HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 02/11/1999 February 11, 1999 FOR THE AGENDA COVER SHEET FOR THE 2/17/99 PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING • TITLE OF ITEM: GROWTH MANAGEMENT HOUSING TARGETS ITEM Information Item Only BACKUP MATERIAL: Memorandum from Fred Satterstrom "Revised Household Targets Under Review by Growth Management Council PRESENTER: Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager TIME: 10 minutes If you should have any questions,please contact Pam Mottram at ext 3390. Thank you. • U:I USERDATA Public Works-PlanningCommitteel99021.ipwpc-cvrsht.doe Item 3 Public Works/Planning Committee 2/17/99 - _ Growth Management Housing Targets INFORMATION ONLY x :t Axys��,df'` f� k ~ y . •��' j�.��YY � tr 4:, ? ��,mM-r( �1 -4 w� } 5 � ' ,�'� { �: � �.M.P k.�fi Yy+` � 1 1 �� � .}, k9 • GROWTH MANAGEMENT HOUSING TARGETS INFORMATION ITEM ONLY ITCITY OF J \,L[21 J Jim White, Mayor V Planning Department (253) 859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2533 James P.Harris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM February 17, 1999 TO: TIM CLARK, CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FROM: FRED N. SATTERSTROM, PLANNING MANAGER RE: REVISED HOUSEHOLD TARGETS UNDER REVIEW BY GROWTH MANAGEMENT COUNCIL The Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) of King County is currently in the process of considering changes to household targets for all cities in King County. These targets were originally adopted by the GMPC in 1994 and ratified by cities in the same year. These targets have remained unchanged over the past five years. However, several new cities have incorporated during this period and several cities (including the City of Kent) have annexed large, formerly unincorporated areas. This has resulted in new cities having no household target at all, and some cities that have grown larger, such . as Kent, with the identical growth target it had as a much smaller city. King County, on the other hand, has ended up with a much larger household target than warranted due to its shrinking size. Over the past year, King County and its jurisdictions have held discussions about the appropriate manner in which to adjust targets in order to alleviate imbalances. A methodology was developed by staff based upon size of incorporation/annexation and a "proportionate share" of housing target in the King County planning area. A proposal has been forged for consideration by the GMPC. This proposal is attached and is presently being considered by the GMPC. As you can see, the target for the City of Kent has been "adjusted" from a range of 6120-7500 households to 8397-9777, an increase of 2277 households. Bear in mind that during the period of 1994- 1998, Kent annexed the Meridian, Meridian Valley, Del Mar, Ramstead, and a host of other smaller areas. Approximately ten (10) square miles and 20,000+ persons were added to the City through these annexations. Kent's household target of 6120-7500 remained the same during this time. The proposed adjustment to Kent's household target seems reasonable given the increase in the size and character of Kent. Planning Department staff has monitored this growth during this time period, and we have developed de facto estimates of targeted household growth based on the size of an annexation and its proportionate share of the King County community planning area. The proposed adjustments being considered by the GMPC seem reasonable in light of the City's growth during the period 1994-1998. This item is placed on your agenda for information only. Following action by the GMPC, Kent will be asked to approve/disapprove the adjustments though the ratification process of the County-wide •Planning Policies. KO`mw IP: 4 DMIMHHTAR GETS.DOC enc cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner 2204th AN ENUE SO[Ili / KENI.WASH IVOTON 98032-5895 ,..� Item IV October 28, 1998 Sponsored By: Executive committee /kg 1 MOTION NO. 98.8 2 A MOTION amending the Countywide Planning Policies to adjust targets 3 for new housing units to reflect annexations and incorporations from April 4 1994 through January 1998. 5 6 WHEREAS, the I994 Countywide Planning Policies established a housing target range for each 7 city and for King County, and annexations and incorporations have occurred since that time; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the 1994 targets need to be revised to establish target ranges for the new incorporated 10 areas and to increase the target range for cities which have annexed formerly unincorporated areas, 11 and to correspondingly decrease the target range for unincorporated areas. 