HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 10/24/1963 I_ f_ MINUTES OF VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMIIYSSION T4zIM_la City Hzll OctobeA 21,, 1963 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cht^rles 0, Baker at 8:00 p.m. and a motion made and carried to dispose 7dth the reading of the minutes of the September 26 meeting„ Phil Aspinwall commented on the by-lags of the organization which bad- been prepared by his comrrittea and a copy presented to each member in attendance, Mr,, Aspinwall was thanked by Chairman Baker for a job well done Folders containing "A Report Of Integrated Planning Committee" and other pertinent information Isere handed each member in attendance. Comments regarding the contents of these folders were made by Chairman. Baker and he urged each member to read them carefully. A paper written by Chair-man Baker titled "A Valley Moving In Unison" was read by Mr. Baker® This paper contained an outline of plans for our committee and contained seven principle points. 1. To work with all levels of government. 2. To prepare an area wide map. 3. To integrate power, sewer, gas and water mains throughout the region. ho To integrate the highways, arterials, and streets in the valley, 5� To work for the improvement of our transportation and marketing. 6. To assist in the planning of the educational system for the training of professional skilled labor forced 7. To let others knovr what use are doing and to present them with the information that will make them aware of the abundance of opportunities in the Pacific Northwest. Cai%ittee assignments were made by Chairman? Baker and the duties of each committee outlined by him., Committees narmed were as follows: The chairmen as indicated were chosen by their committee members„ Coordinating, Planning, Zoni. Highways, Arterials. Streets George Schuler, Chairman Auburn Richard Bowen, Chairman Tukwila Jim Bouldrin :Cent Norman M. Anderson Kent Jim North Tukwila Shannon (Pat) Hogue Renton Charles McGarrigle Renton Ken Meeks Auburn Utilities, Drainage, Pollution Trangortaticn, Marketing Robert Co filing, Chairman Tukwila Harold R. Iverson, Chairman Tukwila Paul B. Jassny Renton Ronald A. Cowles Renton !Jlen Sherwood (Cent 73aldwin P. SaTnryis Kent Steve Long: Auburn Jack Hawkins Auburn Ted Lea, Chairmaki 4ohn L, Fournier, ChAirman Kent George C, Garris Renton" Pbil Aspinwall Auburn WOU W. %chnoll Wnt !Ile SnAellus Renton Harold R. Iverson tukvila comnission members supnlied 10 5 a y the Co-u.-nt'�y All be assigned to cc Y"',J�tt-e s appointments are made bly- the Ooiinty- Mayor Strander brought up the 3o9...t.okTJ.:'i,1; prob'lems ii-i which tl,4is conaission could be of assistpnee. 1, There is a one mile section of the melt hig1-!:,day9 the west 5ide of which is in Takvile. and the east side in Kent This creates a problem in handling traffic,, 2, With ths. growth of Tnkwilr nad Rovih Kent, the sewage Wposnl should be a joint effort and he requested thnt the Utlilities Committee work on this, j He requested that the -44or-t9i $;ri,,Uh John Fournicr an tic site of zn'_ prorpo!7--dl stadium <.-iyxd go on. sl,��c*rd vZ supperting to, ?ournier in. cytnblishing the locntion of 0n ntpeiwA in this azex- Baker U-,anked FQiyor Strnni= for hin ccmmeuta and requaAed that the nPIT)Acable commlitees 'in itlmv 1 vaj 2 *rd that An Publicity Commit tee assist in publicizing thq propossd st*dftizn -locot:10Z,� Chorles McGorriglp made a motion to oavnonC Yr- Fournier on his activities in promoting the stadium 1=000 20d AM" Our wunPOrt to h" The motion was cavried unanimouely and the secretary rvqaesind to writa. this letter of commendation Q hT, Fournier, Chairman Baker pequested nobert Wing to rwrt at the Avembel rjiec-�ting on work bei',,4s; done jocnily on drainage and popUrg, valsvin Sammis brought u:r, the quc,,stion of a Lay and requested that P. master map be prepared Ar tha combined use of all committees, it ons novac that the November and DoozaLwO comlmrc-6, �nt.o one meeting to be held Voce-ay'ner 5 at This wo"Un wn2 carsied ani ova follovpd by a notion to adjourn A 900 P"W'' "fLE SANDAIU�') Secretnry-Treascrar Those Tn Attardanve. Q Y. mcoarrigla Harcid R, !Vannan plvb'n't C" George C. Gxr4q,� smorge schu3nr Steve � Vn? Do Phi GOWW'3 Phil prPT".01- Ricknoal Who R , stonnix" An ArQ 103AVAr AXOD Olen 3. Sherwovc,. Noxnnn 1, AU§arUC7.1 shaughncbyy jorry EtVY.