HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/10/1968 ?1INUTES of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING of VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 10 , 1968 The meeting was called to order at 12 : 15 P.M. at the Reef Restaurabt, Kent Washington Mr. Sam Julson returned the financial records to the Secretary after Auditing and setting up a system of bookeeping. The subject of office space was brought to the attention of the Executive Board, since Baldwin Sammis, has offered two rooms for rent in his office, located at 18821 East Valley Highway. It was agreed to rent the space for $25 . 00 per month. It will be decided at a later date, just what to do about a phone listing. The Transporation Committee has not met as yet, but they will present their recommendations, on the VISTA PLAN, at the January 25th General Meeting. A poll was taken on the opinion of the Mayors of each City, regarding FORWARD THRUST. All the Mayors are in favor of the program. Tukwila wanted to go on record in stating, that if the Sports Stadium is located at the City Center, they would not $ndorse that section of the program. Otherwise, VRPC, wants to announce, that is standing behind the FORWARD THRUST PROGRAM 100%. Everyone is urged to register and be sure to vote. Noel Bicknell stated, the parts not concerning the Valley' s are still very good major issues . In voting, Seattle needs the Valley' s votes, just as the Valley needs the vote of Seattle on all issues. At the General Meeting, the Committee Chairman are to have one hour meeting with their individual committees-* At the business meeting, a report is to be given, from each Chairman, as to what has been accomp- lished, and what is to be expected of them the following year. Gordon Ericksen reports the maps are to be ready for use at the January 25th meeting. Also name tags will be available for every member at the door. President, Ken Weeks, announced that the VRPC has been asked to make a 15 minute talk on the Industrial Park Development of the Valley, to be held at the Elks Club, on January 19th, in theCity of Auburn. This is for the State Industrial Development Subcommittee, of the Legislative Joint Commission on Highways . Mr. Bill Carter and Les Griffin of top Valley Publishing Co. , are to make a chart of maps and data on the Industrial and Employment growth in the area, from material presented to them by members of the VRPC. The next General Meeting will be held at Renton, in the Council Chambers, at Renton City Hall, on January 25 , 1068 at 8 :00 P.M. You are urged to attend. The meeting adjourned at 2 : 30 P. M. RESOLUTION of VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Whereas the Valley�egional Planning Commission is a legally constituted body representing the cities of Tukwila-, Renton, Auburn, Algona and Kent, comprised of delegates from each of these cities and the respective Mayors as et. offico members . Whereas the County of King participates in this organization toward re- solving matters of mutual interest on a cooperative basis . Whereas it is a prime responsibility of the Valley Regional Planning Oom- mission to promote coordinated planning instrumental to the betterment of the development of the Green River Valley and its envirors Whereas it is the practice of the Valley Regional Planning Commission to utilize its resources to explore the promotion of such activities. talat can be of mutual benefit to its member cities and in achieving orderly growth of the Valley area. Whereas an economic and environmental balance of control is essental toward achieving orderly growth. Whereas the Valley Regional Planning Commission has given thoughtful consideration to the proposition formulated by FORWARD THRUST and has conclueded that they are vitally necessary for maintaining an orderly development throughout the county -of King, and that their enactment will constitute a lasting economic and environmental benefit to the present and future citizens there of: Be it therefore resolved that the Valley Regional Planning Commission, place itself on record that it strongly endorses the FORWARD THRUST proposals to appear on the ballot for the election on FekeaNrry 13, 1968 and urges the passage of them. Passed unanimously this loth day of January 1968 PRESIDENT 0'4c/ 717CE-PRESIDENT SECRETARY-TREASURE by Helen Irwin