HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/13/2009 P:\Planning\PEDC\2009\Minutes\July-13-09_PEDC-Min..doc PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 13, 2009 Committee Members Chair Elizabeth Albertson, Jamie Danielson, Tim Clark Albertson called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Clark MOVED and Danielson SECONDED to approve the Minutes of June 29, 2009. Motion CARRIED 3-0. 2. ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION Economic Development Director Ben Wolters stated that a revision had been made to the proposed ordinance, reinstating the Planning Director’s qualifications as requested. Clark stated concerns with how job qualifications have been defined. Clark Moved and Albertson seconded the Motion amending Section 2.30.067 to redefine the Planning Director’s job description, by amending text: “experience as a municipal planner” with “experience in municipal planning.” The remainder of the text in Section 2.30.037 was stricken. Motion Carried 2–1, Danielson opposed. Citizen, Tom Sharp, PO Box 918, Maple Valley, WA Stated that he supports reorganization but questioned moving forward without a budget or location documents and stated that it appears that this reorganization is around a personnel document and not job functions. Sharp emphasized the need for checks and balances and suggested the City consider using a Professional consultant. Sharp was part of the Permit Task force and noted that this reorganization was part of Phase three. Council Member Ron Harmon commented that he had concerns with the reorganization. He believes this proposed ordinance if adopted should have the standard 30 day effective date. Harmon stated the reorganization has been a rushed process and that it is more of a reshuffling of staff. Harmon stated that he would support utilizing the services of a Professional Consultant and asked the Committee to take a look at a true reorganization. Clark Moved and Albertson Seconded a Motion to amend Section 9 changing the effective date from five (5) to thirty (30) days after publication as provided by law. Motion Carried 2-1, Danielson opposed P:\Planning\PEDC\2009\Minutes\July-13-09_PEDC-Min..doc Clark voiced his opposition the Ordinance and Albertson expressed her reservations but would support the Ordinance. After further deliberation, Danielson moved to recommend Council adopt the proposed ordinance with amendments to reorganize existing intra– departmental permitting functions into a new single department to be known as the Economic and Community Development Department. Motion Carried 2-1 with Clark opposed 2. Cottage Housing Update Planner Katie Heinitz presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Cottage Housing Update. Heinitz reported on the progress to date concerning the City’s Cottage Housing Demonstration Ordinance which became effective on December 18, 2008. She stated that the 180-day submittal period for cottage housing demonstration projects began on February 2, 2009 and ends on July 31, 2009.Heinitz stated at this time there has been interest but no proposals. Heinitz added that if there are no proposals the submittal period may be extended another 180 days 3. Final Draft Shoreline Master Program Update Planner Erin George presented a Powerpoint presentation on the status of the Draft Shoreline Master Program Update. George stated that the Final Draft of the Shoreline Master Program Update has been sent to the Department of Ecology, and they have replied with no further comments as proposed. George stated that she would be presenting the Shoreline Master Program further at the Council workshop on July 21, 2009. Adjournment Chair Albertson adjourned the meeting at 6:10p.m. ______________________________ Molly Bartlemay Acting Planning & Economic Development Committee Secretary