HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/15/1968 MINUTES of VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 15, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M., at he Washington Natural. Gas Company, 1400 ;Nest Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Gordon Ericksen, of Renton, presented the Valley Regional Planning Commission Maps to each City. Each City received a set of four maps. It was announced there would be a charge for any individual that would like to have a set of them. Mr. Pat Hogue has requested one Base Map and one Zoning Map. Mr. Ericksen stated and overlay map could be made to make any additions desired to the base map. Mr. Glenn Sherwood, stated he had not set a meeting with the representatives of Algona and the State Highway Department. It was requested he invite Mr. Foster to the next Valley Regional Planning Commission meeting, to discuss information he has regarding highways in the Valley Mr. John Fournier gave a progress report on the Seminar to be held on April 11, 1968, at the Renton Inn, Renton, Washington. The Seminar will open at 8:30 A.M., with the regular conference to begin at 9:00. Mr. Fournier said they have tentatively re- quested Governor Evans to be the Keynote Speaker. There will be more information re- garding the Seminar at a later meeting. Mr. Stewart Neel, of Puget Sound Power and Light Company, is helping to plan the arrangements as well at Mr. Jan Klippert. State Representative Paul Barden has asked the Valley Regional Planning Commission to work with Mr. Foster of the State Department of Highways, representatives of Industry, and the Railroads, "to create a plan which will produce guidelines within which the communities of the Green River Valley can continue to grow in the manner most benefi- cent to the people we serve." The_3 has been much concern regarding the new railroad crossings that have been requested by Industry. It was agreed, to write a letter to Representative Barden, stating the Valley Regional Planning Commission would be happy to work with all concerned. Mr. Chet Wheeler, chairman of the King County Planning Commission, gave a brief resume of several planned low cost housing developments in the area Guest of the evening were Mayor Stan Minkler, Councilman Tom rorsythe, Charles Baker, and Dwight Gardner of Tukwila, and Mayor Gene Gattavara of Pacific. Mayor Gattavara of Pacific, announced his City was interested in becoming a member of the Valley Regional Planning Commission and asked the proceedure to be followed in becoming a member. Mayor Minkler of Tukwila requested each city notify each adjoining city in advance of any re-zoning that may come before its Planning Commission, if the property being considered was mutually contiguous. Mr. Chet Wheeler said the County would like a notice of any rezone in each city. The Executive Meeting will be held March 13$h, at the Reef Restaurant, at 12.00 noon. Jan Klippert suggested perhaps at sometime in the near future, King County could make their facilities available to hold a General Meeting, so some of the members, living in the north end of the Valley Regional Planning Commission's limits would be able to attend. The next General Meeting of the Valley Regional Planning Commission will be held at the Tukwila City Hall on Thursday March 28, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Our new office is located at 18821 East Valley Highway, Kent, Washington. The phone number is UL 4,3020, THOSE IN ATTENDANCE 14ERE AS FOLLOWS: Fred Poe Auburn Mayor Gattavara Pacific Glen Sherwood Kent Dale Smith Algona Norman Anderson Kent Chet Wheeler King County S. P. Hogue Renton George Perry Renton Baldwin P. Sammis Kent Kay Johnson Renton Chamber of Commerce C,Y. McGarrigle Renton Clark Teegarden Renton Iry Iverson Tukwila Charles 0. Baker Kent Stan D Minkler, Mayor Tukwila Dick Bowen Tukwila Dwight Gardner Tukwila John L. Fournier Kent Thomas M. Forsythe Tukwila Gene Williams Auburn Jan Klippert Renton Gordon Y. Ericksen Renton Gordon L. Hall Kent Ken F. Weeks, President Auburn