HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/09/1963 NINUTS OF VALM RRGT04AL MMITS MAMVOM�
- 10CSY is �, ATV
Thy meeting was cillad to order by ChpirnAn Unowle.13 0, A*kov nb 1700 o,m, and a
nmtion made Rnd cprried tD 6impcnae ulth hVe rondiq-; r.X thn ch the
Mober 24 maeting,
1 Mcchtel. had
mi�,n P�aker- requested Mt n Me vro�Yynt M MMM Sin"
:i,c.nd from the Sburn Prea and yas rav rovM 'rC
r onael hended by Robert Win oL. inkradurad V GhairPOn MOr lomtars of the
panel wero Glenn Sherm-ood, City IngiuRn, at Qns, oearge Atil.-ncrn Planning
Jack Wilson. Rnntan City 4495 nier and Frank Zapp. MOM City
,'ngineer, The subjects disayssc4 by the phjol -r-,-ent prohlzma and projects
of each of ths Atien nnd snggeotiona cs IS nashissita CA -� nmt-
MOV& SChOler couiriented an the extensicn of the sanitary severs qnd the instaliati&
of A Isgoon sy6tem which will hyndle lubunn 's oeeds UP 00 1930, 7horcughfares in,
%burn horn been plannod and a land r j,I� ), r� -)ir o j.de,, tbv, 1 i p qe 0-""
furnishing parking in the city centcur erx! o-,Jtions :cxv '...ne pux'chase of
wroperQ eye Ming prepared-
Glenin '3hra-mcd commented that Lent in orassn&y Pntanding obeir voter cervice and
fliaking a study of sewage dispoasin Vich 011 serve tDO ne" lOO619 :fears, The V-Q
of Kent bps nurchased lend for tVo of their scraga Alonnsal system to
it adeqUM to care for Thomns vid SO" Ota �reav x0 well as sybanNons to the
north wM ev5t . The section of vos;, -.,.n Ont creates
problema in reunge and water nn-,_t be. cut betruen tvo cities, Tb,�
My of Yenh has authorized a comprPhonsi-O MOOM-- PQ sprip! vpv..
jack Willi n's comments an the MY of >,,T cavarod tne comowniniso plan n01%,
being considared and suggested "M a Arelhile s -O lcdy ov -ii-o ��Y;,�ae C:v of
Anton could be a" bensfit to NcM wn? TQYM. Progres8 in oinrj w0n on freeway,--:
and relint should be felt in tbn troffIc MUM 10th5n " Yea" Aerial mapi,�
hns been comrieted to the City cf Knuo and tuis will tie in ukih VnVs map
yrank Sup ndotsod that the City U. ToRw0s V! W06 thu!T "w"Inns"n P"r-
in 1057 nn � prJ,nNDlq problcmy now vwAm to by at tho of the
He suggested that Se citins of Kent hnd t�get&r un the rater sarn :
nticng the west highway, TM us ter mrins in being rrNraded as Qhe,) M,
movecl by freewny construction-
SherKood nnggested Ant proe-tx3uron be not up to solos inter- city prob1cme ;nd Q&
iIilson co-.n.onted on the cooperation betweeo 'ITIJ Penton ran 0onstruction of
nev cametary Road-
Nyrien Lenostall of tha Eing County Plannim; c1axonslon swr& lh t thoroughfare
pinrE for the county uars being zomplated arat -w4VOI t5V WN N lr9 va"! wer
a cost of oV2.".Y Yjvyrpj of thons mnos nn-� furnished Q,
:ncmhero of Se apmmission j,br ycur,ney j ; ;enned : Mina Myeen Q,
:-Ounty a& ADZ citias in conVU00 CVNU> tAB cliss5 onn 1 o top, current =1
--,.jorning & the County FiranST
Mayor St+�irander introduced Myron C. Colburn,� air?erintendc-nt of tin Fouth Central
`school District as his 911.X.th 4-)polntE�e to thrii , ?tr!tisS2.t%.a„ He pouted out UK- need
of a fou. lane e st wast hiph.;a;- at C;Lrillin, to handle :•CN3 hwr:k tk- -ifiO Yv4lich 1-621
be generated by this nee:: Industrial dev-10pianto in that area, KA or Thornton pointed
out that plans are already underway -for this improvement..
Norman Andevson suggested that Tuk-wila furriish the lights and that Kent ^iaintain
the roadway on the joint section of the i,,est higA.,,:ay. As an alterriate he suggested
that the property between the highway and the river be transferred from the City of
Tukwila to the City of Kent, Mayor Strander said that, his office -could contact the
City of !Zent to resolve the problem to the mutual benefit of both --ities. Mr. Wing
summarized the need for cooperative planning between the cities and the county and
thanked the members of the panel for their participation.
Mayor Shaughnessy commented on islands set off by annexations and the need for
cooperative action to eliminate these situations.
Chairman iiaker asked for suggestions on methods to present problems to this commission
and expressed a hope that Commissioner Munro would complete assignments to the commission
so that other county activities could be explained at the commission meetings, He
requested that the same panel present a program again before the spring adjournment
and named the January meeting to be held at Kent City Hall on January 23,- 19642 8200 p„m,
He asked the Street Committee to present the program at that meeting, bringing the
commission up to date on plans for our highways, arterials and streets;,
Chairman Baker called for nominations for vice president Robert Wing was nominated-
It was moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for him. This
motion was seconded and carried.
John Fournier expressed his thanks to the commission for the support given him in his
ef"orts to get a stadium in the area and our future support was assured him by Chairman
There being no further business,, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Those in Xttendance:
Mayors Shaughnessy, Thornton, Strander, Aliment
Visitors: Frank 7epp, Tukwila, Marion Langstall, King County Planning Commission
Al Knechtel
Members: Auburn Kent
e .ea R-oJ Bicknell
George Schuler Joht: Fournier
Ken Weeks Norninn Anderson
Phil Aspinwall 3aldwin Sammis
Steve Lone Glenn Sherwood
Jim Bouldren
Tukwila ften ton
ZEar��ss 0.. Bakes haxanor iloyue
Jim North .":,yl.ce "andelius
Fobert Win( 'Doti,:ld Cowles
Harold Iverson Geo.-go Gzrris
Myron Colburn