HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities Distict Board - 06/25/2009 (3) • KENT WASHINGTON SPECIAL MEETING Public Facilities District June 25, 2009 Board Members Present: Mike Miller, Greg Haffner, Lew Sellers, Cass Prindle Others Present: Tim Higgins, Beth Sylves, Ron Harmon, Ben Wolters, Patrick McClusky, Colin Campbell, Robert Nachlinger, Steve Hunter, Julie Pulliam, Dana Ralph, Russ Farwell I. Call to Order a. The meeting was called to order by Chair Mike Miller at 3:35 p.m. b. Approval of Minutes. Sellers moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 28, 2009. Prindle seconded and the motion carried. • II. Finance Report a. Review of State Sales Tax Revenues. Nachlinger reviewed the monthly figures, noting that the May numbers are similar to April's. He explained that the $30,000 difference between May 2008 and May 2009 sales tax revenue is due to the downturn in the economy and the streamlined sales tax. b. ShoWare Center Income Statement. McCluskey reported that there was a loss of $97,000 at the end of April, a loss of $44,000 at the end of May, and a year-to-date loss of $213,000. He noted that the total event income for May was $71,096. Higgins explained that SMG pledged $100,000 in an Opportunity Fund to buy shows when necessary, that that money was used for the STYX show, and that the Fund was replenished after the show. He said that although ticket sales have been light, food and beverage sales have been good. III. Operator U dp ate. a. Marketing Update. Beth Sylves gave a presentation on ShoWare's mission and marketing objectives, including community relations, publicity and media relations, economic development, and event advertising and hospitality sales. • Public Facilities District June 25, 2009 Page Two b. Status of Event Bookings/Attendance. It was noted that the circus will be here over Memorial Day weekend, and that the sign board is a budget issue. The use of banners was discussed and it was noted that the reader board at Kent Commons has been used for advertising. It was determined that there is not much competition between events put on by the Parks Department and those at the ShoWare Center, due to the size of the audience. Higgins noted that he is in constant contact with promoters, but that ticket sales are light throughout the industry. Higgins stated that the graduations went well, but that most of the school districts requested that there be no food sales. He noted that 14,000 people attended the graduations, and that 30,000 people attended events during June. IV. Seattle Thunderbirds Update. a. Thunderbird Attendance, Sales and Marketing Update. Colin Campbell • announced that the opening home game will be held on September 18, 2009, against the Everett Silvertips, and that mailings about it are going out this week. He said they have been contacting businesses and taking them on tours of the facility, and that this has been well received. He added that an additional sales person has been hired. Campbell noted that 60% of the club seats and 60% of season tickets have been renewed, and that those who did not renew are being contacted. He said a Thunderbirds street team will be appearing at street fairs, and possibly in the Super Mall and the South Hill Mall. b. Advertising Sales Update. Campbell said they continue to be successful with advertising, noting that Allied Waste is happy about the exposure the score board provides. He then announced that the University of Phoenix has signed up for $46,000 per year of building advertising, as well as $16,000 for a concourse sign. C. Suite Sales Update. Campbell said many businesses are interested in suites, but that it's difficult for them to make a commitment because of the economy. He said the tours help and that the prices are right. He displayed a brochure which is used to help the businesses • understand that the suites can assist them in making sales. Public Facilities District June 25, 2009 Page Three V. Other Business a. Next Meeting Date. It was suggested that the next meeting be held after the Thunderbirds' schedule is available; all agreed. Sellers moved to cancel the regular meeting of July 30 and hold a special meeting on August 27. Haffner seconded and the motion carried. Added - Public Health. It was clarified that the public health issue has been resolved. Added - Arena Football. Wolters said that after discussing this issue with Tim Higgins and others today, they are very hopeful and expect conclusion within six weeks. VI. Adjournment a. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. • Brenda Jacober, MC City Clerk •