HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/26/1963 MINUTFS OF ?ALTEY S�7 R Gr.tou CIL; H: .1 September 26, 1163 The meeting was called to order by Chairnpi Charles 0� R-ker at 8:3.5 p.rz, and the minutes of the meeting of May 232 4ere rend and approved, Renresentatives from each city conf We! Qat . 2% hac" n set., uf) in ths it respective city budgets for the operation of WLs c(rmassion. ChAirman "iker advileed that while King County had not hud3etled �xly funds fov ibis purpose, their support had been promised Paul V Jassny and Gearge C. Garris attended the meeting as new appointees by Mayor Aliment completing the membership of the co,nmittee from Renton, Holler Toftoy having resigned. New appointees from Auburn were Ken Weeks, Steve Lone, Ted Lea and Jack Hawkins, completing Anburals committee, The secretP91 was instructed to write to the Mayor of out requesting that ihs one renainin : ember be appointed from that city, Voort on industrial progress !ran the Qt7 of Tukwila uns made by Kayos 3trarse Chor>3 le0prrigle reported for Mayor AllAnni on aentcn"5 Wnstriaa de7eLopmert Yvid jenser supplemented We repont it anaients on the jW program and Rohcv ?, c:umnented further on the progress ct jgat ProperUips on their 590 aire sit in t.th Renton,. A discussion on maps ',Oljowed with the thonght Chit the ccunty could pvepire mop o2 the vniley vith county ncnin ;Q; 7rtal r6 Wit wWribuhicr to tle ccmrissior 0 Van of Wdn, Noel "icknell "evorteo 00 Kent "L cvrrs l ant t �s ponposaj P1 with Baldwin fu on ya 1j,j"Yo!n1 in Y 'rn? 5 Gpo7gn Schu-1br ennurtad an tbn praj7n 1 pyc"W* Mr!"S Prevail!' 1 W meeting was clanod Pt 905 by Qwnva_ A"Y Wr ONR com"Iss"en 7as wvLi d :or Its neyt mnating, 1h i neat moVing 7--'l 11 t%zeu;t2n City Halt at 8:00 P.M , Queck 11 �Waanurwr ThcAe In Attendance: Q cc Howen Keaneth F, `oee,,�s, Gnongc G=0 George Schuler R060rt A wing Charles 0, Bnkzj` C � . Q%eriElE pnul jassn!,r joloWn Saari!, j. D. lensen jonn Q. Strnnner Q WOW,% harole 0, 1vornou Noel smna::., LIU Vandelia-