HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 04/16/1998 CITY OF LQ]1�JS�J JS Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253) 859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director April 16, 1998 TO: TIM CLARK, CHAIR AND PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: FRED N. SATTERSTROM, PLANNING MANAGER RE: BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FOR DOWNTOWN STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN In May 1996, the City of Kent received a grant of$150,000 from the Washington State Department of Community and Economic Development Department (DCTED) to complete its proposed Downtown Strategic Action Plan. This grant was augmented by the City in the amount of$25,000 to also conduct a downtown market analysis. The budget for the Plan, therefore, equaled a total of $175,000 plus "in-kind" services. In May 1997, DCTED notified the City that an additional $10,000 could be included in their original grant for a total of$160,000 of state funds. While the City Council was notified of this action by staff, there was no formal acceptance of the additional grant monies nor was the budget for the project formally adjusted. The Finance Department has notified the Planning Department that in order to disburse funds from this account, the City Council must accept the additional grant funds and adjust the budget accordingly. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, staff requests that the Public Works and Planning Committee recommend the full City Council accept the additional grant funds($10,000),direct the staff to adjust the budget accordingly, and spend monies for same. cc: James P. Harris, Planning Director • 220 J[h AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINGTON 98031_-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 • Fred: Could you write a memo to the Planning/Public Works Committee - Memo is due April 16th to Marilyn Parker in Public Works Re: Downtown Strategic Action Plan On July 1, 1997, it was mentioned to the City Council that the City (the Planning Department) would be receiving an additional $10,000 to help the City define the community focal point, from the State to bring the total received to $160,000 for the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. We request a budget change of$10,000 to adjust the budget to $185,000,permission to accept the grant, and spend money for same. Motion: Accepting the grant money of $10,000, direct staff to adjust the budget accordingly, and spend money for same. • Kent City Council Minutes July 1, 1997 • HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) SANITATION Rent Motel. ACCEPT the bill of sale for Kent Motel submitted by Michael Cohen dba M.C. Construction for continuous operation and maintenance of 425 feet of waterline, 512 feet of street improvements, 112 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located in the vicinity of East Valley Highway and S. 224th Street. DOWNTOWN (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) ACTION PLAN Downtown Strategic Action Plan. On June 2 , 1997 , the Land Use and Planning Board made a recom- mendation to the City Council on the proposed Downtown Strategic Action Plan. The Planning Board held several workshops on the Plan, beginning in January 1997 and culminating in public hearings held on May 27 and June 2 , 1997 . The Downtown Strategic Plan is an action-oriented subarea plan and integrated environmental impact statement; it outlines a host of land use, infrastructure design, and development actions • which help to strengthen the economic and social stature of downtown Kent. Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, gave a review of the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. He noted that the City Council and City Administration have felt very strongly about the downtown area since 1966 and that the Downtown Plan is cur- rently listed as the #7 priority on the Council' s Target Issues. He explained that the Planning i Department had applied for a PERF (Planning and Environmental Review Funding) Grant over a year ago and has now received a $150, 000 grant from the Department of Community Trade and Economic Development to do the Downtown Plan. Satterstrom noted that the City Council put in $25, 000 to do a market analysis, and that the City received a large share of State monies to conduct the Strategic Plan. He noted that the effort has been so successful along the way, and that the State has been so pleased with the process of it that they also in -1„rled an additional $10, 000 in May to bring their total contribut _ion to $160, 000. 00 to help the i y e in£� ee a -community focal__poin a explained that the Strategic • Action Plan lists a series of actions and strategies that, if implemented, will achieve 10 17111 cl 7 Kent City Council Minutes July 1, 1997 • DOWNTOWN that plan. He noted that the PERF grant ACTION PLAN integrates both the Growth Management and the State Environmental Policy Act, and that it will achieve a relatively stream-lined process for development in Downtown (any development that is consistent with the vision) . Satterstrom explained that the Strategic Action Plan does not replace- the existing Downtown Plan, the Land Use Plan, or the zoning. He noted that the proposed Strategic Action Plan does modify or does suggest some slight modifications to the Downtown Land Use Plan but that it is mainly concerned with the actions necessary to implement the Plan. He explained that there has been i extensive public review and opport unities for input along the way with the kick off starting on July 31, 1996 , followed by eight public work- shops, numerous Stake Holder Board Meetings, four Workshops with the Land Use and Planning Board which also held two public hearings, and two workshops with the Council back in January and March to try to keep the Council updated on this • process. Linda Phillips, Planner with the Kent Planning Department, thanked all the In-House people, consultants, and the people from the community who took part and gave so much time and effort to this project. She noted that the potential for the downtown area is enormous. She also noted that the Land Use and Planning Board approved the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. Phillips outlined the Land Use & Planning Board recom- mendations to the City Council as follows: (1) Further study of the commuter rail station location alternatives, both north and south; 1: (2) The North Park area east of Fourth Avenue North on the north side of James Street should retain the existing single family residential designation on the Comprehensive Plan map and in the zoning code; (3) The single family residen- tial designated area north of James Street between 4th Avenue North and Fifth Avenue North should be designated mixed use on the Comprehensive Plan Map and in the zoning code as recommended by staff; (4) Eliminate the con- ceptual parking area shown on the plan graphic of • 11 the Commons Play Field; (5) Create angle parking 11 on the west side of an improved Fifth Avenue i 11 • Kent City Council Minutes July 1, 1997 r DOWNTOWN south adjacent to the Commons Play Field, north ACTION P of James Street, and create a drop off and pick up area for children along this improved right- of-way; (6) Study traffic patterns in North Park for ingress, egress and safety; (7) Study the parking for the uplands playfield located between Meeker Street and Smith Street adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad; (8) Develop realistic costs associated with the plan actions; (9) Develop a gateway area at the Intersection of North Central Avenue and the Valley Freeway (SR 167) . i Phillips explained that a model of downtown Kent will be provided and changed, to reflect the growth and development of the City. He noted that the model will be a good tool for planners as well as business and community people with a view. She also noted that if the Plan is adopted then a downtown promotional video and a market analysis brochure will be released to tell people what downtown can offer and give a good enthusi- astic view of the potential downtown. She noted that presentation graphics of the downtown vision if it developed to the density and size that is recommended by the Comprehensive Plan, the Downtown Plan, and the Downtown Strategic Action Plan will be available also. Phillips noted that these things will be finalized when the plan is adopted because they are dependent on the makeup of the Plan at the time that it is adopted. I ORR MOVED to accept the Downtown Strategic Action Plan as recommended by the Land Use and Planning j Board and forward it to the next Planning Committee Meeting on July 15, 1997 at 4 : 00 p.m. for further consideration. Houser seconded. Upon Mayor White' s question, Orr explained that the Plan is to have some public meetings on this, if necessary, and that several individuals have contacted her who want to meet with the Council I in a less formal setting than a full Council meeting. She noted that this could be accom- plished better on a Committee level and then make a firm recommendation back to the full Council. i The motion then carried. • 12