12 13 THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY HEREBY 14 MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 15 16 The attached Table 2A is hereby adopted in the Countywide Planning Policies to 17 revise housing growth targets to reflect annexations and incorporations from April 18 1994 through January 1998, UGMPC/98GMPCwt008.3.doc — — GPP2A PP Appendix 2A ousehold Growth Ter et Re-Allocation Based on Annexations 3 Incof orations between 4/94& 1/96 Ray 10113/98 Column A Column B1 Column B2 Column C Adopted Household Target Added Through Target Added Through New Target Effective 1 198 Growth Target Incorporation Annexation A+BY+82) hs Jud(ctlon Low. High: 4194 to 1190 4/94 to 1198 Low: Hr A; Algona _ 346 462 0 0 348 4B2 Auburn 6553 OB10 0 2 5555 9612 Beaux Arts 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bellevue 768C 9660 D 110 7790 9560 Black Diamond 947 1119 D 299 1246 1418 Bothell 1448 2413 D 20 1468 2433 Burton 1596 1995 D 0 1596 1995 Camaticn 404 404 0 0 404 404 C'yda HIII 12 12 0 0 12 12 Covington nlal nls 1444 0 1300 1588 b�elnes 1437 2155 0 355 1793 2511 1563 1759 0 0 1563 1759 2162 2867 0 0 2182 2667 _. :.�',:'ay 13425 15568 0 247 13672 15813 �r.unls Pcinl 4 4 0 0 4 4 issacaah 1879 3508 0 678 2557 4189 IKen! _ 6120 750C 0 2277 8397 9777 �K!rKa-.d 5328I 634fi C 0 5328 6346 LaKe `Ores: P rk 101I 168 0 314 415 482 Mao e yal�ey _ nla n/a 1355 0 1220 1492 M.ed!,.-a 17 17 0 0 17 17 Mererlsland _ 1056 11..88 0 0 1056 1'88 !cn 18 18 C 10 28 28 wcastta n/a n/a 821 0 739 903 Orrrandy Park 135 135 0 0 135 .35 Nc-n Bend 12601 1787 C 0 1266 1767 Pacfc 1818 C 0 60B 1815 IRecn-no 9637BCBi 1278C C 327 99641 13087 Renton 773C1 10049 0 84 7814i 3 Seatlle _ 482331 59520 0 0 482331 59520 �Ssa7ac _ 3548 7500 0 C 3546 750D Sno*ine n/al n1a 2463 75 2284 2702 '�x,komish 27 27 0 0 27 27 ;!^ a 1942 3625 0 0 1942 3625 _ 4751 6014 C 0 4761 6014 wdinv Ile 1750 1842 0 1 1751 1843 ivarrcw Point 18 18 0 0 18 1A City Total: 131,767 172.566 6,084 4,200 142 038 184,066 Unincorporated County: 40,048 50,000 -6 004 -4 80o 29,780 36,600 -urban 34,248 41,8DO -6,084 -4 800 23,980 3D,300 -rural 5,800 8,200 0 0 5 80D 6,200 Total King County Target: 171,616 222,566 0 0 171,B15 222 366 All columns are household rowlh tar sls,ex `eased 9a numbers of households to accommodate during the 20-year Growth Management period. Coiumn A represents adopted household targets from Appendix 2 of the Countywids Planning Policies, Column B1 represents household tar3els associated With incorporated areas between 4194 and 1198. Column B2 represents household targets associated witn annexed arras between 4/94 and 1198. Column C raprasenls sum of adopted household to els, incorporated,and annexed tar ets,including ranges for new titles. Methodology: Column A prowtn targets were based on city boundaries as of A ill 1994. Columns B1 and 82 are additional households to be accommodated due to into` oraton 81 Or annexation(B2)betwoan A r"1994 and Ja600 "" These addihonal households constitute a d atiidnal share of the urban unmoor Grated to elb by CommuNl Plannin Area. The adtlilional households are based on the land-area Opdnien 0f urban uni0cor oraled area less designated parks and in ed water too ies. Thal pro onion Is a lied to the Planning Aran's urban tar at,the midrange of the tabta an page 30 of the Kin Coun C 0 m reheno"e Plan. CPP2A_ Is Page 1 • January 28, 1999 FOR THE AGENDA COVER SHEET FOR THE 2/1/99 PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING • TITLE OF ITEM: #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 REVISIONS TO THE KENT SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM ACTION: Proposed Motion: Recommend to the Full City Council to approve/disapprove/modify the Land Use and Planning Board's proposal to adopt the revised Shoreline Master Program dated December 14, 1998. BACKUP MATERIAL: February 1, 1999 "Memorandum to City Council PW/PC Members" Revised "Draft Shoreline Master Program" December 14— "Memorandum to Land Use and Planning Board" from Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner • December 14, 1998 Minutes of the Land Use and Planning Board PRESENTER: Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner TIME: 10 minutes If you should have any questions,please contact Pam Mottram at ext 3390. Thank you. U:I Userdata1990201pwpc-cvrsht.doc • #CPA=98=4/#SMP=98=1 KENT SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM • Proposed Motion: Recommend to the Full City Council to approve/disapprove/modify the Land Use and Planning Board's proposal to adopt the revised Shoreline Master Program dated December 14, 1998. • C ITV OF ,21 • Jim White, Mayor rNVICTA Planning Department (253) 859-3390/Fax (253) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 1, 1999 MEMO TO: TIM CLARK, CHAIR, AND CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC WORKS AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: KEVIN O'NEILL, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 REVISIONS TO THE KENT SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM • SUMMARY Attached for your review and consideration is a draft of the revised Kent Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The revision to the SMP, dated December 14, 1998, was considered by the Land Use and