HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 11/20/2008 (3)City of Kent nt Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2008 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Call to Order: Elizabeth Albertson called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. Call to Order: Elizabeth Albertson called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. Council Committee Members Present: Elizabeth Albertson chaired the meeting in the absence of Debbie Ranniger, Ron Harmon sat in for Elizabeth Albertson, Jamie Danielson. Council Committee Members Present: Elizabeth Albertson chaired the meeting in the absence of Debbie Ranniger, Ron Harmon sat in for Elizabeth Albertson, Jamie Danielson. Item #1 Meeting Minutes Dated October 16, 2008Item #1 Meeting Minutes Dated October 16, 2008 Ron Harmon moved to approve the minutes of October 16, 2008. Jamie Danielson seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Item #2 Eagle Scout Contribution - Recognition Fund Development Coordinator Victoria Andrews attended the meeting to have Council recognize local Scouts. The Scouts have completed twenty projects in 2008. Two more projects are in the finishing stages, including the first Girl Scout Gold Award candidate. The projects included four new informational kiosks and repairs/signage on 19 existing kiosks, 1,990 feet of split-rail fencing, 300 feet of new gravel trails, 115 newly planted native trees and shrubs, 48 feet of boardwalk over sensitive wetlands, and three recycled benches. Park fences were repaired and repainted, recycling bin platforms were assembled and installed, event sandwich board signs were created, and a slide pit was reconstructed. The City’s investment in the program this year was about $4,800. The Scouts raised $8,195.24 in donated materials, discounts on products and cash through personal solicitation letters, Krispy Kreme fundraisers, and other creative projects. Scouts recognized: • Derek Moore, Troop 302 • Jared Lewis, Troop 888 • Conner Bertsch, Troop 407 • Adam Mosher, Troop 407 • Spencer Walker, Troop 302 • Nelson Browning, Troop 481 • Brandon Forsythe, Troop 464 • Jordan Tuchek, Troop 453 • Aaron Kriewald, Troop 406 • Logan Ryan, Troop 453 • Scott Self, Troop 414 • Greg Johnson, Troop 237 • Ayden Jensen, Troop 414 • Marcus Templeman, Troop 302 • Kyle Stone, Troop 449 • Cameron Halverson, Troop 414 • Josh Cinkovich, Troop 453 • Max Saurwein, Troop 453 • Kyle Hadley, Troop 402 • BJ Hoffman, Troop 474 The Scouts in attendance had pictures taken with Council Committee members by Kent Reporter staff. Item #3 Comcast Cares Day Donation – Accept and Amend Budget Victoria Andrews stated that on May 3, 2008, Comcast employees and their families worked on numerous improvement projects at Lake Meridian Park as part of their “Comcast Cares Day” volunteer event. In addition to volunteering their time, Comcast donated over $5,000, requesting the funds go toward the purchase of play equipment for Lake Meridian Park. Comcast representatives attended the Parks Committee Meeting in October to officially present the check to the Kent Parks Foundation. The current agenda item is for Council approval to accept and appropriate the funds. Jamie Danielson moved to accept $5,050.50 from Comcast through the Kent Parks Foundation toward the purchase of playground equipment at Lake Meridian Park, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Lake Meridian Playground Equipment budget. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Item #4 King County 4Culture 2008 Performance Network Grant – Accept and Amend Budget Cultural Programs Manager Ronda Billerbeck reported that 4Culture has awarded the Kent Arts Commission $9,250 to present three new works as part of the 2008 Site Specific King County Performance Network. The Phffft Theater Dance Company presented “Mass Movement” at Kent Station as part of Cornucopia Days, “The Snow Queen” was presented by theater simple at Lake Meridian Park in August, and Brazilian musician Eduardo Mendonca performed as part of the 1st Avenue Block Party on September 12. Ron Harmon moved to accept funding for $9,250 from 4Culture to reimburse the Kent Arts Commission for three Site Specific Performance Network pieces and approve the expenditure of funds in the Arts Commission budget. Jamie Danielson seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Item #5 Aukeen Court Expansion Project Agreement - Authorize CAO John Hodgson attended the meeting to update the Committee on progress with the Aukeen Court Expansion Project. In June of 2008, the contract with King County for use of Aukeen Court expired. Since then, Council negotiations were completed with the County Executive’s office. City staff is currently negotiating with County Council Attorneys. Council approved the sale of bonds and the bonds were sold. The city finalized the purchase of the property next to Aukeen Court. Parks and Human Services Committee Page 2 Minutes of November 20, 2008 The original contract with David Clark Architects completed the schematic design and budget development of the expansion project. The second contract with David Clark Architects completes the design, bidding and construction services of the project. The proposed project goes out to bid in spring, with construction starting in the summer, and construction completion the first quarter of 2010. The final step is execution of a 20-year lease with First Right of Refusal. Staff clarified that the appraisal will reverse the value of the renovation. Jamie Danielson moved to authorize the Mayor sign the agreement with David Clark Architects PLLC, for $669,227.00 for design, bidding and construction services at Aukeen Court, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Item #6 HVAC Ten-Year Replacement Plan – Update Jeff Watling reported that in September of 2007, staff informed Council that several city buildings with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment were approaching the end of their useful life, and a plan for replacement of those systems over time is necessary. Part of the plan was to hire an Energy Services Company (ESCO) to audit the Centennial Center, Police, City Hall, Fire Stations 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, and the Golf Course Clubhouse. Upon review of the audit, it was determined that the Centennial Center and the Golf Course are too complex in nature and should be contracted out and the other buildings could be completed with in-house staff. McKinstry Inc. developed a proposal with the cost of the required work and the energy saving associated with that cost guaranteed. It includes replacement of the air handling equipment and all 85 heat pumps in the Centennial Center. Tests indicate that Riverbend Golf Course is a candidate for use of a geo thermal system - a ground source heat pump. The switch to a ground source heat pump at the Golf Course for an additional cost of $250,000 will pay for itself through energy savings over a twelve (12) to fifteen (15) year period. It will free up the necessary power to allow switching to electric carts in the future, without having to upsize the PSE transformer at a cost of $85,000. The cost to complete this city-wide project is $2,638,638.00, including tax. Staff from Facilities and Finance will work together to determine the best way to fund this project. The plan is to bring an action item back to the Parks Committee meeting in January 2009. Charlie explained that geo thermal is heating and cooling from the ground. The lifecycle is twenty years. This method is more efficient and uses less energy. Riverbend Golf Complex is an excellent valley location for this plan and provides the ground work for solar paneled electric carts in the future, thus encouraging additional energy savings. Parks and Human Services Committee Page 3 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Parks and Human Services Committee Page 4 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Item #7 What’s Happening Jeff Watling presented upcoming events and informational items. • Six schools participated, with 400 students planting trees at Clark Lake Park. Bus transportation to and from the event was provided by the Kent Kiwanis Club. • Make-A- Difference Day had 148 participants. They built a ramp and removed truck loads of Scotch Broom. • The Morford Family Carousel opens on November 28. Volunteers from SCAC AND KYFS are partnering to operate the carousel. Pre-sale of tickets is very popular this year. • The Creative Art Space Show, which highlights extremely talented artists every quarter is featuring Robotics this quarter. The location is the Resource Center from December 9 – 12. The contact number: 253-856-5030. The meeting adjourned at 5:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teri Petrole Committee Council Secretary