Assessor's Office and appear in the chain of title of the parcel from which the development right(s) have been transferred. The TDR Easement shall be on a form approved by the City of Kent and shall contain the following provisions: a. All of the serial numbers of the transferable development rights which have been certified by the City's Planning Services Office e€fee on the Sending Area parcel, which is the subject of the TDR easement; b. A covenant on the Sending Area parcel that it may be developed or subdivided for residential purposes, including a farm residence, as authorized by the underlying zone, only if transferable development rights have been reserved for each dwelling to be constructed on the subject property prior to subdivision on the Sending Area parcel. If subdivision is not required, a transferable development right shall be reserved prior to construction of any single-family dwelling. Subdivisions ror- all other- agrieultufaluses per- Title 12.04 are not ,.Fr etea by+t,: +, msf r f development r gMs ,.t,apten -The covenant shall also state that any use of the parcel remains subject to the provisions of this title at the time the TDR easement is signed. A reserved transferable development right must be attached to a legal lot of record in order for a single-family dwelling as defined in this title to be built. These reserved transferable development rights can be used only on the original Sending Area parcel or its legal subdivisions; C. A covenant that all provisions of the TDR easement shall run with and bind the Sending Area parcel in perpetuity and shall be enforced by the City of Kent; d. A statement that nothing in the restrictions shall be construed to convey to the public a right of access or use of the property and that the owner of the property, his/her heirs, successors and assigns shall retain exclusive right to such access or use subject to the terms of the TDR easement. 3. Deed of Transfer. Draft Kent City Code—Transfer of Development Rights Chapter 4 • Land Use and Planning Board—September 24,2001 —Revised for Planning Committee Meeting May 7.2002 a. The certified transferable development rights shall be sold or"otherwise conveyed only by means of a Deed of Transfer, the form and content of which is prescribed by the City of Kent. This Deed must be recorded with the King County Assessor's Office and appear in the chain of title of the parcel from which the development right(s)have been transferred. b. The Deed of Transfer shall specify the number of transferable development rights sold or otherwise conveyed and shall be valid only when recorded along with the appropriate TDR Easement on the subject property, signed by the owner of the Sending Area parcel and the City, containing the provisions established by the City of Kent for such a document. C. Contents. A Deed of Transfer shall contain: i. A legal description and map of the Sending Area parcel(s); ii. A covenant that all provisions of the deed of transfer shall run with and bind the Sending Area parcel and shall be enforced by the City of Kent; iii. The names of the Transferor and the Transferee; iv. A covenant that the Transferor grants and assigns to the Transferee a • specified number of development rights from the Sending Area parcel; V. Proof of ownership of the Sending Area parcel; vi. If the transferor is not the owner of the Sending Area parcel, a statement that the transfer is (A) an original transfer, including a description of the reason for such (e.g., where an original owner sold the Sending Area parcel but retained the development rights), or (B) an intermediate transfer of development rights derived from a Sending Area parcel described in an original instrument of transfer, identified by its date, the names of the original transferor and transferee and the volume and page where it was recorded by the King County Assessor's Office; vii. A covenant by which the transferor acknowledges that he/she has no further mar—right of use with respect to the development rights being transferred; viii. The certification of the number of transferable development rights on the Sending Area parcel and copies of the appropriate certificates of those rights issued by the City's Planning Services Office as required by this chapter; ix. Payment of required excise tax and recording fees on the transaction; • Draft Kent City Code—Transfer of Development Rights Chapter 5 • Land Use and Planning Board—September 24,2001 —Revised for Planning Committee Meeting May 7.2002 X. Proof of the execution and recordation of a TDR easement on the subject Sending Area parcel; and xi. The signature of the City's Planning Services Office staff member who has reviewed the document for completeness. d. Responsibility. The Transferor and the Transferee named in an instrument of transfer shall have the responsibility to supply the information required by this section, to provide a proper instrument of transfer and to pay all costs of its recordation, in addition to any other fees required by this section. e. Intermediate Transfer. Transferable development rights may be transferred to an intermediate transferor or broker before they are used and held for a period of time before they are used on a Receiving Area parcel. Effect of Transfer of Development Rights. After development rights have been transferred from a property in the Sending Area, the following shall apply: 1. The Sending Area parcel may be subdivided or used only for agricultural uses, as defined • and permitted in Title 15.03. and 15.04, except that subdivision for residential purposes, including a farm residence, as authorized by the underlying zone shall be permitted only if transferable development rights have been reserved for each dwelling to be constructed on the subject property prior to subdivision. If subdivision is not required, a transferable development right shall be reserved prior to construction of any single-family dwelling. A reserved transferable development right may be used to construct a single-family dwelling only if it has been attached to a legal lot of record. These reserved transferable development rights may be used only on the original Sending Area parcel or its legal subdivisions. 