HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/23/1968 VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNINI COMNLISSION MINUTES MAY 23, 1968 RENTON, WASHINGTON The Valley Regional Planning Commission General meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton City Hall, Renton, Washington on May 23, 1968. Mr. Avery Garrett and Mayor John Mattachett, Mayor Gene Gattavara, and Mayor Stan Minkler were welcomed as guests. President Ken Weeks read a letter that was received from the Seattle Industrial Council. They will sponsor a one day housing conference to be held at the Olympic Hotel on Monday June 17, 1968. The Valley Regional Planning Commission has been invited to participate in the conference. Several members from the VRPC will be attending. Mr. Klippert reported an answer had been sent to Sleavin-Kors Prof- essional &gineers regarding their request to the VRPC to review the application for Grant Assistance for sanitary sewers in the cities of Algona and Pacific. The VRPC stated they support such activity and hope it will fit into the Metro syste*. A reply was sent to Mr. Talbott '3egg, stating we were very pleased with his program, but we felt at the present time we would not be able to hire him as a consultant. Fred Poe reported on the railroad meetings. Two meetings have been held and they will now assemble the information from the cities to be given to the highway and railroads regarding state highway and major artierials. The committee will meet again after hearing from all parties concerned. All of the pertinent information from three maps will be put on one base map. Gordon Hall presented the newest information that has been presented to the Vrpc Library. We now have Soil Conditions Maps and books as well as Flood Control charts, also new maps of the airport and the school districts in the Green River Valley. He also reported on his talk that was given at Highline College on May 11, 1968. He stated everyone was very interested in the plans of the VRPC, and he had many inquires into activities of the Valley Regional Planning Commission. Dale Smith reported on the elan that has been accepted by both Algona and the State Highway Department, regarding the Freeway through the Valley. The City of Algona wanted to thank the VRPC in bringing about the meeting with the State Highway Department, in order to accomplish the new routing. The remainder of the meeting was spent in discussing means of strength- ening the Valley Regional Planning Commission. The main questions are: Should we expand membership? If so, what kind of voice would new members have? Should we continue to develope out method of operation? Mr. Klippert suggested a committee be formed to study increased membership and additional methods of obtaining finances. -1- Tc Mr. Sammis felt the VRPC should be extended to all cities. Several other cities have inquired into membership, and Mr. Sammis felt it was well worth looking into for our future plans. In order to expand and continue the work we feel should be available to the public, it is imparative the IMPC has a full time staff. A motion was made and seconded to accept the program as stated in general, and to appoint a committee to implement it. A program will be presented to the councils of member cities,to show the plans and budget needs of the VRPC, in the month of June. 3 3 Z, S The next General meeting will be held at the Tukwila City Hall on Juno 27, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. The me:;ting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. THOSE IN ATT�,NDANCE WERE. Avery Garrett Tom Forsyth Mayor Gene Gattavara Ron Mettler Dave Mooney Iry Iverson Francis A. Pugh Mrs. Frank Britt Frank Zepp C.Y.McGarrigle Mayor Stan Minkler Kay Johnson Lyle Sandeluis Louis Corsaletti Fred Poe Baldwin P. Sammis Loyd George Owen H Rawsthorno ' Mayor John Matchette/ Max W. Fullner , ' Dale R. Smith Charles 0. Baker Clark Teegarden Kenneth Weeks S. P. Hogue Jan Klippert Drew Miller Gordon Hall —2—