HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic Development Corporation - 11/17/1989 (3) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION November 17, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 a.m. by board member Jim White. PRESENT: Board members Jim White, Steve Dowell , Ted Knapp; Treasurer Tony McCarthy; Secretary Marie Jensen; Corporate Counsel Sandra Driscoll ALSO PRESENT: Dee Moschel and Steve Burpee of KDA; Mary Rose Williams of East Hill Business Council ; Bill Tonkin, Bond Counsel of Foster Pepper; Ron White of H&H Continental Mills; Councilmember Jon Johnson, Laurie Murray of the Accounting Dept. EDC BOARD It was noted that inasmuch as Berne Biteman was out of the country, a Chairman of the Board should be elected. Dowell moved to nominate White as Chairman, • Knapp seconded. There were no further nominations and White was elected as Chairman. It was pointed out that authorization would be sought to appoint Jon Johnson to the Board at the November 21 Council meeting to replace Berne Biteman. CONTINENTAL MILLS Bill Tonkin submitted the fee and the application of H&H Continental Mills. Ron White of Continental Mills noted that in 1986 Continental Mills went into the frozen food business at West Valley Highway and So. 190th with a 58,000 sq. foot facility. More room is now needed and it is proposed to add 18,000 sq. feet and additional supporting equipment. The operation is now running seven days a week with three shifts per day. It is proposed that the office will move out of this building which will increase space for lunch room, locker rooms, etc. Continental Mills is looking for a property to house the office facilities. It was explained that Continental had two facilities in Kent, one at So. 192nd off the East Valley Highway and the frozen food plant at 190th off the West Valley Highway. The application is for 6 million dollars, 1 million for the building and 5 million for equipment. New jobs will be created. Tonkin noted that the bonds will be backed by a letter of credit from Seattle Pacific Bank. Action at this time would be to accept the application and to adopt the inducement Resolution No. 1989-46. Knapp so moved, Dowell seconded and the motion carried. It was noted that the required hearing before the City Council will be scheduled for December 5, 1989 at 7 p.m. and that the EDC bond resolution would also be considered on December 5 at 6:30 p.m. immediately prior to the Council meeting. Ron White invited those present to a tour of the plant, noting that 56,000 pancakes were produced per hour. EDC FINANCIAL REPORT Tony McCarthy called attention to the EDC financial statement which was distri- buted with the agenda packet. The fund balance as of 12/31/88 was shown to be $65,942.33 plus receivables. The state has just completed the first audit which will cost approximately $2,800. McCarthy explained the fee schedule and earnings as well as expenses of the Corporation, concluding that the Corporation is sound and had money to spend. He had, therefore, referred the KDA and East Hill Business Council requests for funds to this meeting. City Attorney Driscoll noted that we were not required to spend the funds and, if,not spent, they would go into the City's general fund. Upon questions it was explained that the insurance was not the City self-insured program but liability insurance. Cost of participating in the King County EDC was shown to increase approximately 5 percent per year. In answer to Dowell 's question, Burpee noted that he knew of no projects of the Chamber of Commerce which might prompt a request for EDC funds. KDA A letter has been received from Dee Moschel of KDA requesting $5,100 from the Corporation for 1990. The funds will be used as follows: $3,350 to expand the banner program and $1,750 for event support and promotion. It was determined that Jim White was on the KDA board and, therefore, had a conflict of interest. It was decided that the item could be discussed now and action withheld to the next meeting when it is expected that Jon Johnson will attend as a new board member. Dee Moschel noted that KDA is now working with the "Main Street Program" sponsored by the state. Dowell requested special information regarding location • number and so forth of banners, and Burpee stated the information