HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic Development Corporation - 08/07/1991 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION August 7 , 1991 Proper legal notice having been given, a special meeting of the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation was called to order at 7 :30 a.m. in the Council Chambers West at Kent City Hall. PRESENT: Chairman of the Board Jim White, Boardmembers Steve Dowell , Jon Johnson, and Walt Ramsey, Treasurer Tony McCarthy, City Administrator Ed Chow, City Attorney Roger Lubovich, Lynda Anderson, Alana Mclalwain and Secretary Brenda Jacober. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Ramsey moved for the approval of the minutes of the meeting of September 18 , 1990. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. FINANCIAL UPDATE : Treasurer 1,1cCarthy distributed copies of the Ten Year Forecast of Revenue and Expenditures and noted that there may be more money available than is shown. He stated that 1990 closed with a balance of $107,000 and that if there are no expenses , there should be approximately $112 ,000 at the end of 1991. He explained for Dowell that although renewal fees went down, interest was earned on the fund balance. He stated that this forecast is conservative and offered to rework it. White asked that staff expenses be looked at, since there are so few EDC meetings . REQUEST FOR FUNDING - INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE : Alana Mclalwain noted that the Infrastructure Needs' Committee is requesting EDC funds in the amount of $60, 000 to hire a consultant to study downtown infrastructure needs to include fire flow, biofiltration, streets , traffic flow, water, sewer and utilities , parking, etc. She said the committee recognizes the need for infrastructure improvements in order for development to occur. She added that this would create jobs and increase business revenues . Upon White' s question, Lubovich noted that it is appropriate to use EDC funds in this way. He pointed out that he is a member of the committee, and White said he is also a member of the committee looking into construc- tion needs . White noted that if the justice center is located here, additional office buildings will be built and the question is whether the city is ready to accommodate additional development. He stated that hopefully the consultant will address a long term downtown parking plan. He added that there is not enough staff to pull everthing together, as a consultant would do. Mclalwain explained for White that the consultant would report to Administra- tion, that documentation would be provided tracking the work being done , and that Administration would receive an invoice. She noted for Ramsey and White that the end product would be similar to a master plan for the downtown area. August 7 , 1991 Page Two Dowell mowed that EDC grant the $60,000 for an Infrastructure Study of downtown. Ramsey seconded and the motion carried. REQUEST FOR FUNDING - JUSTICE CENTER STUDY STAFF ASSISTANCE : Lynda Anderson, Chair of the committee regarding the regional justice center, explained that cities have been asked to submit sites to the county which they feel would be appropriate for a regional justice center. She noted that the City of Kent does not have any City-owned land to submit , but that there are several private developers within the downtown core who are interested in selling their property for this use. She stated that it is her intent to put together a proposal supporting all of the sites which are consistent with their vision for the future of the city. She requested $20 ,000 to be used for graphics and staff support to put the product together She added that it is possible only $5 , 000 or less would be used. She explained that the product will contain identical material for all of the sites, with the option that any developer may submit additional materials in the form of an appendices . She explained that it is imperative that the product be of professional quality, whether done internally or with outside help , and that no funds are available at this time. She clarified for Dowell that the funds would be used for developing an RFP. She ex- plained that a citizens advisory committee will evaluate sites which are offered privately, and that the RFPs will be evaluated by the County Council. White voiced concern about benefiting one individual if otherschoose not to participate. Anderson noted for Dowell that they will not prioritize within the sites which are consistent with the development of downtown. She noted for Lubovich that the RFP asks the city to submit such informa- tion as a contact person, notification of city support, maps , photographs , legal descriptions and asking prices. Lubovich pointed out that the con- cern is the use of EDC funds for private proposals . Upon Dowell ' s question, Anderson noted that the deadline is September 13 and therefore this could not be accomplished before the infrastructure study. She added that the condition of the infrastructure will be a point for mitigation if the county does locate here. Dowell voiced concern that the results of the EDC funding would be beneficial to all, that someone may claim the funds were used for one and others were not aware of them. Lubovich clarified that funds should be used specifically for the city' s response, and not be given to individuals to hire architects , etc. He emphasized that the city cannot assist on an individual project. White noted that EDC would be funding the basic RFP and that anything the developers wish to add would be at their own expense. Anderson noted for White that the major expense would be for graphics and that $5, 000 would be enough. McCarthy explained that whatever funds were not used would remain in the account, and that expenditures will show up on a printout. Dowell moved to allocate up to $5 ,000 for the justice center study. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. EDC Board: City Attorney Lubovich noted receipt of a letter from David 0. Thompson of Preston Thorgrimson Shidler Gates & Ellis regarding appointment of members to the EDC. He noted that some criteria needs to be established to deter- mine which Council members would be ex officio members of the Board, such as the most senior members or the members of a particular committee of the Council that is relevant to EDC business . He distributed copies of an August 7, 1991 Page Three ordinance he drafted which would amend the enabling ordinance to allow that the seats be filled by the three most senior members on the Council, which at this time are Johnson, Woods and White. Johnson pointed out that it is possible that more than three members of the Council could have served the same length of time. Lubovich said that some type of distinction would have to be made in that case, and that he will look into the matter. Lubovich clarified that some other criteria could be used, such as the members of a particular committee. It was agreed to leave the proposed ordinance as is , with the three most senior Council members filling the seats . Upon a question regarding having the Council President on the Board, Lubovich replied that it would not be a problem, and Chow suggested that it be the option of the Council President whbther or not to serve on the Board. White suggested that if someone chooses not to serve, that the position go to the next most senior member. Lubovich noted that the proposed ordinance also corrects a conflict in numbering which resulted in two sections with the same number (Section 12. 18) . He noted that the ordinance would take effect in thirty days and that there will be new,-members on the Board. White stated that he would like to have Walt Ramsey and Ted Knapp reappointed to the Board. Lubovich said he will present the ordinance to the Operations Committee next week. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8 : 35 a.m. i nda Jacob r MC uty City C erk Secretary of the Board •