HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/07/1968 ," ��IiVUTES of EXECUTIVE a,U,,i ,ITTEE kfrEETINC VALLEY REuI€NAL PLAii,NINZ %£it;+;iJdIOiY February 71 1966 The meeting was called to order at 12345 P.f';. at the Reef Restaurant in Kent, Washington. Mr. Ken 'Weeeks$ President, ask for a discussion of the General Neeting, held on January 25, 1966 at Renton, Washington. lt: was felt by everyone concerned, it turned out be a very profitable one. i,.r. Ouldy 5ammis stated it was the only way to have a meeting, that would involve all of the memtsrs. Mr, weeks felt this type of meeting should be done at least every 90 days in order to see just what has been accomplished on each project. l ordon Ericksen, of Renton, suggested perhapo a dinner irteeting could be held before the General Nesting each month, with the Executive Committee Coordinator and the members involved in his committee. It was araread to have the ",eneral Meeting tart at 7a30 instead of the usual bs00 P. i'ii., in order to have individual committees plan and maize their reports of what they have accomplished. A very brief report may be fiven by each Executive s-oor- di-sator before the Speaker oil the evening. €4r. Robert ding brought up the wuestien of the serious problem between the Streets and planning commission of Algona an racific and the state Highway Uepartment. He feel the Valley Regional donning Commission will be put to a test over this matter. ilr. Jan 't;lippert said we need a ataff Coordinator to fallow through with each Ckty as their opinion of the situation of routing the Valley Freeway through the above mentioned Cities. The 4uiley Regional Planning Go,amission will do every thing possible to arrange a meeting bet°weeef-, the State highway Department and the cities concerned, With the Valley Regional Planning Lorommission to be the moderator. Nr. Fournier gave a brief report of the meeting that was held in his office on January 25, 1366. The tentative date of the 6eminar has been set for April ll, 196U', to be held at the Rent€,n Innp Renton, Washington. This will take place in the VIP Room.. ,sir. Stewart Neel is working out a program to be suggested. Another meeting will be held at 9:OC A. ±.. �jn February l5th at the Valley Regional plan- ning Officsj rLgardine, the subiP-ct. VT. de k& suggested it would be very nice if the Valley rtEr Tonal +Tannin, t::offfidosion could have small duplicates of ti7e maps to hand out to everyone at tier: 5eoinar. In t;is wary everyone could actually sag the present area industrial growth and pattern of expectad events in the Valley over the next fifteen, yaars. `r. 3arftrai : •-,aid we should aavote at least one half an hour to the conference at the veneral :�eaeting to be hold on teburaty 15th. This should be done in order to review what we are dfaing and what is expected to be donel appoint committees; and receive total participation in the event. Baldy 5ammis3 suggested perhaps- i ir. Jo Spain could speak can the County 'Roads for twenty or thirty fainutes at tree next aiaeting. This is a subject very much in need of discussion, at the prevent Lim--. Juhn Fol.;rnicr mentioned that by then we would knovi if the FUnR:iARD l7RJ;;T had k.,aased and, i;' ia- had, jalley Regional s4anning Commission will have quite a loot to work an in the very near future. The Nose Maps are going to be rerriducad and brought up tee date through the ind- estrial anV employment Gra s. +,'r. savitnis was ask to write to the Chamher OF ommerce a each City, arskinf t3 have the latent inf-rmation on thins sputajact. -9- -2- Xr. Erickson will have one of the Engineers in his office work an them to supply them to all cities. flair. John Fournier stated he also wanted to have a set. A tentative budget of '20O.OG was established to support costs of refining and re- producing the maps. An urgent need for clear and accurate bass (naps of the Valley Regional Planning Commission area was expressed. lalayor Stan W;inklers of the City of Tukwila, has stated he has established a new committee within the City Council Members to discuss the mutual prableris 3F joint stream;, planning, flood control, etc. It was suggested the Valley Regional Plan- ning exchange information concerning joint problems of the cities. Also to infori,; all City Councilmen of the forth coming meetings, era they would be encouraged to attend. at:; , ie presentative Paul Barden wrote to Ken Weeks, regarding the applications for star : cross*ng of state highways by railroad tracks in the Green River Valley. He , :c:17 he lklley 'Regionwl Plannim� could be the psr' -.wt vehicle For th3 formulation' Ci= a plan tc; study higfit°wu,� railrci,d cr:;�sln the �u� -cursmittee on n;ustrial Dave I jJfisrit and, t'ia 6ub--cCff1Mit`vee_ z, ;:s ,.lai.n an i ighways have scheduled studies on thin, above niernticncd. Thal will be held in gent un the :path of February, wIot ring is going to co;atact svuel uicknoll to see iF he can work wn t7 s item. fo . Wing strted he could be &U16 to si<= sast a , much as posaibl.e. it v:111 be a long involved undertaking, that will requira a great assunt of work in bringing it together. Mir. iJseks said perhaps it caauld be formulated similar to the Seminar to be held, only an a smaller scale. Mr. Harden could be a Speaker. Wo should start the outline of the conference now; set a budget; produce naps; select legal councal and try to work the subject in briefly at the siring Seminar. It may become necessary to request the State, County, Cities, and the Railroads to cont- ribute financially to hire a Consulting Firm to make an angineering studtpof the project. A major question is, early determination of legal authority of communit- ies and agencies involved, considering the critical urgenc)6 of the situation. The next General Fleeting of the Valley Regional planning will: be held at Auburn City Hall, Auburn Washington at 7::30 P. t;. -There are several imaportant discussions and decisions to be made. Your attendance is urgently needed to help the VRpC to become a vital force in the fast rising tempo of events affecting our area Respectfully, Gordon L. Hall Sacretary-Treasuror GLH:hi