would be - 2 - supplied in a report back to the Corporation. All were in accord that the request was justified and recommended approval for the December 5 meeting. EAST HILL BUSINESS COUNCIL Mary Rose William, President of the EHBC, addressed her written request for $5,000 from the 1990 EDC budget to support a street banner program on East Hill . Upon Dowell 's question she explained that although the big businesses such as Fred Meyer, Albertson's, etc. are flourishing, the small businesses are not. She noted that the East Hill Carriage Mall has about a 75 percent turnover and that there are vacancies in the Albertson complex. Upon Jim White's question Dee Moschel noted that the City Public Works Department stores and puts up the KDA banners under her coordination. Mary Williams stated that her group would like to do the same. White noted that he has a financial interest in an East Hill business. Driscoll determined that this would be a conflict of interest. Upon Knapp's question, it was noted that the EHBC functioned like a Chamber of Commerce committee. He noted he was on the Chamber of Commerce board. Burpee suggested that the EHBC should get some of the big businesses involved with the group and Dowell suggested that the group get together with KDA. Action on this item was deferred to the special EDC meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on December 5, when both the KDA and the EHBC will be action items. ADJOURNMENT There was nothing further to come before the board and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Marie Jensen City C erk Secretary to the Board • 212C-01C - 3 - A CITY OF KENT ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE CORPORATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS January 1, 1984 thru December 31, 1988 The following notes are an integral part of the accompanying financial statements. NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The City of Kent Economic Enterprise Corporation follows generally accepted accounting principles with revenue and expenditures accounted for on the modified accrual basis. NOTE 2 - INCOME TAXES The Internal Revenue Code provides that gross income for tax purposes does not include income accruing to a state or territory, or any political subdivision thereof which is derived from the exercise of any essential governmental function or from any public utility. According to Washington State law, the corporation constitutes a political subdivision of,the State of Washington and is therefore exempt from federal income taxes. NOTE 3 - BONDS ISSUED OR BONDS APPROVED BY THE CORPORATION The bonds issued by the corporation are not general obligations of the corporation but are payable solely out of the revenues derived from the financing of the pro- jects. They do not constitute the debt or indebtedness of the corporation within the meaning of any provision or limitation of the constitution or statutes of the • State of Washington. The repayments of these bonds by the participating corpora- tion are made directly to the trustee and therefore are not shown as receipts and disbursements of the corporation. NOTE 4 - SOURCE OF REVENUE a. AQplication Fee The corporation requires an applicant to pay in advance for the cost of evaluating its application. b. Personal Service Fee Reimbursement for costs directly related to issuer. c. Annual Service Fee The corporation requires each participant to pay an annual service fee over the life of the bonds to defray expenses of the corporation. ' The annual service fee is determined as follows: The annual fee will be two- tenths of one percent (2/10th of 1%) of the annual debt service of the bonds, but not less than $2,500 for a privately placed issue or $5,000 for a public issue, payable yearly in advance; provided, that the annual fee *for any year shall not exceed an amount equal to one-eighth of one percent (.125%) of the outstanding principal amount of the bonds for such year. The annual minimum fee shall be adjusted, if necessary, at the commencement of each succeeding year to reflect the amount of debt service paid in the previous year. 1261F-09F CITY OF KENT ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE CORPORATION STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSE, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For The Years Ended December 31, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985 and 1984 1988 1Q87 1986 1985 1984 Revenues: • Intial Application Fees $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $15,000.00 $9,000.00 Personal Service Fees 0.00 322.63 9,167.27 3,961.76 4,260.64 Annual Administrative Fees 26,185.48 27,649.12 44,457.02 10,546.42 5,000.00 Interest Income 2,650.99 2,274.57 1,511.63 699.45 111.56 Miscellaneous revenue 3,670.