Planning Board at a public hearing on December 14, and the Board recommended adoption of the revised SMP with amendments, which will be discussed below. The minutes of the December 14 public hearing are attached for your reference. At the January 19 City Council meeting, this item was referred by the City Council to the Public Works and Planning Committee for action at the Committee's February 1 meeting. At the February 1 committee meeting, staff and consultants will present the revised SMP document, outline the process to date, and answer questions from the committee. If the committee makes a recommendation at your meeting on February 1st the item will be referred back to the full City Council for action on February 2na BACKGROUND The update to the SMP is being done under the provisions of the Washington State Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) with the assistance from a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE). The City has hired a consulting firm, Berryman and Henigar, to assist us with the update of the SMP. City staff and consultants worked over the spring and summer with a Citizens Advisory Committee, who provided a great deal of assistance in providing policy direction for the revised document. Open houses were also held over the summer relating to shoreline issues on Lake Meridian and the Green River. • 220 41h AVENUE SOCTH J KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-589- #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 Revisions to the Kent Shoreline Master Program February 1, 1999 Page 2 . The SMP is being revised to reflect the City's annexation of Lake Meridian and a portion of Big Soos Creek, which are both considered "shorelines of the state", and are currently being regulated under King County's Shoreline Master Program. Portions of the Green River, which is a shoreline of statewide significance, have also been annexed in recent years. In addition, the Regulatory Reform Act (ESHB 1724) adopted in 1995, states that the goals and policies of shoreline master programs are part of a jurisdiction's comprehensive plan. Since staff and the Land Use Board are proposing revisions to the goals and policies of the SMP (found in Section 4 of the document), this revision will also result in an amendment to the City's comprehensive plan, and has been advertised as such. It is important to note that under the provisions of the Shoreline Management Act and the City's grant with the Department of Ecology, once the draft SMP is locally adopted by the City Council, it will be forwarded to DOE for their review. Based on their review, DOE may recommend that amendments be made to the locally adopted version. If this is the case, these will be brought back to the City Council for your deliberation at a future date prior to adoption of the final ordinance. AMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY THE LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD As stated above, the Land Use and Planning Board is recommending that the City Council adopt a revised Shoreline Master Program dated December 14, 1998, with the following amendments: • 1. Section 6.9 of the draft master program lays out development standards for overwater structures, such as docks and piers. The staff proposal recommended that piers, floats, etc, would need to be placed at least 15 feet from the side property line, which is consistent with the King County SMP (see page 10 of Section 6). The Board is recommending that this setback be reduced to five (5) feet. 2. With regard to covered moorage, the draft SMP contains two alternatives on pages 10 and 11 of Section 6. When Lake Meridian was annexed to the City; the King County SMP did not permit any covered moorages, as outlined in the alternative shown as subsection (fl on the top of page 11. In late 1997, the County amended their master program to allow mechanical boat lift covers as shown in the alternative outlined in subsection (g) on page 11. After considering public testimony, the Land Use Board is recommending adoption of subsection 69,which would not allow covered moorage. 3. There was much testimony at the Land Use Board hearing relating to nonconforming uses and structures. For purposes of shoreline management, the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) allows nonconforming development to be maintained and repaired. With regard to replacement of damaged nonconforming development, the WACs state that damaged nonconforming development can be reconstructed if it is damaged up to 75 percent of the replacement cost of the original development. The Land Use Board is recommending that this threshold be increased from 75 percent to 100 percent. Staff from DOE has noted that • the nonconforming threshold of 75 percent is a guideline that can be changed locally, thus this recommendation would be permissible. #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 Revisions to the Kent Shoreline Master Program February 