HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/26/1964 MINDTFS OF 'A};,`%E Tukre-iln Cite Haul Yi rch 26, 196h The meeting was opened at 8:00 p.m, by Chairma Bakers who introduced Mayors elect Gaines of Auburn, Custer of Renton and Mayor Strander of Tuk_ailaa With the Mayors in turn introducing the new members of their respective City +oiincils. A motion to dispense with the reading of the n1mtes of thi: meeting of February 27 was passed unanimously Chairman Baker called for committee reports, Dick Bowen reported for the Highway and Street Ca mittee and displayed a man that 'sae is in the process of preparing showing the streets and highcraya of the four corT,,Lffiities, and reported continued work on the mapping The report of the Transportation and i,rket:ing C4,=mnittee was rr2:.o by Mayor Strander who discussed freight rate action being taken by the Kent Gna,x�r of Commerce, Baldwin Sarmais replied that the action taken b.-,r Kent bras through t;i,e Chamber of Commerce at the request of the transpcwtation industry, Jobn Fournier further stated that Ralph Posy�., the head of ha Small. Carrie:•s organization :'or the State had brought the issue of rates to the attention of the Chamber of aorrrmerce at the request of five other local Chambers of Commerce., Chi?irfiim '?nker requestxLd comments as to whether our organisation should make n study of the problem and Nnyors Caster, Gaines and Strander answered in the of I'irmauive and requested such a atudy, Mr,. Baker then directed the committee to en;a,e in this studs, Bob Wing suggested that the committe contact 14r.. Fred Tiolpn, Freight Traffic Conqul 'ant, who has do:.ae ;such cork in rate studies, Chairman Baker indica .ed his armrnvaal of this and sil"'gected that Tolan be invited to a meeting of cur co ni.ssi.on, John Fournier reported for the -ablic Ro.1r ;iorrT Co~.raittee rega=di zg the work being done on the proposed wtadimr_ for big le,�goe sR,i7ts, He 2ndicp'.ed that the attitude of most people tCP.dard the TV <zh . or. thi., arc;,,s<�>;f, have been ne:;,at±ve_ Ha reported or the plants being made by Portland : nd §t eras the 7 9o0 inn; A.'_" the Seattle group that if Portland plans be another trm yaws before Seattle could consider a stzdi_amt. U.-der .wr�.fti=.� � nrttion 1 , w:muld not be pract:i(., for Governor Rosellini to cull pedal, �c ,_. ..;for k?at.c, nurpove;c so that it Till ;: at least a year before enablirg legislation ca ), be 3assxd Fo-,ir ier s-ugg"ted that the only possible bray to get t-i r+_ aue on titz :: a.'D.ot for the eoa;t.n 3'03. election +r i be a friendly suit between the Oi unty Ccrrmi..s;> ra>rs are. sorae '! ,ix pryer. The Count Commissioners have requested Mr, Fournier to fa.ve frr,a `*!�th Ying. County tz serve on a committee to meet wit'-A the Senttl.e ..omittec on th;- stadium question and Yx, Fournier indicated t;aat tiwo of these fi.u-i, world biF eelec odl Tl I,om the m£moershi': of the Valley Planning Comrai=isloy--. Chairman Baker announced that the next meeting of the ?Talley Con-aission would be at the Auburn City H211 April 23, 8--t1"J p„ra,, He then introduced the speakp.; for the evening, Mr, L� E H ill, :'ublic uel nti)ns, Officer for Sound Power an6 Light Mr,, Hzli, who is Chr1_rrra,, of the r'-A'—r-a. : Flood Coatrn _ P: v .sUs:,yr Co. , ttee., apoke regavaW UP IMMANO ET this OnxIMOC A NO POS" WInn WOMMAtue, made i p of CY n " tAW " o the county rEgar-A, toils, 14r. Hall 86AN that the mummittee is in the process of Proppring a compuehonsivo flood control plan which is going to be adoyt& by t,jo County Commianionere, aad went into some detail on the weans of raising funds for f1cod control- NeetiDg wa-; ;-�djouxned at 9:30 by Chairmaa Wer. LYIE SANDELIUS Secretary - Treasurer Those In Atteiidance: Dick Bowen Jack AMR. Stan Minkler C, G, Baker John B. Strand sr Charles Eastwood Rob Gaine-,, Dwight GarNsr All ASUMON! Bob Andersoo leorgo "lobert C, 50whyri'l Ghorleu Q HVW' lvxanlvlgl� John WarMA1. lLnli W