HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/19/2002 KENT WASH INGTON PLANNING COMMITTEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT March 19� 2002 Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP Manager The City Council Planning Committee will meet in Council Chambers East, Kent Mailing Address City Hall, 220 V Avenue South, at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, March 19, 2002. 220 Fourth Ave.S. Kent,WA 980325895 Location Address: 400 West Gowe Kent,WA 98032 Committee Members: Leona Orr, Chair Judy Woods Bruce White Phone253-856-5454 Action S eaker Time Fax:253-856.6454 �--- 1. Approval of Minutes of February 19, 2001 YES 2. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update NO Gloria Gould-Wessen 40 min The Planning Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month at 3:00 PM in Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4`h Ave. South, unless otherwise noted. For agenda information please call Jackie Bicknell at (253) 856-5712. ANY PERSON REQUIRING A DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT(253)856-5725 IN ADVANCE. FOR TDD RELAY SERVICE CALL THE WASHINGTON TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE AT 1-800-833-6388. MARCH 12, 2002 THE AGENDA COVER SHEET FOR THE 03/19/02 NNING COMMITTEE MEETING (3:00 PM) W- + TITLE OF ITEM#1 2002 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE INFORMATION ITEM: Staff will discuss Kent's Comprehensive Plan Update. BACKUP MATERIAL: Staff Report from Gloria Gould-Wessen PRESENTER: Gloria Gould-Wessen TIME: 20 Minutes • S.IPermitTlanWlanning Commiuee1020319pc-cvrsht.doc 40 3/19/02 PLANNING COMMITTEE ITEM #1 2002 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE INFORMATION ITEM : Staff will discuss Kent's Comprehensive Plan Update . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6454 w A s"I"G r O N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 March 12, 2002 TO: CHAIR LEONA ORR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM: GLORIA GOULD-WESSEN, GIS COORDINATOR/PLANNER RE: 2002 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE For the March 19, 2002 Planning Committee Meeting The Comprehensive Plan was first adopted in April 1995, and since that time the state has revised the GMA legislation to require additional information within particular elements of the plan. Other elements contain outdated information. The City also may revise Kent's goals and • policies if needed. Staff anticipates that all chapters in the Comprehensive Plan will be revised. I. GMA Required Amendments: The Land Use Element: • Update projected population and employment allocations from Office of Finance and Management and Puget Sound Regional Council; • Analyze the City's capacity to absorb the allocated population and employment; • Estimate capacity of future growth in the Potential Annexation Area; • Develop regulations for natural resource lands (agricultural lands) and critical areas under RCW 36.70A.060; • Review the City's Potential Annexation Area (PAA) for consistency with the Countywide Planning Policies (CPP) and changes to the County's Urban Growth Area boundary along Kent's southern city limits; • Utilize "Best Available Science" for the City's Critical Areas Ordinance; • Inventory Open Space, in particular critical areas, wildlife habitat, trails, and parks; and • Inventory public purpose land (i.e. stormwater, recreation, schools, utility & transportation corridors, sewage). • 1 of 4 The Housing Element: • Inventory existing and projected housing needs for all economic segments of the population; and • Analyze the City's existing share of affordable housing for consistency with CPP. The Transportation Element: • Include level of service standards (LOS) for state highways; • Estimate traffic impacts to state owned facilities; • Include regionally coordinated LOS for local and state highways, consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan; • Identify system expansion needs to meet current and future demands; • Include demand management strategies; • Forecast traffic (10 years) based on land use to provide information on location, timing, and capacity needs of future growth; and • Update financing and implementation plan. The Capital Facilities Element: • Inventory existing and proposed capital improvements; • Consider new levels of service (LOS) due to changes in Kent's population and area from large annexations; • Forecast future needs based on LOS and projected growth; • Establish provision to reassess land use element if probable funding falls short of meeting • needs; • Include 6-year CF plan within projected funding capacities and identify sources of public funding; • Consider siting of essential public facilities under RCW 37.70A.200; and • Consider siting of secure community