HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 07/20/1998 PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES July 20, 1998 Present: Rico Yingling Tom Brotherton Leona Orr Don Wickstrom Jim Harris Absent: Tim Clark Annexation Policy & Strategv Referring to a city map, Harris explained the boundaries of the annexations within the City noting the areas in King County that are potential city annexation areas. Harris explained that the one potential annexation area which is important to the city is approximately 3.5 sq. miles with a population of about 20,000. This would be the last bid annexation for Kent. Hams stated that we have 13 policy statements that Council adopted in April of 1998; prior to our annexing Del Mar or Meridian Valley County Club. The question for the Council would be, do you feel that these policies are current enough to handle what's left in the city; where and how should we modify them. Harris stated that at the next Committee meeting he would like to present a proposal of potential changes to these policy statements. He noted that Rico Yingling had submitted some questions to the staff. Upon Rico's concurrence, Harris read the questions and answers to the Committee, which were included in their packets. Hams suggested that this issue be brought back to the first meeting in September with the idea of taldng action on this. He said we have had two "informational" meetings on this. Leona Orr suggested that it may be helpful to meet with the Finance Dept and other appropriate departments to get a report from them as to how we are doing with our level of service within these annexations; what impacts did the last two annexations have. She noted that before we push to annex another area with an approximate population of as much as 20,000 people, we have a clear understanding of exactly where we stand, based on the annexations we have just completed; also, the need for new employees, and look at the revenue potential for that area. Harris said we might have some additional information at the second Committee meeting in August. • Leona Orr noted that a look at the overtime budget prior to the annexations as well as since the annexations, would be helpful. Leona asked if we are any closer to getting numbers from the County that talk about their numbers of potential population growth. Harris stated that we have been working with the County and have had to adjust our own numbers because of our annexations. Leona stated it would be helpful to have that information as well. In response to Leona, Harris said the next annexation would come into the city in sections. 32"d Avenue South Street Vacation Wickstrom said we have received a petition to vacate a portion of 32"d Avenue which is unopened right-of-way and by law, we have to act on that request and Council needs to set a date for a public hearing by resolution. Committee unanimously recommended adoption of a resolution setting a hearing date for the 32"d Avenue South Street Vacation. Water District #I I I Easement Agreement Wickstrom explained that this is on the East Hill at 124't'Ave SE in a small . subdivision adjacent to Seven Oaks East, north of Kent Kangley. There is a portion of a tract which was deeded to us as part of the short plat which services our detention basin and now the district believes they need an easement to run a waterline down that tract. Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the Easement Agreement with Water District #111 situated within the plat of Seven Oaks Addition. Added item: LID Covenants Wickstrom - We have mitigation/LID agreements, which are expiring. In 1988 the legislature passed a law stating that LID agreements and commitments to LID agreements could only run for a period of 10 ,years. Prior to that, we had executed LID covenants for improvements of property owner frontage, and those covenants have run in perpetuity essentially. Some of those are still outstanding. We also have executed agreements regarding participation in the Corridor projects through SEPA where the property owner can either execute an agreement or do a traffic study and do all the improvements. Nearly 100% of them have chosen to execute a mitigation agreement and part of that agreement is the participation in an LID. That • portion lapses since 1988. Right now we have mailed approximately 10 notices affecting 9 different developments; one has two streets. We are required to notify them that the time period is u ; in case of an LID covenant the now have to P P Y improve the frontage they were hoping would be done by an LID. Where we have mitigation agreements, their 10 years are up and now they have to pay that cash plus inflation since the 1986 dollar. These 10 different developments which we sent notices to are due the end of August. In August we will send out another group which will be two months in advance of their due date. WicRstrom stated he wanted to advise Council since thev will probably be getting phone calls on this issue. He said we are obligated to carry through with them because we need to be able to show a track record that when we executed these agreements we expected them to be followed through. Wickstrom gave a couple of scenarios to Rico Yingling for a clearer understanding of the process. Meeting adjourned: 4:10 p.m. •