1, 1999 Page 3 4. The Land Use Board recommended that staff look at definitions for overwater structures, in that there was some confusion as to the terminology relating to some terms, particularly "docks" and "piers". The WACs provide a definition of"dock", which is shown on page 5 of Section 2 of the draft SMP. However, much of the existing King County SMP language that is found in Section 6 uses the term "pier". It is intended that these terms be interchangeable for purposes of shoreline administration. Therefore, staff recommends that the definitions of"dock" and "pier" be combined to make this clear. It should be noted that these terms are defined jointly in King County's SMP. 5. Section 3 of the draft SMP outlines environmental designations for the three shoreline environments in Kent. The Green River is proposed to be designated as "Urban-River Resource". This designation is proposed to apply to the portion of the river that is within the present city limits and also to the portion within the City's potential annexation area (PAA). The Board recommended that the map of the Green River shoreline environment shown in Exhibit A be amended to shown the shoreline environmental designation of "Urban-River Resource" applying to the entire portion of the river within the PAA. In addition to these amendments proposed by the Land Use and Planning Board, the Department of Ecology has raised concerns about the way which the draft SMP references wetlands in Section 5.6 of the draft SMP. This section is proposed for revision based on the City's adoption . of a wetlands ordinance, pursuant to the provisions of the Growth Management Act, in 1993. The intent is that the City's existing wetlands provisions should be used for purposes of administering wetlands protection in the shoreline environment as well. In order to clarify this intent, staff is recommending that the following statement be put in Section 5.6, replacing the proposed language: In 1993, the City adopted a wetlands management ordinance, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 36.70A.060 as adopted in the Growth Management Act (GMA). In so doing, the City established a new Chapter 11.05, which outlines delineation methodologies for wetlands and regulations to protect them. The definition of"wetland" in Section 11.05.020 is consistent with the definition of wetland found in the GMA (RCW.36.70A.030(20)). For purposes of shoreline management, the definition of "wetland" found in WAC 173-22- 030(19) is consistent with the GMA definition. Therefore, the City's definition of "wetlands" and regulations found in Chapter 11.05 are consistent with the definitions of wetlands in the SMA and GMA, will be used to manage and regulate wetlands in the shoreline jurisdiction, as well as the rest of the city. CONCLUSION In conclusion, what is before the Public Works and Planning Committee is the draft revised shoreline master program dated December 14, 1998, with the following amendments recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board and, with regard to wetlands, Planning Department staff: #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 Revisions to the Kent Shoreline Master Program February 1, 1999 Page 4 . • Amend the side yard setback for overwater structures from fifteen(15) feet to five (5) feet • Do not allow covered piers, floats, or moorages waterward of the ordinary high water mark of Lake Meridian • Amend the threshold for replacing damaged nonconforming development from seventy five (75) percent of the cost of the replacement value to one hundred (100) percent of the replacement value • Amend the definition of"dock"in Section 2 to include the term"pier" • Amend the map of the Green River in Appendix A to include the environmental designation of"Urban-River Resource" for the entire Potential Annexation Area • Amend the language in the wetlands section(Section 5.6) Staff and consultants will be available at the February 1st committee meeting to present the revised SMP and answer questions. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please call me at 850-4799. cc: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Nancy Eklund, Berryman and Henigar • CITY OF ZEMB JS • Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253) 859-3390/FAX (253) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (253) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 14, 1998 MEMO TO: BRAD BELL, CHAIR, AND MEMBERS OF THE LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD FROM: KEVIN O'NEILL, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 REVISIONS TO THE KENT SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM • Attached for your review is a draft of the revised Kent Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The revision to the SMP was discussed with the Land Use and Planning Board at workshops conducted on October 12 and October 26, 1998, and at the latter meeting the Board elected to conduct a public hearing