transition facilities (SCTF) for a community supervised living arrangement for sexual offenders. II. Other Amendments: The Framework Policies—Kent Planning Goals: • Open Space and Recreation policies could be expanded to include language regarding Urban Separators; • Are policies related to Historic Preservation consistent with other city planning efforts, such as the Downtown Kent Action Plan? Consider developing a historic preservation ordinance that provides protection and a basis for financial support (i.e. federal tax); and • Consider including language in the Environment section about best available science as a planning tool for critical areas and protection of endangered species. • 2 of 4 • Land Use Element: Housing Goals and Policies: • Consider a minimum density standard for all residential zoning districts to ensure that development does not waste the finite land source for residential housing. • Consider allowing attached single-family units in single-family residential zoning districts; and • Include cottage housing, co-housing, and grow-housing as part of the many housing types allowed in Kent. Commercial Goals and Policies: • Policy LU-12.2: Do we want to encourage large regionally--oriented retail uses to locate in the city center?; • Policy LU-12.4: Are the investment incentives for performing arts center, permanent public market space, daycare facilities, libraries, and community centers still valid?; and • Policy LU-14.2: Do we want to expand the boundaries of the manufacturing center and continue to limit land uses other than manufacturing and warehousing in the Manufacturing Center? Natural Resources Goals and Policies: • Update the goals and policies associated with agricultural lands (i.e. Goal LU-27); • Clarify Policy LU-24.2 where incompatible land uses adjacent to agricultural uses are • discouraged. Community Design Element: Industrial Development: • The introduction to this section speaks to the remaining undeveloped areas, especially along the Green River, as a valuable industrial resource. Shall we change the language to reflect the agricultural lands, if preservation is supported? Downtown: • Clarify Policy CD-I 1.3 which encourages minimum building height of thirty feet (30 and Policy CD-13.1 which encourages retaining historic features wherever possible, including proportions. Residential Development: • Expand design policies for cottage housing and grow-housing, if desired housing types. Housing Element: No suggested changes to goals and policies at this time. Human Services Element: • No suggested changes to goals and policies at this time. 3 of 4 . Transportation Element: Transportation and Land Use Goals and Policies: • Policy TR-2.3: Should we revise this policy that states incorporate ground-level retail and/or service facilities into any parking structures that are constructed within the downtown? Parks Element: No suggested changes to goals and policies at this time. Utilities Element: No suggested changes to goals and policies at this time. Economic Development: Staff plans to work with the new Economic Development Manager on this element. Commercial Development: • Add language that recognizes the economic impact of the tourism/visitor sector; • Add language to sustain and develop facilities that attract tourism, conferences and professional training; and • Add language to develop and fund a marketing program focused on the visitor. III. General Strategies and Assumptions: • Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies generally remain valid. • Although the State Legislature has extended regulatory timelines for the Comprehensive Plan update to 2004, Kent will work toward a general update in 2002. The general update includes revised boundaries, population, graphs, graphics, maps, mandatory GMA updates, incorporation of Kent's completed annual and "emergency" plan revisions, and elimination of outdated or completed goals and policies. • Staff will continue to address other desired updates as annual or "emergency" plan revisions. CA\GW\pm S:\Permit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\2002\update—Pc.doc cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,AICP,Community Development Director Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Director Gloria Gould-Wessen,GIs Coordinator/Planner Planning Committee File • 4 of 4 Mottram, Pamela ' jI Z)O2 .'OPM Anderson, Charlene; Satterstrom, Fred; Gould-Wessen, Gloria; Osborne, William ect: Planning Committee Meeting of 3/19/02 -Staff Report I have attached the Staff Report on the 2002 Comp Plan Update for the upcoming Planning Committee meeting of 3/19/02 for your use. f] update_pc.doc Thank you, Pamela A. Mottram Admin Secretary Communi y Development Kent Planning Services E-Mail: pmottram@ci.kent.wa.us 253-856-5454 a