HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/12/1968 *i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING VRPC OFFICE HOVE MBER 12; 1968 7t45 A.M. Third Vice-President, Dave Van Hoose, was requested to inquire and follow through on Forward Thrust Funds allocations for the VRPC areas of jurisdiction. He will contact John Porter, King County Administrator, and request King County to work with the VRPC in furnishing data regarding locations and funds for outdoor recreation areas, parks, and future Forward Thrust Projects, concerning the VRPC area. Mr. Van Hoose in turn would relay the information to the Mayors and City Councils for further study. Second Vice-President, Gordon Gould, was requested to prepare a brochure of 1968 activities of VRPC. This would be financially supported by Iry Iverson. Approxi - mately 500 copies would be distributed through the VRPC cities. He would also, at a later date, arrange meetings with City Mayors and City Councils, to present the program for the coming year. Treasurer, Iry Iverson, was asked to prepare an estimated budget for the first six months of the coming year. With added budget requirements for the balance of 1969, as of June 30th 1969. Billing to the Cities will be sent to each city in December 1968. This will be a billing for the regular six months period, with the final billing taking place in May 1969. First Vice- President, Jan Klippert, will -3repare an Activities Program for January thru December 1969. This will include time, location, subject and monthly meetings, to be displayed on a calendar format . Special meetings, conferences and seminars to be included with proposed dates. As soon as this is completed it will be sent to all member cities and councilmen. All of the above listed projects are requested to be prepared in a tentative outline by December 3, 1968. The monthly meeting agenda of the VRPC will be sent to each City Clerk, to be read into the correspondence of each Council Meeting. - 1 - r' t Gordon Gould, was asked to begin preparing a Histor of the VRPC, and to request Charles Baker to assist him in doing this. A tentative meeting has been set up with Mr. Baker to discuss this project. Mr. Gould said he would like to have a questionnaire prepared and sent to each member, mayor and councilman regarding the proposed Seminar to be held on Planning. All Executive Committee Members are also asked to submit questions. This would include questions on subject matter, what dates and time of the Seminar, requests for speakers, questions regarding problems in the VRPC area . An inquiry letter will be enclosed with these minutes . A motions was approved to hire Helen Irwin, on a fu' ' time basis beginning November 1968. Wages will be $450.00 per month, plus 10c a mile for official mileage for the used of her car. The hours will be from 9:00 until 5:00, with adjusted time for meetings to be attended before or after the designated working time. Vacation time will be accumulated at the rate of one day per month, beginning November 15, 1968. Mr. Iverson and Mr. Van Hoose stated they preferred the name of the Legislative Committee be changed to read as ' Finance Committee ' . They will appoint members to study the participation of some of the large Industries in the Valley into the VRPC. The names of the Finance Committee will be available at the next Executive Committee Meeting The next Executive Committee meeting will be held Povember 19th - VRPC Office - 7:30 A.M. Submitted by, Gordon L. Hall , President VALLEY REGIONAL PLA[,,!.'IF+G C: ":"