HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/07/1968 VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 7, 1967 KENT , WASHINGTON The meeting was called to order at 8Bi5 P.M. , by the President, Mr. Ken Weeks. The guest speakers of FORWARD THRUST, were Mr. James Ellis and Mr. Ridard Page. Mr. Ellis gave a brief resume of the entire FORWARD THRUST PLANS . The largest part of the program will be the Rapid Transit Plan. However there are also plans for improving and the development of more parks, a larger youth center, storm and water control drains, improvement of libraries and community centers, plus the multi-purpose stadium. This program will cost approximately $820,000,000.0o.over a period of time. Each proposition can be voted on serpratly, however it is felt, there would be more value received, if all passed together. Since the Forward Thrust Plan is to be brought before the voters, on February 13, 1968, a motion was made togive the Executive Committee the right to make a decision, whether or not the VRPC will reccommend the approval, and stand behind the plan. This will be decided at the Executive Committee Meeting, to be held on January 10, 1966. Mr. Gordon Hall read two letters he had received. One from the City of Auburn, giving a new list of their members for the year. The other from Mr. Fay, Mayor of Algona, stating the City of Algona, has budgeted $50u.00, in- stead of the usual $200.00, for the Valley Regional Planning Commissif, for the coming year. Mr. John Fournier suggested, since the Design or Disorder Conference, held last year, was such a success, another one should be planned for the coming spring. Mr. Baldwin Sammis, Past President , stated a date should be set to start planning the entire conference as soon as possible. The Committee will choose a date and present it at the General meeting to be held on January 25, 1968, for approvel . Mr. Glen Sherwood gave a brief report on the VISTA REPORT. There are still some minor reservations, but a more complete report will be given at the January 25th meeting. The Executive Committee will hold their meeting on January 10, 1068, at the Reef Restura.nt at 12: 00 P.M. All Committee Chairman are urged to attend this meeting. The General meeting will be held on January 25, 1968, at the Renton City Hall, in the Council Chambera, at 8 :00 P.M. Each Committee Chair- man is to have a meeting with his committee before that date and give a report as to what they have accomplished. The meeting adjourned at 10 :15 P.M. Respectfully, Gordon L. Hall Secretary-Treasure GLHBhi