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ........... ........... ........... .•......... ........... Total Revenues $32,506.47 $30,246.32 $56,635.92 $30,207.63 $18,372.20 Expenses: Professional Services $0.00 $664.92 $3,582.70 $0.00 $0.00 Other Services and Charges 7,806.91 9,572.87 20,584.40 7,678.06 4,019.29 Promotion Expenses 9,469.00 13,615.76 12,280.13 12,752.17 0.00 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... Total Expenses $17,275.91 $23,853.55 $36,447.23 $20,430.23 $4,019.29 Excess of Revenues Over Expenses $15,230.56 $6,392.77 $20,188.69 $9,777.40 $14,352.91 Fund Balance Beginning of Period $50,711.77 $44,319.00 $24,130.31 $14,352.91 .-.. $0.00. ........... ........... ........... ......•.... Fund Balance Ending of Period $65,942.33 $50,711.77 $44,319.00 $24,130.31 $14,352.91 CITY OF KENT ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE CORPORATION ............................................ BALANCE SHEET As of December 31, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985 and 1984 ASSETS 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 Cash $10,711.02 $1,926.81 $140.54 $3,145.84 $9,792.59 Other Investments, at cost 39,000.00 34,000.00 14,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 Accounts Receivable - Fees 14,321.72 14,042.28 31,531.18 3,983.92 4,560.32 Deferred Debits 2,661.84 1,417.18 313.88 87.80 0.00 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... Total Assets $66,694.58 $51,386.27 $45,985.60 $27,217.56 $14,352.91 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts Payable $752.25 $674.50 $1,666.60 $3,087.25 $0.00 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... Total Liabilities $752.25 $674.50 $1,666.60 $3,087.25 $0.00 Fund Balance $65,942.33 $50,711.77 $44,319.00 $24,130.31 $14,352.91 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... • Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $66,694.58 $51,386.27 $45,985.60 $27,21.7.56 $14,352.91 SEE ACCOMPANYING AUDITOR'S NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF KENT ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE CORPORATION ............................................ STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION For The Years Ended December 31, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985 and 1984 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 Sources of Working Capital Excess of Revenue Over Expenses $15,230.56 $6,392.77 $20,188.69 $9,777.40 $14,352.91 Uses of Working Capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... Increase(Decrease) in Working Capital $15,230.56 $6,392.77 $20,188.69 $9,777.40 $14,352.91 Changes in Working Capital Cash $8,784.21 $1,786.27 ($3,005.30) ($6,646.75) $9,792.59 Other Investments, at cost 5,000.00 20,000.00 (6,000.00) 20,000.00 0.00 Accounts Receivable 279.44 (17,488.90) 27,547.26 (576.40) 4,560.32 Deferred Debits 1,244.66 1,103.30 226.08 87.80 0.00 Accounts Payable (77.75) 992.10 1,420.65 (3,087.25) 0.00 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... $15,230.56 $6,392.77 $20,188.69 $9,777.40 $14,352.91 SEE ACCOMPANYING AUDITOR'S NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • * m m m p m M rt rt -� �•"'7CKrC nm m or y �p C m ' Q S7 m N7p�� ryf 0'H o nTN y.o yrt y N It ri rt'Ot 0 y 7'N 'f IC -A.•. 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VI •O W L9'0 00-F LIJN • CD CO V F W O V • N P r r00 Oho • •O10 P v pC> -•T�-+ 3Tr NO'O -3 �• � rOfdm fDM N rt N N N OW�_ N 0] •m "'�•Ort1 Vi y , (A p•y t0�_a C ? _ VI VI O %A s Vf N N N 9 ` � 501 rt -1mfppS G IJ Corti �= 3� 0 y � C fy'! hod amro 1-3 m off• 01 �W(0 �� �m (a ;a m30 'o + < Ny rAS mW J N S Re 3 81 Nl rt P 01 a`f �r3p► N 7 It to INVOICE VOUCHER REMIT TO: OFFICE OF STATE AUDITOR LEGISLATIVE BUILDING AS-21 "' •• OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504 (206) 753-5277 T V. GRAHAM ATE AUDITOR INVOICE NUMBER: L 14066 INVOICE DATE: 1.1/09/89 AUDIT NUMBER: 5278 CUSTOMER NUMBER :0662 PROJECT CODE: GENL COUNTY NUMBER: 17 KENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP CITY OF I<EN1" 220 4TH AVE-' S. I hereby certify the amount listed herein is a KENT WA 90032 proper charge for services rendered: By: Controller Karen K.Allen (RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT) ...........................................................