HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/08/1968 t Vt,LLEll REGIUlv;iL PL BAD GUtI-SISSION EXz;CUP1 Bo D M.L,;ETING t icy 41968 Attending: Jan Klippert, Mayor Thornton, Baldwin Sammis, Frank Gepp, Charles Baker, Iry Iverson, Frank Poe,and Gene Williams. It was felt the need to continue meeting during the summer months will be necessary, in order to proceed with the plans of the Valley Regional Planning Commission. Purhaps the July and August meeting can be combined, but that will be announced at a later date. Mr. Klilpert produced a draft he had brought together regarding the VRPC and its plans for the future. 1. Membership: Mayor Thornton felt it is definetly the cities obligation to keep the VRPC. He felt the cities should allow enough in their budget to finance the VRPC properly. Also a suggestion was made on asking Industris for financial assistance, or to sutdy the prospects of having clubs or mem- bers to contribute. 2. Organization: To develope community thoughts and bring them together into one office for public information. Prepare membership roles. Prepare organization charts, prepare budget and follow through on all plans and committees. 3. Financing: Find ways of providing financing to retain and increase the needs of the VRPC. 4, Public Education: To make the public aware of the plans of the VRPC and to assist the municipalities and corporations in planning. We plan to develope the material we have available at the present timer to be available for speaking engagements to various organizations, and to be an information library for interested persons. 5. Programs and projects -- General: To establish better communication and groups as to what the VRPC means to the Green River Valley and the planning in its growth. Discussions were made of the above subjects. Thoughts of this na will be enlarged upon and presented to the members at the General Meeting of May 23, 1968. This meeting will be held at the Renton City Hall in the Council Chambers, Renton, Washington at 7:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 100 P.M.