HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/08/1969 VALLEY REGIOIAL ?LAA"i'''ING COMMISSIO"" GE-'ERAL MEETUG - MAY 8, 195, RE 'TOi' CITY HALL - RUITOS:, '<1ASHI;'GTW The meetin was called to order at 7:55 P.M. Mr. Hall announced the resi nation of Jan Kii �,ert at First Vice- President of Valley 7e.,ional =tanning Commission. Mr. Kti;, art will be leaving the em?loyment of the City of Renton. He has been a very active member in the VRPC and hel ful Jn its organization. It was with regret his resi nation was acce-ted and the VRPC wished him ,great success in his new , osition. Joe Mathews, the new Mayors Assistant to the City of Renton, was introduced. He said he is looking forward to workin with the VRPC in the future. Gordon Ericksan will be the moderator of the last session of 11'luttin Planning into ?ersiective". It will be on the "Future". This should bring out some interesting discussions on the future planning in the Green River Valley area. He has an- informative ;grogram outlined, and it should ;)rova to be a very interestin evening. It is to be held at the Green River Community Coll--, a at 7:1) ".M. on May 21st. Mr. Ericksen announced that a :great deal of information has u:en derived from the entire seminar, and ;,fans to have more sessions in the fall are in -,ro-.ress. A letter was read from Kan Cottingham re. ardin; the Railroad Study. At the ;.resent time nothing has been heard from the Traffic Safety Commission, however we should hear within the next two weeks from the Federal Agency. Carney 'rdilson, ent ,'arks and Recreations Director, was theguest s;,eaker for the evening. He gave a re;-oort on the Green River Conservation Study. He ;-iresented slides of the area along with a re;-,ort of the various agencies working along this same line. The main object of this study is to set aside an area along the Green River, on both sides, to have a continous stri ) of land for ;?ublic access. This would be available for hiking, biking, bridle trails, fishing or }icnicin . The land could be made available either by purchase, leasing, easement, or an outright donation by civic-minded •ersons. Mr, Dignoldi of the firm of Olson, Riehert and 8ignoid, has been working on a comi}rehensive -ark Man for Tukwila. He showed a map of the area and the work that is being done in this same direction. Thkwila is _.tannin-- to develole the river Lank within its city limits. There will be a series of small -)arks and trails. He su3_;ested a study l_e made along with the assistance of the King County lannin De-artment, on the ownershi;-:s of land from the Dumwamish to the Green River Gore. It may show a lot of the land is already in ;lublic domain through easements. . At the -,resent time 62% of the Green River Valley is still in o"en s; ace and it is not to late to word; on this :,Ian. Fir. Wilson said all organizations should begin workin:j to„ather in nreservin the river banks for the future. All the cities could ao?ly for Federal O en-S->ace funds together. The Game De artment would be able and willin_3 to match one-half of the local share. VRPC could serve as a catalyst in grinning all the cities and King County together on this project. -t Baldwin sammis has called a meeting for the Storm -dater and Flood Control committee. George Wanamaker will attend and briny them u;j to date on the Flood Control action in the Green River Valley. The next general meeting will be held in the Kent City Hall on June 12th at 7:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at '3:3J P.M. ATTEPIDIF G: DOP! EIDE KEP'T GERDE .' CLARK KE!,!T LYLE SA"OELIUS TW.1 T LA CLARK TEE:zARDEI' REPTOi: FRANK ZEP? TUKadILA CHARLES 3AKER TUK`a!ILA C. Y. MC GARRIGLE RE-'TOR! ROGER VOP GOHRE °S ASSN OF WN! IRIDUSTRIES - OLYMPIA RICHARD -� FIEDLER AU3UR:! JOE MATHEWS RE"TO' GORDOV ERICKSEPE RENTO!t RO3ERT aIGP'OLD RE"TORE BARF.EY '41LSO l KEI".T ED641P NELSON KEilT JAMES MCGOUGH ALGONA SUSAH SCHEARTZ SEATTLE TIMES ELAINE FLEMIi+!G REVTOF1 RECORD CHRONICLE IRVIN IVERSOM TUE('h+ILA GORDON GOULD ALGO7EA MRS. JEANiNE MASTERS KEt T GORDON HALL KE::T MAYOR GAINES AUGUR--, MAYOR MINKLER TUK4dILA MAYOR THORNTW! KEF!T HELE," IRWIN KENT -2