HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic Development Corporation - 02/04/1992 � J ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION February 4, 1992 Special meeting of the Kent Economic Development Corporation was called to order at 6 :00 p.m. by Chairman White at Kent City Hall. PRESENT: Boardmembers : White , Johnson, Banister and Llewellyn Officers : General Counsel Lubovich, Treasurer McCarthy, Secretary Jacober Others : Tom Brubaker, Raul Ramos , Steve Burpee, Dee Moschel , Hugh Leiper, Alana McIalwain and Jean Parietti MINUTES : Llewellyn moved to anv_ rove the minutes of the January 14, 1992. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. REQUEST FOP. FUNDING - TEAM DOWNTOWN: Dee Moschel explained that Team Downtown is a group of retailEusiness peonle and government officials who have joined together to look at management of the downtown area. She noted that they have asked people in the community to complete a survey and are now seeking funding from EDC to have the information compiled. She estimated the cost to be $5 ,000, and noted that the consultant selected is Gilmore Research. Lubovich noted that when this item was first presented, he was concerned about the potential issue of an improper gift from the city. He noted that when it was brought back a second time there was not a quorum since some boardmembers were uncomfortable about voting because of their participation with Team Downtown. He said that he has since determined that EDC can authorize issuance of funds as long as the city receives something in return, such as a copy of the report. Upon White' s question, Moschel stated that the funds should be disbursed to Kent Downtown Association, since they have the bank account. Lubovich agreed that EDC should contract with KDA. Moschel stated that they would be glad to provide the results of the survey, or have the con- sultant make a report to EDC. Hugh Lieper said that although he has no objections to using the funds , he is concerned about the manner in which they are being used. He said that this money does not need to be spent since someone with ambition could put the information on a spreadsheet. He noted that he is plan- ning to raise $100 ,000 from vrivate entern_ rise to do a sophisticated market analysis of this area. Llewellyn asked whether Tradec would be working with the Chamber of Commerce and White responded that they would. Llewellyn then asked how what KDA is doing is different from what Tradec is doing. Burpee explained that Tradec is working on international trade, and that Team Downtown focuses on downtown Kent. He also explained that more is involved than developing a spreadsheet. EDC February 4, 1992 Page 2 • Johnson clarified that the amount requested is $5 ,000 and that it would come from EDC, not from the General Fund. He then moved for approval of the request. Llewellyn seconded the motion for discussion and asked if this is in keeping with the purpose of EDC. Lubovich explained that EDC is a tool for assisting economic development by developing facilities . He said the question is whether EDC can utilize funds for other than public facilities , and he feels funds can be dispensed if it is an appropriate use for economic development . McCarthy noted for Llewellyn that EDC has funded an incubator program in 1986-87, a Kent Valley Marketing Brochure, a Downtown Infrastructure Needs Study, a Justice Center Siting RFP, and has supported KDA for various things. Llewellyn asked that he be provided with a copy of the EDC charter. White noted that the Council had budgeted $20, 000-25 ,000 in matching funds two years ago and that a staffinember suggested that if EDC did not fund this , perhaps Team Downtown could request some of that money. Moschel noted that she is aware of the matching money and that Team Downtown would like to save those funds to use when the survey is done and the plan of action is ready to be implemented. She noted for Banister that the funds are needed immediately, and said they had hoped to have the project under way by December 1st but have been unable to do so. She noted that momentum is being lost, but could be regained since there is a lot of enthusiasm. Burpee pointed out that Mr. Leiper • has been talking about a similar plan for ten years . Leiper noted that he is working on a petition to the City Council which will eventually have over 100 signatures on it from the industries throughout the valley. He said there is 40, 000, 000 sq. ft . of warehouse and manufacturing and that industry has a big stake in the downtown area. He noted that his project will take time since he does not have staff. He said he feels the questions which were asked on Team Downtown' s survey were not the questions that should have been asked, and that they will not p t a true diagnosis of what needs to be done. He noted that Penney s has been in Kent since 1929 and wants to expand, but that they cannot expand without a companion store. The motion to approve the request then carried. INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE REPORT : White noted that EDC has recently funded an infrastructure study of downtown Kent and that Raul Ramos was selected as the consultant. Ramos distributed copies of a progress report and outlined the primary tasks of his position. He noted that he has spoken with Mr. Leiper about his project. He explained that he is involved in reviewing utility rate programs and determining their potential for funding downtown infrastructure projects . He added that one of the projects is a water drainage facility which will eliminate the need for biofiltration on the site. He also spoke about the need EDC February 4, 1992 Page 3 • for adequate parking, whether on site or in structured parking faci- lities . Ramos reported that 47% of his time has been devoted to con- ducting assessment , analysis and inventory of infrastructure-facility needs , 22% to developing econonic development strategies for downtown development, 19% to technical review of various downtown projects , and 1A to attending coordinative meetings with departmental staff and/or outside entities on various tasks associated with the infra- structure facilities funding program. He said that the preliminary facilities plan will be complete no later than September 1992 , but that major documents will be available before then. He noted that he proposes that the Infrastructure Capital Facilities Program become a part of the Capital Improvement Program planning process which occurs every two years . He pointed out that the Planning Commission will soon review the revised Downtown Zoning Program. He added that the biggest concerns are inadequate fire flow and parking. Ramos noted that he has received very good cooperation from all departments . He noted for Llewellyn that in his analysis he assumed the densities of the new plan. White thanked Ramos for his report and said he would like another update in a few months . ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned at 6 :50 p .m. GQ C�i Brenda Jacobe it Clerk Secretary to Board