HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Valley Regional Planning Commission - 03/28/1963 -
Valley Industr;al Commiss;on
Wells McCurdy Alfred Knechtel Baldwin Sammis
President Vice President Secretary
Renton City Hall
In the absence of President Wells McCurdy, Vice President Al Knechtel
called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. , and Minutes of the previous
meeting were accepted as mailed.
Charles Baker reported on the Legislative Committee. There are still 22
bills in Olympia concerning Urban Government, and there has been no action
to this point. It is rather doubtful that any action will occur on these bills
in this session and though the Legislative Committee has not gone to Olympia,
they are watching the progress of the legislature and will go to Olympia to
express the VIC feelings if some of the bills appear for action. The 10
mayors are in unison on the 22 bills being considered.
Mr. Herman of the King County Planning Commission, remarked that the
flood control bill under consideration at Olympia was probably concerning
the watershed flood protection, so that the State would take advantage of the
new, higher federal matching funds available.
Dave Jensen and Charles McGarrigle of Renton reported in detail of the road
problems and suggestions for alleviating some of the problems that Renton
has under consideration. It was pointed out that Renton has 10 major roads
that feed Renton. More specifically, Valley Road Intersection, Grady Way or
1-L, Dunlap Canyon Road, RainierAvenue, Renton Skyway, Cemetary Road
and Maple Valley Highway. There is a definite need for a major east to
west and north to south routing to supplement the freeway construction and
to aid in the elimination of the problems that will be caused in traffic flow by
the freeways. Boeing workers average 1. 2 to 1. 3 people per car. John
Graham & Associates has been employed by Renton to study the downtown
traffic problems and help the Renton Planning Division in aiding the traffic
George Schuler, Auburn Planning Director, reported on the announced in-
dustrial parks, the 360 acre Auburn Industrial Park by Landmark Properties,
Puget Sound Planners, Austin and Co. as announced in the December 11
Seattle Times. He also reported on the announced plans and particulars con-
cerning the former Auburn General Depot property, 480, 000 square feet of
warehouse and two parcels of property with trackage running over 300 acres.
Scott Paper Co. is leasing 320, 000 square feet at present, and Pacific Car
Minutes VIC, February 28, 1963
& Foundry are leasing 160, 000 sq. ft. Auburn 1962 building permits were
over 2 million dollars, and Auburn enjoyed a 10% or better population in-
crease last year. Mayor Thorton of Kent commented that Kent's 1962
building permits were in excess of 2 million dollars. Mr. Baker commented
that Tukwila's permits exceeded 2 million dollars in 1962.
Mr. Herman had a South King County road and area map and will have some
more information next meeting. He stated a question that each member city
should consider, "how up-to-date is your zoning and building codes ? While
they have been done by planners and consultants, have they been updated to
the present?" The County's 1958 Comprehensive Plan is all but defunct, and
only the text is used at present until a new updated plan is accepted, the text
being the only legal guide now on record. Mr. Herman said that zoning
ahead of use has some benefits, but development does not occur until later
and does not necessarily follow the suggested zoning plans as layout and
thoughts outlined at the time of code enactment. Discussion of zoning and
placement of zoning on a certain piece of property prior to development often
prohibits development of an area, because of the high price that is immediately
placed on the property due to the fact that it has been given the zoning. In a
number of cases where the officials do not want a development to occur be-
cause of traffic or residential building problems, the best way to forstall
commercial development would be to place such a zoning on the property,
and the price would go so far out of reach that development would never occur.
Mayor Shaunessey asked if the various City Councils had ratified the resolu-
tion forming the Valley Industrial Planning Commission. He was informed
that all had except Renton. Renton had accepted the resolution in principle
with exception of the reference to members. Mr. Jensen stated they thought
the wording of two members was not flexible enough , and Mr. Jensen was to
call Mr. Ehrlichman and find out if the wording had been changed to the
necessity of at least two City representatives, but to include the planning
directors and appointments by each mayor. Noel Bicknell was requested to
talk to Mr. Jensen and Mr. Ehrlichman to straighten out Renton's objections
to the resolution.
Mr. Pat Hogue said that the VIC should immediately protest the 2 laning of
the Valley Freeway. At a recent meeting between officials of Kent and 10
citizens in Olympia (meeting at dinner with the State Highway officials and
their House members and Senators), it was stated that the Valley Freeway
would be 2 lanes at present and probably for 6 years. Mr. Hogue pointed out
that the need to help on the traffic problems out in the Valley will meet with
the same success that has been so aggravating on the PS No. 1 Highway be-
tween Kennydale and Factoria. Mr. Hogue said that the VIC should push to
have the 4 lanes paved and operating before the freeway is open. Mr. Ken
Weeks made a motion seconded by Mr. Hogue to have Mr. Segale, the Roads
Minutes VIC, February, 1963
and Bridges Chairman, prepare a resolution to the Highway Department
that the "Valley Freeway be 4 lanes of paved road at the opening. " The
Chambers of Commerce of the 4 cities were requested to make similar
resolutions and send them to Olympia.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Lyle Sandelius Charles O. Baker
G. Y. McGarrigle Alex Thorton
David Jensen Kenneth F. Weeks
Gerald P. Herman Shannon Hogue
George Schuler Robert Argue
Alfred E. Knechtel Norman M. Anderson
Baldwin Sammie Holger A. Tostoy
J. N. Shaughnessy
The next meeting on March 28, 1963 will be held at the Tukwila City Hall
at 8.00 p.m.