HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic Development Corporation - 04/21/1988 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION April 21 , 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:45 a.m. by Chairman of the Board/Berne Biteman. Board Members Present: Berne Biteman Steve Dowell Walt Ramsey Officers: Sandra Driscoll , General Counsel Tony McCarthy, Treasurer Marie Jensen, Secretary Also Present: Brent McFall , City Administrator Laurie Murray, Finance Department Suzette Cooke, Executive Director Kent Chamber of Commerce Todd Cromwell , Marketing and Public Relations MINUTES Ramsey moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 10, 1988. Dowell seconded and the motion carried. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GRANT APPLICATION It was determined that the Chamber of Commerce had requested $5,000 from the EDC in support of their application for funds to the Washington State Local Development Matching Fund Program, Department of Community Development. The program' s goal is "to enhance the capacity for economic development at local and regional levels particularly in communities and areas experiencing severe economic stress". At its meeting of April 5, 1988, the Kent City Council endorsed The Chamber's application and recommended that this corporation support the request for funds. Suzette Cooke explained that the proposal was formulated in conjunction with KDA and that KDA had committed $3,000 to the project. The application, however, is that of The Chamber and if the grant is received, the funds will be used for the downtown distressed area. Biteman noted that pictures of the West Hill business area would show that this is also a distressed area. Upon questions, Cooke noted that The Chamber project will be concerned with targeting what kind of businesses we want to fill the vacancies and that this information will also benefit existing businesses. The project will be ear-marked for people who work in Kent and who live elsewhere. It was noted that approximately 35,UOU people come to Kent da Ty to work. Cooke noted that the survey will compliment the shopping survey already done by the KDA for the residential area. It was pointed out that people coming into the area to work also use many of Kent's services and shop here frequently. Upon Ramsey's question, Cooke noted that the project coordinator would be a temporary position, under contract for this project. McFall confirmed for Dowell that if the grant application was not successful , the EDC funds would not be used. The $5,000 could be allocated, but not paid until the grant is approved and received. Cooke noted that if the grant is received, the EDC Corporation should look at the draft questionaire and have input on same, as well as having a voice on the manner of presentation of the questionaire information. Biteman volunteered to participate in this part of the survey. Biteman moved to allocate $5,000 for The Chamber of Commerce to be paid if the state grant is approved. Ramsey seconded and the motion carried. KENT VALLEY BROCHURE It was determined that the corporation has also received a request from Todd Cromwell on behalf of the Kent Valley Marketing Committee of The Chamber of Commerce for $500 to be used toward the cost of production of a Kent Valley Brochure. Cromwell explained that the cost is estimated to be $4,500 and that 75% of this amount has been pledged. The purpose of the brochure is to promote economic development in the Kent Valley by alerting relocating businesses to the advantage of locating in the valley. A questionaire has been sent to determine what information should be containd in the brochure. The private sector has pledged funds to support this project and Cromwell noted that public support was politically important to the city. He determined for Ramsey that he would put the brochure together and McFall pointed out that the corporation, as a contributor, could review the information to go into the brochure. Cromwell encouraged this and expressed the hope that the city would use the brochure as well . Dowell moved to approve the allocation of $500 for the brochure. Ramsey seconded and the motion carried. FINANCES Dowell expressed concern that more requests might come in and it was agreed that the board would instruct staff to inform any applicants for funding that the budget for 1988 has already been allocated. Upon questions, McCarthy determined that the corporation had $1 ,900 left in the promotional category for 1988 and that funds could be reallocated. McFall noted that some funds allocated for staff expenses had not been used and were therefore available. The corporation is in a good sound cash position, however, the budget for 1988 will be expended by these requests. Dowell expressed concern that more requests might come in and it was agreed that the board would instruct staff to inform any applicants for funding that the budget for 1988 has already been allocated. • Marie ense , ity r Secretary Board 122C-IC - 2 - .w,e»,v,�.nr,..v't� �-^xc� •zw-v1 , ,nal�yxwa',,,r,. iphl w,•, .;'�qr'4�" ,,,,.,w, wab�aM�g �uP"rx CITY OF KENT 220 80 Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 T I Jill, The regular meeting for April for the City of Kent Economic Dev elopment Corporation has been rescheduled,. And will hA ha1A at 7 • ail a-m nn Thl ,r�ada �8 1 21&3198o in ' he courtroom of the Kent City, Ha411 ., , This notice is sent in response ,to ,your request for such infp�,a,}inn Marie Jens MC a Signed �J • Oil Signed ,0 r u • - i t