on December 14. The update to the SMP is being done under the provisions of the Washington State Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) with the assistance of a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE). The City has hired a consulting firm, Berryman and Henigar, to assist us with the update of the SMP. City staff and consultants worked over the spring and summer with a Citizens Advisory Committee, who provided a great deal of assistance in policy direction for the revised document. Open houses were also held over the summer relating to shoreline issues on Lake Meridian and the Green River. The SMP is being revised to reflect the City's annexation of Lake Meridian and a portion of Big Soos Creek, which are both considered "shorelines of the state", and are currently being regulated under King County's Shoreline Master Program. Portions of the Green River, which is a shoreline of statewide significance, have also been annexed in recent years. In addition, the Regulatory Reform Act (ESHB 1724), adopted in 1995, states that the goals and policies of shoreline master programs are part of a jurisdiction's comprehensive plan. Since we are . proposing revisions to the goals and policies of the SMP (found in Section 4 of the document), this revision will also result in an amendment to the City's comprehensive plan, and is being advertised as such. 221)4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHING TON 98031_-i895/TELEPHONE ('_53)859-3 i00 Shoreline Master Program Revision Memo #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 December 14, 1998 Page 2 It should be noted that in November, late in the process of amending the shoreline master program, the City was notified by the Department of Ecology that a small portion of Springbrook Creek in the north end of Kent was a shoreline of the state, based on the mean annual flow of water which had been recently measured for the creek. The Washington Administrative Code has not at this point been updated to reflect this portion of Springbrook Creek as a shoreline. Given the late notice of this, and that an update to include Springbrook Creek was not part of any of the public process that has occurred to date on the project, the City and DOE have agreed to not reflect this in this update of the SMP, but will instead incorporate Springbrook in a subsequent update to the document. The draft revised shoreline master program consists of the following sections: 1.0Introduction: This section outlines the purpose of the SMP, and describes the water bodies that are regulated under the SMP 2.0 Definitions This section defines terms which are used throughout the SMP. Many of the definitions used in shoreline master programs are provided by the Washington Administration Code (WACs) • 3.0 Environments This section outlines broad environmental designations for the applicable shoreline areas in Kent. Given that Kent is an incorporated city and is part of King County's urban growth area under the Growth Management Act, all of Kent's proposed shoreline designations are urban 4.0 Shoreline Elements This section contains goals and policies that relate to how shoreline areas will be protected in Kent. These goals and policies, once adopted, will become part of the City's comprehensive plan. The goals and policies are organized into different sections, called elements, which are outlined in the Shoreline Management Act. 5.0 General Standards This section outlines performance standards that are regulatory in nature, and apply to all activities and uses within the shoreline areas of Kent. This section includes a new set of standards that relate to protection of salmon habitats, which has been drafted in anticipation of a listing of the Chinook salmon under the Endangered Species Act 6.0 Specific Use Standards This section regulates specific uses along the shoreline, such as agricultural uses, commercial and industrial uses, and residential . uses. This section contains many provisions from the King County SMP relating to the regulation of overwater structures such as docks, piers, floats, etc. Shoreline Master Program Revision Memo #CPA-98-4/#SMP-98-1 December 14, 1998 Page 3 7.0 Administration This section outlines how the shoreline master program is administered at the local level. Administration of shoreline master programs must follow the requirements of the both the Regulatory Reform Act and the Shoreline Management Act 8.0 Enforcement This section outlines enforcement procedures when violations to the SNP occur. Again, most of these enforcement provisions are mandated by the state Shoreline Management Act. Staff and consultants will be available at the December 14 public hearing to present the revised SMP and answer questions. If you have any questions prior to the hearing, please call me at 850- 4799. KO1mw1P:\PUBLICISMPLUBME.DOC cc: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom,Planning Manager Nancy Eklund, Berryman and Henigar i