HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 10/09/1968 VALLEY REGIO14AL PLANNING COMMISSION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBE R 9, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 11 :45 A.M., in the office of the Valley Regional Planning Commission. A letter was read from the State Planning and Community Affairs Agency, asking the assistance of the VRPC in coordinating planning activities and the environmental problems of the Valley area. This program would be to minimize the duplication and competition in State planning and programming activities. " The primary concept behind this study is to delineate "building- block" regions which can be combined in any number desired for the various types of functional planning, and for the various federal and state programs which are developing. the possibility and in fact necessity, of combining contiguous "building-block" regions is based upon a recognition that a single region simply cannot be delineated that will be appropriate for all types of functional planning or development activies. Smaller regions and the combination thereof is a much better alternative." A letter will be written to the State Planning Agency, indicating the VRPC is interested in the project, but at this time would like to have more material and study completed on the areas involved in the Valley Regional Planning Commission. A motion was passed to contact Tom Ryan, Associate Park Director of the King County Park Dept., and volenteer the services and assistance in selecting sites for future Parks and recreation areas in the Green River Valley, if it is so desired, of VRPC A meeting is scheduled with Dr. Emyln Jones, Milton Karr and several members of the VRPC, to discuss a seminar in Planning, to be held at the Green River Community College, at a future date. This would be jointly sp6nsored by the Valley Regional Planning Commission and East Valley Health, Recreation, and Welfare Service Committee. This meeting will be held October 23rd at Green River College. Mr. Hall spoke at a meeting of the Serra Club, on the growth of the Green River Valley, on October filth. The speaker for the Octover 24th meeting will be John Porter of 'rang County. He will speak on the funds of the Forward Thrust --'what is now available -- where it is to be spent -- and by whom . The General meeting will be held in the new Renton City Hall, October 24, 1968, at &c30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 1 :30 P.M. Those present were: President Gordon Halt, Secretary- Treasurer Iry Iverson, Gordon Ericksen, Robert ding, Baldwin Sammis, Francis Pugh, gene Williams, and Herb Vedder of Kent Mews Journal.