HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Valley Regional Planning Commission - 05/23/1963 to
Auburn Ct.ty Hail.
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The meeting was called to nrder by Chairman Charles 0, Baker at 8 00 p,m Since
the members had been furnished with a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting,
a, motion was made and passed to dispense with the reading of those minutes, A
report. by By-,iays Committee Chairman Aspinwall covered the proposed amendments to
existing By-:lvAs of the Valley Hndustrtal. Commission, Considerable discussion
evolved around geographic boundaries of the commission and it was finally agreed
that this portion of the 'by.-laws should stand as written,
Chairman 9aker expressed his appreciation to the committee for their efforts and
requested thaA, k-orrections be made as suggested and sutxaitted at the September
meeting for final reading,
A motion was made and passed to adopt the by-laws as amended by the committee with
the suggested. changes approved at this meeting as follows:
1, Change to Valley Regional Planning Commission wherever the proposed
amendment« refer to Valley Industrial Planning Commission.
2, Page 1, Paragraph 2, Section 5 - Change to read:
In particular cooperate with and aid the state council within the territorial v
limits of the Planning Commission in the preparation, etc,
rage 2, Paaragraph 4 - Change to read,,
"that section be amended to set forth that there should also be a maximum
of six delegates from the County of King,"
Paragraph 5 - Change to read:
Meeting to be held by the commission on tha lath Thursday of each month rather
than. the nth Monday except June, July and August which may be omitted at
the disarption of the officers and when the date falls on a holiday the date
shall be se". st the meeting held in the month previous.
Omit that portion calling for the formatici of an P:xecutivp Committee.
6� Paragraph 7
Add a section calling for the Finance Committee to set a budget at the May
meeting each year for submission to the Planning Commission of each city
and King County.
George Schuler reported for the Finance Committee and stated that two methods have
been suggested for the preparation of a budget, one to raise the necessary funds on
a per capita basis and the second on the square mile basis., Various amendments were
suggested for the budget for the first year with amounts varying from $100,00 to
$300 00 per city, Mayor Thornton suggested a compromise of w200„00 from each city
andy200,00 f ro:i King County, Mayors Thornton and Shaughnessy agreed to this
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amount and Chairman Raker requested Medarri.gle and North to contact Mayors
Aliment and Strander to have $200.00 included in their respective budgets and
stated that he Yould make the request of the King County Cormaissioners. A
motion was made and carried that the secretary be granted 075.00 to cover the
cost of letterheads and postage for the ensuing three months.
George C, Garris from Boeing Renton Plant, a guest of Bolger A. Toftoy was
The next meeting was called for September 26, 1963 at 8:00 p.m. at the Renton
City Hall.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary ® Treasurer
Those In Attendance:
Shannon Pat Hogue George Schuler
J. N. Shaughnessy Phil Aspinwall
C. Y. McGarrigle Al Knechtel
N. B. Bicknell Charles 0. Baker
Richard A. Bowen George C. Garris
Alex Thornton Bolger A Toftoy
Donald A. Cowles Baldwin Sa=is
Jim North