•..............................................................._............................................•....................-----...._....................................................................... (DETACH AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS) ENTITY NAME: KENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP :INVOICE DATE: 1.1./09/I: 9 AUDIT PERIOD: 83--88 :INVOICE. NUMBER: l.._ .14066 PURPOSE OF BILLING: GENERAL AUDIT MONTH EXAMINER RATE HOURS AMOUNT TRAVEL TOTAL 10/39— I-II.JN'TING"TC)N57..QQ .'aQ.'!] 11110.00_._._.___G6 4Q_____1 , 1.36. 4Q TOTAL I')UE THIS INVOICE 30.0 1 , 110.00 26.40 1 ,136.40 941 I • JV NUMBER: 0277 CJ NUMBER: WT NUMBER: --_--___—_.--- WHITE•Entity CANARY-Fiscal INVOICE VOUCHER REMIT TO: OFFICE OF STATE AUDITOR RECEIVED LEGISLATIVE BUILDING AS-21 nr,T a. f9e9 ` r" • OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504 (2061 7530277 CITY ADM)•'•^TRATIQN RT V. GRAHAM ATE AUDITOR INVOICE NUMBER: L 13013. INVOICE DATE: 10/11/89 AUDIT NUMBER: 52721 CUSTOMER NUMBER :0662 PROJECT CODE: GENL COUNTY NUMBER: 17 KENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP CITY OF KENT I hereby certify the amount listed herein is a 220 41 H AVE S. proper charge for services rendered: KENT WA 98032 cl L By: Controller Karen K.Allen (RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT) (DETACH AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS) ENTITY NAME: KENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP INVOICE DATE: 10/11/89 AUDIT PERIOD: 0 3--8 INVOICE. NUMBER: L .13811 PURPOSE OF BILLING: GENERAL AUDIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTH EXAMINER RATE HOURS AMOUNT TRAVEL TOTAL 11109/097UNTINGTON-- --_- - •---'37 00—_---34.0 ,1 ,25y.00--_.._._.__38_.40----1 ,296.40M 09/e9 J(:HNSON 37.00 4.0 148.00 148.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE WO 1 ,406.00 30.40 1 ,444.MO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JV NUMBER: 0198 CJ NUMBER: ------------ WIT NUMBER: _._______.____ WHITE•Entity CANARY-Fiscal P ' RECEIVED mov 61989 KENT CITY 001?p ,7RA I(ON Downtown Association AHHENDED REQUEST 10-31-89 June 15, 1989 Edward Chow, Administrator City of Kent 220 South Fourth Avenue Kent, Washington, 98032 Re: Request for 1990 funding Dear Mr. Chow: The Board of Directors of the Kent Downtown Association respectfully requests that the City of Kent continue financial support for the Kent Downtown Association. We are requesting $ 5100 for the budget year 1990. We will use the money to: a) Expand banner program (banners & brackets) S 3350. The image that DOWNTOWN Kent presents to our world is very important. Beauty and vitality are two impressions that are created by the banners that we currently have in place. KDA wishes to expand the banner program. The Kent City Council recently approved an expanded Downtown Planning Area and we feel that it is important to include the main entry-ways in our DOWNTOWN banner program, as well as enhance the area which does not yet have banners. In addition, the older banners that currently are in place must be replaced as they age and become faded, worn or soiled. b) Event support & promotion $ 1750. Kent DOWNTOWN has Saturday Market, Canterbury Faire, Balloon Classic, Cornucopia, Winterfest, Santa and other events to support in some visible way. KDA encourages participation by merchants and business owners in DOWNTOWN events by offering special support in the form of awards. This may be a plaque for the best window display at Christmas or Canterbury Faire, for painting and refurbishing of a building, improved landscaping any other significant contribution to the vitality of DOWNTOWN . In addition to awards, KDA will promote feelings of goodwill by acquiring and paying for special entertainment at Saturday • Market, Christmas or