HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/28/1965 AUBURN KENT RENTON valley regional planning commission Tlt K W B 6.A ROBERT C WING KENNETH WEEKS,Secretary-Treasurer KING President 302 East Main,Auburn,Washington COUNTY NOEL B BICKNE!L Vice-President MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUART 28, 1965 Kent City Hall (Meeting was called to order at 8.00 P.M. by President Bob Wing. On a motion from he floor, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dis- pensed with. Treasurer Ken Weeks reported that the four member cities had made their con- tributions of $200 each; that one bail for stationery had been paid for $35.86; and that the treasur7 now has a balance of $1,001.06. Baldwin Sammie reported on industrial water rates charged by the four cities and demonstrated his comments with graphs. In Dick Bowen's absence, President tiding reported that, in February the Washington State Public Utilities Sommission will- hold a hearing on trucking rates, short-haul versus intermediate--haul. On flood control_, Warren Gonn&._(,m reported. that Congressional action may be held up by a study being made by the Army Engineers covering possible gravity drainage cf the West, Valley and the possibility of navigation. He further reported that East, Valley drainage project should come first. It is now being presented to the Soil Conservation Service, however it may also have to wait for Army Engineerst study. Baldwin Sammis commented on House Bill No. 35 now in the Legislature. This bill covers permissive legislation to acquire land by the Port of Seattle for industrial development of the Duwamish Waterway. :t was decided that no action should be taken concerning this legislaticn until there is a possibil- ity to read and study the actual wording of the Dill. It was moved and seconded and carried that. the Executive Committee be empowered to act in the event, a conflict appeared between private industry and public restriction of pr'vote developmer ._.. Jonn Fournier presented a tentative prop-am for industrial development pro- motiorn, with sketches and ideas to pinpoint the prowaion. Mr. Fournier oointed. out. that the principa' p omotior shoul be aimed at the Seattle area, that we should not over,-ook 7overnmenta.1 agencies, that we should definitely know our community. Jr, this regard, he suggested that the Commission develop a brochure that could be placed in an attractive folder which could also then contain brochures from each industrial park and each city. It was thought something mitrht be ready for the C'rovernorts tour in the Fast in May. Another suggestion made by Mr. Fournier was that a catalog be developed covering an A r Valley Reg. Pingloocoma. 2 Minutes of 1/28/65 The National Bonk of Commerce of Seattle inventory of availableindustrial lands which were prepared and ready for building. General discussion followed the program. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Kenneth F. Weeks Secretary-Treasurer Those in attendance were; Robert C. Wing Kenneth F. Weeks John L. Fournier Jack A. Hawkins Harold A. Hagestad Phil Aspinwall Warren Gonnason Dave Mooney Norman M. Anderson George C. Garris Chet Wheeler Baldwin P. Samais The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 25, at a p.m. at the Renton City Hall. The feature discussion will again be on industrial develop- ment program.