HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic Development Corporation - 09/21/1999 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION September 21, 1999 Boardmembers Present : Woods, Orr, Llewellyn, Banister Others Present : Assistant Finance Director Hillman, City Attorney Lubovich, Economic Development Manager Skaught Woods called the meeting to order at 3 : 10 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Banister moved to approve the minutes of September 15, 1998 . Orr seconded and the motion carried. Election of Officers. Llewellyn moved to keep the same officers as last year, who were Judy Woods-Chair, Morgan Llewellyn-Vice Chair, Brenda Jacober-Secretary and John Hillman-Treasurer. Orr seconded and the motion carried. • Financial Re-port, Hillman distributed copies of the financial report and noted that retained earnings increased by approximately $9, 000 . He pointed out that the operating income for 1998 was $6, 000 more than in 1997, and that expenses have been minimal . He explained the recap of all years and said he expects an income in 1999 of $6, 700 . Llewellyn moved to ratify the 1999 budget and to approve the 2000 budget . Banister seconded and the motion carried. Other Business. A Proposal for Public Officials and Employees Liability Insurance was presented to the Chair for signature . Upon a question from Skaught, the City Attorney and Boardmembers explained the purpose of this group. Adjournment. The meeting then adjourned at 3 :20 p.m. Brenda Jaco e City Clerk Secretary