Canterbury Faire. We will support DOWNTOWN only in ways that will benefit the entire DOWNTOWN community. We will not do special promotions which will benefit a particular business, but seek to enhance the economic vitality of the entire area. Kent Downtown Association P.O. Box 128 • Kent, Washington 98035 0 (206) 854-1770 r Page 2 - KDA - Budget 1990 The Kent Downtown Association was created by the City of Kent as a result of the the 1975 Central Business District (CBD) Comprehensive Plan. The intent and purpose of this association was to encourage the development of DOWNTOWN Kent as the economic and cultural heart of the Kent community. The Economic Goals and Policies of the 1989 Downtown Planning Area Plan recently adopted by the Kent City Council specifically encourages the City of Kent to continue to support the Kent Downtown Association. The funds we request will help promote economic development in DOWNTOWN Kent. KDA has worked on various projects during the past twelve years which have a direct effect upon the economic health of the DOWNTOWN area. Examples of these efforts are: a successful LID campaign to improve the core area of DOWNTOWN as well as an LID to provide "off street" municipal parking. Both of these projects took many hours of time by the dedicated volunteer Board of KDA. KDA worked to keep the location of the new library downtown. The library and Centennial Building will each have a marked economic impact on DOWNTOWN. During these times of rapid change, KDA will work to keep the lines of communication open between the business and property owners in DOWNTOWN and the City. We are also working with the retailers in a spirit of cooperation, with the goal of blending all of the diverse groups in DOWNTOWN so that we • will all work together toward a successful , vital and prosperous future. The Board of Directors are all volunteer positions, staff support for special projects (LID, parking survey) has often come from the City of Kent. The Kent Chamber of Commerce provides clerical and staff support on a limited basis. Historically, the City of Kent has given regular financial support to this organization. Thank you for your consideration . If you have questions or need additional information, you may contact me at 852-7081 . If I am not available, please contact Pat Curran at 852-6732. Sincerely; /�•e-� `fir -� Dee Moschel, P sident Kent Downtown Association October 4, 1989 OCT - 5 1989CITY OF KENT CITY Mayor Dan Kelleher and City Council City of Kent 220 4th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 KEHT CHAMBER Dear Mayor Kelleher and Council members: OF COMMERCE On behalf of the East Hill Business Council, 2 am writing to request the City of- Kent participate with the East Hill Business Community in a street banner program in 1990. The East Hill Business Council is composed of Kent area business people, retailers, professionals, property owners, and concerned citizens who've joined together through the Kent Chamber of Commerce to promote the vitality of the Kent East Hill business district. The Council is particularly interested in projects that position and help identify the East Hill area for the general public. We believe that the proposed banner system will brighten and attract people to the East Hill, as well as clearly define the commercial district boundaries. We're proposing installation of 40 banners at a total cost of $5,000. 40 banners @ $100 ea. $ 4,000 40 brackets @ $25 ea. 1 ,000 $ 5,000 The installation layout will encompass the shopping district, running from SE 264 St. to SE 240 St. on 104th Ave. SE from 100 Ave. S. to 116th Ave. SE on SE 240 St. , from 101st Ave. to 116th Ave. SE on Canyon Drive/SE 256th St. and from 106th Ave. down Kent-Kangley Rd. to 116th Ave SE. We are also requesting help from the Public Works Department to install the banners. 2 feel strongly that the growth and prosperity of the City of Kent is tied to the liveliness of its shopping and commercial areas. We appreciate your consideration of our request in the 1990 budget. The banners will be a boost for the Kent East Hill business district. Sincerely, Mary Rose Williams, President East Hill Business Council icc: Ed Chow, City Administrator John Lindseth, President of the Kent Chamber of Commerce on. nrNITgni AIrr.nIMf,I^M- rinTr+ne