2. All certified transferable development rights and the value of such rights shall be deemed for all other purposes to be appurtenant to the Sending Area parcel until such rights are (a) transferred by a recorded Deed of Transfer, or; (b) separated from the Sending Area parcel when it is sold or otherwise conveyed without the TDRs which have been certified for that property. 3. Nothing in such restrictions shall be construed to convey to the public a right of access or use of the property; the owner of the property, his/her heirs, successors and assigns shall retain exclusive right to such access or use subject to the terms of the TDR Easement. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Receiving Area. • Draft Kent City Code—Transfer of Development Rights Chapter 6 Land Use and Planning Board—September 24,2001—Revised for Plannine Committee Meeting May 7.2002 1. Required Instruments. Final approval of building permits, site plans or subdivision plats which involve the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) shall not be given until evidence is provided to the City's Planning Services Office that the following instruments have been approved by the Planning Manager and recorded with the King County Assessor's Office. a. Signed and recorded transferable development rights certificates for each unit of density on the receiving parcel(s); b.5090 > areas; c-.b.A minimum of 80% of total allowed FAR's or residential density in a TDR receiving area shall be built or subdivided; and 4:c.A signed and recorded document of attachment of the development rights to the subject parcel(s). 2. The following information shall be recorded on the face of any plat for property, which received a transfer of development rights under the provision of this chapter: • a. A statement that the development rights used in the plat have been transferred in accordance with the Deed of Transfer of Development Rights, prescribed by the City; b. The recording number of the recordation of the Deed of Transfer of Development Rights between the owner and the applicant; C. The recording number of the recordation of the Transfer of Development Rights Easement between the original owner and the City; d. The serial numbers issued by the City's Planning Services Office of the TDRs used in the plat; and e. The recording number of the document of attachment of the TDRs to the subject parcel(s). Reservation of Power Damages. Nothing in this title shall be construed to limit or affect the power of the City to amend, supplement or repeal all or any part of the provisions of this chapter at any time or to entitle any transferor or transferee to damages or compensation of any kind from the City as the result of any amendment, supplementation or repeal. '?.,�vennit�lan�comoPlmvimerulmenrs1200ITDROrd.IeLds Track Reviseddoc NOTICE OF MEETING AGRICULTURAL LANDS AMENDMENT #CPA-2000-3 • CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MAY 79 2002 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Committee of the City Council of the City of Kent will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, May 7,2002, at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council East Chamber, City Hall, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 to consider recommendations on #CPA-2000-3 Agricultural Lands Amendment. CPA-2000-3 is a proposal to amend the comprehensive plan land use and zoning text and maps for areas currently designated agricultural on the valley floor, focusing on the Agricultural (A-1) and Agricultural/General (AG) zoning districts. The attached maps identify the Land Use and Planning Board recommendation for zoning map amendments. This is not a public hearing; therefore, no public testimony will be accepted, although the public is invited to attend the meeting. For further information, contact the Planning Services office at (253) 856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in advance for more information. For TDD relay service for Braille, call 1-800-833-6385,for TDD relay service for the hearing impaired, •call 1-800-833-6388 or call the City of Kent City Clerk's office directly at (253) 856-5725. Dated: April 26, 2002 Charlene Anderson, AICP Planning Manager S:\Permit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\publ i cnotices\PC-CPA 2000-3pn.doe 0 Northern Study Area Land Use & Planning Board Recommendations Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Designations cqO� � J J Q 0/ mrp , v y� 3S 1 c R ' (n S�3 V-eceN'4 Legend N 'City Limits 'l i il Study Area H' Proposed Land Use Designations Agricultural Resource Land y'� Agricultural Support l , Single Family 1 Unit/Acre Urban Separator Existing Single Family 3 Units/Acre \; N / �`" l�T WE w z« zarez S Attachment A Planning Services-March 2002 StudyArea Centra Land Use & Planning Board Recommendations Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Designations �L e r tl t1 s Legend �] City Limits Study Area Proposed Land Use Designations Agricultural Resource Land Agricultural Support / R Single Family 1 Unit/Acre Urban Separator PL _ Existing Single Family 3 Units/Acre N W E wAsr.werur Attachment B Planning Services-March 2002 Southern Study Area Land Use & Planning Board Recommendations Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Designations T I Ili E Li IE I I 3E. I a a I I Legend *4 City Limits ff] Study Area Proposed Land Use Designations Agricultural Resource Land Agricultural Support Single Family 1 Unit/Acre Urban Separator Existing Single Family 3 Units/Acre N S 277 ST KENT WE w. s�..araw S Attachment C Planning Services-March 2002 Mottram, Pamela Kathy Fehlings (E-mail) Bartlemay, Joe ject: LEGAL AD - FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2002 Joe, Please use acct no. 10004110.64440.6200. Kathy Fehlings, Please publish the attached "City Council Special Planning Committee May 7 2002" notice on Friday, April 26, 2002. PC-CPA2000-3pn.doc Please provide one original affidavit for this publication. Thank you. Pamela A. A4ottram Adrnin Secretary Community Development Kent Planning Services E-Mail: prnottrarn@ci.kent.wa.us 856-5454 • i Mottram, Pamela O m; Kathy Fehlings [kathy.fehlings@southcountyjournal.comj t; Tuesday, April 23, 2002 &55 AM Mottram, Pamela Subject: Re: LEGAL AD - FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2002 Card for Kathy Fehlings Pam: Thanks for the ad for Friday, April 26th. Kathy i